Adnan Rajeh – The Glorious Names of Allah Names of provision Al-Wahhab (The Unconditional Bestower)

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "untangled Things" is discussed, with a focus on the use of it as a gift given to anyone. The speakers emphasize the importance of guidance in shaping behavior and personal experiences, and how it can be a tool for personal growth. They also mention the use of "verbal" in relation to guidance and guidance in personal and professional life. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of giving gifts in conversations to someone and their potential outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the doors are all at the rate than the lines to technically start all from the left and come this way so that so that we don't end up with gaps in the middle

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this Mullah Hill herb

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is Mullah Hill herb,

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the category that we are covering today and yesterday we covered yesterday as well. names or attributes of provision that you offer SubhanAllah. And I talked about

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this Mala had was up. And there are many names within this category that can be covered but I chose is Mala hula hub, I think it's maybe it's shorter. And today's Friday so works out nicely for me.

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The unconditional bestower that was the meaning of a hub that was out as the umbrella name

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is the name that all of the other names within this category kind of fall under. Because everything that you are given in this life.

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Whether you like it or you don't Is it as everything that you're offered

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as a herb is a little bit different than then there was alcohol or was

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it will have the definition of it, I put the one who gives unconditionally. Time and time again.

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Time and time again.

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The one who gives, the amount that is being given is disproportionate to what the person feels they deserve or what the person would necessarily or normally receive. That's what the hub is.

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It was up beside

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you work and then you get your risk. That's usually how it works. They do a hub a save either

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through a hub, you're given something that is way beyond what you thought you would ever receive. And then the OSI starts after like you start working with what you have afterwards to make sure distributed accordingly, it was out there's always some degree of connection either is a monthly salary, some sort of ongoing, repetitive giving, bestowing or provide a provision that Allah has offering a little herb is like a gift. You're given something and you cannot connect it to any anything that is logical. You have no connection or affiliation for what it is that you received. It makes no sense to you there is no correlation with anything that life that that you can you can

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think of that's what Herb is the one who just gives. And he gives so much that you that you're uncertain of why it is that you receive what you receive. That's that's that's the concept of the name. I think when we when he uses in Arabic language we use the term mo Heba or MOA Hib that translates literally English, and the word gifts, it's a gift. If someone if you say someone is gifted, or someone has a gift, you're thinking of something that is you don't understand exactly why it is they are the way they are. Or you know, it's not unclear. There's no specific explanation for it. You can't go to their fathers or mothers and say, What did you do to make the kid be able to do

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this? They just, it's just a gift. It's something ALLAH SubhanA wa they just gave, he gave someone something and there's no understanding for it. There is no reason there's no correlation. There's no logic. He just gave some pilot with Darla. And that's his name and a hub he unconditionally gives. The unconditional gives. He's not waiting for anything. In return. Nothing had to happen at the beginning. In order for this to occur. It was just given.

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So many scholars say the MO Heba is something Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't ask about it gives it to you, and then he leaves it. It's just something that you're giving us you're free. It's a free ride for you. In the Quran, it's only three times the name, the word itself comes in multiple times, but the name itself was only three times. And all three times. It is with his name Al Aziz.

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And Aziz is the name whenever it comes in combination with another.

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It points out that Subhana wa Jalla, does whatever he wants, and he is not questioned. The concept of life's alumni are fun,

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because he's the unfathomable because he is the Aziz subhanaw taala. He's not one that we can go and ask for why this why that? Why didn't you do this? Or why didn't you do that? Or what was the reason for this? Or he's not questioned? subhanho wa taala. So it comes with it ha ha, because they will have is when you're given a gift that is beyond or disproportionate to what others are receiving, or what you would usually receive. Well, why is it that I'm getting this disease? That's why so as he takes care of the answer of the question of why, why that's not that's not open for discussion. It's not Oh, it doesn't that's a question that's not a question you can ask. He gives whatever he he does

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whatever he wants some final words that he gives him he wants any holds back where you want. So why did I get all

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This because as is, that's why I'm in the home Hawza you know, raw material because I see Zillow hub or is it that they have the hazhar and

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they have the banks have a risk of your Lord the unfavorable and the unconditional Bestower subhanho wa Taala interesting thing about some hola hola hub in the Quran

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never ever attached to money

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ever it's never attached to money

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is attached to other stuff it comes with the big things it comes with the with the with the with the offerings that are that are huge and it's never wealth. It's never wealth

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it's just a very interesting thing when Sorry, man Ali is that um talks about being fairly were heavily Milka lamb belly, I had him in body, he used the word heavily, and offer me a sovereignty, status power that you did not offer anyone else within the history of the human race.

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And you will never offer anyone after me or heavily and will lay on by the ID Member ID in NACA, and you're the one who can do that. We're going to conditionally bestow upon me that amount of so Allah subhanaw taala granted, that's a whole nother hurry Hydra GDBM reveal her and I will also avoid shouting.

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But when when when a man asks the question of being given something that is unparalleled, historically, Never again, never before never again, will this ever happen, where someone who have so much power that they would be able to speak to the creatures of the Earth, where he would be able to call upon the wind and ask it to move him in one direction or the other.

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Where he could speak to the jinn and have them do things for him on Easter. Never have we ever heard of a ruler who had that degree of power. That's aside from the from the armies that he had Ali, he said I'm in the wealth that yet no, this is something completely different.

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When he was answered on it, he said on by Allah subhanaw taala it wasn't money. He already had money. He already had it that day. He was walking around

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with his horse caught it in the belly area and he had wanted to call it he had a lot of wealth set of horses. Very expensive. The answer from Allah subhanaw taala to this. He was you could hear the hood. He could understand the animal. It could come in the wind. That was the MO Heba. That was the that was the gift that he was given by Allah subhanho wa Taala commonly is Mala Hila hub is connected to children

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it's connected to kids what will happen yeah was Lahaina Allah who's older right and when

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when the Korea Korea heavily mil they don't care jewelry yet I'm by Eva brand me offer me gift me from you a pious offspring will have an idea who yeah so we gave him so we gave we gave him yeah here when you breed Allah Islam came to Maria What did you tell her father in them I know a Zulu Rob biggie. The bulaki Hula means a key Yeah, so you can offer you it's a gift something that you wouldn't otherwise ever ever receive

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Hubble's law who is her lawyer who

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will have been I know who is how about why our boob tube Rahim Allah is He says in Surah

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Shara oh sorry so to shore up Yeah, her boo. He may usher in earth. Well yeah, who you may share with the pool or user with whom you Quran and then you will offer as a gift to them. We wants children who are male or children who are female. That's why when you have a child, the Prophet salallahu Salam whenever if he ran into you, he will say what would you say? Say booty Calaca Phil Mohib wash account Tallulah hibbott.

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Now is the dua the Prophet alayhi salatu salam with me. May Allah bless for you the Mo who whatever the gift that you've been given, and may you be able to show gratitude to the worship to the one who gifted you this because what exactly did you do to deserve anything? Did you manufacture this human being?

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Were you involved in the intrigue designing of this thing that came out of your your your wife's belly? What contribution did you actually have? Sympathetic Allah Hey, the man's contribution to the children's race. But yet you have a creature that comes out and within a few years, this creature is able to speak and to think for themselves and after that they become a full human being who you look by you call your son and you call your daughter. And if something is if ever a mirror the word miracle could be used to be used on on our children having children on the on the on the gift of life, which is why this word is repeatedly used to refer to the children. It's also used to refer

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two spouses what will happen to Allah who we're having?

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We're having a

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rough match and Mina or Rama time in India where the Quran

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Allah who will be granted gifted him his spouse.

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells us Pharaoh metallic dunya

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the best thing in this world to have like the best thing that you take away from this world from this from this dunya there's a lot of the the best thing is a is a pious wife is a pious wife is a pile of spout pies. Suppose someone who will help you on your journey because it can get quite lonely as time progresses and it can get it become difficult. He uses the word webinar when he speaks about when he speaks about his spouse. When he speaks about guidance Subhana wa Tada what will happen to Allah Who is Hathaway or Uber coolin? Hi, Dana, right up to zero olugbenga is her de tener or Hubble Anna, Mila Dune, and grant us the Mercy here is the mercy of guidance to first hold

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for us to hold on to it.

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The concept of the beauty of guidance you have enough.

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And when you think about guidance, as a multiband as a gift, it changes to a certain degree it changes your perspective regarding it, how you look at it all together,

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becomes a little bit different. I think there's something worthy of, of all of our contemplation is just contemplating the concept of guidance. Because when you think about it, you asked about this 17 times a day, this is what you're asking you you asked about nothing else more. Like there's nothing in your life that you are constantly requesting from Allah subhanaw taala more than guidance every day 17 times at least you say it you know so often was talking grant us guidance grant us guy if you if someone was recording your words. Now, if someone's recording your words and reading them back to you, after a day, they would conclude that you seem to be extremely interested in guidance. That was

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that would be their conclusion. This person. They seem to be very obsessed with guidance. They can be continuously honest. But now you probably don't even think about that. But that's really what you do. You're asking for why because the MO Heba because what you're asking for the Quran when the Quran refers to it, when the Quran is going to refer to it, it refers to it as as Hiba

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will have an eye level. Medina herbal enamel, they don't

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have an army they don't.

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You asked for Allah subhanaw taala for that, for that mo Heba guidance.

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Friendship. When when when Musa Ali said I'm scared from what Allah subhanaw taala was asking him to do. He asked for, for companionship, he asked for his brother. Well, I have been leveling up, Medina, a ha who held on and every year. We granted we gifted him from our Rama, his brother Harun will be with him or be with him.

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And maybe when Musa lesson came back to Iran, he asked him what do you do with ISIS? I like technology for either one terminal Casuarina corefile to her Bollin furfural domain Comilla may have to come. I ran away from you when I got scared from fellow Hubballi Robbie hochma guidance. My Lord granted me He gifted me guidance I was lost. I was lost. I made mistakes here and I ran away from you and yet when I felt you're going to oppress me for our Huberty Jambi. hokhmah that mo Heba of guidance I was given. I was given that again.

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So you find that when it comes to the word Islam, Allah subhanaw taala. It's almost never attached to money ever. It talks about guidance. It talks about friendship. It talks about companionship, suppose it talks about children

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that one time talks about status or sovereignty, but not money. Money is not it's not mo Heba. It's not

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it's really isn't, if you think about it.

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And that's, that's the restriction and limitation of how we look at the world. Sometimes. We think about a million bucks. No,

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no Hiba, a gift, an actual gift. That's what you want. You want the last gift you something. A million bucks are a good friend.

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A good friend, someone who will stand by you throughout your life support you.

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aid you when you need it most. A million bucks or healthy children, a million bucks or a good spouse who will make your life easier than than it would be otherwise. A million bucks or guidance.

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Doesn't have to be a billion bucks. Well, he doesn't make a difference.

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He never uses money sometimes because

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Pretty much nothing comes in it goes later. So as soon as it's a beautiful thing, you have to show gratitude for it for sure. And you'll be happy when you receive it. But any mo Heba is much more valuable. Any Mohib anything that will happen? I know. You just want that word at the end of it. You just want Allah subhanaw taala.

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To grant you some a Hebrew, the word Hebrew and Arabic means gifted. That's That's how it's used. Right? That's the meaning of it. So how do you live through Allah subhanaw taala his name and will hub. It's very simple. Just emulate the name. Just emulate the name. That's what the Prophet alayhi salatu salam will say to her that with the humble the herder the hub will give gifts you will love one another.

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The long Hadith you will not find any Jana, you'll find Iman until you until you

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have peace amongst you and you have Salam and you won't have salam until you have love and you don't have love until you do this. Try to drag each other gifts. Be someone who does that be someone who for no reason. See, the point here is the unconditional peace. The unconditional peace, there's no condition to it is in many times it's conditional, because there has to be some sort of say, you have to get up and do something, have to go after it. And then Allah undergraduates, you know, it's it's a homerun dude, I need the storage just drops the baby through the chimney. Now, this is not how the world works. It's nice to think that way, but it's not how it functions. But there has to be

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something better in mo Heba is just there. Just that there's no there's no reason there's no understanding for it. He just grants it Subhana wa Tada. So do the same unconditionally bestow upon others gifts, unconditionally offer people something that unconditional pieces where we struggle, we can offer a large sums, doesn't have to be money, it could be time, you just take interest in someone, you just take interest in someone and just focus and help them and just ask about them to continue to make sure that you're helping them and following them along. But can you do it unconditionally, can you offer this this gift, you're the best gift that you have to offer is you

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is your time is your expertise is your is your compassion, your emotion, your passion, your commitment, that's the biggest gift that you have. The wealth is important, don't get me wrong without it, a community can't survive. But what you really have to offer is you and it's hard sometimes are able to offer it unconditionally. Not waiting for something in return you able to give it to someone and not expect them later on to show you a certain degree of loyalty. You're able to do it without expecting that they show gratitude to you. And they come back and they and they point out Phoolan and he stood by me all my life and and you get your gratitude. Thank speech on the

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thing. Are you okay with just giving and then turning your back and walking away and never looking at that again? Never thinking about it again. Fast. And that's what

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that's why they have been habitually Have I got get with an Arabic when you say herb Hurley or herb holy mean, give it to me and don't ask me about it again. Give it to me an end the discussion there. I don't want to talk about this. Again, I don't want this to be something that I continuously have to pay you back for. Or we have to go revisit every once in a while. No, just

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wouldn't it be useful in life and I'm kinda you have goodness, the brother is on would offer he would offer any would forget that he offered, he would give and he would regret that he gave and he would never talk about it ever again. He would never bring it up without eminent sector. You would never ever talk about whatever it is he gave. So this is a hobby I would ask him, they would constantly use the word hub hub and he or hub Hooli give give something to me that I don't do can't be something in return for it. If there's something in return for it's a transaction. It may be a very nice transaction extremely lucrative to the person who's receiving but no hubba hubba No,

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there's no transaction to it. It's a beautiful thing. You receive it from Allah subhanaw taala offer it to others. And that's how you live through his name, little herb I hope that was of benefit us in particular behind the chair to Allah Allah elantas Tofu booty or some Allah who was telling more about like, I'd be you know, Muhammad, you know, I mean, it's like Kamala Harris

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