Yasir Qadhi – Islam the Middle Path

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the "teen path" in achieving a perfect life, prioritizing one's needs over values and cultural norms. They stress the importance of forgiveness and the balance between mercy and justice in achieving a "halal mother." The " Memphis middle path" is a combination of values and culture, and raising the bar for personal success is crucial. The importance of forgiveness and learning to be a good person is also emphasized. The transcript ends with a message about a new video about Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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So don't worry, we're not going to laugh. We have two announcements. Firstly a reminder about the epic Spring Break ombre with Imam Nadeem. Please try to sign up Alhamdulillah we have some seats left or otherwise Alhamdulillah a lot of these have been finished up and booked the ombre that's being offered by Epic. It has some special things Alhamdulillah first and foremost the meals are paid which is actually a very big positive you don't have to worry about dinner as well. Are there going to be perks as well the Ziraat and the standard tours with Imam Nadeem. So for further information you can sign up on the outside inshallah to Allah. We've had a special request for the

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for the mother of one of our attendees sister show pocket. Her mother passed away we ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive her sins. Allah filled our ham however, if you will find her work in Missoula, what was your mother father? And of course as usual, please support the masjid and give whatever you can inshallah Tada.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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A long

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Hey yo

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Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah subhanaw taala we praise Him and we seek His help and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our actions indeed

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Meet whomever Allah guides Nan can misguide. And whomever Allah allows to be misguided, none can guide him back to the straight path. I bear witness and I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And I bear witness and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final prophet and his most perfect worshipper. As to what follows Allah azza wa jal reminds us in the Quran to be conscious of him when he says yeah you hola Dena Armand otaku, la haka Ducati wala to Mattoon Illa, one to Muslim moon. Oh you who believe have Taqwa of Allah, as it is befitting that you have Taqwa of him and do not die except in a state of

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submission. Dear Muslims, of the verses that we hear all the time, is verse number 143, of Sudan's Bukhara, in which Allah subhana wa Tada describes our OMA as an ohm mutton was SATA. What Karateka Jana Merton was SATA, and so we have ordained that you are a nation, that is what salt? What does what salt mean? Of the meanings of what sort of the primary meanings of assault is you have made, we have made you a middle path nation, in between the two extremes, you are not a nation of extremists. You are not a nation on the peripheries. You are not a nation that goes beyond the bounds on either side. On the contrary, you are a centrist nation, you are an ummah, you are a group of people that

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doesn't go to the fanatical fringes, but you are in the middle of all of these. In today's brief, whatever I wanted to illustrate, I wanted to clarify and explain what exactly and how are we an automaton was set up, what does it mean? We are a middle path nation, a moderate nation, and OMA between the extremes. Now the concept of an OMA of a nation being was hot, it is manifested in many different ways. And in today's brief, hotbar, I'm going to mention six or seven of them, of the ways that our own our nation, our group, our religion, is wasat is that it is in between all other religions. When it comes to aspects of theology. However you look at it, whatever issue you look at,

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between the rampant idolatry and shamanism of some fates, and between the rejection of God of others, between the deification of prophets and some fates, and between the rejection of all prophets and others, between the belief of the Hereafter being the only life and the rejection of the Hereafter, our Ummah is always dead center, we are in between all different faiths and ideologies, you find the perfection of theology, the belief in one all perfect God, the belief in the humanity of the prophets, and yet they are the best of humanity, the belief in this world and the affirmation of the next, no matter which aspect you look at, you find that in our creed, in our

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beliefs, we are the middle in between all different ideologies, of the manifestation of the moderation of our OMA, is that our religion and Islam is the perfect Ben blend between belief and between law between our theta and between. If you look at other faith traditions, if you look at some of the anti Kitab, we find the Bani Israel is the majority of them. They only concentrate on laws on come on rulings, if you look at the Nosara, we find that the majority of them they only care about belief and creed, and they don't have faith, and they don't have act. And if you look at our religion, we find the perfect blend, we find eemaan and we find Amel, we find theology, and we find

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legal rulings and they are combined together. There is a perfect mixture of rebar dot and of more armor that there is a perfect mixture of rituals and of good manners to other people. If you look at some fates, they only care about rituals. That's the main thing. And if you look at other faiths and other trends, they say rituals are not important. What's important is just true treatment of other people. Once again, we have that Oh, Martin Masato. There are some rituals that are more important than some treatments of others. And there are some o'clock that are more important than some rituals. And the true believer, the righteous believer is the one who has perfected both rebar, dots

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and a clock, both worship of Allah and good treatment to other people. And that is the own Merton was on top of the manifestations of the perfection of our religion, and the middle path of our religion is the perfect mix of blind faith with intellectual faith. Neither are we completely blind

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believers because if we were blind believers, then all religions are equal. And everybody can say I was born into this tradition, and I'm going to follow what my forefathers found. But nor do we go to the other extreme of rationalizing everything. There's the healthy combination in the Quran how many times does hola challenge just think reflect Lila? Homeopathic karoun la Lomita for karoun the Coleman yaki known how many times and also how many times is Allah praise the believers? Allah Deena, you're gonna believe because you can't understand everything. You cannot rationalize everything. So that perfect blend of first believing in Allah and believing in the Quran and

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believing in the prophets of some by common sense by knowledge, and then accepting what comes as a package deal. You won't understand everything, but you understand that Allah is one and he revealed the Quran and he sent a prophet you will logically and rationally come to this conclusion. Even if you're not a Muslim, when you study Islam, you will come to this conclusion, then the rest summit now will apply now we hear and we obey. It is the perfect blend between rationality and between blind faith as well. The perfect harmony of our religion. Another manifestation of the Oh, Martin Masato is that it is the perfect blend between the enjoyment of this world and striving for the

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hereafter. Once again, look at some faith traditions in the world, especially the far eastern faith traditions, they tell you, it is sinful to even desire anything eliminate desire from your life, that is their version of life, but you can't live like this. On the other hand, and especially in our part of the world, we have nothing but desire. If you desire it, then you should do it. There is no haram and halal other than what you want. And that is also extremism and fanaticism. Once again, our OMA omoton was SATA ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada tells us in the Quran, to enjoy this world Kuruman for your bounty madrasa cannot come Eat of the good foods that I have given you. Allah says in the

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Quran, Pulman Hara Rama Zeniths, Allah who has made good clothing, haram, I created it for you, Allah says, I created it for you enjoyed this dunya. But Allah also says, Don't forget the era. Remember, your real goal is the hero. So enjoyed this dunya as long as it is halal, do what you want to do. But remember, the ultimate life is the next life, that perfect blend of emphasizing this world and prioritizing the next you will not find it in any other faith tradition, based upon this as well. And it is a corollary of this point is that another manifestation of the perfection of Islam of the wasabia we call it an Arabic that middle path of Islam is that it is the only faith

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that takes into account both the needs of the body and the needs of the soul. And it gives us a program about how we should take care of the needs of the body along with the needs of the soul. Once again, we have so many different fates, so many different ways of living. And once again, we find extremism in all of them many faith traditions, they criminalize any needs of the body. It's as if you should not have any needs other systems of living, especially in our times, they don't care about the soul and they're only worried about the needs of the body. And once again, in our religion, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has catered to the needs of the body. Remember, in the famous

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incident in the Sierra, when three people wanted to do more than what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, and one of them said, I shall fast every single day. The other one said I will pray all night and never go to sleep. And the third one said I shall live a celibate life and never get married. And our prophets Allah Allahu Allah, he was sent him got irritated at all of them. And he said Your body has a right over you pray at night, but also go to sleep fast some days and eat other days and marry women. And he said, In nearly just a DECA Alec a half your body has a hack over you give the rights of your body to your body give the rights of your soul to your soul. Once again we

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have that perfect balance between the needs of the body there is no urge that Allah has created in us except that it can be satisfied in a halal manner and it can also be satisfied in a haram manner. So Allah has encouraged us to satisfy those urges in a halal mother manner, whether it is eating, whether it is drinking, whether it is marriage, all of these can be done in a halal way. And it can also be done in a haram way. So this religion does not criminalize physical urges. It's not wrong to want to live a good life and to enjoy this world. But the religion puts parameters so that the soul is not harmed. This is another manifestation of the wasabia of this ummah. Another example of how

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religion is the middle path is that we have the perfect balance between the rights of the individual and the rights of society, the rights of

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Have the photos of the individual versus the rights of them which terma or the society around us. If you look at the philosophies of living, and especially, you know, back in the 60s and 70s, there were massive debates going on communism and socialism and capitalism and liberalism, all of these different isms going on. Each one of them was emphasizing one aspect, how much right? Do we have to private property? How much right? Do the full Cara to the poor people have of our wealth? How much should we come together and sacrifice for the greater good? And how much should we concentrate on ourselves in our families, who is going to decide if you look at communism, everybody should be

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equal. Look at socialism, one entity, the government takes everything and distributes it in a manner that they think is fit, look at extreme capitalism, and it's enough, see enough see selfishness, the rich get richer, and the poor get poor, who will decide between this navigate through this very difficult course of individual rights versus the rights of society. Once again, Islam comes and it lays a system it is neither fully capitalism, nor is it socialism, it is its own with vision, it is its own system, in which every entity is given the rights that it deserves. So indeed, private property is there and we own what is ours, but at the same time, as our wealth increases, so to do

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the rights upon the for clear, and the poor person increases, and as the cost goes up, and we're encouraged to give sadaqa and we are forbidden from taking advantage of someone's poverty and giving interest loans and on and on and on. All mutton was sawed off that perfect balance that will help you and your family and also take care of society. Once again, Islam comes in demonstrates what is that middle path? Again, we see another manifestation of that middle path when it comes to the rights of the family, the rights of the genders, the rights of the husband and wife, the rights of the father and son, every one is given their health in the Quran. How would we decide what is the

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rights of each one? And Allah azza wa jal says with regards to husband and wife with regards to gender will not determine no my football Allahu be Heba Comala bow literary journal see what InDesign Nasim, each gender has its Nasi Bella has assigned it Allah says about parents and children in the Quran, parents, we want to take care of them, but at the same time, they're elderly, our children, we want to make sure they have enough but how about our parents? Allah says, Don't worry, I've taken it for you. And he says in the Quran latters rule how do you know which one is going to be giving more benefit to give how much so Allah azza wa jal has taken charge. Oh, mutton wa SATA

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that is the middle path. And we thank Allah for this of the manifestations and we can go on and on but time is limited of the manifestations of unmet and Masato of the fact that we are a middle path is the perfect balance between justice and strictness. And between mercy and forgiveness, that perfect balance, because once again, we have some faith traditions, there should be no mercy and the criminal is always punished. We have other faith traditions, they teach their followers to turn the other cheek, even though they themselves have never turned the cheek historically in their entire existence, but they teach their followers always turn the other cheek, but you can't have a society

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that always turns the other cheek. So what is that middle path? How is that oh, Mutton Masala. Once again, we have in the Quran very clear guidelines. Yes, indeed, when somebody has done wrong unto you, you have the full right to extract vengeance and to extract retribution. But Allah encourages forgiveness. And Allah wants you to forgive. So you have the right to take them to court, you have the right to get back all that they have done. And at the same time, if the circumstances permit, Allah will reward you if you forgive that perfect balance. And this is in this era as well. The default is compassion and mercy. But once in a while, you need to send the message especially when

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the person does not deserve mercy once in a while you do not forgive to show the message and image that indeed, that justice is going to be meted out that perfect balance of unmet and what's on top, it is found in our charity, and we can go on and on this religion of ours is the perfect religion and it is the perfect balance between every extreme imaginable and that is why when we are commanded to be the middle path, the OMA and Warsaw talk at the same time, Allah has forbidden us from going to extremes. The Quran and the Sunnah is full of commandments that warn us from becoming fanatical that warn us from going beyond the bounds Allah says in the Quran law tell Luffy Dini calm do not go

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to extremes in your religion don't go beyond what should be done. And Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, Hua Tabacum y ma Marja, I lay confit Dean him and her Raj, he has chosen you and he has not made the religion difficult. Allah says in the Quran, you read Allah who become ill usara wala

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Are you ready do be common Rasul? Allah wants to make things easy. He does not want to make things difficult. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would send people to the villages and to the other places to teach Islam, he would say to them this famous phrase reported in Bukhari and Muslim Yes, 01 or two, zero whether Shirou wala tuna Pharaoh make things easy for the people do not make things difficult for them. Give them glad tidings to encourage them to come and do not make it such that they turn away from you in disgust. Don't make the religion so difficult or so backward or so difficult that they want to leave you and turn away from you. Encourage them entice them, be

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gentle, be easy. This is the reality of our faith. And I have said multiple times that unfortunately, we have lost the spirit of Islam. Unfortunately, we have made Islam so difficult, so pity the minutia become the big things. And I have said multiple times dear Muslims, be as strict as you want in your personal life, raise the bar privately between you and Allah. But when it comes to other people, lower the bar as much as you can when it comes to preaching and teaching when it comes to your friends and relatives. Lower the bar as much as you can, because you want them to come to the faith and not to be turned away from the faith in your personal life. Raise the bar, no problem.

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But when it comes to other people, when it comes to new Muslims, when it comes to people that are far from the deen, then be like the Bedouin who came in and said, Yeah rasool Allah how many times to pray, the prospect said just five times no sooner no nothing, the bare minimum, how much is a cap, just the 2.5% and you know the rest of the Hadith. That's our standard when it comes to the rest of the Ummah, in your life in my life, raise the bar, no problem, but make sure that you don't make the religion difficult for the people sometimes Wallahi the religious folks are the ones who make non religious folks not want to be religious. And that is a double problem. The religious folks

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should be the role models, they should be the best of the best. They should be the kindest and the Most Merciful. But what happens when their version of religion becomes Islam. We learned so many incidents in the Hadith in the Sierra, the famous one of more either bingeable That he led sada in his community, and he started reciting along surah and a man in the back he said salaam he prayed and he will and he left for didn't pray behind more and more I'd said Wallahi this man is a hypocrite. I'm gonna go complain to the prophets, Allah, Allahu Allah, you send them he went and complain. The Prophet system called this man, the man said, O Messenger of Allah, I'm a laborer, I

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need to go to sleep at night. And while I was going to resize hotel, Bukhara I can't spend two hours in Asia. So the profit system became so angry, his face was red. He said, Yamaha has a foot down on and are you causing trials to the people? Are you making things difficult for the people recite a small Surah when you're leading the salah when you're praying tahajjud Go ahead, recite Bacara when you're all alone, make it long when you're standing in front of the people lower it down and recite a small surah in front of them. And after that, why the bingeable would only recite the smallest of the Sutras, the end of Jews. He thought and this is the reality of many religious folks that I make

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things difficult. I make things strict and I'm going to raise the bar you cannot make the religion difficult amongst the people and this goes at every level dear Muslims in the famous incident of the hajj when the Prophet system sent Ibn Abbas to go collect stones to throw something very small just stones to throw Ibn Abbas brought forth large rocks and the prophets have some discarded all of them and he picked up the smallest and he said I want like this. Oh, even Ibis I want like this. And beware of Hulu of exaggerating beware of making things more difficult for indeed the people before you were destroyed because of their fanaticism. You know, you think you're gonna pelts the stones

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and hedge and you went up find the biggest stones and the most heavy stones No, make Islam easy. He picked the smallest stones, even literally the size of the tip of the finger. And those were the stones that remains the sunnah to this day. Now, if you go for Hajj, and you see how people act and what they do, this is an example of that level of fanaticism. Dear Muslims, we see this fanaticism around the globe in our own community. Well, Allah He there's so much to complain about outside. And I've given good buzz about that about what other countries do other nations do. Other foreign policies do plenty to complain, and we will complain, but at the same time, we must own up to our

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own problems as well. We do have fanaticism and we do have people that do things in our name and holding people hostage and killing people and bombing people in our faith using our name thinking they're doing something right. Yes, indeed, we're going to criticize others, but we should also criticize the fanaticism from within. So we have to be careful brothers and sisters to not go down this path. Our Profit System warned us going down this path

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He is going to bring a rejection on all of us. He said in that famous Hadith I will decide conclude the first quote but he said in that famous Hadith I warn you against the shut dude against extremism against fanaticism for nobody is going to go down this path of the shut dude, except that the religion will end up destroying him. He's not going to last that way. This is a Hadith the Prophet system said don't go down to shut dude to shut dude means making the smallest things very big, making petty things very big to shut dude means being harsh and strict all the time. And our prophets Allah said them said, then you Sharda Dina Hayden Illa Allah who nobody is going to make

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this religion more difficult than his is, except that the religions will end up overcoming him, meaning you cannot last with that level of fanaticism. And I swear to you, I have seen people more than I can count who go down this level of fanaticism, especially when they're young in their 20s or whatnot, and then they burn out, they fizzle out, they cannot last that way. They stopped practicing Islam, many of them might even leave the faith because this is not the real faith. The real faith or mutton was sorta the real faith make things easy for the people don't make things difficult for the people. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Halla, Kalamata, not Tarun, those who go to

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extremes shall end up destroying themselves. We seek Allah's refuge from ever going to extremes May Allah bless me I knew within through the Quran and made him make us of those who is versus understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan ask Allah's forgiveness, you as well ask him for years though for under a human.

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Him Alhamdulillah hilweh hidden ahead of Samad Aladdin Amelia Dwolla. mula Mala Mia Kula who phoned Eduardo, I conclude this cookbook with a famous Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim the most authentic books, there is a Hadith in there in which our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gave a beautiful metaphor about strictness and about comparing it to traveling. He said, in a ha the Dena use rune this religion is ease it's very interesting he didn't say this religion is easy in the heart that Dena use thrown. The defining characteristic of our faith is ease this religion is ease one anew SHA de hada Dena Illa Allah The first recorded in the first part, nobody shall make this religion

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stricter than it is except that the religion shall end up overpowering Him then He said for said they do while Adi boo will obscure to I'm gonna now explain these are beautiful metaphors and phrases that are prophets of Allah who just had them used for said they do said they do means aim for the goal. Try your best to get the best that you can be what audible if you cannot get to the goal. come as close as you can. Subhanallah you aim for the best nobody's denying that. But suppose you can't become perfect. Suppose you don't get to the ultimate goal. We'll call it evil. come as close as you can to that level of perfection what others should do and always have a cheerful

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attitude always give good tidings to the people. Religious people should not be morose and always frowning and scowling. Religious people should be the best people, the most o'clock people, the most kind people were up sure to give glad tidings to the people. This is what our Prophet sallallahu sallam said, and then he said, what's the you know, ask help of Allah subhanho wa Taala Bill hudway Ro hottie wishing him in a duel jetty. This was a metaphor. Imagine if you're traveling in the desert, and you can travel at any time. The most difficult time to travel is when the sun is at its peak when the sun is at its zenith. Our Prophet Salam said don't travel during that time. The

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metaphor is don't do things that are just going to burn you out. Travel during a hard work and hard work when the sun is just rising. The temperature is cool. What roja the sun is about to set the temperature is cool, what dolger The sun is not having risen, it's in the middle of the night. In other words, don't take the most difficult path. Don't choose the timings that are the most difficult, you're gonna burn yourself out. rather seek Allah's help and go and do what you're able to do without burning yourself out when the sun is not fully up. When the sun is just rising. That's when you should walk when the sun is about to set. That's when you should go. Some of our scholars

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have also said there's a reference here to Salat al Fajr and salata, Nasser and Salah tahajjud and that's also a valid point that there are references that especially make sure you're preferred and also and if you're able to, he said be che imminent do just do a little bit of tahajjud as well. And then he said and a beautiful Hadith in the beautiful ending of this hadith. I'll ask Dan Kosta Tableau, who bit by bit and you shall get to your destination. Of course it'll cost bit by bit. Don't

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have become fanatic don't think in one day you're going to change the whole world. It doesn't work that way. Bit by bit work on what you can ask Allah to forgive on what you can't be as cheerful as you can. And thank Allah for having guided us to the OMA turn Walsall tall dear Muslims we have many many many problems in our OMA but one of the ones that is the easiest to solve is that sometimes religiosity leads to fanaticism we need to solve this religiosity should lead to good manners to a healthy lifestyle religiosity every one of us who is religious should be the best role model to those who are not religious How can it be that good people of good religion turn people away from

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religion that's not good religion so make sure you concert on your on your own cloud and up shooter will give glad tidings to people but she will give glad tidings to people and don't turn people away. Of course Don Costa who bit by bit, and you shall get to the end May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those who embody and exemplify this own mutton Masato Allah made NIDA and for amino Allahu Allah take over how did you meet them and in love oferta wala Hammond Illa for Raja wala Dana Illa Kadota, Willa Marie La Ilaha feta whether I see it on ilaya sarta Allama fildena Willie one in a linear Saba Cornavin Iman will attach I feel pulmonol hinda Lilina Armano Robina in Nicaragua for

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Rahim, Allah Houma is an Islam I will Muslim in Allah Humann Aradhana are the Islam will misdemeanor be sue in federal Houben FC which altijd Mira who feet at BT here we are Aziz, Roberto Allah in Allah Azza Amara Combi Eminem better BBFC within the Medaka decoder zip with a letter become a you know engineer he will insert for all asthma Colin oedema in Hola Hola, como yo Soluna Allah Nebby Yeah, you are living in Amman or solo la he was selling him with aseema Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik what? I love the Quran surah Mohamed while early he was IVIG marine Freebirds Allah in Allah to Allah Yeah, Moodle will Adley what your surname wait either orba 100 fascia it will Moon carry

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well belly your ego Kamala Allah come to the Quran. Oh the Quran Allah Allah Allah Mia Dakota, comb wash Kuru who yesterday, what are the crolla heeta Allah Akbar Wa Camus salah?

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Aloha and vote on long a headwind

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or a shadow Mohamed rasuluh long Haryanto sauna Do you Hayyan and fella by the call matches slot and don't call the call matches slot along with a quote on long luck voted

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in more

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stone I tend to do

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a lot of luck bombs

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Alhamdulillah here have been learning how Rajnandgaon Rahane ma Molly and Kia woman dean aka kinda boy don't want any kind of styling. Then all slid off one of them was stomping him slit all levena Antara II him avoid eating mallalieu beyond it him model balling

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either Judah nos solo law he was

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well on Aten doing wound feeding he have wotja first beer being handed on Vika was still feel it in who can

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Allahu Akbar bone

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semi Allahu Neeman Hamidah.

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Allahu Okubo.

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Along come

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oh oh one Cubone

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Alhamdulillah here have been Lemina rush nanowall HeyMy Maliki and we'll meet Dini can avoid doing one e kindness downing Sterling. Then I'll set off one of them was still paying mostly at Auckland Idina Nanjiani him late in Melbourne behind him more than often knee pain

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long haul doing in Lahore sama doing them Yanni do one mu una la lamea Aja Wila mula don't want EMEA Kula who Khufu one had

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a warm welcome

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send me Allahu naman Hamidah

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on Kabul

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Allahu Akbar come

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along come

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along Long

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Santa more Isla in kumara hammertone more or sell more

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documents or

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last last

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sell like just one minute inshallah we have shahada brother Jeremiah if you can come where's our brother went take shahada

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come forward just just come through the crowd it's alright just come through the crop

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I just met with him before the salah so he wants to take the shot and hamdulillah

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Your name is Jeremiah right? Yes. Okay so one of our brothers has been giving Dawa and before the salah he wanted to he just came to me with spoke with him. So inshallah we're going to be doing the shahada already gave him all of the summary of Islam. So no, you stood here So repeat after me, I shall do I shall do Allah La ilaha IL Allah, Allah will ash eyeshadow, anna Muhammad Muhammad Rasul Allah, I testify I testify that there is no god other than Allah. There is no god other than law and that Muhammad Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah is the messenger Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Al Hamdulillah. Welcome to our community. This is all of you and your brothers and sisters and

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hamdulillah from the villa Welcome to our community.

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Welcome this time

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