Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 06

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The Magnificent Seven discusses the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood in society and the need for a war between two groups. They also touch on the historical context of the story of the Prophet and his daughter, with a brief recap of the historical context and the importance of balancing personal emotions with cultural and political goals. The segment emphasizes the importance of love and being loved for the sake of Allah, with advice on giving and supporting one another, sharing one's wealth, and avoiding harming one's health.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah ashrafi MDR mursaleen Nabina Muhammad, Allah Allah He was such a big Marine, about ordres due to Allah, and his praise and blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family, his companions, his followers until the day of judgment, mighty brothers and sisters, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to a new episode of The Magnificent Seven. Today, we'll talk about the firt the fourth, the fourth category. Today we'll talk about the fourth category, which mentioned in the in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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with narrated by Abu hurayrah, that the Messenger of Allah said, seven or whom Allah would put them in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, adjust troller I used to grow up with the worship of Allah,

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a person whose heart is attached to the masjid and to persons who love and meet each other and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah, a man who an extremely beautiful woman seduce him, he rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah, and a person who gives in charity, and conceal it to the extent that is left canned, will not know what is hot with what his right hand is giving a person who remembers Allah subhana wa, ala in solitude, and his eyes will up

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this great Hadith

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we've been discussing in our episodes, and today, we will talk about the fourth category, two persons who love and meet each other, and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah.

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I personally love this topic so much. I think it's one of my favorite topic, talking about loving each other for the sake of Allah, about the importance of brotherhood and sisterhood. And I believe it's one of the most important topic to be touched in this recent days, when we see the Muslim world, in great need of revival in this Spirit, the Spirit of brotherhood, that we are all brothers, and we are all sisters, we are all stands beside each other, support one another. I think, today, with all these challenges that the Muslims facing all over the world,

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if you talk about the highest level as countries and states, or you talk about communities and society, even individuals, we need each other, we need to revive the spirit of brotherhood, when you see greed, and jealous and envy took over the heart of so many people. And

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the Muslim community scattered because of this kind of diseases, which is will never grow in a healthy environment, where brotherhood and sisterhood is the foundation for this community or this society.

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My brothers and sisters, sometimes when I read some of the stories, to some of my friends, or even myself when I read it, when people hear about it, they think this is impossible to happen. Some of the example of so many people sacrifice so much so much for their brothers, for the sake of Allah subhana wa to Allah, that love for someone that he willing to give up his own life, his own comfort, his own wealth, just to please his brother. We all know the story of those three people in the by the sea. When a Muslim man found three people who are in their last moment in this life and thirsty, saying water water. He brought the water to the first one. But

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before he did

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The water he heard his brother

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screaming and saying, water, water. So he told the man take the water to my brother. Maybe he deserved the water, he needed the water more than I do. He took the water to the second person. And the second person about to drink, he heard another person saying, help me, help me. He said to the man, go to the person and give him the water. He took the water to the third person. By the time he read to the third person, the person the third person already died, he came back to the second one. But he passed away. And he went to the first one. And he found him dead as well. Everybody give up the water for his brother, he willing to sacrifice in this moment in this situation, just to save

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his brother, this parrot, this feeling that you care about your brothers, as Ubisoft Gianni said, will lie when I hear about one of our listener die in the West, and I'm living in the east. I feel like I lost one of my parts. I lost a hand or I lost the leg. That's how much if he he feels that relationship between him and somebody he never saw in his life. And guess what? I think this is one of the most unique act of worship, that you worship Allah Subhana Allah by loving someone, and caring about someone that you'd never even know. He never met. I know there is most of you out there maybe I never met to my life. But I love you all for the sake of Allah. And he care about all of you

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that that feeling that we need to revive in the hearts of almost some that this not only words, it has to be translated to action in our daily life. One of the blessings that Allah Subhana Allah Allah bestowed on this oma that he made brotherhood and sisterhood, part of our religion, part of our religion,

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that we love one another in the sake of Allah. And we established what we call it a whole War II mania. It's part of the religion, Allah subhana wa, Allah said, where a person will be heavily la hegemony or one at a halt Allah Subhana Allah robe, the robe which binds us and don't be scattered, don't be scattered

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or divided to groups fighting each other. Then he said, with Kudo niramit Allahu Allah can remember the great blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you

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in that he made you brothers. He made you brothers. This Islam makes all of us brothers, no matter where it is, what is your race? What is your social level? What is your education background? We are all brothers and sisters in Islam.

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In Nabhi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhana wa Taala said, help Padma hab Betty lil Mota have been my love. Indeed My love will be giving to those who love each other for the sake of me, and my love will be given to those who visit each other for the sake of me, Allah subhanaw taala saying that my love and deed will be given to those who advise each other for the sake of Allah. And my love will be given to those who visit each other for the sake of Allah. And also will be given to those who give for the sake of Allah, all those people Allah will give them his love. So, the point is to is to be loved to be loved not to love, the point that Allah subhanaw taala

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loves us. This is the great things because everybody can claim that he loves Allah. But the point is Allah Subhana Allah loves you in return. So this he shows you this allows Frank Allah, his love guarantee for those who love each other for the sake of Allah or support each other or advise each other which is all related to those who are brothers and sister.

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For the sake of Allah. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhana wa Taala said, also my love is being given will be given my love will be given to those who love each other for the sake of Allah, and I will put them in my shade in the Day of Judgment, and I will protect them, I will protect them, as Ben mentioned, a nice robot on the other hand, there is a great scholars among the tambourine His name is Abu Idris aulani. He said I walked through the mystery of Damascus and I saw a man inside the masjid. He is such good looking men. And this man was addressing a group of the companions

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I noticed that when he talks Everybody listen. And if anybody starts talking he will keep looking at him seeking his approval. He has a shiny face a very white teeth. And he asked my uncle Who's that person? He told me this is my iPad Mini Jebel. the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. beaudry said I waited until fudger. Time on a came early to the masjid. I found odd praying the before fetcher, in the first lane in domestic. I came next to him and he said down. Then, after he finished, I told him, I just came to tell you, that I love you for the sake of Allah. When I'd heard that, he said, Allah asked you about

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law, that you came only to tell me that he said, Yes. He asked him this three times. Then he hugged him. And he said, I heard the prophets of Salaam said that Allah Subhana Allah said, My love will be given to those who love each other for the sake of Allah, who love each other for the sake of Allah. Do you know brothers sisters, how old?

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He was when he said that? He was nine years old. From this early age, he know what it means to love somebody for the sake of Allah. What's the meaning of brotherhood and loving each other for the sake of Allah because it's something fundamental. That's why the prophets of Salaam said out the Quran, amen. One of the highest level the strongest meaning of Eman is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah.

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It is part of Eman as been reported by Abbe de wood through a booma model the Allahu anhu Allah and other companions as well. In Nabi sallallahu Sallam said, whenever two people love each other for the sake of Allah, love each other for the sake of Allah, the best among them, the one who loves the other persons, the most.

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In Nabi sallallahu Sallam also said if you want to taste the sweetness of Eman, if you want to taste the sweetness of female, you should love the person for the sake of Allah. In the visa Salam said the person will be resurrect, will be gathered in the day of judgment with the person he loves. And maybe sallallahu Sallam once addressed the people. He said oh people listen to me. Oh, people listen to me. understand clearly what are going to tell you. There is people on the Day of Judgment, they are not prophets. They are not Shahada. They are not among the so the pain or the trust, the righteous the high righteous ones. They will be in a position in the Day of Judgment. Everybody will

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look up to them. Everybody will look up to them and seeking to know who they are. Then and then tell the prophets of Salaam describe them to us. Yasser Allah, the prophets of Salaam said they are like average people, but they loved each other for the sake of Allah. Not because from the same tribe, not because we're from the same country from the same race. They're only loved each other for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. There will be sitting in a chair, mid flight, high chairs, middle flights. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah will give will make their faces shining and the Day of Judgment were enclosed, which is shining, and they will be protected in the Day of Judgment, they

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will be in the world have no fear in their heart, in the Day of Judgment, with so many people have fear in their hearts in their day. They are the one who love each other for the sake of Allah. This is what brotherhood will bring. And now we'll break then we'll come back inshallah, to talk more in detail about the meaning of loving each other for the sake of Allah. And how can we translate this

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to actions.

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Amazing Stories

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of the end, as well as the stories that were told to us by our beloved Prophet Mohammed Ali salatu salam are not fairy tales. They are not stories that were made up to convince us of something. They are true stories that actually happened. They said in the message, the Prophet and his daughter Sarah is talking. They said Subhan Allah because Allah they said, Subhan Allah, a cow that speaks Allah subhana wa tada has created this universe, my dear brothers and sisters, in such a beautiful way, that everything is balanced, that every creature has a specific function that they do not go outside of that frame seems to pan on the how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is telling us

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about the story that happened before us. And this reminds us of the fact that Islam is a universal religion.

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In this program, we will know about peoples from different times and places whose stories were mentioned in the Islamic tradition. All of this will shake, Lotfi will relate to their stories and extract the lessons and wisdom behind them.

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Good brothers sisters, welcome back, to continue our discussion about the meaning of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam. And what it means to love someone for the sake of Allah.

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First of all, this love has to be sincere only for Allah subhana wa to Allah. You're not looking for any worldly benefit out of this relationship. You did not stablish this relationship, because you are seeking something from this worldly matters to achieve or to gain.

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You love somebody only for the sake of Allah. Allah beat him to fame one of the students have an amount of Sahaba jelly, the great companions

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of the law and water law once was seen by some of his students, dessert decorating helwa kind of dessert like a cake or cookies for a guest, an old men who can see he can hear that old man Sophia was asked why decorating this suite or this desert for him. If he can see it, if he cannot hear anything about it, you can describe it to him. What are you doing this? Why do you care about it, it looks nice or, or it doesn't, he's gonna eat it. Then it'll be said, if he can see if he can hear Allah Subhana Allah sees and hear

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Allah Subhana Allah, seeing me and hearing me and knowing that I'm doing this only to please Him subhana wa Tada. My dear brothers, sisters, this kind of a spirit, this kind of sincerity, what will establish a very strong relationship between us if our relationship based on love, if our relationship based on love for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala only

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if you want to translate this love to actions, to be practical and our love toward each other. One of the first meaning the Muslim scholars mentioned is to give and support one another, to support one another, as you heard, earlier in the Hadith, that Allah subhanaw taala said My love, indeed will be given to those who support one another. Lil metabo Divina, Fie, Lil metabo zelena fear to help your brother financially when he needs help, if you have a friend and you know that he needs your help you give him

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once one of the wise man or wise man, so, two people walking with each other, one of them rich and another one poor. So, that wise man said are the friend he said yes, he said How come they are friends and one of them so rich and all of them. So poor, if their friend they will hold one another, they will help one another.

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It has an investor he said I used to know people who will split everything they have into half, they will take half and they will give their brothers the other half the other half even their clothes, if they have two garments, He will give His brother one and he will keep one.

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Giving your brothers as I said has three levels to give him what is extra, what you do need, what extra that what you don't what you don't need or you're not going to use you get from from that and this is the lowest level and guess what so sorry to say we are living in these days in a time where people even if they have extra thing they don't want to give it to anybody. They want to give it to anybody. They said maybe in future I will use it may be somebody in future will need it but the not willing to give it to any neighbors too early needy to people around them they know now.

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Anyway, it is interesting to know that this is the lowest level

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another level which is a little bit higher than this to give him equal to what you have to give him what is equal to your to what you have. So if you have something you give him equal to what you have

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Then the highest level ever, to give him what you have, in order for you to give it to him even if you're going to lose it, even if you're not going to use it, but you give it to him and you give it you favor him over yourself. You see Runa Allah unfussy him, what can be him kasasa, Allah Subhana Allah describe those Righteous One, that they will give their brothers, what they need to use, they will give them even if they need it, in order for their brothers to use it, or to eat it, or to consume, they will love to give their brothers what they have.

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You all remember, the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they migrated to Medina, what happened? The unser offer them everything. They share with them half of what they have, and the story of married mouth, and said, Robbie is very known and famous inside of Nairobi, I told him, I have two houses, I have my wealth, I will share everything, even my family, I'm willing to share it with you half half, you take half an hour, keep half and you choose which half you want.

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I always asked myself,

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if you are me, or he or she? They're in Medina and that time?

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If we are the one who now represent on saw, are we going to do that? Are you willing to give half of your wealth to your brother.

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That's why I always tell my brothers and sisters, you have to realize how great men and women they were. I mean unsought of the law and

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that they willing to give half of their wealth to them or hygiene, without hesitation. Actually, while they are happy to offer that to the brothers and sisters.

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Say didn't ask before he died, you know what his role was, wasn't about how much money I need to give to my children to my relatives know, his advice or his Well, before he died to his children. He said, My children, make sure that you take care of all my friends, the one I used to support and to help in this dunya take care of them, look after them, help them support them. Don't let them need anybody. Because I used to support them all my life.

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I was still a man, a Durrani. One said, I asked one of my friends, one of my brothers, I said to him, I need money. Then he told me how much you want. When he said that. I lost respect for him.

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You know they used to say, the miser one who will give loan to his brother. They used to believe that if you have a brother, a real brother, you give him without even hesitating without hesitating.

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Motor riff

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given I've given Earth man, if not, I will ask for 100 peace of Durham to currency was well known or commonly used in the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam pieces of silver. He give as many as 400 pieces of Durham. And after a while, return it back to him. He said I didn't give it to you to give it back to me. I didn't give it to you to give it back to me.

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It's not from the good manners to make money out of your friend to make money out of your friend. And Rahim Allah said, if this whole entire dunya became like

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a bite, and I will give it to my brother, I'll put it in his mouth. I don't have a problem with it. Which means I don't mind to give him the whole entire dunya I don't have a problem with that. Because he's my brother. He said How come a person will claim that is your brother and he will not make do out for you in the night. You know, Rahim Allah used to have number of people that he used to make to out for them every night, one of the Muslim Imam Shafi about a Mahalo to Allah every night.

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Adnan Mubarak used to cook for his friend. He cooked food for them. He feed them while he's fasting. Rahim Allahu taala. Some of the earlier Muslim scholars

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are the scholars who wrote his their biography said about them. Some of them used to take care of his friends children after his death for 40 years, let's say as a friend and he passed away, he left the family behind him. He said he said he spent 40 years supporting that person's family after his death. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the people I love the most are the people who are more beneficial to other who benefit people more and the deeds that Allah subhanaw taala loved the most. When you make your brother happy, when you bring happiness to your brother or your sister

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when you help him to pass a hardship when you help him in a time where he needs support. And Nick chiffon who Korba when you pay his debt, or when you feed him when he's hungry, or you give him food when he needs food. On the table, you bring the food on the table. My brother and sister the prophets of Salaam said if I walk with my brother to help him to help him to finish or to help him to finish something or some of his earns, let's say you walk with brother to the

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police department he wants to have a driver license today. You want to apply for a driver's license, you drive him over there, you help him to finish his test. You show him how to apply for the college you take care of his need. He had his car broken then you walk with him to the mechanic something like that to work with your brother to help him to finish or to do his earns or what he needs in the base of Salim said this is better than staying in the masjid for a whole entire month making a T calf praying and fasting and reading Quran.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever will support his brother when he needs support, Allah will support him in the Day of Judgment. And the prophets of Salaam said in the end of the Hadith, and bad manners will destroy your your good deeds, the same way the vinegar will change the taste of the honey. If you drop a vinegar in the jar of honey, the whole thing will be not it will not taste good anymore. This is the same thing if you have bad manners, this bad manners will give you a bad reputation. regardless what good deeds you do or you practice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this is another way to translate our love for each other, visiting each

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other. When was the last time you visit somebody for the sake of Allah? When the last time you told your wife, let's go visit this family just for the sake of Allah. When the last time that you drove your car, somebody just not just to have fun just for a business. No you went there just for the sake of Allah to please Allah subhanaw taala with that, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do you want me to tell you? Who's among you? will be in Jenna. They said surely Rasul Allah. He said, The prophet in Ghana. He said a Shaheed The one who died in the war is Jenna acidic, the trustworthy in Jenna, and the newborn who die in Jenna. Then in Ibiza, Salim said, and the man who will travel to

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the other side of town, just to visit his brother for the sake of Allah will be among the people in general.

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That's why it was very common that people visit each other for the sake of Allah. It's one of the way to translate our love to each other. I'll stop here. And I will see you in the next episode. To talk also more in details about this great meaning, what it means to love one another for the sake of Allah. Until that time, I'll say Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi

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bom bom

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level what is your education background? We are all brothers and sisters in Islam.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhana wa Taala said, Hello Padma have Betty lil Mota have been my love. Indeed My love will be given to those who love each other for the sake of me, and my love will be given to those who visit each other for the sake of me, Allah subhanaw taala saying that, and my love, indeed will be given to those who advise each other for the sake of Allah. And my love will be given to those who visit each other for the sake of Allah, and also will be given to those who give for the sake of Allah, all those people Allah will give them his love. So, the point is to is to be loved, to be loved, not to love the point that Allah subhanaw taala

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loves us. This is the great things because everybody can claim that he loves Allah. But the point is Allah Subhana Allah loves you in return. So this he shows you there's almost to Allah, his love guaranteed for those who love each other for the sake of Allah or support each other or advise each other which is all related to those who are brothers and sister.

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For the sake of Allah. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah subhana wa Taala said also my love is then give it will be given my love will be given to those who love each other for the sake of Allah and I will put them in my shade in the day of judgment and I will protect them I will protect them as we mentioned, a nice robot on the other hand, there is a great scholars among the tambourine is named Abu Idris aulani. He said I walked to the masjid of Damascus and I saw a man inside the masjid. He is such good looking men. And this man was addressing a group of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But I noticed that when he talks

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Everybody listen. And if anybody starts talking, he will keep looking at him seeking his approval. He has a shiny face a very white teeth. And he asked my uncle Who's that person. He told me this is my new job and the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. beaudry said I waited until fudger time on a came early to the masjid I found more I'm praying the before fetcher, in the first lane in domestic. I came next to him and he said down. Then, after he finished, I told him, I just came to tell you that I love you for the sake of Allah. When I heard that, he said, Allah asked you about law, that you came only to tell me that? He said yes. He asked him this three times. Then he hugged

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him. And he said, I heard the prophets of Salaam said that Allah Subhana Allah said, My love will be given to those who love each other for the sake of Allah, who love each other for the sake of Allah. Do you know brothers sisters, how old would recent Allah and he was when he said that? He was nine years old. From this early age, he know what it means to love somebody for the sake of Allah. What's the meaning of brotherhood and loving each other for the sake of Allah because it's something fundamental. That's why the prophets of Salaam said out the Quran, amen. One of the highest level the strongest meaning of Eman is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah.

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It is part of Eman as been reported by Abbe de wood through a boom out of the Allahu anhu Allah and other companions as well. In nebby sallallahu Sallam said, whenever two people love each other for the sake of Allah, love each other for the sake of Allah, the best among them, the one who loves the other persons the most.

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In nebby sallallahu Sallam also said if you want to taste the sweetness of Eman, if you want to taste the sweetness of a man, you should love the person for the sake of Allah. in Ibiza Salam said the person will be resurrect will be gathered in the day of gentlemen was the person he loves. In Nabi sallallahu Sallam once addressed the people. He said, Oh people listen to me. Oh, people listen to me. understand clearly what are going to tell you. There is people on the Day of Judgment. They are not prophets. They are not Shahada. They are not among the so the pain or the trust. The righteous the high righteous ones. They will be in a position in the Day of Judgment. Everybody will

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look up to them. Everybody will look up to them and seeking to know who they are. Then a man told the person

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Selim described them to us, Yasser Allah, the prophet SAW Selim said they are, like average people, but they loved each other for the sake of Allah. Not because from the same tribe, not because we're from the same country from the same race, they're only loved each other for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. There will be sitting in a chair, mid of light, high chairs, mid of lights, and Allah subhana wa to Allah will give will make their faces shining in the Day of Judgment were enclosed, which is shining, and they will be protected in the Day of Judgment, they will be in the world have no fear in their heart, in the Day of Judgment, with so many people have fear in their

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heart in that day. They are the one who love each other for the sake of Allah. This is what brotherhood will bring. And now we will break. Then we'll come back in Sharla to talk more in detail about the meaning of loving each other for the sake of Allah. And how can we translate this

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in to actions.

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Amazing Stories

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of the end, as well as the stories that were told to us by our beloved Prophet Mohammed Ali salatu salam are not fairy tales. They are not stories that were made up to convince us of something. They are true stories that actually happened. They said in the message the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is talking, they said Subhanallah Baqarah to the Kalam they said Subhan Allah, a cow that speaks Allah subhanho wa Taala has created this universe, my dear brothers and sisters in such a beautiful way that everything is balanced, that every creature has a specific function that they do not go outside of that frame cease to handle the how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is telling us about the story

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that happened before us. And this reminds us of the fact that Islam is a universal religion.

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In this program, we will know about peoples from different times and places whose stories were mentioned in the Islamic tradition. All of this will shake, Lotfi will relate to their stories and extract the lessons and wisdom behind them.

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Good brothers sisters, welcome back, to continue our discussion about the meaning of brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam. And what it means to love someone for the sake of Allah.

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First of all, this love has to be sincere only for Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. You're not looking for any worldly benefit out of this relationship. You did not stablish this relationship, because you are seeking something from this worldly matters to achieve or to gain.

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You love somebody only for the sake of Allah. Allah beat him to fame one of the students have an amount of Sahaba jelly the great companions have been Masuda the alarm and waterbar once was seen by some of his students, dessert decorating halwa which a kind of dessert like a cake or cookies for a guest and old men who can see he can hear that old man sobhita was asked why you decorating this suite or this desert for him? If he can see it. If he cannot hear anything about it, he can describe it to him. What are you doing this? Why do you care about it? It looks nice or, or doesn't he's gonna eat it. Then it will be said if he can't see if he can hear Allah Subhana Allah sees and hears

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Allah Subhana Allah, seeing me and hearing me and knowing that I'm doing this only to please Him subhana wa Tada. My dear brothers, sisters, this kind of spirit, this kind of sincerity, what will establish a very strong relationship between us if our relationship based on love, if our relationship based on love for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala only

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if we want to translate this love to actions, to be practical and our love towards each other. One of the first meaning the Muslim scholars mentioned is to give and support one another, to support one another. As you heard, earlier in the Hadith, that Allah Subhana Allah said My love, indeed will be given to those who support what

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Another little motiva de Lena, Thea Lil metabo zelena fee to help your brother financially when he needs help, if you have a friend, and you know that he needs your help you give him

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once one of the wise man or wise men, so two people walking with each other, one of them rich and another one foot poor. So, that wise man said, are the friend, he said, Yes, he said, How come they are friends, and one of them so rich and all them so poor, if their friend, they will help one another, they will help one another.

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It has an industry said, I used to know people who will split everything they have into half, they will take half and they will give their brothers the other half the other half, even their clothes, if they have two garments, He will give His brother one and he will keep one.

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Giving your brothers as I said has three levels to give him what is extra, what you do need, what extra that what you don't what you don't need, or you're not going to use you get from from that. And this is the lowest level. And guess what? So sorry to say, we are living in these days in a time where people even if they have extra thing, they don't want to give it to anybody. They want to give it to anybody. They said maybe in future I will use it, maybe somebody in future will need it, but they're not willing to give it to any neighbors too early needy to people around them they know. Now.

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Anyway, it is interesting to know that this is the lowest level

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another level which is a little bit higher than this, to give him equal to what you have to give him what is equal to your to what you have. So if you have something you give him equal to what you have, then the highest level ever to give him what you have, in order for you to give it to him even if you're going to lose it, even if you're not going to use it. But you give it to him and you give it you favor him over yourself. You ever foresee him? What Oh, can I be him kasasa Allah Subhana Allah describe those Righteous One, that they will give their brothers what they need to use, they will give them even if they need it, in order for their brothers to use it or to eat it or to

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consume. They will love to give their brothers what they have.

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You all remember the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they migrated to Medina, what happened? The answer, offer them everything. They share with them half of what they have, and the story of Mary mouth and said, Robbie is very known and famous inside of Nairobi, I told him, I have two houses, I have my wealth, I will share everything, even my family, I'm willing to share it with you half half, you take half an hour, keep half and you choose which half you want.

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I always ask myself,

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if you are me, or he or she? They're in Medina and that time

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if we are the one who now represent on so are we going to do that? Are you willing to give half of your wealth to your brother.

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That's why I always tell my brothers and sisters, you have to realize how great men and woman they were. I mean unsavoury Allah and Omar bomb, that they willing to give half of their wealth to them or hygiene, without hesitation. Actually, while they are happy to offer that to the brothers and sisters.

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Say didn't ask before he died. You know what his role was, wasn't about how much money I need to give to my children to my relatives know, his advice or his Well, before he died to his children. He said, My children, make sure that you take care of all my friends, the one I used to support and to help in this dunya take care of them, look after them. Help them support them. Don't let them need anybody. Because I used to support them all my life.

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abusive a man a Durrani once said, I asked one of my friends, one of my brothers I said

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said to him, I need money. Then he told me how much you want. When he said that, I lost respect for him.

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You know, they used to say, the miser one who will give loan to his brother. We used to believe that if you have a brother, a real brother, you give him without even hesitating without hesitating

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moto riff

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given I've given Earth man, if not, I will ask for 100 peace of Durham. The currency was well known or commonly using the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam pieces of silver, he gave

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us 400 pieces of Durham. And after a while, the US returned it back to him. He said, I didn't give it to you to give it back to me. I didn't give it to you to give it back to me.

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It's not from the good manners to make money out of your friends to make money out of your friend. And Rahim Allah said, if this whole entire dounia became like,

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a bite, and I will give it to my brother, I'll put it in his mouth. I don't have a problem with it, which means I don't mind to give him the whole entire dunya I don't have a problem with that, because he's my brother. He said, How come a person will claim that he's your brother? And he will not make do out for you in the night? You know, Rahim Allah used to have number of people that he used to make out for them every night. One of the Muslim Imam Shafi Rahim Allah Allah every night.

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Adnan Mubarak used to cook for his friend, he cooked food for them. He feed them while he's fasting. Rahim Allahu taala. Some of the earlier Muslim scholars.

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The arena map are the scholars who wrote his their biography said about them. Some of them used to take care of his friends children after his death for 40 years, let's say as a friend and he passed away, he left the family behind him. He said he said he spent 40 years supporting that person's family after his death. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the people I love the most are the people who are more beneficial to other who benefit people more and the best deeds that Allah subhanho wa Taala love the most. When you make your brother happy when you bring happiness to your brother or your sister

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when you help him to pass a hardship when you help him in a time where he needs support. And Nick chiffon, who Korba when you pay his debt, or when you feed him when he's hungry, or you give him food when he needs food. On the table, you bring the food on the table. My brother and sister the prophets of Salaam said if I walk with my brother to help him to help him to finish or to help him to finish something or some of his earns, let's say you walk with brother to the

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police department. He wants to have a driver license today. You want to apply for a driver's license. You drive him over there, you help him to finish his test. You show him how to apply for the college, you take care of his need. He had his car broken then you walk with him to the mechanic something like that to work with your brother to help him to finish or to do his earns or what he needs in the base of Salaam said this is better than staying in the masjid for a whole entire month making a T calf praying and fasting and reading Quran.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever will support his brother when he needs support, Allah will support him in the Day of Judgment. And the prophets of Salaam said in the end of the Hadith, and bad manners will destroy your your good deeds the same way the vinegar will change the taste of the honey. If you drop a vinegar in a jar of honey, the whole thing will be not it will not taste good anymore. This is the same thing if you have bad manners. This bad manners will give you a bad reputation. regardless what good deeds you do or you practice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and this is another way to translate our love for each other, visiting each other. When

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was the last time you visit somebody for the sake of Allah when the last time you told your wife

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Let's go visit this family just for the sake of Allah. When the last time that you drove your car, somebody just not just to have fun just for a business. No you went there just for the sake of Allah to please Allah Subhana Allah with that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do you want me to tell you who's among you will be in gender? They said sure, Yasser Allah, he said, the prophet in gender. He said a Shaheed The one who died in the war is Jenna, acidic, the trustworthy in Jenna, and the newborn who die in Jenna. Then in Ibiza, Salim said, and the man who will travel to the other side of town just to visit his brother for the sake of Allah will be among the people in Jenna.

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That's why it was very common that people visit each other for the sake of Allah. It's one of the way to translate our love to each other. I'll stop here. And I will see you in the next episode. To talk also more in details about this great meaning, what it means to love one another for the sake of Allah. Until that time, I'll say Assalamu alaikum

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