Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 57 – The Story Of Isa
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You're gonna shave on
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Kleber to remove 13 on our agenda Illa Allah Allah Alameen wa shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu Allahu Allah Sharika Elavil Olina will appear in we should do and then Abby Jana Mohammed bin Abdullah who are sort of Mustafa I mean Lahoma somebody was sending Mubaraka Abdi Cora Sonica Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine bad Welcome to another episode of Out of seal page by page and inshallah Allah today we are on page number 57 of the Quran which is in the third Joe Surah two earlier man. In the previous episode, Allah azza wa jal was speaking to us about the story of a
Saudi salatu salam, and how Allah azza wa jal has sent him as one of his greatest prophets and messengers to Benny Surat Al, and how Allah subhanaw taala supported him with a number of miracles from those miracles that were given to the Saudi ceramah miracles that came at the time of his birth of having been born of a virgin birth. His mother, Maria Ali Hassan had no husband and from those miracles is that he had he salatu salam was given the ability to speak as a baby, as Allah azza wa jal will mention later on in Surah, two Meriam that it was done in order to declare the innocence of his mother from accusations that were made concerning her modesty and chastity. And then there were
signs and miracles that were given to the Saudis Suriname as he became a prophet and messenger of Allah azza wa jal when Allah azza wa jal taught him knowledge and wisdom and the Torah and the Injeel. He was given a number of miracles to show the truthfulness of his of his prophethood from those miracles is that he would have a bird that he would make and form out of clay, and then he would breathe into it and not come to life from those miracles is that he would cure the blind and the leper, and he would bring the dead back to life, by the permission of Allah subhanaw taala and he came with the knowledge that Allah azza wa jal gave to him. And he amended some of the laws laws
of the Torah for the people of Bani Israel eel, and he called as Allah azza wa jal mentions in the last verse that we finished upon in our previous episode equal to the worship of Allah alone and he said that my Lord Your Lord, is Allah worship and alone indeed, this is the straight path. And so Allah azza wa jal in today's episode, we start from verse 52. Allah subhanaw taala will mentioned to us the way that people responded to him or the majority of Bani Israel and how they responded to him. And there are parallels in this between him literally snap and between our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad Salla. Allahu Allah, He will send them in that both of them are given miracles
from Allah azza wa jal, both of them call to Allah subhanaw taala and to his worship alone, and both of them to some extent and degree received rejection and they had opposition from the people. In verse 52. In Surah Surah to add Iran, Allah azza wa jal says, are we lacking the shape or the regime for Allah I'm sorry, sermon woman, Kupuna parliament, sorry, you know Allah, by Allah al Hawa yo Nana, Sawyer, Allah He, Armen Beenleigh, he was shudder we announced the moon
when he realized that he still did not believe he said, Who will help me in Allah's calls, the disciples said we will be Allah's helpers we believe in Allah and witness our devotion to Him.
Allah subhanaw taala says that when the Saudi salatu salam realized, amongst many is struggling, and this is talking about the majority, because as we said, there were a number of believers people who followed restare salatu salam from amongst them are those that Allah azza wa jal will mention in this verse, The Hava Yun who are the disciples are very sorry Salam. Allah azza wa jal says that when the Saudis Salam, despite his signs, despite his miracles, despite his message you saw amongst but in Surah eat a reluctance to accept a reluctance to believe and to accept his prophethood and the message that he bought. He asked the question man, I'm sorry in Allah, who will help me in
Allah's calls, openly calling to them openly asking for their help and for their assistance. And so Allah azza wa jal says that from amongst those people of Benny is thrown in there was some who responded violent however, Yuna nano unsalted Allah, His disciples said we will be Allah azza wa jal is helpers, meaning we will help you in Allah's Cause. We believe in Allah Amen Nabila. We believe in Allah, which had to be announced the moon, so bear witness that we are devout, we have submitted ourselves to Him subhanho wa Taala Allah. Allah azza wa jal says in verse 53, that they then made the DUA, Rob bene and Bhima CELTA whatever another Rasool effect to Bernama Raj
shall he then they said, Oh our Lord, we believe in that which you revealed. And we follow the messenger. So record us amongst those who bear witness to the truth, meaning writers amongst those who believe in yourself in your worship alone, and believe and follow the messenger that you have sent to us meaning in the Saudi Salatu was Salam. So amongst the people of Bani Israel in the time of reciting Islam, there are those who believed in Him, those who followed his message, those who wanted to come closer to Allah azza wa jal, and you know, from our own history and our turning of the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam than a remnant of that group of Christians that
we need many sorry, Sam would remain faithful to the best of their ability in the sense that they would worship Allah subhanaw taala alone that they didn't believe in this concept of reciting Santa being a son of Allah or a divine being. And they tried to their best to stick to what they knew. And that continues onwards, up until the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if you look at for example, the likes of watercolor even you know fell, and some of the others who are around at the time of the beginning time of a Zebra, zebra amor, the father of 3d mosaic and others. They were people who lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or at the very beginning of
his prophethood and they were people who originally followed the scriptures, to the best of their ability worshiping Allah azza wa jal alone, staying away from idolatry or being known as the people who follow the religion of Ibrahim Ali Salaam.
And likewise amongst the Christians, there were monks and priests and so on, who still also held on to that beautiful semblance of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Alone, elevating and reciting slim of of his status. So for example, you read the story of Sandman and Pharisee, or the Allahu and the companion and his journey from Persia, all the way to what would eventually be Medina, when he came when he met the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, that long arduous journey from one side of the world to another, it is something which he goes from hand to hand from priests to priests month to month, because he sees within them this yearning to worship Allah azza wa jal alone, and they will
eventually in their own way, guide him to Medina because of the prophecy that they knew of that the prophets of Allah What are you send them what emerge towards that land? And so they were believers from amongst them. Those are the people who collect to Allah azza wa jal, and we're firm in their belief, but Allah azza wa jal says that they will also another group that rejected and they were the majority. In verse 54, Allah azza wa jal, it says well, Makoto, Makoto Allahu Allah, Who are you going? macchine in, but they schemed but Allah azza wa jal also schemed, meaning that they plotted and planned Allah azza wa jal plotted and planned for Allah is the Best of those who plan. Allah
azza wa jal says, But amongst them these people have been struggling with the majority, what would the majority they were people who didn't really believe they didn't accept? And how would they plot and scheme? They plotted and schemed that they would kill this man who claim to be a Prophet Messenger meaning you Saudi salatu salam and that is where the story of the crucifixion comes, that they would take him and they would place him on this course and they would crucify Him because they rejected him and they disbelieved in his prophethood and messenger ship and that is where Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran, concerning many Israel as we mentioned in a number of occasions
already in Surah, Al Baqarah, That Allah azza wa jal and even unsorted editor Miranda Allah azza wa jal criticizes them because they would kill their profits. So they attempted in the case of Risa Ali salam to kill him also. But Allah azza wa jal says that as they were plotting Allah azza wa jal was also plotting and this plotting of Allah subhanaw taala is an attribute of perfection and it was only mentioned when there is as a as a counteract or counter reaction to the plotting of humankind. When people try to plot and overcome Allah azza wa jal overpower him. Allah subhana data says there is no one who can do that. And Allah is better than their plans. Allah is stronger and more powerful
than their plans no matter what the scheme and what they plan Allah's plans are greater. And there is only ever mentioned in this context because here it is a attribute of perfection. So if you were to say normally about someone that is schema that a plotter does not considered to be a good place where the attribute, but if someone can never be schemed against you can't plot over someone who can't deceive someone who can overcome them with your planning and plotting, that is actually an attribute of perfection because it shows that that person can't be can't be deceived. You can't have one over them. You can't you can't do anything to to overcome and overpower them. And that is
obviously Allah subhanaw taala no one can overpower him Subhana wa Tada. So they schemed that they would kill this prophet Hydra Allah azza wa jal best this scheme, because Allah azza wa jal calls someone that resembled ISA to take his place upon the cross, and Allah azza wa jal raised isa Ali Salam to the heavens, where he will remain as we know until Allah subhanaw taala will cause him to descend towards the end of time that is when Allah azza wa jal then says in verse 55, you will earn Allah we are isa in the Moto fi Guevara fear Oka la YAHWAH mode
Our hero Tamina Lavina Cafaro a jewelry lady in a tuber oak wood jewelry roulette in a terbaru Cafe open Larina tuffeau Isla yo milpa Yama Yama Ruggiero coming for como Bina confini makan comfy. He talked on the phone.
Allah subhanaw taala says that Allah azza wa jal said or ISA, I will take you back and raise you up to me. I will take you back meaning I will raise, take your soul and raise you up to me. I will purify you for the disbelievers to the Day of Resurrection. I will make you and those who follow you superior to those who disbelieved, then you will all return to me and I will judge between you regarding our differences. Allah azza wa jal says that these people they plotted in Canada they would kill crucify the Saudis and I'm Allah azza wa jal as Allah subhanaw taala will mentioned elsewhere in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal replaced a Saudi citizen with someone who resembled him a
resemblance that mirrored him, so that people thought that they had crucified Him. But instead, Allah azza wa jal had raised him up. The difference between Muslim or our belief and the belief of Christians in this regard, is that they believe there is at the center was actually crucified, and that then he would be resurrected upon Earth after a number of days. We believe that he was never crucified, that Allah azza wa jal wouldn't allow His Prophet to be crucified and therefore, there was no Dying for the Sins of humankind and, and the rest of it However, Allah azza wa jal raised him to the heavens, and he didn't come back and Moses he was erected upon the earth, but he will remain
in the heavens and he will return towards the end of time as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prophesized towards the end of time as one of the major signs of Yeoman PM. Allah azza wa jal raised him to the heavens in a manner that Allah azza wa jal knows best. And there he is, and he will remain Allah subhanaw taala says, well, motohiro came in and Lavina Cafaro I will purify you from the disbelievers meaning that I will protect you and I will keep you from the harm that these people want to inflict upon Allah subhanaw taala will raise him while it will live in a Tibetan focal levena Cafaro Isla Yeoman piano and I will make those who followed you meaning your time they will
be superior to those who disbelieve me on the day of judgment. The people who accepted you believed in you followed you, as opposed to those people who try to kill you and they disbelieved in your they rejected you, the people of belief will be given a station over and above those others, Allah subhanaw taala will raise them and Allah azza wa jal will, will honor them. And Allah subhanaw taala does this for each and every single one of the prophets and messengers of Allah, Allah he will salatu salam in their time, their nations, the people who believed, we call them Muslims. There are people who believed in their prophets they worship Allah azza wa jal alone, they followed the way of
the prophets and messengers that was sent to them. Those are the people that Allah azza wa jal will honor and he will he will accept into into the ranks of Jana and those people who disbelieved at any time, those are the people that will go into the fire. The difference between now that after the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is no scope now for anyone to come and say Oh, I still believe in Jesus or Moses or Abraham or Noah, or any other messenger or Prophet of Allah, because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his religion or his Sharia, his his, if you like set of laws and what he brought his message
abrogated everyone that came before him. And that is why when he sadly Islam from our iman as Allah azza wa jal tells us here, Allah Subhana Allah tau or the Prophet sallallahu, I used to inform us that at the end of time, when the false messiah appears, the Saudi Salam will descend once again, and he will be the one to kill the false messiah, and then a new Saudi Suriname will become the ruler of the Muslims, he will become the leader of the Muslims, but when He comes, He will judge and he will his laws will be in accordance with the Quran and with the Sharia of the messenger Muhammad Sallallahu as he was sending him, so when he comes back, you will not uphold the laws of the Torah,
or the Injeel, the Bible or the gospel of the Torah, he will rather rule in accordance to the Sharia of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the laws and the commands of the Quran and the Sunnah, which shows that those messengers of Allah that his religion is abrogated in the sense that he will come the call as we said, all of the Prophets and Messengers caught the heat. So therefore that part is not abrogated, but the abrogation is in the laws of what you can eat and you can't eat and the way that you worship and the heroine of the hub, those laws He will judge in accordance to what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought. So Allah azza wa jal says the nonhuman pm Allah
subhanaw taala will judge between all of the people on Allah azza wa jal will judge concerning them with regards to that which they differ concerning the prophets and messengers of Allah. So therefore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he said Ali salaam foretold as Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran, he prophesized the coming of under the messenger, the messenger
was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is why amongst the questions there were those who are aware of this prophecy, and they were actively seeking out who this individual will be and when he would come, and that is why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did emerge, a number of them as we know in the Sierra, they attested to the truthfulness of the prophets of Allah where it was set up because of the signs that they saw him bringing which were in conformation with that, which was with them in the scriptures.
In verses 56 and 57, Allah subhanaw taala then gives us a general principle. And that is the principle of those who disbelieve and what will happen to them. Those who reject their Prophets and Messengers disbelieve in Allah and what will happen to them at any time in any generation. And those who believe and they do righteous deeds and what they will get in terms of reward. Allah subhanaw taala says in verse 56, for malaria in Africa far off or the boom either been shoddy the dunya will, karate Ramallah, whom are Mariela, whom in NurseLine I will make the disbelievers suffer severely in this world and the next and no one will help them. So those who rejected any of the prophets and
messengers of Allah, or in our time they reject the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu already he will send them
you refuse to worship Allah azza wa jal alone. they disbelieve in Allah subhanaw taala. Allah azza wa jal says that they will be given the west of punishments in this life, and in the next, they will be given the most severe of torment in this life and in the next and they will find no help, no one will come to the aid and that is Allah azza wa jal will tell us in other places in the Quran, that even the Prophet Teresa Ali salaam, his mother, madame, Alia Salam, May will absolve themselves free themselves of any association with Schilke when Allah would command and ask them, Did you mean Madame and Lisa did the two of you ask people to worship you, besides me, meaning Allah azza wa jal,
they will say Subhanak. They will say Glory be achieved, what right would we have to make such a claim? Rather, we said, that wish they should worship just as we worship you, they should worship you as well Oh Allah, and so they will have no helpers, no one will come to the aid. In verse 57. Allah azza wa jal then tells us about the believers those who do believe they accept the message of Allah, they worship Allah azza wa jal alone, they accept the way of the messengers of Allah Allah he will send them a man Levina m n o r m eurosai Hertie for you were feeling Majora hum Walla Walla, your Milani mean
and Allah will pay those who believe and do good deeds they reward in full for indeed Allah does not love the evildoers. So Allah subhanaw taala here is again as he does in the Quran gives us these principles, these general principles and that is something which is repeated a number of times in the Quran. belief in Allah, following the prophets and messengers that even salatu salam following the revelation of Allah azza wa jal, that will give you salvation. It will give you eternal bliss and gender and rejecting the messengers rejecting the revelation disbelieving and Allah worshipping others besides Allah subhanaw taala that will give you eternal damnation. It will give you eternal
punishment. In verse 58, Allah azza wa jal then says that he cannot know who are lay communal, yet he was decreed, Hakeem, we relate this to Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this revelation, a decisive statement, meaning that this revelation that we have given to you a Messenger of Allah, meaning the Quran is decisive. And so therefore, everything that we need in terms of in terms of guidance, in terms of a spiritual light in terms of mercy, in terms of knowing what is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal from that which is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala in terms of knowing the path that will lead us to Allah and His reward in the next life, as opposed to that which will lead
us away from Allah and will take us towards punishment. All of that is mentioned in the Quran. And therefore the Quran as a revelation supersedes every revelation that came before it. So when it overcomes the Torah, it overcomes in G, it supersedes all of those revelations. So therefore, it is not befitting for someone to come today as a Muslim, for example, or someone who claims to be a Muslim and say, No, I will still take some of what is found in the Torah, some was was found in a gene, I will take some of the Bible some of the Torah or some of the gospel and some of the Torah everything that we need in terms of what was contained in those books and still is contain of
truthfulness we will find in the Quran anyway. But also those revelations have been distorted and manipulated and changed and we don't know what is what. And because of that, it is best to stay away from it and that is why in the Sunnah, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one saw the illustrious companion, Bob, not the Allahu anhu, eating from the parchments of the Torah, the prophets of Allah where it was sending make him angry, and you said to him, that if reserve Mousavi Stram was to come again, he was to be alive in this time. He would have to follow me as well. Like why are you reading his revelation in this time?
Mousavi Islam was to come, he would have to follow me. He couldn't say no, I have my own Revelation the Torah. No, because that is the covenant that Allah azza wa jal took for more of the prophets of Allah Allahu wa salatu salam, that if the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appeared in that time, they will be from his followers. And that is because of the station that Allah azza wa jal is given to his final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is why as we said, yesterday, Sam when he returns to the earth will rule and judge by the Sharia of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanaw taala then invest 59, he gives to us this amazing
argument. This is amazing evidence as to why the belief of those who elevated the status of Jesus to divinity is something which isn't correct, it is something which makes no sense, because if the virgin birth of ESRD SNAM is a sign that Allah took his son, then there is a greater example of this that could be used, and that is not even accepted by the questions and that is that Allah azza wa jal says in verse 59, in MFL eres de la he commits any Adam halacha hoomin to Robin from makalah, who come via cone. In Allah's eyes, Jesus is like Adam, He created him from dust set to him Be and he was, meaning if you take Ricciardi Stein was the son of Allah. And you say because he had the
virgin birth, he has a mother but no known father. And so the father therefore must be Allah subhana data himself may Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa jal is free from such an assertion.
If that is the claim that you make, then surely according to that logic, it would make more sense for you to say that it is Adam that is the son of Allah Teresa, because these are the Islam was born with a mother and no father, but Adam was created with neither mother nor father. And that is accepted not only by the Muslims, except by the Jews and the Christians, that is the ad the mighty salaam was the first of Allah's creation of humankind. There was no one before him. And so therefore there was no mother or father to add them or use them, he was the father of all of mankind. And so therefore, if that's the logic that you're going to use, why not take Adam as instead as a son of
Allah, why Jesus wanted say, we worship Adam, instead, he's the son of God, not Jesus. And so Allah azza wa jal says that the example of Adam and Risa or the example of Lisa in the sight of Allah, second example of Adam, both of them are from the servants of Allah azza wa jal from his prophets and messengers. He said to both of them couldn't be any was if Allah azza wa jal could create Adam, without mother and father and that doesn't make him the son of Allah. Then why can Allah azza wa jal create ESRD son I'm just with no father, and that also makes him the servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala that in verse 60, Allah azza wa jal then says hakomi rahbek hakomi Rob big fella to communal
montagny This is the truth from your Lord. So do not be from amongst those who doubt. This is the truth from your Lord. So do not be from amongst those who doubt meaning that Lisa Ali Salam is not the son of Allah. He is not a divine being, but he is a human, from the prophets and messengers of Allah and a servant of Allah subhanaw taala. Just like every prophet and messenger in Islam, we honor and respect and love the prophets of Allah and believe in all of them. But we don't give them a station over and above the station that Allah gave to them. We don't claim that they were proud that they were divine, that they were the children of Allah, the sons of Allah or anything of this
kind, but rather they weren't people from amongst humankind, yes, they are the best, and they are the most noble and the most virtuous. Allah subhanaw taala and risks do you want Allah azza wa jal then says Femen.
Jaffe, he mean, the manager came in alerting me for
the whole trial.
one Isa, for Santa, what? For Santa
Maria better Hill furniture Allah, Allah here, I don't care the mean, if anyone disputes with you, now that you have been given this knowledge say Come, let us gather our sins and your sins, our women, and your women, ourselves and yourselves and let us pray earnestly and invoke Allah's rejection on those of us wha line. This verse is then a challenge from Allah subhanaw taala. That if you truly believe and this is at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that what you're claiming as Christians is true that Jesus is the Son of God. And what the prophets of Allah when it was still him is saying is false, that he is not the Son of God that the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a prophet of Allah that came after Jesus and so on. If you have this dispute between you and him, then come and make something which is called mubadala.
It is said that this verse was revealed when a group of Christians or a delegation of Christians came to Medina from a place called nudge Iran, and Iran is in the southern tip of what is modern day Saudi Arabia towards the border of Yemen. This was a Christian community. And when they came to Medina, they rejected the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they asserted what they consider to be true of their own beliefs.
and they said that they would be willing to make what is something called MOBA Hara. And MOBA is essentially when both groups present themselves and they ask Allah to invoke his anger and wrath upon the group that is lying. And so the prophets of Allah what He was saying him agreed and he came out with his family, because Allah azza wa jal says, Call your women call a women call your children, our children call ourselves yourselves, and let us make this type of request to Allah azza wa jal, that he that he places his anger and wrath upon those who are lying, and so Allah azza wa jal oh the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as is mentioned in the Sunnah he came out with his
family, which is his daughter, Fatima, his son in law. Ali and his grandsons are Hassan Hussein and he said, This is my family. These are my people. These are my daughters, my grandpa, this is my family. I am willing to do this in front of you, with you and your people as well. And they refuse to do so. Because they knew deep down that he was the messenger of Allah Salas. Oh, maybe they had that doubt that perhaps he will speak in the truth and they didn't want to take that risk. And so Allah azza wa jal says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this, to show his truthfulness and to show his confidence in the message of Allah subhanho wa taala. And that is why
Allah azza wa jal says in verse 62, and we go on to the next page now 58 Just a couple of verses, so that we can finish off this particular passage.
And that is an Allah azza wa jal says in verse 62, in the law, who will cause us will help women I mean, in in Allah or in Allah, Allah who will as easily Hakeem, this is the truth of the matter. There is no god worthy of worship except Allah. Indeed Allah is Allah exalted, and indeed Allah is all powerful, all wise. Allah subhanaw taala says, Therefore that this is the truth. No one has the right to be worshipped except Allah, no prophet, no messenger, no angel, no one has that right that Allah azza wa jal has Sonia that is that Allah azza wa jal alone is worshipped there is no God worthy of worship except him. And then in verse 63, Allah subhanaw taala says, for interval Lova, in
Allah honeymoon will move seething but if you turn away then know that Allah is well aware of anyone who causes evil and corruption upon the land, Allah azza wa jal knows those people who rejected on what they do, and Allah subhanaw taala will hold them to account on normal piano. And this is essentially the part of the surah that has finished in terms of the story of any side or this particular portion, or passage of the surah that speaks about the story of SRT, Salatu was Salam and within insha Allah Tala we come to the conclusion of today's lesson. BarakAllahu li Walakum wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Anwar Ali he was a big marine was sent Mr. McCullough he won't
miss Smith.
He coffee