Yasir Qadhi – Tafseer of Surah Al Ikhlas

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and meaning behind various narratives in the Bible, including the use of "soak " to recite classes, "soak " to emphasize bold ideas, and "has a" to emphasize the importance of words in political settings. The title "Okay" in Arabic refers to the founder of Islam, while "has a" in English is used to emphasize the importance of "has a" in the context of "has a" in the century before. The transcript also discusses the confusion surrounding Islam's names and the meaning of "has a" in the century before, including the use of "has a" in the context of "has a" in the century before.
AI: Transcript ©
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Names of the sutras primarily they come from the Sahaba and Tabby rune, and a few of them are very few of them. Our Prophet sallallahu wasallam, named the majority of the surah is he did not name actually, and rather the Sahaba named it as a marker. They named it as Oh, this is that surah and that surah. And therefore the names of the sutras are not divinely revealed, the names of the sutras are a matter of which they had, that our early scholars they thought about and they gave, and that's why it is very common to have multiple names for the Sutras of the Quran. If you look up any book of classical Tafseer, you look up autobody, for example, or even even Catholic. And so the Bakar, he

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will say, has 17 names. So

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Ron has so many names, and he'll mention one name after another. The fact that these tours have so many names, it indicates what did the Sahaba think about the sorrows? And what did the earliest callers understand from the sutras? Now, if somebody were to say, Okay, if Allah did not reveal these names, and later scholars derive them? Why can't I derive a name for a surah? Why would we be wrong if our took a pseudo class and rename it something else? And we say to this person, look, you don't reinvent the wheel? Technically, it's not haram, if you were to name the surah something in your mind. But the minute you named the Surah, something else somebody will say which surah is that?

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You will say, Oh, it's sort of a class. So what's the purpose of doing it then? Right? So technically, it's not from Allah azza wa jal, the names of the sutras. But once it's been done, and the Sahaba and tap your own, did it, and now we have this legacy and everybody knows Surah Baqarah, Surah, Baqarah Surah Yaseen, a surah. Yaseen, there are other names found in the classical tradition. What's the point of is just for knowledge sake, that we know No, there's no point in reinventing if you like the wheel, and let it be so so that the class we understand the Oneness of Allah suited to hate, we also understand what is though hate so that the summit will also understand

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and that is the only time the word a summit occurs in the Quran, this surah is an early, mucky, surah. And it was revealed because of one or two small questions or incidents that occurred in early mukka, and this is called a sub of unusual as you know, of these incidents is that one of the Quraysh said that, who is this Lord of yours that you're asking us to worship? Give us his lineage? Who is he the father of who is he the child of because as you know, the Quran assigned Allah to be able to build out the villa the father of the angels, right? You know, this, right? That they considered the angels to be the Binoche or the daughters of Allah. And they said, Okay, so the the

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rubella this is their version of theology, and they had their own lineage. It is also said one of the chieftains have nudged came. And when he heard that the Prophet system has a new religion, he said, Who is this Lord of yours? Is he made from Hashem from food? Is he made from the house from copper? Tell us so that I know because the idols I worship, I know what I make them from, I make them from copper, I make them from wood, I make them from Iran. Who is this Lord of yours? Tell us what is he about? So when these two incidents occurred, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala revealed a class to answer these questions about who is Allah subhanho wa taala. And by the way, is very interesting

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very, are one of our scholars remarks, that if you look at the surah of the Quran, Allah azza wa jal has clearly placed the love of two particular sorrows in the hearts of every single Muslim that they recite these two surah is almost in every single Salah and that is with a class and Surah tell Kota right mashallah Tabata Allah. Of course, the reasons that they recite them, we know why they recite them, right? But even in this there is wisdom that out of the whole Quran, the average Muslim who is just struggling to pray, what not which Surah they typically choose in that NFL co author who who Allahu Ahad and each one of them deals with one of the fundamental pillars of our faith. So that a

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class deals with La Ilaha illa Allah so little Kota deals with Muhammad Rasool Allah and each one of them is its own perfection. In surah class they said, Allah has a child and Allah negated it and sue the co author, they said the process them cannot have a child and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada negated and said that no, he is the best of all creation in Nisha Anika who will update in each one of them. They tried to make tacos they tried to make to denigrate the status of Allah and the status of the Prophet system via the issue of a child. They ascribe a child to Allah. Allah said no, that is not Allah azza wa jal, they denied a child to the Prophet system. And Allah said your McCollum is better

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than just being a father in the shanty Erica who will abduct so these two suitors are, in fact complementary in their theme and their motifs and their size. All of these entities one of the reasons why some of our scholars mentioned that Allah azza wa jal has given us a special abode for these two sutras. Now the surah of course is also

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Very blessed surah in Sahadi, we learned that famous narration that a particular Sahabi would always recite certain a class in every single Raka. And after he recited Fatiha, he would then recite a class and then move on to the longer surah. And I joke here that unfortunately, we stop at a class whenever we want to the longer surah. We also recite a class and every single record, but we stop at a class as for the sahabi, he would recite a class between Fatiha and the longer surah. And the people got irritated. And they said, Why are you doing this? And he didn't want to tell them, they complained to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he said, go back and ask him, Why is he doing

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this? I tell him that I want to know. So the man said, the unhealthy for ramen, whoa hipbone Accra ossifer Tahoe because the Surah it describes a ramen, and I love to read the descriptions of a ramen. So the prophets of somebody heard he said go back and tell him his job of this surah has caused him to enter Jannah and another version, his hope of this surah has called Allah to love him. So he loved Surah teleclass and because of that he entered Jana. Now again, I send my joke here. We also love sort of a class but not for the same reasons as he did our love for sort of the classes because it is so small. His love for sort of a class was because of his profound meanings. And

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that's why we need to understand the meanings of sort of the floss. Also, we have in the famous narration all sorts of Bahati that a man heard his neighbor reciting Surah to the class many times at night, so he wanted he informed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as if he was gonna know yet to call her as if he was saying, My God, my neighbor only reciting Surah ikhlas. Only he wanted him to recite Buckler or somebody's like, you know, he only recited in class and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, well, Allah He in do thorough with Al Quran, I swear by Allah Surah to a class is equivalent to 1/3 of the Quran, it's not a trivial matter that you think he did something

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small, he kept on reciting because he loved the surah and it is equivalent to 1/3 of the Quran and the Hadith in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sistrum asked the Sahaba Who amongst you can recite 1/3 of the Quran at night they said you had a surah Allah Who amongst us 10 Jews a night out every night who can do that. So he said let me tell you of a surah in

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the Quran, it is equivalent to it is equivalent to our scholars will talk about any religious mentioned here. What does he mean equivalent to obviously equivalent does not mean that 1/3 of the Quran is exactly a clause because if you recite the last three times, you don't get the full Quran. It doesn't mean that equivalent here is that the whole 1/3 You cut and paste no equivalent either and Baraka equivalent either in the meanings because the whole Quran is about Tawheed and rissalah and the prophets and the archaea. So to me there's 1/3 of the Quran. So equivalent in Baraka or equivalent in profundity or equivalent in benefit but not equivalent means the whole Quran 1/3

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equals a class no because Fatiha is its own it of course he is its own, but the point is to emphasize small Surah yet so much blessing. So in this we learn at least two blessings of sort of that class number one loving salted a class causes Allah to love you causes you to enter Jannah number two surah teleclass is equivalent to 1/3 of the Quran in his baraka and its blessings. That is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with throughout his day have specific times that he would make it sunnah to resize to return a class for example, in the Turo cars Fajr he will always recite a class and Catherine and in the two Sooners of motherhood as well he would do the same and

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the two soon as after tawaf as well this would be the same and in the Rukka of winter as well, he would typically recycle within a class. So pseudo class was recited by him in many different Salawat throughout the day. And that is also something that we should take up the Toorak as before Fajr, the Toora cause after maghrib during tawaf, and the winter, these are times that are prophesied, recited through the AirFloss Jade, with that long intro does jump into the surah. And very briefly again, as always, time is against us and as I always give the disclaimer, that these are always quick lectures, and if time permits, we can give them much more detailed and nuanced and, and go into a

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lot of detail about each word and each, you know, grammatical position and maybe for a later lecture, but for now, we only have a short time. Paul, we already mentioned in one way came to see little fella and saw that a nurse that whole here is the mechanism of emphasis as well especially because they said Who is your Lord? So they wanted a response. So Allah is saying this is the response. So call is always to emphasize that whatever is going to follow bold it italicize it and pay attention to it. All who Allahu Ahad, the who are here again, it's a little bit advanced. What what is the meaning of who are here because you could have said Who Allahu Ahad and you could have

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A Allahu Ahad is also permissible to say and linguistically, but you have both the coal and the Hua. And technically just to be simplistic both of them are mechanisms to emphasize what is going to happen. And again this is something that English speakers we struggle with when we look at the Arabic Quran because we have lost the mechanism to emphasize we don't use emphasis words anymore if we want to emphasize we change the tone or if we're typing the text we put it in bold or italics or these days with the iPhone you have a fireworks going off when you type something that's emphasis right. In classical Arabic There were a dozen mechanisms of how to emphasize to make something heard

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and to pay attention to and of these mechanisms in the Quran is one of them, of course is in and can't. And of them as well as this Hua, which is the technical term is domu tion, which is basically an emphasis it doesn't technically linguistically need to be there, but the who are here, it makes you pay attention. It makes you say, what, what is going on here? Well, who Allah who had indeed He is Allah, the One who is ahead. So both of these are emphases, another interpretation, the who are here is a response when they said, Who is your Lord? So then Allah saying, This is who the Lord is, who are here is the response to their question, Who is your Lord? So then the hula is the response

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that my Lord is so and so. So all who are Allahu Ahad. Now of course, the name of Allah We have, of course, it is the most given electric right here, but the name of Allah, and it is, of course, the primary name of Allah, our Creator, and it accrues over 3000 times in the Quran. And there are at least 10 opinions about the HDX account or the the root word of this and the majority one, which is by Ferrara and also been abuzz himself that this that the name Allah comes from a ILA the one who is worthy to be worshipped. So the meaning of this name is the one who has worthiness to be worship, and it is the most comprehensive Name of Allah, because only the one who has all perfect attributes

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is worthy of worship. So when you say the name Allah, you automatically imply he is a semi Elbasy alcovy Allah Xizor Jabba he is the one who is a Rahman or Haman medical produce, because He is Allah. So He is Allah, this means all of the attributes belong to him, that is why he is Allah are worthy of worship. So Allah Who is Allah, He is ahead and head is of course, we all know what the meaning of a head is, even the non Arabs that understand wouldn't be allowed was being tortured. What did he say? A head on I had a head on I had a head of course means one, but what is a head versus why because why there's also the names of Allah and the Quran mentions who will wha hoo, ha

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ha, he is the warhead and he is the head. What is the difference between the two? Again, lots of interpretations, the simple one that we'll mention for today, Allah head is the one who is one in his essence, and sorry, one in his that one in his being and a head is the one who is unique in His attributes and His names. So, the Y head, he is one in being the head he is one in who he is in his attributes. So why then I had they have similar meanings, even though I had is more specific than wah wah head is broader as well for the Arabs in the audience. Allah Heydo Phyllis batch will Hadith in Nephi are you to wa hidden lamb are a hidden so why this for the esvagt and the ahead is for the

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Nephi and as the people who know Arabic language know that Nephi is a black woman and if but when it comes to praising so all who Allahu Ahad say He is Allah and that's why a lot of English translations translate ahead as unique, which is a semi valid translation, a had means there is none like unto him, he is one and there is none like unto him Paul who Allahu Ahad, Allah who are Samad Allah is a summit and again, the fact that the name of Allah reoccurs because you could have said, All who Allahu Ahad and a summit like many names are called twice in the Quran assumere Elbasy, that is easily again, but to emphasize these two names, the name of Allah is mentioned before each of

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them. And this brings about an emphasis and this is the only time in the whole Quran that the name ahead and the name summit occurs. And so each one of them occurs after the name of Allah, that Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is add, and Allah is Samad. And if Allah had wanted to, he could have just said, a huddle summit as he did in so many other names and that will be legitimate, but the emphasis is not given the same way when you have Allah is the head and Allah is the summit. Even in the English translation. We understand these two names are being emphasized over here. What is the meaning of Summit? You have three or four opinions? Some of them they sound a bit bizarre to our

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ears, but linguistically, they make sense of the classical opinions of a summit. And if you look at, for example, Qatada, he said this in Tibet at a summit, he said

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To the being that has no inner vacuum. There is nothing inside of this being. And this the reason why a summit is used is one that chieftain of nudged came. And he said is your Lord made out of copper? Is your Lord made out of wood? What is this idol? So a Samad? No, there is nothing inside there is nothing there is no entity, there is no creation that you are worshiping. That's one interpretation. Another interpretation of Summit is the one who does not eat or drink. Another interpretation. I'll Summit is the one who has perfected all aspects of leadership. And the final and really the correct interpretation. All of these are valid, but there's a stronger one, and that

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a summit is the one whom the hearts turn to your smooth, whom the hearts turn to at times of distress. And this is the precise meaning of a summit. The summit is the one when you're worried. When you are in a severe situation, when you see death or drowning or sickness, when your loved ones are about to die, what happens. Even the kaffir discovers Allah at that time, even the atheist, the middle aged, at that point in time, says, Oh, God saved me. This is the summit, the summit, the one you turn to, when all avenues are cut off, your heart automatically turns to Allah Now the one whom you turn to is all perfect, so he will not eat or drink. There is no internal organs. That's That's

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what Qatada said, no internal organs. This is correct, because the one you turn to is not Monroe, he is Holic. So the technical meaning of a summit, the one whom the hearts turn to at times of distress now, I had an Summit. I gave a lecture. Many months ago, actually, before I came when I was still gonna be coming back and forth from from Memphis. If you remember those of you that attended, we talked very briefly about the names of Allah and the categories of the names in sha Allah, maybe one day I'll give a longer lecture, but of the categories of the names of Allah is a genre of names, where each of the two names it occurs together in the Quran, and each one indicates a perfection,

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the first of them the internal perfection of Allah, the second the perfection of Allah between him and the mahalo God. So the relationship of Allah and the Mahoto is a second name and Allah and himself is the first name for example. Al hate Alka Yom is the most common example and he goes back to Allah His life is perfect. I'll call you Allah's relationship with the mahalo He sustains the mahalo court. Another example is a honey and Karim. Allah is that honey, he needs no one. Allah is Allah Karim. Everyone needs him. You understand? Did you understand this point that there are many examples in the Quran, have two names of Allah that occurred together, the first of these two names,

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it goes back to the perfection of Allah directly. The second of these two names, it goes back to the perfection of the relationship between Allah with them a hook. And there are as we said, many examples, the most famous one is inhale per Yun and also Eleni will carry. This is another example I had a summit and I had Allah is perfect in his own that Allah is unique in His own SIFAT or Samad, the whole mahalo cod have to go back to Allah does the create the relationship of the Makoto with the harp that is a summit so called who Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad. LEM me I did while I'm youlet. Now, some of the Terra they have lamea did and then a verse and Allah mula, another verse, so we

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have sorted that across to be 448 polu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Samad la mia did Willa mudra wallum Yoko local fauna had right in the garage of some of the other

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scholars of karate as all of you should know, there are 10 which Awatere Corrado recited to this day and the advanced students study them. And in once upon a time, they were even more just like the modahaus. And once upon a time each region has its own, there are just like the MME, each region has its own. And this character now only studied in advanced universities now and sometimes you if you have little bosses, right? Sometimes you go into these karate and something sounds different. These are the karate and they are interesting for advanced students and for tafsir and the Koran have many differences. They go back obviously to early Islam, and they also have different endings as well.

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And this is a more advanced topic where did the ayat endings come from, once again, the Sahaba they would listen to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, wherever he stopped, they would make an iron but sometimes as you know, even the cardio when he's reciting, sometimes to if they're done, and sometimes the stop is done in the middle. So sometimes we have the same idea of the Quran. In one Quran, it is one idea and another Quran goes into two ayat so in the Quran of the people of Makkah, and of the people of Syria, in fact, we have all who Allahu Ahad ayah Allah Who Samad Jaya lamb yell it is, what am you that I welcome your call

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We'll find a head. Right so that's five and in our house and awesome. Our camera by the way is Kufa is from Kufa our Kara is from the cufon. Once upon a time it was with the people of Kufa recited and Allah will that this cufon Clara become the global Cara that 90% of the world recites so in our characters for use you just FYI for information, say Sao Paulo hola at lon sobre la mera Voila, mula. This is of course, a negation of the questions that the Quraysh and others said, Who is this Lord that you are worshiping in sleep hula and I give him give us his NASA who are his ancestors who are His children, so Allah negates limb Yellin, wala Mulan and we all understand this lemmya Live he

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does not have any children. Allah says in the Quran, and kulula who would have done well I'm taco loco Sahiba How can he have a child when there is no companion that he can have? Allah azza wa jal is unique in order to have a child you need to there is no second of Allah there is no companion of Allah and you're gonna know what what I'm talking to the whole Sahaba you're talking about a child there's not even a second there's not even a companion it doesn't exist because he is ahead LEM yet it and of course we know in the Quran we'll call the Daffodil Rama and what are the local the tomb che and it occurred to summer while to Yatta Barnum in who were 10 Choco Aldo was the hero Jeeva who

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had and I will the Romany whether the woman Yun Berthier, Rama Ali and your turkey that whether they said Allah has a Rahman has a child, they have brought forth a monstrosity, it da it is a blatant lie that should cause our blood to curl it dA is the most blatant and the most insulting life they have brought forth this monstrosity. The heavens themselves are about to crumble. The mountains are going to collapse. How dare they ascribe a child to Allah? That they have said that Allah azza wa jal has a child one I am busy the Ramadan. It is not befitting the July of Allah that you have a child and in coulomb and visa are the latter I mean, everyone in the heavens and earth, they come to

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Allah as a mahalo as a created object that worships Allah. Allah is ahead. Let me at it. He does not have a child. What have you learned and neither was he born of another he is the AWOL and they are here. He is the one that has no beginning lace a couple of who che and no ending Lisa Bardot che he is the first and the last let me edit one Amule wallum Yoko LA who Khufu 100 And once again, again we all interfacility you know you always have to bring an Arabic because Arabic grammar and where because obviously the language of the Quran is Arabic. So all we always sometimes will have to say things that indicate a little bit of what is called Bulava and Navajo and stuff all of these things,

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because that's how you interpret the Quran. So while I'm your caller who phoned ahead, technically speaking here, while Aamir Khan, or * don't cough and love who this is how a normal sentence would occur. In most other texts, if we just have a text like this the standard way wollam You're going ahead? Allahu, and there is no one that is similar unto him. But in the Quran, the word order is reversed, reversed, and anytime there is a change in order in the norm. It's for a reason, obviously, right? It's for a reason of eloquence. And of course, the reason here, so you understand obviously what am your caller who Khufu and ahead, the ahead here is actually the subject and Allah

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puts the subject at the end. And the Khufu and ahead is of course, the watch should come at the end and he puts it in the front why? Because what is being emphasized is not the subject here, but rather that there is none like the subject. So the emphasis goof one ahead is being put in the beginning, while Ambia Kulu one ahead, right. So the fact that there is none that is similar to Allah, there is none similar unto Him. So what is being negated is put at the beginning because that's the point of the verse, There is none cough is to be equivalent to cough is to be similar to and so Allah is saying, There is nothing that is even similar unto Him. And of course, negation

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implies as you know, when you negate, this is the Height of Perfection when it comes to negating any evil or whatnot. In the Arabic language, you have a Tibetan Nephi and when you have Nephi, when you have the negation, this implies the perfection of the opposite. When you say there is none similar unto him, this goes back to the Name of Allah, Allah had he is unique and perfect. So the name ahead and let me call with one a hug are exact opposites but they're saying the same thing. The first is affirmation ahead and the second is negation. There is nothing similar to him and the affirmation and negation when they come together. That is the perfection like in our kalima La Ilaha illa Allah

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we are negating Allah that we

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affirming hola the negation and affirmation come together is perfection so that a clause demonstrates this. Well, I'm your hula hoop go forward ahead. And this is our short term of sort of the philosophy and the takeaway point. This surah explains to us who is ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala it will cause us to understand Allah's names Allahu Allah as names are Samad the eternal nature of Allah subhanho wa Taala it will cause us to appreciate Allah and then to worship Allah because the meaning of a Samad, the one whom we turn to for our needs, and it is a Surah that is blessing so much so that it is equivalent to 1/3 of the Quran in blessing may Allah Subhana Allah Allah cause us

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to love the surah so that our love for the surah can cause us to enter Jannah and will continue tomorrow and shoulders doc will love her Santa Monica

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