Zakir Naik – An Atheist asked – Can God create a heavy rock that He Himself cannot lift

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © A caller from Bruce India asks a question about God creating a heavy rock and the ability to lift anything. The guest responds that they cannot answer the question because the definition of a rock is not clear. The guest suggests that the definition of a rock is not clear and that the guest's question is illogical.
AI: Transcript ©
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Next question is from Shamir from Kerala India. Sir one atheist has asked that can God create a heavy rock that he himself cannot lift? This is a common question that was asked to me also

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in my school days and my college days that can God create a rock which you cannot lift

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to reply to this question

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I normally asked that it is that Do you know to drive and in order to have a car Can I take a left turn whenever I tell you when nobody tell me I can take a left turn no driver is trying to take the right turn whenever I tell you yes whenever you turn back integrated the person is expert in driving a car I finished putting it in your motorcycle okay tell him to take a left turn whenever I tell you when you come at a crossroad yes I can take a left turn whenever you tell me whenever I come at a crossroad if you come at a crossroad if I didn't write the village writer, he said yes I can take a right turn I said okay. Now, now when you come at a crossroad, take a left right turn

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the through say what is a left right turn, take a left right turn.

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He will say I cannot take a left right? Just know you told me. You can take a left turn whenever I tell you, you can take the right turn whenever I tell you to take a left right turn.

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Then he understand what I'm telling you mythological. Yes, he can take a left turn whenever he wants. He can take a right turn whenever he wants. But left and right are two opposing things you cannot do at the same time. So if you are stand God create anything. Yes, God can do anything. Can you lift anything and everything? Yes, he can lift anything and everything. Can you create a rock which he cannot lift? It is illogical.

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Yes, God can create whatever he wants. Yes, he can lift whatever he wants. Now you're telling Can God create a rock which he cannot lift? So as the theory Why don't you take a left right turn

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it like telling that can God create a tall, shorter man? Yes, God can create tall man he can create a short man can you get tall short men are two opposing things that meaningless. Then God make a fat Thin Man. God can make a fat man. God can make a thin man. God can make a fat man Into Thin Man, you can put a thin man into a fat man, but fat Thin Man. These are illogical things. So the question is in logical, the atheist doesn't know the qualities of God. Yes, this question can be asked to a human being no problem. Because the human mind cannot create everything. A human being cannot lift everything. So if this question is asked to human being it makes sense. But the atheist doesn't know

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the concept of God that the reason is asking this question. So I add that it's Yes. Can you take a left turn? He said yes. Can you take a right I said yes Kendrick left right turn. He says no. So now we strapped to similarly, this question thing can God create a heavy rock which he cannot lift is an illogical question. So you can answer an illogical question by asking an illogical question back to the questioner and this way inshallah he will realize his mistake. So Allah subhana wa Taala is all powerful. He can do what he wants, but do not do ungodly things. Hope that answers the question.

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