Ahsan Hanif – Everyone is a Caller to Islam

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning Islam is discussed, including hedges and safa, historical backlash, and models in one's values and principles. Investing in positive reinforcement is emphasized, as it is difficult to influence children at a young age. tailoring one's strengths and weaknesses to others is emphasized, and finding one's true values in order to achieve success in life is crucial for personal transformation and achieving success in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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First of all we're coming

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to be in this gathering

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knowledge for those who don't know,

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our Muslim council Hong Kong. First of all, we would like to thank a shake sn Hanif to come to us in Hong Kong, Sydney, from all the way from the UK, Birmingham. And second of all, we would like to thank civic Islam team to allow us to hold this lecture here. And above all, thanks to all of you to come here as well. Okay. So those who don't know we'll be having this program. Today's the first one.

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Eight o'clock tonight will be in Khalid Majid inshallah. And then tomorrow we have in the MCs case Editor in Chief Judge Roy, and then Mondays and Paul, you shall one so it's an intensive program. And hopefully we can just try to get the best out of it as much as we can. Just to give a quick, quick, quick, quick intro to Chef essent honey. He is the Imam of greenlink Masjid, in Birmingham. He graduated from Islamic University of Medina, and he's a very, very close, he likes to give circles especially in the Quran, or hamdulillah. And he studied he studied under a lot of famous scholars in from Medina university as well.

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He's one of the young youngest instructors actually, in a Muslim Institute as well. He was one of one of their instructors as well. I'm trying to remember his bio, and he is also he started Islamic law as well. He did PhD in Islamic law and the University of Birmingham. So hamdulillah you know, we have him here, and I'll pass to him.

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Just below from the lows salatu salam, ala rasulillah

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are seldom at the Sleeman kathira.

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Our lecture this morning on the central noon is entitled everyone to become a quality Islam.

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And what I want to begin with is as good as you mentioned, one of my passions and a passion that all of us share is the study of the Quran, and Dempsey and are learning about the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. One of the things that I am most amazed about when it comes to the Quran is the story of the beginning of the product, how it all began.

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Because if we think of the origin we normally think of, you know, 114 songs, we think of 1000s of verses we think of so many things. But one of the things that we failed to spend a lot of time and effort thinking about and focusing on and contemplating over is where the journey that we're on begin. Because the journey of the beginning is also the beginning of the journey of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is also the beginning of the journey of Islam. Our religion began with a single verse of the Quran that was revealed that's where everything began. It began with the verse of the Quran revealed as we know in the cave of Hira. Now, the Quran contains many

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verses, contains many commandments contains many instructions. And from all of those 1000s of verses that are learned so much are revealed in the Quran. Which verse did he begin with in the Quran was the first verse that a lot revealed in

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the famous verse, read in the name of your Lord, read, so learns that we didn't start Islam by telling us to pray, even though we know how important Salah is, he didn't start by telling us for example, that we need to give us a can to charity didn't start Islam by telling us to go and make Hajj to go to Mecca, or that we need to fast in Ramadan, or that we need to be good to our parents or that we need to be respectful to our neighbors, all of these many things that comprise Islam, and then later on mentioned as well. Islam didn't begin with any of this. It began with a single commandment to read. And if you think about this, why is it so important to read? While the Arabs

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during that time of the time of the Prophet son alone, while he was still him for the vast majority? They were illiterate? They were unread. They were uneducated. Yes, they were from amongst them, those who were read and had learned to read and write and could understand and were cultured and educated. But the vast majority of them was the opposite. Even our own Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah describes him as an obedient means, the illiterate, unlettered prophet

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I mean, he couldn't read an equal amount, right? And that's what became one of his miracles, the fact that he couldn't read and write it still he was able to relate this.

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So the Arabs generally weren't illiterate people. But because of the illiteracy because they were not educated. What were the problems that came about? Because if you think about it, they were living in Mecca, which as we know is the holiest place in all of the planet. They had by them the Canada, which is the holiest of all of the lanzones mosques, they had, by them the wall of Zionism, which has as we know the holiest of water. So they had all of this within their midst. They came they were descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim Ali Sarah, who is one of the greatest profits that Allah ever sent to mankind. We had so much culture, and history and tradition within themselves as

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much as the carrabba Ibrahim Ali Salaam is Marina de Sala even had to the concept of hedges vino safa and marwah. All of this existed in some form, before Islam, they had all of it. What was the problem? Therefore? Why did they go into shock? Why was the cannabis surrounded by 360 items? Why would they worship other than Allah? Why would they, themselves make idols from food out of dates and barley and wheat, and they would worship the item that they molded out of food with their own hands. And then in a month's time, when they had feminine drought, and they had nothing to eat, they would go back to that God that the molded and eat it instead? Because they were so hungry. But that

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still wouldn't make them think about how foolish it was for them to worship anyone besides the loss of Hannah Montana? Where did it all go wrong? From the prestigious history. From that tradition, from the starting we brought him out, he said, Now we have a group of people who would make tawaf naked, as we know, they would run between the mountains of Safa and Marwa because they will want one either on one of them, and another idea another. And all of these other practices that they had, they would bury their daughters alive, as you know, some of them, bury them alive, because of how much shame brought to them in their community. Where did it all go wrong? You went wrong with the

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first commandment that a lot then tried to rectify it with an acre of weed. Because the last knowledge, the last education, the lost that ability to understand, and because they will no longer reading and gaining knowledge, what takes place when there is no knowledge, ignorance. So that gap, that vacuum that was built, it was replaced with England's associate barn in lease was easily able to come to them, and told them to do this. And to do that, to worship rather than a lot to build these idols to make these idols to meet these gods that they were worshiping besides a large village. And so from the beautiful history of Ibrahim and his money on Instagram, now we have a

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group of people, a community, a society that does all of this wrong, and all of this ship, so large, so we just began with a single simple commandment. It is one of the easiest, most beautiful words in the Arabic language, the Quran, we seek knowledge, learn, read. And so they started to educate themselves. the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the companions, Muslims, they would learn and they would read. So from the very beginning of Islam, as soon as that commandment was revealed, for the next 23 years, of the prophethood of our profits on a lower annual cylinder, the rest of his life, he dedicated himself to being a caller to Allah, to teach him to educate. And

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the companions dedicated their lives to being students.

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And so they changed what they had. They change the norms of the society, and realize that there's too many of them can't read them, right. It's not that they all of a sudden start going to school and learning how to read and write. That's not that just the only meaning of education. It is about learning. It is about that pursuit of knowledge. It is about wanting to come closer to Allah subhanaw taala. through studying the Quran and studying the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There's a famous scholar in Islam. His name is Abdullah MOBA, Rahim Allah, very famous scholar had he lived well over 1000 years ago. And he lived in the part of the world that today is

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in modern day Afghanistan, and this part of the region of the world. He lived and he was a great scholar. He's memorized 1000s and 1000s of Hadees is considered to be one of the teachers of remember Hardy and so on and so forth.

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have to know Mubarak was also a very wealthy man. He was a scholar, but he was very wealthy, extremely rich. And one day someone came to him and he said to him, or Abdullah

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If you only had one day left to live, one day left, and you knew you'd die after this day, what would you spend this day doing? How would you spend your last day on earth? And he said, I would spend it, teaching people.

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I would spend it teaching people their religion. And that shows you how important it is to understand our religion and to learn. He didn't say I would spend it praying, fasting in childhood. And so he said, I will spend it, teaching others. Why? Because that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. Yes, he prayed. And we know he prayed. And we know he gave childhood. And we know he did so many other things. But the thing that was most consistent in his life, from the beginning of Islam at all the end, is teaching in all different ways and shapes and forms. And it wasn't just teaching verbally, because when it came to the companions, when it came to the Muslims,

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He will teach them, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for those of you I'm sure you know, all of us have studied some Ceylon, we've studied some history and so on. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never said to the companions, that today we're going to study. Tomorrow, we're going to study or on the next day, we're going to study Sierra, you never had a schedule or a timetable. There was no like such thing as even these subjects, these names and subjects didn't exist in time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they will develop later. So how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam teach, he taught through his man, and through his character, and

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through his dealings, and through interacting with people, and when he saw that they were mistakes would correct them. And when he saw that people needed advice, he would advise them, and when people would come to him, he would teach them in a way that was most befitting to them. And that's why the profits on a lot while he was selling, we'll deal with people on an individual basis. One person who needs something more than something else, someone else requires emphasis on a different issue. The profits are lower and he will sell them we'll deal with each person, as he saw was benefiting them. There is a companion who came by the name of Birmingham, Alabama. This is in Mohali, another Buhari.

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He came to him and he was a ambassador from his tribe outside of Makkah. And he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to him, and he was an extremely intelligent man. He said, Oh, Mohammed, he came from he wasn't a Muslim. He came and he said, Oh, Mohammed, I am going to ask you questions about your religion. And I'm going to be strict. So don't be upset. This is how we started this conversation with the prophets on the lower it was to them. So the prophets on the lower it was send them set him up, he asked you a question. He said to him, I asked you by Allah, by the one who created you, and those who came before you, and the Lord of everything? Did he send you

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as his prophet? And he said, Yes. And then you asked him a series of questions. Did Allah tell you to pray five times a day to the Lord telling you that we have to give charity to the Lord tell you that we have to make the first Ramadan summer so far, and the profits on the lower annual Selim kept changing? Yes, yes, yes. At the end, he said to him, therefore, I will leave you I will go back to my people. He doesn't live in Mecca, or Medina. He doesn't live there is not going to study is not going to learn. He's taken the basic five pillars of Islam. This, I will go back to my people. And I won't do more than what you told me and I won't do less. I will do exactly what you said. I will do

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everything that you said. And I will go back to my people, and I will pull them to what you just said. And then he left the profits on a low while he was selling them. He said, If he is truthful, he will be successful. So he went back to his people, all he knows about Islam are the five pillars. And we miss them every single one of us, every Muslim 789 years old. The first thing one of the first things that we learned is the five pillars of Islam. solina solito, even back to his people to his tribe, and he called them to those five pillars. And all of this tribe accepted Islam,

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all of them. This isn't a matter of study, dismantle it's not like a MOBA Coronavirus, man or you didn't spend years in the companionship of the prophets on the lesson. didn't spend years learning and studying and praying and worshiping. He just took what he could. And he went back and he taught will have to lead the person on the lower end whom as we know one of the famous complaining he said that this man balmy blue caliber, he was one of the most successful people who ever came to visit the profits on the long run. He was just a single encounter, learned his religion took what he needed to know. And he went back and he quote others.

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And that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says to all of us, well, the only one who can vary from me even if it is a single verse. You don't need to be a scholar of Islam in order for you to call an influence

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Others, that they need to follow this religion. What you need to do though, is to be a model. You need to be an ambassador, an ambassador in the way that you are in your manners, in your, in your principles in the way everything that you do. You see the orangish, before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given revelation, as we know he, they used to call him the truthful, the trustworthy, they used to honor him, they used to respect him, they used to love him. Why? Because of his character. So when Alonzo just gave him Islam, when he was sent as a prophet of Allah, none of them were able to say anything bad about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they

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already knew his character. They already knew his mannerisms. They already knew his personality. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the greatest ways that he called people to Islam was because he was a man of principle. He had principles. And this is something that we as Muslims, first and foremost should adopt. We need to be a people who have principles, we stick up for what is right, and we help what is wrong. See, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam receives that first revelation, going back again to the story of what is he do after he receives revelation? Who does he go back to

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Khadija wanting to lower his wife? And he tells her, this is what's happening. I don't know what's going on, and he's afraid and he's upset and so on. What is Khadija on the Alok Wiener center? She says, Don't worry, Allah will never forsake you. Allah will never leave you. And then what reasons does she get? She doesn't know the truthfulness of this message. She doesn't know what an angel is. She doesn't know revelation. This is something new for everyone. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself doesn't understand how can be a lot more under understand. But what she's saying to him, that Allah will never leave. Why? Because of his principle. You look after the poor, you're

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hospitable to the guests. You're a person who stands up for the oppressed. It is because of these principles. It is because of your mannerisms. That is what a lot of soldier will never leave. And that's why it's so important. We need to be people who are principles, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hedgehog. When he migrated, he left Mecca to Medina, he didn't matter because they were going to assassinate him, and they want to take his life. They wanted to kill him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided in the middle of the night, that he will leave abubaker and he will, he will run away. Who does he leave in his place?

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To sleeping in his bed, let me be your lover. And what is are these instructions, it is told to stay behind in Makkah to the vast majority of Muslims have left remember now, the vast majority of Muslims have already migrated to Medina, very few if any, Muslims are left behind. And he is one of the youngest companions, and is told to stay back. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had taken loans. He borrowed things, he had trust that people gave to him. And he said, You must stay behind and fulfill all of these trusts, pay back my loans, and then you may come to me.

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Now a person may be would ask the question, why is fleeing for his life is afraid that he's going to be killed? These people are oppressing him, they tried to assassinate him, Why spend time worrying about their possessions and their wealth and their money or their loans and so on? It is because it is an issue of principle. It is an issue of right and wrong of justice and oppression. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a person of of principle, what was right was right. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes along one to fulfill all of his trusts. Many years later, on another occasion, this time of the conquest of Mecca when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam returns with the Muslim army, and they come to the city of Mecca. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked to go into the Kaaba to pray. So he wanted the key to open the door of the carpet, go inside, that cube shaped building, to paint inside the car by

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the person who held the key. His name was Earth man, who has mainly been on the ball had his family for many, many generations, always had the key to the door of the cabinet. If someone wants you to go in, you have to knock on his door and say, please come and open the door for me, and he would come and open the door. Now when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was living in Makkah, all of the rage could go into the camera and pray, they had the idols and so on and then they would go and pray. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us, man one day I want to go and pray. He refused to sit No, because there's almost no for you. I will never open the cover.

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The person who said you don't refuse anyone everyone's allowed to go in anyone from Polish can go in. I am also from Polish I want to go in and previously used to let me in. He said no, from now on, you're not allowed. So the profit sectors are allowed, he will send them, perhaps a day will come when I will have the keys in my hand. And I will do with it wherever I wish. So he said that that will be a day that I will have last minute polish, we will have lost. He said rather that will be a day when orange will be honored. This is something which happened at the beginning of Islam, many years passed by the processor num honkers method he returns. And he says to us, man come and give me

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the key. As Matt doesn't have a choice now, right? Can't say no power fuse doesn't have a choice. He goes in and gives him the key. I bass was our bus, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, O Messenger of Allah give me the keys, give it to me, I want to be the doorkeeper It's an honor to hold the keys and be in charge of the carpet. Give it to me. And he is the uncle of the prophets. on the low end, he was in

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the process of them said where the man called the same Mrs. Man. And he said to him, don't you remember I said too many years ago, when you refuse to let me in. And I said, perhaps the day will come when I will have the keys. And I will do with them as I please. So as my mother allow us man at the time was an almost and he said, Yes, I remember what took place. And I remember your words. So then the professor seldom gave him back the keys. And he said keep it for you. And for your children after you. No one will take these keys from you, except an oppressor. No one will remove the keys from it is for you and your family until today. 1400 years later, if you go nap secondary Mecca, the

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people who have the keys are from the same firm. They are from the descendants of this man with money

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from his children. So today, the eldest of the tribe of the family, he holds the key if the King of Saudi Arabia wants to go in, he must ask for him to come and open the door for us. He has the keys. And the processor said no one will take this away from you. Except no question. So the processor was known for his principle. He was known to have these these morals and these ethics. And so when the people would come, the profits on a lower Allison would have these principles. The way that he wants the way that he spoke the justice that he had, everyone knew this. And because of this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would affect people, not only by his words, but also by his principles.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had character as well. His good mannerisms, his personality, the way that he was with people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we know, had amazing character, even with his enemies, even with those people want you to do in

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one day as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was resting, and he was under the shade of a tree, it is sorted on the branches of the tree, and it was rusty. So a man came from his enemies, and he took out the sword. And he held it to the neck of the profits on the log.

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And he said to me, who will now protect you from me?

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Who can protect you from me? I have the sword. you're asleep, you're defenseless. You're alone, who will help. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded, Allah

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alone helped me. So the man was so overcome by his words, that he dropped the sword, the profits on alone while he was in the picture up, and he had it now to this man and he said, Now who will protect you from me? And the man said to him be a person who is kind and gracious to the one that is being overpowered. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let him go. He said, Go. On another occasion, as we know, the people of the bedrooms would come from the desert of Arabia. And they would come and they would say, oh, Mohammed, give us from one, give us money. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say to them go to the valley, between the two mountains, and all

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of the livestock, the sheep, that was the problem, all of the livestock that you see, take it on. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give them all of the swap, doesn't know how much it is, wouldn't count it. All of it's for you. So the profits on a low while he was selling them would give them so much more than these bedrooms would go back to their tribes in the desert. And they would say, we've just come from a man who doesn't feel poverty, doesn't care about money, just gives and gives and gives and doesn't care. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do this in a way that people would love his character. They loved him for his personality. They loved him

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for his mannerisms. And that's why when,

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the after the bachelor book and after these battles after the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam distributed the wealth amongst all of the new Muslim, the people of Mecca that people are buying all of these people who

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Now Muslims he gave them all of this gave them so much money. And the people of Medina who would be muslims for for many, many years, for a very long time what fought and been patient and strived. He didn't give them anything. So they became upset. They became upset, right? We're the ones who helped him were the ones who strived were the ones who worked so hard. We don't get anything. These people only only became Muslim just today, they only started yesterday, then we started helping now and they take everything instead. So the profits on a lower level silicon gathered on saw the people of Medina. And he said to them, aren't you happy that everyone else should go back to their homes with

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money but gold and silver and wealth and lifestyle? Well, you should go back home with the profits on a lower usage. And they said yes, we are happy, because he put it into perspective for them. They will take money they will take go they will take silver, but only the people of Medina, take home with them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the prophets on the lower end he was sent him sent to them by Allah. If all of the people in this world were travelling down one path and the unsought of Medina would you take a different path, I will take the path of the unsolvable. If the whole world goes a different way, I will go with the people of Medina. And so because of this

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character, because of the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once, this is how much people loved him, this is a compendium in the name of Jabba Jabba is a famous companion. And he used to think to himself that there was no one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam loves more than one doesn't have anyone more than why. Because every time he meets him, he smiles and he welcomes him. And he's so gracious and so kind and so, so, so beautiful. So do you think there's no one that the prophets on a low wire they will send them loves more than so one day he wants to prove this right? He wants to show this. He wants to get confirmation? He says on messenger of Allah, Who do

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you love most? Who do you love most? So the Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam replied,

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My wife

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said, Mom, I don't mean from your wives and your family. Who do you love from the men? From the men who do you love? So the process of them replied about her her father, meaning

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she thinks Okay, who, okay who after Baba Baba is famous is one note needed so much. Who's next? He says,

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He says, Okay, forget

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who's after. He says, man. So then jabil realizes now that he's not even towards the top of that list. But this is how important he feels himself. Because this is how the profits on the lower incidence character. He would treat people in such a way that your loved one said, One day I was so hungry, I was so lonely. No one would feed me didn't have any money was very important and wealth, didn't have money, couldn't feed himself couldn't find food. He was so hungry that he went to the companions. And he started to talk to them. Just a conversation in the hopes that one of them would say, Come home with us, and you can eat one just invite them home. He went to Abu Bakar all of these

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companions, but none of them invited him home. So then when he went to the prophets of Allah and he will send them the prompts are seldom said I could see in his face, or warrior says the processor so in my face hunger, and he said to me, oh, boy, come home with me. No one else understands no one else picks up these signs up whatever doesn't want to bed doesn't say take me home. But the processor.

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He takes him home, says to his wife. What do we have? marisha says we have nothing except a bowl of No. Someone gave us a bowl of milk. That's all that we have. Anything else nothing to eat, nothing to drink just a small bowl of milk and the milk is meant for the process. And him and his family are meant for guests and people to come and share Sony A small bowl of note. The prompts to sell them takes the bowl of milk. He says Bismillah In the name of Allah. He gives it to him over and over. I was really happy and excited. Finally I get something and he says oh Herrera, take the milk and give it to the homeless First, go to the homeless companions and give it to them. Our radar has been

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trying all night to find something to eat something to drink someone to take him home. Finally he gets something and I was told go and give it to someone else. And he thinks it's a bowl of milk. There's 3040 homeless people. If only one of them drinks from it, it's finished. Right? There's no hope for me. Anyway, the President said take it so he doesn't have a choice. He goes in he takes it and the first one drinks and the second one and the third one and the fourth one until all of them 3040 drink and there's still mungkin so he comes back and it says on messenger of Allah they all read they all finished. He said now you're drinkable for a burrito drink and you only drink a little

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bit because he knows the processor wants to drink

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His family wants to drink. So you drank a little. He said drink again. Again, prick again over. He said he kept telling me to drink until I drank so much as an icon, bring it in. I'm full, I can't do anymore. And then the process of them took it and he drank from. This was the character of the profits on the lower news. Every single time, he met one person, he gave with him a special connection. They used to say about the profit center that if he came outside of his house, and a young girl came and took him by his hand, she could take him anywhere he wants, she wanted, and he would go once a time busy, I got a job I have people want to come to me, I have talked to the

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manager, they have so many things to do, she could take him anywhere, and he would just follow. Just follow her. And he will do this because he This is his character with the profits on the lower center. And assuming Malik serve the profit center for 10 years, he was the servant. And he said, never wants to be sharpened. And if I was ever playing with a group of friends, because he was a young boy, when I was playing with a group of friends, and he needed something from me, you want to call me, he would just stand by the side until I would see him and then I would realize he needs me. And then I would go to him wouldn't disturb me from pain, wouldn't say anything. One time the

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professor said them was walking down the street, and a woman came to him, and she had some health issues from psychological illnesses. So she stopped talking to him and talk and talk and talk. And she's not making any sense because she was ill, she said, but she's talking. And the processor understands that English, doesn't move doesn't say anything. And she talks until she stops and then she leaves and they leave. So the processor seven would have this special connection with every Irish one of your loved one it was us. What did he do when he came back? What was he like in his home? She said that he would come and he would serve his family. He would mend his shoes, he would

00:31:55 --> 00:32:29

go and look for gold. See what everything that we needed done at home he would come and he would serve us even at home. And imagine this is the enemy's got to deal with so many issues. Hundreds of issues people tried to fight him trying to kill him tried to assassinate him, empires trying to take his land and so all of these issues, but the process of them still has time for all of these things. One day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given the the messages on Friday Juma is given the man is speaking and in the middle of the hookah, he sees his two grandsons of hustler Hussein walking to the masjid,

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walking, they're very young partners walking in the machine. And as young children do, they walk in the trip, they walk in the trip, they fall down and suddenly walk. And they were wearing long shirts, clothes that were too long for them. So they would trip up on their clothes, and they will stand up and click on the clothes. And the processor is in the middle of the football. And he sees this happened once, twice, three times. And then the processor in the middle of the football, he just stops. He gets down. He goes to them. He picks them up. He brings them back and makes them sit on his pulpit on the minbar. And then he says to the companions that I saw my two grandsons walking

00:33:07 --> 00:33:43

and tripping, walking and tripping. And my heart couldn't bear it. So I had to go and pick them up and bring them to can you imagine that today, like how the business in the middle of the gentleman just walks off to God sees children or a child, the whole community would have a revolt. But this is how the profits on the lower legal system ones. The profit center would be praying in Jamaica, you'd be leaving the Muslims in the masjid in Jamaica. And he would go into such that his granddaughter mama O'Meara would come and she would jump on his back. And she would play she would ride him like a horse. And he wouldn't move

00:33:45 --> 00:34:21

to one of the companions said that the center became so long that I thought something had gone wrong. So I lifted my eyes up from the place to see what's going on. Why has the browser not come out of surgery, and I saw a girl playing on his back and he went back that wouldn't disturb it. Even though we know that the Prophet Solomon is praying with the people, he makes the prayers short, doesn't make it long. So it's difficult for people. But when his grandchildren are playing with him, he wants them to love Islam, wants them to love the player, the Salah, wants them to love the minister. See, unfortunately now when we have young children in the masjid, we're told, take them

00:34:21 --> 00:35:00

home. Don't let them come in. Don't let them play don't. So from a young age, we always say no, no, no, the prophet Sal used to do the opposite, is to let them come in play and enjoy the mystery because this builds with them a connection to the house of a loss of Canada. And this was the amazing character of the Prophet sallallahu while he was amazing and his character and this is something which affected them, those people that came and so on. The people that spoke to the people that would come and they will want to learn about Islam, or they will just simply come for whatever reason. They will take away from him, his character and his manuals. The prophets of Allah

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Army was suitable for people to allow, because of his trust his word, he had trust, he had a man, if the processor made a promise, he never broken. If he took a trust, he would always fulfill that trust. If he said something, he meant what he said. And this is something which is unfortunate now, that many of us when we speak, our words don't really hold weight. We say things, but then we break our promises. We will say things but no one knows whether to trust us or not. Because our words don't hold value anymore. And it's not just us. This is the way the whole world has become. People talk and their words are just air. They don't mean anything. But rather the profits on a lower level

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cinema he spoke. When he spoke, his words had meaning and they have weight. If he said something, he wouldn't just joke. He wouldn't just say something. And he didn't mean it. He wouldn't just make a promise, and then break the promise. For other what he said. It is something that he met, and it was something that he would fulfill as well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would call people to Allah, because he knew about justice. He would call people to Allah through his sense of justice, through helping those people who are oppressed, to the extent that even his companions embodied this, his companions understood this. When I wrote the law when I was Muslims, when he was the

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leader of the Muslims, a man a Jewish man once came, and he made a complaint against it. What was the issue, either of your loved one had some mouth that he gave to the Jewish man, as a trustee said, you'd look after this form, the Jewish man came that didn't belong to him. They don't want to give it back. So you can track it instead, you don't get it back? What are you going to do? So your loved one appointed a judge between him and he's the leader of the Muslim, doesn't need a judge if he doesn't want to, he can just do what he wants. There is a sense of justice. So he appoints a judge, the judge says strategy was your proof, it doesn't have any proof. There's no contract.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:21

There's no witnesses doesn't have anything, just his word against other person's word. But the other person has the positions in his hand, says he can say it's mine when it's in my position. So the judge says to me, you don't have any proof. But this man already has this wealth in his hands. Therefore, I must judge for him or not.

00:37:22 --> 00:38:05

It will be a long one smile. The second why you smiling you lost, right? You lost why you smiling, I should be the one smiling. He said I'm smiling. Because the judge will rule with justice, even against the leader of the Muslims, even against the Muslims, they will still be an issue of justice. And this is how the profits on a low hourly or selling train this company. This is how the profits on a lower you're selling used to tell people to behave in a time when there was a crime that was committed, or someone did something wrong. And then people came to intercede on their behalf. The officer would say no, don't intercede. Because that's when society becomes corrupt. When the strong,

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intercede for the strong, when because people have no ability and they have honor, or people are rich and the wealthy and they're famous. They always let off the hook. And the poor and the needy are always the one who get the full measure of justice never works the way the ritual is get off. And the poor are always take them to court. He said this is one. And I won't allow people to intercede for those people, while wealthy and rich just because they're wealthy and rich. So this is the sense of justice, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But one of the things that makes the most amazing how the profits on a low while he was sitting is to quote people to unlimited Shall I

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will conclude with this final example is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love good for everyone. He actually wanted people to come to Islam. He wanted them to let you know sometimes when me for people to spam or when we advise people or when someone's making a mistake, and we try to correct them. We give them advice. And if they say no, we just say Okay, forget it. Right? And it becomes personal and we begin to hate them. And we have animosity in our hearts towards them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If you think about it, how many times was he tortured? How many times was he abused? How many times did they tried to kill him? How many times

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was he physically harmed, but still within his heart, he always wanted good for others. never took it personally. You can't put people to something, if you don't want good for them. Because it means you're not sincere. You don't really want them to have that good. If you call someone once and they say no to you, because that's what happens. The vast majority of times when you call someone to something, when you invite someone when you correct someone, when you advise someone, the odds are that they will often say no to you. But if you follow that first hurdle, you stop. That means that you don't really want good for them. But if you carry on because you believe that your advice is

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good, that what you want them to do is

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is better for them, it's in their best interest, then you will persevere and you will continue to look at the incident of bias. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the people of five, they didn't even listen to his words, wouldn't even allow him to utter a single word or to speak. Instead, they stoned him. They pounded him, blood flow from his body, and the process of selling runaway he found he fled from five. And only after he traveled and he walked for so many miles did he stop? And then a large social symptom, the engine of the mountains, and they entered America and said that I'm destroying these people, push them between the mountains of madness, and

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the profits on a loan, he will send them said no, because from them or from their children, I hope will be those who will say that

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they don't want justice want to get them or revenge for himself, or retribution wasn't about vengeance wasn't about violence, it was because he wants it good for them.

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And then the process of selling many years later, 10 odd years later, those same people have five, they would all come and accept this.

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Because he wanted good for them. He wanted them to come closer to a large religion, even the hypocrites in Medina who caused so much harm and so much evil. And I did so much against the Muslims and against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They were the one who spread rumors of various waves and slanders and backbiting, and so on and so forth. When they read the underlying obey, when he passed away when he died, the prophets on a lower annual sentiment and he played his genetic.

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When can you please tell us why? Because you hope that allow me forgive him, if you play these channels, and the process of selling the separation that said that He even took off his clothing, his top rope, and he prayed over as a shroud on this man, only that this man is trying to harm the process. And that's all he did in his life. Never a single time, did he do anything else. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wants to come. And he wanted to step out, because he wanted good for the people. And so the profits are low while he was selling because he wanted good for people. He showed this in the principles that he used. He showed this in his character, he showed this in

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his dealings and its interaction. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, to be alone, and this is the point that we need to understand that if Allah was to guide by you a single person, it would be better for you that all of the wealth of this one, just one person is guided because of what you say, because of your dealings, because of your interactions, because of your mannerisms, then that is better for you than everything. And this one only takes one positive interaction, one positive dealing, for people to change their mind.

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Islam spread in parts of this world, in parts of this region in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, and so on. Because of the current problem Muslims, because of the principle, because when they would buy and trade, they wouldn't cheat. They wouldn't deceive, they wouldn't lie. They wouldn't sell fraudulent products, they would be people who would be honest, people with integrity, people who in their dealings, others knew that they were honest people. And so people then became amazed by the character and influenced them, and eventually that will lead them to Islam. You don't have to quote people, you don't say anything, you don't have to even do anything. You just have to uphold yourself

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in a way that is befitting of a Muslim in the way that a large soldier commands us to be the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us that we should be and when we do this, sometimes that is more than enough for the people to see your contribution to see your mannerisms to see your personality and character and to be influenced by as Allah subhanaw taala that he gives us good character. And that alarm filter gives us the strength to show the true image of Islam and that a large soldier makes us good role models not only for ourselves and our families, for our communities as well as your patients and for listening for some impairment learning

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have a quick q&a session inshallah.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:08

So, if you have any questions at all, hopefully to the topic

00:44:09 --> 00:44:10

just put up your hand

00:44:11 --> 00:44:12

I love you putting up your hand you're typing

00:44:14 --> 00:44:20

any questions at all, you know connected to the topic? I have questions about when I was you guys first please.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:24

They know how to call people to

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say Bismillah.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:34

Anybody? Yes, brother.

00:44:40 --> 00:44:42

He needs children.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

Okay, so

00:44:49 --> 00:44:49

he did.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:54

I think

00:44:55 --> 00:44:57

you know, disciplining your children.

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

Sometimes a lot

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

something, you want to avoid something

00:45:04 --> 00:45:05

if he gets up and then

00:45:07 --> 00:45:10

takes off. Okay, so

00:45:11 --> 00:45:47

the profits on the LaGuardia will send them never never hit anyone. He never hit his family, his children, his wives never heard his servants. Anyone that was with him. In fact, forget hitting, he wouldn't even shout at them. He wouldn't rebuke them in a stern voice, he wouldn't call them names, he wouldn't swear at them, he wouldn't curse them. So all of the interactions with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you look even outside of his family, companions, and everything, he never used any type of fight, the most that he ever did was he would become angry. And people know that he was upset when he would raise his voice. But even then he wouldn't, he wouldn't. He wouldn't

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go to the level where he's cursing or when the rain is hitting, or where he's ridiculous. And so this is the best example. What we have to do, especially with our drawing, especially when it comes to our religion, when it comes to trying to get them to come closer to Islam and so on, is we need to give them positive reinforcement. Right, we need to and that doesn't mean that you don't discipline, there are other ways of disciplining, rather than hitting or hitting is only one way of discipline. But there are other ways of discipline, you can, for example, take away from them rewards even, you can even take away from them things that they want, you can discipline them in

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other ways.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:37

Yes, so even this Hadith, when the processor says that you should order your children to pray the age of seven,

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the Protestant himself never hid his children. In doing so, what he means is from a young age, you need to enforce within them instilled within them discipline you see, the problem is,

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the difficulty comes is when we don't encourage our children from a young age, to pray, and to do things like this. And then when they get to the age of 10 1112. And now it's more difficult to influence them, then we expect them all of a sudden, one day, stop praying, right? For example, I will give you an example a child wants to pray at the age of three or four. They don't have to pray, they don't have to make although they don't have to do anything. But what they do, children generally naturally from an age, they like to imitate their parents, when their parents are praying, they want to pray like them. If you have a daughter, she will grant your promise. Right? Maybe it

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doesn't fit, she can't wear it, but she will do it anyway. Because she wants to play the father most of the mission, the child wants to go to the mission as well. They want to go because they have just simply the thing that they want to be like their parents, we often what we do is we say no to them. Don't you don't need to pray. You don't need to do this, don't look to the mission make too much noise, you mess around and so on. And we always think the No, no, no, no, no. That one day a 10. No, actually now, yes. change everything. Now, do it, do it. And so this psychological shift is the problem. And this is why I mentioned the process, ultimate Aryan aging encourages children. So now

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you don't need to at the age of 10 hit them because they already understand the already praying they already know. For example, Salam is one of the words that they really want to the sutras that they read, and they know the meaning and so on and so forth. It is about starting from a young age in the right way. So that you don't need to go to those levels of discipline. Whereas if you don't, and then you start disciplining them, which one actually will cause a negative effect. And you will probably drive them more away rather than bringing them.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:30

Anybody else?

00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

The question

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is kind of connected to what brother said as well.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:57

What's your advice to those people you know, who have family members or close relatives who may not be practicing Islam? How what's the best way to give Dawa to them? Where's the fine line that we sometimes feel? Is that too much or too less?

00:48:59 --> 00:49:35

I think there's no, there's no one way to call people to Islam. And for those of you that have done any form of our you will know that there is no standard one way of putting everyone, each person has their own strengths and weaknesses, their own likes and dislikes, their own personalities. And you have to tailor each one to each situation accordingly. And that's why even the profits on the lower audio cinemas, we look at his battling techniques. He never caught everyone in the same way. didn't use the same approach to everyone. He would tailor it depending on the person when it comes to family, you know your family pets, if it's your brother, your sister, your aunt, your uncle, whoever

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is the relative, you know them better than other people. So you need to look at them. So for example, some people all they need is a simple, positive

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kind of reinforcement. They need something positive to associate with Islam. Unfortunately, you know, some of us as young Muslims when we were growing up, or we took from Islam was beatings, right? We'd go to the teacher and in Peters out there

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would be the single LAN port and the teacher be owners is beatings, meetings meetings, and that's what we associate with the span. someone tells you read, and you remember meeting, someone tells you don't pray the machine and you remember beatings. And so now you have to change that perception. Right. And this is like a wider problem, but that's a different issue. So it's about changing that perception. Other people notice an intellectual thing, right? They need a discussion, they need people to come and explain logically why this makes sense. Why doesn't it make sense. And so you have to tackle that differently. Other people just want to see your mannerisms. I know people, for

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example, when they started to practice Islam, because they're hurting, so much, their family became influenced by them. You have people, for example, before they would swear, even lied all of these things, but then all of a sudden, now, they change, not because they have a job, or because they have some money, or they came into, they became wealthy. It's because of Islam. They became better people, they characters better, they started being honest, they were good, they were helpful. They were polite, they were one minute, and all of this. And so this is something which then influences other people, you yourself know best how to influence your family. But you need to look at also your

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own character and the way that you're dealing with them. And then you also need to look at the about the need as

00:51:18 --> 00:51:22

anybody else. We have final minutes. I've got questions. But again,

00:51:24 --> 00:51:29

I'm a teacher. So I love questions. So. But again, I like to ask you first, if you have any questions.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:38

Now, yes.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:45

Yes, please, please, please, for the people who come back to his family recently.

00:51:48 --> 00:51:48

Thank you

00:51:49 --> 00:51:49


00:51:55 --> 00:51:57

have the evil spouse.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:37

So I think the question is for people who need to revert to Islam, they become new Muslims, maybe it's difficult for them to get into a routine of prayer, and so on. How do you support them? What they need is more than anything else is they need support. And so you have to understand that for a new Muslim, it is a very big change to become more Muslim. One of the biggest, I think one of the biggest problems sometimes to me happens when you have any Muslim, they become a Muslim today, and tomorrow, we give them a long list of do's and don'ts, right? Take this, pray fast to this dress like this, eat this don't eat. And all of a sudden now, like we give them a whole long list of

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requirements. This isn't how people work. People don't much like this. And that's why the press will send me the free look at the beginning of Islam. How did he bring people closer to Allah, Islam began by working on the heart, working on people's spiritual connections with the law working on people's email. And once this was strong, and they were solid, then everything else is much easier because people understand why they're doing it. And they understand the benefits. And they understand the spiritual spring trilogy that they paid for. This is also the same thing that we need to deal with our new Weaver brothers and sisters. So we have to understand Yes, they will make

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mistakes. Yes, for example, they may not always pray one of their prayers is for example, they may find it difficult to follow certain things or not do certain things and so on. And often we teach new Muslims by assuming that they are like Muslims. And what I mean by that is because we take as Muslims, if you're born as a Muslim, you grew up as a Muslim, you take certain things for granted, that person doesn't take those things for granted. So you have to teach them in a very different way. And so, it is an issue of support, I think, number one, and also number two of understanding and number three, working on that spiritual connection of the heart. And then inshallah once you

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have done that, it will take time and and they will, and they will we shall begin.

00:53:51 --> 00:53:52

You have to be patient.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:57

Last question, I think, yes,

00:53:59 --> 00:54:04

I am very non Muslim. I tried

00:54:05 --> 00:54:11

to convert to Islam, and still try many times, but still,

00:54:13 --> 00:54:13

he doesn't want to.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:24

I think with family members, I think it's

00:54:25 --> 00:54:27

it can be tricky, and it can be difficult.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:59

I don't think it's necessarily an issue of that you have to for example, tell them that you have to have a conversation like that. I think what they need to see from is more your character, and your dealings and your interactions. And over time, maybe speak to them in terms of the like an indirect conversation about this. So for example, you tell them about what you learned from Nepal and you tell them about some of our values and you tell them things indirectly, that will hopefully inshallah bring them closer to Islam even the social things

00:55:00 --> 00:55:32

We do, for example, what Islam does, a big thing that we don't focus on is the social aspects of Islam in terms of the care that we do for the elderly, and for our neighbors, and for the community, and all of these things that are part of Islam, because the prophets on the lower lesson would spend a lot of time on this as well, in this community, the social aspects of social welfare, and looking after others, and so on. This is also part of Islam. And this is something which people of all doesn't matter which religion you're from which Pac Man everyone understands is respecting others and helping others and looking after the poor. This is something which transcends all communities.

00:55:32 --> 00:55:36

So inshallah we'll try this inshallah and make to Africa.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:40

Anybody else?

00:55:42 --> 00:56:24

Should there's quite a number of youth who are hungry. So just final piece of advice for the young Muslims, honestly, was that the advice that I give to everyone, young, old, male, female to everyone is the same advice that I began this lecture with. And that is the importance of knowledge of education. It is so important, especially for us as Muslims, for us to know our religion, because in the world today, the way that we live with online, you know, the internet and Google them and social media and, and even the mobile media, one of the perceptions of Islam and all of this bombardment of information, the only way that you can sift between what is right and wrong, what is authentic, and

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what is the authentic, what is correct and incorrect, is through knowledge. Because otherwise, you're just simply like a puppet being dragged from one side to another, you don't know, someone tells you to do this. And you do that, and someone else tells you the complete opposite. And you still don't know which one to do and which one not. And really, the only way to break out of that bubble is to learn for yourself. It's for you to empower yourself to knowledge. And that's why a lot of soldiers began Islam with the commandment of money. Not everyone has one, right? We can all be wealthy. Not everyone can, for example, reach academic heights. Not everyone will be a great

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professional. These are things that change from different different people have different types. But one thing that everyone can do is learn. Everyone can everyone can eat. As a matter of fact, your background doesn't matter about your social ability doesn't matter about your wealth, everyone has access to knowledge and information. And when you learn, and you have knowledge, and you seek knowledge, and you compostable logical knowledge, not only do you know the difference between right and wrong, it gives you strength, gives you confidence, allows you to understand what you're doing in terms of your religion. And when people then come pushing you and pulling you in different ways

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in different directions, you know, when to stop and say no. And you know, when you say yes, and to follow, because that's what knowledge does. And I think it's extremely important. So I know, you know, in Hong Kong, your community is small, and you're developing and you're new, and you have a shot a lot of exciting times ahead of you. But one of the things that you should always focus on is knowledge and learning amongst yourselves. And with the opening of YouTube and all of these platforms, knowledge is accessible now in more ways than ever before. And that's why the profit center actually, there's two very interesting signs of the Division Two interesting signs because

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they're complete contradictions. The first one is the profit center, the center from the signs of the Day of Judgment is knowledge will be lost, right knowledge is public knowledge will be lifted, it will be lost, more and more Muslims know less and less about their religion. The second sign is that towards the Day of Judgment, people will be more educated. So the two don't make sense. We're more educated, we're more literate, we're more professional, academically, and so on. But at the same time, we were more ignorant as well. How does that work is because we have more access, but we're less interested. So we have now things that we didn't have even 1015 years ago, with YouTube

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and with online studies, and with all of these platforms that have opened up a whole world of information that you now have at your disposal, from the comfort of your home, you don't even have to come to a machine to center anywhere else, from the comfort of your home from a mobile phone from a tablet, you can access all of this, but at the same time, because of this, we're actually going further away. So we're wasting our time because we have access to so many new things. We're spending that time unwisely wasting and watching videos about just crazy thing, right people forward all sorts of silly things. So rather than learning about religion, we're watching a cat do a trick

00:59:20 --> 00:59:52

right? or watching someone not driving a car properly, which is wasting our time on one video leads to another video to another video for another day. And before you know it three hours is up. I don't need it as much video. And so we're becoming diverted. You have to focus right you have to understand that yes, there's a time for messing around and so on. But there's a time also to be serious and to learn as well. So my my best advice is learn and seek knowledge and educate yourself and through that you will come inshallah you will be stronger and you will be more confident and you will also have what influences

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so well ancestors. I hope we hope that this was enabled you to

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energiser remark that the whole concept the whole program is, you know, the center of attention is energized every month. And I don't know if some of you saw earlier this week there was an article published, where in America, a lot of people are leaving Islam. And this is just a worldwide phenomenon. But there are people coming into Islam as well. So again, just to remind us, again, that you know, a lot does not need us. You know, we need a lot. He knows he can replace us like this. So there's a lot of things I mean, atheism is growing in many communities, and sadly in our community, as well as sadly within our youth as well. Because our elders are there. They're just holding on to

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this tradition most of the time, but the youth are being bombarded as a shake set. So please do make use of this program and other programs of course.

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