Waleed Basyouni – How to build a heart that is attached to the Masjid

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The importance of being attached to theents’ rule is highlighted, along with the need for everyone to be attached to the church collectively and not just a few days or certain occasions. The heart is also emphasized as it is necessary for one's life and is a habit that is difficult to avoid. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering the Prophet's words and not being distracted by things like work or money. It is also emphasized that everyone should be organized and mindful of their actions to establish themselves as a good fit for the person in business.
AI: Transcript ©
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All praise due to Allah and his praise

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and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet

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Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, his family, his companions,

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and his followers until the day of judgment.

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I bear witness that Allah is the only

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one worthy of worship and Muhammad salallahu alaihi

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wa sallam his last and final messenger.

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My dear brothers and sisters,

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first of all, let me

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say that I'm so,

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glad that we all

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made it. We fasted 30 days of Ramadan,

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prayed together, came together, prayed Eid together, most

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of us,

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and those who have never get the chance

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personally to wish them a very happy Eid.

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I just want you to know that a

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very very happy Eid for you for years

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to come, you and your family and the

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Muslim Ummah and the world in peace and

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In Ramadan, it is very noticeable that people

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increase in number in the masajid.

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You know, every Masjid telling me how this

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Ramadan Mashallah was filled with people.

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You know, Salatil Eid was like so many

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people come into the masajid. Some of you

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in masajid pray 4 or 5 prayers, you

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know, just to accommodate the number of people.

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Yeah. And that's something so,

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so good to see that our

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getting attached to the Masjid more and more.

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So I thought it would be appropriate today

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to remind myself, my brothers and sisters, of

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the importance of

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making your heart attached to the masjid. Because

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this is something not only a Ramadan, but

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it should be something that all year long.

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Yes, I know Ramadan has its own special

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but the issue of you being attached to

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the masjid is not restricted only to

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a month or a few days or certain

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In the very famous hadith al buharyu Muslim,

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mean hadith Jabir and others. He said sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam about the 7 people that will

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be in the shade of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. He said, in the shade of Allah's

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throne in the day of judgment, in another

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To explain what the shade means.

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He said,

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a man whose heart is attached to the

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You know? And Nawi Rahimullah said it means

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someone who loves the Masjid,

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Who's you need the attachment, like when you

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attach to someone, you love someone, you attach

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to the Masjid.

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And ruliq, it's like when you hang something.

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As of the heart, even if your body

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leave, your heart left.

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And and this is very interesting

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way of saying it. And I want you

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to reflect upon this.

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Attached to the

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Even Masjid.

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that's interesting that Nabi is saying

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that your heart is attached to the master

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because I have seen especially among the young

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people who hear my Khutba today. Now or

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later on online,

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you know what? Make sure that your heart

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attached to the masjid for the sake of

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the salah, for the sake of the Ibadah.

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Not because you hang out with your friends.

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Not because it's a social gathering.

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Not because it's a fun. Not because it's

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crude. Not because of any other reason other

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than that I'm here

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just because I want to pray. I love

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salah. I want to be with Allah

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That's number one reason I'm coming to the

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Masjid. And that's so important, attached to the

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Masjid. And the Masjid also shows you a

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level of sincerity.

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It's not because

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it is my group, it is not because

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they are from the same background, it's not

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because my ethnic

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And the Masajid is for Allah

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So my attached to the Masjid because for

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the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Also, when the Prophet said a man

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whose heart attached to the Masjid is not

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restricted to men. Al ilam arhim Allah said

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also that applied to women.

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It also includes women when the woman heart

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attached to the masjid. When the woman's heart

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attached to the masjid. And

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it was mentioned the men specifically

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because salatul janaa is obligatory

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or highly highly recommended according to few scholars,

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some scholars, on men. So the rules different.

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Is on men, but not on the woman,

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on women.

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But the attachment of the heart applied to

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This hadith is general, and it can't it

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must be kept general. So it means the

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young, the old, the people who attach the

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Masjid, not only the old people, also the

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young people should be attached to the Masjid,

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should love the Masjid, should think about the

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Masjid. It should be part of their priority.

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And unfortunately,

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we, you know, we need to work

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a lot on this issue with

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the young generations,

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is to make them attach to the masjid.

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And one of the worst thing that we

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can do to the youth is to de

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attach them from the masajid.

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And you know what? It doesn't matter. And

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even I see in some of our community

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when I travel and I meet some community,

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our Masjid is not important. More important is,

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you know, a youth center,

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a social club, these

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are good. But you know what, the Masjid

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is the foundation.

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That, you know, that basically

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slogan that you see that there is kind

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of unintentional

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effort sometimes to attach people from the masajid,

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you know. And that's not a good thing

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because in Nabi

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his companion,

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Care to be where the adhan is called,

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where the masjids

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are. And because these are the way of

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guidance, and if you leave them, you will

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be misguided, ibn Mas'ud said.

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I love

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the fact that it focuses on the heart

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and the attachment of the heart to the

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Masjid. Not only that's why it's not enough

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to force your kids to come to the

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That's not enough.

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That means I have to win my kid's

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I have to attach my kid's heart to

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the masjid.

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He needs to understand why it is, and

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not only as a parent, as an imam,

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as a community.

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We all have to work together to make

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sure that hearts are attached to the Masjid

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And that's an important thing, you know.

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So it is just it's just not being

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there, it's just not, you know, fulfilling like

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some financial responsibility.

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These are good, but it's not enough

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if the heart is not there. I love

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when I hear someone was saying, for example,

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you know, I just got a bonus, you

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know, I got my tax return. You know

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what? I'm gonna put part over to the

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masjid. You know what? I think the masjid

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need this, I mean the masjid need that.

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You know, even some people when they buy

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a carpet or something they come to me,

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Sheikh, I saw this very nice carpet. Can

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I do you need guys a carpet? I

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found this beautiful air freshener,

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you know. How about if we bring it

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to the master chair?

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You know, I I I still until today,

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there is somebody came and said, Yeah, I

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want to put a fish tank in the

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Masjid, and I'll pay for it

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just to purify the Masjid.

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And I'll take care of the financial of

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it, for years.

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It's just somebody think about how to make

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this, you know, a good place.

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That's a heart that's attached to the Masjid.

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You know?

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Come by the nest, basically some people

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I love it. How many times we have

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seen people

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stop and come. I said, Oh, you came

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from Dallas. I know them from Dallas and

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Austin. Said, Sheikh, we're going to Galveston. But

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you know what? When we passing by, I

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said, I need to stop and pray. You

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know, I go to Godmasrat, I want to

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make sure that I go to the masjid

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and pray as well. That's a heart attached

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to the masjid. Wanna be there in the

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You know, even when they travel, they look

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and they search, we're the closest Masjid. I

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need to visit. Somebody when they travel and

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they pass by a Masjid, said, Let me

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go check it out. You know, let me

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basically pray 2 rakah there.

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Even some people you will see, when they

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are sick or traveling for a long time,

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They feel so sad that they have not

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been to the masjid for a while. They

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miss the masjid. That's a heart attached to

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the masjid.

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Not someone said, oh man, I have to

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go back now to pray Jumal.

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Yeah. I was like in a long break.

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You know, traveling for a month. Oh, man.

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I have to go for Isha. That's not

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a that doesn't show that the heart attached

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to the Masjid, unfortunately.

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You know.

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He's happy to stay in the masjid. It's

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not like, you know what, in rush, like

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burning, you know, on the stove. The salah

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first thing.

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First thing out.

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And you find him outside.

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Ighdr, be careful to be like this. Then

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said one of the

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sign of the kuffar, one of the sign

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of the hypocrite.

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Those who don't believe in Allah and in

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the hereafter,

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when Allah is mentioned,

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their hearts tishma'izzi'an'is.

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Even if you try to say Ishma'aza.

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If you say Ishma'aza,

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you feel your face goes all over itself

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like shrink,

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you know. You know, it's like it shows

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you what it means. It means like you're

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not comfortable.

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Very uncomfortable. Even the words is hard to

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pronounce, which means your heart is not in

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If you mention someone else Oh,

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now they like talk and joke and flaff

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and they further relax.

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That's not a good it's not a bad

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thing to relax and to have fun and

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to joke and to laugh about other than

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religion. That's fine. But what's not fine that

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you're so comfortable to spend so much time

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like this, but when Allah is mentioned and

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the Quran is mentioned, you just feel

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That's what is something wrong.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us that those

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who with their heart attached to their masajid,

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they will never be distracted

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by anything,

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by wealth, by work, by business, by whatever,

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family. It will not distract them from the

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masajid. Allah says

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the Quran, Those people,

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the business transactions

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selling will distract them from the masajid, from

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the salah and the masjid.

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Business transaction is 2.

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You get, you purchase and you

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sell. Allah said, those people

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know the business transactions,

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know the sell. No selling will prevent them

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from coming, distract them from coming to the

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Nest. What's the beauty of mentioning specifically

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nor selling?

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If anyone here do business

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when you purchase,

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there is no guarantee for profit.

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That's right.

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You might stuck with the merchandise, maybe the

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value goes down, maybe you will not be

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able to sell it, you stuck with it.

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There is a hope but not guarantee.

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So Allah, but still there is a good

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chance for you to make money.

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But when you sell,

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you guarantee

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the money. You got your money back, you

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got the profit. So that's, you know, that's

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the best thing in business when you sell,

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not when you buy.

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When you make the money, that's when you

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guarantee the profit. So Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala

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said, even when the profit is guaranteed,

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that will not distract them from the

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How can I attach my heart to the

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Masjid? Remember, Al Masjid Baytullah.

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The Masjid is the house of

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Attach your heart to Allah, your heart automatically

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will be attached to his house.

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When you love someone, you love to visit

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that person.

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If you don't like to go home, there

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is a reason.

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And if he can't wait back to go

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home, there is a reason. Okay?

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Because he any

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Al Maqal, Maral Armesh. Al Armesh once had

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a fight with his wife.

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Al Amesh was very hard for him to

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teach hadith.

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To pull his teeth easier than to pull

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a hadith out of him.

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So, Al Aamesh

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he went in a time, and he start

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teaching people. He said, oh, you like us

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today? He said, not really, but I guess

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I like you more than the one inside.

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That's why I came out from my house.

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So when you when you are like attached

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to someone, you know, you will love to

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be with that person. You love to spend

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time with them. So when you love Allah,

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you feel

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like loving the Masjid.

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When you sit in the Masjid as if

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you sitting in his house with him.

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And who would have loved to be in

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the company of Allah

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Ibrahim, one of the things to help you

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to do that,

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Look at the way of the Prophet

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First thing you notice

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build his house right next to the mast.

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I know similar when they look for a

00:15:02 --> 00:15:04

house, they ask, Where is the mast first?

00:15:05 --> 00:15:07

First thing they ask about, How far the

00:15:07 --> 00:15:08

mast from the house?

00:15:10 --> 00:15:11

Khan in Nabi

00:15:11 --> 00:15:13

when he pray fajr, he stay in the

00:15:13 --> 00:15:14


00:15:15 --> 00:15:17

Khan in Nabi when he travel,

00:15:21 --> 00:15:23

masjid. Before the Prophet go back and enter

00:15:23 --> 00:15:25

his house, he go to the Masjid and

00:15:25 --> 00:15:27

pray first when he travels

00:15:28 --> 00:15:30

How many of us feel that way? You

00:15:30 --> 00:15:31

come from the airport and the first thing

00:15:31 --> 00:15:33

you go to the masjid first.

00:15:38 --> 00:15:40

I cannot think of anything more

00:15:41 --> 00:15:44

to represent the idea better than this narration.

00:15:44 --> 00:15:45

That Aisha

00:15:50 --> 00:15:52

was putting his hand on the shoulder of

00:15:52 --> 00:15:53

2 of the companions

00:15:54 --> 00:15:57

Al Abbas and Ali, or Usama had been

00:15:57 --> 00:15:58


00:15:58 --> 00:15:58


00:15:59 --> 00:16:00

Fadl ibn Abbas.

00:16:00 --> 00:16:03

Two narrations. Anyway, so Nabi

00:16:03 --> 00:16:05

putting his hand on their shoulders

00:16:06 --> 00:16:07

because he want to go to the Masjid,

00:16:07 --> 00:16:09

but he's so tired to walk.

00:16:10 --> 00:16:12

He was exhausted because of the fever.

00:16:12 --> 00:16:14

So he put his hand on the shoulders,

00:16:14 --> 00:16:15


00:16:15 --> 00:16:17

you know there is a sand, Firiman,

00:16:17 --> 00:16:19

Ramen is not carbonate.

00:16:33 --> 00:16:34

And Nabi

00:16:35 --> 00:16:37

said, I can see 2 lions on the

00:16:38 --> 00:16:38


00:16:39 --> 00:16:40

from the Prophet's

00:16:40 --> 00:16:43

feet. He couldn't even make, take steps to

00:16:43 --> 00:16:43

the Masjid.

00:16:44 --> 00:16:44


00:16:45 --> 00:16:46

he want to go to the Masjid.

00:16:47 --> 00:16:49

And we put a chair for him and

00:16:49 --> 00:16:50

he sat in the Masjid

00:16:51 --> 00:16:54

Haram Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

00:17:02 --> 00:17:04

The heart that attached to the Masjid love

00:17:04 --> 00:17:04

the salah,

00:17:05 --> 00:17:07

feel that the salah is important in the

00:17:11 --> 00:17:12

The Prophet used to spend time with us,

00:17:12 --> 00:17:13

help us, work with us,

00:17:14 --> 00:17:17

socialize with us, joke with us, smile and

00:17:17 --> 00:17:18

laugh with us.

00:17:23 --> 00:17:24

When the time of the salah comes, he

00:17:24 --> 00:17:27

leaves as if he did not, he didn't

00:17:27 --> 00:17:27

know us.

00:17:28 --> 00:17:30

Khalaf is heart attached to the Masjid,

00:17:31 --> 00:17:33

to the masjid and to the salah

00:17:34 --> 00:17:36

Not only in Nabi sa salam kadari,

00:17:41 --> 00:17:43

Some of the companions will be sick to

00:17:43 --> 00:17:45

the extent that he's so tired to stand

00:17:45 --> 00:17:46

up, and he will stand up and he

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

will hold his brother's shoulder just to be

00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

able to sit because they don't have chairs.

00:17:51 --> 00:17:52

I bet you anything,

00:17:53 --> 00:17:54

so many of masha Allah.

00:17:59 --> 00:18:01

If you don't if we don't have chairs

00:18:01 --> 00:18:03

like what they used to have, many of

00:18:03 --> 00:18:04

the brother that you see in the masjid

00:18:04 --> 00:18:06

today, when they stand up, they might need

00:18:06 --> 00:18:07

to hold to the someone

00:18:08 --> 00:18:10

because it's hard for them to stand up.

00:18:14 --> 00:18:15


00:18:15 --> 00:18:16

look at the

00:18:17 --> 00:18:19

area, the salaf, how he cared about being

00:18:19 --> 00:18:20

in the masjid, and cared about salah in

00:18:20 --> 00:18:21

the masjid.

00:18:30 --> 00:18:31

He missed salatul jamaah, and he was holding

00:18:31 --> 00:18:33

his beard and crying that he missed salatul

00:18:33 --> 00:18:35

jamaah. And one of the Surahulam

00:18:36 --> 00:18:38

missed salatul jama'a and he was in tears.

00:18:38 --> 00:18:40

He said, what happened? He said,

00:18:41 --> 00:18:44

he said if I lose my business, something

00:18:44 --> 00:18:45

happened to him and I lost my business,

00:18:46 --> 00:18:48

I would have a 100 people came to

00:18:48 --> 00:18:51

give their condolences about my business got burned

00:18:51 --> 00:18:54

or ruined or car accident in modern days.

00:18:54 --> 00:18:55

I'll have a 100 people, oh, are you

00:18:55 --> 00:18:56

okay? You're in hospital?

00:19:01 --> 00:19:04

Missing salatul jama'ah is worse than losing all

00:19:04 --> 00:19:04

my business.

00:19:06 --> 00:19:09

You know Anas ibn Malik, whenever he remembered

00:19:09 --> 00:19:09


00:19:10 --> 00:19:13

testul, this testul is one of the beauty,

00:19:13 --> 00:19:15

the jewel of Iran today,

00:19:16 --> 00:19:17

the Persian Empire.

00:19:25 --> 00:19:27

When Anas touched or mentioned to him, he

00:19:27 --> 00:19:27


00:19:44 --> 00:19:46

He said, yes, that day we all miss

00:19:46 --> 00:19:48

salatul fajr because we engage in the war

00:19:48 --> 00:19:50

all night and we miss the salatul fajr.

00:19:50 --> 00:19:53

And salatul fajr is more beloved to my

00:19:53 --> 00:19:54

heart than

00:19:54 --> 00:19:55

conquering that story,

00:19:56 --> 00:19:57

conquering that city.

00:19:59 --> 00:20:01

This is a heart attached to the salah,

00:20:01 --> 00:20:02

attached to the masjid.

00:20:02 --> 00:20:04

And if you attach to the salah, it

00:20:04 --> 00:20:07

will be automatically attached to the massage. How

00:20:07 --> 00:20:09

to do that? Attach your heart to sit

00:20:09 --> 00:20:11

in the masjid. Get in the habit not

00:20:11 --> 00:20:13

to rush out. Stay extra minute.

00:20:13 --> 00:20:15

Make your ad calm. If you don't have

00:20:15 --> 00:20:16

to rush, don't go.

00:20:23 --> 00:20:25

They said the masjid used to be his

00:20:25 --> 00:20:26

home for 20 years,

00:20:27 --> 00:20:28

studying with Ibn Abbas

00:20:31 --> 00:20:32

Make sure that you bring your children to

00:20:32 --> 00:20:34

the masajid if you can, especially in the

00:20:34 --> 00:20:36

weekends, especially in the days where they can

00:20:36 --> 00:20:38

come for isha, when it's not too late

00:20:38 --> 00:20:40

for them for school next day. Give them

00:20:40 --> 00:20:42

the habit to come to salat and fajr.

00:20:43 --> 00:20:44

Get them into the habit to come to

00:20:44 --> 00:20:45

luhr, to Asr.

00:20:47 --> 00:20:49

You know, and I'll end with this. A

00:20:49 --> 00:20:51

heart that's attached to the masjid

00:20:52 --> 00:20:53

cares about the masjids

00:20:53 --> 00:20:55

to be clean, to be organized.

00:20:57 --> 00:20:58

And maybe

00:20:59 --> 00:20:59

it hurts.

00:21:00 --> 00:21:02

I'll be honest, it hurts me.

00:21:02 --> 00:21:05

Anybody has junk at home, wanna get rid

00:21:05 --> 00:21:06

of it? He comes and put it in

00:21:07 --> 00:21:08

front of Abi Medin's office.

00:21:09 --> 00:21:10


00:21:11 --> 00:21:13

not a salvage army, you know.

00:21:14 --> 00:21:16

You know, it's not like, you know, this

00:21:16 --> 00:21:18

that you have extra stuff that you don't

00:21:18 --> 00:21:19

need, you just dump it in the master.

00:21:20 --> 00:21:22

And you wanna make your first seal feel

00:21:22 --> 00:21:24

good, saying it's for donation. We don't have

00:21:24 --> 00:21:26

that whenever you do that, you know that

00:21:26 --> 00:21:28

we don't have that kind of service. But

00:21:28 --> 00:21:30

the reality is some people just don't want

00:21:30 --> 00:21:31

them, we use it. So if you know

00:21:31 --> 00:21:33

what, I can give it bring it here.

00:21:35 --> 00:21:38

It hurts when our kids it's so easy.

00:21:38 --> 00:21:40

I don't know, even if your home is

00:21:40 --> 00:21:40

not clean,

00:21:41 --> 00:21:42

but the Masjid should be clean.

00:21:44 --> 00:21:46

Why would somebody urinate on the floor of

00:21:46 --> 00:21:48

the of the of the of the master

00:21:48 --> 00:21:50

of the of their bathroom?

00:21:51 --> 00:21:52


00:21:52 --> 00:21:55

Why would somebody flush their, you know, diapers

00:21:55 --> 00:21:56

in the toilet?

00:21:58 --> 00:22:01

Why would somebody just take food and drink

00:22:01 --> 00:22:01

and like careless?

00:22:02 --> 00:22:03

Don't even in the

00:22:04 --> 00:22:06

after after iftar,

00:22:07 --> 00:22:09

especially among the young people. If this is

00:22:09 --> 00:22:11

how your room, you need to teach them

00:22:11 --> 00:22:13

that there is something need to be changed.

00:22:14 --> 00:22:16

By the way, the good example way more,

00:22:16 --> 00:22:18

Alhamdulillah. But just give you example,

00:22:19 --> 00:22:21

I care about how that's why Nabi Hasan

00:22:21 --> 00:22:23

said, one of the salakat, one of the

00:22:23 --> 00:22:24

good deeds you get, you see something in

00:22:24 --> 00:22:26

the Masjid and you pick it up.

00:22:27 --> 00:22:29

Not just to pass by, even in the

00:22:29 --> 00:22:30

parking lot.

00:22:30 --> 00:22:33

You pass by as if somebody else no,

00:22:33 --> 00:22:34

it is my masjid.

00:22:35 --> 00:22:36

It's not.

00:22:36 --> 00:22:38

Walid's not is not,

00:22:39 --> 00:22:41

you know, it's not Maria. It's not whatever,

00:22:41 --> 00:22:43

whoever helping us here.

00:22:43 --> 00:22:45

It is our Masjid. We take care of

00:22:45 --> 00:22:47

it. We make it clean. We make it

00:22:47 --> 00:22:49

better. I want the best thing for

00:22:55 --> 00:22:56


00:23:08 --> 00:23:11

Is not a commercial. It's a house, home.

00:23:11 --> 00:23:13

You have to have that homey feeling.

00:23:26 --> 00:23:26


00:23:28 --> 00:23:28


00:23:29 --> 00:23:30

those with their heart attached to the masjid

00:23:30 --> 00:23:32

are in the shade of Allah

00:23:33 --> 00:23:33


00:23:34 --> 00:23:36

that said for each step that you take

00:23:36 --> 00:23:38

to the masjid going and coming back, Allah

00:23:38 --> 00:23:40

give you reward for each step.

00:23:41 --> 00:23:43

Coming and going back.

00:23:44 --> 00:23:46

Said those with their heart attached to the

00:23:46 --> 00:23:47

masjid, those who spend time in the masjid

00:23:47 --> 00:23:49

stay in the masjid, come off into the

00:23:49 --> 00:23:50


00:23:56 --> 00:23:58

Will live in goodness, dying goodness,

00:23:58 --> 00:24:00

and when the day of judgment comes

00:24:01 --> 00:24:03

without as if he's free from sins like

00:24:03 --> 00:24:04

a new a new child.

00:24:09 --> 00:24:10

Whoever pray 5 daily

00:24:11 --> 00:24:13

prayers always in the Masjid, and stay in

00:24:13 --> 00:24:15

the Masjid as much as they can.

00:24:18 --> 00:24:20

He have filled the the as much as

00:24:20 --> 00:24:22

the earth and the sea, act of worship.

00:24:23 --> 00:24:25

You know. Make sure that they remember.

00:24:26 --> 00:24:27


00:24:28 --> 00:24:28


00:24:29 --> 00:24:29


00:24:30 --> 00:24:31


00:24:31 --> 00:24:32


00:24:33 --> 00:24:35

Those who like to, you know, come Sheikh

00:24:35 --> 00:24:36

what is missing. Is there any money do

00:24:36 --> 00:24:38

you need? I can't somebody came said I

00:24:38 --> 00:24:40

want to take care of the electricity bill,

00:24:40 --> 00:24:44

water bill, I want any employee need. I

00:24:44 --> 00:24:44


00:24:45 --> 00:24:46

It's not like hamdulillah, I missed fundraising.

00:24:48 --> 00:24:49

No. I feel bad.

00:24:51 --> 00:24:52

That's a heart attack to the Masjid.

00:24:53 --> 00:24:56

So, you know, that's Allah said, those

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

who make the messiah to establish, they are

00:24:59 --> 00:25:00

the true believer

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

in Allah and the Hereafter.

00:25:11 --> 00:25:13

Good company will help you, you know.

00:25:14 --> 00:25:17

Good imams and good leadership, good management, good

00:25:17 --> 00:25:19

facility will help to attach to the Masad.

00:25:20 --> 00:25:22

The masjid to be free from fit and

00:25:22 --> 00:25:25

dispute and fight and and politics and and

00:25:25 --> 00:25:26

and and things that divide the community will

00:25:26 --> 00:25:28

help to make health attached to the masjid.

00:25:28 --> 00:25:31

Good programs for youth, for for family will

00:25:31 --> 00:25:32

make the hearts attached to the masjid.

00:25:33 --> 00:25:35

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us among

00:25:35 --> 00:25:37

them those who are attached to the masjid.

00:25:37 --> 00:25:39

Forgive our sins and bless our community, bless

00:25:39 --> 00:25:40

our Masjid.

00:25:56 --> 00:25:59

Allah bring a quick, fast relief for our

00:25:59 --> 00:26:01

brother and sister in Palestine and Gaza. And

00:26:01 --> 00:26:03

may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make things turn

00:26:03 --> 00:26:06

around against those who have, who are abusing

00:26:06 --> 00:26:09

them, who are killing them, who are massacring

00:26:09 --> 00:26:12

them. May Allah and those who have far

00:26:12 --> 00:26:14

sighted them. Allahumma Ameen. May Allah subhanahu wa

00:26:14 --> 00:26:17

ta'ala protect their their their blood and give

00:26:17 --> 00:26:20

them victory over those who turns aggressive against

00:26:20 --> 00:26:20


00:26:21 --> 00:26:23

I ask Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la to bring

00:26:23 --> 00:26:25

also relief to all people who's suffering around

00:26:25 --> 00:26:26

the world.

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