Adnan Rajeh – Issues of Marriage #15

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of not allowing the lack of international movement or interest in marriage to dampen people's opinions. They also mention a previous hadith that summarizes the concept of marriage and provides insight into the speaker's own experience with marriage. The speaker warns against reading the hadith and suggests that the speaker's past marriage experience may have contributed to the lack of understanding of the standard.
AI: Transcript ©
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Their final, you know, thrust of brutality in

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their last

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war crime that they hoped to, inflict upon

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the people of Wazuh. Keep them in your

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dua and don't allow

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the the lack of

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of international movement or international interest in this.

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Yani. It dampen your own interest in something

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that should continue

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until the cause has has been resolved. May

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Allah Subhanahu wa'ala make it easier for them

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inshaAllah and protect them.

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it's, has an authentic generation as

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well. All of the hadith this week will

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be enrated by Aisha. So yesterday was today

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and tomorrow as well to kind of conclude

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the concept or the the issue the topic

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of issues of marriage and

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I mean it's impossible to actually cover issues.

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If you look, if you go to Baba

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Nikah in any book of hadith, it's hundreds

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of hadith. So there's no way for me

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to cover this in any form of matter.

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I'm just going to every couple of months

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maybe come back and do 10 a hadith

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or something just to encourage people not only

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to, to pursue it for those who haven't,

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but also for those who have to, and

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to maintain it appropriately. And and and and,

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it's a big part of being, I mean,

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of being of being a human being aside

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from just being a Muslim.

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Who you are in your home with your

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spouse and your children is a big part

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of who you are, if not exactly who

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you are. So what she said,

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prophet what the prophet alayhi sallam said in

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this hadith narrated by Aisha. And this this

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summarizes basically the whole thing. It's a really

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short hadith. I narrated it at least twice

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before in different,

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for different reasons. Like in different,

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series that I've run. But I can't conclude

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the series tomorrow without at least bringing your

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attention to this hadith for you to think

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about. What he what he said like he

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said alayhis salam alayhi

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wa ana khayrukom li'ahli.

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So So the best of you are the

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best of you.

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Is not his family.

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No. No. Is his spouse

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and those who come from his your spouse.

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Like whoever

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she gave birth to whoever she's caring for,

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that that's who it is. Ahl is not

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your parents. Ahl is not your family. No.

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No. No. No. They have names. Walidain and

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you have Alham. These are all they all

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have names.

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Is your is your spouse. And anyone that

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you've the children you had from her specifically

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or the ones that she's caring for. So

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the best of you are the best of

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you towards their spouses.

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And then to make this even more difficult,

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam alayhi wa sallam alayhi

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wa sallam alayhi. He had to add the

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last piece because up to here we can

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we can live with it. But now he's

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gonna make it And

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I'm the best of you towards my

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my my spouse or to my towards my

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wives. Why? Because now he is forcing you

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to use him alaihisratosama

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as the standard. Now you have to understand

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that this is something that he did It's

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not just a phrase that is used that

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can be interpreted in different ways. No. He

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is in the race as well, alayhis salatu

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wa sallam. He His hat's in the race

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and he's a part of this. And he

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is saying that my standard is the standard

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that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is holding you

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to, yomulqiam, and the way I treated my

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wife throughout my life. You want to know

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how he did that, go read.

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Go read and be extremely

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upset at the end of it.

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Yeah. When you read how he treated his

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wives alaihis salatu san you're not going to

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be very, yeah.

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It's not going to end well for you

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just so you know. It won't end well.

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You'll read and after after the 3rd or

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4th you'll disclose the book.

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And his tenderness and his love, alayhis salaam.

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There's so many hadith I'll I'll just bring

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this one before we go. This is what

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Aikis says in the hadith is in, Tabarani

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He never entered his house. Expect he was

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he was smiling and he was laughing. I

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don't think I've ever done that. Yeah. You

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forget about doing it every time.

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May Allah forgive us. But that's how he

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entered his house alayhis salaam.

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He would take he would take a moment

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and make sure when he entered his home,

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his wife is waiting to greet him and

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he's he enters,

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he enters the way he enters. He enters

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with a with a smile on his face

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and he and he's laughing and he and

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he's and he's making sure people look forward

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to see him alayhis salaam even though that's

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very hard sometimes when you're running a country.

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Not that I would know.

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It's hard to do it when you're just

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going to a regular job on a daily

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basis and just dealing with people. Imagine running

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a country. Imagine you have to dealing with

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dealing with every person's Everyone's Every Muslim's problems

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and all of their complaints and their concerns

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and doing that. And then coming at the

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end of the day and finding enough in

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in in you to smile and be happy

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with you with your spouse. But he did

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because this is the standard he's holding himself

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to. I think it's something worthy of contemplation.

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