Muhammad West – Islam From Scratch #13-1

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of Islam's five pillars, including avoiding major sins, and emphasize the need to focus on understanding the Quran and working towards a better life. They also discuss the challenges of teaching children to be true Muslims, the importance of acknowledging one's actions and feelings, and the importance of learning to be a true Muslims. The potential impact of the pandemic on the US economy, including potential shutdowns and recession, is also discussed. everyone is urged to stay safe and practice social distancing.
AI: Transcript ©
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Just give the rest of the guests another couple of minutes to join and then

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we can begin I'm sure a lot.

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Okay, Amanda Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala COVID Mursaleen Syedna Mohammed Nora and ECOSOC Pedram aina. So they want to come once again to everybody hope you had a good week

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as the custom we start with any questions that came up and a couple of questions did come through

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some big questions actually. And we will just look into them quickly so last week we spoke about

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almost the

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prioritization within Islam so erode Miko the roadmap to Jana. So we said okay, so far, if we look at the series, we've spoken about what Islam is, on a high level, we spoke about the principles of Islam. We spoke about the existence of Allah and why it makes sense. And now if we get to the point where someone says, Okay, fine. I want to be a Muslim. I want to be, I want to embrace Islam. Where do I start? Which class do I go to? Should I start by learning Arabic? Should I start by memorizing the Quran? Should I start by reciting this to our that dua give me sort of a framework that gives things in prioritization, because in Islam, not everything is equally as important as everything

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else. So yes, everything is important in the Sharia, that everything is is nothing trivial, insignificant, but they are priorities. And we then said, Okay, fine, how do we know what the priorities are? We had a look at Kiana we said, Okay, how would Kiama go, you know, and we spoke about, you know, the outcomes of Kiama, there'll be different types of

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people, and depending on the deeds, would be dependent on the destination. And so we know that the most serious issue is the issue of, of the hate or the Oneness of Allah and to worship Allah alone. And this is really, if you were to read the Quran, with this lens, that everything in the Quran focus on this one single concept that La ilaha illallah, that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah, you begin to realize that this is without a doubt the priority and that is the thing which needs to be preserved and defended. Everything else Allah subhanaw taala is willing to forgive, except that except if you compromise your domain, you find for example and Twitter Look,

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man, look, man was a pious man. And he gives his son a was here. You know, he's giving him advice was he is actually the bequeath that you give before you die. So it's your final statement, your wool is your your wasa? Yep. And so even though it wasn't his his, you know, his advice to his arm, his deathbed, but it was so profound, that it was like he's giving his final advice to his son and he begins like to shake Billa you know, don't don't come and shake with Allah worship Allah No. And the same, the same with Nabhi Iacob. When he gives advice to never use of and his brothers will not be jacobellis is where you they will never Yaqoob was on his deathbed. And yet nebbia cuckold his

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sons, his 12 sons, and he asked him very simple question, this is what Mother time would mean but what are you going to worship after me? What is

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You're really what is your way to worship after I pass away. And they said, We will worship your Lord and the Lord of alpha, your father, Ibrahim, and it's mine, one, Allah, the law, you know, he basically. So this is the critical point and anything else that compromises your Tawheed doesn't count it nullifies. And therefore, the Oneness of Allah and should go hand in hand, the other side of of the hadith of course, shed. And so if you were to want to study Islam and prioritize Islam, you need to understand what issues there are many aspects of Shiva, there are many types of shit. And I gave a brief list last week I said of the type a type of sheer because atheism Will you deny

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the existence of Allah. And another type of sherek is to ascribe powers, knowledge, abilities to things other than Allah, looking at your horoscope, for example, the type of shit that you know, the stars influences my future, the energies out there can influence my future that certain people have the ability to control things in the cosmos, these are a type this type of ship. And then of course, the most common type of ship is where you go to an entity other than Allah and UBC to them for help for assistance for forgiveness, to kill you, whatever is beyond the power, but it's belongs to Allah to ask them of it and to put them in a position of an ILA you deify them to the point of a god, this

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is surely the most common share again, sadly, the vast majority of humanity is falling into this trap and this is Shaytards primary objective. So that is, that is the priority will then say after that, what is the next thing? It is to focus on the pillars of Islam and we mentioned this hadith where the prophets and the Hadith of Gibreel Oh, that video, the Hadith of the wedding, where Allah Himself says that the closest you come to me is through the things I've made compulsory. And if you were to really ask yourself, what are the things Allah has made compulsory on me?

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It's really the five pillars of Islam, the the excluding the Kanima, of course, by now you shouldn't cut him out. But your Salah, you're forcing your highchair to Zakah those are the compulsory things, everything almost after that, from a ritualistic perspective is Knuffle. You don't have to make tagit you don't have to make a recite do us, other than Salah you don't have to fast on a Monday and Thursday. Those are all optional. These four pillars are the fundamental priorities that if you don't have it, your Islam comes into question if a person comes to Allah, and he has not fulfilled his obligation of Hajj or fasting or Salah was then a pillar

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in what what understood if one of the pillars are missing, the entire building falls down. So you have to get these pillars in order to have a structure and to be called a Muslim ready to really be for Islam to be firm is for you to have that palette. That is why it's analog. If anyone's been on hodgen Mela grande those who are going on had success and for those who have been there, that is why up until you have reached the plains of Arafa. Your Islam is not 100% complete because you have been performing salah of course you have been paying us a chi and fasting but you have not yet fulfilled the obligation of Hajj Of course this is for those who are able to do so if you're not able to do so

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then Allah Subhana Allah pardons you. But for those of us who are able to do so, and for no other reason other than just timing, we've delayed it until you reach Arafa. And because once you get out of your house is almost complete your Islam is complete that moment is the combination of your religion, you are now without a doubt every single box that needed to be ticked for you to be a Muslim has been completed with hamdulillah it's just about preserving it and maintaining it. And so that that four or five hours on the plains of Arafah are the most important hours of your life. Everything comes down to that moments panela Of course as we said this is for those who are able to

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do so. And what's beautiful all these pillars are three of the five pillars, fasting Zakah and Hajj. There is also an element of if you're able to do so if you're too sick too fast, you don't fast if you're unable you know you're too poor to play soccer, you don't play soccer, if you're too sick or too poor to go and hide you don't go to college. And so it really And subhanAllah if you want to

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bring Islam down to its strip away to its absolute essentials, you need to worship you need to not commit chick and you need to make Salah consistently if you do those two things. And this is that this is the view of the Sahaba some there's a lot of talk about you know people courting each other your coffee and better coffee. The the scholars they write that the Sahaba did not deem anyone who said the Kanima and made Salah irrespective of what they did they didn't do as an unbeliever if you do those two things that you test if I am a Muslim and you perform your Salah there is no Islam is without a doubt without any question Alhamdulillah you are a Muslim there is between you and Allah

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subhanaw taala and so really it comes down to as we said, Salah is a special kind of pillar above the others and the

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is the focus for all of us. And for many of us, this is really our, our daily challenge is to make sure our fire Salah is on time done properly and correctly. We then spoke about the other obligations that you need to fulfill. And some of them are more serious than others. And most of these obligations are not to Allah. It is sort of your contract with your wife in terms of Nikka your contract with your parents, your children, and that takes a discussion all on its own.

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This is where we're going to get into the questions that we spoke about where we stopped last week we spoke

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it is around avoiding major sins against Allah and against mankind. So before we talk about sunnah salah, before we talk about the Hadith and Witter and Doha and giving sadaqa and charity, that is not a priority before this, this aspect of avoiding major sins becomes more of an issue than a person, then doing a lot of good deeds, of course, those things go hand in hand. But it's more important to avoid major sins, then to do extra now I feel right now I'm not talking about the fall of the fire, it comes first, then avoiding major sins, and then comes the Sunnah. So I have a number of questions. The one question was around, how do you how much sooner must you do and how do you

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increase your demand through in our field? We'll talk about that when we get to know our field. The other question that was was raised was around homosexuality, and we'll talk about major sins and perhaps that's a good good segue. In this discussion, Allah Subhana Allah says,

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In Touch then evil cabal Rahmatullah Hona Anhu. That if you avoid the major sins which I have forbidden for you look after your uncle Messiah to convince every other minus and Allah says I will forgive you I'm an FTM. So one of the great

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comforts for us is yes, Allah will weigh and measure every single atoms weight of sin that we do every thought every statement everything will be weighed and presented to Allah and we can't hide anything on that day. But Allah says if you come to him with no major sins, of course, it's for the believer wouldn't come and shake obviously, Luca Farah uncom. Say at the moment, I will wipe out every single one of those mages and every sorry, minus ends every one of the minuses. One do the Fill come with 100 Karima and I promise you I will enter you into Jana. And so avoiding the major sins becomes your next priority. And so here's the question, what are the major sins? What are these

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major sins, they are sins any, anything that is sinful is something which is displeasing to Allah and carries with it a penalty, certain things Allah is displeased with, but he doesn't carry a penalty, those things that we call the macro, but there are certain there are things that we are they are displeasing to Allah, and they carry with it a type of penalty, some of those sins are more serious than others. So and this goes without saying that to

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to Subhanallah say something wrong, or to look sorry to look at something Haram is obviously less of a sin then to murder someone.

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To insult someone verbally, is obviously bad, but to harm someone physically, you know, to actually shoot that person is obviously worse. So we understand that not all sins are equal. We don't trivialize our sins, even the smallest of sins we should not trivialize because in that we are trivializing Allah's displeasure. So we don't do that either. But we definitely have this concept of major and minor sins. And Allah is the One who mentioned in the Quran. Allah himself says in the Quran, that there are major sins and if you avoid the major ones, then he will forgive the minor ones. Now what are the major sins? Well, they are there is no clear list Allah did not list all the

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major sins and audit analysis alum list them enough. You know, these are the 1020 30 major sins avoided. Rather, we can extrapolate from the Quran and the Sunnah, which sins are serious and which ones are not as serious. So for example, there's a hadith in our businesses avoid the seven destructive sins, right? The seven sins that will destroy you avoid them now we know that the seven is this like the seven deadly sins, right? So even in Islam, these we have the concept of the seven, a sabbatical movie called Movie caught or like the destruction of the deadly sins. What are they? Allah says what the Prophet says, to come and share what Allah said number one, the most serious one

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is to worships others besides Allah. Number two is to practice magic and sorcery. And really the reason why magic is haram because it is it involves sharing and harming people. Number three, killing someone you know, to murder someone without any just reason to kill someone. And you can obviously even in the world of men, the most serious crime is to murder to kill there's nothing more serious than that. And number four, Subhan Allah how many of us trivialize the sin? How many of us don't have on this list? Perhaps all Muslims. Sin number four is the one that we should be most scared of because it's the one that goes most unnoticed, consuming rebar involving yourself in rebar

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consuming, of course as you take river, but we also know that the

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That isn't only the one who takes it. It's the one who pays it. And many of us how many of us have bonds and loans and car insurance and all these kinds of things which might have an aspect of Riba, our pension, you know, all these things we need to be careful of. And it's one of the major sins, consuming the property of orphans in this part of corruption and all that take so stealing the money of not just stealing, but to take the money of the poorest of the poor. Fleeing on the day of in the battlefield selves, Pamela, if the man is on the battlefield, and he flees, it's a major sin. And then number seven, to accuse to accuse a chaste woman of Xena and she's innocent, right? So to

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accuse someone of immorality, and they are innocent. Now, it's interesting the things that are not on here, that we give a lot of priority to. We give a lot of priority to those people commit Zina, they're bad people. And yes, you know, is a major sin without a doubt. They take drugs, or they drink alcohol, they're bad people Subhanallah that's not on the list.

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you know, they they're not wearing the hijab, or they're not, the beard is not long enough, or they feel that all those are sins, and let's not, let's not trivialize them. But sometimes we have prioritize certain sins over the others. And we've made certain sins bigger and overshadowed the things that are even more serious. For example, as I said, the vice versa the most of you listen, in spite of its seriousness. And so

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the scholars have basically said that, to know if a sin is a major sin or a minus. And then there are certain telltale signs certain hints that it's major. So for example, if Allah calls it a major sin, so in some iClicker, I will say, to do A, B, C, and D is a Kabir, it's major, it's big, then obviously, no, it's a major sin. Sometimes Allah will say, whoever does that, then quite about the heart of the anger of Allah or the learner or the curse of almost on them or the punishment that Allah is upon them. So when Allah expresses his extreme anger at a certain sin, and Allah mentions them in the Quran,

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you know, then it becomes a major sin, or if there is a penalty attached to it in the dunya. So if we lived in a Islamic State, certain sins carry a capital punishment that if you steal, your hand gets chopped off that if you commit, if you drink alcohol, you need to be lashed. If you commit the type of Xena, you should be stoned. Now, if there's a punishment in the dunya, then of course, it is a serious sin. And at most Subhanallah many, you know, some have said that it's about 10 of those of them are majors and some 20 some scholars have listed 70 major sins nonetheless, there are a list of major sins and everything besides those major sins are, are minor. And even though those minor sins

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do carry a penalty, so long as Allah subhana wa you present them to Allah without the major sins in show of his hope that it will be forgiven. Now, the question came about along the lines of homosexuality and one of the most difficult discussions not really difficult, actually an easy discussion, but it's one of the most it's one of the discussions that raises a lot of a lot of feelings and emotions and and strong kinds of positions. Now, I am presenting Inshallah, a topic on homosexuality, but this is before the ages of 13 to 25 at the panorama Masjid on Thursday, so this Thursday coming the 16th of June at the panorama zip,

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if you have you know any kids or grandkids in that age bracket and you want to have a discussion in a safe place about six and sexuality, in particular the LGBTQI movement, then that's the place to be and we'll discuss it Inshallah, but let's talk about this question. So the system messages and says, What is Islam supposition basically on on homosexuality and because it is very, very prevalent now.

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People ask that question, but they don't actually mean that question because the question What is Islam solution obviously it's very easy, it's haram, you're not allowed to do it finished, nothing more to discuss it's not in fact, it is one of the simplest fix kind of questions

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championed by

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the camera of maybe.

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Now let us discuss this topic

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the defined muscular

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wonder why the machine does that

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Let's go

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watch there we go

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did the whole thing get dropped now because you know they

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because I can't join. Okay, let me just go back to their link maybe.

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Just any joining

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so my apologies for that the monastery just lost connection leave for a second Oh, please still audible

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as a staff so you have a question

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you raise your hands the HUBZones you have a question?

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No. Okay. So we're talking about major sins and because we touching on that subject matter. We with we were

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we introduced the topic, someone asked a question about homosexuality. And is it really homosexuality, the ruling around homosexuality is quite easy. It's something which, you know, if you ask me, what is the ruling of having a beard? That's a lot more complicated, because there's so many different opinions. You know, what's the ruling of the pants below your ankle? That's a much more of a difficult discussion, because there's a lot of evidences this way that way, before homosexuality is quite clear. I mean, if you went to read the Quran as a Muslim, non Muslim, if you read it, just, you know, as an independent, objective person, you'd say, well, it's very clear. Allah subhanaw

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taala has forbidden this act. Okay. And there is no difference of opinion in any group any madhhab. Any sect, Sunni, Sufi, Salafi, Wahhabi, Shia, I'm pretty sure even though Hamid is you know, even they don't even have a different religion altogether. But anyone that has read the Quran will come to the conclusion. That's very, very clear. But that's not the question. The question is never really what is the ruling? Because everyone knows the ruling. It's more about how do we as Muslims respond to this act? And they is that is way? There's a lot of discussion, this is that that that element is a lot of requires a lot of discussion, because different types of people, and depending

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on the position depends on the answer. So

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today, the problem that we have, or the challenge that we have in from an Islamic perspective in the way we teach our kids and you know, the generation that we have now, it's not about understanding the texts, or understanding the Hadith or understanding in the past, maybe the complication was trying to get to the correct opinion. There are different opinions, different jobs, and that is the discussion today. It's not about what the Quran says. It's about how that makes me feel or how I my sense of morality.

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You know, that there's a saying that in the past, people simply follow the rules that was given to them by the authority of the king, or the clergy, gave you rules you accepted, that was truth, whatever the king says, or the priest says, I accept that question. Then society moved a little further. And then it became down the Age of Enlightenment, whatever science, whatever the, you know, the mind said was correct. If we studied something, and we logically came to a conclusion, that was truth. Today, people don't listen to the authorities. They don't listen to the religious leaders. They don't even listen to science, I mean, vaccines and all those things, evidence, people follow

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what they feel feelings are now the compass between right and wrong. So if I feel something is good, then that should be good. If I feel something is bad, then that must be bad. If the Sharia says, you know, this thing is haram, but I feel it's okay. Then I have an issue with the Sharia. Now, this is the challenge that we have today is not only about homosexuality, it's about this broader discussion around morality and ethics. That the world we live in the religion of the world is the Western secular religion, which tells you that everyone has the right to decide what they want to be whatever you identify with. That's true. Irrespective of biology, irrespective of science,

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irrespective of religion. If you feel that this is right, then it is right. Now that conflicts that clashes with Islams morality, Islam says that there is an ultimate truth which is the Quran, that no matter what science does not no matter what anyone says no matter how you feel, the Quran is the ultimate source of truth. If you don't understand it, or you don't agree with it, the problem is with you is not with the Quran. That is what you

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opposition of the Quran and in reality that makes sense. If you say I am a Muslim, I submit a shadow Allah, Allah, I believe that there is a Creator, the Lord of the universe, that he knows the scene in the unseen, he knows the future, the past in prison, he knows everything in creation, He knows me better than I know myself. So if he command something, who am I, to have a second opinion? Well, that in a way type of

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marriage, why it's tantamount to disbelief, where you have a counter opinion, and you prefer that over what is very clear in the Quran. Similarly, with the Hadith, Visa Salam gives a clear ruling with an authentic hadith. Most of the some Hadith are weak, but to the from discussion, but we say 100% Genovesa. Salam said, ABC and D, then we have no question but to accept it. And that's what it means to be what it means to be a Muslim. Now, this issue is the issue that our youth and our people struggle with. Because we all grow, we grow up in a society, where we see certain things as acceptable on TV, on what's acceptable on the internet. And as we grow up in the school environment,

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our morality becomes linked to that our morality gets shaped by our environment, it's unfortunate, it's a product, it's the way we live in a we live in a society where certain things were normalized. And Pamela we live in a society where, you know, people dress a certain way, and it's normal. And then you see, you know, people dress, appropriately Islamically and it becomes abnormal. You find, for example, if like, legally, if a man has a wife and a mistress, not a problem, legally, a man who visits you know, prostitutes, and all that it's not not illegal, but if there's multiple wives, this is illegal. And so society that the society we live in, as deemed certain things as model as

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ethically or morally Okay, and certain thing is not okay. And some of those things, of course, aligns with Islam, and some of the things don't align with Islam. And this is the challenge that our young people struggle with, that what they grew up in what they've experienced and what they have now believed to be okay and acceptable, then they open the Quran and they find well, because the Quran doesn't accept this, this is now I have a I have a crisis of faith. Why is Islam being so backwards? Why is Islam being so racist or sexist, whatever it is, why does Islam allow this when in my mind, this is this is immoral, this is unacceptable. And that is where it's panela we need to

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actually you know, get back to the basics of what is morality, if we when I sit with young people, for example, and having this discussion, I asked him, give me a framework by which we can say if something is good or bad, something is Permissible or impermissible. So in this in the in the in the aspect of relationships, you know, tell me what do you deem to be and this I think most of us here are adults and this is maybe the discussion if you have the issue of you know, homosexuality and gender with your with your kids. It's a good way to ask them now let us put the Quran one side we put the Bible one side, we put everything one side, you and I we are in we are the controller's of a

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country, we are now in charge of a country, we need to write the laws as to what type of sexual relations are permissible. Do we ban all kinds of sexual relations? Do we allow all kinds let us write down a law, which is okay. And then we go through each one we say for example, now most people will say the definition is, if two consenting adults are in love, and they want to have a relationship, then who are we to say it's wrong? Who are we to say it's not permissible? Okay, so maybe two adults, they love each other, they want to be together they're not hurting anyone. They want to express their love for one another, then surely, why should we? Why are you with him?

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They're not hurting me. What they do behind closed doors doesn't impact me now. I said, Okay, fine. If that's how you feel we put that down so long as it's two consenting adults, so you can't have children. You can't have you know, an adult and a child two adults who are and they both consent so anyone that is forced, we all agree anytime any person that is forced into an act, the sexual act, that is bad, so everyone agrees on it. We then ask questions like Well, what about insist you know, through two brothers want to get married? Are we okay with that? Are we saying it's fine?

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You know, a father and a son.

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What about a person? And you know, a dead spouse? You know, some I was married to my wife and she passed away but I want to keep her body and is that okay? Eventually you realize that there are certain scenarios that don't fit that that definition that doesn't fit that definition. And you will naturally end when you when you list down the things you're okay with and things you're not okay with. You only realize it is basically a mirror of what the Western society has deemed to be okay, you're not okay. You will realize that I'm okay. With you know, people, just intuitively I'm okay when I see a man or you know, two people living together having children out of wedlock. I don't

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Every problem with that, are we I see a man. And he walks in the road with his four wives in in Florida. And I have issue with that. And I don't know why, why is that sort of, it doesn't sit well with me. But this is okay with me. And then you just basically realize it's nothing work. There's nothing intellectual about our morality. It's simply based on a reflection of what we see on TV, on Netflix, on social media. And when you understand that, you realize that you're just a product of, of the times that you live in, that if you lived 5060 years ago, in apartheid, most likely, you would have said that a marriage between a black man and a white woman is immoral, you might have

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said that you would have been very much against same * marriages, because you were just, that's what the society of that time dictated. If you lived 100 years before that, you might have even said, if it's not permissible for the lady to go to work, maybe I mean, that is just the society that you live in. Now, people's concept of right and wrong changes with time. Every society has its own levels of morality, some countries to get married, if a child as young as 13 wants to get married, it's no problem. Other countries Bahrain, for example, I think 21 year olds, you have to be 21 to get married. So it just varies. It just fluctuates. It is arbitrary. And if you take a step

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back, and you say, Do I believe that there is an ultimate truth that morality, good and bad can change with time, it can be okay to be married to this person now, but tomorrow, it's not okay. Once you understand that, you must say, I believe is an ultimate truth. And society is not able to come to the truth on its own. There needs to be someone above mankind, to determine the laws. And that is what we say as Muslims is Allah subhanaw taala. And therefore the Quran is going to be the ultimate compass. And so whatever the Quran says to be true, whether I understand it, I don't understand it, whether it sits well with me whether it doesn't sit well with me. What am I I'm a Muslim, and a

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Muslim makes taslim I submit to Allah, because Allah Ya Allah, even though I don't understand, I know, you know, you know better than me. So Allah Anna, I submit to you, if you say this is not permissible, then it's not permissible. And that is why this is why that's what it means to be Muslim. Of course, we are allowed to ask Why did Allah make certain things haram? That's not that's easy. That is permissible to us. Yeah, Allah, why is Hummer? Why don't do a why are we not allowed to drink alcohol? Why are we not allowed to gamble? Why are we not allowed to eat pork? Why are we not allowed to marry people of the same gender? You know why? And maybe we can discuss it in these

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pros and cons and benefits. And of course, in every rule, every command, and every prohibition, there is something of wisdom in it all, doesn't legislate for no reason, the wisdoms and we know that Subhanallah we know all the reasons. So, but to get people across the line, that your morality is based on a nothing of substance, and it is it contradicts itself. Therefore, you need to subscribe to the morality of Allah subhanaw taala if you really believed in him, that is the first chance that is the first step. Now, since we're talking specifically around homosexuality is very interesting, the last two, three weeks set with a couple of people that, you know, Muslims identify

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as that. And these are spectrum of opinions on a spectrum of people dealing with this issue differently. And each one has its own response. So if someone asks, I'm a Muslim, and I have feelings, and desires for you know, my coworker that is of the same gender. Is there something wrong with me? Is there something evil with me? Am I cursed? Am I something you know, disgusting? We say no. Because in every single one of us, we all have desires for things which are haram. Whether you're straight, whether you're gay, doesn't matter, you all of us desire that which is not permissible. A married man is with his wife, well, hamdulillah but he sees you know, someone

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beautiful walk across the road and something stirs in his heart. It's haram to act on it, but that desire is there. So for every single one of us, we chat we struggle with our desires and that's what it means to be a human being that is what insaan is, you will constantly struggle and so feelings Allah does not judge us according to feelings. In fact, alerting words us when we abstain from feelings which are haram. And so don't think you are unique in that you have desires that you cannot express every single one of us have desires that we cannot express every single one of us have limits so that is, we shouldn't worry about that. Is it okay for me now, what if I am I have those

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feelings? And I fall into this and I fall into it? Is it is it okay, what do I do? So we say to this person, the same way a Muslim makes a mistake by drinking alcohol. A Muslim makes a mistake by committing Zina. You know two people that got married, they fornicate. Two people are married. And he goes he has a mistress she has an affair. We say it's possible you does it mean you can't be a Muslim? Of course you can still be a Muslim. You still a Muslim?

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So long as you acknowledge in your order to me not to the MDC, not to the Imam, you don't confess. But you confess to Allah, Allah, Allah, this that I've done is haram, this action that I did I know I wasn't supposed to do, and I repeat to you and you acknowledge the sin. And if you do that, then that is what this is the base kind of sinner, we are all sinners. And the best of the center is the one who acknowledges his mistake to Allah and then repent for his mistake and he tries and life is that you're going to try and try and try sometimes you can overpower your knifes sometimes you knifes overpowers you and then you start rolling over again. Yeah, Allah forgive me, I fell off the

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off the wagon, even if you send 100 times a million times 10 billion times, so long as you make so far. That's what it means to be a Muslim. That's what it means to be a good, you know, a person that commit sin, you keep making this difference. So a person says, Look, I'm in a relationship with someone of the same * Am I still a Muslim? If you believe that they is if you accept the Oneness of Allah, you do all the fundamentals of Islam, and you acknowledge what you're doing is haram, then this is you're still a Muslim, you're still a Muslim, but of course a serious a Muslim was committing serious sin. The next type of person is the one who condones his son, and justifies this

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and, and goes to the level where you almost challenge the Quran. Why is something wrong with me and Meissen, the Quran is wrong. This is where you Islam becomes a question mark. Because even the person who doesn't indulge in the sin, but he justifies it, he is putting his opinion above that of Allah. So there might be a person for example, he says, Look, I'm in a heterosexual marriage. 100% You know, but I think the Quran is backwards. And I think the Quran must be updated. And I think the Quran has changed with the times we say to this person, what you have done is worse than the sin of Zina. Because now you are inferring that the Quran is obsolete. And that Allah's wisdom is obsolete,

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that Allah, Allah is backwards, and Allah is immortal. And Allah is where the biller, that's what you're saying, and that's your opinion, and your feelings should be higher than that of Allah, this becomes a dangerous territory, we say this is unacceptable. This now conflicts with being a Muslim. Remember, our course here? Is that about the perfect Muslim and the pious, you know, the best? We say, What do I fundamentally need to be to emsam? Can I be a Muslim, and still engage in those kinds of can I be a Muslim, and I live with a girlfriend and we're not married, we say you can be Muslim, but it's sinful. Similarly, if that if that was someone of the same *, you can still be a Muslim,

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but so long as you don't challenge the ruling of Islam. And so I think the discussion of the system is yet a very difficult one, in the discussions I've had with Muslims that said, Look, how do I live my life where I constantly have this temptation. And we say hello to that person. He's in a great, tremendous type of jihad, you know, that person is being tested, more than most of us ever have to experience not only does he have a desire, or she have a desire, which they didn't ask to be put in there, it's just the no one asks for these desires. They can't escape it, they can't run away from it. And they also live in a time in a society where it is cooling them to fulfill those desires. In

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the past, maybe you had those desires, but there was no outlet. There was no place for you to go now a click of a button. You could go anyway. And they maintain their Islam to the best of their ability, and they struggle. Perhaps they're more of Ollie and closer to Allah subhanaw taala than we are because of the the determination, you know, and if they make the mistake, and they fall into it, it's a major sin. We can't sugarcoat it. We can't say no, it's small. It's trivial. We sympathize. But then you make it stiffer, and you make Toba and you do whatever sins we do. It's between you and Allah, and you ask Allah for forgiveness, and that is sort of the concept of, of how we engage with

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major sins. If we can avoid it altogether, then Hamdulillah we know that is one step in the agenda. But if we are fooled into any major sin, and who of us can say, through our youth through our days, we haven't done any of the major sins. panela how many people have done major sins? The only way out is through is deferred and Toba. And it's in that Tobin is the father that Allah subhanaw taala we believe part of our iman is it Allah will forgive us and that we come to Allah they have Kiama well, that sin been wiped out and so we have an opportunity in the dunya to wipe that sin out. So on that specific question

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just took a segue then homosexuality any questions

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before we go back to a presentation

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don't know if the Cisco asked the question is here, but it's the only one that has a question on that.

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Okay, then we so we go back to our presentation. So in the presentation, we we got to the point where we're speaking about

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major sins of waiting the major sins.

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And we said there are many types of medicines.

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For example,

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Have had either one session and I'll tell you about the most evil of the medicines at baroka by the worst of the worst. And then as harvested Allah and His Messenger, no base and the prophecies and said, if he's number one to come achieve with Allah number two, to abuse your parents, to insult your own parents to sway your parents to, uh, harm them physically financially to partner with us, you know, to abuse one's own parents. And number three, to testify falsely to again this concept of not just lying, to lie is one thing, but to lie in the way in which an innocent person is harmed by that spatula that is a higher level of treachery and treason. And so it's one of the worst of the

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major sins.

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Another type of major sin is, of course, anyone who has harmed another human being. So anyone who's taken the Huck the money, taken the honor, taken the integrity taken,

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physically harm the person, these are major sins. If you harmed someone in any way, in the in the person in the physically, emotionally, financially, deliberately, you've harmed them, it becomes a major center, we know the Hadith, a very famous Hadith of the man who is bankrupt, there'll be some sort of spoke about, you know, who is the bankrupt person, and the Prophet will explain the person who is bankrupt is the one who comes on the death Kiama with a lot of good deeds, but he had been such a terrible human being to others, that on Qiyamah, they will take from his good deeds until he has only all his good deeds are used up. And then when he has no good deeds left to pay off all the

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people the harm, he will start taking basins upon himself, and that's how you will intergenic them. So to harm somebody is a major is a major sin. So, again, if we look at the prioritization, first thing is to worship Allah alone number two, of worksheet number three, perfect the five pillars of Islam, number four, perfect any other obligations which you are required to do. Number five is avoid the major sins. Now anyone's Panama and this that is your formula for success. You know, do the five pillars do what is required of you avoid major sins, it's almost guaranteed you will enter Jannah without any detour to Jannah that's almost a guaranteed without doing any other serious, extra good

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deeds, that is enough inshallah to enter your agenda. But of course, to add on to the good deeds to to become closer to Allah, it is to do extra acts of nowhere feel to do extra acts of nowhere feel. And so the responses for anyone who wants to do more than the basics, there is a method we do it he says, do good deeds properly. So take a good deed study it I'm gonna make the agit know how to make the hatchet when to make the I should wait to make that and what to say what not to say, Do it properly. You want to force on a Monday and Thursday. You know, learn the rules behind it. Do the good deeds properly, sincerely only do for the sake of Allah and moderately very important. Don't go

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you want to start reciting the Quran. So we're going to do a hard time. You know, every week? No, no, you're not going to sustain that. And I'm going to take something which you can be habitually, this is the thing to make it part of your routine. This five minutes is for Allah, no matter what happens if it's holiday weekend, but this five minutes I'm going to sit in a corner and I'm going to say a stock for a lot for five minutes through that. And then that reminds you that it is not the quantity of your deeds that will enter you into Jannah. You none of us will do enough to enter us into Jana. Jana is eternal. You can't do enough good deeds to get you to Jana. Rather, it is the

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sincerity, it is that consistency, it is that sincerity with Allah subhanaw taala that will bring about this pleasure and then he will gift Jana, to us ameobi amongst them. So the prophecies do good deeds properly, sincerely, moderately, and that the most beloved deeds to Allah are those which are done regularly, habitually, and constantly, even if it is small, so rather do a small deed every day than to do something big. Every once in a while. The beautiful beautiful thing is to do every day. Yeah, Allah I can give a million running charity every month or every year, but I can give one ran every single day. It takes a lot more discipline to do that, you know to do one EFT of 30 grand, you

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know, at the end of the month, that's easy, but to give one read every day in charity to somebody seems that he ran but Subhanallah that required a near going out thinking of Allah doing the deed and consistently that is Pamela more sincere and more loving to Allah. So this is the good deeds. The sister asked about doing good deeds I'm struggling to do good deeds, extra good deeds, that is part of being a handler that is the fact that you're struggling with in our field Alhamdulillah is a good indication of one's Iman. The person who is I think the question was around I struggled to do my sunnah robotic now there are certain this followed Salah to Fajr for the word for for acid three

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for mouth report for AI those are the compulsory for the company.

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I say but with every salah they are super Sooners and Sunnah robotic. They are the super Sooners, the ones that are the salah almost never left. And in those ones. Again, those are the highest form of the Sooners, those are the best students you could do. And subhanAllah if you if you do them, it's a high level of reward. If you're unable to do all of them, then do some of them. But it is a challenge that you have as a as a believer, you shouldn't be little your iman, if you're unable to do all of it, but you should try to constantly improve. You should try to master a sunnah and then you move to the next one. So for example, if you are not performing all your five daily sodas, then

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that's your focus, perform the five on time, if you're doing the five. I want to do a little bit more Where do I begin? I can't do all the sooner relative and we say the base of the sooner allotted is Witter and the two records before Fajr right so the two Sooners these are the best if you can mark so take time master those Sooners if you can do that, okay, now do maybe the two of the Asia now to the two before the word and so on and so forth. And that's how you bolt on and everyone is at a different level. And remember again, as the Hadith says it's not about it's not about the quantity. There are some people who do a lot of Sooners Dogit force and all that. And hamdulillah

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they do it sincerely and Allah will you wouldn't. But there's some people that struggle that struggle so much, just to

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do a simple sunnah. You know, we tend for example, that's all they can manage. And because of that struggle, Allah Subhana Allah loves them. They sincerity Mo and that is where the end we should never really it's not about competition with anyone else. I mean, part of the ladies the sisters question was, I mean, not comparing but you know, you look at other people's good deeds and we feel inferior, it's good, that should encourage us. But ultimately, we're not on a on a race with anyone else really on a race with ourselves and to get closer to Allah and to do things which pleases Allah subhanho wa taala. It's all about and as Allah mentions that beautiful Hadith of the wedding, the

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more extra good deeds we do, the more conscious we become of Allah because it takes time to say okay, fine. Now minute level, we are going to force on a Monday and Thursday it means two days in the week now I'm focused on your last panel with Allah, I'm going to do extra damage. Now for five half an hour before Fajr I'm connecting to Allah so before I will only connecting to Allah for the 10 minutes of budget. Now I'm connecting to Allah does the Torah cause before Fajr and Fajr now I'm waking up off an hour and doing tagit now I'm sitting until Doha and making sense now my connection with Allah, increasing increases and that is how our relationship builds with Allah subhanaw taala.

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And this is a lifelong journey. It's a journey that there is no end. But it's about consistently maintaining what you're doing or improving if you can, and hamdulillah is good in everything, you're not really as good in everything.

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And there is a page and channel perhaps next week, I'll share it with you. I'd like to share school shortcuts to Jannah that there are certain sunnah that have very, very little effort in it one dua but the reward is super is maximum Max, you know, huge and there are these are some encourage people do the easiest sunnah with the highest return. Like if you have an investment, think of an investment. If there's a company where you can put one round in it and you get like a million Rand out of it, then put it in that company, don't put it in the company's giving you 1000 That return focus on the one that's going to give you as much return for as little effort as possible. And so I

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have a list of these like you know, 30 very, very easy maximum rewards. Inshallah next week, for those who would like we can share the shortcuts agenda. Remember doing good deeds isn't only to Allah, sometimes we focus on the Sunnah with Allah only, or the good deeds with Allah. Remember how we treat people over and above what's required. So I have to be a good son to my parents as soon as it's compulsory. But to make that extra cup of tea, to have an extra

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flour, I bring my wife, I don't have much time I need to make sure my wife has a roof over her head. She eats I need to give her essentials but to buy the rose, that's an extra act of good deeds. And really, if you look at it, Allah the Prophet Salam, it appears that to prioritize good deeds that help others that brings joy to others is almost more beloved to Allah than the good deeds that is personal to you. So and this hadith, which I love when the responses, the heaviest thing on the scale on the day of Kiama, basically after the compulsory things is not the hatchet is not fasting, but it is good character. So after the compulsory things, the next biggest thing is how you treat

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people and another similar Hadith and this one says the best of all believers, not the one who makes the most ritualistic ubeda But it's the one with the best of luck. Now remember, he's already a believer, he's already doing the basics. He's already doing all the compulsory things. But what

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He has above others is he has the best character. And the best of those are those who are best to their wives because it's easy to be nice to the boss and nice to your customers. But to be nice and have a good character always with your spouse, because they're the ones that see, you know the worst of our behavior, if you can maintain your good character with your spouse, and that is the highest level of, of emancipation Allah and a hadith which I've repeated so many times, and I think it's like a stuck record but a hadith which I love so much, and I'm so South Sudan says very clearly, should I not tell you of something which is more rewarding, which is better as a higher status than

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fasting on a Monday to Thursday, fasting on the day of all the extra fasting, and the extra salah of the 100? And the extra charity of Saturday Algeria? What is better than all of that? And this harvest? Yes, of course, tell us, he said is to reconcile when people are fighting when people are not speaking to each other when this one is causing harm to this one, bringing soon bringing in a piece bringing unity. This is more beloved to Allah than all those extra rituals, if you really want to focus on the extra focus on changing the world around you for the better. That's part of of the of doing a good thing. And then and we'll end up with this. We'll talk about the Indigo finish the

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slides next week. Ultimately, remember,

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no matter how much could we do, how many sins we avoid? It is Allah's mercy that will interest in to Jannah. It is Allah subhanaw taala. That at times because our good deeds are not enough that he inflict some kind of de stress upon us. He puts us through some kind of hardship so that he can remove the sun and he can elevate us. So even the PERT the person who is tired, exhausted, sick, sad, depressed, whatever negative thing you feel physically or emotionally with any negativity in your life. We know that Allah uses that. Two in a hadith of the Prophet sweetens you up, he, he makes you better he adds to your good deeds if you're a patient. And so Allah Subhana Allah puts

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things in our pathways, if he sees we're not where we need to be. We're not yet hitting the mark. We're not yet in Jannah when he put some difficulty in our way to purify us to get there, you know, it's that calamity and and as far we don't make dua for calamity and if anyone is sick, we make dua to Allah. Grace Mustafa is going through sadness, remove the sadness, we make dua for it. But when you're in it, see it as a wind that Allah is pushing you towards Jana. And so

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on top of everything that we do, Allah's Mercy is sort of enveloping all of us. And so he puts things in our way to get us closer to him. And this is where, you know, we'll find that even on the Deaf Kiama we still hope even for the one who didn't Did the major sins, even the one who did not fulfill all these obligations, Allah, that's even even the one who was deficient in Salah we said salah is a very, very special kind of pillar that no one should neglect, but even that one, so long as he did not commit Chittick and this is where we mentioned this beautiful Hadith where Allah will look to Jannah and they will be people with absolutely no good deeds on the scale. They did no good

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deeds, they were terrible human beings, but they did not come achieve they still identify that Allah is Murghab that is no one worthy of worship but him and Allah will take those people out of Jannah and put them into into Jana. And so they still ultimately no matter how bad we do on the report card, the one thing that we should never forget is we have Allah's mercy, and we make dua that Allah's Mercy will get all of us into Jannah and forgive all our sins, disciple the hate. And we'll continue next week we'll talk about the last man to enter Jannah there's a hadith a beautiful Hadith about the person will be the last person to be taken out of jahannam. So very, very bad person is a

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very long sentence. Jana Allah will take him out, and we'll talk about that hadith next week. Inshallah, before we conclude any questions, any comments, concerns?

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Oh, there's a question. Okay. There's a questions. Okay.

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Oh, so my question is, how should we treat this very good question. How should we treat people from the LGBT community? Sometimes they work with us. We live in this. If we inviting kids to a kid's party and one of the kids have a gay cup. What should we do with eponymous a video on that on the issue of a gay couple. There was a meme that went around allowed us to this this young kid was in Britain, martial law Muslim and even knew they come from a very conservative Muslim family. And so they spoke to this child and the child said, I have two mommies, and the school became very happy, Masha, Allah, you know, Subhan, Allah, this, this, this, this Muslim, and they they so open about

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having, you know, a same * marriage and two mummies. And so this being a mommy's to school, when to speak to them. And when the when the mummies came to school, they realized the father had many two wives. And that's why she has two mommies. And so they weren't so happy after that, you know, they were so happy before that, nonetheless, the question is, how do we engage with people

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that lived this life? So now, it's not a difficult thing? How do you engage with a person who rejects

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It's Allah and says that Allah has a son. And then he takes them to be and calls him a liar. And how do we engage with someone who drinks alcohol and eats pork, or whenever around us in a society of people that don't live by the same models that we live by, we have to coexist. And I think that is a very, very important discussion. And maybe we can't do justice in two minutes. We are not allowed to harm anybody insult anybody, or feigned or disrespect anyone. Remember, the biggest sin is to worship someone besides Allah, yet, we will understand our Christian friends and neighbors, we don't disrespect them, we live with him in harmony, that we are good neighbors to them, even though they

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worship someone besides Allah, that we don't insult them. We don't we don't disrespect anything that they do. But if they talk about their religion, we say, Look, you know, you know, please, our year we draw the line, I can't accept what you're saying, and you have your way I have my way. That is the way we interact. We don't condone this, and we don't encourage it. We don't.

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You know, if it happens, it shouldn't Don't involve me. So when we all experienced this, we say to our friends at work, if you guys are going out to the pub, and you're gonna drink at a boys night on your drink, don't invite me, I'm not part of it. And if I come to a gathering, and there's alcohol on that, then please excuse me, I can't be part of this gathering. That's what we do. But we don't say you drunkards and do this. And that if we don't do that, it's panela. So with any sin, and this sin, sometimes we elevate it, and we treat it different to other sins. We don't encourage it, we don't condone it, we don't participate in it. We don't sit across the table, it's been done, and we

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smile about it. But at the same time, we give everyone the rights they deserve. As co workers as family look, you might have a family member that is that way inclined, that person is. So if it's a Muslim, still your brother, you still have you still owe him the hug of a brother, you still owe him if it's your

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you know, our predicament in the chat. Do we know if your parents are unusually keen, you still have to owe them the rights of parents. And so this is how we we encourage, but more importantly, we have to remember, our kids are exposed to this lifestyle. And as much as we try to isolate them, we can't. So we need to make an my kids are still young and Allah protect. I don't have all the answers, but we need to show them that while you are being exposed to certain ethics and models. That is not our ethics and morals. We have Islamic ethics and morals, Islam, we don't eat pork. Now, and we do this very well. When it comes to eating. We tell our kids at school we tell our kids, you

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know Muslim people don't eat pork. And yes, your friends might bring something from home. We don't eat from the food, but we don't insult them. Also, we don't swing at them and say Oh, you are evil people, they can eat that that's for them. But Muslims, we eat our food. And when our kids understand, okay, we don't eat pork, we don't eat that we don't drink wine. And so slowly, that's the same way we need to teach them. These are our models. When you get up if you want to have *, it can only be done indica. And the only combination that works is boy girl combination. There's no other combinations that work for Annika everything else is not permissible.

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Allah is not happy with it. And that's behind Allah and Allah help us so we can only control what's at home. Outside we can't control so we live in peace and harmony, but we stick to our morals inshallah. May Allah guide us and keep us safe. Amen. Shukran so much. You continue next week or so Allah say no Mohammed, where are you sorry, Islam said he would hang out on the Alameen said I want a compartment loyal barakato

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