Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As SaDi #11
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa afterbirth jokin while are doing a lot a lot he mean or should do Allah Allahu Allahu Allah Sharika who either will only known of hearing, which is the end of the Vienna Muhammad Abdul Hora sudo Mustafa Al Amin Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik Valley they were either early or zombie huge pain, bad. So today is the what is the
11th day of Ramadan and therefore they don't stay or the reading on the commentary of this book of diversity Cyril Kariba Rahman vtct, Colombian man Nan ot Cyril Karim manaan de su Karim Rahman vtct, Colombian manaan morphemes known as a tear of a Saudi by Chevron, Rahmani peronospora Saudi who died in the 1376 of the hijra, Rahim Allah Allah Brahma, Dean wasa and inshallah to others today we are going to cover the 57th chapter of the Quran Surah Al Hadith and Hadith meaning iron, which is mentioned towards the end of this chapter and this name Al hadith is a name that is agreed upon found in the books of the seer and early works with the Sunnah. And this surah is a Medina Surah
according to the majority of the scholars, although some of them said there is a mucky Surah but the majority of the scholars and some of the ratios of the companions such as the best or the Allah, one woman should say that it is a Madani surah and this was the position chosen by numerous scholars of Tafseer, such as a corporal B RAF to him, you've been cathedral, and it consists of 29 verses and there is the first of the surahs that are known as the Musa Behat, the Musa Behat, meaning that the beginnings of the surah start with Saba or use of beho. And there are a number of sources that will extend throughout the 28th jaws of the Quran that begin in this way. So we have and the scholars
have names for the sorrows, the beginning certain ways like the high mean, we call them the Hawaiian mean, how I mean means all of the sorrows that begin with Hamin as we know, there's a number of them also. So these Surahs they're known as the Musa Behat and this one in particular differs from the rest of them who said behind because usually when Allah azza wa jal speaks about his praise the word sebahagian means to praise and glorify Allah to glorify Allah meaning to say that He is exalted and far removed from an above any deficiency, any weakness, any partner Subhana wa Tada. Usually Allah azza wa jal mentions the heavens and the earth that they praise and glorify him. And Allah azza wa
jal in this particular surah. You will see in the first number of verses six verses also, Allah azza wa jal mentions many of His Names and His attributes and His abilities some 20 or more are mentioned within these first six verses from the names and attributes of Allah from his powers and his abilities.
So we are on page four page 415
Volume nine
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was heavy on your mind. A lot of Mofi Lana, Alicia if you know well you already know a little helping. Calm was only for a hammer home Lafayette FC Ercoli Lightoller Bader Villa Jimenez sure you too shaytani R rajim Bismillah Hiroshima Newton watching, in the name of Allah, the Most gracious the most merciful sebahagian Allah Hema fee sama. You will welcome well as he's hacking, all that is in the heavens and on earth glorifies Allah for his the almighty most wise, the whole model goes to
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according to Him belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes and causes death and he has power over all things. Level 11111111 Being clinician
Nothing is the first and the last. The manifest the manifest and the hidden and he has knowledge of all things
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one law who the 90 Minute bouncing is He Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then rolls over the throne in a manner that befits His Majesty, he knows all that goes into the earth and all that comes out of it, and all that descends from heaven and all that essence to it, he is with you, wherever you may be. And Allah sees well, all that you do
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to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens in the earth, and is to Allah that all things will return.
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because it's a night and watch upon the day, and the data I wrote upon the night, and he knows when what is and he knows well what is in the heart, people's hearts. He Allah subhanaw taala tells us of His greatness, and majesty and the all encompassing nature of his authority, all that is in the heavens and on earth, of living beings that speak and those that do not speak and in in animate objects, glorify and praise the Lord and declare him to be above all that is not befitting to His Majesty. This is one established as we've mentioned numerous times that Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran, that everything in the heavens and the earth and everything in between them, they
glorify Allah azza wa jal, and they praise him even if you do not understand the glorification of Allah Azza dimensions and Surah Surah 270 Hello, similar to several other woman fee in what you mentioned in law, you said behind the heat, what actually led to a hornet's nest, be home, everything in the heavens, everything in the earth, everything in between them, praises and glorifies Allah. And there is nothing except that it glorifies Allah, although you may understand is glorification, meaning me and you to us. Does it make sense? We can't hear it. We can't understand it, but to Allah azza wa jal, they glorify Him, the sun, the moon, the stars, and there are numerous
Hadith that speak also to that, and they are obedient to the Lord and submit his mind, and the effects of his wisdom are apparent in them. Hence, he says, For he is the mighty, most wise, this highlights the fact that all creatures in both the upper and lower realms need the Lord in all situations, that his might subdues all things, and that all of his creation is subject to his wisdom and all his his commands are based on divine wisdom, then he tells us of the all encompassing nature of his dominion, To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and causes death. That is, he is the creator of all of that, to grant it to Grant who grants provision and
controls it by his mind, and he has power over all things. He was the first before whom there is no there is nothing in the last act whom there is nothing, the manifest above whom there is nothing and the hidden and there is nothing there is nothing more hidden than him. He's Names of Allah subhanaw taala, especially the last two that are mentioned here. What oh, what? Well, that's well known. And these four are mentioned in a hadith the first meaning that there was nothing before Allah subhanaw taala and he is the last till after meaning that there will be nothing after Allah azza wa jal avowal, that he is the one that is manifest meaning that there is no nothing higher than Allah azza
wa jal, nothing above Allah subhanaw taala about him. Here it's it's translated in the linguistic sense of hidden prayer, I think a better translation will be the closest or the nearest, because Allah azza wa jal, the prophet Salim said about in meaning that there is nothing closer than him. So Allah azza wa jal, even though he's above his throne, subhanaw taala above the seven heavens, in his knowledge and in his in his awareness in his hearing and seeing there is nothing closer to the child of Adam than Allah subhanaw taala Allah knows you more intimately than you know, yourself. So Allah azza wa jal, even though he's not physically or proxy, it's not an issue about his physical
proximity, but rather it is about his knowledge and his awareness Subhana wa Tada. So Allah azza wa jal despite him being above the heavens and the earth, despite him being above the throne, ALLAH SubhanA data still has knowledge that makes him intimately close to his creation. But child does running around Can someone take him to his father?
And he has knowledge of all things for his knowledge encompasses all that is apparent and all that is hidden, all that is secret and concealed, and all matters both earlier and later, is He Who created the heavens and the earth.
Six days, the first of which was Sunday and the last of which was Friday, and then he and then rose above, and then rose over the Throne in a manner that befits his majesty above all of creation, He knows all that goes into the earth, of seeds, animals rain, so one and all that comes out of it, of plants, trees, animals and the like. And all that descends from heaven of angels, divine decrees and provision, and all the essence of angels, souls, supplication, deeds and so on, he is with you, wherever you may be. This is like the verse in which Allah says, There is no private conversation among three, but he is there forth, or among five, but he is there six, or among fewer or more than
that, but he is with them, wherever they may be. This being with means that he is with them, by means of his knowledge and his being aware of them. Hence, he issued a warning and a promise of them, have required for these by saying, and Allah sees well, all that you do, there is he sees all the deeds that you do, and the intention and attitude behind these deeds, whether he is righteous or evil, and he will requite you for him, for he has recorded against you. And so the meaning of Allah azza wa jal has reviewed meaning with his knowledge, his hearing his seeing subhanaw taala and not as some of the Muslims misunderstood to say that Allah is everywhere, that Allah is here and then
everywhere he is to the right hand to the left, and that's like not the upgrade of Allah so no Jamar. And worse than that is those people that said that Allah azza wa jal is in everything is everywhere in everything. So even in the bathroom of Rama Kamala, they say Allah is in everything everywhere nothing is, is separate from Allah subhanaw taala. And no doubt that is also a false belief, who Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. That is He has dominion and control over his creation and his slaves, and it disposes of their affairs. However, he was on the basis of his universal and religious decrees, which are based on divine wisdom. And it is to Allah
that all things will return both these, both these and the doers of the deeds. All people will be presented before Him and He will separate the evil from the good, he will reward the doer of good for his good deeds, and he will punish the doer of evil for his evil deeds. He causes nighttime wrote upon the day, the data wrote upon the night that as he calls the night and encroach upon the day, so the night covers people with its darkness, darkness so that they may become still unrest, and you Lidge or enrich upon meaning that it is gradually because from the signs of Allah subhanaw taala. Then when the morning comes, on, the night comes, it doesn't come suddenly. But the sunset
set set slowly, until the night overcomes the day. And in the morning, the sun rises also gradually, until the morning and the day overcomes the night.
Then he causes the data and wrote upon the night so that darkness is dispersed from the land and everything becomes light, so that people may move about and pursue their interests and livelihood. So look at the many signs of Allah subhanaw taala contained in the day and night. How many Bibles are contained in the day, how many rebounders and acts of worship are contained in the night, today is the time for working and a time for earning your risk on your provision. But it's also time for a bad we have the Salawat we have the fasting the days of hedge many of that which is mature what what is done is done during the daytime. But the night even though it is a time for rest for the
believers. And especially for the the highest or the best of the believers. There is also time for Reba, they spent that night a week some of it in prayer in Doha, in recitation of Quran. Allah continues to wrap the night over the day and wrap the day over the night alternating between them making one longer and the other one the other shorter and then vice versa. So that there will be seasons and time will be regulated and many interests will be served there by Presby. Allah, Lord of the worlds and exalted be the most generous, most kind who bestows upon his slaves and many blessings, both visible and hidden. And he knows well what is in the heart wise hearts what is in
people's hearts. So he guides THOSE WHO HE KNOWS are deserving of that he forsakes THOSE WHO HE KNOWS are not fitted to receive it ever to receive guidance.
I mean biller he was only he was
mad You're either stuck laughing if he fell levena
falcoda home agile, cabbie, believe in Allah and His messenger and spend in Allah's calls from that of which he has made you trustees. For those among you who believe and spend who have a great reward.
Well, nice to meet.
You want
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Or for them?
What reason do you have not to believe in Allah when the messenger is calling you to believe in your Lord and when Allah has already taken a covenant from you, if you're if you care to believe,
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A team Benina in Ukraine Jaqen, Amina vumat Elan, were in law having come along for walking is he who says down to Revelation to slave so that he may bring you forth from the depths of darkness into the light. Very little law is to you most compassionate, Most Merciful
to feel goofy Sabine in he went in, he mailed off
to you one lie is that women men forming Fatima port and Allah. Allah Moodle on jantan Mina Nadine
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what law will be mapped out man guna hobbying what reason do you have not to spend in a lost cause went to Allah belongs inheritance of the heavens and the earth, not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the victory and those who did not. They are of higher rank than those who spent afterwards and fought but to each Allah has promised the ultimate good and Allah is well aware of all that you do. Man and letting you
call them one has no thing or bar if and who know who I know who I'm kidding. Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan, so he will multiply it for him. And his will be a generous reward Allah subhanaw taala and joins his slave to believe in Him and in His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what he brought and to spend in his cause, from the wealth which he has enabled them to attend, and has trusted to them in order to see what they will do. Having enjoying that he then encourages and urges them to do it by mentioning the reward that that will result from doing so. Hence, he says, for those among you who believe and spend, that's combining belief in Allah and His
messenger with spending in his cot in His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in with spending in his cause will have a great reward, the greatest and best of which is the good pleasure of the Lord and attaining his paradise and all that it contains of eternal bliss, which Allah has prepared for those who believe and those who strive and jihad. Las Panatela praises these people for not only having Eman in Allah and Eman and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but then Allah azza wa jal couples that with one of the greatest acts of worship, and that is spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And it is one of the most beloved of deeds to Allah azza wa jal because a person has
to give from that which they love most and covet most, because most people, just by their natural desire, they love money, money has and wealth has something which is very precious in the hearts of many people. And so Allah azza wa jal, when you give from that which you love most, and that which you covet and wish to hoard and keep most that is extremely beloved to Allah subhanaw taala. And that is why the companions are an amazing generation, despite the level of poverty for the most part, they were very poor, despite their poverty, and despite how difficult their circumstances were, they would give him the path of Allah azza wa jal when the prophecies and would ask, they
would gather whatever they could, no matter how small or how great, anything that they consider to be extra in their household, they would give in the way of Allah azza wa jal. And that's an amazing level of Eman because for most of us when we give, we give, but we also make sure that we have plenty left for us and our family for today and tomorrow, or next month or next year. That's the way we give, but the Companions would give anything that was extra for that day or for that week, they will just give it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and especially when they had no source of income, no guarantee of where the next paycheck would come from, unlike Hamdulillah, many of us and
so Allah azza wa jal praised them for this and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if one of you was to spend their life, some are holding gold, you wouldn't equal a handful of what one of the companions gave. Because it's not just about the amount but the circumstances that they were in when they spent for the sake of Allah. That Allah mentioned the reason why they should believe, as there is no impediment to doing so. What reason do you have not to believe in Allah when the messenger is calling you to believe in your Lord? And when Allah has already taken a covenant from you, if you care to believe, in other words, why what is it that is preventing you from believing
when the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is the best of the messengers and the noblest of those who call to Allah is calling you. This is something which requires you to listen to respond to his call, and to the truth that he has brought for Allah has taken from your covenant and promised to believe if you are truly believers. Moreover, as part of his kindness and care, Allah has not only sent you messenger who is the noblest of humankind, rather he has also supported him with miracles and in the clear signs that he has brought off a proof of his truthiness and sincerity.
And Allah says, is He Who sends down clear there is unambiguous revelation to slave, which I like to people have read, which highlight to people over
In the veracity of all that he has brought in the signals, there is indeed certain truth, so that he may bring you forth by sending the messengers that by sending the messenger Salallahu Salam to you, by means of what Allah has sent down as hands of the book and wisdom, from the depths of darkness into light, that is from darkness of ignorance and disbelief, that the lack of knowledge and faith is stemmed from Divine mercy and compassion. For Allah is more merciful to slave than a mother to child, very Allah is to most compassionate, Most Merciful that is also established in the Sunnah, that Allah azza wa jal is more merciful to his sleeves than a mother would be to her child. As
mentioned, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of the woman who lost her child, as she was walking around looking for a distressed looking for a child, every time she would see a child, she would take the child and hug him thinking that it's a child, and then she would realize it's not a child. And she would keep doing that until finally she found a child and she became extremely happy. The Prophet says on Allahu Allah, he was selling them to the Companions Do you think that his mother could ever take that child and throw him into the fire is enormous and trouble Allah never that type of love, that she has that type of longing and care, never. So the prophets of
Allah while he was telling him Allah is more merciful to his slaves, and that mother is to her child. And that's why the salad for us to say that if Allah gave us the choice on the Day of Judgment, between him being our judge and our mothers judging us, we will choose Allah over our mothers, because Allah is more merciful than our mothers and our fathers. Because our mothers and fathers despite their love and care for us, they're human, they have human emotions, they have human weakness they have all of those things that are problems that humans have. Allah azza wa jal is above all of that the Creator subhanaw taala. We had a choice between Allah and our parents, we will
choose Allah because Allah has mercy is greater. Look at the Hadith of the prophets of Allah where it was sent him that Allah divided his mercy subhanaw taala into 100 pots, one party sent down to the earth. And it is with that one Potter all of creation, from the time of Adam, until the end of time shows mercy to one another, and 99 He kept with himself and in some wordings, on the Day of Judgment, the one on the earth will go when he will meet at the 99 becoming 100. Again, that Allah will give to the believers, may Allah grant us His mercy.
What reason do you have not to file? What reason do you have not to spend in Allah's Cause, when to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? That is what's preventing you from spending in Allah's Cause, which refers to always of doing so of doing good, and what is making you so Miss? Miserly when in fact, you do not own anything, rather to Allah belong to the inheritance of the heavens and the earth. And all wealth will pass from your hands, or you will die and leave it behind and ultimate, and ultimately, the meaning will return to its True Owner. May he be blessed and exalted. So make the most of the opportunity to spend so long as wealth is in your hands. Then
Allah subhanaw taala states that deeds vary in virtue, according to circumstances and divine wisdom, not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the victory and those who did not. They are of higher rank than those who spent afterwards and fought was meant by the victory here as a victory over the holiday via when a peace deal was concluded between the messenger SallAllahu sallam, and Quraysh which was one of the greatest victories by means of which Islam was spread. And the Muslims were able to mix with the disbelievers and call them to stand without any objection. At that time that people entered the religion of Allah in crowds, and Islam can gain a great deal of
momentum. This part of the verse gives us a very important principle in Islam, Allah azza wa jal says they're not equal. Those who fought and spent in the way of Allah azza wa jal before the conquest before the fat, and then those who did so afterwards they're not equal, even though the ones who came afterwards also given charity They also spent in the way of Allah they also fought for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, but they're not equal, because those who came before their circumstances were difficult. They were under hardship. They were under oppression and and transgression and is still spent for the way of Allah subhanaw taala and is still fought, and those
who came later know things were easier for them. The position of a number of the scholars of their sphere, as the author mentions here that the conquest that is being referred to here is the Treaty of Saudi Arabia. As we mentioned in surah, Al Fattah in Adana, Lika Fattah Medina we've given to you a manifest victory Allah says that victory being the treat of who they be. And this was a position of remember poverty, Rahim Allah and others and other scholars said notice the conquest of Mecca. But the meaning is always the same. Because once the treaty for the BIA was signed, things became easy for people meaning for the Muslims of Israel easier than they were before the conquest of Mecca
or the Treaty of Abia. And so therefore, a large region makes this principle that it's not only about the amount that you give, it's also about the circumstances in which you give, so Allah azza wa jal loves the person who doesn't have as much as someone else but he gives because it's harder for them to give, as opposed to the other one like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One dinar overcame 1000 dinars. They said how a messenger of Allah, He said because the one will get
Have 1000 As millions for him 1000 is nothing but the one who gave one only had two. So he gave half of his wealth. So Allah azza wa jal looks at the circumstance he looks at the intention, he looks at the person situation, and then Allah azza wa jal rewards accordingly. Before this victory, the Muslims were not able to call people to Islam except in places where people had already become Muslim, such as Medina and it's an envy runs and violence. Those who become those who became Muslims among the people of Mecca, and other lands where the policies prevailed prevailed, were persecuted and lived in a state of fear. Hence, those who became Muslim before that victory, and spent and
fought in Allah's Cause, are of higher status and attain a greater reward than those who did not become Muslim, and fight or spend until after that, as is this as is as dictated by wisdom. Therefore, the majority of the four of the foremost and most prominent of the Sahaba became Muslim before the victory, that victory was just one on the very famous companions and the one on ones majority of them. They accepted this time before the conquest of or the Treaty of Libya, because stating that one is more virtuous than the other may give an impression of criticism or undermining the one that is regarded as less virtuous. In order to avoid such misconception Allah says, but to
each Allah has promised ultimate good that is to those who became Muslim and fought and spent before and after the victory to all of them. Allah has promised paradise this indicative of the virtue of all the others, however, long as Allah has testified to their faith, and promised him Paradise, and this is Dr. Peter Anderson, and that all of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, irrespective of how long they spent with him and how much time they spent with him and how much they study with him, all of them are people of virtue, and all of them are people of, of honor, and Allah azza wa jal has blessed them all. And Allah azza wa jal speaks about all of them in the
Quran, and he says, are the Allahu Anhu Mara Diwan Allah is pleased with them, they are pleased with him, anyone that is a companion, irrespective of the time period when they accepted Islam, how long they spent with the person, all of them have that status, and the virtue but no doubt amongst the companions that are those that are more senior, those that have added virtues that doesn't degrade or belittle the others? No, it just means that these companions have added virtue, like Larissa just says in the Quran, don't give some prophets preference over others. But then we know in the Sunnah, that there are certain prophets that have more virtue, more status than others. So the meaning is
meaning don't degrade those other prophets. Don't belittle them. But those other compare all the prophets and messengers, Allah azza wa jal also gave to them further virtues, then Allah urges them to spend in his cause, because Jihad depends on such funding and the spending of wealth on equipment and preparation of fighters. And Allah says, Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan, this refers to spending with good intention sincerely for the sake of Allah, in accordance with with that which is pleasing to Allah from permissible and wholesome wealth. Giving it willingly is by his generosity that Allah subhanaw taala describes it as a loan for in fact, what belongs to him, and
the person who gives it is his slave and he multiple multiplies the reward for it many times, for He is the Most Generous the Restore, this multiplication of the reward will come on the Day of Resurrection, the day when the extreme the extreme need of all people will become obvious and everyone will need even the smallest amount of reward as Angela says, and that is a good deal on when you spend for the way of Allah azza wa jal there is a good deal on it is a good deal on because in the dunya if you give money as a loan, you can only receive back what you gave otherwise is considered to be riba you borrow someone 100 pounds, you can only take back 100 pounds if you take
anything extra that is Riba. However, an Allah azza wa jal case when you give for the sake of Allah, Allah will give you far more. But Allah Azza doesn't give you in wealth, obviously he blesses your wealth but Allah gives you in the reward of that wealth that you spent for his sake.
And Allah says, What meaning
you own metadata meaning I mean it Yes.
Add him Yes.
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remember the day when you will see the believing men and believing women with light streaming ahead of them
and on their right it will be set to them glad tidings for you this day. Gardens through which rivers flow to a by their own forever. That is the supreme triumph
the Omega gooloo moon if you're gonna want to the moon I feel 2019
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Allahu Jiang
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on that day the hypocrite men and the hypocrite and women will say to the believers wait for us, so that we may have some of your life it will be said go back and seek life elsewhere. Then a wall will be set up between them which will have a gate on the inside of which there will be mercy and on the outside there will be punishment.
You're not doing that whom
all rubella can fatten full circle. Bastogne what?
Manny? You're
apt to call out to the believers. Were we not with you? They will say yes, but you gave into confusion and temptation. You kept waiting for some misfortune to befall us, you doubted and you were deceived by false hopes until the decree of Allah came to pass the shaytaan the deceiver deceived you concerning Hola.
Como Vidya to? mean, nothing. Catherine Mattawa kumin
he mmm guna Kumar, Beatson, me. So this day, no ransom will be accepted from you, oh, hypocrites, or from you who disbelieved or from those who disbelieved? Your abode will be held, that is where you belong a hapless Journey's End.
Here Allah says, highlighting the virtue of faith, and are happy the believers will be with their faith on the Day of Resurrection. Remember the day when you will see the believing men and believing women with their light streaming ahead of them. And on their right. That is the day on the Day of Resurrection, when the sun is rolled up, and the moon is Eclipse. And the people find themselves in darkness, and the setup is set up over over *. At that time, you will see the believing men and believing women with their right with their light streaming ahead of them. And on the right, they will walk by virtue of their faith and light in that difficult and frightening situation, each
according to the level of his faith. And at that time, they will receive their greatest glad tidings, as it will be said to them. And this is established in the Hadith of the prophets of Allah. While he was tenement. He spoke about the spirit, the bridge that allows you to place over hellfire, that every person was passed over meaning from the believers from the those who call themselves the believers because the hypocrites will be included in that. So you have the believers, and you have those who took on the name of believers such as the hypocrites. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described that bridge as being thinner than a strand of hair and sharper than the tip of a
sword. And they will have claws, that those people that Allah decrees will go into the fire, the claws will take them and it will cast them down into the fire. The prophets of Allah Allah, Allah will send them on that day that people will traverse that bridge. According to the level of their Eman. Allah will give them light light that is equal to the level of humanity you had in the dunya. So the people will go over that bridge according to that in speed. Some of them will be like a lightning bolt mean that's how quick they'll go over it. And others like the blink of an eye, and others like a fast wind, and others like a fast ride on a horse, and others will run on some will
walk and some will crawl. And others will take one step and the light will extinguish and they won't know how to come back on and then they will blink on and they will take another step and distinguish and this is how they will make their way to Jana. And so for those people that don't have the light of Allah azza wa jal in that day through the Eman they will have nowhere to go as Allah azza wa jal mentioned about the hypocrites because on that day, they won't be given like because didn't have true faith. And so Allah subhanaw taala will remove them from that. So to have Eman and righteous deeds and to come closer to Allah azza wa jal, it is one of the greatest means and ways of
increasing the light on the Day of Judgment Plotinus v this day,
gardens through which rivers flow to buy them forever. That is the supreme triumph. Why are they given Glad Tidings because at the end of the bridge is Jana,
with the Contura as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Contra is an area between the bridge and Jana, and it's the place where the believers amongst themselves will settle their schools and their disputes. So these are all of the people of gender. All that remains to be determined in the mantra is their level in gender. But if the believers have disputes amongst themselves, that's where it will be settled until the levels of
then that will be determined and then they will be entered into it. And that's what that says, Those who pass over this bridge with that light. For them, they will have Glad Tidings because all of them are people out Jana, by Allah how sweet and delightful these grand finals will be. When they attain everything they longed for and are saved from everything they feared, when the hypocrites see the light of the believers by which they walk, when their own light has been extinguished, and they are left confused in the darkness, they will say to believers, wait for us so that we may have some of your light that is slow down so that we may catch up with you and get some of your light light by
which we may walk and be saved from the punishment and look at the imagery that Allah has the dimensions here. Imagine being in perpetual darkness, in a place that you've never been before. You don't know what's in front of you, you don't know what's behind you. There's not even a glimmer of light, no moonlight, no starlight, nothing, nothing that shows you anything. And you know that there's danger in front of you, you know that it's the how fire. And so they're going to be left with that perpetual darkness, they can't take a footstep because one step wrong and they fall into the fire. And that is how Allah Azza wa humiliate those people who didn't have Eman in the dunya.
But it will be said to them, go back and seek light elsewhere. That is if doing if doing so is possible, but in fact that that that will not be possible, rather it will be quite impossible, then it will be set up between them. That is between the believers and the hypocrites. It will be a strong and unreachable barrier, which will have a gate on the inside of which there will be mercy. That will be the side where the believers will be. And on the outside that will be punishment that will be the side where the hypocritical be and so allows you to place a wall between them on one side will be the believers that side is mercy because the believers are going to go towards Jannah.
And on this side will be punishment for the hypocrites because they will go into the fire. The hypocrites will call out to the believers besieging them and asking them for mercy. Were we not with you?
In the previous world, saying La ilaha illa Allah there was no God but Allah, praying, fasting, striving and Jihad and doing what you did. Because the hypocrites of the time of the prophets of Allah who are listening, especially used to perform any of the open deeds, they'd come to the masjid. They pray that in reality, hypocrites of our time, and they don't need to do anything. Now in that time, if you wanted to show that you're Muslim, you have to do some of this stuff. So they were there with the Muslims and they would go with them. And sometimes they would even go out for jihad, as we mentioned, with the believers, so they're going to say, well, we're not with you in the
will say yes, you are indeed with us in the previous world, appearing outwardly to do same as we did. But your these were the deeds of hypocrites devoid of faith and sound, sincere intention, rather, you gave into confusion and temptation. You kept waiting for some misfortune to before us, you doubted that as you doubted what Allah foretold, which was not subject to doubt, and you were deceived by false hopes, hopes, when you hope to attain the same as the believers, although you are not certain in your faith, until the decree of Allah came to pass. That is until death came to you. When you were still in that blameworthy state, the shaytaan the deceiver deceived you concerning
Allah, for it was the Satan who made disbelief and doubt fair seeming to you, and you are content with that doubt. You trusted his promise and believes what he said. So this day, no ransom will be accepted from you or hypocrites, or from the disbelievers, even if you offered in ransom, an earthquake of gold. And as much again, it will not be accepted from you, as mentioned in the Hadith that Allah azza wa jal will say to the disbelief on the Day of Judgment, if you had the earth and everything he contains a wealth, would you use it to ransom yourself on the state? And they will say yes, so Allah would give it all away. And Allah azza wa jal repipe, who I asked you for something
far less than that. I asked only that you worship Me alone. Allah didn't ask you for your money. Allah didn't ask you for your wealth. Allah didn't say to gather the world, and all of his treasures in order to give it to me. Allah said, Worship Me alone, that's all. And so you refused. So now that ransom is of no value, your abode will be held, that is where you belong, and it will take care of you and welcome you. A hapless journey's end in the fire Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, and as for him, whose good deeds we lightly in the balance, his abode will be the abyss and how could you know what it is? Is is a fire blazing hot?
Nearly loving
Daksha boo boo me the key
NASA lamina
man has helped me while I Akun Ken Levine at Google keytab, Amin, cabello, Fatah, Allah and Emma
Coburn, Fatah and
I met with her concept womb. What Kathy you mean? Simple, has the time not come for the hearts of those who believe to be humbled at the mention of Allah, and of what has been revealed of the truth, and they should not be like those who are given the book before, whose hearts grew hard with the passage of time, and many of them are evildoers.
Yeah. And you're back at her, got a banyan
towel cleaning, know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death. We have made the science clear to you so that you may understand. Have you mentioned the situation of the believing men and women and the hypocrite men and women and women in the Hereafter, which should prompt hearts to humble themselves before the Lord and submit his greatness. Allah Now gently charged the believers to not doing that, and says, has the time not come for the hearts of those who disbelieve those who believe to be humbled at the mention of Allah, and of what has been revealed of the truth. That is, has the time not come when the heart should soft, should soften and be humbled at mentioned of Allah
and then reminder, which is the Quran and submit to His commands and prohibitions and what has been revealed of the truth, which has been brought by Muhammad salallahu Salam, this urging the believers to strive hard to make their hearts humble before Allah, and to accept what he has sent down of the book and wisdom and to pay heed to divine exaltation and Islamic rulings at all times, and constantly check themselves on the basis of those teachings. Allah azza wa jal to this verse, he says, It's not the time come for the hearts of the believers to be humbled at the mention of Allah Allah has been revealed in the Quran. And what that means is that they listen attentively to it,
that they don't raise their voices above it, that they listen and they study and they benefit and they become humbled by the words of Allah subhanaw taala. And then the Hadith have been Mr. O'Donnell the Allahu Akbar hottie. He said, between our Islam because even miserables from the earliest of the Muslims from the very first batch of Muslims to accept Islam, he said between our Islam, and between the revelation of this verse, that will for years, and that's why we said at the beginning of today's lesson that some of the scholars consider this surah to be murky, because of narrations like this. Even myths are the same. There's only four years between now Islam and between
the revelation of this verse, which would clearly make it a murky surah. However, obviously, as we've said before, a surah can be Madani with some of its verses having been revealed in Makkah, so there's not necessarily a contradiction between the two. But the point here being is that in some regions of the unoriginal misogyny is to say that the Quran we used to fidget when it was being read, and we wouldn't concentrate and we wouldn't be humbled by it. Like we have sometimes in the midst of the people running around in the Quran is being read and recited and studied. It's not from good Atticus law from good manners that you raise your voice. And people are reading the book of
Allah, and it's mentioning Allah's Name and studying the religion of Allah azza wa jal, you should be humbled, at the very least, if you don't sit, you remain quiet, you leave you go elsewhere to do have your conversations and so on. That is from the etiquettes of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And not only that, but more importantly in terms of his teachings and what it's calling to. And that's why it's reported that this verse man people is to hurt us to make them cry, and make make them humble. Even those who before this time or before that time when a Saudi practicing like the famous emammal We stumbled for legal ignore yada Rahim Allah Tada. And for the healing is early life
was a highway robber, bandit used to rob people as they used to travel. And he was so famous or infamous during his time that the people used to say when these to come to his land, don't travel by night because he lives here. One day he said that he wanted to go and rob someone's house. And as he was about to climb over the wall, he had the person inside praying at night, worshiping Allah azza wa jal reading requirements reciting this verse has not cause not the time come for those who believe that their hearts should be humbled before the Lord. And so you said yes by Allah, and he went to the MC Toba and he also became an amazing imam of Islam became from the Imams of his
generation spent his life dedicated to the study of Allah or the book of Allah and the Sunnah of his prophets on Allahu Allah, He will send them. So this is from the most important advocates that the Muslim should have with the book of Allah azza wa jal, and they should not be like those who are given the book before whose hearts grew hard with the passage of time. That is, they should not be like those to whom Allah sent down scripture that should have caused them to suffer, suffering the heart, as it may feel, fully to Allah's Will, but they did not persist in following it, and were not steadfast in adhering to it. Rather with the passage of time, they became heedless, so the faith
diminished, and the certainty faded. Why, why did it diminish with the passage of time, because they use the scriptures and treated them like every other book, when you don't have that level of respect and honor for the book of Allah subhanaw taala you treat like any other book that you would read, then it diminishes its status diminishes in your eyes and in the way that you read it in the way that you hold it and the way that you interact with it. And when our children see that from their parents, they want to follow that same thing that same way, as unfortunately has become somewhat common in our time, but to respect the book of Allah to honor it, to glorify to show its importance
and its status, that is part of the respect that we offer or that we have towards the book of Allah subhanaw taala
So when the Quran becomes like every other book just becomes something that you read and discard, or something that you ignore or something you only take on special occasions, then people no longer have the requisite manners and etiquettes that are needed in order to benefit from the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And that is, by the way, why the scholars of Islam always, when it comes to the Quran and seeking knowledge they always began with etickets because those tickets are the keys to opening that knowledge Allah doesn't give his knowledge to anyone and everyone, you don't have a right to the knowledge of Allah, Allah bestows is the gift. And if you don't have the etiquettes of
knowledge, Allah won't give you that gift. So the scholars would spend a great deal of time Imam Malik's mother when he was a boy, she said to him before he went to his first teacher, go to your teacher, learn from his manners before you learn from his knowledge. Take those manners, learn how to respect knowledge, Allah will give you that knowledge. But we don't have that respect. You don't have the honor. Allah doesn't need to honor you with that which you, yourself have no honor towards his high school hard with the passage of time, and many of them were evildoers. For the heart needs to be reminded at all times of that which Allah has sent down.
And it needs to be refreshed with words of wisdom is not appropriate to be careless about this matter. For that is the cause of hard heartedness and failing to weep with fear of Allah. Know that Allah gives life to the earth after his death, we have made the science clear to you so that you may understand the science inspiring minds to attain a knowledge of the divine attributes for the one who gives life to the earth after his death is able to bring the dead back to life after their death, and then he will requite them for that he's the one who gives life to the earth after his death by means of wearing water is able to give life to dead hearts, by means of what he has sent
down of truth is messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, this verse indicates they're the one who is not guided by the sight of Allah and does not submit to the laws of Allah has no power of reasoning.
In most what dating what they call it, what are called law have called them London has no life without whom agilan getting fairly men and women who give in charity and mental log alone will be multiplied for them, and theirs will be a generous reward. Well levena will be learning also Lee he
can see Deikun was Shuhada warning being him agile One, one levena CAFO can be Tina.
Inca has happened jacking. Those who believe in Allah and His messengers is they who are the strong entering faith, and the martyrs will have their award and they're like well with their Lord. That's for those who disbelieve and deny or revelations they will be inhabitants inhabitants of the blazing Fire. Very men and women who give in charity, the structure of the word of the words translate here as men and women who give in charity reverse or those who give a great deal of charity. As of the shirt does the report on the words in NL Mossad, the Athena will most of the cut the shutters on the sod and the data indicate that these are people who do it frequently, that are just people or
charity but people have frequent charity, as prescribed in Islamic teaching and who spend in ways that earn the pleasure of Allah and lend to Allah goodly known by giving of their wealth to share to charitable causes, the reward of which will be stored up for them with their Lord, it will be multiplied for them because a good deed because a good deed earns a tenfold award up to 700 fold up to many times more, and there will be a generous reward which is what Allah has prepared for them in paradise of that which no one knows those who believe in Allah and His messengers. According to al Sunnah faith is that which is indicated by the Quran and Sunnah, namely, belief in the heart that is
expressed verbally and sound attributes, sound attitudes in the heart, good words and righteous physical actions. That includes all the teachings of Islam, both outward and inward. Those who combine all these things are the strong and true in faith. In other words, their status is higher than that of the ordinary believers and lower than that of the prophets because Allah zoom calls them or see the goon in this verse, those who have that level of Eman and action they will see the cone and we know that the cone or the level lower or below the prophets, and that's what our book or the hola Juan was asked to do, or the hola Juan
as a moderator will have their award and their light with their Lord, as mentioned in the sahih Hadith. In paradise, there are 100 levels, that this is between each to level two levels is like the distance between heaven and earth. Allah has prepared them for those who strive in his course. This implies that they will be of a very high and sublime status and and very close to Allah subhanaw taala as
For those who disbelieve and deny revelations, there will be inheritance of the blazing Fire. These verses mentioned all categories of people, those who give in charity, the strong and true and faith, the martyrs and the inhabitants of the blazing Fire. Those who give in charity are the ones whose main focus is rochestie. His main focus in righteousness is to show kindness to people and try to benefit them and help them to the best of their ability, especially by helping them financially for the sake of Allah. The strong entry and faith are those who have reached the highest levels of faith, righteous deeds, beneficial knowledge and certainty of faith. The martyr those who fought in
Allah's Cause to make Allah's word supreme, offering their lives and their wealth, and what killed the inhabitants of the blazing fire or the disbelievers who rejected the revelation, the revelation of Allah, there remains one more category which Allah mentioned in Surah, Surah Al Fatah, they are the ones who Allah who followed a middle course who did obligatory duties and refrain from private matters, but they fell short with regard to some duties towards Allah and towards other people. Their ultimate boat will be paradise even though they may face punishment for some of their deeds.
Yeah Lambo and Manhyia to dunya Allah I
was in to whatever whom Benina Kumar taka
M one what taka one m one E one
comma 30 voice in our gerbil cofell on our back to hear you fatter almost for
me I hear you fat almost
Well, I feel
shady to feel like you know he worried
woman hire to dunya Mata will know that the life of this world is nothing but play in a distraction, adornment and boasting among yourselves and rivalry rivalry in wealth and children. It's like the it's like plants that flourish after rain, pleasing the sewers. Then they wither and you see them turn yellow, then they crumble and in the hereafter there will be a severe punishment or punishment or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure for the life of this world is nothing but a fleeting vanity, savvier goo Isla Melville writing mural pico margin nothing now,
one, right, that little lettering
Rosalie Valley caffeic Lu la he de mon Yasha
Walla who will probably lovey race towards forgive what race towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise which is as wide as the heavens and earth prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. That is the grace of Allah, which He bestows upon whomever he was, for Allah is a possessor of abundant grease. He Allah tells us about the real nature of this world, and how it actually is highlighting the all that may be said of it. And all that its people can get from it is that it is play and destruction for hearts and bodies. This is confirmed by what you find in real life of people who focus only on worldly matters. You'll find them spending their lifetimes in
distraction, heedless of the remembrance of Allah, and of what lies ahead of them ahead of divine promises and warnings. And you see them taking their religion as a mere game and mockery and contrast those who are aware and strive for the hereafter have hearts that constantly remember ALLAH, know Him and love Him. They feel their time with the righteous deeds that will bring them closer to Allah and may benefit them or may benefit them and others adornment. This refers to adornment and clothing, food and drinks and drink means of transport houses and plant palaces, status and other things. And boasting among yourselves, that is each one of its people wants to
boast to others, and be the one who prevails in worldly matters. And the one who is famous in terms of worldly splendor and rivalry, rivalry in wealth and children. That is each one wants to be, though is what each one wants to be the one who has more than others in terms of wealth and children. This is the case with those who love this world and are content with it. This in contrast and contrast to those who know how this world really is and regard it as a place to pass through, not a place to settle. Therefore they complete they compete in that which will bring them closer to Allah and take measures to help them reach that reach him. And if they see those who compete with
them in accumulating wealth and children, they compete with them in righteous deeds. Then Allah compares this world to the rain that falls on the ground by means of which all kinds of plants are brought forth from the earth, from which both people and animals eat. Then when the land
is at its loveliest and takes it on its face.
There is ferrous appearance, and it's pleasing to the source whose main focus is well again, that comes to it the decree of Allah that it should be destroyed. So it withers and dries up, and the land returns to its former state, as if nothing green had ever gone there. And it had never looked elegant and beautiful, such as this world, whilst it is flourishing for the one who focuses on it. And whatever he wants a worldly gains he attains. And whatever he seeks to achieve of worldly matters, he finds the doors to it wide open, suddenly, the Divine Decree comes to pass, and it's all taken away from him, he loses control over worldly matters are he has taken from this world in
depth. So he departs from it empty handed, having taken nothing from it in terms of provision except his trap his shroud, how doomed is the one for whom this world is the sum of his aspirations, and is all he works and strives for, as for striving for the hereafter, that is what is of benefit and is stored up for a person and will stay with Him forever. Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, and in the Hereafter, there will be a severe punishment or forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. That is, in the Hereafter, there can only be one of two scenarios, either severe punishment they are in the fire of *, which with its chains, fetters, and horrors for those whose only aim and
aspiration was world again. So they had the audacity to disobey Allah reject His revelations and showing gratitude for his blessings or forgiveness from Allah for bad deeds, protection from punishment and the good pleasures and the good pleasure of Allah. This is for those who recognize this world for what it was and strove hard for the hereafter. All of this should prompt people to lose interest in this world and focus on the hereafter and to Allah says, For the life of this world is nothing but a fleeting Vanity, vanity, that is, is nothing but something to be to be enjoyed briefly, and benefited from, to meet one's needs. No one is deceived by it, and, and content with
it, except people have weak reasoning, who are deceived by the shaytaan loss rather after mentioning the relative the dunya that is only a place of gathering wealth and children of boasting of enjoying the dome, adornments and trappings of the dunya. And its reality is that it will be like that field that is ripe and green one day, and then it crumbles and turns into dust the next minute, the reality of the dunya is the order of this beauty will leave you will vanish on end, when Allah Azza decrees that the day of judgment will come. And then Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the next verse, so therefore, what should the believers do, they should compete for the akhira they should
race towards the akhira that should be the focus, because they know that that is the life that is everlasting. And that is what makes the companions of the Allah who are going to remain amazing, because they never competed with one another for the dunya. There were companions who are wealthier than others companions, who had more than others, but you don't find amongst the companions in this demons, that they were jealous that they will know. While they will you find them always being jealous or envious of is the good deeds of others and wanting to do more. The poor companions came in they said, O Messenger of Allah brothers pray, like we pray, they festers, we fast but they have
money to give sadaqa with, and we don't, that's what they worried about. They could give more and do more good deeds in that way, as opposed to them having more of the dunya than we. And so the Prophet said to them, say subhanallah 33 times 130 times Allah Akbar, and he gave him that hadith. They came back they said, O Messenger of Allah, they heard the same Hadith they're doing the same thing. So they're still giving more sadaqa another week or two. He said that the Godfather Hola, yo T Mia Shah. That's Allah's honor, he gives it to him, so he wills. So this is what they would compete and the Companions competed for the Acuras Allah azza wa jal mentions now in this verse that we will
mention, then Allah and joins people to race towards his forgiveness, good pressure and Paradise which is done by striving to take the measures that lead to forgiveness, such as sincere repentance, asking Allah for forgiveness, keeping away from sins and the places where they may happen, and competing to earn the good pleasure of Allah by doing righteous deeds and being constantly eager to do that, which pleases Allah, such as worshiping the Creator, creator properly and treating people kindly and always. Hence, Allah mentioned the deeds that earn His pleasure and he says, in Paradise which is as wide as heavens and earth prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers,
believe in Allah and His messengers includes the fundamentals and minor issues of faith. That is the grace of Allah, which He bestows upon whomever he was, that is,
we have explained to you and mentioned and mentioned includes the ways that lead to Paradise and the ways that little Allah's grace by bestowing abundant reward is one of the greatest blessings that He bestows upon his slaves for our lives a possessor of, of abundant grace, who cannot be praised enough for it. Rather, he is as he as he is, as he has praised himself, and far above the praise that his slaves can offer. Meaning that if you want a large budget says that Jana is as wide as the heavens and earth, meaning if you want the dunya and you want everything that it contains, ask for Jana, because the Prophet told us that Allah Allah will sell him that
Last person to enter into Jana will be given the likes of this world and double its amount in one narration and the other narration 10 times it's like, so if you want to dunya this is what you want and everything, but you want it in a way that's everlasting. That's beneficial that you can keep enjoying, then seek the Jana seek the agenda and that's the least obvious rewards that you get 10 times it's like later on those who are of a higher level in it.
Now saw them in mostly birding, fill out the Wi Fi, forsaken in laffy keytab in Cobble Hill fi kita
cobbly and
in the Leka law, he has he No calamity befalls the earth or your own selves, but it is already written in a book before we make it happen. Rarely that is easy from Allah. Li kala. So Allah Docomo, def Rahu Bhima comb, wala hula yo beaucoup la, attorney for who know this, so that you do not grieve for what passes you by more exalt over what he gives you. For a lot does not love anyone who is conceited and boastful
and levena I have a whole lunar moon and NASA beautiful woman
in law who will only young Hamid, those who are stingy and exhort people to stinginess, and whoever turns away very Allah is self sufficient, worthy of our praise. Here Allah speaks of all of the all encompassing nature of his will and decree. No calamity befalls the earth,
or your own selves. This includes everything that happens to good people, good or bad, great or small, is already in Allahumma fold, a Latos a slaves that's that so that this principle may be established in their minds. And so that and so on that basis, they may understand whatever happens to them, good or bad. Thus, they will not despair or grieve for what has happened.
For what has passed them by of things that they were hoping for and aspire to, because they know that this was written in a lower level, and would inevitably come to pass. So there was no way to ward it off. Meaning that they don't have grief over that which strikes them from that which Allah decreed, because Allah decreed it for wisdom, so they plead with Allah's wisdom, nor do they become sad as to that which passed them by meaning they wanted something but Allah decree that it wasn't good for them. So they didn't get it. In both cases, they are pleased with the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. And they don't open up the door to Shavon by saying if only I had done so maybe if
maybe that as the prophets of salaam said, in low indeed this word low meaning if only if only opens up the door to shaytan. That's actually thought comes up on people. And he takes away that token Allah. By the same token, they will not exalt over whatever Allah gives them, because they know that they did not attain it by their own power and strength, rather than attended by the grace and blessing of Allah. So they should focus on giving thanks to the one who is so blessings and worthy of form meaning that which Allah gives them of rewards of blessings, doesn't make them arrogant, doesn't make them haughty, doesn't make them proud, because they know that it is by Allah's
permission that they receive them. And Allah says Allah does not love anyone who is conceded and boastful. That is everyone who is arrogant, rough, harsh, filled with self admiration and boasts about the blessings granted to him by Allah, attributing them to Himself. Thus these blessings distract him and cause him to transgress. As Allah says, elsewhere, when we when we bestow a favorite upon him from us, he says, this has been given, because this has given being given to me only because of knowledge that I possess, rather, is a test those who are stingy and exhort people to stinginess, that is, they combined to blame or the attributes of each of which, on its own
insufficient evil stinginess, which means withholding people's due rights and exhorting people to do likewise. So it was not enough for them to be stingy themselves. Rather, they went further and exhorting people to do likewise urging them to adopt this blameworthy attitude, attitude in their words and actions that stemmed from their turning away from obedience to the Lord. I look at this verse compared to the verse at the beginning of the surah when Allah said, Those who believe in Allah and His messengers, what do they do? The spend in the way of Allah it promotes them and prompts them encourage them to spend here Allah Israel says those who turn away from ALLAH SubhanA
data the hottie they conceited? What do they do? Not only are they stingy, but they tell others to be stingy, don't spend if you spend, where's your money gonna go? How are you going to survive? Well, how you going to pay for your family and kids? Not only are they stingy, but they tell others to be stingy also, and whoever turns away from obedience to Allah harms no one but himself. He will never harm
I'm allowing the slightest, Verily Allah self sufficient, worthy of our praise. His self sufficiency is one of his essential attitudes,
essential attributes, and to Him belongs his dominion of the heavens and the earth is he who enriches his slaves and restores wealth upon them, and He is worthy of our praise. To whom to whom belong all good names, perfect attributes and beautiful actions for which he deserved to be praised, lauded and venerated.
According aanenson Solana been by Hina Teva
hormonal keytab means and any woman who will play sport what is another hottie the fee but some shady you don't want to interfere within as equally among
wali Allah Allah who many who are also level will be loyal believe in Allah haka, we unite the ease.
We send our Messengers with clear signs and sat down with them the Book and the criteria of justice, so that people may uphold equity and we have sent down iron in which there is great power for warfare and benefits for humanity. So that Allah may make known those who help his cause and his messengers, although they cannot see him fairly Allah is strong Almighty
what I call the eldest son Ibrahim
Wi Fi do really yet Iman boo boo water well kita Furman
did what Kathy you mean first yakun We sent down no enable him and conferred upon their descendants Prophet and the scriptures. Some of them are rightly guided but many of them are evildoers.
Of faina Allah 30. Euro So Nina Fein being 70 meldonium or cofina Viani seven Imani Mo,
de la wa Nafi Lu. Y Jan fear Kulu Bill levena. Deborah who
Benny a teeny bit
nah. Monica Devon.
In liberty, oh,
if I'm out I will have plenty I am at the attina levena am and mean agile room. What Kathy you I'm in first, who then after them, we followed them with other messengers of ours, and we sent them and we sent after them. He said, I've been married Miriam, we gave him the gospel, and instilled kindness and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. As for the mono to mono citizen citizen, we did not, we did not prescribe it for them. They invented it, seeking thereby the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it faithfully. So we granted those among them who just they will grant a grant. So we granted those among them who believed their award, but many of them are
We send our Messengers with clear signs, namely the evidence and proof that pointed to the to the truthfulness and soundness of what they brought, and sat down with them the book, namely, all the scriptures that Allah sent down in order to guide people and show them the way to that which will benefit them in their spiritual and worldly affairs. And the criteria of justice or equity in word and deed. The religion that has that was brought by the messengers is completely just an equitable, equitable, and it's commands and prohibitions, and its rulings and interactions among people in its criminal code and retaliate, retaliatory and prescribe punishments, in matters of inheritance and so
on, is so that people may uphold equity, as part of the religion of Allah, which also served many of their own interests, which are too many to be counted. This indicates that the messengers were in harmony with regard to the foundation of religious laws, which is the upholding of equity, even though concepts of justice may have varied according to time and circumstance, And We have sent down iron in which there is great power for warfare, namely, tools of war, such as weapons, armor, and so on, and benefits for humanity which is way seen of its benefits in all kinds of industry, crafts, vessels and form implements, to the extent that there are very few things that do not need iron, so
that Allah may make known those who help his cause and his messengers, although they cannot see him that is, so that he may be so that he may test people by means of what he has sent.
down, have the book and iron
so that it might become clearer who will help his cause and help his messengers, when they cannot see Him, which is when faith is of benefit, which is when faith is of benefit, before seeing the unseen worlds, at which time there will be no benefit in believing in them. Because at that point, Faith will have become inevitable and undeniable. Allah azza wa jal in his first he mentioned both types of Blessings, Blessings of revelation and blessings of creation, the blessings of revelation in the book that we sent down that contain guidance for the man mercy, and showed them the path to Allah subhanaw taala. But Allah azza wa jal also gave to us many of the blessings of the dunya that
would make living upon the world easier for us to chance iron, and the way that we can manipulate it and change it and use it in many different things that we benefit from, in our time, barely Allah is strong Almighty, that is, nothing is beyond him, and no one can no one can escape him by his strength and might he sent down iron from which strong tools are made, and by his strength and might, he's able to defeat his enemies, but he tests his close friends with his enemies, so as to make known who will help his cause although they could not see him. Here Allah mentions the book and iron together, because by means of these two things, a law causes his religion to prevail and makes
his word supreme by means of the book in which is proof and evidence and by means of the sword which defends and supports it by Allah's Leave. Both of them are based on justice, and equity, which is indicative of the wisdom and perfection of the Creator, and the perfect nature of the laws which he has prescribed on the lips of these messengers. Have you mentioned the Prophet of the prophets in general, Alana mentioned two of the elite prophets, namely the noble, noble Prophet north. And Ibrahim, among whose descendants, Allah conferred preferred, and the scriptures are known as the second and third fathers in Arabic. So the first father is Adam. The second is no, the third is
Ibrahim. Because everyone that came as a prophet came from these anyone that came as a prophet Ibrahim is from his descendants, and after Noah has from his descendants, and obviously from Adam, they are his descendants. And he says, We sent Noah and hence he says, We sent Noah and Ibrahim and conferred upon their descendants preferred and the scriptures, that is the earlier and later prophets, were all descendants of Abraham, peace be upon them. Similarly, all of the screen, the scriptures were sent down to descendants of these two noble prophets, some of them that is some of those to whom we sent the messengers. All right, all right, we guided and follow their core,
submitting to their commands, and we're guided by them, but many of them are evildoers, who fail to obey.
They will fail to obey Allah and obey the messengers and prophets, as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, but most of humankind will not believe no matter how eagerly you desire, and as Ibrahim Ali Salam said, when he made the DUA alasa to begin to make you an Imam, a leader role model for people, he said will mean to you and Allah also for my children. Allah said Leonardo had the Vani mean, the oppressors will never take this mantle meaning that they will be from your children, your offspring, oh, Ibrahim, those that are not worthy of this title. So the prophets from the descendants of the believers and also the the disbelievers as well so Allah azza wa jal mentions
both the rightly guided and those that are evil, are many of them are evil doers who fail to obey Allah and obey the messengers and prophets, as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, but most of them but most of humankind will not believe no matter how equally you desire it, then after them, we follow. We follow them with other messengers of ours, and we sent after them ASAP and if memoriam Allah singles out a Sadie Saran for mentioned because the context is speaking of the Christians who claim to be the followers of Isa Alison, we gave him the gospel, which is one of the books of Allah and instilled kindness and mercy in the hearts of those who followed him. This is like the verse in
which Allah subhanaw taala says, You will surely find that the bitterest among people in enmity towards the believers or the Jews and those who ascribe partners to Allah. And you will surely find that the closest among them to the believers in affection are those who say we are Christians. That is because among them are scholars and ascetics, and they are not arrogant. Hence the Christians are more gentle and soft hearted than others, because they follow the teachings of a Saudi citizen.
As for monasteries,
meaning being monks, as for monasticism, we did not, we did not prescribe it for them. They invented it. What is meant by monasticism is extra acts of devotion, meaning monks, as we know monks, the seclude themselves, cut themselves off from people seclude themselves in a monastery, and they dedicate their lives to worship. We don't have that concept in Islam as a general concept, although we have it in certain times in places such as Iraq, decaf, decaf is the type of this where you seclude yourself in the worship of Allah azza wa jal you cut off from the dunya for the most part that is a form of this
but we don't have it as a general principle throughout a person's life a monk dedicates the whole life to this. We don't have that in Islam. So Allah azza wa jal is speaking about this, because it is it is something which they invented themselves that Allah Israel because everyone has rights, you have a family, you have children, the responsibilities and so on. So therefore that type of lifestyle doesn't work with someone who has many responsibilities and is meant to to God, towards the community.
They made it up themselves and impose it as duty upon themselves, committing themselves to things that Allah had not prescribed for them, or imposed on them. Rather they look, they took it upon themselves on their own initiative, seeking thereby the pleasure of Allah. Yeah, despite that, they did not observe it faithfully. That is they did not do it properly, because they fell short on two accounts by inventing it and by not adhering to what they had imposed upon themselves. And this is usually the case with them. But among them were some of some who did adhere to come to the Command of Allah. Hence, he says, so we granted those among them who believed there who believe their
reward, that is those who believed in masala Lyonya Salam, as well as believing in a Saudi Salam Allah gave to each of them according to his level of faith, but many of them are evildoers.
He Yeah, a U haul levena Man duckula Hawa I mean we'll be able to surely he decom give Lane email often at wire
wire you know, I'm sure gonna be he while fiddleback home while law Allahu awful rocking Are you believe fear Allah and believe in His messenger. He will grant you a double share of His mercy mercy give you a light by which to walk and forgive you for Allah is oft forgiving, Most Merciful. The Elia lemma Hello kita BL guardian, Kaduna che in public he were in Libya delay u t many Yasha wala who do not live loving that is so that the people of the book may know that they have no power over anything of Allah's grace and that grace is in the hands of Allah alone. He bestows it upon whomever he wills for Allah is possess possessor of abundant grace.
This may be addressed to the People of the Book, who believed in Musa and ASA based upon them, instructing them to act in accordance with their faith by fearing Allah refraining from disobedience to him and believing in His messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for if they do that, Allah will grant them a double share of His mercy. That is two shares of reward, one share for their belief in the earlier prophets and another share for their belief in in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as well also mentioned in the sun. In the process, Saddam said that from those people that will receive a double reward, he is the one who believes in his profit, and then believes in me, meaning
it was a question before a Jew. Then when the process came to them, they also believed in him. Or it may be that the command is genuinely in meaning and is addressed to both the People of the Book and others, which is what appears to be the case. And that Allah instructed them to believe and to fear him, which includes all issues of religion, both outward and inward, fundamental and minor issues. If they obey this important command, Allah will grant them a double share of his reward, the description and extent of which no one knows about Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and if it's more general than similar to the Hadith of the man who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and he said to the Messenger of Allah or messenger of Allah before Islam, I did a great deal of good. What about all of that good that I did before Islam, the Prophet of Islam said, You accepted Islam upon the good that you did mean in the good that you did, you will still receive its reward now that you've also become a Muslim, and maybe a reward for believing in a reward for fearing Allah, or a word for being the commands and award for heating the prohibitions. Or maybe that referring to a double reward means that the reward will be given repeatedly, time after time, give you a light by which to walk, there is he will give you knowledge, guidance and light by which to
walk through the darkness of ignorance, and he will forgive you your bad deeds.
For Allah is possessor of abundant grace. So no one should think that it is too much for the possessor of abundant grace to give her to give this reward for his grace and encompasses the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth. So there is not a single moment in which created beings are not receiving Divine Grace and Bounty. That is, so that the people of the book may know that they have no power over anything of Allah's grace, that as we have, we have explained to you our grace and generosity towards those who believe in in general terms, and who fear Allah and believe in His Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, so as to let the people of the Book know that they have no
power over anything of Allah's grace, in order in other words, in other words, they cannot restrict the grace and bounty of Allah in accordance with their whims and desires and corrupt thinking and they say that no one will enter paradise unless he is a Jew or Christian. That is wishful thinking about
upon their part, Allah tells us that those who believe in His Messenger, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and fear Allah will have a double share of his reward of His mercy, light and forgiveness, despite the People of the Book, and so that they may know that grace is in the hands of Allah alone, He bestows it upon whomever he was giving it to those whom his wisdom dictates should be recipients of His grace, for Allah is possessor of abundant grace, and no one could estimate the extent of his grace at all, is the end of the commentary of sort of Hadith of praise and thanks for Allah and May the blessings of Allah and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam, his family and his companions abundantly until the Day of Judgment that we come to the end of the 200 till Hadith and the end of the 27th, Jos and the end of today's lesson BarakAllahu fecal Muslim Arabic Muhammad shahada, it will be a drain. So now we're only going to light your bucket