Jibreel Promotes Neighbours Rights

Waleed Basyouni


Channel: Waleed Basyouni

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The importance of community relations in Islam is emphasized, including the Prophet sallamm's teachings about respecting neighbors and being good to them. The speaker provides tips on achieving this, including promoting the rights of relatives and building a society where people love one another. The importance of protecting privacy and privacy in non- Islam zones is also emphasized, with advice on gift-giving and avoiding workplace rumors. The speakers stress the need for everyone to be aware of their rights and trust their values, while also avoiding harms from anyone.

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam wa surefit MDR your Muslim, Amina Mohammed Anwar Ali he was on the edge nine about All Praise to you to Allah and His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed, his family, his companions and his followers until the day of judgment and all the prophets and the messengers and their followers. My dear brothers and sisters, as Salam Alikum Allah to lie about our character. The title of my speech today is debri promotes neighbors rights, this title, I took it from the Hadith, or jabber or the Allahu anhu. Allah said, I saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once in a garden, not far away from Medina, talking to a man and I was

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waiting for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And that man kept talking to the prophets of Salaam for a long time. To the extent I felt sorry for the prophets of Salaam, that he has to listen to this man for such long period of time. And he said, when it became really too much, I almost I almost disturb them, and ask the man to leave and to give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chance to rest and just to go and his affair, finally the man left. And I approach the prophets Allah largest eliminate said, O Messenger of Allah. That man kept you for such a long time. Then the prophets of Salaam said, Have you seen the man? Gabbert said yes, I saw him. I saw him keeping you

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out of sort of law and you keep listening to him. It says allow you to sell them. That was the breed. That was Angel gibreel came to me and talk to me about the rights of neighbors. To the extent I imagine that the neighbor will inherit from his neighbor. Yes, my brothers and sisters, one of the good quality about the sort of religion that religion came to promote neighbors rights, Allah subhana wa Tada. And sort of fourth verse 36. He said, What would allow allowed to shrink could be he shall worship Allah alone, and don't take partner with him. What will holiday in Santa Barbara Walia can one master key and show kindness to your parents, your relatives, the orphans, the needies

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while Jerry dill koruba one jar in Juneau was sahibi Belgium. Then after that, Allah subhanaw taala also order us to show kindness and goodness to and Jerry, I'll pour the neighbor who is kin, who is one of your relatives, if it's happened that your relatives is your neighbor then was saw he will be the neighbor who is not related to you. Some scholar said I'll corba here it means the neighbor who is a Muslim, and outside Belgium, the neighbor who is not Muslim. So regardless if your neighbor is a Muslim or not Muslim, a lot ordering you and commanding you to show kindness and goodness to your neighbor, my brothers and sisters. This is a very important issue to Islam. It is one of the first

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thing that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam promotes in Mecca. When the prophet SAW Selim start calling people to Islam and telling them about Islam. He told him that Islam asked them to be good, unkind to their neighbors, and to look after their neighbors and to take care of them. I believe my brothers and sisters today, we're living in a time whereas so many of us they don't know their neighbors. They don't even care or bother to know their neighbors. They do love their neighbors are in good situation or not. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said will lie I swear by

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Allah, I swear by the Almighty God, that he or she will not be a true believer, the one who will sleep in the night full while his neighbor is hungry. Yes, my brothers and sisters, it is something fundamental in Islam, that we take care of our neighbors, and to give them the rights. It is their rights, you're not doing favor to anybody here it is your neighbors rights over you. Because Islam came to establish a society and a community where the ties in this community is very strong. It's very strong, a very strong community. And the way to do that is to promote the rights of neighbor, the rights of relatives, and to build a society where people love one another look after one another

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care about one another.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever believed in Allah on the last day, he should be good to his neighbor, he should be good to his neighbor.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the best of the friends, and Allah Subhana Allah sight is the one who is the best to his friend, and the best neighbor. And Allah Subhana Allah sight is the one who's the best of his neighbors. So if you want to be the best, and the loss of Hannah Carla's eyes, be good to your neighbor, be the best. And today in this episode, I will help you with certain tips to achieve that goal to be good to your neighbors. First of all, the neighbor is the one who lives next to you, from all sides from the right or the left in front of you or behind you, all those all those, we call them neighbors, the scholars have a difference of opinions. Some of them

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said, you can go in each directions at seven houses, even sunset for two houses. But there's no proof for that. The only thing which seems to be closer to the Arabic language, the neighbor is the one who's just right next to you. So from both sides are front of you and behind you, if somebody is a neighbor for you from the back side of your house, or if you're an apartment, for example, the people who share with you the same floor, and maybe the people above you and under neath a few. But also the people who lives after that they still neighbors and they still have rights, their rights will not be high as the rights of those who are immediately living next to you. Some more scholars

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even expand that meaning to say that even your neighbors in the markets have rights on you. Let's say you have a store that they said your neighbors heard rights on you, because textual evidence talking about neighbors, not necessarily to be in residential areas only, but it could be also your classmate, your co workers, the people who are next to you in the suit or the market also considered neighbors. But most of the scholars limited that a hadith and narrations from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Quranic verses related to the one who lives next to you. But no doubt that also the one who work with you, the one who study with you, the one who next to you and the So, if you have a

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shop, they have also right on you. And in somehow they are included in the very general meaning of the word neighbor. But today, I would like to concentrate on the one who lives next to you. What is the rights over us? One, that they have the right if they invite you to respond to their invitation. So if you have a neighbor who invites you to dinner, or to lunch, he has rights over anybody else, that you should favor him over anybody else whenever he invites you for food, as long as this invitation to a gathering which is not based on something haram or forbidden in Islam to also one of the rights, that you should not harm them in any way. And they should not expect harm from you. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said by Allah, he doesn't believe by Allah. He doesn't believe by Allah. He doesn't believe three times. They said Yasser Allah Who's that person than the prophet SAW Selim reply by saying the one whose neighbor will not feel safe from him. That his neighbor will not

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feel safe from him. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sold about a woman that she prays in the night and she fasts on the day, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once was told a messenger of Allah, such and such woman prays and fast, but she speak bad about her neighbors. She basically backed by them spread gossip, the prophet SAW some of them said, that is no good in her. She's among the people of the whole fire, even though she prays in the night, even though she fast volunteer, fasting during the realer days in the year, but still, the prophets of Salaam said she's among the people of Hellfire because she talks bad about her neighbors, neighbors, they have rights. And this

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one of the slides, as they said that they should not be harmed by any way. Once the Prophet sallahu wa sallam A man came to him and said, Yasser Allah, I have neighbor who is bothering me so much. So the process of them ordered him to do something very strange. He told them, take all your belongings and put it in the streets. So you take everything out of his house, and he put it in the street. So every buddy passed by him and said, What are you doing this for? Is it my neighbor is bothering me so much. So I move from my house to the street, basically, anybody here that he will pray against that neighbor, and he will criticize such person, he will criticize that neighbor. Then when the

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prophets of Salaam was told about that the prophets of Salaam said Allah criticize that neighbor as well. My dear blood sisters, we should be aware of this issue so much to harm our neighbor in any way. We'll have a quick break, then we'll come back in Charlotte.

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Welcome back, we're talking about the rights of the neighbor. And I said that one of his rights that he should not be harmed in any way, I can share with you some examples of what can harm our neighbors. And sometimes we do it without realizing the dangers of it. For example, loud noises in the night, or in the daytime, somebody put the TV up, or they have a party, or they are laughing and joking. And maybe other people are also playing musics and things like that in a very loud and disturbing their neighbors. This is not allowed. If you're living in an apartment, and you keep jumping in the night and walking in a way which is will disturb the people underneath you. This is

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harming your neighbor with any kind of noise or disturbing noise or voices. Also, some neighbors May Allah guide them and forgive them. Sometimes they bother the neighbors by throwing trash in front of their neighbor's house or next to their apartments or bad smell comes out of their house and goes to their neighbors. And this is one of the things that the Muslims should avoid as well. Sometimes, even parking in front of their houses, or blocking their cars or taking their parking spots. If you're living in an apartment, all these things bother your neighbor, and it's not allowed to be done. Also writing them stealing from them, harming them physically. And one of the way that the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam told us one of the things that fella smuggler hates the most than when somebody furnish Kate with his neighbor's spouse, or with his neighbor's family. This type of fornication is one of the worst sin the prophet SAW sometimes was asked what is the worst sin jasola law, he said some a lot of send them to worship other than Allah and Allah is the one who created you. Then he was asked then what he said to kill your son, because you fear poverty. Then he said then what's your Salalah he said to her Nikki with your neighbor's wife. So it is a sin. It is a great sin to do such things or even less than for an occasion for somebody will spy spying and

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looking or dating his neighbor's daughter or his neighbor's wife, rubella, all this action, it became greater sin because it's been done to a neighbor and his rights that his owner should be protected and he should not expect any harm from you. Also one of the neighbors rights that you should ask about them, asked about their needs. And you try to help them if they need your help support them if they need your support. Let's say they have somebody sick at house and they don't have a car to carry that person to the hospital or somebody want to travel

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They need a ride to the airport. Maybe they are poor, and they need a financial support and hamdulillah Allah bless you with a car to take them or plus you with the money that you can support to them, no doubt that they have rights upon you that you should stretch your hand to help them and to support them. The prophets of Salaam whenever he seen his wives Alisha, cooking meat, he will send out a lot of water to it. So you can make a lot of soup. So we can distribute this to our neighbors. We will say that the Salah, are they alone, hahaha, and others as well.

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As shadow the law once said, Yes. So the law if I have gifts, I don't want to give it to my neighbor, which neighbor should they give it to which one I have only one gift. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the one who's door nearest to you because he has more rights over you. Also one of the rights of your neighbors to protect their owner and to protect their home, especially in their absence. So if you see somebody, for example, trying to steal from them, or some breaking into their houses, you should always call the police and warn your neighbors. If you see somebody spying on them, you always try to mention that to them. So they will it will be careful. So basically, you

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should protect them. The same way you protect your own home and your own family, giving them gifts, and passing gifts to them. Especially in happy occasion. It is a very good idea. Especially if you live in a non Muslim community. It's very good that you cook a dish and make sure that this food that you cook is a suitable food for them. So you could get this and you give it to them. A new one sister in eat every eight Zola hair, what she does, she rent the moonwalk and some games for the kids. And she do this in her front yard. And she put cookies and she started doing hamburgers and

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hot dogs sandwiches. And she invites the whole entire neighborhood to come at eight to have fun with her kids. She does this every everybody loves her in the neighborhood. And she does a twice a year in football. So everybody looking for that guy to go in her front yard with her husband and her kids. And they had such good time. I know other families as well. They organized and there's four or five families in one neighborhood, what they do, they do every month, a gathering for the whole entire neighborhood. And everybody bring food and they gather together they exchange information, they start to know each other, especially if you live in a place where if you live in a different

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country, or you live as a minority, if you live among a non Muslims, they need to know you, they need to know that about you and about your culture, about your religion. And most of the people they will be very open. And they will come that we have to open our doors to our neighbor, we have to stretch our hand an outreach to all our neighbors, and invite them to visit us to see us that we are a family oriented people as well. As a matter of fact, Islam. One of the main thing that this religion promote is the family values. That's why Muslims are heavily oriented people care about family care about neighborhood care about community. And this is a very fundamental issue in Islam.

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One of the neighbors writes as well, that he deserve your advice and your naziha your tower, we should care about our neighbors to advise them to tell them about what is good for them in this orderly life and the year after as well. So for example, especially if he asked you, if he asked for your advice. For instance, if he asked you about a car to buy, or about

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a program that you want to buy or about your computer that he's planning to buy something like that, you should give them a sincere advice. And you can even offer them the advice if they don't ask you if this is proper and acceptable in that culture. And at the same time. They have rights upon you that you tell them about your religion. Tell them about your deen and about your belief about your Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Maybe you don't know how to say it properly. In this case, maybe you can give them a book. Maybe you can give them a CD. Maybe you can give them a link to a website that they can go to. But make sure that you do that after you establish a relationship with

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trust between you and them. And in the end, be aware of the following one spying on your neighbor. This is a very bad habit that people will start watching their neighbors and looking into their houses. And sometimes they will see that our art, they will see what is inside the house. Or maybe they will see improper things happening inside the house where people may be not in proper clothes, or improper positions, and the person is spying and looking. This is how long this is not allowed. This is a sin in Islam. And it became a greater a great sin, because it's been done to one of your neighbors, spying on them spying on their conversation. It is not allowed in Islam. Be aware of envy

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and jealousy. don't envy them. Don't be jealous if you see that your neighbor got maybe a new piece of furniture or a new car, don't envy them, always wish good to them. picture that you clean your heart. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that envy will eat the good deeds in the same manner, the farmer will eat their dry wood. If you set a fire on a dry wood, how fast this fire will destroy the wood. This is the same thing. The envy will do to your good deeds, it will leave you out with no good deeds in the Day of Judgment. My brother and sisters envy is not the quality of the believer, it's the quality of the Satan under this believers, they are aware of harming them in any

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way. Because as you heard harming them is how long and forbidding in Islam.

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Don't ever make their affair public or known. Let's say there is a fight happened between inside their home, they had to fight the husband and wife or between him and his daughter or his son. Don't be killing everybody. Oh, last night, they had a fight. The wife left the house the daughter did this, the son did this all last night, his son came very late. And he was in this situation or that, you know, don't make their private life or affairs known to the public. It is your duty to protect your neighbor. It is obligation, it is obligatory in you to protect your neighbors or not to expose their affairs to others, because this is a secret. And Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger so

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solemn, order us to keep the secret or not to expose it. And finally, I cannot emphasize enough on the dangers of invading their privacy. Don't try to investigate what's happening in your neighbor's house or in your neighbor's apartment. Some people will never the car comes to their neighbor, they start looking from the window. Oh, Who's coming? Who's getting out the door is open, they will look who's getting out. This is not your business. Don't put your nose in other people's business. So invading their privacy is not allowed. And it's not a good manners. It's not one of the characteristics of the believers. So in the end, my brothers and sisters, I would say be good to

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your neighbors, invite them to your home visit to them offered your help have a good relationship with them. And also maybe you can discuss issues related to the whole entire neighborhood or the whole entire building together, which it will bring goodness to all of you may Allah Subhana Allah bless you all. And you vatika freecom

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Sabina Mohammed

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isn't the night Even though she fast volunteer at fasting during the realer days in the year, but still the profits are seldom said she's among the people who fell far because she talks bad about her neighbors, neighbors. They have rights and this one of the slides as they said that they should

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not be harmed by Anyway, once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam A man came to him and said Dr. Rasul Allah, I have neighbor who is bothering me so much. So the process alum ordered him to do something very strange. He told them, take all your belongings, and put it in the streets to take everything out of his house, and he put it in the street. So everybody passed by him and said, What are you doing this for? Is it my neighbor is bothering me so much. So I moved from my house to the street, basically, anybody here that he will pray against that neighbor, and you will criticize such person, he will criticize that neighbor. Then when the prophets of Salaam was told about that the prophets

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of Salaam said, Allah criticize that neighbor as well. My dear blood sisters, we should be aware of this issue so much to harm our neighbor in any way. We'll have a quick break, then we'll come back a shout out on

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Welcome back, we're talking about the rights of the neighbor. And I said that one of his rights that he should not be harmed in any way, I can share with you some examples of what can harm our neighbors. And sometimes we do it without realizing the dangers of it. For example, loud noises in the night, or on the daytime, somebody put the TV up, or they have a party, or they are laughing and joking, and maybe also playing musics and things like that in a very loud and disturbing their neighbors. This is not allowed. If you're living in an apartment, and you keep jumping in the night and walking in a way which is will disturb the people underneath you. This is harming your neighbor

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with any kind of noise or disturbing noise or voices. Also, some neighbors May Allah guide them and forgive them. Sometimes they bother the neighbors by throwing trash in front of their neighbor's house or next to their apartments or bad smell comes out of their house and goes to their neighbors. And this is one of the thing that the Muslims should avoid as well. Sometimes, even parking in front of their houses, or blocking their cars or taking their parking spots. If you're living in an apartment, all these things bother your neighbor and it's not allowed to be done. Also brighten them, stealing from them, harming them physically. And one of the way that the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam told us one of the things that Allah smuggler hates the most. Then when somebody phirni Kate with his neighbor's spouse, or with his neighbor's family, this type of fornication is one of the worst sin the prophets of Salaam was asked what is the worst sin Niala Salalah. He said some a lot is a lamp to worship other than Allah and Allah is the one who created you. Then he was asked then what he said to kill your son. Because if your poverty then he said then what's your Rasul Allah? Is it tougher Nikkei with your neighbor's wife. So it is a sin. It is a great sin to do such things or even less than fornication for somebody will spy spying and looking or dating his

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neighbor's daughter or his neighbor's wife, rubella, all this action, it became greater sin because it's been done to a neighbor and his rights, that his owner should be protected. And he should not expect any harm from you. Also, one of the neighbors rights that you should ask about them, asked about their knee. And you try to help them if they need your help support them if they need your support. Let's say they have somebody sick at house and they don't have a car to carry that person to the hospital or somebody want to travel and they need a ride to the airport. Maybe they are poor, and they need a financial support and hamdulillah Allah bless you with a car to take them or plus

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you with the money that you can support to them. No doubt that they have rights upon you that you should stretch your hand to help them and to support them. The prophets of Salaam whenever he sees his wife's cooking meat, he will send out a lot of water to it so you can make a lot of soup so we can distribute this to our neighbors. He will say that to set them up or they're low on how our VA and others as well.

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I shall have the law one said yes. So Allah if I have gifts, I don't want to give it to my neighbor. Which neighbor should they give it to? which one I have only one gift. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the

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Whose door nearest to you because he has more rights over you. Also one of the rights of your neighbors to protect their owner and to protect their home, especially in their absence. So if you see somebody, for example, trying to steal from them, or some breaking in into their houses, you should always call the police and warn your neighbors. If you see somebody spying on them, you always try to mention that to them. So they will, it will be careful. So basically, you should protect them the same way you protect your own home, and your own family, giving them gifts, and passing gifts to them. Especially in happy occasion. It is a very good idea, especially if you live

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in a non Muslim community. It's very good that you cook a dish and make sure that this food that you cook, it is a suitable food for them. So you could cook and you give it to them. A new one sister in eat every eight Zoella hair, what she does, she rent the moonwalk and some games for the kids. And she do this in her front yard. And she put cookies and she started doing hamburgers and

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hot dogs sandwiches. And she invites the whole entire neighborhood to come at eight to have fun with her kids. She does this every everybody loves her in the neighborhood. And she does it twice a year is the photo of her. So everybody looking for that guy to go in her front yard with her husband and her kids. And they had such good time. I know other families as well. They are organized. And there's four or five families in one neighborhood, what they do, they do every month, a gathering for the whole entire neighborhood. And everybody bring food and they gather together they exchange information, they start to know each other, especially if you live in a place where if you live in a

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different country, or you live as a minority, if you live among a non Muslims, they need to know you, they need to know that about you and about your culture, about your religion. And most of the people they will be very open. And they will come that we have to open our doors to our neighbor, we have to stretch our hand to an outreach to all our neighbors and invite them to visit us to see us that we are a family oriented people as well. As a matter of fact, Islam. One of the main thing that this religion promote is the family values. That's why Muslims are heavily oriented people care about family care about neighborhood care about community. And this is a very fundamental issue in

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Islam. One of the neighbors writes as well, that he deserve your advice and your naziha your tower, we should care about our neighbors to advise them to tell them about what is good for them in this orderly life and the year after as well. So for example, especially if he asked you, if he asked for your advice. For instance, if he asked you about a car to buy, or about

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a program that you want to buy or about a computer that he's planning to buy something like that, you should give them a sincere advice. And you can even offer them the advice if they don't ask you if this is proper and acceptable that culture and at the same time, they have rights upon you that you told them about your religion. Tell them about your deen and about your belief about your Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Maybe you don't know how to say it properly. In this case, maybe you can give them a book. Maybe you can give them a CD, maybe you can give them a link to website that they can go to. But make sure that you do that after you establish a relationship with

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them, a trust between you and them. And in the end, be aware of the following one spying on your neighbor. This is a very bad habit that people will start watching their neighbors and looking into their houses and sometimes they will see their art. They will see what is inside the house. And maybe they will see improper things happening inside the house where people may be not in proper clothes or improper positions and the person is spying and looking. This is how long this is not allowed. This is a sin in Islam and it became a grater a great sin because it's been done to one of your neighbors spying on them spying on their conversation. It is not allowed in Islam.

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Be aware of envy and jealousy. don't envy them. Don't be jealous if you see that your neighbor got maybe a new piece of furniture or a new car, don't envy them, always wish good to them. picture that you clean your heart. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that envy will eat the good deeds in the same manner, the farmer will eat the dry wood. If you set a fire and dry wood, how fast this fire will destroy the wood, this is the same thing the envy will do to your good deeds, it will leave you out with no good deeds in the Day of Judgment. My brother and sisters, envy is not the quality of the believer, it's the quality of the Satan and the dis believers. They are aware of

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harming them in any way. Because as you heard, harming them is how long and forbidding in Islam.

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Don't ever make their affair public or known.

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Let's say there is a fight happened between inside their home, they had a fight the husband and wife or between him and his daughter, his son, don't be killing everybody. Oh, last night, he had a fight. The wife left the house, the daughter did this, the son did this. Oh, last night, his son came very late. And he was in this situation or that, you know, don't make their private life or affairs known to the public. It is your duty to protect your neighbor, it is obligation or it is obligatory in you to protect your neighbors or not to expose their affairs to others, because this is a secret. And Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger so solemn, order us to keep the secret or not

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to expose it. And finally, I cannot emphasize enough on the dangers of invading their privacy. Don't try to investigate what's happening in your neighbor's house or in your neighbor's apartment. Some people will never the car comes to their neighbor, they stop looking from the window. Oh, Who's coming? Who's kicking out the doors open, they will look who's getting out. This is not your business. Don't put your nose in other people's business. So invading their privacy is not allowed. And it's not a good manners. It's not one of the characteristics of the believers. So in the end, my brothers and sisters, I would say be good to your neighbors, invite them to your home, visit to them

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offered your help have a good relationship with them. And also maybe you can discuss issues related to the whole entire neighborhood or the whole entire building together, which is will bring goodness to all of you. May Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless you all and javadekar feeco

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