Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 135A Translation Al-Nahl 22-40

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The group discusses various characters and their struggles with people and homes, including a woman named Yash Arun, a woman from poverty named Bgrad, and a woman from the western regions named Callum. They also talk about struggles with alcoholism and various challenges, including Lily's struggles with alcoholism.
AI: Transcript ©
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AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Muhammad who want to slowly or those who live in Karim, Amma Bharat via with the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish Rockley Saudi were Sidley Emery wash Lula architettura melissani of Karhu Callie Robina xinerama Lesson number 135 Sudha to national ID number 22 to 14 Translation era who come your god Illa Han God were hidden one fella Deena so those who learn not yet me noona they believe Bill akhira in the hereafter global home their hearts mon Kira tune one that denies. We're home and they musta Cameroon ones who are arrogant,

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larger Rama, no doubt. And indeed, Allah Allah, Ya Allah ma he knows ma what you say Runa they conceal, they hide warmer and what your Linoone they reveal in the who indeed he learned not your Hibou he loves Elmo stack Vereen, the arrogant ones

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were either and when Taylor it was at home to them, Mother what is that? And Zillow He sent down or Bukom Europe or Lou they said, a sell three stories, a welline of the first ones, Leah hamilo So they carry out their home their burdens. Gamelan completely Yoma on day LTM of the standing women and from Ozar burdens Alladhina of those who you'll be Luna whom they lead them astray billini without elmen any knowledge, Allah unquestionably sir it is evil man what is the rune they carry?

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God in fact macaron he plotted Alladhina those who made from cobbly him before them for attack. So he came Allahu Allah Bonilla, Anna whom they're building. Men from Alcoa carried the foundations for her work, so it fell or lay him upon them a sackful the roof the ceiling. Men from folklore him about them. What other home and it came to them. Are they able the punishment? Men from high school were learned not Yash Arun they perceive.

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So Medan Yama on the LTM the standing yakezie Him He will humiliate them, we'll call you and he will say I know where shanaka II my partners and Medina those who come to you were to share guna you all opposed fie him concerning them in them. All he said Alladhina those who are too they were given an aroma the knowledge indeed and hazier the humiliation, aroma today was soo and the evil Allah upon and carefully the disbelievers

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and livina those who that are for whom it will cause death to them it will take them fully. al-mulla ICA be angels warning me as ones wronging and foresee him themselves for alcohol. So they offered they cast a selama the submission man not gonna we were normally we do men from Sue in any evil Bella rather in Allaha indeed Allah or Lehman, always all knowing Bhima with what quantum you were dark maroon you will do

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further Hulu so you will enter abueva doors Johanna of hellfire Holly Dina once a biting eternally fee her in it, fella Bitsa so surely how bad Martha abode al moussaka Burien of the arrogant ones

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were cleaner and it was said Linda Dena to those who ate the coal they feared mother what is that? Angela He sent down Rob Macomb Europe. Oh no. They said Hi, Rob. Good. Linda Dina for those who are saying no, they did good fee in heavy this dunya the world has an atone is good. What en la surely the home LF era of the Hereafter Chiron is better work and linear man surely how good they are home and with the pain of those who fear

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Janna to gardens or the name of Arden of eternity. Yeah the Kelowna ha they will enter it that God it flows men from the hair underneath it and how the rivers law home for them fee her in it Mau whatever your share owner they wish. Gallica likewise here jersey, he recompenses Allahu Allah, and with the cane. Those who fear those who have the code

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Under the you know those who that are for whom it takes them fully, it causes them to die. al-mulla Iike the angels by you being as good as pure are ones good ones pure. Your colonna, they say Salam on peace or they come upon you. Oh hello y'all enter Elgin the paradise Bhima because of what quantum you were Dharma loon you do. How are young Luna they wait Illa except on that that they are home it comes to them Albula ecopy angels Oh or the DIA it comes a new command or a big of Europe. Gallica likewise for either he did and Lavina those who men from poverty him before them warmer and not learn them at home he wronged them Allahu Allah. Well, I can but can who they were and foster

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home themselves. You have removed the wrong

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for Asaba home so it reached them say he had two evils. Ma what are millou they did what have come and it enveloped be him with them. Ma what can who they were be with it yesterday own day mark

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what color and he said Alladhina those who are Shaku they did shake low if shirtr He will Allahu Allah. Man, not our gardener we worshipped men from dunya he other than him, men from che in anything national we Wallah and Nora Abba owner, our forefathers, wala and Nora how alumna we made unlawful men from dunya ye other than Him men from che in anything. Guernica likewise Furla he did, and Medina those who made from poverty him before them, for her so is Allah upon of whistle the messengers except Albula the conveying and movie the clear

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one oh god and certainly by asna we raised fee in Cali every Oh Martin nation, Rasul Allah a messenger and that are Budo you all worship Allah Allah watch the Naboo and you will avoid a tahu the tollbooth the false gods for men homes are from them. Man who had he guided Allahu Allah wa mein home and from them man who had cut it was justified or lay he upon him a banana the misguidance for zero so you all travel fee in a lovely the earth from the roof so you are look gay for how Ghana was October to end result, a look at the bane of the deniers. In if the head is you desire greedily Allah upon who their home their guidance for inner then indeed Allah Allah learn not yet the he

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guides man who you will lose he sends a string wama and not the home for them main from NurseLine any helpers?

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Well Roxanne will end this war oats Billahi by Allah gehad strongest Emani him their odds learn not yet but Arthur He will resurrect Allahu Allah man who you move to he will die by law rather wire than a promise or lay he upon him How can in truth what I can know about a third almost a nurse of the people left not Jana moon they know

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Liuba you know so he makes clear law home for them under the which you have telephony they defer fee in it when the error Lemma and so that he knows AlLadhina cafardo The disbelievers and know whom that indeed they can do they were Gabi been liars in them or indeed not but Toluna our word li che in for a thing either when or dinner who we intended it and that Nakula we say La who for it can be for your goon so it is presentation of design

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Hey there hither the lady let me

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hear about your

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with your Bruno

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in the hula your mistake Vereen. What either

00:09:45 --> 00:09:50

SLD own money in Lea Camilo I was

00:09:53 --> 00:09:53

a woman

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I mean, I was Eddie Levy and I will be known

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And as

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you hone adimec or leadin money in

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power he thought he was circled

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back on

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must suffer for me

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anymore I

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hate to lash on the male male DM Z him while he Nashawn Anca

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done to sha

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uma was so

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a lady in

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a woman manner

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to lordy me

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Oh Bella

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Allah howdy honeymoon Be mindful

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that your photo

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Nana Han ENFP Zanuck one very wealthy lady in a

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lot of all your ladylucks and all the heavy Dounia has one

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thing building just to add any other who Luna has

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lady in our firm woman Mullah you got to be

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the man to

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* you're alone

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deal woman

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you got to

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be Gallica Arlen lady in me

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who's a home meal believe

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bow saw the whom say he has

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what how Bobby? Mankind will be he is

00:12:56 --> 00:12:58

walk on a lady national

00:13:03 --> 00:13:05

dude he me che

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che Go Daddy gotta on

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Busan Rosalie in Bella Mubi in wala NaVi fully mature Rasul

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Allah How would you tell enable corbelled I mean whom and had a more who I mean whom and Hakata fatale Bala as you can

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see by to look at BB 18

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law hella heavy me your normal

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routine Well, Apple SamMobile IJA haga email

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Leo vain Allah human lady Afghani food levy you only lemon lady Naka follow

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me been in a coma

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