Zakir Naik – Why is not the Original Unadulterated Injeel which was Revealed to Jesus (pbuh) present Today

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the Gloriousley's message in Surah Al Imran chapter 14, which is meant for the whole of humanity. The message includes a promise to bring peace to the hearts of all the people and to the light. The speaker also mentions a message in verse 21 that is meant for all people to receive a message of peace.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next question If Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Injeel and the Torah, before the Quran was revealed, why don't we find any copies of the original unchanged and unadulterated injeel which was revealed to Jesus peace be upon him.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah rod chapter number 13 was limited to eight liquidly Agilent kitab. For each period we have sent a book by name for revelations I mentioned the Glorious Quran, the torah, the Cebu, the Injeel and the Quran. The Torah was the Waheed revelation that was given to Moses peace be upon him there's a war was over he the revelation that was given to David Peace be upon the Indian was the Waheed revelation that was given to Jesus Christ peace be upon him. And the Quran is the last and final revelation that was given to the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by name for revelations I mentioned the Glorious Quran.

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But there are several other revelations for example, sort of Abraham, the scrolls of Prophet Abraham, may Allah be pleased with him.

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But all the revelations before the last and final revelation, the Glorious Quran,

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they were only meant for their people and for that time,

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but since the Glorious Quran, it is the last and final revelation. It was not meant only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs, but it is meant for the whole of humanity.

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And the reason the scriptures they will not preserved is because Allah subhanaw taala did not find it fit to preserve them, and they were time bound. They were only meant for those people. And for that time, and through the passage of time the scriptures they were changed.

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And the messengers, the prophets who were sent at that time with those revelations, they were only meant for those people as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Al Imran Chapter number three was Tim 49 What our soul and Isla Bani Israel II and a messenger to the Children of Israel, talking about Jesus Christ peace be upon him that he was only meant and he was sent for the children of Israel.

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But since the Glorious Quran is the last and final revelation, it was not meant only for the Muslims only for the Arabs, but it was meant for the whole of humanity. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran in surah Ibrahim chapter 14 was the one

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that the book is revealed to be in order to lead mankind from the depths of darkness into light. A similar message is repeated is mentioned into Abraham chapter 14 verse Psalm 52.

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Your is a message let them take wanting their off, let them know that there's one God let men of understanding Take heed Allah subhanaw taala also says in Surah Baqarah Chapter two verse number 185 shahada Ramadan, a lady on Zillow fi hero Quran, who the Linares will be united and who that will Furqan Ramadan is the month in which the Glorious Quran was revealed as a guidance for the whole of humanity.

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And a similar message is also mentioned in today. zumo chap number 39 was Psalm 41 that the Glorious Quran is meant for the whole of humanity. The Glorious Quran is not meant only for the Muslims only for the Arabs. It is meant for the whole of humanity. It is a guidance for the whole of humanity and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he was not sent only for the Muslims only for the adults but he was sent for the whole of humanity. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Ambia chatrium 21 was 207 One ma RSL NACA Illa Rahmatullah Allah mean that we have sent the not but as a mercy to all the worlds as a mercy to all the creatures as a mercy to the whole of humanity. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon

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him. He was not sent only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs, but he was sent for the whole of humanity

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