Yasir Qadhi – The Book of Du’a From Sahih Al-Bukhari #7

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the title "Returns in Islam" to describe people who use it for personal reasons, including shaping up to be satisfied and praising Allah during difficult situations. They stress the need for strong faith in the Lord of the House and the importance of praising Allah during difficult situations. The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the economy and led to a drop in demand for certain products, but the company is working on a new strategy to reduce the risk of infection in the healthcare system. The potential treatments for COVID-19 are currently being researched, but there is no guarantee that the vaccine will be effective.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While Allah He will be one of Allah but we are still doing an explanation of the Kitab Buddha to the book of invocations and prayers of the Sahaba. I remember double Hardy, and we have now reached chapter 20. So, I'm going to dive straight in Babel mayuko. Minister I fit to the chapter that intending rhyming and poetry and drama is something that should be avoided, will be acquired definitely Hebrew Mohammed in a second color data have been even he learned quite

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a bit and actually metallic, not personally a lot of my colleagues had it in NASA kulu, Martin Mora signed a beta for maratea twin, Xl serata Murat wallet, NASA has or an alpha nikitha telescope como the Hadith in Hadith to him to swallow him for Dr. La matanza Tamil for to Milla home when I can answer it further. America Hadith whom for whom? Yesh, tahuna from the researcher Amina Dr. effaced Honey Boo for India, I hate to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was how about who lay down lay a foundation in the cottage Tina. This is something that is called a malkuth narration malkuth means it stops at a companion. It goes back to a companion and not to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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malkuth means it's stopped and it is stopped at the companion even Ibis had been abuzz about the Allahu taala is narrating something to us. And he is telling his students and his most famous student is Eric crema. Eric aneema, was his freed slave. And of course, in those days they had the concept of slavery. And generally speaking, many of our righteous scholars were from that class. Why? Because they accompanied great students of knowledge, great aroma that accompany the Sahaba. And they learned from them and of course, as Islam encourages the freeing of military amino slaves, so many times these people became great scholars in their own right. And economics is one of those

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greatest scholars who began his life in very unfortunate circumstances. And he becomes one of the most respected or Lama and the students that have been above so even Abbas radi Allahu taala is telling Karima some advice, what is that advice, he says preach to the people once a week, every Friday Collegium I doesn't mean on the day of Friday, it means every week preach to them once a week. And if you must, then twice. And if you want to go more than this than three times maximum, give them lectures. In other words, there are people that are you know, the preaching class or the scholarly class. And there are people that are just going about their daily life. Even a boss is, of

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course, a scholar, and he's training the next generation of scholars. And he is telling them that don't make the people become overwhelmed with knowledge and with do lose and with lectures, give them what they want, and don't cause them to become oversaturated. And he says, don't continue to narrow it to them, don't continue to give them to see it and Hadeeth and feel because then that's going to be overwhelming, rather give them in bits so that they can absorb and they can benefit. And so he's giving this advice. And of course, this advice is still applicable in our times that we don't want to overwhelm the people. One of the advantages of YouTube, by the way, and of online

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social media is that the user gets to decide it's not something that is live, it has its pros and its cons. So if you want to listen to five lectures in a day, you can do that. And if you want to listen to one lecture every few weeks or months, you can also do that. So I've been I've been assisting with the logo tagline, don't overburden the people give them tidbits here and there, so that they can and lecture to them in a reasonable manner. And he is saying that I never want to find you interrupting a people who are discussing something and you come across them and you impose your lecture upon them. Rather, if you join a gathering, be quiet. And if they then ask you to say

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something, then tell them that which you want to tell them and which will impact them. So the point here is that even our buzzworthy a lot of Thailand is using basic psychology that do not use the religion to make it overburdening upon the people. Rather, if you are in a gathering, and you are the scholar, don't become the center of attention yourself. rather let the people come and ask you and do not interrupt if they're having a conversation about some matter of this world. You should not say hey guys, hold on, you know and and obviously this is if you go to a social gathering, obviously if you've advertised the lecture and people are coming to your lecture, obviously now you

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have the right to dictate you know the ambience, but if you are invited

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somewhere else, and you are just going to a social gathering, then do not impose the sentiment of giving a lecture unless they asked you to do so. And he also said here that I warned you against rhyming when you make a do, because I found the Prophet salallahu it he was seldom and the Sahaba I found them that they would avoid rhyming, but they would avoid giving poetry in. So obviously the point of this narration here, there's a lot of benefit here. And this is the way with all Hadith is that generally the benefits of the Hadith are much more than just that one phrase that because of which the Hadith is narrated in the chapter, Mr. mahadi, once one phrase and that is avoid poetry

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into our but that the narration is very beautiful, and we can derive many things from it, but we are interested in the last phrase, and that is, avoid rhyming a sagia is to have an excessive amount of rhyming we call it rhythm or rap, avoid that type of excessive rhyming. Why? Because when you are going to concentrate on the rhythm of the day, you lose the spirit of the drop, when you make the two are more akin to poetry, then you have stripped the two out of the spirituality and people will enjoy the poetry and not the spirituality. Now, having said this, a little bit of rhyming is something that actually comes from the sooner. So we have, for example, in the famous Hadith, the

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drop Allahumma manzanilla kitabi, said, his hobby has him that will allow the one that has revealed the Book, the one who is quick in judgment, the one who has destroyed the Confederates, and in the other edit, so the kawartha who are not sort of out there who is agenda who was a man who who so these are things that the prophets of the Lahore sent him said that come authentic in the DA in yet another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu, I said would make dua, I seek refuge in You or law mean, I'm delighted that when I've seen that Eschbach, or called in law, I seek refuge in You from the eye that does not cry, and the soul that is not satisfied and the heart that is not become softer, does

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not become fearful of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you notice all of these examples, they are somewhat rhyming. So what then does it mean that even a buzzer saying that do not make a drop into a rhyme, our scholars have said that what this means is that we do not have excessive poetry. What is this means is that we do not make the focus of the DA to be a type of poem. And if it's so happens, that certain things rhyme at the end, then and it doesn't detract from the spirituality, then that is something that is permissible, and this is how our scholars have interpreted because there are many draws of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that do have that little bit of a rhyming in there and

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therefore this is understood that what is moku what is disliked is that the emphasis become the poetry or the rhyme and not the doer, but if there's a little bit of rhyming that is something that is inshallah permissible. The next chapter chapter 21 Bob Lee azim and Miss lF in the hula mokara hula hoop that let the person ask firmly when he asks Allah subhanho wa Taala for no one can force a lot to do anything. What does it mean to ask firmly we have to hide it in this chapter will be called a death number said that hardheadedness mariacarla one abdulazeez and nsmb alota and color color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had to confirm Yes, he will miss Ella, whether your

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colon Aloma, in fact, any fur in the hula was stuck at her who and the next Hadith will be called Abdullah Muslim American enemies in the analogy. Have you heard of the Allahu taala and under Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call laya hulan a hydrocone Allah homophily insha Allah Mohammed and shifter Li azim unless Allah for in the hula was stuck at her law who now these two narrations are very explicit. And they say that when you ask a lot Subhana Allah then asked a lot by making a firm sentence Oh ALLAH forgive me. Oh Allah grant me mercy Oh Allah give me this Oh Allah avert away from me a calamity. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying, nobody should say, Oh

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Allah, if you wish, then Forgive me. Don't do that. Don't say, Oh Allah, if you are able to then give me No, don't do that. Allah is capable of all things. And the phrase, if you wish does not make any sense. When it comes to making dua to Allah, Allah will give you if he wishes, you're saying it makes no sense. And it indicates a sense of you not needing it. You see, we say this to another person, when we need something from that person. We go to a person we say, you know, if you're able to can you lend me some money? You know, if you can, you know, can you do this for me, we try to you know, appease the sensibilities of the person because the person, you know, is limited in resources

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and the person needs to be, you know, approached in a certain manner asked for a lot

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Subhana Allah Allah, Allah has unlimited resources and as for Allah, no one can force Allah subhanho wa Taala he will give you if he desires to give you so don't say Allah if you wish, then give me know Allah azza wa jal will give you if he wishes, you need to demonstrate your poverty to allow your need to Allah and the only way you will do that is by begging Allah subhana wa tada that Allah grants me this Oh Allah give me that Oh Allah I need your forgiveness. And we see this this sincerity this earnestness throughout the Quran and Sunnah when the prophets made to our father Adam makes the famous Dr. Robin alumna and Susannah our law we have wronged ourselves and if you do not

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forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall be of those who are lost. Adam did not say our lot Forgive me, if you please Allah, if you're able to then guide me know he needs it. And if he doesn't get it, he shall be destroyed. So we literally beg Allah, the death of the beggar because we are all beggars in front of Allah, honey, we are all for Korra and Allah is the money. So we ask Allah as if we needed because we do need it. We don't add a clause or Allah if you're able to know and that's what the prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying. And finally as him and Miss Allah, let him ask with determination, and let him not to put a clause that shows that he is not determined. So this is a

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beautiful etiquette of drama. And this is a common mistake, unfortunately, that happens is that a lot of times somebody makes this role a lot. You know, if you just give me this, I won't ask anything more or a lot. How foolish is this clause here, you will not ask anything more? Well, law II every breath you take, you need a lot to give it to you. What do you mean, you're not going to ask anything more, you need to ask everything from a law and a law is the one that deserves and is worthy of being asked you are the one who needs to ask and a lot of laws being asked. Don't add foolish conditions. Don't consider the generosity of a law to be anywhere similar to the generosity

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of any of the creation, Allah gives and gives and gives and Allah loves to give and Allah loves to be asked. And so ask Allah and ask Allah with determination and don't put any conditions or clauses when it comes to laws will this goes against the etiquette of the next chapter chapter 22 that use the javelin abdomen them? Yeah. What do you call a bill of new so called African American and if you have an OB, ob Moana, Ebony as her ebihara and the Rasulullah his solo Lavalle who was setting them apart? You stage Abuja, Heidi Kamala Mia gel. You're called out to film you stay Jubilee. In this beautiful Hadith narrated by Abu hurayrah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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your request will be responded to your two hours will be responded to as long as you are not hasty. As long as you're not hasty. What is it to be hasty. In one version, the Sahaba asked him almost drove a law. What do you mean by being hasty, and he responded, hastiness is for a person to say I may do, I may do and Allah xojo didn't give to me. And so he leaves making that too. So what is hastiness? hastiness is exasperate on the part of the person making? hastiness is to give up hope of a law responding to the law, and that is not something that is done, will continue to make dua for as long as we feel we need the matter that we are asking for. We continue to make dua even if the

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situation appears to be hopeless, Zachary, and Ibrahim, they continue to make dua to Allah for a child, despite the fact that they were way beyond the years of having a child. They were way beyond the averages. So much so that when the angels came, they were surprised what now how is that going to happen? And Souder, the wife, Ibrahim said, How can I have a child now when my husband is so old, and I have become too old to bear children? And Allah says, that's a loss of that he will give you a child and Zachary himself says My hair is white. How can I you know, how is it going to happen? Eliza will give it to you that Allah azza wa jal has, but the point is, they're making too up. So

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somebody says, How long should I make up the responses you continue to make dua for as long as you feel that this is going to be beneficial for you. Now, to be more precise, we can vary you know, generally speaking, divided into two categories do are for issues of a spiritual nature or religious nature and arciero nature. These do us Allah guide me, Allah forgive me, Allah grant me agenda, I will protect me from the double cover these two hours we ask from now till the day we die. We never stop asking a lot. That is something that we continue and continue and continue. We ask Allah for hidayah We ask Allah for molfetta We ask Allah for Allah, we ask Allah for Baraka, these generic

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draws about spiritual well being and forgiveness and the next world non stop until we die. General draws now the second category to us of this world

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Why's of this world there? This can be further subdivided into two categories. The first is generic drugs for this world. I've been at it for dounia Hasina. Oh well, I asked you for good health and good family, all I asked you for, you know, a happy or comfortable living all I asked you for risk or sustenance that is halal, and that is pure, and that is sufficient, these are generic to us, they can be asked and should be asked till the day that we die, then they're specific to ours of this world. That's what this hadith is talking about. In particular, let me give you an example. An example is that you wanted for so for example, in the case of Zakaria, he wanted a child he didn't

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have a child or you wanted a particular job right you're very eager to get that promotion or that job and you're making them out to a law that or law you know, company so and so you know, I've applied to Allah allow me to work in that company, okay. And you put in the application, you've done everything that you need to do because you are also must be backed up with your own physical actions. You've done both of them you applied Guess what? No phone call, and the company position is filled up, you know, but in your heart, do you think you know what, that's still going to be better for me? Go ahead and continue to make it No problem, no problem make to our make to our make up?

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What if you know the position does not open up but you still feel that is going to be better for you then in your dunya? Go ahead and make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, when would you stop making dua if a time comes in, in your life where you realize, you know, what, actually, Allah made me gave me something better, I thought that that company were better for me, now I see that it is going bankrupt, or I see that the people had to move somewhere else, or I see something in something or the place that I'm at a lot opened up doors that I didn't have, you know, a few years ago, and I'm actually more content over here. So then when you yourself, don't have a desire or need for the

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other thing, then you may stop making why because now you have stopped not out of exasperate not out of saying oh, I give up rather you're like You know what, I don't need it anymore. And Allah gave me what is better. However, suppose you asked and then you know a year goes by you didn't get it, you're like, ah, Allah is not going to respond. I'm just going to start making god this is where this hadith comes into play. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, You shall be responded to as long as you don't give up and be hasty. Now, another key point here, he said, You said job you shall be responded to a Java shall be given notice, ie Java or St. Java here need to respond to it does

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not indicate that what you ask exactly that shall be given to you this is a very common misunderstanding, no, a law shall respond to your drama, it means your drama will be heard. And you will get something in return for your asking. It does not mean you shall get what you asked for, you might get it or you might get a luxury reward, or you might get something equivalent, or you might get something averted that is bad for you, some good will continue to happen for you, as long as you raise your hands to Allah and don't give up that do our so is the Java here in Java to draw does not mean that what you ask for you shall be given it Not at all, it means that Allah will bless you in a

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manner and a mechanism that is good for you, whether you understand that or not. And also, by the way, I have said this multiple times, whenever we ask Allah for something specific of this world, we should always add the clause or the phrase or Allah grant me this if it is better for my Deen in my dunya otherwise grant me something else you do not know what is better in the long run when it comes to the specifics of this world. Once again, only the specifics of this world The generalities of Allah grant me a righteous family. That's everybody. That's good. You don't need to put a specifics there are law granting a righteous family if it is good for me, a righteous family is good for you.

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But suppose you know you're a bachelor, you're looking to get married, obviously, you know, you might be interested in particular lady or the lady might be interested in a particular man. And of course we're human beings the heart might be attached to so and so will law allow this marriage to take place and facilitate it. Guess what impediments happen? You know, anything happens between you and the marriage You know, the the parents they know whatever happens, you know, your heart is still attached. Make dua make make dua, guess what, some time goes by, and your heart loses that attachment and another opportunity comes and you're like you know what, that is in fact better for

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me. And so you start making Doha because no longer are you attached to a particular specific you may say Oh Allah grant me a righteous spouse that do till the day that you die or Allah grant us righteous spouses make our spouses righteous no conditions, but a specific person you have any sister so and so in mind, or the sister has brother so and so in mind. In this case, you say Oh Allah, if sister so and so is better for my Deen in my dunya then for

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facilitate this marriage and make it easy for us. And if not, then grant that which is better for me. So in that case, you should make a conditional clause no problem. However, as I said, even if you feel that a particular person is the right person, go ahead and make dua and make and make dua as long as there is clearly the The hope is there. And there's clearly the feeling that you have that this is better. Now once Of course, the situation is changed, your heart is no longer feeling that this is best, then you may voluntarily opt to give up and that's not going to be considered being hasty because you're not hasty in this case. And Allah subhana wa tada knows best. Chapter 23

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Babu refer in AD for the chapter of raising one's hands into up Wakanda Abu Musab Shadi Donahue solo la jolla who was sending them a thumb ratify a day he was a to the other day he will call him Mr. Irfan debut solo lohani he was sending me a day who will call along in the Abra relay could my son or Holly are called Abdullah will call it we see you called Hideki Mohammed the new Jaffa decided we're sure I can. We surely can. And the Houma semirara Anderson, Allahu Allah, he was sending them a note of the ayah he had the right to buy out a bill today he in this chapter a moment Mohali has two narrations that don't have an it's not these are called the wild lots of soil Bahati. And I

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mentioned this in a previous lecture. And what this means is that sometimes the moment Bahati in the chapter heading is going to place the narration without a chain. And these do not occupy the same status as the headings that are narrated by change, they might be slightly weak, they might be high sun, they're not generally speaking, and that's why he puts them in the chapter heading. He wants you to know they exist, but they don't meet his stringent criteria and emammal bodies criteria are the most stringent out of all the books of Hadith. That's why it is considered to be the most authentic. Suppose you wanted to indicate a narration, but it doesn't meet his level sometimes

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indicated in the chapter heading, I almost had a shot he said, The Prophet sallallahu I said a made up and he raised his hands until I could see the whiteness of his armpits, the whiteness here, does not mean that white that we understand it, the atoms would call the wheatish. Brown, they would call it white, in terms of skin color, how it profitsystem skin color was wheatish Brown, and they would call white, yellow. So what we call white in our English language, white skin color, they will call it yellow skin color been in us for they would call them and so our profit system was not in that sense white the way that we consider our English terminology. He was the brownish complexion of the

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atoms. And so what is meant here I saw the lighter skin under his armpits Why is this heard it mentioned, he's raising his hands this high. And so he is saying he raised his hands this high. And of course our processor was wearing that what we call the wrong type of stuff, you know, the head on by the way, it's not something that they would only wear during the hedge, the alarm was the garment of the poor. If you had nothing, you couldn't afford a job, you couldn't afford a robe, you would wear just a garment, one sheet underneath and one sheet on top. That's the lowest of the low. That's why we were the wrong one, we go for hedges that were demonstrating that we are not our wealth is

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not going to play a role here. So our prophecy lesson a very commonly would simply wear a sheet on the bottom part and a sheet on the top part. So what would we consider wrong. So if you're just wearing that sheet on the top part, when you raise your hands, you will see the whiteness of the armpit. So almost Charlie said that at one time he raised his hands until I saw the whiteness of his armpit. And even Armand also said that once the process and raised his hands now he is not raising the always raising them this high. And he is saying, Oh a law, I declare myself innocent in front of you regarding what Hadith or the Allahu anhu has done. Now this phrase requires some explanation

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very, very briefly, because this is not the time here when Khalid ignat would either have the tag on first embraced Islam, he is a brand new Muslim babe, barely a few weeks old, the prophets a few weeks old, meaning a Muslim, he just converted. The Prophet system sent him on an expedition.

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And he didn't know the rules of war. And he made a blunder and he ended up executing people that he should not have executed. And the other Sahaba told him that you know this is wrong, but he was the general at the time. And so he insisted that his will be done and some people were were killed in a manner that they should not have been are obviously are processing them, recompense the families and apologized and here and of course he taught how to the lesson of what Johnny needs to be done that don't ever do this again. And so the the families were paid and the the apology was given. And as soon as the process of heard what harder there are literally a lot of data on who had done he raises

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his hands to a law and is basically single a law. I didn't order Holly to do this or a law I am innocent of that blood that has been shed. This was a mistake on harlots per the law of the land is part not on my face.

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My port. So the point here, of course we're interested in, he raised his hands up to Allah. And so this is what that Hadith says. And then the one Hadith of the chapter itself goes back to nscd Malik and and so the Malik said that he saw the prophets of the law he said embrace his hands until he saw the whiteness of his armpits. So all of these narrations and a hadith clearly demonstrate that it is a part of the Sunnah it's not necessary to make raising your hands. But it is a part of the sooner that when we make dua, we raise our hands up to a lot subhanho wa Taala. And our prophets Allah said, that Hadith is intimately not desirable, Holly, our Prophet system said that your Lord is ever

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shy and ever generous. And he is too shy of his own servants, when his servants raise his hands up to him, that he allows the hands to come back down empty without putting something in them. So Allah azza wa jal is highly shy. And of course, the way that he is shy is a way we'll never understand. Like when one of us is approached by a person on the street and he mentioned to us please give me money. We feel a sense of shyness, oh, we should give you know, we're parked at the traffic light in this country, maybe in other countries is not the case. But in America, a lot of people don't know this. They think America doesn't have beggars. No, we have beggars and homeless people everywhere.

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Sometimes you have to traffic light and somebody will come and knock on the window, say, Please, I'm hungry. You know, we feel a sense of shyness. And a lot of times, we should we should just give something if we're able to just help them out. Our Profit System is saying a lot is

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that when his servants raise his hands up to him, that he doesn't want those hands to come back down empty. And we also have the narration from the famous the narration of the Prophet the narration of above above or below to add about the load data and this is from a bus he said when you want to make is still far go ahead and raise your finger and make a stiff RC stuff for the last for the last offered a lot. Any liquid if you want to. You may you don't. Obviously all of this has Suna meaning it's not obligatory, you're allowed to raise your hands you're allowed to you know Point your finger and say ilaha illallah wa hula should occur. Or you say stop for the last offer the last offer

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alone, no problem. And by this you indicate the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then he said, and if you want to ask Allah something, this has been a bus, you raise your hands to shoulder level, so you raise them up like this, okay? And then he said, and if you're in serious circumstances, and if you really need to beg Allah xojo The situation is very dire, then you raise your hands up to the heavens all the way okay. So these are three postures narrated from even above the law of Thailand. And that is that if you just saying is still followed or something, you may just raise your finger and no problem. If you are asking a law for the general laws of this world

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and the next, then raise your hands to the shoulder level. So you raise your hands up to Allah subhana wa tada to this level. Also, from the Hadith we learned the Hadith is widowed, our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, ask Allah from the palms of your hand and not from the backs of your hand. So when we raise our hands to Allah subhana wa Taala the better posture is that our hands should be open and outwards to Allah. Now, it's not wrong to ask like this, it's not wrong, but the better mechanism is or the better posture is to have the hands open in front of Allah because we are literally begging Allah subhana wa tada we want a lot of blessings to come down. And of course they

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may be put together and they may also be put slightly apart both of these have been narrated from the earlier scholars. So we raise our hands up to Allah subhana wa tada shoulder level, and we have them stretched out towards palm facing upwards to indicate impoverished to indicate poverty to Allah subhanho wa Taala if the situation is more dire, for example, here we have the process and raised his hands until I could see the whiteness of his armpit. When did he do this? The books of Hadith and Sira mentioned one of the times he did this was when the night before the Battle of butter or the morning of the Battle of butter that he would could see the correlation the other side you could

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see the armies of abuse of origin on the other side, and he raised his hands all the way to the heavens straight upwards. He raised his hands upwards and he's making dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. So much so that the upper garment fell down and ibaka had to pick it up and put it back on our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that is done in dire circumstances, you raise your hands all the way up to Allah subhana wa Tada. And that is when the Sahaba said we saw the whiteness of his armpit. And this is something that, again, is only done in very severe circumstances. We also learn from other traditions for example, for example, I'm willing to fail, sorry to fail if namak came to

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the Prophet sallallahu I send them complaining about his people and getting angry.

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At his people, and he wanted the processes to make against his people. So the profitsystem said sure I will make dua and he called for water and he did will do and he then face the Qibla and raised his hands to Allah. And he said, O Allah, guide, the tribe of DOS, Allah guide, the tribe of dose, O Allah guide, the tribe of dose, and when to feed them in a dose he returned to his tribe, they converted instantaneously even though he had been giving them Tao for years, and they had rejected him, but after this, they will guide us so notice here the process and made we'll do another etiquette he faced the table I will talk about this in the next chapter, he raised his hands to

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Allah subhana wa Tada. And he prayed three times, all of these are from the etiquettes of the to

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the next chapter chapter 24. babble a dry aroma stuck below kybella the chapter of making dua while not facing the Qibla the By the way, the chapter after this, when we are facing the criminal right now, we have not facing the Qibla to indicate both are allowed. It is not a requirement to face the Qibla you may make dua anywhere in any direction you want, but it is preferred to be facing the Qibla but it is allowed to make to in any direction. That's where we have this first headache over here will be Mohammed

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Abu Juana oncotarget and NSN only allowed to add a new color, Ban and abuse a little law while he was sending them a yo yo mo Giamatti for karma Rajan for color Yasuda, La La Jolla Sienna fetishism fetish I am at his alma mater hatanaka the original Yasuda manzi de Fernandez el tiempo de la Giamatti. mockbee la cama De Luca rajguru. Oh, four called La and your super Juana for Cordova canal for call aloha mahalo Elena. Elena for jealousy Habu, ye Takako Holden, Medina de Waal,

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Medina t. This is a very famous Hadith that has been narrated in many different versions. emammal Bahati summarizes one version here, the same editor has reported in a much longer versions, but here he wants to, and this is of the wisdom of Emmanuel Buhari that he wants to just make one phrase here. And this is the famous incident that the Prophet Silla lesson was giving Juma. And the man interrupted the whole debate. And he stood up in one version, he entered the mosque, walking over the people's chests, or the people's, you know, backs. And he then face the member of the process M and said, O Messenger of Allah, our crops have been destroyed, and our animals are dying of thirst

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and we do not have water to drink. So make dua to Allah that He blesses us with rain. And so the prophecies and right then in there, he interrupted the hospital and he made the right to Allah, that Allah cause rain to fall on us. Now, what is the point here? So Pinilla? It's not explicit in the Hadith, but it's common sense. What's the Prophet says I'm doing is giving the football Okay, he's giving the Hooda which direction is he facing? He is facing away from the Qibla his faces towards the people, the criminals towards his back, and he makes do are in that posture, which indicates it is permissible to make dua away from the Qibla. And so as soon as he said this, from nowhere, from

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behind the mountains of Medina, the clouds came, and they began pouring and pouring and pouring and pouring so much so that as an asset, we could barely return back to our homes. That's how much rain was falling is that was difficult. You know what it really really just pours that's how it was pouring, and for an entire week, and I said we didn't see the sun. It rained and rained and rained and rained nonstop for seven days. It rains of heinola look at the miracle of the profits of the law isn't that a lot granted him and then the next week in drenched water, they're all coming to the masjid. And that same man or perhaps another man, he came in, he complained and he said Yasuda

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enough of this rain caused a lot ask Allah to stop this rain from falling. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said our law around us and not honest and when he said this, the rain simply cleared up and and I said we walked outside of the football feeling the sun for the first time after one entire week. What is the purpose of this hadith? The Prophet is a made away from the Qibla and that is allowed to do that the next chapter tells us that we should make dua facing the fibula chapter number 25 Baba dry Mr Kabila will be called had retina. Most of this man called head to toe Haman Casa de Maria Anna badness Amina is a Nakata, hydrogen abuse of the La Jolla he was

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selling them in a hardened masala yes teskey. Further I was this call from Mr. cabella cube later, what caliber or what caliber? Who this hadith tells us very explicitly that it is not to face the Qibla and it's not the only Hadith that tells us this, in this particular Hadith Abdullah urbanizations

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Who is the one who narrated to us the event that he said that once the Prophet sallallahu wasallam took us out to the place of prayer for the prayer of rain. So the prayer of rain It is called solitude is this call it is a special prayer that is done solitude is this call. And it is typically done in the open areas, you typically do not do it in the mestu. And our profits, a little law of wire I sent him would walk outside of the city with all of the people of Medina, at times of drought, he would walk outside of the city, that place is still known to this day and there is a mystery they have built over there it is in front of the rest of the profits or they sell them you

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can just walk there in 510 minutes you will see it over there. So a special place that that he would go to there was a big plane area and they will go and pray solidness this call over there and there was there's a hood but to be given there's got to be prayed and then the Prophet solo Sanam also makes the you make a long day for Salah is this call. So he said that the Sahabi said, he stood up and face the Qibla and made dua and changed his cloak waka level or wakaba. Who what this is me changes quote. So one of the unique things about celebrities this core, which is very interesting is that any clothing item that you're wearing, if you're able to obviously the men only if you have a

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cloak or a garment on top, or if you have a cap on top, for example, you should turn it around, you should turn it around that as soon as it finishes that suppose you know in those days, it would have a cloak on top of them. So you will take that cloak off, flip it upside down and then put it back on. Or if you have a turban on, you take it off, you flip it around and then you tie the Turman back on this is a type of good omen that we are asked to do from the sooner that our situation will change that just like I changed the outside clock make it so if the clock is you know I'm wearing it this way you take the inner sight and you make it the outer side and the outer side becomes the

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inner side or if you're wearing a cap you will take it off and flip it around. So, the inner side becomes outer and the outer becomes inner the purpose being that you are indicating to a law your optimism that the drought will change and it will become something that is rain raining season. Now, the point here is that the Profit System turned and gave the facing the table whereas in the previous Hadeeth he did not turn and he faced the people and he gave the draw. What does this indicate? This indicates that you are can be made in any direction, but it is preferred to make drawing facing the Qibla. This is what we get gathered from all of these and other narrations as

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well. The next chapter we'll move on to Babel Tao with indivisible lahardee he was setting them and he heard me he booted Omar he will be castrati Maddy, he will be called Abdullah

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halloumi, unified surebonder unclouded and this is not the only one who caught up call it on me Yasuda la hora de muka ns odor la Haida Allahumma axioma who are whether they're who are baddeck Lahore FEMA Arpita who so this is a beautiful simple Hadith which has been narrated by many, many chains and assembly Malik said once my mother came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And of course, ns numatic was not a slave, he was a volunteer servant nsmt Malik was a child, he was barely 789 years old in the process and migrated to Medina and his parents, they wanted anemone Malik to grow up in the household of the profits alyssum so how could that happen? So they sent him you know,

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as a chore boy, as a boy to do chores, you know, Bring some water and do this and that, you know, there this is they wanted Baraka for their child that you know, service the Profit System voluntarily. So ns would go there during the day and then come back home to the towards the end it was not a slave. He was a volunteer, chore boy servant like anything needs to be done, he will do it. And so once the mother of all misnamed was her name, she came and she said O Messenger of Allah, your little servant boy Ennis make dua for him. You're making he's, you know, doing some work for you. Of course, this is the love of the mother and SubhanAllah. What an amazing, amazing love.

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Nobody loves another person the way that a mother loves the child. So Pamela, it is only the mother who can say, Don't worry about me make time for my child. Can you imagine she is standing in front of the prophets of the law? Why do you send them and she has the opportunity to say, I want this and I want that and I give me this and make doc? No, this is the love of a mother, the love of the mother. What does she do is that she asks for her son, or messenger of Allah made to offer my son on us. Only a mother can have that type of love, that she sacrifices herself for the sake of her child. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the offer. And he said that Oh Allah, give him

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Plenty of wealth and plenty of children and bless him in all that you have given him. So this one phrase that our prophecies are set for anessa demonic Subhanallah it changed the future of Anna's emblematic allies who were granted this prayer. And ns was one of the longest lived of all of the Sahaba It is said that he lived for almost 110 years of Hannah law 107 109 Some say years old, and he had hundreds of children grandchildren, great grandchildren, great, great grandchildren, hundreds he had he lost count, he didn't even know how many of his progeny were there, that when there was a famous invasion, infamous invasion that took place of Hajaj and the time of the invasion that came,

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he said, My children told me, over 100 of my own descendants were buried and martyred. Over 100 were buried and there are many hundreds still alive. So Panama he's tried became and by the way, there is still his descendants in within I knew some of them that they were still in Medina Subhanallah from that time that the Baraka was there, also, the the wealth of NSV Malik It is said that the say the saying goes that if he picked up a stone, that there was rumors that he would find gold underneath it. And businessmen would love to make another mnemonic, a silent partner, because they knew that if he became a silent partner, their businesses would flourish. So you know, two, three people come

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together again to invest in buying and selling, they're going to say to nscd Malik comm will make you a partner, all we want is your signature. That's it, we just want your stamp that you're part of our company, and we'll give you a percentage of the profit because they knew if this was on their team and their board that Subhanallah their business would flourish, and so on so demotic, or the alota Allah blessed him with wealth and Allah blessed him with long life and health, and Allah blessed him with a lot of children. Why? Because of that law of the Prophet system because of the love of the mother of Venice, idiomatic, not the Allahu taala and now what is the chapter heading of

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Mambo Hari? What does he want to prove with this hadith? Go back to remember always remember do brothers and sisters when you're setting aside Bacardi, the understanding of body and the explanation of emotional body is found in the chapter headings you need to read the chapter headings with a lot of care. What is the chapter heading? The chapter heading regarding the prayer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for his servant to live a long life and to have a lot of wealth. What does the moment Buhari want to prove through this? Hey, Mama Buhari is saying, Hey, guys, it's totally okay to ask a lot for a lot of money. And for a long life, nothing wrong with that you don't

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have to feel guilty. You don't have to feel guilty, saying Oh, a lot. I want pure wealth and I want a lot of it. Oh Allah, I want lots of children. Allah bless me with my children, I will give me back in my wealth and my family in my life in my health, no problem, you can ask a lot for the good of this world. There is no problem with this at all, because our profit is made for this also, by the way. Notice that there's a phrase here that

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the mammal body is saying that Oh Allah, sorry, Mr. Body is saying that for a long life before the Roma but in the Hadith, there is no mention of long life the Hadith says give him a lot of money and a lot of children there is no mention of long life a moment Buhari derived this from the phrase a lot of children because the one who has a lot of children he must live a long life to sired those children, right. So he derived from this that nscd Malik would live a long life and this is exactly what happened of course, as you know, as well. So it is completely permissible for a person to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala for the good of this world. And to be specific, there are a lot I

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want plenty of wealth and give me halaal wealth. However, you should always add a clause here, our Prophet system said barakallahu female operator who gave him Baraka in order to give him and what this means. Allez Baraka is only going to come upon the pure that is used in pure and earned in pure Allah as Baraka will never come upon the filthy that is earned impure Lee and spent upon the impure. So, when you want to ask specifics of this world, make sure you add the clause here because here the clause needs to be added, Oh Allah, grant me the good of this world and allow me to use it for the good as well. Oh, Allah, give us the good of this dunya make me wealthy and make me generous with my

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wealth. You don't want to be wealthy, and then be stingy. You don't want to be wealthy and then not give you a second you don't want that. So you don't want your wealth to become a test for you. So you say Oh Allah, grant me the good of this world and make me righteous or make it Mubarak me Give me Baraka in that because that Baraka is what will make sure that that good is used and utilized in a positive manner. So, that is chapter number 26. We now move on to the next

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chapter number 27. Barbuda dry, dry in the Caribbean. The chapter of during distressing situations, calm here is any pain, anxiety, grief, you're going through about

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Depression. The world is throwing problems at you just in grief and stress. This is how you make what is the drop. Whether you're a Muslim abroad even in the nation called Hadassah Katahdin a good idea and even Ambassador de la I don't know call can interview Sol Allahu Allah he was selling them a year they were indelicato be a fool. The ILA in the law has a lien will honey law in the law but somewhat ill developed but she loved him and then excited we'll do it as well because it's similar will be quite a headache number said that he and his Sham and the Abdullah and Qatada and Evan are the Attorney General de la tarde and Houma under Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam McCarney older

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indelicato be

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in a in the law he loves him and had him now in the height of the La la la, la la, la, la la la, la La, La, La La La Rochelle Carey.

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Both of these two vicars are mentioned both of these doors are mentioned during times of distress our Prophet sallallahu I sent him would say during times of grief during times of distress, La ilaha illa Allah allow him allow the means the magnificent the mighty of a means the one whom no one can conquer the majestic and Helene and Holly means that the one who will be generous and the one who controls his anger as well. So the one who can control his anger and still be generous during times of that anger, La Ilaha Illa Laura bousema watching all durable out should I live in a high lava The Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the the earth and the Lord of the magnificent throne, and in the

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next version of the Hadith, and the Lord of the the the throne that is mighty. Now, the question that arises here, these are simple phrases that we all understand now in a hi Lola is of course the kalama we all understand that and are abusive are what they are about Archie and Rob Robertson, horrible, horrible, Archie, we all understand this and ultimate Hani were praising a lot question. In all of this. There is no request to lift the tension. There is no explicit reference that Oh Allah, I'm in trouble. Oh Allah, I'm in pain a lot. I need your help. Rather, the DA is a praise of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And it is invoking some of the laws, names and attributes that are vehm,

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the Red Bull or the Torah busaba rapala. The Kareem, why, the response is that simply by praising Allah during times of distress, that is enough of a request to Allah to help you. That's all that Allah needs. You're turning to Allah, and you are praising Allah azza wa jal, there is a narration in this unit of activity, which has a slight weakness but the concept is valid, that whoever is engrossed in the vicar of a law so much that he doesn't ask a law what he wants, a law will give him more than those who asked him for what they want, what they wanted, right? to rephrase, if you are so engrossed in praising Allah, that you don't even ask Allah for what you need your needs are, and

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you're immersed in the pleasure of praising Allah, then Allah will give you more than what the asker is asked of him. So these narrations and of course, this has proven as well in a number of

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instances of the Sahaba as well I'm sorry of the prophets or the prophets as well, that were not there for buruma to Allah, Allah Highlanders of Hanukkah in the country mental body mean that when Uranus was in the will, the belly of the whale, he did not say, oh, Allah save me from the whale. He did not say, Oh Allah, I'm in a dark place. Oh Allah, I'm drowning, not at all. He simply said, La ilaha elantas of Hanukkah in the conterminous body and this is a praise to Allah azza wa jal, and it is a recognition of himself falling short. And that is all that needed to be done. And as well, we have the story of a you that he simply said about being the my son, your daughter and our camera he

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made Oh, my Lord, a difficulty has touched me and you are the other hammer Rahimi, that's all that he said. And festa janella who responded to him so we learn from these narrations we learn from these narrations that when we are in difficult situations and circumstances, we turn to a law we praise Allah subhana wa tada in these mechanisms and these manners. And this is something that is proven in many, many narrations as well, not just this one another in another version of a similar Hadith, a smile asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the process of center should should I not teach you something you should say at times of difficulty? She said yes. So the profitsystem

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said, a law a law or B law should obey a law a law is my Lord, and I will never worship others besides him simply saying this at times of difficulty indeed.

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It's your belief and your praise and a law and when you believe in a law and praise a law and when you mentioned Allah is the Karim Subhana Allah this hadith mentions you mentioned that Allah is the Karim. When you say, Oh Allah, you are the generous and you don't even mention after that, don't you think the generous knows what you need? And don't you think the one who is the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the Throne, that magnificent throne, the majestic throne, the largest creation of Allah is the throne, and Allah is the Lord of the Throne. There is nothing more magnificent than in terms of the inanimate objects than the throne. And Allah is the Lord of that throne. When you say,

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Oh Allah, you are the Lord of the Throne. What is your puny, infinitesimally small need compared to the throne? And compared to the generosity of the Lord of the Throne? All you need to do is say Oh Allah, you are the rub. You are the cream you are the theme. You are adorable. Ragusa, what are our show Allah and I am your servant to Allah. That's all. That's all that you say. And when you say that included in that is the implicit plea or a lot, I need your help. That's all that needs to be done and when your demand is strong, then inshallah tada these phrases is what will give you what you wanted. We'll do one more chapters are loaded and then we will break till our next chapter. So

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this chapter number 29 Babu Tao with the ninja deal Bella seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from a calamity that becomes fatigued or tiring from a calamity that just becomes long and problematic. And this is a beautiful Hadith and under beautiful that we should memorize will be called a hadith and Ali Abdullah Abdullah Al Haddad and Sophia Alcala, Destiny So may I be silent. hora de la junta and Canon abuse a la la hora de he was selling them yet our de minja del Bella Bella cachaca was sued in Cabo with Shama till the color soufiane. And Heidi to Sarah z to Anwar had a year to hoonah he, so this Hadith, Abu hurayrah narrated that the Prophet salallahu it he was

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sending would seek refuge in a law from J Dilla. Bella from dirty Shaka from Sunil Cava and from Shemitah there are four things, one of them is that is Sofia. And he said, You know, one of these things I'm not sure about actually, I'm only sure about three things and one of them my memory messed up which one was not from the prophecies, maybe it is from Abu hurayrah. Maybe it is from the narrative him or her it's not from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the commentator said is most likely the last one Chemin de that was added by Abu huraira or one of the narratives that he is saying the process of these three, and then I'm adding this because listen, when it comes to the

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law, you can make whatever you want. No doubt, the best two hours are those in the Quran and Sunnah. But you can make any dua that you want no problem. And the four things that are mentioned here are very, very beautiful, number one, that Allah I seek refuge in You from J Dilla. And J Dilla. Bella means that the calamity, the or the calamity that is fatiguing that will make me tired, you know, it's one thing that a pain comes in it goes away. That's that's kind of sort of, you know, it's life, but the pain that is long enduring, that it just burdens you that's just the Bella we just don't want that. We're darkish Shaka without Acacia or delicacy about the rock and have with a

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supernova dedica. Shaka, Shaka is a calamity that is destructive, that is destroying it can be destructive of your religion. It can be like an overpowering death that wipes you out completely bankruptcy, it can be an army that comes in overtakes you this is Shaco which is the worst type of calamity and there are a Shaka means that calamity reaching me. So jarrahdale Bella means a difficulty that is long lasting, that's terms of length, we're directly Shaka that's in terms of the quality the the harshness of the calamity, I don't want anything that's, that's Chicago, that's a very difficult calamity was suited to Cabo and any type of Kava from a law that is bad for me,

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because Allah azza wa jal, his other men are Heidi washery. All of it is from Allah subhana wa Tada. Sometimes that other is harmful for us difficult for us and other times that other is easy and good for us. So we seek refuge in a law from the evil decree we don't want evil decree and we turn to a law to protect us from the other of a law none can protect us from a law other than a law. So we turn to a law to protect us from the anger and the holdup of Allah subhana wa Tada. So this is what it means was to call and then the last one Srimati Radha and Srimati. Radha means that enemies gloating in me enemies gloating in me, and so Pinilla how weak is mankind. Every single human being

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without exception has enemies. There are people that for whatever reason, don't like you for whatever

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Reason sometimes that dislike might be caused by some small things you have done. Sometimes it might be caused by nothing. both categories exist in mankind, and every one of us. We have done usually some things to irritate people, every one of us normal human beings. And we also have enemies that for whatever reason, they're angry, they're jealous at us and they just hate us and they spite us or they get irritated at us for absolutely no reason, while long was done, and we seek refuge in a law from a misfortune that will cause those enemies to gloat, to feel a sense of awe. Look at that guy. They make fun of us than why because we are human beings at the end of the day, and when a disaster

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happens as painful enough, but for others to be happy and rejoice in that disaster that is usually a more painful pain than the disaster itself. For our enemies to gloat over something that happens to us is typically a worse pain than the pain itself that has happened and that is why we seek refuge in a law from shamatha to adapt, and this is also mentioned in the haoran when Harun when Harun alayhis salam was in charge of the Venice royal and Moosa returned, and he saw that the Bani Israel had taken a golden calf that he held on to the beard of his brother. And he began, you know, holding and shaking the beard of his brother. And so what did how Don't say that, Harun said, Oh, son of my

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mother, let go of my beard. And don't make our enemies gloat over what you are doing this this civil issue between me and you. We're on the same team here. Why not to Schmidt's PLR, that the same phrase here don't cause our enemies to gloat over this don't give them fodder for our brotherly love to be broken because of what you are doing. So the same thing here we'll have to adapt, and over here, wash ambati either. So this is a beautiful Hadith that we should all memorize that allama India will do becoming jarrahdale Bella wadala cachaca or su el Cabo or shama tiada. Now, final point where somebody says Oh, but soufiane says I don't know which one maybe the last one is not

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from the profits of some of the responses. There is nothing wrong with the phrase and it is Islamic phrase and it is a Quranic phrase, and perhaps it comes from Abu huraira the Lakota and no problem we can still include it in here because the concept is something that is valid and there is no heritage in using this phrase. So we should use it inshallah tada and with that, we pause for this lecture and we shall resume inshallah in our next lecture and continue with the book of tomorrow. Until then, Solomonic Muhammad sallahu wa barakato

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