Bilal Dannoun – Prohibited Actions 1

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of disclosing disclosing embarrassing events and false information to avoid confusion and misunderstand. They stress the importance of affirming the truth in Islam, even in disputes about whether a person is a conscious person. The speaker also discusses false statements and false accusations, and the importance of not directly directly directly directly directly directly directly involved in the behavior of the people. They stress the importance of not directly directly directly involved in the behavior of the people.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge main. All praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and may the peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon all of the prophets and all of the messages that were sent to mankind. Brothers and sisters in Islam, ladies and gentlemen, Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Today, inshallah huhtala. We are exploring a number of chapters from mmm when Noah was booked criado sila hain,

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in a book that he has entitled The Book of prohibited actions kuttabul or more and men, he and her that there are a number of, you know, prohibitions that Muslims need to be aware of, and there are many prohibitions in Islam that unfortunately, many Muslims are unaware of. And so in shallow Tyler, we would like to bring these these verses from the Quran and these prophetic traditions to life, so that Muslims don't fall into sin and they don't fall into error and so that they can maintain their identities and, and maintain, you know, excellent relationship with Allah and with the people that are around them. Now, the first chapter is

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that he has here Babble Babble nahi and knucklehead at work halomonas, Illa, willette, more either, Alam

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la la hija the whole FAFSA the one we have, ensure what this chapter is, is entitled the prohibition of carrying tales to offices now, here he begins with an error from sorta to marry the verse number two Allah subhana wa Jalla says, When at one Oh, Allah is me when when and do not help, do not help one another in sin and transgression is a very, very important area Actually, this is a this this area has become like a principle for many acts for many

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actions, which when that when a person wants to know whether something is prohibited or not, you know, often when a chef gets a phone call, and he's asked about a question, this is an area that he will resort to. So for example, you know, some people say, you know, am I allowed to work in such and such a job now, the job might be one whereby it entails prohibition. So, the chef will say, well, Allah subhanho wa Taala says one at a time one while and If more than one do not support, do not help do not aid Islam if it means sin, or one means transgression. So, very, very important verse from the Quran that as Muslims, we do not support evil of any kind, we do not support harm, if

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something has been prohibited by Allah subhana wa Taala. it and it has been made unlawful, it has been prohibited and made and made unlawful for our own benefit, to preserve our identity. Now, we know that in Islam, the teachings of Islam are out to preserve to preserve our Deen, you know, so that's why many things are prohibited to preserve our identities as Muslims or they have been,

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that have been legislated to preserve our intellect, our alcohol, you know, hence, we're not allowed to drink alcohol. They have been prohibited to preserve lineage and to

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allow children to have for example, or the honor of people in their lineage, most of the honor. So children are, you know, to have legitimate parents.

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You know, again, we have, you know, rules and regulations and prohibitions when it comes to a business transaction so as to protect the wealth of other people. So we find that there are any objectives or the mocassins of the Sharia that that there has been

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many prohibitions to safeguard and protect the army, not just your deen and your identity as a Muslim but the rights of others.

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inshallah, who Tyler So, a very, very important verse will lead to our new Ireland, if me whenever we do I never support sin, never support transgression. Okay. Now we're going to move on to a Hadith, the first Hadith that he mentioned in this chapter,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, none none of my companions would convey to me anything regarding another because I desire to meet every one of you with a

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clean heart. Now what the prophet SAW Selim is saying here is,

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when we know, for example that somebody is, is up to some sort of mischief. Okay?

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that we shouldn't, unless there's a real need to do so and less exposed, exposing that person's mischief, exposing that person scene is going to bring about a benefit, if it's going to bring about a benefit, and you need to expose it, you know, for example, maybe with just one person, maybe with a chef who will go and talk to him or maybe with a certain individual will go in and speak to him and admonish him and advise him and,

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you know, give him some good words, then that's permissible. But if there's no, there's, there's no positive outcome in disclosing, then we shouldn't go disclosing people's faults or people's shortcomings to others. Because now, when you come to that person, you're going to be looking at him in a different light. So the prophet SAW sent him a saying, don't go coming to me, you know, if there's no real

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need or positive outcome that can come out of this, if, and disclosing and conveying anything to me that that's undesirable. Because now when I see this person, I'm going to have something in my heart, okay, towards him, it's natural, if you know that someone's done something, you're not going to them, maybe you're not, your mind might start to deal with them and treat them in a way that is, that is good, that is going to it might create a rift in this relationship, it might make the relationship become

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you know, more fluid. So we need to make sure that relationships in Islam are strong. And look, we all have our shortcomings and we all make our mistakes. So it is about covering up from your, for your Muslim brother, and for your Muslim sister and not not exposing publicly their shortcomings. If you are sincere. If you are genuine, then hey, go up to the person go up to this person and say, you know, for the sake of Allah, I'm only advising you and reminding you I saw this I heard this, you know, don't go doing it publicly. You know, and that's that's the message here. It does create that, that maybe those

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it does harbor those ill feelings between people. Now, the next chapter is another very important one. Mmm, no, we he says.

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He says the condemnation of double faced people that will face people, okay. And he does he does start off with an

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ulcer panel dialogue. He says, Yes, the phone I'm in a nasty when I use the phone I mean Allah, they hide, they may hide the, in other words, they crimes or they mischief from men or from other people, but they cannot hide them from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now he includes the Hadith that is found in Bukhari and Muslim. It's the heartbeat of Abu Dhabi, a loved one who, whereby the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah, he said, people are like O's. Now here, what he means by that is, he says here, it basically signifies the end when it comes to the origin or the source, which will be a means of honor for them. He said, Those who are,

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who are those who were excellent in the days of ignorance, excellent. In Islam, provided they acquire the knowledge and understanding of the religion, you will find the best people in it. In other words, in Islam, those who had a deep hatred, in other words, for leadership, you will find the worst among the people, a double face person who appeals to some people with one face and to the others with another face. So such people he's talking here about such people who do not have any desire for office and position are the most suitable for holding the reins of government, that the best people really they should be given that should be given these positions of authority. Okay,

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other people who have no desire for it, because the one who has desire for it, okay, he might have a personal agenda, the one who doesn't really want it, the one who doesn't want that office will end and we know, for example, that he's up for it, he can do the job, well, then if when he selected, he's going to do a good job because he's not in it for himself. He's going to be then in it, to to bring about to bring about good so

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these type of people, they serve the interests of the public better because they're because of the you know, being aware to their responsibilities. And so, they do it with with honesty.

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So we have also another another lesson that we can deduce from this hadith and that

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A double faced person is one who makes a group a group believe that, that he is the supporter and well wisher but he goes to the opposite group, he tries to make them believe that he is entirely with them. Now the best among people is one who goes to every group and earnestly tries to reform it. So he's not not being double faced. Okay? And that's that's the one of the messages from this hadith.

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I'm going to move on to the next chapter. mm Oh no, he he entitled it the condemnation of prohibition of falsehood. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the Quran, he says one attack for melee silica be here lm

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inserted assault, verse 36. Allah says and follow not in other words.

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In other words, he's addressing mankind say not or do not a witness not that of which you have no knowledge. Okay.

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Now the first Hadith that Emma Malawi Rahim Allah tala included is the Hadith that is found in Bukhari and Muslim a very interesting Hadith. The prophet SAW Selim, he said, he said in the Sitka yadi lol beard that when you are truthful, when you speak the truth, that's going to lead to goodness, that's going to lead to beer. And then he says, we're in El Buro de la gente, and goodness and righteousness leads to paradise. So speak the truth that will lead to good goodness leads to Jenna Mesa paradise. And then he said, We're in radula layers Tuco Hector uke turbine de la he's a beacon that a person continues to speak the truth until, until he is recorded with a lie as a

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truthful man.

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That person because of his truth, truthfulness, he becomes recorded with Allah as a truthful man. And then the opposite is true. The process lm he said, we're in Al Qaeda. Yeah, the NL for Jude that when you lie, you're lying leads to for jewelry now for jewelry is transgression of or for jewelry is evil. We're in lol foodora de la now that for jewel, that

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corruption leads to the fire. And then he says we're in a regular layer. zebu had talked about in the law he can never that a person continues to lie. And then he is recorded with Jani with Allah as a liar. So a very important Hadith to understand that Islam in Islam, there's no room for lying. In a stand the worst lies is when you lie about Allah or lie about the prophet SAW Selim. So here he's reminding us of the sins of the tongue and we spoke about the sins of the tongue in one of our previous lectures. Now, the next Hadeeth, enumerator enumerates a number of traits that are the traits of a monarchy of a hypocrite.

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Okay, the prophet SAW Selim, and this hadith that is found in Bukhari and Muslim. He says, that whoever possesses these four characteristics is a she hypocrite, if you if you have these four characteristics, you're a complete, complete hypocrite. And then he said, the first one is,

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he says, and HPP Before that, he said, anyone who

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possesses one of them, he possesses a characteristic of a characteristic of hypocrisy until he gives it up. So you're not a complete hypocrite, but you've got one of the characteristics of hypocrisy until you leave that until you abandon it. And then he said, when he talks he tells a lie. So lying is a part of a part of the character of a monastic of a hypocrite. When he makes a covenant, he acts treacherously. So when you make an agreement, you know, you don't you don't adhere to that agreement. Okay. And number three, he says, He says, and when he quarrels he utters foul language. So when he gets into an argument, he starts to you know, swear and use profanities and obscene

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language. This is not from the character of a Muslim that when you get angry, and you start to swear, and you start to use profanity, and vulgar language, this is not from Islam.

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Okay. And we've spoken about the sins of the tongue and and that how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that most people will go to the Hellfire as a result of what their tongues have said.

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And actually, most of the people that are going to be in the Hellfire ear is because of what their tongues have said, whether it's backbiting Riba, whether it's a meme that we'll speak about later on. A slandering whether it's

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you know,

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We spoke about lying and backbiting and Jemima and Goss, you know gossip and then he says, So, he said this and this is these are the characteristics, these are the characteristics of a monastic. Now nowadays Subhanallah

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No, we find that we any we find some of these traits even amongst Muslims, okay. So, when it comes to hypocrisy, there is a hypocrisy of belief, and there's a hypocrisy of actions. So, hypocrisy of belief is Cofer. Okay, if a person manifests

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he he's Islam while he while he conceals his coffer, his disbelief, this is this is a hypocrisy that leaves the coffer but there's a hypocrisy of action now. So not every hypocrite is a Kaffir. Not every hypocrite is a disbeliever. Okay, so the hypocrite for example, you know, you could be a hypocrite with your words, okay, but then it depends on the type of words whether it leads you to exit the realm of Islam or whether it's just a one of the characteristics of a, of a hypocrite, or a complete hypocrite.

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The next Hadith is about, you know, narrating false dreams. People who say to other people that, you know, I had this dream or that dream when they didn't have that dream. This is condemned in Islam system is all about being honest. You need to be honest, and we need to really speak the truth, even if even though it may be bitter, okay. And

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this hadith of ibn Abdullah, one who thought that we find in Sahara Buhari, the prophet SAW Selim, he said in he who narrates a dream, which he has not seen, will be put to travel to join into a not to barley seeds, which he will not be able to do. And he who seeks to listen to the talk of people secretly, will have molten lead poured into his ears and their resurrection. And he makes a picture of people or other creatures with a soul, such as, in other words, making a picture, here's a picture of people or other creatures with a soul. For example, you know, pictures of animals, pictures of people pictures of instances condemned to he just mentioned the word picture will be

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severely punished, and he will be asked to infuse spirit there in which he will not be able to do so.

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Islam condemns

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any mentioning false dreams to others is also condemns

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pain painting a picture of an of a human being, or of an animal, okay, or of that which has a life in Islam. It's allowed to have pictures of trees and mountains and landscaping, you know, and,

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and other objects, but you're not allowed to have pictures of people or human beings or insects, this has been condemned in Islam.

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And this, this hadith is one of those narratives that are used to support the evidence of not having pictures. Now, of course, if there's a need for a picture, such as a passport and such as a driver's license, you know, or certain,

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you know, areas in life where you need to have a picture for security reasons or for, for for, you know, authority reasons, or law, law reasons, whatever it might be, then that's permissible that's permissible in Islam, because of the need and the necessity but otherwise having picture of your grandfather and grandmother or or children around the house, this has been Yeah, and this is where Islam does not allow this because the angels are actually harmed by this. The prophet SAW Selim, he said one of the Hadith he said that the angels do not enter a house where there is a picture or a dog. Okay, so unless again, if you have a dog for security reasons, but anyway, we're not talking

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about this, this issue right now, but the Hadith had mentioned this. Now what's the worst of lies? The prophet SAW Selim answered this question in the Hadith that is found in Buhari.

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How do you feel about the Allahu anhu

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he said that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam he said the worst of lies is to pretend to have seen something which has not which which he has not seen. That's the worst of lies to say I saw this when you didn't actually see see that at all.

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I'm going to just move on to the next to the next area or the next chapter. And that is falsehood that is permissible. Okay. says a member of nowhere he said Babylon babble by Yanni, Mayer, Jews luminol. Kevin, when is it permissible?

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to, to, to basically say something which really is a lie. Okay, now listen to him. No, he said.

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He said,

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he said, the learner compile the compiler of this book has put forth some arguments to prove that it is lawful to tell a lie under the stress of circumstances. And he says, an example of this is the case of a Muslim who hides himself or his money from a tyrant who is bent on killing him, or taking his money from him. If one knows the whereabouts of this Muslim or his money, and he's asked about it, it is permissible to lie in this case, to save a Muslims life or his property. So it's permissible to lie to save your Muslim brother from being killed or to save his wealth, this is permissible.

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But it is better to give and equivocal answer that is, which is not clear or definite in meaning and can be interpreted in more than one way in order to shun lying altogether. So in other words, you know, manipulating the facts and just, you know, playing on your words, that's, that would be better, so as not to be wanting to get yourself into a state of absolute line. But it nevertheless, regardless is still permissible. But it's always better not to you need to try and avoid lying altogether.

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And he said the sum and substance of discussion has been derived from the duration ascribed to own local film or the love wine and whose own local film

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anyone know who omocha film is,

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she is the daughter of the professor solo while he was selling on local film or the other one her, she said a last messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Elia is not the one who tries to bring about a reconciliation between the people and speaks good avert dispute or to convey good. So he goes on and he says, it may be concluded that false hood is permissible, and the following three cases. So as a general rule, when is it allowed to manipulate the truth, and he said, it is permissible while fighting jihad in the cause of Allah, if you're at war with another and, you know, with another Pete with another people or tribal or country or if you're at war with these people,

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then you know, you don't want to give away anything you can manipulate the facts and the truth so they, you know, as as part of your, your war strategy. Number two, he said, to reconcile between two people, if, you know, two people have had a fallout, and you want to try and reconcile between them, you can say good things, you can say, Hey, you know, such and such, has said some good things about you, you know,

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you know, again, be very general, but just something that will soften that person's heart towards him. So you're trying to reconcile, and that's what it's about, we want to always try and reconcile between people and not create feelings of hardship and animosity and hatred between, you know, Muslims. And number three, he said, for the husband to please his wife and for the wife to please her husband. So for example, you know, your wife cooks up a meal. And then she says, How was How was that? You know? And, you know, she says,

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you know, he says to her, that was, you know, delicious, and he really didn't like it, you know, but he's, he's saying that too. He doesn't want to upset her. He doesn't want dishearten her And likewise, she, you know, he might ask her, you know, do you like my new set of wheels? You know, she says, That's beautiful. And she's thinking, Oh, my God, you know, what have you done, you know? So, you know, complimenting or complimenting is very important. It's always important to compliment as, as human beings, we love to receive compliments in everyone. Everyone loves to receive a compliment. But the problem is, many of us don't give enough compliments. We're not giving compliments so we

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receive them, but we don't give them and one. I remember one famous person, he said that I can live on a single compliment for a whole month, a whole entire month. When you compliment people. It's very powerful. And there's all types of compliments. Some compliments may be of a superficial nature, you know, just complimenting their clothes, their positions, you can compliment personality. You can compliment Dean you can compliment

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you know, their consideration. You know, it's it's very beautiful when you compliment others.

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And so Pamela Don't be like that. That that

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Men who, who was who never complimented in and never complimented his wife, and then he went to a lecture. And he heard, he heard electorate's talking about the importance of complimenting and complimenting your spouse. So he goes home, and he finds a plate of food on the table. And, you know, he begins to, to eat that food. And he remembered the words of the lecturer. And he said, I better compliment my wife for this plate of food that was on the dining table. And so, you know, he compliments her, and it says the most beautiful things to her. And then she says to him, you know, I've been married to you for some 18 or 20 years. And now you compliment me when the neighbor has

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sent a dish of food over to our house, you know, so, you know, he ended up you know, sleeping outside of the bedroom that night, you know, so so Pamela, you know, it was too late, you know, so we have to really compliment and, and, and it's, it's really very, very beautiful to to compliment the people that are around us, especially your spouse.

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Now, we're going to move on to the next the next chapter that mmm now we have Rahim Allahu taala. Included, and that is

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ascertainment of what one hears and the rates.

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We have a duty to make sure that what we have heard, and what we're about to narrate is, is true. Okay. It's not just based on hearsay. And

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so here he says Babel huthi, Allah, booty female, whoo hoo, wacky. So we need to really make sure that there is truth to what you have heard before you narrate it. And here again, he uses the verse one attack form la silica be here lm and and do not follow that of which you have no knowledge. If you're not sure about it, then follow it. He says. There's another verse from sort of cloth verse 18, Allah subhanho wa Taala says male filou monacolin illa de hiraki bonati that not a word does a person utter Not a word does he or she utter except there is a rocky rocky here is a watcher and the watcher here is an angel we have angels who are scribes who are writing and recording what we are

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saying. Okay, Marian for them in phone, any phone, any word any speech that you say, may yell for them in Poland Illallah de here, okay, when it he there is somebody that is watching it, and somebody who's ready to record it, ready to write it down? So before we speak, really, we have to always remember that is what I am about to say, is it positive? Is it is it of benefit is it of benefit? Is it truthful? If it is, then say it? If it isn't, then you shouldn't say it. If you have doubt, the lemma said if you are doubtful whether it is or it isn't. If you are doubtful whether it's good or bad, you shouldn't say it. So you need to be certain that it's good.

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Now, here he includes the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is originally found in Sahih Muslim. The prophet SAW Selim, he said, Bill Murray Caliban, and you had the third the Colima semia he said, It is enough for a man to prove himself a liar, when he goes on narrating whatever he is. So if you're a person, that's it, that's you, you can be a liar just by, you know, basically narrating everything that you hear everything that you hear you just go in to read it. No, you have to make sure that there is some truth to it.

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And the prophets of Allah while he was selling them,

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in the Hadith that is fantasy Muslim, he said, men had this I need the Heidi Senora Anna who Kathy Boone for who had told Kathy Bane, he said, He who relates from me something which he deems false is one of the lines. So you become one of the one of the lies by narrating something on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you know to be false. Okay, so in some of the narrations of this Hadith, the word used is Kevin urbane which means to liars. So one is that person who tells a lie and attribute his statement to the prophet SAW Selim. The second is that person who conveys it to others. So this hadith has a stern warning for those, you know, people who are

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preaching Okay, without any any hesitation, you know, false and fabricated. Hadees. They know that it's a fabricated Hadith they know it's a false Hadith and yet they narrate it, attributing it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophet SAW Selim has warned

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against this, because this is part of preserving, preserving the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In the hadith of asmat, with the yellow one her, a woman came to Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she said, I have a co wife. This Hadith is fundable, Heidi Muslim, is there any harm for me, if I give her the false impression of getting something from my husband, which he has not, in fact, given me?

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So, the prophets I send them, he said, the one who creates a false impression of receiving what one has not been given is like the one who he who wears two garments of falsehood.

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So it's, it's, it's, it's worse, it's worse of a sin to do that. It's a worse form of lying.

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Okay, we don't want to create a false impression, even.

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We move on to the next chapter. And that is the prohibition of giving a false testimony. A lots of panel with that. taala he says, What stanny bucola Zoo and salted Hajj verse 30, and Shan lying speech. Now here, it's referring to false statements. There is an interesting Hadith one day the professor loved while he was selling was reclining. He was sitting back.

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And this hadith that is narrated by Abu Bakar, the loved one who he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, shall I not inform you of one of the greatest of the cardinal sins? The major sins? what's, what is the major? What is the worst of sins? The major sense? Sure, and the pros? I said, I mean, of course it should we know that. But the problem is that I miss asking this question to the Sahaba. And it's a habit of the loved one who motto whom they said, Yes, Allah's Messenger and he said, to join others as partners with Allah. in worship, that's the first one the worst sin is shipped. shipped means polytheism ship means to associate a partner with Allah to

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worship somebody else, with Allah or besides Allah, this ship, and then he goes on and he says, and to be and eautiful cuckoo, le then b2b and beautiful to watch your parents. If you are on dutiful towards your parents, this is another grave sin. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he set up from his reclining position, okay, and this is really to stress the importance of what he is about to say,

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okay, and he set up and he added, and he said,

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he said, Allah wa kolu. He said, I warn you making a false statement and giving a false testimony, I warn you against making a false statement and giving a false testimony. And he kept on saying it and repeating it, and and lost the habit of their loved one or the other one, when they said later who second, they said that he kept on repeating it to the extent they said, We wished he would have, he would have stopped any in it instilled so much fear in their hearts. Regarding this, it goes to show how much how serious of a sin it is to make a false statement, or to be a false testimony to you know, being saying that you witness something that you didn't.

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So a very another very, very serious Hadith about the prohibition of giving false testimony.

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The next chapter that mmm no Rahim Allahu taala. Included is the prohibition of cursing a human being or a bass or an animal is prohibited in Islam to go about causing land land is a curse. Does anyone know here what? what it means when we talk about the curse? What does it actually when we say Lana to LA made the curse of Allah be upon such and such? What does it mean learn to love, the curse of Allah?

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Now the Learn means it's like May Allah May Allah subhanaw taala deprive you of His mercy May you be deprived of the mercy of Allah. So if you what you are actually asking when you say Lana to La Jolla Lake, may you be deprived of the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, that's what it means. May you be deprived of the Rama of Allah azza wa jal.

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Now, the Hadith that supports this prohibition is the Hadoop that is found in Bukhari and Muslim.

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The prophets that alone while he was selling them

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as abou Zaid

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fabric in the hackle unsalted Allahu anhu. He is one of those who gave the pledge of allegiance to Allah messenger so I sell him under the tree. He said that the Prophet Selim said he who swears by a religion other than that of Islam is like, is like what he has professed. And he who kills himself with something will be tormented with it on the Day of Resurrection. And a person is not bound to fulfill a vow about something which is which he does not possess and cursing a believer is like murdering him.

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That's the part that we wanted. That was the moral of the Hadith, regarding and this chapter, so

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it's very serious not to be only about when it comes to cursing others. We have another howdy fellas fantasy, Muslim, a hadith Abu huraira Allahu Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said lamba Hey Lisa, Dr. Kane.

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Lisa Lisa Deacon Ania Khun Ella Anna. Ollie said Deacon, he said, he said it is not befitting a severe there is a righteous Muslim, a truth for Muslim to frequently curse others that an lion is the practitioner of of cursing. Okay. Another Hadith.

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The prophet SAW Selim said those who frequently resort to cursing meaning to cursing people would neither be accepted as witness nor as intercessors on the Day of Resurrection.

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And the Hadith is found inside Muslim. Okay.

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Also, the prophet SAW Selim, he said in the mid 30s fan of Abu Dawood and Timothy, that our last messenger Salah why while he was selling he said, Do not curse when another invoking curse of Allah or Wrath of Allah or the fire of Allah so you know don't say you know things like for example, my the curse of Allah be upon you or I wish you burn in the hellfire. This is not allowed in Islam. This is not from the way of a Muslim may you burn in the Hellfire mount last because be upon you or the like.

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There are four vices that are Muslim must not engage in and as we read in this next had a fetish fantasy, Timothy, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, lay sell me know that

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he was busy. He said, a true believer is not involved in taunting. Okay, that means like in disgracing someone, with only with reference to his lineage of disgracing someone's lineage. This is fine. taunting, while a while a LAN or the one who frequently curses others that says Lana tala. I like

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wild fish or he is not the person who, who uses indecent language that's faddish. That's for hush hush, while a while busy and is not one who is abusive. This is not from the way of a Muslim.

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This next Heidi is another very important how do you say before you curse?

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Remember that you can become the victim of your own curse. If you curse somebody, you may end up becoming that the victim of of your very own land or your very own curse. Listen to this hadith. The prophet SAW Selim said when a person curses somebody or something, the curse goes up to heaven, and the gates of heaven get closed, then it comes down to the earth and its gates get closed, then it turns right and left. And if it does not find an entrance to go anywhere, it returns to the person or the thing that was cursed if he or it deserved to be cursed. Otherwise, it returns to the person who added it. So if you curse someone and they didn't deserve that curse, it will not it will not

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fall upon them it will actually be bounced right back at you.

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So another Hadith and this is why we should always refrain from cursing other people. Okay.

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We should not even curse animals in Islam. Don't curse your animal let's say for example, you you have a horse or you have a camel or whatever it may be okay in your in your you're deriving benefit from that animal. Okay, in the Hadith, it is fair to say a Muslim.

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Imani been ignored

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by the loved one who met he said he said we were with Allah's Messenger. Sorry.

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Send them on a journey.

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And there was and there was a woman from the unser writing a she camel and she abused and invoked the curse upon it. So Allah is missing so long while he was selling them he heard it and he said offload the sheep camel and set it free because it's now been cursed.

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He said offload it and set it free because you've cursed it. So it is not befitting to even curse animals upon Allah. If it's not befitting to

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curse animals. Then what can be said about cursing human beings.

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The next chapter is

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justification of cursing the wrongdoers without specifying one of them. Now here, he mentions a number of areas that talk about

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this word land or that include the word land, Allah Subhana, Allah says, Allah Allah, Allah to Allah He, Allah Vani mean,

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Allah subhanaw taala says, no doubt the curse of Allah is on the vilely moon of avani mean and Who are they? They're the polytheist the wrongdoers the oppressors. Okay?

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And he mentioned another area whereby Allah subhanaw taala he says for them, what are the norm bainer whom Atlanta to La Jolla, Allah avoided him in similar wording.

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So what does he say here? He says, it's it has been authentically reported that Allah messenger said, curse of Allah is upon those women who wear false hair. So it is not allowed in Islam, for a woman to have extensions, fake extensions, okay, or to wear a a wig. You know, to wear a wig in a span This is not allowed. This is against the teachings of Islam. This is from amongst the prohibited prohibitions of Islam, okay to wear a wig or to wear to have false hair extensions. And those women who prepare such so even the woman who is preparing it, okay, there's, that's not allowed.

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So he says here, and he says, I sell him, the curse of Allah is upon the one who eats rebury by his interest, usury. And he also cursed the painters of pictures of living objects. And he saw Selim said, curse of Allah is upon Him, who makes who make changes in inland boundaries to deprive others.

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You know, this is part of our land, we did this and part of the lens.

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He also said curse of Allah is upon the thief who who stills even an egg, just an egg. So Pamela, what about those who are stealing beyond that?

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And he also said, the curse of Allah is upon the one who curses his parents not allowed to curse your parents.

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And the curse of Allah is upon the one who sacrifices an animal for other than Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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You know, those who curse in in other than the name of Allah, soprano, hutan.

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And he said, who invents heresies in religion here? In other words, in El Medina harriss means VEDA and upon who, those who supported him, is the curse of Allah and the angels and all the people. And the prophets I send him said, Oh, Allah, curse me upon. And he mentioned the name of

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the question. And I'll say, yeah, the three tribes of Arab who are disciplined who are disobedient to Allah and His messenger. And he also said, curse of Allah Yanni be upon the Jews who turned the graves of the prophets into places of worship.

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And he said, and he saw Sal and curse those men who imitate women and those women who imitate men, you know, wearing men wearing women's clothing, women wearing men's clothing, or,

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you know, walking in the way of a woman, for men and women walking on doing certain things that men do. So it's very important to be if you're a female to be to do be doing female feminine things and and likewise for the males.

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And he said a long while he was selling he said curse. And then he he mentioned and these Hadith are authentic and are reported by Bukhari, or Muslim or by both of them. Okay.

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He also said these ahaadeeth will be cited under the respective chapters in sha Allah hutan

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So, as you heard today a number of prohibitions a number of

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vices, or haram actions that many Muslims are unaware of and need to familiarize themselves with or themselves with so that they don't fall into Haram. They don't fall into sin and transgressing the limits that Allah subhanho wa Taala has outlined in the Quran and in the sooner we ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless us with beneficial knowledge and to keep us away from all forms of haram Bala hota Allah animal sallallahu selama about a Canon b&m Mohamed Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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