Adnan Rajeh – Ramadan 2024 Tafsir of Surat Al-Raad Part 1.

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The importance of consistency in belief and the use of words in language expression is emphasized in the conversation. The speakers emphasize the need for a way to achieve a certain point in life and not building on things that are variable or constant. The conversation also touches on the use of Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore
AI: Transcript ©
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Don't need I don't need to be

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similar or whomever he will hamdulillah he'll be I mean

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la masala was selling Mubarak is easy no have you been a Muhammad no other early he also became a Remainer bad result

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what I usually do on on weekend mornings is I choose a sutra and I've been doing this for the last six or seven years or so we do see your various specific surah in the Quran. Just because the the audience on weekends a little bit different than the audience on the weekdays. And I prefer those who come on weekends to have a full series to follow rather than to pick picking up on pieces of a series that's running throughout the weekdays and they may feel a little bit lost. So that's the point of me changing a little bit through the weekend or also pretty much every it's a little bit easier for me to to continue the series I run throughout the weekdays on the weekends. But this is

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the kind of it's a little bit of an incentive for those who come on weekends who want to attend something. If they come every Saturday and Sunday they tend to fall short on the hair that I've seen of it

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fully that's hopefully something for them to

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help them and shut down. And it's always a little bit tricky to choose the suit is good you have to choose something that's not too long and or too short. And I look for something that's between four to six pages. And this year in sha Allah Tada we will

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go through the night Allah students a lot last year we this was full season the year before I think so there's a lot of year before that so it look man and I've done in July. I've done a number of students over the years after I've just wanted to measure in

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on weekends in Ramadan. So the ride is one of my favorite in general I love to to ride for many reason. I think it's one of the underrated sorrows, meaning out of the sort of the Quran that people love and enjoy and choose to recite verses or parts of throughout salah or in general so it's arrived doesn't seem to get enough attention.

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I mean, surely it's filled with extremely, extremely beautiful I got that very profound and nature as all of the Quran is but the sutra is a little bit, a little bit goes a little bit unnoticed. It exists within a cluster of sutras that come right after sub LT while or are the long ones, from Bacara to Toba, those eight long sutras that we that basically can put together composed the

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the first 10 years of the Quran, and tell him one way or the other the story of the development of of our faith of Islam and how it is that we what what the pillars of our role within all of it is going to look like you have photo sewers right after that which are these four from unis to a rod that talk about critical points. And I did a series of cookbooks on the sutras, I think lmm a few years ago, over the course of maybe maybe 16 or 17 weeks or a bit more even. And these four sutras they cover they cover four critical points that are needed.

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In order for the faith to function. Sometimes Sometimes within a field are within a discipline, there is a specific point or a specific concept that if you don't have the discipline, or the field won't function at all, there's a lot of important pieces for sure. But sometimes there's one that just has to be there. And if it's not there, the whole thing does not make any sense. But that's basically what these horses do. And so you would just for example, talks about theology, and sort of who talks about the message itself and sort of use of talks about the ethicality, or the morality, and as soon as the right talks about the laws, and each of these tools takes a point within that

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field, and it puts in and it explains expands upon. And that point is critical for the survival of the faith in general through that discernment. So in theology, so what's the universe talks about? A lot and because that piece is critical, if you don't understand that, then your theology almost means nothing. Like the weight of your deen is nothing like you can you if you believe in Allah, and you believe in human, but you don't understand what he's trying to say regarding Allah and then you're not going to be able to function as a Muslim like your, your actual theology will not. It's not functional, it's not functional, because you don't understand the consequence of this belief

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that you carry. That's why that piece is talked about in depth in sorting who would bring out the message without his law reform, which is what this talks about there is no there's no point like what there's no wait for the message that you care you you believe in Islam and you want to pray

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Test it and spread it great. If reform is not a piece of that, then Islam doesn't do anything is Toothless. It doesn't doesn't change behavior, it does not affect communities or societies. It's not it doesn't do anything, it becomes extremely benign, benign and in a bad way, where it has no effect on human behavior, human psychology sort of used of talks about ethics. Specifically, it talks about consistency. Because without that piece of ethic isn't even an ethic. Like an ethic doesn't mean anything, there's no point of a moral, if it's selective. If it's selective, you might as well not even have it, it doesn't it's not you can't call it an ethic, you can call it whatever you want to

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call it, but it's not unethical, I think has to be consistent values have to be consistent across the board, regardless of the situation. So with us, we're just talking about the consistency because without that piece, whatever it is that you carry, won't, you can't call it an ethic. So we're the rod at the end of this beautiful, I love these fours, who those are very, very meaningful. And very important. And I think there's a lot in the in each of them for us to kind of contemplate and reflect upon. So worth the ride. Specifically, it talks about the laws, not the lies that that maybe you think about first, which is the laws of jurisprudence, the laws of physics, know, it doesn't

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talk about the laws of physics, it doesn't explain to us what you do regarding the laws of how to pray or how to make well don't know, this is talking about the laws that govern existence. And again, it's not going into the specifically the biological laws that govern existence, it's not going to talk about gravity or the the electromagnetic fields, it's not gonna it's going to talk about this. It's the other law, the laws that govern our existence in a way that's a little bit zooming out a little bit out of that, the importance of understanding those laws, and which of those laws are the most important for you to focus upon, which is the law of health, which of

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righteousness. This is what Susan Wright talks about. Yunus talks about righteousness Allah but not in opposition to falsehood. No, it talks about righteousness. So let's do this just in case you recite it and you'll find the word Huck repeating itself using this Yes, must be insane. This is this sort of talks about how it's not in opposition to falsehood, but rather in opposition to aimlessness to Bilal. And there's a difference how is a word that is quite versatile. So Huck in the opposition of aimlessness, help becomes purposefulness. And that's what further means understanding further and further allows you to understand that there is a purpose to things that things come down

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Allah subhanaw taala. It's all it's all accounted for. And that allows you to understand it in a way that's much more meaningful that he is Hakim, Soprano data, and that's what he was doing is just so at the right talks about health, but not in opposition to enlaces, but rather in opposition to falsehood, which is righteousness, which is in the form of righteousness. And that's what sort of talks about, and it goes through all these laws, and it points out one or two within the law of health, that is extremely important for us to understand and, and the benefit within these sorts of lines is just you'll you'll you'll get you'll get you'll get what I mean once we go through the

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verses and you see what, what they're actually talking about, and how they talk about what they talk about. I won't lie the first four or five verses which arrived are some of the most beautiful in the Quran. I quote them quite often here and there. when the opportunity arises, it may even arise this year, and it within a smell lighthouse. Now at some points I think I've chosen Oh, some were they'll rise. They'll be able to recite them out loud. But we'll get to go through the Michela Tala and contemplate their meanings because they're beautiful. So we'll start in Charlotte's with the ride. First of all before we do that, so the ride is a it's a Mackay Sula, mid late McKee surah.

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mid late McKee surah.

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Bravo is allowed to assign would would, would receive the sewer. Of course, there's a lot in Mecca a lot of sewers and to get almost 80 or 80 of the 114. So if you if you count the number of sewers out of 114 sewers 80 of them are more were revealed in Mecca. However, they're not that long. So, Quran half of it was a mech and half is Medina, even though number wise, there was way more revealed in Mecca than it was revealed in Medina is just because you need to have all of your armor revealed in the first couple of years and Mecca and then Zulu, Bukhara within the first year, but you know, which is like two and a half years altogether within a year and within a year and a half. So the

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Quran basically is almost in the divided right, right, right in the heart right and half half McKee has made any

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but the number of sutras is not is not balanced by any by any means. And it shows the mid late Mackay Sula, the talks that came to the Prophet alayhi salatu. Sandow Sahaba during a time where they were undergoing persecution and oppression and they had to put up with a lot of

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a lot of difficulties. And the and these are times of perseverance, which is which is why this story exists. And actually understanding the the concepts that the sewer that were revealed during that period, you only understand those concepts actually very, because it's very meaningful because when you imagine what was happening to him on his site to us, and I'm andalso How about that?

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Cindi Searles would revealed it sheds light on what Allah subhanaw taala expects from people.

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When you're going through a hard time, when you're going through a very hard time and things are not working out in your favor, and you see yourself in a moment of failure, and then you hear what Allah subhanaw taala is saying to you, that sheds light on what he expects from you. subhanaw taala it really this is honest, this is his own study, by the way, like this is its own discipline of understanding the Quran is like a whole other dimension of understanding it. Because if you're going through difficult difficulties in life, you're wondering what is what does Allah subhanaw taala want from me within this very hard time, it's not that difficult to actually see what he wants from you

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just go read the sutras that were revealed in that mid late Mechi period, and you'll know exactly what it is that he wants from you. And you'll be quite shocked. You'll be quite surprised of what he's what he's what he's demanding from His servants during that because when in Medina, after if you think about it, after I said things cooled down a little bit, a little bit. I'm not saying it got perfect, but it cooled down a bit. And after her debut, it also cooled down her Davia was the sixth year of his of his age, a lot of your slots. I'm technically there are five more years of his life out of your slot towards the verses that were revealed during that time. You know, that's when

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you would think some of these students were revealed this sort of talk about Yaniv persevere is talking about giving more talk about Jani adhering to hap No, no, no, we're talking about about adhering to HUD and giving more all came in Mecca when they were when they had nothing, when they when they were very weak in terms of their numbers and weak in terms of their status and weak in terms of their their ability to do anything during the years where they had a launch. This literally just came with with law with with laws just came with do this and don't do that and be and behaved like this and don't behave like that and follow this command and watch out for that one. When they

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had when they had strength. That's what these soldiers came in did. And that's just very it's an eye opener because you want to understand because you want to imagine what position are you in that is similar to a position he was in earlier Salatu was Salam and when you do that, you would want to advocate what soldiers that he received during that period and and then honestly, we're we are living in Raha we're living in ease, the sorrows we will be receiving or the students that just tell us how to do it as soon as I give us the nitty gritty of exactly how to follow the laws very, very precisely, very precisely because we have we should have dealt with the basic values and principles

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of Artina bit before all of this.

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So that's when the students and it was revealed there's no specific syllabus suited for it. Some scholars will point out a few others will but they have no authenticity. So there's no point of me going over them. So we'll start in solid solid with your citation of sorts of what I will be learning in a shape on your body

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Bismillah young man young Wafi

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early Fleur

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mi mo Muro.

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So you do the lamb, six counts, and you do the meme six counts, and then you have between the meme of lamb. So when you say the word lamb, there's a meme at the end of it. And the first meme of meme you have another one. So it takes two counts as well. So you have to do those two cancels. You do six counts. Once you're done with the six then you give the twice two counts and then the Mi six will

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be in the raw is just two counts raw and there's no hems at the end of it even though that's how we would pronounce it.

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In our in our normal speech you'll see a lot with hummus at the end of it not in not in the Quran or not in the hydrophone Macatawa not in these separated letters that are recited at the beginning of certain sewers in the Quran. You just say of all it's just two counts without hammers at the end of it till yeah toolkit

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will levy Zilla la Kamiya Rob beacon help

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Well, Kin XL one sila you mean goon

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so you have these Hello Phil Macatawa are separated letters at the beginning of suitors in the Quran. You find them quite all across the Quran. The way I see them. I see them like coding at the beginning of any surah I see them like a code a small and the end the surah is that begin with splitters that with one letter have certain commonalities and students that begin with Alif Lam Meem or F la meme sobre la membre also have commonalities and so there are things it's like at the beginning of the story is giving you a little bit of a it's attaching Sooners across the Quran with each others through certain themes

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So that's again another another kind of dimension of understanding how the Quran works. But to make it simple to make, like the use understanding of why he puts these letters at the beginning of the Zulu is easy, it's more of a implied challenge. It's an implied challenge to the people of the Arab, because out of all they really were good at, it's the tongue of the Arab. This is a part of old old proverbs Asian Proverbs, the tongue of the Arab, they didn't have much else going for him. Not really, not obviously didn't didn't really achieve much else. Historically, outside of Islam, let's talk about this remove Islam from the picture for when we did talk about this race of people that

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lived in, in this peninsula, in Arabia, they didn't really live anywhere else. I mean, the people living in Egypt or the people living in shaman at often, they were not necessarily out of it, they had different backgrounds. They weren't necessarily you can't really call them out of Ibrahim Ali said, I'm going Ernie. He came from Iraq, he was not out in his in his origin, his son is made out he's married into your home, into a into an Arabic tribe. And then his descendants were called out of out of him was Daddy, but because he their origin is not necessarily out of but because its main ally, spoke the language fluently. And he married into that tribe, his children have lived in that

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same area to begin with. And most most out of today are descendants of his mate Alehissalaam from one way or the other, because the cross marriage occurred almost almost fully throughout a millennium, a millennium and a half.

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But this race of people didn't, they didn't really do much outside of their small peninsula, and they never organized politically ever. Never, they never organized politically, like they never had actually obstinate leadership of any sort, even when they were raided a few times throughout history. And they had to unite and fight back and save the years in another another known known historical incidents, they still they still really really did not

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build any any unity within politics. There were kings amongst them, but there were a lot of them. There was like a lot of kings. And a lot of these kings had our alliances either with Persia or with it with with Ethiopia or with

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the Roman Empire. So they just hide it. It's still the same thing today. It's not that difference. It's not we haven't really lost that piece. You had the Vasa Cena and Domino's era, and they had their loyalty to different countries, we have the same musi. But still there are rules are still there alliances either to the west or to the east, but never to the people who actually live with them. Because there's never it's just out of have never known how to do that we've never learned like, outside of Islam, we never figured out how to actually rule politically and actually care at all for the people that we are ruling No, I almost almost almost never, it's never happened. We lost

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it after he died. Alia salatu. Salam within 3040 years we lost it again. And immediately our rule ruling went back to a military Yeah, I need a dictatorship that just basically put its boots on the on the necks of the people that they are there to. So it hasn't changed that much. Honestly, when you look at our development as a faith, we're still, in my opinion, still a little bit early in our development. Like we're not it's not that late.

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People look at the graphs of history and think that maybe though this is towards the end, it's not towards the end, this is this is still quite 1400 years, it's still quite early in any faith, if you want to compare it to Judaism, or to Hinduism, or Buddhism, or, or even or even to Christianity, we're still we're still you know, we're a little bit early on, we're still figuring out the politics part, we haven't really figured that piece out to just stay trapped historically in a period where we think that things went well, when they didn't, will continue to weigh on us until we figured out that there were good things within that Qaeda Rashida period. But after that, after that, there were

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good things, but a lot of it was not good. A lot of it was not good. If you think that it was all good, then you just haven't really read the history books at all. Like you just don't know exactly what occurred. Like you don't understand that within 40 years of his death, I used salatu salam someone, basically yeah. And he threw rocks upon the cabin and broke half of it Yanni. And the guy who was ruling was, was ruling in the name of the Khalifa, we went through a lot of turmoil politically. And it's only when we when we are willing to learn from the lessons of the past from the turmoil that we went through, that we will be able to actually bring something back for

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ourselves that is reasonable, will bring some form of political representation and political leadership that will that will allow Muslims to exist in a form of unity and a form of dignity that they are looking towards. We don't have to go back to the exact way things were done in the in the ninth century or 10th century. Honestly, things were not that great back then there were a lot of mistakes that occurred. The one thing that we had going was the fact that we were united, meaning the whole Muslim Ummah was under one ruler, but the ruler, the system of ruling itself was not was not amazing. And it required, it requires a lot of revision today, if we hope to actually go back to

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something that is meaningful in the future. If you want to actually look towards the future and say, We can do better than that. There's way There's much more we can do way better than that we can bring ourselves together in a better way and we can function in a better way and we can have representation that actually allows us to be prosperous and

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And to stand by what it is that we believe in, we think is important. So the word grayed out that they never weren't, and they still aren't. And, but they weren't good. They were good at their articulation. They were very good at articulation. I always tell people that the piece that I feel is missing in my ability to teach is teaching. I need earlier Arabic poetry. Yeah, the early the earliest type, the early examples of Arabic poetry in Arabic oration is just breathtaking. Like, like the the proficiency, the command of language that these people had was Wallahi. I've never it's unparalleled. There's nothing. It's just it was just very interesting how, how good they were with

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their talk with their speech, how they could describe things in certain ways. And even though they didn't have a lot to describe, if you think about someone living in the desert, how many things you have to describe sky, sand, and more sand, and then just more and more sand and a couple of camels running around. That's pretty much what do you have to describe you weren't, they weren't living in a place where there was a lot to see and describe yet. Yet, when you listen to their poetry, you think they would live in their living in an in an everlasting oasis of just beauty, just ongoing beauty because that's how they they saw the world through. Like they talked about their sheep out

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with their camels in ways that were just

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I you think,

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to complete it, that's enough, I'm good. I don't need more. I don't need to hear about your camel anymore. Every time go back, because they weren't really talking about their camels, they were always using that to symbolize other things in their lives. They just think that like instead of saying something upfront, they would they would imply it through talking about a cannibal are talking about a piece of land that they once lived on or looking at looking at their past and, and they embedded symbolism into this into their speech in a way that I don't know. I'm gonna tell you this quick story. It's not quick, but I'm telling you the story anyway. And here's what here's what

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he what happened during his life Alia salatu salam, and this is to me one of those, because I want you to understand not only how strong how, what a strong command of the language they had, but how how intelligent the Prophet alayhi salatu salam from that perspective was

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because this helps you appreciate what the Quran was, because the Quran came and challenge upfront I dare you bring something like this. And if lamb means that's your letters or know your letters or no, okay, go ahead, do something like this, do something like this.

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And they couldn't,

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they couldn't respond.

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The best efforts or response or jokes I can tell to make you laugh, and feel molfino melfin lavorato montavilla, you don't perceive that as the PA in Atlanta, well, as you know, the Agena will have exactly Hubzu this is what they this is what they would come up with.

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Because Arabic poetry is very rigid. And the Quran broke that law and came up with a completely different law and artistic law that they'd never heard of before you make the mud here, you put the Hoonah here, you make you do something very different than you and you sound it out in a way that does not follow their very rigid laws or is 16 rhythms that they use to, to actually give poetry didn't follow that it broke that law. And it brought something that was extremely artistic, and profoundly philosophical, and they couldn't keep up with it. And they will sit down and listen to it. What the heck is this? What is this? Where is it getting this from? Who did this and they look

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back into their history which of the arranger said something like this and no one did. And the Quran will come out up front and say forget to pick it up. Go ahead.

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To pick it up. You can't I shall see what I'm missing again. You can see what I'm missing here. You can see what I'm in mystery. He just give anything anything. Go ahead, go ahead.

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And they couldn't.

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That helps you appreciate what it is that you read. Because the only thing they were good at was their tongues. And the Quran came and mocked them and just mocked them. And if la meme raw it's, there's a little bit of mockery in it to them. Go ahead. Here's your letters. I didn't. I didn't make up a new line, which is your letters, the ones that you use to write your things go ahead, bring something like this if you can, and they would read it. They couldn't the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was standing pray in his in his backyard. And and the leaders of Quraysh who openly opposed him would come and stand behind the wall listening to him. And one day, they bumped into

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each other. It was dark and it was quiet and Abuja had and it was of yarn. And then we looked at a bumped into each other and what are you doing here? What are you doing here? What do you what are you doing? What are you doing here? They're listening to him and he stood out to them stand behind the wall recites selesa ilumi either been worked out a little carefully in La Silla. Houda Amin Allah He didn't listen to it. Because the way that that that that rhythm that tone that continuation, these small, short, concise little pieces of information that seems somehow to be extremely well connected, to have that tone to them that have that similarity yet, it's telling you

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a story that is extremely extremely intriguing and is kept

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debating, and they said we can't do this again, if you get caught, what are they gonna say about us? We've been telling them that this is not something they should listen to. And they said yes, and they swore they would never meet again. And then they would go, the each one would say the other two aren't going to come. We agreed. So they will he would go and they would bump into each other another night, and then bump into each other another night. And they had to like make me do something different. To ensure that they they wanted to listen, they wanted to hear me but they didn't want people to know that the that they wanted to hear, because there's something about this

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that they just had never heard before. I just want to sit on this. I want to tell you

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this story I want to tell you, there was a man by the name of guy that benzo has been at the cinema is the known poet is the known ninja he, the poet one of us have been more Aloka it's one of the very people that I love, they love their poetry. They were so proud and arrogant and vain about their poetry that some of the poems that were written, they wrote with the water of gold and hence hung them in the Kaaba, and they were called the hungry ones. Why? Because they hung them in the Kaaba, that's what they did. So how many of you cinema is one of the poets who had his Mala hung, actually, the first thing a half of has to do in Syria at least Alright, the first thing I had to do

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I remember is the Quran is memorized his Metallica. I don't know, I don't know what to say, may Allah have mercy upon there, I did it or not Yachty but that's what you have to do you have to memorize is more Allah. It's filled with wisdom. There was very strong language, but it was very long and took a lot of effort to memorize this poem. His son got it. And so he was a very famous, famous poet himself extremely famous. And he said a few poems against the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, because for a while he was against him. And the poetry that he said was actually quite heavy, and he paid money to help fight the Prophet alayhi salatu salam for odf I mean, he is one of the

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people who were who the Sahaba were given the permission. If you find him in the desert, you execute people who who did certain things who murdered or participate in the bloodshed of Muslims were Kadima, especially the leaders and goblins. So he was a great leader. And he did the heat, he paid his money on the day of Zab on the day of conduct, and he participated. And then he lost all of his sovereignty. He was no longer a leader, and he had to run he had to be on the run for a couple of years when the when the, towards the end of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was late and he wanted to way back, he wanted to a bank. So he spoke to one of us having as a hobby, I told him,

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what you do is you come you come to his message out of his salatu salam, and you perform like you say something and he'll and ask for forgiveness and he'll grant you, he'll, he'll grant you forgiveness. So he said, Yes, I'll do that. So he came to Medina. And he was all wrapped up his face was all wrapped up. So no one could see him because if he was seeing he may be murdered immediately but he executed he had there was a he and maybe another 15 people by the way, all the 15 people that he put out Yanni rules of execution and none of them got killed they all they all made it he he forgave all of them and he has said Allah Allah He was like there's no even other forgive, forgive

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him and he came in and he would sit and he before anyone saw it, recognize any words begin to give Yanni his poetry abandoned, so I'll do a kettlebell yoga mat board and we'll take him on Israa hull and give them a Caboodle and he goes on this long, long poetry and when it's muddy had the Prophet It is thought to solve the problem of it is that when you read it, the first 20 verses are just talking about about his camel and where he lived and, and he just like what is where's the piece of, it's like the introduction is longer than the casita itself and it's all just talking and the Prophet It is thought to thrive in the midst of this course he has got to the border, if that's what

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the name of the casita is, and the reason and the profit that you saw at the end of it would take off his Bisht, the board that that he was wearing, he would throw it at Cobbins O'Hara as a sign of acceptance. And people for years never any those who studied the Buddha for the first couple of generations never understood exactly why the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was so impressed by what what kind of was st was saying, but the reason was that everything he was talking about in his in his Casita, and this is the beauty of the Arabic of how about this, how strong their commendable language was everything he was talking about in in Romans remembering his relationship with a lady

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called smilodon he that he loved her and the place that they were when they were kids and his Chico. He wasn't talking about that, specifically, it was symbolism to a time where he was respected a time where he was a leader, a time where he had status, and how he lost all of that, like it was he was using these terms to symbolize to tell a story about himself and of how he once had status and now he has nothing and he's weak and he's vulnerable. The Prophet Allah, you sought to assume understood a lot of them. So I was sitting there didn't they just call that book, a flood, when you start to complete and you talk about your past? It's just you're remembering your past, and you're nostalgic

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towards your past? He wasn't. That's what it sounds like, if you don't understand what what he's symbolizing. The navbar that he's talking about is not the camel. The NACA symbolizes his old life, the life where he was a stallion, where he was a leader where he was strong where he ran the desert where he could command things, and now he's not. So the Prophet Isaiah also heard what God was saying, I am weak. Rasool Allah, I am weak. I've lost everything. Yes, I've lost you won, and I lost and I have nothing. And I am the son of royalty. And I've always been royalty. Now I have nothing. And I'm coming to you and of course there's a few more

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versus there may be three pieces of poetry that have some recognition of the profanity and stood out to them. When their lawsuit Allah Newton, you still vote will be just, that's the only piece that he talks about him, I don't know. But by the end of the procedure, the prop Valley is awesome through his border. amonkar why it was a it was a symbol of you feel you feel mistreated, you feel that you're vulnerable and you're weak here, I'm going to give you something that will keep your status high and within your family until the day of judgment. The poem was called the border and that border stayed with God and in cabs family for 500 years later. Till this day, that border still

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exists within within within within his family, within his family. And again, you do not have status anymore. You don't have to touch you don't have you're not you're not royalty Here, take this for Allah Allah He bought the tassel Allah Allah sight, you sell them, he gave him back, he understood what he wanted, he gave him back some status and cob instead walked in fearing for his life and walked out with the with the border of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that will stay as a monument of the Prophet Allah is taught to us and respect and appreciation for him till the Day of Judgment. That's his understanding of history that that's the level of his understanding. And that's the level

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of proficiency that the club had when it came to commanding their own language. So that's why I left la meme Ra is about it's about this little

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undergoing ongoing challenge between the Quran and all of these proficient out of Go ahead. Let's see what you can do. Do your best Give it your best shot.

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And they never tried. Because every time they tried internally, they felt this is ridiculous. What we're coming up with is meaningless. We can't seem to this is just a little bit different, but come up with something but it's not. It's not it's not parallel to what this is. And that's and that's that's why these letters are there. So he begins to panic. It's out of there soon. He says Tilka to look it up. These are the verses of the book, the LF la membre. That's the verses of this book is from these letters, nothing nothing new. We're not making anything up. Well let the owner de la la Kamal Rob Biechele will help. And what has been descended upon you from your Lord is ill health. So

00:32:02 --> 00:32:39

right off the bat, this surah goes right into the to the topic. It goes right into, into righteousness, what has been descended upon you, from your Lord is righteous is righteous, and this is the heart this is the truth. Well, I can act on Nicaea you know, but unfortunately, a lot. Most people they don't, they don't, they don't accept that yet. They have not internalized this concept. They have no once you internalize that fact that this Quran is the is the only hook that exists that is left in this dunya that you can actually touch and carry and read and and look at then things will change for you. Once you see the Quran you have to truly see the Quran as the pure word of

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ALLAH SubhanA pure Huck, and when you see it pure hop with no battle. You understand what that means? You see, you can see it that way. But you may not understand what it is if you don't understand what it is you don't have the ability to fully acknowledge or appreciate the magnificence of what it is that you're in the presence of. So that's the first piece that's the introduction of swords that one will recite and show the after, after Allah who led the law firm as DbyD Imad in deltona.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:15

Mr Allen outwash

00:33:18 --> 00:33:21

what's the hall a Shem cell well Cornell

00:33:24 --> 00:33:28

glowing dreary agilely mucem

00:33:34 --> 00:33:35

You would have been able

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you fell asleep? Yeah, Tina, I like being poor in Europe become to be noon.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who raised or held the heavens, or the skies with the cosmos believe it and I didn't tell her how pillars that you see there no pillars that are holding them. Because the only way we can understand how something is held above us, and in space with all of this gravity that we live through is that there must be some killer somewhere that's holding all this up. Baby lady Ahmed is a different law that keeps the cosmos where they are and the earth where it is, which is now what we understand pretty clearly there's not a lot of difficulty for us to comprehend how it works. But the Quran points out that is not through pillars. Because pillars is how we understand

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simplistically, the laws that rules that govern Earth where we sit here, the only way something can be held above us is if there's a pillar in the middle of it to hold it up. If you take the pillar, it comes crashing down that the cosmos above you. They're held there, they're where they are, but not through pillars. What he's saying is this through other laws, it's not through the law that you're used to. You'll find that out at some point or figured out later on, but it's not through pillars because that's the only way out of where people understood how something could be held above you without falling down. Right. That's why this

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

Is there what Phil must do? Well, obviously then he established himself upon the auto ship on his throne Subhana wa Tada. We do not similar, we don't see any similarities between Allah subhanaw taala in between his creation, and He is beyond time and space, gender, and whatever he means by this Tapana, which is something that he knows, and we don't necessarily fully understand it, whether you accept the wording as it is, or you interpret it in a way that allows you to comprehend it by saying that he establishes himself in in,

00:35:29 --> 00:35:52

in dominance or in control of his throne, however you want to look at it either approaches are acceptable within Islamic theology as long as you don't, I need to draw similarities between Allah subhanaw taala his creation was not gonna shumsa will come up and he created the sun and the moon and made them at your service the sphere is to put something in service of something else. That's what the scheme means.

00:35:53 --> 00:36:34

And he uses the Supriya in the Quran, talking about opening balance equity and we talked about this as a result of a few years ago. It's time for us to utilize each other's services. So we can benefit from one another. Everyone needs everyone else you can't function if the whole world were engineers things would not work if the whole world was doctors also same thing and keep on going etc. You need people with different doing different things so that we can benefit was alkalies Giemsa will come out he put the sun in the moon people service go to Luna Yejide edgeley Musa everything, everything is rotating and running to a specific term to us perfect time. The Agilent Musa to a time where

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where it stops,

00:36:36 --> 00:37:05

nothing is infinite, aside from him subhanho wa Taala everything else is finite and will end at a certain point will stop doing what it's doing right now. There is a moment in time in a specific place and space, where everything comes to an end. We know till this moment, you know at this point that the universe is still expanding. And as this scholars study, scientists study this, the theory that they have is that it will expand and that at some point it will stop expanding and then it will

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implode and come back down to whatever it started to be at the beginning. And this is the theory that most scientists look at today oh item that is that is close enough to what Allah subhanaw taala is explaining to us in the Quran, in terms of everything has a moment and it stops it's not going to go on forever. You'd have Bureau number he takes care of business upon which he takes care of the matters. You'll fall asleep and he details science for you. Like I like on video pa your OB come to you know so that maybe you develop certainty in the fact that you will meet your Lord.

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Without this piece of the story, there is no meaning for our existence.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:50

I talked about this yesterday in general we are just before Tel Aviv,

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Allah subhanaw taala the moment you see mela Karim of the melodica you see gender you see now or you see Allah subhanho wa Taala the whole point of this story becomes useless. There's no point of belief anymore. There's no point of having pieces of evidence and following them and seeing where they are pointing and then concluding something and allowing that conclusion that rational conclusion that you came to the county to that you came to to drive your ethicality into your your your morals and your values and your the way you live your life. Once you see it. It's not the man anymore. It doesn't mean anything anymore. It's a normal as a quote that I think is really

00:38:27 --> 00:38:34

interesting. He will say no right to janitor one now right behind him is that the Imani? Was that associati

00:38:35 --> 00:39:05

if I saw agenda with my own eyes are not my Eman would not increase but my reverence would, my degree of reverence would I would I would fear Him more Subhanallah What's it because now I have something but not not my email and my email is Abdullah I don't need that for for my belief system for my certainty, they are clean which is certain certainty you need you come to that conclusion by looking at by observing these laws these first four verses and sort of the ride. They talk about the laws that govern the world around you the cosmos that are held above the earth

00:39:07 --> 00:39:44

Allah subhanaw taala the service that the sun and the moon offer us everything moving in a specific color Nigeria, Nigeria Musa everything moves do according to a specific rhythm to a specific tune to a specific schedule. If that schedule did not exist, then life wouldn't exist. We know that for a fact right now. If there's any difference in how the sun or the moon function or they were any bigger or any smaller any farther away or any closer than none of this would have would have been possible. We wouldn't be sitting where we we aren't we are today. So you don't build on ammo. He takes care of business he he established himself upon his throne, he takes care of the matter and he

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details the signs for you. You firstly when I add these ayat, no the Signs of God the signs of his existence of his oneness of his creation of His omnipotence and his omniscience. subhanho wa Taala he details those for you

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I like him so that maybe maybe you come to a to a conclusion of certainty that you will meet him one day that you will be resurrected. And you will come back and you will stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And he will ask you what you did with the time that you had? How did you find this experience that I gave you, this life that you lived? You got a lot was given to you and Allah was expected of you as well. You have to answer for those questions, these laws that he talks about in the students at the beginning of SUTA. Roger the laws that just exist, they're just there. They will always be there. Don't build your Eman on something that is variable, build your Eman on something

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that is constant, these won't change. The only time these laws will change on the Day of Judgment. That's the only that's when these laws will be broken.

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That's when it comes to cool we're not when new German cars are not will devalue so euro will be held to suit Jarrett. That's the only time when all these laws are gonna be broken and everything and the sun ceases to exist and the moon cease to exist and the earth is destroyed in the cosmos or collapse that aside from that these laws are consistent. It's through these laws that you believe in Allah Subhan that you build your case in your understanding of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada if you build your case, and understand and accepting Allah through some draw you made and that got accepted. If that's what you build your faith on, then what happens the next time you make a DUA and you don't

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get expected immediately or they do is postponed later or it was not in the cards for you to get this responded at the time that you asked for it. Then what happens

00:41:24 --> 00:41:56

don't build your email on something, something that is weak on matchsticks and then it all comes up, build your Eman on something that is constant that is solid, like the fact that if I send our TV lady I meant that Sakala shumsa will come out that colonial Genelia Gillian mucem That's what you build it upon. And if you do that then insha Allah Allah come meaning if you do that then you might come to a degree of certainty in meeting him well who will the middle or lower gyla fee her our CEO and her all

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wanting to live fair Marathi GRFP has Oh Janie Nene

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Yoshi Leland

00:42:21 --> 00:42:28

in V the LI Gala. T Leopold me FACA rune

00:42:35 --> 00:42:37

and he is the one who established your medal

00:42:38 --> 00:43:22

he put out the earth for you it's more impressive because the Earth is actually a Globe Med dummy something that is that is flat is laid flat for you even though it's not flat. What yeah I left he held I was CEO and how he put upon established upon it. Deep rooted mountains and rivers, women coolest Emirati from all fruits and everything that comes from the earth. Geography has Oh Janie's thing there are two pairs. As you go along, you will she Leyland, her he covers nighttime with daytime meaning they overlap and they cover one another mean that movement, a circular movement of day followed by night followed by day again. Indeed, within all of that there are signs for people

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who will reflect and contemplate

00:43:24 --> 00:43:54

all of these are laws, the way the earth functions. The existence of these mountains as as, as pillars as pins that hold the earth the way it is, without these mountains, only 20% is above Earth. 80% holds down these pieces of oil VBB floating around in the ocean, that without the river at all, every civilization was built around a river. Those who didn't have rivers never had civilization, which is why I thought I've never actually built anything, there's no rivers, you need that freshwater that keeps on running.

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From every fruit, there are two pairs. And that can't that continuous day and night. Go live in places where there is no day and night two or six months day in six months night and tell me what you can do. And tell me if you can actually function there. Indeed there are signs there for people to contemplate. I'll end with that inshallah. Tomorrow we will. We will go through the verses a little bit more and

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we'll continue to meet so buckle up behind the camera lens. It's tough to break what Allah was telling him about, like I'm gonna be getting hammered earlier. So I'll be

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