Ibrahim Hindy – Prophetic Du’as #1

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The importance of studying the Prophet sallama is discussed in various settings, including the loss of penalty and the importance of responding to government calls. The speaker emphasizes the need for a connection between the Prophet's closeness and their actions, such as showing their face to receive a call and practicing their teachings to improve their understanding of the church. The importance of forgiveness and showing one's face to receive a call is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Thank you for joining me for our first episode of prophetic drama. In this series of videos that we are releasing during this month of Ramadan. We're trying to take different days, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made and trying to understand the why what it means what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was teaching us through the medium of why, and also for us to understand how we can worship Allah subhana wa tada more effectively in our today's topic is actually we're not going to take a specific draw and study it. We want to talk about the importance of why, why should we study this topic to begin with? Why is this topic

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important? Why should we talk about it at all? And there's a very powerful, beautiful verse revealed in the Quran that really highlights the importance of a man once came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to him, according to Nora buena phenomenology and phenomenology, he said, O Messenger of Allah, is our Lord close to us that we should call upon him, ask him softly, or is he far away from us, that we have to call upon him loudly? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not answer the question, even though the question is very simple, and the answer is very simple. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam remained silent. And Allah azzawajal revealed a powerful verse in the

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Quran, where either Celica Do I need for inequality Wuji Buddha, what is that? And that when my servants asked you concerning me, then indeed I am close, I am near, and I respond to the call of the supplicant when he calls upon me for the mean for the StG Budi Will you mean will be along your shoe and then let them accept me, let them obey in me and believe in me so that they may be led? A right? This is such a beautiful, powerful verse. Why didn't the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam answer the man's question? It's an easy answer. And yet the Prophet sallallahu Sallam remain silent and Allah revealed to him for an because the the implication of this question is so powerful, that

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it is more befitting the answer came from Allah subhanho wa Taala. If your servants asked you concerning me, the verse begins with that said apparently by the end, if my servants asked you concerning me, and this shows us that the servants of Allah subhana wa tada all of us are in need of asking about a law, knowing about a law learning about a law that we are poor without knowing a large religion. And that's the purpose of this series learning is to learn a law and to learn how to connect to Allah subhanaw taala. And then what's interesting about this verse, is a loss of penalty. It does not tell the prophet to respond. And usually Allah tells the prophet to respond. So for

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instance, waste alumina and the raw coal, when they ask you about the soul. Allah tells the prophets to tell them many verses in the Quran, which I don't like I'm hungry when they asked you about intoxicants. They asked you about gambling, oil to tell them or messenger of Allah. Allah in the Quran often always tells the prophet to tell us. And yet in this verse, Allah does not do so. In this verse, the verse transitions, Alice is speaking to the Prophet that all of a sudden speaking directly to us for in the corrib Indeed, I am near, indeed I am close to you, indeed I am next to you, and lives. dogen wants us to understand that the closeness of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is

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our connection to him subhanho wa Taala that we can speak to him directly that we can connect to him directly, that we don't need a third party to go through our closeness to Allah azza wa jal is the closeness of our connection to him and are drawn to him. And then he says, oh, gee, without a doubt, at that time, I respond to the call of the one who calls upon me when he calls upon me, what is this connection? What's interesting, the question is, is a lot close to us. And then all of a sudden, Allah is talking about do I respond to their do I, I respond to their call, I respond to their supplication, what's the connection between the closeness of Allah and between the supplication the

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closest we feel to a lot the closest you feel to Allah. So when you raise your hands, and you lower your head, and you say, Oh Allah, I am in need of you. That is the closest you feel to a lot. And the closest you are able are there, the way that you are able to witness the closeness of a lot to you, is when you make to act to Allah and you see that being answered, you see the answer of that door in your life. You were sick, you're going through difficulty you ask Allah please heal me. And then you see the healing come to you in your life at some point. That's how you see and you witness with your eyes. How close Eliza is to you. Would you would either die and Allah says in this verse,

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I respond to the call of the one who calls upon me when he calls upon me. Allah has left it in your question.

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When you call upon a law, when you ask a law and when Hadeeth metal wedges any metal pole of any widget any, whenever the servant calls upon me he shall find me. A law has lifted in your court when you decide to raise your hands. When you decide to ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah as surgeon will answer your call, Allah will respond to you. And what's even more beautiful unless parotitis would give would that today, I respond to the call of the one who calls upon me, he doesn't say I will respond to the call of the one who's righteous, I will respond to the call of the one who prays the most, I will respond to the call of the one who memorize the Quran. Now Allah

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leaves it open, I will respond to the call of whoever it is that calls upon me. When you take the decision. When you take the opportunity, the decision, when you make the intention to call upon Allah, that's all that's required for Allah subhana wa tada to respond to your call. Look at how beautiful this verses and alasa panels are, that tells us in the Quran, will call a lot of Buddha Rooney, as

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your Lord has says, Call upon me and I will respond to your call. Your Lord has said call upon me and I will answer your call. And then Allah Subhana Allah says in the leadin, as you know, Nevada it says who Luna Johanna muda Hadean, Allah says those who are arrogant of my worship will enter the hellfire. Now, what's interesting about this verse in the beginning of the verse, Allah says, Call upon me, I will answer your call. And the second part of the verse says, Those who are arrogant of my worship will enter the hellfire. And it says, if a lot of soldier is saying, These are the two categories of people, those who call upon a law, those who asked the last panel to Allah, and those

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who are arrogant to ask him, those who are arrogant to worship Him, those who are arrogant to turn to Him. And this is why the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam tells us the Hadith Quincy he says kulu combined in lemonhead, eight festa Dunia decommit, Allah Subhana Allah says all of you are misguided except the ones who might have guided. So ask for my guidance and I shall guide you kulu Kumar lm and consult to festac Sunni axiocam all of you are naked, unclothed, except the ones who might have closed so ask for my clothing and I shall close you will call or contact the owner but lately when I have one of the Jamia amphastar

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and all of you sitting in the morning and in the nights, and I alone, I'm the one who can forgive the sins. So ask of my forgiveness and I shall forgive you. This is so powerful. This is so powerful, the narrator of the Hadith, he said every time you would narrate the Hadith, he would kneel down on the floor, feeling the majesty the greatness of a law. So again, we are in desperate need to ask a law, we have nothing well Tim subhanho wa Taala we need to turn to realize our guidance is in his hand. Our forgiveness is in this hand, our food, our clothing is in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala How can we be arrogant to to not ask a lot of zildjian to not turn to him to

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not beg him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says a really powerful Hadith. He says Do I hold that do i is the worship. It is the essence of worship. And it's interesting because we say you know a bad servants. We are the abbot of a law the servants of Allah. What does that mean? Even taymiyah fertiliser it he says that? The word about that comes from the concept of something being flattened. Right. So the Arabs used to say early that's a lot of the ground has become a habit, meaning it's become a road people can walk on it's become flat, it's become submitted to people's usage of it. And so the person who's become an object of a law is the person who has shown complete

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humility and submission to Allah azza wa jal. And sometimes you can do acts of worship like fasting, like charity, somebody can give charity and feel arrogant. They give charity not so great, you know, they fast and they feel like oh, yeah, I'm amazing. I'm fasting, right, like their arrogance almost can increase sometimes with acts of worship. But with do I it is very difficult for you to raise your hands for you to lower your head for you to say Oh, like I'm the one who was weak, or like I am the one who has nothing. You are the one who is the greatest and for you to not feel in your hearts humility, submission to Allah Subhana Allah Allah I am in need of you, for you to feel that humility

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and humbleness before your Lord and before your Creator. And this is why it's incredibly important for us to turn to Allah and Allah azza wa jal, he is so majestic and honorable and generous. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allah is definitely in Aloha, you and Katie is definitely in your follow up dia de familia de who say fronthaul even that Allah is generous and noble and modest, too modest that if a servant were to raise his hands and ask something from Allah, that Allah would turn him away with nothing. Allow us to generous into too shy to turn you away with nothing if you ask Allah He has to give you and so we're going to spend these days of Ramadan

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speaking about calling to Allah, understanding and studying the art of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called How do we call to Allah? How do we speak to him? How do we call

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Allah azza wa jal in the best manners and in the best possible way, I showed you a long way and then she said the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Kenny or gebouw Joanne Mia Mina, da, the Prophet used to love the comprehensive

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meaning that that is few words, yet imparts great, tremendous meaning. And of this there's a few things that we can understand and learn from the door of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Number one how do we speak to a lot? What is the best language to use when we speak to a live such as number two since the Prophet is using things that are comprehensive and is dry, we can extract meanings, lessons, the prophet is in fact teaching us even as as he's asking a lot as well as he's beseeching Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's teaching us lessons that we can learn and we can implement in our lives. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said because of this, these

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shaman Accra more under the law, human rights law is that there is nothing more honorable in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala than dry. And so join us for this powerful series during the month of Ramadan, where we will take the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, learn it, understand it, memorize it, extract lessons and meanings for our lives and for our understanding of Allah Subhana Allah so that we can connect with a lot as well throughout this month of Ramadan is Aquila here salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

As we face the challenge of spending Ramadan in quarantine and not in the Masjid, what can we do to ensure that we still have a deep connection with Allah? Join us this Ramadan for a series of videos that will explain some of the Du’a the Prophet used to make. In each Du’a there is a lesson, a meaning, and a spirit that will bring us closer to Allah.

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