Mohammad Elshinawy – Divine Parables #14 The Sahabah In The Torah & Evangel 48-29

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the parable of the Prophet sallal Union and its impact on the loss of the city of Mecca. They also mention the holy grail of Islam, which is the messenger of God, and how it has allowed individuals to grow healthy on their own and become independent. The speaker uses a specific example of Jesus's message about not being afraid of others, as it positions individuals as fierce and bounty.
AI: Transcript ©
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And today will be somewhat,

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related or building on yesterday's reminder

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regarding the wives of the Prophet salallahu alayhi

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wasalam and the standard Allah

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wanted and did see them at and want

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them to be.

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And this

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parable is about

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the perfect

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community of the sahabah

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radhiallahu anhu. The companions of the Prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. It was not a community

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of prophets, it was a community

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that was raised at the hand of the

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And so the most perfect prophet produced the

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most perfect community

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in the history of humanity.

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This is the idea.

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And I actually have to set the stage

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by mentioning that the Sahaba

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suffered so much in the early years in

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Mecca. Persecution, and then eventually being driven out

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of their homeland to Madinah.

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War after war is launched against them. They

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finally develop some leverage,

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and they march to Mecca to perform umrah.

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They are despite having the strength,

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they were committed to a deal by the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that we're not gonna

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fight and we're not gonna perform umrah this

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year. And they felt also taken advantage of

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by the kuffar that you're not allowed to

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make umrah and you're not allowed to have

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the Muslims that become Muslim in Mecca. You

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can't have them either, and you have to

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take off your ihram, and they were devastated.

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The narration clearly mentions that they were sobbing

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and almost

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cut each other, slaughtered each other while they

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were shaving their heads because they had to

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interrupt their umrah.

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In light of all of this, Allah reveals

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Surah Al Fatiha.

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The surah of victory. They saw that such

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a loss, Allah is telling you you just

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wait. This is a huge victory.

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And then the last verse of the surah

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celebrates the sahabah in a way that

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arguably surpasses every other way in the whole

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says, Muhammadun

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Rasulullah. This is the ayah. Muhammad is the

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messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And

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this is already a special ayah because one

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of the few places where he's mentioned by

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name, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So this declaration,

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this celebratory

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declaration, Muhammad is the messenger of God, salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam.

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Then it couples with him what,

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and those with him, it's about to describe

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them at such length.

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And those with him,

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They're not scared. They're not weak. They are

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fierce in the face of the disbelievers.

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Of course the Muslim is friendly, and he's

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supposed to be gentle, and he's supposed to

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be easy to be made friends with. But

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meaning fierce with those who are fierce with

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Fierce with the kuffar, these believers.

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amongst each other. They were devastated that their

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brothers are left there to the persecutors, but

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they had to,

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at least temporarily.

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Allah is celebrating. They're so merciful among each

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And you find them constantly bowing, constantly kneeling

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in prostration,

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seeking pleasure from Allah, his pleasure, and his

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So he praise them inside

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and out, outwardly prostrating and bowing, and inside

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sincere sincerity.

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He praise them inside and out.

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Then he says

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This is their description

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in the meaning

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1000 of years before I even created the

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the I was telling people about them. Can

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you imagine the feeling to to hear that?

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And by the way, why was this particular

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description of them in the tawra? Because the

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people of the tawra fell into a lack

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of sincerity.

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The A lack of soft heartedness.

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It was the problem was their spirituality

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and their purity and their sincerity, and so

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at the end of time, I'm gonna send

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the greatest prophet and you're gonna see what

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their hearts look like. You're gonna see what

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their sincerity and purity looks like. It matches

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what the people of the tawra needed to

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Then it goes on into the actual parable.

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I'm going to Don't worry. I'm going to

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rush through it. He says,

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and their example in the next book, the

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evangel, The book that Allah sent to Isa

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alaihis salam.

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So Jesus peace be upon him.

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Is like a plant that begins to sprout

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from the ground.

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then there emerges

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around it

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different like twigs. You know how a tree

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has a root and then sometimes others sort

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of intertwine and strengthen it, or you have

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like those small plants that you have to

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tie strings to until they're ready to stand

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on their own.

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A plant that is supported with little twigs

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from all sides.

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And this is What is this saying?

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even the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, you

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He didn't just benefit you, he benefited from

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you. You even were able to support the

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prophet of God.

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Like you know the

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is like the shore. It's where where you're

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close to the sea.

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So means there's a stem and you got

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very close to the prophet

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and you supported him from all sides.

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And so it it got strengthened.

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Islam that the prophet was building for in

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the world strengthened. Why? Because of this intertwinedness.

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And subhanAllah, the hadith says what? It says

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the example of the believers,

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is like a single building.

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And he put his fingers together like this

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hadith. So it's saying it's like that. Right?

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They're they're like this.

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And it strengthened that stem.

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And so it was able to grow healthy

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on its own now.

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And it became independent on its stock.

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You're a in

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a way that impresses

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every farmer.

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You know, the the farmer waits for the

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day when, okay, finally.

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Autopilot. Finally, it's not gonna topple over. Finally,

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not a little bit of drizzle is gonna

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ruin my whole season. Right? You are a

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jibuzzo, and I told you before that faith

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is visible. Faith can be seen.

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I had

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4 brothers, good brothers, came today and visited

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me, and they were telling me

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the fact that Muslims pray and we don't

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makes me want to look into Islam.

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I could just you guys just always praying

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everywhere. You stop on a dime, you pull

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over, you guys pray. Right?

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And the way that you guys are together

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you know, when I go to church he

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said, I went to church this morning. That's

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what he said to me, the good brother.

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He said, but when I go, I feel

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they're not there for each other. They're there

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for themselves. It's like self promotion.

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You know?

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SubhanAllah. And that was Remember this is their

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example in what in what Tell me quickly.

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Make me a happy man.

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This is their example in the injil, in

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the evangel. You see the problem with the

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people of Tara was a lack of sincerity.

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Right? Hardheartedness.

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And this one was a lack of unity.

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But the same way

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I'm gonna have to stop here. Ibn Taymiyrahima

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Allah, he says, Allah sent Musa, alayhis salam,

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with the jalal. He sent him with the

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mighty law of God. And then he sent

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Isa alayhi wasalam to call the world to

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what? To the jamal, to the harmony and

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beauty that God calls to. And then he

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sent Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam with the camel,

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with the total package.

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And he succeeded at instilling that total package

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in the sahaba Sahaba

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That is why no one will ever reach

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as a community the status of the Sahaba,

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though we are always supposed to stretch ourselves

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to reach up towards the direction of that

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