Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 07

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of love in religion and the need for everyone to be brothers and not disrespect one another. It also touches on the need for honest sex and finding the right person for a sexual relationship. The segment emphasizes the importance of finding the right person and building a strong bond with them, rather than just finding one or two. The segment also touches on the struggles of men in sexual attraction and the need for fearless behavior to avoid embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam, Maharashtra MBI mostly Nabina Muhammad Ali he was such a big name always due to Allah and His praise and blessings mpsp upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. My dear brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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welcome you all, to a new episode

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of The Magnificent Seven. And today shala we will talk about actually we'll continue our discussion about the meaning of loving one another for the sake of Allah and how this can be translated to

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an actions. How can we understand this in a in a practical way,

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as I said last time, one of the meaning of loving each other for the sake of Allah, that we visit each other for the sake of Allah. And Muhammad Rahim Allah to Allah once he decided to go to visit his brother is hakob narahari is happens a great scholars in the science of Hadith element achromat cross the river to arrive to visit him in Iraq.

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He said I went there late in the night, and ever It was late and I entered the masjid and it was raining very hard

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to deliver had said I decided to spend the night in the masjid. But he said, the person who got the message he came to me and he said, Get out domestic. Then he said, I told him, I'm servant of Allah. And this is the house of Allah. While we get out of my Masters house, then the man said, I'd understand what you say. If you don't get out. I'm gonna pull your film your legs through your domestic animal. Rahim Allah led domestic quiet. He said I was in the street for Ryan it's raining very hard.

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He said all of the sudden,

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I noticed that somebody opened the door. And he said, welcome. I enter his house. And when they entered his house, he gives me a towel, a hot drink. And I dry myself. I during that hot drink that he offered me. And after that, he asked me, where are you from? I said, I'm from Baghdad. Then the man told him. Do you know Ahmed Mohammed? Salim Ahmed smiled and he said, I'm in Hamburg. And then the man said, are you I'm in Hamburg. Really? What are you doing here? He said, I came to visit his house of Nora Holly. Then the man said, I am is half of Nora Holly. They stand up and they hug each other. And they both were great imams in the great scholars in their time. May Allah subhanaw taala

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forgive them all, and put a raise their status and gender.

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So visiting each other, it's part of that social activity that we should increase among our society. And this will increase the love for each other, especially if it's done with the proper etiquette. One of the meaning of loving each other for the sake of Allah and building this strong brotherhood and sisterhood between us that will always have excuse for our brothers and sisters if they do mistakes or if there is any shortcoming have been from them. You know the Muslim always think about excuse and the hypocrites always looking and digging for mistakes. This the difference between the believer and the hypocrites.

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As some of the Muslim scholars said, in Nabhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't cut ties. Don't hate one another. don't envy one another. Don't turn your back to one another. But be brothers be the slave for law and brothers each other and Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He will not do any kind of injustice to him. He will not disappoint him. He will not

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disrespect him and the prophets of Salaam said, and it's enough evil that you disrespect Your brother has put him in a shadow. And yet there are a whole Muslim. It's enough evil thing that you will disrespect your brother or you will look down at your brother with no respect or you humiliate him, he is your brother, for the sake in the sake of Allah in the religion.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us, if we love somebody in the sake of Allah, we should inform him the prophets of Salaam said this will help for this love to grow more and to be more stronger.

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In the salatu salam told me once I love you for the sake of Allah in the handbook, and also more of the alarm until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he loves him as well.

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You know, if we love one another for the sake of Allah, who really will care about each other feelings, and will always try to do what will bring us closer to each other, closer to each other aroma rhodiola and said, three things will bring love in between any two. If we deal with each other. And we always look into these three things and we'll try to implement in our social activity, when we deal with each other. I think this is will be something great and it will help to develop our love towards each other aroma rhodiola and said that you start with Salah whenever you see him, give him Salaam first to whenever comes, try to make a space for him to sit next to you and call him

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with the names that he loves. Don't give him nicknames that he doesn't like, Don't make fun of his name, or mentioned one of his name that he doesn't like to be recognized with or known with.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that anyone

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us that anyone will not support his brother in a time where his brother need to support Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will not support him in the day of judgment in a time in a position when he's a great need of philosophy to Allah support. And if you support your brother in a time when your brother need your support, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will support you in the day of judgment in a time in a position where you need your brother your when you need a support in that time or in that position. This How did this happen? It hasn't narrated by job but all the low end and reported by Ahmed Rahim Allahu taala. Whoever will support

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his brother in his absence, Allah will support him in the dunya and in the hereafter. Another Hadith reported by Anasazi Allah and, and recorded or reported while by healthy and it's an authentic hadith. If you love your brother, if you love your sister, it means that you remember them in your

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in your day out. It's not only to say I love you for the sake of Allah, but you don't remember me or remember your brother or your sister in your in the night in your prayer while you're breaking your fast.

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In the Bissell Allahu alayhi wa sallam said any Muslim will pray to his brother or ask Allah subhana wa tada for his brother, Allah will send an angel telling him and you will take a look and this angel would pray to Allah Subhana Allah and ask Allah subhanaw taala to give that person similar to what he requests for his brother, a Buddha used to make up for 70 of his friends every night. 70 people used to make draft for them every night,

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loving each other,

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loving each other for the sake of Allah, brotherhood. It doesn't mean that I don't advise you If I see you doing something wrong. Actually, if I don't do that, I don't love you for the sake of Allah. If I really care about you, I will advise you, if I really care about you. I will tell you about your mistakes. And I'll tell you what's wrong, what I see wrong in the proper way, in the nice way, because that's what love will lead me to. That's why they said

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the true friend is the one who tell you the truth. Not the one always telling you. Whatever you said is the truth or whatever said is correct.

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One silly, mommy

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Shafi Rahim Allah Allah had a friend has named Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Hakim. He loved him so much. He was so close to the Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, Allah remember chef he said the only reason for me to stay in Egypt because of this man Mohammed. Hakeem, I stayed in Egypt just because of him. I love this man. I like to be next to him. Once Lima chef, Mo lower sick. So Mohammed came and visited him. And he said, the one I love the sick, and I came to visit him. The moment I saw him I became sick like him. Tell him I'm Chef if a call Maria Habib refer to familiar to men how very early. Then remember chef he replied immediately by saying, and when the one I love came to visit me while I'm

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sick? Are all my sickness gone away?

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I feel good already. Because just I saw you were attell heavy. We are all dooney fabric to me, nobody in this kind of love and relationship between them was so tight and so close. But listen to what happened between them before a chef is dead. Everybody thought that this man will became the next year after chef Rahim Allah and His before his death. He was asked who's the chef who should learn from after you. Then Mmm, Chef Rahim. Allahu Allah said Abu Yaqoob elbow it no doubt. Everybody was shocked. is not Mohammed Abdel Hakim Mohammed Abdel Hakim. He said no. Abu Yaqoob is the Imam after me. When he heard that, Mohammed Abdullah Hagen became sad. And he felt sad that he

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didn't choose him. It's there is no compromising in religion. You say what you believe is right. And you don't compromise just because he's your friend.

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You know, brothers and sisters, loving each other for the sake of Allah required from us, to be honest with each other, required from us to be sincere in our advice in our relation, because it's all based on sincerity, but all based on pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. With this relation, I believe we need to increase this spirit among us that we love one another for the sake of Allah. If I asked you how many, how many brother really you have.

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And sisters, that you love them for the sake of Allah.

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So many Muslim they can't even count one or two. I know. It's hard to find the good friend. They said

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it's easy to sacrifice for your friend. But it's hard to find the friend who deserve that.

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But I think if you look around yourself, you will find those people. In the end I will like to say that Brotherhood is different level can be general like we are brother, as all as Muslims. But when there is a relationship come, bring us together, live together, work together, or maybe study together that build a special kind of relationship. But this relationship, it should not scatter Muslim two groups who fight each other or turn back to their each other became like clubs, and these clubs will divide the Muslim Ummah to small communities. Now that's not what we want. We love we want all Muslim to love one another, and to help one another, to became a better society, a society

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who care about their neighbors society who cares about the needy and the poor in their communities, society who cares about the feeling of one another and the need of one another? May Allah subhanaw taala to make us among those and we'll break here and I will see you soon inshallah. After the break

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Brothers and sisters Assalamualaikum and welcome back to continue our discussion about the Magnificent Seven.

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And now we will take a new category, the fifth one, a man whom an extremely beautiful woman, seduce, but she rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah subhana wa Tada.

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There is other narration, describe this situation a little bit in details. Not only a beautiful woman, another narration that amongst the big man, she's extremely beautiful. And also she has a high position in the society. She is one of the elite member of the society, which is something extra to give security to that men that she's rich, she's powerful woman. So he feels secure, that nobody can punish him for anything he might do with her. So that woman is not only beautiful, she's also she's also powerful. She's also powerful. And another integration that has had been with a man she's a from a famous or a big tribe or well known family and also give her that power that he feel

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secure with. And he might be interesting and building a relationship with such woman in a such position. But he didn't say he didn't accept the offer. He say, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala

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this hadith By the way, are not only restricted to men also, it can be a woman who seduced by a man, a powerful man, a beautiful man, whatever kind of man he is, but also man can seduce a woman and woman were rejected offer by saying I fear Allah subhana wa Tada. But you might ask why the prophet SAW Selim said a man who seduced by woman, because it's different. The men who seduced by woman, he might reject that offered, only because he fears Allah Subhana Allah to Allah not for any other reasons. You know, usually when a woman seduce a man, it will not be in public, it will be in a private place where nobody else with them. But usually men when they tried to pick up a woman or a

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girl or seduce a woman, it's in the street, you know, they walk in the street and the guys like they're trying to pick them up or talking to them or seducing them in public. So she might not accept his offer, not because she is afraid of Allah. No, maybe she's not willing to do that in public because she cares about her reputation. But usually what happened when a woman tried to seduce a man, it's something in private, where is nobody else there? Also,

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woman she might not be interested in having a forbidden sexual

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relationship with a man because she's afraid that she might lose her virginity, or she might get pregnant, and she will be exposed in the society. So that might stop her. But men, they don't care. Who knows, nobody will know about that. But if he stopped himself from such thing, he only stopped himself from that because he fear Allah subhanho wa Taala in most of the cases.

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That's why the person who control his sexual lust is similar to use Valley slam. The Prophet Youssef, when he was seduced by the woman of the Prince of Egypt, the wife of the Prince of Egypt, the king of Egypt, when she tried to seduce him.

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She was beautiful. She was powerful. She was alone in the castle, she locked the doors. She offered him, she start, even she told him if you don't do what I want, I will punish you and she's capable of doing such thing. And guess what? He's a stranger. And as you know, stranger can do so many things he wouldn't do at home, because nobody knows him. He's a servant, like law class, a person in the community. People wouldn't care about what he's doing or what he did. Also, he was a bachelor bachelor, he wasn't married. So he might have that last strong in his heart. He was married also. He was not married.

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And he was not married and never been married. And he was young. He was young, he wasn't old, it was not child, he is in the right age. And whereas the when the sexual lust is very strong, is very strong.

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Add to all of this, what Allah subhanaw taala means

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In the Quran, that he had the desire

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to be he will have maybe that desire moved inside his heart that he feel that he attractive to such to the opposite * that's something natural this human being, but he control his last. He said, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala my other la festa son, he held tight to his religion, he went back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and said, Oh Allah, oxygen, going to jail, more beloved to me, then accepting what they offering me to do what they want me to do, which is the heart I'm

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still a man of nissar a great scholars among the Muslim earliest among the earlier Muslim scholars, was traveling with his brother Arthur mdsr. Once from Medina going to hedge and their way they stopped by place, and they

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settle there to spend the night and the night Sulaiman went to collect some goods. So can he can use it to cook or maybe to hunt, look for some food to bring to eat in the night. When he came back, he found something very strange. He found his brother apart, crying, and next to him, a woman crying. And this woman is stranger.

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They didn't know her. He said, I felt shy to ask him about this. And APA is a very righteous man said after a while, once he woke up from his sleep, crying, and he told him what's wrong with your alpha. He said, I saw use of alley, his salon, in my dream. And I told him how great prophet you are. You are such great prophet that the wife of the king of Egypt tried to seduce you. And you so beautiful, and she was so beautiful, and you did not accept her offer. And you protect yourself from such fitness such trial, you pass the test, then the Prophet Yusuf told him this dream, you should not be surprised with what I did. You should be surprised with yourself in that night when the bad

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one woman came to you.

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So Sullivan said in that time asked him, Oh, I remember that night. What happened? He said that this woman came to him and then he saw him alone. And she came to him and she told him,

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You are alone. And I live alone. My husband is not there. And my last, my sexual laws have taken over my heart, my mind, I can't control myself. I need a men. And I want you to and I offered you and asked you to sleep with me.

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When she told him that, he told her, don't throw yourself and don't take me with you to the hellfire. Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Then she kept asking him and begging him to accept her offered. And he started crying and telling her don't pull both of us to the hellfire. Please protect yourself, protect me with you from the hellfire. This is not the something we you want to be involved in and to meet also pantalla with it until she stopped crying next to him. And his friends came back in the night.

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It happened also that a woman came to one of the righteous people in Makkah in Mecca. And she swear by a law that she will seduce that righteous men, that worshipper, now seduce him. She said I came to him while he is in Canada, or in the side of the masjid in Mecca. And she said I'm covering my face. And the men so face so beautiful, like the full moon. And she said, I'm offering myself whatever you want from me you can take. He said, I want to ask you questions. What are you offering me? Would you be offering me the same thing? If the Angel of Death today descend and come down? And now come to you? Would you offer me the same thing? She said no. She said would you offer me the

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same thing if you're on your grave? And the angels came to ask you about your deeds? She said no. And he said what if you are in the day of judgment? What if you're in the day of judgment and Allah subhana wa Taala giving you your record

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Would you want to say, to see this thing that you asked me to do with you now, in your record?

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She said, No, I don't want that. Then he said, if you don't want that, why are you asking now? Why are you asking me now to do it? Or to do that with you?

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She stopped crying. And she became religious after that. Even her friends, the one who saw her or her heard her saying, I will seduce that man said later on, that this man have changed this woman, and she is not fun anymore. She became like a righteous one. We lost her.

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My brothers and sisters, there's so many stories like this, showing how much or how many times and men been seduced by women and they said no, because they fear Allah Subhana Allah, it's not wise. It's not wise at all. That you lose that that's the agenda which is wider than the heavens in the earth. Or you lose the opportunity to go to the gender straight without any punishment. Just because you want to fulfill one of your desires, which is the sexual last, you have to control that. You have to know that um, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that you have seen in the Hellfire, big container, and there is naked one woman and men inside this container and the fire from underneath

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of them burning them. The prophets of Salaam said Who are these people? What they have done in this dunya the prophets of Salaam was told they are the fornicators among your own, those the people who firmly Kate, it is one of the great sins in Nebojsa Salim as an Imam Bukhari reported from hedeby, Mississauga the Allah and that the prophets of Salaam said the worst sin is to pray to other than Allah, as he's the one who created you and to kill your children because you're afraid of poverty, and to fornicate with your neighbor's wife. So worshiping other than Allah, killing innocent people, innocent person, and fornication are the worst sins, that the person can meet Allah subhanaw taala

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with it. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah to protect all of us, to make us among those who will protect themselves, protect their chastity until they meet Allah Subhana Allah pure will this sell will leave you until see in the next episode to talk about those righteous and pure woman who said no to men who try to seduce them. A shallow to Allah Salallahu Salam ala nabina Muhammad

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we always look into these three things and we'll try to implement in our social activity when we deal with each other. I think this is will be something great and it will help to develop our love towards each other no matter the law and said that you start with Salah whenever you see him, give him Salaam first to whenever comes, try to make a space for him to sit next to you and call him with the names that he loves. Don't give him nicknames that he doesn't like, Don't make fun of his name, or mentioned one of his name that he doesn't like to be recognized with or known with.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that anyone

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us that anyone will not support his brother in a time where his brother needs to support Allah subhanho wa Taala will not support him in the day of judgment in a time in a position when he's in great need of Allah subhanaw taala

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support. And if your support your brother in a time where your brother need your support Allah Subhana Allah will support you in the day of judgment in a time in a position where you need your brother when you need a support in that time or in that position. This heavy this head it has been narrated by jabber on the low end and reported by Ahmed Rahim Allah who to add him, whoever will support his brother in his absence, Allah will support him in the dunya and in the hereafter. Another Hadith reported by Anasazi Allah and recorded or reported while by healthy and it's an authentic hadith. If you love your brother, if you love your sister, it means that you remember them

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in your

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in your day out is not only to say I love you for the sake of Allah, but you don't remember me or remember your brother or your sister in your in the night in your prayer while you're breaking your fast.

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In ob sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said any Muslim will pray to his brother or ask Allah subhana wa tada for his brother, Allah will send an angel telling him and you will take this and you would pray to Allah subhanaw taala and ask Allah subhanaw taala to give that person similar to what you request for his brother, a Buddha used to make up for 70 of his friends every night. 70 people used to make up for them every night,

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loving each other,

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loving each other for the sake of Allah, brotherhood. It doesn't mean that I don't advise you If I see you doing something wrong. Actually, if I don't do that, I don't love you for the sake of Allah. If I really care about you, I will advise you, if I really care about you, I will tell you about your mistakes. And I will tell you what's wrong, what I see wrong in the proper way, in the nice way, because that what love will lead me to. That's why they said

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the true friend is the one who tell you the truth. Not the one all was telling you whatever you said is the truth or whatever said is correct.

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One silly mama Shafi Rahim Allah to Allah had a friend who is named Mohammed, Abdullah Abdul Hakeem. He loved him so much he was so close to the members Shafilea him a whole lot. And remember, Chef, he said the only reason for me to stay in Egypt because of this man, Mohammed Abdul Hakeem. I stayed in Egypt just because of him. I love this man. I'd like to be next to him. Once Lima chef mo lower sick. So Mohammed came and visited him. And he said, the one I love is sick. And I came to visit him. The moment I saw him I became sick like him. Tell him I'm a chef if a call marybel Habib referred to familiar to men how very early then remember chef he replied immediately by saying and

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when the one I love came to visit me while I'm sick? Are all my sickness gone away?

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I feel good already. Because just I saw you will tell hubby. We are all dooney Ferber to me nobody in this kind of love and relationship between them was so tight and so close. But listen to what happened between them before chef is that everybody thought that this man will became the next chair after a Shafi Rahim Allah and His before his death. He was asked who's the share who should learn from after you. Then mm sheffey Rahim Allah hota Allah said, Abu Yaqoob owlboy de nada doubt. Everybody was shocked. is not Mohammed Abdel Hakim Mohammed Abdul Hakim. He said no. Abuja is the Imam after me. When he heard that Mohammed Abdullah Hagen became sad. And he folks said that he

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didn't choose him. It's there is no compromising in religion. You say what you believe is right. And you don't compromise just because he's your friend.

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You know, brothers and sisters, loving each other for the sake of Allah required from us, to be honest with each other, required from us to be sincere in our advice in our relation, because it's all based on sincerity. It's all based on pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. With this relation, I believe we need to increase this spirit among us that we love one another for the sake of Allah. If I asked you how

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How many, how many brother really you have,

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and sisters, that you love them for the sake of Allah.

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So many Muslim they can't even count one or two. I know, it's hard to find the good friend. They said

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it's easy to sacrifice for your friend. But it's hard to find the friend who deserve that.

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But I think if you look around yourself, you will find those people. In the end I will like to say that Brotherhood is different level can be general like we are brother, as all Muslims. But when there is a relationship come, bring us together, live together, work together, or maybe study together that build a special kind of relationship. But this relationship, it should not scatter Muslim to groups who fight each other, or turn back to their each other became like clubs, and these clubs will divide the Muslim Ummah, to small communities. Now, that's not what we want. We love we want all the Muslim to love one another, and to help one another, to became a better society, a

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society who care about their neighbors, society, who cares about the needy and the poor in their communities, society who cares about the feeling of one another, and the need of one another? May Allah subhanaw taala to make us among those. And we'll break here. And I will see you soon after the break.

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Dear brothers and sisters,

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and welcome back to continue our discussion about the Magnificent Seven.

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And now we will take a new category, the fifth one, a man whom an extremely beautiful woman, seduce, but she rejects her offer by saying I feel Allah subhana wa Tada.

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There is other narration describe this situation a little bit in details. Not only a beautiful woman, another narration that amongst the big man, she's extremely beautiful. And also she has a high position in the society. She's one of the elite member of the society, which is something extra to give security to that men that she's rich, she's powerful woman. So he feels secure that nobody can punish him for anything he might do with her. So that woman is not only beautiful, she's also she's also powerful. She's also powerful. And another generation that has had been with a man she's a from a famous or a big tribe or well known family and also give her that power that he feel secure

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with. And he might be interesting and building a relationship with such woman in a such position. But he didn't say he didn't accept the offer. He say, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala

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this hadith By the way, are not only restricted to men also, it can be a woman who seduced by a man, a powerful man, a beautiful man, whatever kind of man he is, but also man can seduce a woman and women will reject his offer by saying I feel Allah subhana wa Tada. But you might ask why the prophet SAW Selim said a man who seduced by woman, because it's different. The men who seduced by woman, he might reject that offered only because he fears Allah subhanho wa Taala not for any other reasons. You know, usually when a woman seduce a man, it will not be in public. It will be in a private place where nobody else with them. But usually men when they tried to pick up a woman or a

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girl or seduce a woman, it's in the street, you know, the walk in the street and the guys like that trying to pick them up or talking to them or seducing them in public. So she might not accept his offer. Not because she

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She is afraid of Allah. No, maybe she's not willing to do that in public because she cares about her reputation. But usually what happened when a woman tried to seduce a man, it's something in private, where is nobody else there? Also,

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woman, she might not be interested in having a forbidden sexual

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relationship with a man. Because she's afraid that she might lose her virginity, or she might get pregnant, and she will be exposed in the society. So that might stop her. But men, they don't care. Who knows, nobody will know about that. But if he stopped himself from such thing, he only stopped himself from that because he fear Allah subhanho wa Taala in most of the cases.

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That's why the person who control his sexual loss is similar to us Valley salon, the prophet Yusuf, when he was seduced by the woman of the Prince of Egypt, the wife of the Prince of Egypt, the king of Egypt, when she tried to seduce him.

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She was beautiful. She was powerful. She was alone in the castle, she locked the doors, she offered him, she start, even she told him if you don't do what I want, I will punish you and she's capable of doing such thing. And guess what? He's a stranger. And as you know, stranger can do so many things he wouldn't do at home, because nobody knows him. He's a servant, like law class, a person in the community. People wouldn't care about what he's doing or what he did. Also, he was a bachelor bachelor, he wasn't married. So he might have that last strong in his heart. He wasn't married also. He was not married.

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And he was not married and never been married. And he was young. He was young, he wasn't old. It was not child. He is in the right age. And where's the when the sexual loss is very strong, is very strong.

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Add to all of this, what Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran, that he had the desire

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well, aka him must be he will have maybe that desire moved inside his heart that he feel that he attractive to such to the opposite * that's something natural this human being but she control his last. He said, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala my other la festa son, he held tight to his religion, he went back to Allah subhana wa tada and said, Oh Allah, oxygen, going to jail, more beloved to me, then accepting what they offering me to do what they want me to do, which is the harem.

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Silly man igneous are a great scholars among the Muslim earliest among the earlier Muslim scholars, was traveling with his brother Arthur mdsr. Once from Medina going to hedge and their way they stop by place and they

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settle there to spend the night and the night, Suleiman went to collect some goods so Kelly can use it to cook or maybe to hunt, look for some food to bring to eat in the night. When he came back, he found something very strange. He found his brother I thought, crying, and next to him, a woman crying. And this woman is stranger. They didn't know her. He said I felt shy to ask him about this. an alpha is a very righteous man said after a while. Once he woke up from his sleep crying, and he told him what's wrong with your alpha? He said I saw use of alley his salon in my dream. And I told him how great prophet you are. You are such great prophet that the wife was the king of Egypt tried

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to seduce you. And you so beautiful, and she was so beautiful. And you did not accept her offered. And you protect yourself from such fitness such trial, you pass the test, then the Prophet use have told him this dream. You should not be surprised with what I did. You should be surprised with yourself in that night when the bad one woman came to you.

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So Sullivan said in that time asked him, Oh, I remember that night. What happened? He said that this woman came to him and then he saw him alone and she came

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to him and she told him,

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You are alone. And I live alone, my husband is not there. And my last, my sexual laws have taken over my heart, my mind, I can't control myself, I need a man. And I want you to and I offered you and ask you to sleep with me.

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When she told him that, he told her, don't throw yourself and don't take me with you to the Hellfire, stay away from me, stay away from me. Then she kept asking him and begging him to accept her offered. And he started crying and telling her don't pull both of us to the hellfire. Please protect yourself, protect me with you from the hellfire. This is not the something we you want to be involved in and to meet Allah subhanaw taala with it, and to just start crying next to him. And his friends came back in the night.

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It happened also that a woman came to one of the righteous people in Mecca in Mecca. And she swear by a law that she will seduce that righteous men. That worshiper said I will seduce him. She said I came to him while he is in Canada, or in the side of the mustard, and Mecca. And she said I'm covering my face. And the men so face so beautiful, like the full moon. And she said, I'm offering myself whatever you want for me you can take. He said, I want to ask you a question. What you offering me? Would you be offering me the same thing? If the Angel of Death today the sin and come down? And now come to you? Would you offer me the same thing? She said no. She would you offer me

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the same thing if you're on your grave. And the angels came to ask you about your deeds? She said no. And he said what if you are in the day of judgment? What if you're in the day of judgment? And Allah subhanho wa Taala giving you your record? Would you want to say to see this thing that you asked me to do with you now in your record?

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She said no. I don't want that. Then he said if you don't want that. Why are you asking now? Why are you asking me now to do it? Or to do that with you?

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She stopped crying. And she became religious after that. Even her friends, the one who saw her or her heard her saying I will seduce that man said later on that this man have changed this woman and she is not fun anymore. She became like a righteous one. We lost her.

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My brothers and sisters. There's so many stories like this, showing how much or how many times men been seduced by women and they said no, because they fear Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not wise. It's not wise at all. That you lose that that's the agenda which is wider than the heavens and the earth or you lose the opportunity to go to the agenda straight without any punishment. Just because you want to fulfill one of your desires, which is the sexual lust. You have to control that you have to know that um Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you have seen in the Hellfire big container and there is naked one woman and men inside this container and the fire from underneath of

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them burning them. The profits are seldom said Who are these people what they have done in this dunya the prophets of Salaam was told they are the fornicators among your oma those the people who furnish Kate. It is one of the great sins in Ibiza Salim as an Imam Bukhari reported from hedeby Misra, the Allah and the prophet SAW Selim said, the worst sin is to pray to other than Allah as he's the one who created you and to kill your children because you're afraid of poverty and to fornicate with your neighbor's wife. So worshiping other than Allah, killing innocent people, innocent person, and fornication are the worst sins, that the person can meet Allah subhanaw taala

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with it. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah to protect all of us, to make us among those who

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protect themselves protect their chastity until they meet Allah subhanaw taala pure will this cell will leave you until See you in the next episode to talk about those righteous and pure woman who said no to men who try to seduce them. inshallah to Allah Salallahu Salam ala nabina Muhammad Mohammed.

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bom, bom

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bom, bom,

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