Ahsan Hanif – Quranic Seerah 01 – Introduction and Before the Prophets Birth

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the historical and characteristics of the Prophet sallua, including the merger of two sciences and the use of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala to explore the life of the Prophet sallua. They also touch on the importance of learning principles and rethinking the Prophet's use of words in the title of the book of Allah. The culture of the owner of a family is allowed to keep a row with their son, and the term "married to" is used to describe the idea of "married to." The transcript describes the historical context of the use of animals as carriers and their impact on society, including their use in transporting passengers and the development of solar energy. The speakers also touch on the idea of "arentality," which refers to a belief that animals are parts of our bodies and briefly mention a lecture on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although they learn in a shame banyuwangi

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Bismillah him off money law Hey.

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In the hamlet delay to Harlan Amadou Listerine over on istockphoto when I will be low human sure all the unforeseen are women see you Dr. Marina Mija Hello philomel de la la

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mejor de Lune follow her the Allah wa shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa hola hola Sheree Keller

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wash under Mohammed Abdullah who are solo who was Sophie who will harira la masala he was selling him robotically. He was early he was talking to he was a limit to Sleeman kathira.

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I'm about to find mostakbal hediki tabula E to Allah.

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Muhammad in Salalah while he was selling them was Sharon moody Matata Hakuna Matata timbira Wakanda attend Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah chlorophyll which is the 100 and fifth source of the Quran, or lubuntu la he Muna shavon you're watching Bismillah IE Walkman you're walking along taraki for our load on valcambi os herbing feel alum yo john Qaeda whom fito bullying we're also learning him banjaran me told me him behind our team in St. Jean, federal arena home care house

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In this first lesson where we shall loudhailer together we're going to explore the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through the Quran and through the perspective that Allah subhanho wa Taala places the serum of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I want to begin by first going through a basic introduction of what inshallah tada we're going to be doing over the coming weeks,

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or ionic Syrah or Sierra through the Quran is basically a merging of two sciences in Islam. The first science being the science of Tafseer, and the study of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the second science being the science of the Sierra and the life and the biography and the times of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the question therefore is why are we studying Sierra in this perspective? There are two reasons. Number one is because the traditional way of studying Sierra has been done and repeated many, many times. There are many books that you can read that will give you an insight into the tsunami into the sphere of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam. Some of them are smaller, shorter, summarized versions of Syrah and others are more detailed, more expansive, more comprehensive, in terms of the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And at the same time, there's also many lectures and many CDs and many YouTube videos that are out there that also discuss and explore different aspects of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all of his life together. However, one of the things that I did not find very common is someone who takes the care of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but only through the perspective of the Quran. How does Allah subhanho wa Taala describe to us in the Quran,

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the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? And what is the perspective that alert vigil brings to the incidents and events that took place in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Some of those incidents, for example, will be retrospective, something took place in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, an event occurred, an incident took place, for example, like the Battle of butter or the backlog were heard. And then a large silver gel reveals verses concerning that battle. What is it that Alonzo church chooses to focus on? And what is the perspective that Allah subhanho wa Taala brings? What are the details that are learned? So we try to

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explore in detail? And what are the other issues concerning that event that alerts the journal completely ignores or doesn't mention anything concerning them? What is the perspective that Allah brings? What are the events in the life of the Prophet sallallahu? alayhi wasallam that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran? And what are those events that he doesn't mention? These are all questions that we shall lo and explore in organic Syrah. Studying the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Allah He will sell them through the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so from the offset won't be a traditional zero costs in the sense that we won't go through a comprehensive study

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of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because a lot of xojo doesn't do so in the Quran. Rather what we will

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Do is chronologically go through the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but mainly focus on those aspects that are lost speaks about in the Quran. And just knowing that these are the aspects that are love focuses in the Quran immediately brings to our mind that these are the most important events that took place in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because more important than just knowing the details or knowing the incidence or knowing the numbers or knowing all of the type of information, what is more important when it comes to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is learning principles and developing a methodology

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and seeing the way that Allah subhanho wa Taala deals with the Prophet sallallahu Allah He will sell them and so this science he shall allow to Allah or this series of lectures will be an exploration of the science of Tafseer in respect to the serum meaning that for example, when Allah azza wa jal speaks to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is the language that he uses? How does he addressed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looking at the eloquent style of the Quran and the poetic nature of the Quran, and the way that Allah azza wa jal focuses on certain events. Why does Allah subhana wa Taala mention these events as opposed to many other events? And so when we started

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the the book of Allah azza wa jal, and we studied the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his Syrah and we combine the two, then inshallah to Allah He will give us a new perspective and a whole understanding a whole new understanding of the Sierra and the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah azza wa jal as we know in the Quran, he orders us to contemplate the Quran. So for example, Allah subhana wa Taala says and there are many verses to this effect, Allah azza wa jal says kita, Boone and zelner who la come about up, this is a book that we have revealed to you, it is blessing, mobile Apulia double Yachty but its main purpose was not just that

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you simply read it or recite it or memorize it. It is so that you may contemplate over its verses, that you may ponder and reflect over what Allah azza wa jal is saying and what he chooses to mention, and the way in which he chooses to mention it. Leah, the Bible, de Wali, Clara, all Al Bab and so that the people of understanding may remember, it may be a reminder to them, they may understand perspective in the in the challenges that they face, within their own lives, in the difficulties that come across them and upon them throughout their own lives and in their own situations. So Lanza, which orders us to ponder the Quran, he orders us to study the Quran, he

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orders us to not only recite the Quran, but to understand why Allah azza wa jal revealed these verses to us, what do they mean? And how do they affect us and our families. And at the same time, we also find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that from the cornerstones and main of our faith, is that we love the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam more than anyone else, we love him more than our parents. We love him more than our children. We love him more than our spouses and everyone else, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, let me know how you come to a corner Have you lay him in? Well, he will. He will nasty edge Marine, none of you will truly

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believe until I am more beloved to him, that his parents and his children and all of the people, and we know the famous hadith of Rama rhodiola, who and when he came and he said O Messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me, than everyone with the exception of my own self. I love you more than everyone else. With the exception of myself, I love myself more than either view. So the Prophet said to him salaallah alayhi wasallam layer remodel, or not yet, meaning you have reached the highest level of Eman, you haven't completed your Eman. You haven't reached the heights of Eman. So when I'm rhodiola, who I am reflected upon his own nature, and he reflected upon his relationship

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with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and the love that he had for him and the sacrifice that he was willing to make for him. He said, rather a messenger of Allah I love you more than I even love my own self. So the Prophet said to him, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and earn a year or more now or a month. Now you have reached the heights of a man. And so we are told to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, more than anything and everything else. In fact, it is one of the ways that we taste in this life, the sweetness of Eman And we come to enjoy our relationship with Allah azza wa jal and I will worship that we perform to Allah

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Hannah hautala as the Prophet total sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the famous Hadith, Salah from Uncle nafi, he was at the beginning the Halawa. Tell a man, three things if you find them, you will taste the sweetness of Eman And the first thing that he mentioned from amongst those three in your corner Allah who was solo la HeMan merci well, Houma there Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are more beloved to you, than anyone and everyone else. Yet the question comes, therefore, how do we come to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how do we develop a love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is greater and far exceeds the love that we have for our

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parents, our parents, who, our mothers who gave birth to us, and our parents who from the earliest of ages, they looked after us, and they nurtured us, and they educated us. And they, they gave us food, and they gave us drink, and they gave us shelter, and they gave us warmth. And there wasn't a challenge that we faced except that they by the permission of Allah azza wa jal stood by us, and they helped us overcome it. How do we love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, more than the love that we would have for our parents? How do we love him more than we will love our children, our children, that we sacrifice so much for our children, that we would be willing to give our lives up

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for them. We spend days and nights and months and years working so that they can have a better life than us hoping and praying to Allah azza wa jal that they will be better than us in every single way. How do we love the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam more than we love our children? How do we love him more than we love our spouses? our spouses who we take to be the closest people to us that we share? The most intimate and secret of details will that we have this relationship with that is unique to them. And it is unique over and above anyone and everything else. Yet, how do we love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than we would love our own spouses. And how do we love the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than our songs. one of the cornerstones in loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and developing this love is that you must know him. You must know him far better than you know anyone else. You must know him better than you know your own parents better than you know, your own spouses and your children because it is human nature to do so. For example, if I was to ask you, who is the most beloved of people to you? Who do you love the most in your life today? from the people that are living? Everyone would reply my parents, my spouse, children, because it is human nature? Does this mean that your spouse or your parents or

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your spouse's or your children are the best people alive today? They're the most noble people alive today, they're the most honorable people in life to know doesn't necessarily mean that. But why do we love them more? Because we know them so well. And because they sacrifice for us. And because of that connection, naturally, we built up and develop a love for them. That is far greater and stronger than the love that we have for many other people. So therefore, how can we come to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when we know so little about him? How can you love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you know so little about his life? How can you love him and you

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don't know, for example, the names of his children. You don't know his physical description, you don't know his character. You don't know the struggles and the striving and the sacrifices that he made. So that today, 1400 years after his life, we would be able to say la ilaha illa Allah. If you don't know this, you don't appreciate this. You don't have this knowledge. How then can you possibly learn develop a love that is far deeper for him than for our own parents or anyone else that we know. So therefore, it is extremely important, extremely important to study the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, especially in the times that we live in today. Because we are in need

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of developing a methodology in needs of developing a principled approach to our religion. Based upon firm principles from the book of Allah azza wa jal and the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we need to know how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived his life and the way he interacted with people and the way he overcame the challenges that he was faced with by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we need to know the way that a large region gave lessons to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way that he would mention certain incidents in the Quran, so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would understand what he needs to focus on.

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All of this is a shout out to Allah within the remit of the series of lectures on earning serum, studying the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through the perspective of the Quran. In this

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first lecture insha Allah Allah tala, what I want to do is give to you, one of the earliest revelations of the Quran. And since we're going through the seer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a chronological order, so not the way that the order was the way that the Quran was revealed the order that the Quran was revealed in, but the chronological order of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the sutras or one of the passages of the Quran, that speaks about the earliest times of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, even before his birth, is the surah that I recited to you, the 100 and fifth surah of the Quran surah to feel, and this surah

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is from the earliest revelations, it is from the first 20 or so souls that were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So out of 114 souls that makes up all of the Quran, this was from the first 20 odd souls that were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam meaning that it was revealed in the very early mccunn period at the beginning of the prophethood of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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When we study the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he was even born, there is one primary reason to do this. And one primary reason why alarm Zoltan mentioned such incidents. And that is because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to know and appreciate the way and the manner in which he subhanho wa Taala prepared for the coming and the birth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the way that Allah is there, which will prepared for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to come, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not randomly selected. He wasn't just randomly chosen, didn't just happen to be born at this time, because he just happened to be born,

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wasn't just chosen in some type of a draw. Rather Allah xeljanz selected him from above and over all of his creation. And he placed him at this time and at this place, and amongst these people, for wisdom that he knows subhanho wa Taala and Allah azza wa jal prepared for his coming sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so it's not. And that's what I'm doing live in almost robiola where I would say that when a large scale was created creation, Allah subhana wa tada looked within the hearts of all of the people, all of his creation, and he chose the greatest and noblest and purest of hearts, to be the heart of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then after the other hearts of the

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prophets and messengers of Allah, He chose the next best hearts. The next group of hearts that were the best and noblest to be his companions are the Allah and Romans marine. Meaning that it's not just random, didn't just happen, but rather Allah azzawajal chose him and selected him. And that's why Allah subhana wa Taala in the Quran, when he speaks about the Prophet, Mousavi. Salatu was salam, he says was born to Kelly in FCW. And I have chosen you almost for myself. Allah says, I have chosen new selected you. In fact, a spinner or solar means that I have molded you fashioned you produced you build you for myself. So Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the Prophet Musa had installed

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not only chose him, but all of the circumstances that took place at the time of his birth, before his birth, the fact that he came at the time of Pharaoh, who was the greatest despot ever to have lived. And he arrived at that time, and federal had issued a decree, the role of the children, all of the sons of the children of Israel would be killed and they would die. Allah subhanaw taala chose all of those circumstances to take place, and then Musa alayhis salam would arrive. And the same goes for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that's why when you look through the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and when you're studying the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, you find that Allah azza wa jal from all of the prophets that he mentions in the Quran as a reminder to the prophet or seldom that he should take benefit from their life and their lessons, and the difficulties and challenges and trials that they faced. The single prophet that is mentioned most times is the Prophet moosari Center. Most certainly his Salaam is mentioned in the Quran, more than any other prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. More or less from the beginning of the Quran in Surah Al Baqarah. His name begins and is mentioned and story begins, and his name is mentioned all the way until the 30th jewels. When Allah azza wa jal says Sophie Ibrahima will Moosa inshallah, to

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Allah Allah, the name of musala. Instagram, the stone being mentioned, repeated over and over again, many many times. Musa alayhis salam is also somewhat unique, because he is one of the few prophets that in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal more or less gave us the whole of his life story from beginning to

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And meet all the circumstances of his birth all the way until more or less he goes towards the promised land towards the end of his life. All of that is detailed and chronicled in amazing detail by Allah subhana wa tada and you don't find this for Ibrahim alayhis salaam you don't find this for in Saudi Salaam. You don't find this for Mohali histogram. You don't even find it for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in that sense, why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us as an oma and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his time to learn most of all from the lessons of the Prophet Musa alayhis salam. And that's why often when you look at the Sunnah of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he often makes the comparison between himself and the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam, for example, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first received revelation inshallah we'll cover this in another lesson. But when he first received revelation, and he went back to his wife, her the job of the Allah and her, and she took him to her cousin, what, even nofal so that because he was a scholar of the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians, he understood the Bible and the Torah, he'd read them he was familiar with them, when she went to, to work with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what up are heard of Djibouti, raha Salam descending and

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all that are taking place in the cave? What APA said Indeed, this is the same angel that Allah sent to who to Mousavi. Salatu was Salam. It is the same angel that he sent to Mousavi Salaam, not Teresa, not Ibrahim, not to know or rude or salia or any other prophet. It is to me, he said, even though what our pa was, was a scholar of both scriptures, Jewish and Christian. And recently Islam, chronologically speaking, is closer to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam than any other prophet closer than Mousavi Salaam and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I have more right Teresa honey Salaam, because there was no profit between me and him. No profit

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between the demeaning after he started his salon next was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet still, he mentions the name of Musa the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an Arab. His ancestry went back to his Murray Valley, his Salomon before him, Ibrahim alayhis salam. Yet still worker doesn't say your forefather Ibrahim. Even though he was the forefather of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentions the name of moosari. His Salatu was Salam doesn't speak about the prophets hood or Salah, who were Arabs who lived in the Arabian Peninsula during their time, and their story was somewhat known. Amongst the Arabs, it was no to some degree amongst the

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Arabs. It still doesn't make mention of them either. He chooses the Prophet moosari his salatu wa sallam

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like was for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I saw in a dream that I saw in a dream that a prophet of Allah would come on your multi Yama and he would only have three followers. And a Prophet would come with only two followers. And our Prophet of Allah would come on the Day of Judgment with only a single follower, and a prophet of Allah would come on that day, with no one having followed him. Not a single person believed in his message. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I looked at the horizon and I saw a vast amount of people, a whole group of people. So he said to Jubilee to his Salaam Is this my oma

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and Jubilee, Rai Salam said no, rather This is the oma of Mousavi Salatu was Salam. Again, the mention of Musa alayhis salam. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on the night john is run by Raj, and Alonzo and you're obligated 50 prayers upon Him every day and night for this oma and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes back and forth, back and forth, asking Allah for a concession, asking him to lessen the burden the number of prayers that have been obligated upon this oma, who is the Prophet that stops him time and time and time again. musala his Salaam salam, even though the narration of the Hadith is explicit, that Mousavi Salam was on the sixth

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heaven, and on the seventh heaven, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a true Ibrahim alayhis salam. Yet still in this story. Ibrahim alayhis salam doesn't come into the equation after this. When it comes to the issue of salah and the prayer. It is Mousavi his. The Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam said, for example, that when the Trumpet is blown for the Day of Judgment, and everyone falls unconscious, the first one to awake on that day will be our prophets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam. And he said and as I awake, I will see Musashi his Salaam clinging on to the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Mousavi Sarah

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So he said and I don't know if moosari his sternum also fell unconscious, or whether the fact that he fell unconscious at the mountain of authority in this life in this world in the dunya suffice him from falling unconscious again.

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But the point being that again, it is most early Islam that is mentioned over and over again. And it is because of the similarities between the two prophets and between the trials that they would face and between the two omas as well. So larger which says concerning Musashi Salaam, I have chosen you for me, meaning that I have prepared things for you. I have set things in motion for you. And Allah azza wa jal does this with his prophets are emos. Salatu was salam, and with his only those that Allah loves and protects and guides and honors, Allah azza wa jal does this for them as a means of honoring them and as a means of helping them and assisting them for their high Eman And for the

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connection with the loss of Hannah Montana. With the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there are two incidents that I want to mention to you. In today's lecture. Both of them are showing how Allah subhanaw taala prepared for the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad Ali. He was similar. The first of those incidents

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is the one of Zamzam. The one of Zamzam as we know, and a lot of zodion mentions in the Quran, the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and how he left his son is married to Islam and we know that zamzar was found by them Allah Subhana Allah allowed them to discover the one of Zamzam in the time who is married alehissalaam so Samson was known amongst the harems, because in the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, the Arabs, the Quraysh, they used to honor some of the Sharia and some of the symbols of Ibrahim alayhis salam. So they used to honor the Kaaba, and they used to honor Safa and Marwa and they were familiar with Minar and Madani Fernando for these places, they would

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honor them, even though their perception and the way that they used to perform Hajj was completely like off the grid was completely different to the way that Allah subhanaw taala orders us to perform Hajj they would have so many different acts that they invade innovated into the pilgrimage. But the point is that the essence of the hunch of pilgrimage of the Kaaba of these types of places was something which was preserved in them and amongst them, and from amongst those things was the one of zum zum zum zum overtime had become lost. So for many generations before the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the life of his grandfather, Abdulmutallab Zamzam, the well of Zamzam

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had been lost. No one knew of samsara no one knew where it was. They had heard of zum zum and they knew of of it being more transparent, but they didn't know its location. They didn't know Mary wants in the time of Abdullah McCauley, but I'm the McCallum is the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is many years before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born in factories even before the birth of his father Abdullah, the birth of the father of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abdul muttalib was one of the nobleman of orange, and one of the leaders of orange. And orange is a tribe. And the way that the tribal system works is that it has

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clans. There are many different families, and they make up clans. And the bigger the larger number of people that you have in each clan, the stronger that your clan is, and all of them collectively make up the tribe. The tribe of orange had many clans from amongst them, was the clan of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ben who Hashem and the leader of that clan, and therefore one of the most powerful men in oration the one that they would respect the most, was the grandfather of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abdulmutallab. I'm Bill McCollum one day he saw in a dream that a man came to him and remember this is many years before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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even born. He saw in a dream that a man came to him and he said to him, for Baba, go and dig baba baba mean something which is pure, something which is blessing. It is also now one of the names of Medina one of the names of Medina is playbar

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go and dig by Eva. But Abdul muttalib says that before I could ask this man in my dream What do you mean what is he by what do I dig, the man vanished disappeared.

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The next night he saw another dream and again the man came to me and he said to me for Barbara go and dig Barbara and Barbara mean something which is good, something which has goodness in it but again before he could ask him what it is referring to the man up and left the dream finished. On the third night again he saw a dream and see man came and he said to him for Alma gonna go and dig something which should be preserved something which is special, something which is precious. But again, before

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He could ask him any questions the man left. On the next night he saw a dream and the man came again. And he said to him go and date Samsung, Samsung McCollum this time was able to question him in his dream and say what is Zamzam? So the man replied and he said, Zamzam law humans are full well are you them? Test Bill hedgies allow them while he available for free with them. In the know karate hora blossom in Korea to namun he gave him a few verses of poetry, turning him wisdoms, and once he said to him Zamzam latency formula to the mirror is something which you can never reach. Its meaning that it is a water, which is so fast, it never finishes, but at the same time, it is not stingy

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meaning that you can take from it as much as you want.

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And then he said testing her GG allow them all of the pilgrims are come, it is enough water to go and give them to it. So the pilgrims that come to perform the Hajj and Umrah It is enough sufficient for them as a source of water as a source of drink. And then he said where he abandoned for a few we're done. It is in between blood and excretion in the knock rattle horrible, awesome, by the nest of the white

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feathered Crow

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and then instigating the Create enamel by the colony of the ants. Now this description was enough from the muttalib when he woke up to understand exactly where by the camber whereby the Kaaba, he needed to go and start digging. Now remember the time of Abdulmutallab, you didn't have a master harem like we have it now with hotels and roads and so on. It was literally the Kaaba and desert and houses and dwellings around it. And so he went and he took some of his sons that were born at the time that were with him at the time his eldest sons, he went and he started to dig. And you can imagine in the middle of the desert by the camera Abdulmutallab 234 of his sons the digging

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as They're digging, and the noble men of coloration sing this and it's something which is weird to them something which looks peculiar, they see to Abdur McCollum, or I'm doing McCallum. What are you doing? I'm Bill McCollum says I'm digging for Zamzam.

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They say Tim, you've gone crazy.

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you're digging for is a desert, number one. Number two, Samsung has been lost for generations. And all of a sudden you just woken up one day and decided to dig for Zamzam. So what does he do? He ignores them carries on digging, and they dig and they dig until eventually they find water and that water starts to gush forth and they realize that he has actually discovered Zamzam.

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So when they see him having discovered zum zum zum, zum. zum is something as I said, which was known to them, they knew of it, you know, blessitt nature and so on and so forth. It was something which was familiar to them. When they saw Samson pouring forth, they said, We have found some some more of them. Right? We as an orange, I found Samsung, or the metallic said, No, I found Samson. Me, My children, we found some some us a few minutes ago, you were just making fun of me when you taking the Mick and now you pretend that it belongs to all of us? No, it belongs to me. So what dispute arose, the Quraysh wanted it to be shared and collective. Abdulmutallab said no. The man came to me

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in my dream is to get my children. It belongs to us meaning not that they own it, or they're going to sell it, but they become the custodians of it. It is under their guardianship under their custodianship. So because of this dispute, and they couldn't settle this dispute, they agreed. And obviously this was many years before the standard agreed that they would appoint a judge, an arbitrator, and they agreed that they would go to Sham the Levant area, right to today's modern day Syria, Lebanon, and that area a sham. And they would go to a fortune teller, a woman who was a fortune teller, and she would be able to judge between them. Now obviously, these were people who on

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paganism on shared, worshipping idols, believing in soothsayers and fortune tellers. And so they consider this woman to be someone who was wise and someone who's who's ruling and decree would be something which was fair to them. So they decided in those days, that they would travel from Mecca to share a journey that may take well over a month, and they will go with their families and they will take provisions and so on, to go to this woman and a sham to settle the dispute about who will be able to take some some Abdulmutallab, or does it belong to all of Quraysh. So they set off Abdulmutallab and his sons and other mobile men and their sons. It's like a big caravan of people.

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And they're going towards a sham as they're approaching or going on their way to Sham and they're like halfway over halfway there. And then in the middle of night, neither here nor there. They

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middle of the desert, all of their provisions eventually run out. No water left, no food left. And the in the middle of the barren desert with the desert sun and heat. There's no people around accommodation, no shelter, no vowels, nothing. They don't have enough to go back to Makkah, they don't have you enough to go and proceed to sham. They're in the middle of the desert. Sorry, the muttalib says to all of the chiefs, all of the different clans and tribes, all of the people that were there, the normal men, he said, each of us should go and pick a spot and start digging. Right? I go with my children, we start digging here you go somewhere else just randomly spread out, start

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digging, perhaps we will find some water.

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So they agree. They dig and they dig. And obviously when you dig in the desert, Sunday makes you more thirsty, more tired, more hungry, after a while no one finds water. So everyone starts to give up, lose hope, succumb to their fate, as they would say. And they begin to just lie down and everyone just puts down their spades or whatever they were using to dig and everyone just gives up. And they just lie down. I'm doing Macaulay when he sees that this is a situation where this is all of courage now, more or less giving up ready to die. He says to his son's, at the very least continue to dig at the very least if we're going to die, we should die trying digging for water.

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We're going to die we're going to die anyway. But at the very least let's try to find something. So he and his sons, they continue everyone else

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has given up. They carry on. And eventually by the permission of Allah subhanaw taala they find water. They find water in the middle of the desert. So Abdulmutallab drinks, his children and his people that will with him they drink. And then he says to them, he says to his children go and call all of the other people told them we found water. So they will come and they drink and they replenish their supplies and so on and so forth. And then Abdulmutallab says to them now let us go. Let's carry on. Let's go to sham. See this woman settle this issue and then we can return home. The other leaders have arrested No, no. The one that gave you water here is the same one who gave you

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water in Makkah. Meaning Allah. Allah gave you water here he is the one who allowed you to find something in Makkah, a belongs to you are the custodian of Muslims. And they settled the dispute of the matale became so happy. He was so happy that he said that oh well law. If you blessed me with 10 songs, what will I do to number 10 I will sacrifice

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if you give us 10 songs, if you give me 10 songs, I will sacrifice number 10 This is an oath that he takes by the name of Allah as a means of showing gratitude to Allah azza wa jal that he blessed him and his family with Zamzam. Not the time maybe I'm the mobile he only had three or four sons, by then probably expect to get to number 10. He only like thought that he had three or four or five, whatever so he made this novel he made an oath to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so they return to Mecca.

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They returned to Makkah, years passed by he has more sons more sons, Muslim 789. And then he gets number 10 who is number 10. Abdullah, who is Abdullah, the father of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And now you see how Allah subhanaw taala many years before the Prophet Solomon is even born, Allah is choosing him and selecting him and preparing him. And all of these events and circumstances are taking place. In order to ready itself for the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gets number 10. Number 10. Being Abdullah Abdullah is the youngest of his sons, and he is the most beloved of his sons. Why is the youngest child often as you have for those of us

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that are parents youngest child is often the one that you love most than the young one, and so on. Maybe it's like one of your favorites. he happened to be the favorite problem of ballet I loved him dearly. But at the same time he made an oath. Now the Arabs, even though they will people have Shotokan Cofer and they read so many crazy things and they worshipped idols and did all sorts of of crazy things that Allah mentions in the Quran, and so on and so forth. They were people who if they took the name of Allah, they would consider it to be one of the most holiest of things, an unbreakable vow. If you took the name of Allah, you never took it lightly. And so even though they

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had these practices of shirk and kufr, they had within them this reverence for the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And unfortunately, this is something which in our time, many Muslims have lost. People will use the name of Allah, they'll take oaths and promises and, and to make testimonies With the name of Allah, and they're lying, and they're cheating and they're deceiving, and they couldn't care less. But the Arabs despite their shadow can their coffin and so on. They knew the name

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Allah azza wa jal was waiting, lofty, something which was not to be used frivolously something which you don't just say lightly upon your tongues. And so because he had made an oath, by Allah's Name, he was determined to sacrifice his son. Number 10. Right. And this is a tribal system. They don't have laws and courts and judges and Parliament's and so on just tribes. This is a tribal system living in the desert. And so he decided that he would carry on an annual slaughter number 10 the other nobleman said, Don't flow to your son, think of something else find another way do something else. Don't actually store to your son. He said, No, I made an oath by Allah's Name, that if he gave

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me 10 sons, I will start number 10. And that's what I'm going to do. The other noble men of Quraysh became upset and afraid. They said to one another, that if I'm the McCollum I will lead our nobleman our elder, if he does this, it will become a practice amongst ours. All of the Arabs will start making these Olds right they will start saying if I all love you give this to me that I will sorted this son and that and before you know it, everyone just torturing the sons

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and the Arabs, as you know, and as inshallah we will mention, maybe next week, they used to place a lot of emphasis on their sons, they loved their sons, their sons, to them, one of the most precious things that could take place. Some of the Arab tribes didn't care much for girls and daughters, but they loved their sons, all of them. And so they didn't want this to become a practice. So they said, Oh, I'm done. McCollum, what do you think? Why don't we go back to Sham to that woman, that fortune teller and asked her to find a surveyor, Surely there's something else you can do, that will allow you to expiate for your oath, and at the same time, save the life of your son. Um, the McCallum

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obviously loved us and didn't want to kill him if he didn't have to. And so he decided that he would go with them, they went to a sham.

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And they went to that woman, that fortune teller, and she said to him, you need to draw lots, draw lots. And lots will have either the name of your son Abdullah, or they will have 10 camels. If you draw the lock of your son, Abdullah, that means that you have to store 10 camels. And then you draw the lats again. And if you draw his name, again, it's another 10 camels. And if you draw his name, again, it's another 10 times and you have to keep doing this until you draw the lot of the camels instead. And whatever number you reach, that's where you stop. So I have the mechanical grip. That's what he will do, and he will explain it for its own, he wouldn't have to kill his son. So he drew

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the locks. The first one was Abdullah 10. camels. Another one, Abdullah, another 10 camels now 20. Then again, Abdullah, and he continued to draw the lot of his son until he reached a total of 100 commits. 100 camels, and then he drew the lot of the cameras. So he went back to Mecca, and he started 100 camels, instead of slaughtering his son Abdullah, and just as a point of interest, this then became in the process of selling and was sent in Islam came, it became the blood money of murder. The blood money for murder is 100 camels in Islam. And it is something which Alonzo Winchell continued after the prophet of Solomon came and it's a part of our Sharia. But this is where he came

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from. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his father was allowed to live, and he grew up and obviously then he would get married to amin, and he would eventually have a son, who is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But the point of this incident is even before the birth of the prophets of Salaam even before the birth of his father, Allah subhanho wa Taala is preparing the ground for the coming of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The second incident that I want to bring to your attention is the surah that I recited at the beginning of today's lecture.

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And that is sort of to feel Surah 105 in the Quran, surah two will feel is so named after the incident of the elephant, right. And the incident of the elephant as is mentioned in the books of, of Sierra history, and so on and so forth, is that, and the year of the elephant, the year that this incident took place was so the year in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be born. So this incident is also before his birth, but he would later be born in that same year.

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There was a leader by the name of Abraham, who came from Abby's singing descent. But he lived in Yemen. He was from the Abyssinian Empire and and those times, Yemen was a part of the Abyssinian Empire. And he happened to be the governor of the land of Yemen, and his name was abraha. And abraha, saw the role of the Arabs were going to Makkah because they would go to perform pilgrimage. So even though they weren't Muslims, there was no such thing as though heat and so on in those times, yet the people had the concept of pilgrimage. It was a warped concept of pilgrimage, but nevertheless, it was a concept of pill

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Women's, and obviously that's something which then bought much money and commerce and trade to the Meccans of Quraysh. And so when abraha saw this, he didn't want people to go to Mecca. Jealous, why are they going to Mecca. So he was talking because there's a car by their, by the structure, this karma, and that's what they go and they make pull off around and so on. So I'm summarizing the story. But he said that I will instead build a greater, bigger, larger cabin in Yemen. And people should come here instead,

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when it's because they're going there because there's a cabin a bigger, bigger built a bigger one, a larger one, a great tool, and then people should come here instead. So he built it. He built it. Now obviously there is some very narrations and so on. But after he built this, not many people came. But one of those people that came to Yemen at that time was from Makkah from the kurush. And the Americans used to travel as a large though dimensions in the Quran, they would travel to Yemen and a sham in the winter in the summer months for trade and commerce, right. He left him, regulators, she thought he was safe. They would go in the summer and the winter months for commerce and trade. He

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came to Yemen and he saw this big structure is from Mecca, is from Quraysh. So this big structure and he said to the people around him, What on earth is this? And they said, this is the new karma. Right? Now the Arabs, as I said before, had this veneration for the Shahada for the camera photo off and so on, even though they had Shelton's on but they used to honor these things. So he was so upset that someone would have the audacity to build a camera, the cabinet that was built by Ibrahim Ali Instagram that Allah ordered him to build and so that someone should have the audacity to come and try to build a bigger camera. He was so upset that he urinated over it a chroma comala urinated over

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it. And then he left and he went back to Manta.

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abraha. When he came, and he saw that someone urinated on his car, he became an extremely angry, and he said, Who did this? So they said a man came from Makkah from Croatia. So you built and he wasn't happy, obviously. And he urinated over it. And he left abre he was so incensed that he said that I will raise an army of elephants, and I will take them to Makkah, and I will destroy their karma, destroy their karma. So they will have nothing, no other choice except to come to my one in Yemen, and then we'll see.

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So he raised his army of elephants, and he left Yemen. And he went all the way to Makkah. And once he was in Makkah, whilst he was traveling and coming towards Mecca, and he was telling people openly, this is what I've come to do. When the Ornish had. Abdullah polyp at the time was the was the leader of Qureshi was still alive. When he heard he told the mccanns, go free into the mountains, take your possessions, take your animals, take your flocks, and go and flee. No one can withstand an army of elephants. They were tribal in their way that they used to govern themselves didn't have an army didn't have soldiers, and even though they would fight an of warfare, it was

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warfare amongst tribes then fight superpowers and so on. They didn't fight armies of elephants. And so you told everyone to flee so they fled. And so as the people were fleeing and abre, had approached close to Makkah, he found I'm the metallic one in the nation says that he found that his flock of animals, his camels and sheep, and so on, were nearby to where Abraham had settled his army, where they will count. So he went there to take his camera, he met abraha happened to bump into him and they said, Abraham, this is the leader of our age, this is the leader. So bra has said to him, why'd you come? What do you want, he thought that he was going to beg for he's going to

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plead for is going to ask for some type of, of mercy and so on. And the muttalib said, I've only come to take my flock, if you will be so kind to take, let me take these animals and go, I will leave. I will leave.

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Sabra has said to him, I've come to destroy your karma. He wasn't interested in killing the people who just want to destroy the car, I have come to destroy your karma. And all you care about is your sheep and your goals and your camels. Abra has said to him, I am the Lord of these companies. Meaning I am the master. I am the owner. As for the karma, it has a law that will protect it.

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Right. As for the karma, it has a Lord that will protect it. And then he left and he went back into and he fled with his sheep and so on. abre has set off with his army intent on destroying the Kaaba and as they reach that place between moose deliever and Amina when he comes out of Metallica and you go towards Minar today, even when you go 400 that road that takes you there is a value is not a value anymore because it's roads now, but there is a value an area that you pass that is a value known as well. The more has

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When he reached this area, that is when Allah subhanho wa Taala sent upon him and his army of elephants, flocks of birds, with stones of clay, and they pounded those stones upon those elephants in the army, and all of them were destroyed. All of them were destroyed. And that's why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made hunch, his farewell hunt and he passed by this place, he told the companions to hasten speed up, they said, Why or messenger of Allah, he said, because this is the Valley of punishment. This is where a large, virtually destroyed abraha and his army. And so it's not a place where you should dwell and take your time, it's the place where you should hasten

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and speed up. And so that is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as you pass through that valley. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is relaying this incident to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam many years later, and remember the Quran, by the time it's revealed the prophet of sentiments in his 40s. And this is like maybe the 19th 20th sort of the Quran to be revealed. Many years have passed. But throughout the whole Quran, the story of the elephant is only mentioned once, is only mentioned once. And some of the scholars say the reason why it's only mentioned once is for two reasons. Number one,

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is because the army wasn't destroyed because they disbelieved in Islam, because there wasn't really a concept of Islam. And it wasn't because they disbelieved in the process of selling because the Protestantism hadn't yet been sent. And so it's not something important from that perspective, because the Koran, its primary purpose is to establish the heat. And to negate shock, that is the primary purpose of the Quran, to lay down the principles of toe hate. And because this incident didn't really take place, as a result of the heat and shock, because it's before the birth of the prophets of Salaam, Allah only mentions it once. And this is what I mean when you study the Quran,

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or the Sierra through the perspective of the Quran, you see what is important and what isn't important, and why a large soldier mentioned something only once and other things he repeats over and over and over again. The second reason why this fellow said that is not been repeated more than once the story of the elephants in the army is because Allah subhanho wa Taala at the beginning of the meccan period of Revelation, didn't want the Quraysh to feel that Allah subhana wa Taala would honor them, that Allah would save them, because in the story, Allah is saving his karma. And as a result, those people of corrosion are also say. So Allah subhanaw taala doesn't repeat the story

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over and over again to give them the false impression and false sense of security, that they would be blessed and that they will be protected and that they would be honored because they are still custodians of the karma. Allah subhanaw taala. In order to negate this, he only mentions the story he wants, just as a passing reference. So last panna cotta, Allah says in the surah Alam Torah k for Allah Rob Booker because Herbie will feel, do not see how and what your Lord did to the people of the elephants the army of the elephants, do you not see Allah azza wa jal listening to the prophets Allah Allah tala? Or do you not see even though obviously the prophet SAW Allah Allah He was see

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because he wasn't a witness wasn't even born at the time. But it is to show the proper Salaam that what Allah is saying to him should be like certain he should treat it as something which is certain, like we often say, don't you see that? This is correct? Don't you see that this is the right way to do things doesn't mean literally see, but it means that you should know with certainty that this is the option that you should take Allah is saying to him subhanaw taala Do you not see Did you not see meaning? Did you not know with certainty? What Allah did? And Allah says Kay for for Allah Rob book, not what not only what the how, what and how Allah did those people of the army of the elephants,

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because those people came thinking, or the army of elephants came in thinking that they had military mind and military power and the ability to do what they pleased and destroy the karma of Allah subhanho wa Taala because they had the physical ability to do so. And remember at the beginning of the meccan period of revelation when the surah is revealed, the Muslims are extremely weak, few in number, pour in resources, no money, no, no one to really help them, no one to really protect them other than Allah Subhana Allah. So Allah azza wa jal is showing to them. This dichotomy on the one hand, these people thought that they had an army of elephants and it would be enough. But Allah

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subhanaw taala wants to show the prophets of Salaam that the true strength, the true strength of the believers is not in armies, in Islam in physical power. It has not in materialistic possessions, but it is in a man and your belief in Allah subhanaw taala and you will taqwa of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah mujer al Qaeda. He told me and that's what Allah says, Did he not make the

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plants and their plots go into misguidance go astray, despite all of their plotting and pairing and despite everything they try to do, Allah subhanho wa Taala caused all of it, to go off rail to go off track to go astray. And Alonzo whittle did it in a way that shows his absolute power. subhanho wa Taala. Well, I will sell early him by Ron Beal, and he sent to them flocks of birds. And the elephant, as you know, is one of the greatest in the animal kingdom in terms of its size and weight and power is one of the greatest creations of Allah subhanaw taala moves and lives unto and walks yet even though they had an army of elephants, Allah subhanaw taala to show his true power. And

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remember, this is a lesson to the Prophet Solomon, the Muslims, that they shouldn't despair because they're weak. They shouldn't despair because they feel in number. They shouldn't despair because they're being oppressed because their power and honor and might, it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah azzawajal sent upon this army, birds, burns, birds, what what's a bird going to do in relation to an elephant? How big is a bird in relation to an elephant? How strong is a bird when it's compared to an elephant? Yet still, Allah subhanaw taala destroyed them. And this is like how Alonzo would yell at the proper person. I'm told us that the tribal do gentleman and George despite

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the vast numbers and despite their their their power and their strength, Allah azza wa jal will destroy them with worms that will come and eat their necks. A worm is one of the feeblest creatures, one of the weakest creatures. And these people are so mighty and powerful. But true power lies with a large soldier and if he wants, he can use the smallest of insects to topple down the greatest of beasts. And so Allah azzawajal is giving us that example here, told me Mary Jo rotting means in jail, and those birds came and they threw down, stones made out of clay. For gyla, whom Klaus Finn cool, and that army and all of it all of its army, all of the elephants everything there, it became,

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like chewed straw, like straw, meaning like dried the grass, and some of the spoilers with a few said, Imagine if you had a, like a flock of goats or sheep or camels, and you had a field of dried grass, and you let them run amok, run wild in this field. How will they trample over it? How would they break that grass? How would they choose some of them spit it out? How would destroy and decimate that whole field? That is the example that Allah azza wa jal is giving about this army of elephants. They were like chewed up straw, they were trampled upon straw, meaning that a blade of grass, if it's living and it's green, at least has some, some strength in it, like the leaves when

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they're green, and the wind comes and blows them, they don't fall off because they're living, and they have some strength to attach themselves to the tree. But when they die in the autumn, and they become brown, and orange, and those are the colors and they die, and they become brittle and weak, even a very small gust of wind can come and blow them all off, because they're dead. So likewise, this is how a large scale which will give us the same type of image that they will like blades of chew to grow grasses like chewed up straw like dead grass, had no ability to withstand had no power to defend themselves against what Allah subhanaw taala had decreed for them. The great lesson in

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this is that a large dogen wanted the Muslims and the prophets of Salaam to know at that time, even though this incident comes before, but Allah social mentions it later on, doesn't begin the revelation of the Quran with this incident because it's chronological. And that's something important to remember that the Quran wasn't revealed about chronological events, but it is about what is most important at that time. What gives you principles and methodology and so large they were just the links this surah with the surah that comes after it to show to arrange as well. In surah, Polish Allah subhanaw taala says Lila fish for the security of aurash Isla Rafi manipulator.

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sheeta he was five and for the security of their Business and Commerce routes, their trade routes in the summer and the winter. What should they do? Taking the lessons of the army of the elephants and they were witnesses to this when the Quran was revealed. There were people who witnessed that time Yes, Abdulmutallab had died and Abdullah had died and many others had died. But there was some very elderly people who Quraysh at the time of the prophet SAW Selim like some people said like Abu Talib, Abu lahab and these people, they were alive at the time of the incident of the Arab they remember, how will our soldiers saved his Kaaba

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So la subhanaw taala is saying that what they should have taken from this is what Allah subhanaw taala mentions and sort of borash failure Abou roberval bait, therefore worship the Lord of this house, the Lord of the Kaaba, a lot of the say worship Allah, He links to, to sort of feel and sort of polish on the one hand, this army wanted to destroy the Kaaba. And on the other hand, Allah saves the Kaaba, and he honors the people of Polish by doing so. So he says to them, then worship the Lord of this house, a lovely Oppenheimer, whom in what manner home in half, for he is the one who fed you when you were hungry. He allows you to go and trade in the summer in the winter to go to Sham and

01:00:46 --> 01:01:27

Yemen and trade and commerce, Manor home in hove, and he gave you security and safety at times of fear. So Allah subhanaw taala in the surah is not only showing us His might and power, and how the Muslims at that time should hold on to Allah subhanaw taala not despair, at the lack of number and resources and power and so on. But Allah subhanaw taala is also showing us how we prepared for the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam under Allah azza wa jal never forsakes his believers and his own young as colossal petrodollar that he makes us from his own Yeah, that allows xojo chose his blessings upon us. So inshallah we'll draw this lecture to a close here and next week

01:01:27 --> 01:01:37

in shallow Darla will continue with this jungle nugget on solar energy in a moment. Why on earth he or something bH marine solomani middle line or barakato

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