Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-030E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 224-227

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of avoiding laws and breaking oath types, avoiding false accusations, and maintaining history. They also touch on the use of "ma'am" in cases of infallible behavior and the potential consequences of not being in a good marriage. The speakers emphasize the importance of history and history for one's actions, and the use of "ma'am" in cases of infallible behavior. They also discuss the maximum duration of a man staying away from a spouse and the importance of staying away from a spouse for four months after a divorce.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim verse number 224 Well Arthur Jr Lulu are literally a Manickam and terbaru what a taco were to slay who Boehner Nas was Allahu semi on Arlene and do not make your oath by Allah and excuse against being righteous and fearing Allah and making peace among people and Allah is Hearing and knowing. Now here it has been said that do not make a law and rule of law for your oaths. Now, what does it mean by old law? Rule of Law is used in two ways. First of all, the word arroba means something that is very common or something that is ordinary. Okay? So for example, it is said have the older to luck, this is or older to luck, meaning this is something that's very

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common for you. It's for your ordinary use. Okay, so we'll let the journal Lucha are literally a mechanical meaning do not swear all the time. Do not swear a lot. Do not make Allah an object of your oaths by ordinary and frequent swearing by him, okay? Because when you will always be taking an oath, in the name of Allah over every little thing that this is very disrespectful to Allah's Name, and it will undermine the value of the name of Allah. And then if you swear a lot, then people will not take you seriously either. We learn of a story where there was a dispute between Earthman radula Horan, who and Sandra de la hora and who and this was a dispute over some financial matter. And they

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took their case to remodel the Longhorn who and Sandra de la Horne who said that, you know, if Earth man takes an oath, I will just accept what Earth man is saying. So Horace Mann are the Longhorn who refuse to take the oath because he said that I will not take an oath in the name of Allah for the sake of money, all right, and he basically gave up his right because he said, I'm not going to undermine the name of Allah for the sake of money. So while at the Gerrard Allah or the tele a mani calm, even if it is that you are swearing by Allah, that you're going to do something good and terbaru what a taco that you're going to leave a sin or that what to slick Robaina nurse, you're

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going to make peace between people. And even if you're going to do something good. You don't have to swear about it all the time. So for example, some people you know they have a habit Wallah. I'm gonna pray while I'm gonna leave this sin Wallah. I'm not going to do this, I'm not going to do that. Any don't undermine the value of the name of Allah. All right. Secondly, while at the journey, Allah has ruled that only a man eco murder is also a thing that is set as an obstacle. Okay? So what is meant is that do not make your olts by Allah, an obstacle, a barrier between what between yourself and doing something good. Okay? So for example, a person says, By Allah, I'm never going to

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speak to my brother. Now this is something what they have used the name of Allah as a barrier, all right, as something that will prevent them from doing something good. So do not use your old in the name of Allah to prevent yourself from doing something good. Okay, and what are the examples of good things? The bad rule with a taco were to slay who Boehner NAS three things are mentioned over here. terbaru bill includes any type of good deed, but specifically bid includes things like you know, being good to your parents, that Dakota aqua, the court also includes all types of good deeds, but specifically when the choir is used with bid than bid is doing something good and Taqwa is

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refraining from something sinful and Towsley who Boehner NAS, reconciling, making peace between people when you know that two people are not talking to each other, then you make peace between them by negotiating by talking to both parties will Allahu Samira and Arlene and Allah is Hearing and knowing meaning he hears what you say, and he knows your intentions. Now, when it comes to taking an oath, what is an oath an oath is that you take the name of Allah, and you say that you're going to do something or that you're not going to do something, or that you are using that oath to strengthen the truthfulness of what you just said. Right? And also in the name of Allah is something very

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serious. And when a person makes an oath and they should fulfill it, all right, and if they have made an oath, which is preventing them from doing something good, then what should they do? They should break that oath. Like for example, if a person says I swear by Allah, I will never speak to my brother again. And they said this because they just had a disagreement with their brother. They got

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Are you offended? And so they said, I'll never speak to my brother again and they swear by Allah. Now this kind of an oath, what should they do? They should break it. Okay. In a hadith we learned about how some companions went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking him for mounts for animals that they could use on the journey that the Prophet sallallahu where it is, and it was just going to make and the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Senna was annoyed at that time because so many people had been coming with excuses. So he said by Allah will never give you but then later on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called them and he gave them the camels. So one of those companions was

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worried that I should remind the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam of the oath that he took, right. So then he reminded him of the Prophet sallallahu earlier set him said that if I ever take an oath, and later on I find out that something else is better than I do, what is better, and I break the oath. Now the question is, how do you break the oath because you've taken you know, you have taken the name of Allah. So, you have to give the Kafala you have to give an explanation. Okay, and what is the explanation the explanation is that you have to feed or clothe 10 people in need, all right, or free a slave. That is said law you are free to Kamala who beloved with a money calm Allah does

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not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your oaths, while making you feel calm be Marchesa, but co Rubicon, but he imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned. Now, what does it mean by unintentional in your vaults? This shows us that there are different types of olds, right? And make sure you write this down. Okay. First of all, there is an old that is monoket. Okay, what is monarchy both, when a person swears in the Name of Allah, to do something or not do something in the future. So basically, a person is in their senses. Okay? They are knowingly and consciously taking an oath by Allah. And they mean what they say. Like, for example, a person got

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angry with their brother, same example, the person got angry with their brother. And they said, I swear by Allah, I'm never going to speak to him again. Okay. Now, technically, this kind of oath has to be fulfilled, all right. But if it is something sinful, or a person, find something else that is better to do, then in that case, they should break the oath and give the expiation. All right, you understand, they have to break the oath and give the expiation This is monoket oath, there is another kind of oath, which is a false oath. What is a false or a false oath is that a person takes an oath over a lie? Okay. So for example, a person is trying to sell a table for $200, the buyer

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says, Well, 200 is too expensive. So the seller says, I swear, I bought it for 180. And I am just selling it for 200. I swear by a lie got it for 180 whereas in fact, they actually got it for 100. So to make the other person believe their lie, what are they doing? They're using an oath, you understand? A person is taking an oath to make people believe there lies, okay. And this is called Maha mousse, which is to drown because this kind of an oath basically drowns a person in sin taking them into help. So this kind of an old is a major sin, and there is no Kafala for this because you lied, okay? There is no cavada. For this. There's a hadith in which we learned that whoever swears

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such an oath, Mata Ramadan deliberately fell yet about what be what she he McCargo mean or not, and he basically his home is going to be the hellfire, he is going to fall on his face and the fire making an Hellfire will be his abode. Okay. There is another Hadith in which we learned that whoever swears a false oath he will see its outcome before he dies. And he in this life, he will see the negative outcome of lying in that way. The third type of oath is that which is low. And that is what is mentioned in this is what is low level is something that is unintentional. Okay, what a person says out of habit without intention. So a person has a habit of low lamb Lane Well, a person has a

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habit of saying, well Allah, Allah over every little thing and when they say, well, Allah, they don't actually intend it. So these kinds of alts don't count. Because Allah subhanaw taala says in this idea, that law you are free to come Allah Who beloved with a man who come and I shall de la Mourinho explained that this IO was revealed regarding the saying of people Lau Allah He Bella Wallahi, where people just have a habit of taking oaths.

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Now, there's another kind of auth which is Umina Nasik NASCI is a person who forgets okay a person who forgets. So, for example, a person swears that they did not see someone and then later on they remember that they actually did and Yamina multi multi is a person has made a mistake. So for example, someone swears that the saw Zaid and then later on they find out that it was not Zaid actually was aroma, they made a genuine mistake, okay. So, both of these are pardon in the sense that a person is not required to give cafardo Because this was a genuine error and a mistake. Okay? Now lie you Alfredo Kamala, who believe we feed a man who can remember that an old should only be

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taken in the Name of Allah, or it should be taken by his attributes. Okay. Some people, they swear by, you know, their fathers or their mothers or their head or something like that in different cultures, there's different, you know, practices. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is a Hadith in Sahih, atherley Butter heap, that indeed, Allah has forbidden you to swear by your fathers. And he said, whoever wants to swear any take an oath, he should take an oath in the name of Allah or he should be silent. Any if you must take an oath to take it in the name of Allah or don't take an oath. And if a person takes an oath by a false god, even out of habit, and they don't intend

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to, but it's an expression of speech that they have gotten used to, like, you can imagine the Arabs, you know, they had the habit of swearing by their idols, and then when they became Muslims, you're, you know, the words that you're used to, they're just part of your daily language, and it's very hard to change your expressions. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever takes an oath by lat and Urza Latin Rosa were idols that the people of Morocco would worship. So whoever swears by Latin Rosa then he should say La Ilaha illa Allah. Okay. Now lie you know Kamala below if he Emani calm while asking you for the compliment Kesava Kuru Bukom Allah will not hold you

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responsible for the unintentional oats, but he will hold you responsible for what your hearts have earned, meaning what is intentional, what is deliberate that is something you are responsible for. And this shows us that we will be held responsible for the actions of the heart, okay? Not the feelings that come and go. But what is intentional and deliberate in the heart, okay, because you ask the Combi maca Sabbath colubrid calm and then it is said wala who have fallen Haleem and Allah is Forgiving and forbearing look at how the eye ends. And if Allah wanted, he could have punished you for your unintentional oaths. If Allah wanted, he would not have made a way out for you. But

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Allah is Forgiving, he's forbearing and this is the reason why he does not hold you accountable for what is unintentional. And even when you make an intentional oath, and you want to break that and do something that's better than he has created a way out for you. And that is the Kafala. So remember, monarchy, deliberate oath. The moose false oath Lahu unintentional oath, okay. These are the three kinds of oaths. And there's also like I mentioned, the Oath of the person who forgets and also the person who makes a genuine error cannot be said Lim Latina, you Luna minister in the rock bustle, or Bharati ashore, for those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time

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of four months. Now, Latina you Luna minister in Isla is a kind of an oath. Okay, and ILA literally means to swear to refrain from something. And ILA is a kind of oath where a man swears that he will not be intimate with his wife, okay, that he will not have sexual relations with his wife. Now, if a person has taken that oath, they've taken that oath. So that means now that they cannot be sexually intimate with their wife, okay. Now, the Arabs, they will take this oath in anger, for example. And as a result of that, the wife would be deprived of her sexual, right. Okay. And sometimes what the men would do is they would take this oath, but then how long can you stay away, so then they would

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go against the oath. Now, this is not a game. First of all, marriage is not something in which a person you know is impulsive. So in anger, they say whatever they want, and then they behave on impulse and their spouse goes on suffering. This is not a joke that you use the name of Allah and then go against it. Right

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So there are some guidelines given in this ayah regarding Isla Soleil Medina you've known him in Nyssa El Toro Basu or Bharti ashore, for those who swear not to have sexual relations with their wives is a waiting time of four months. Okay, so there's a couple of things we learn from this. First of all, we learned that ILA cannot be unconditional. Okay, it cannot be unconditional or for an unlimited amount of time, that for example, a man says to his wife that I'll never be intimate with you. I'll never have sexual relations with you. This is something not allowed. Why? Because this ISS that are bustled are Bharti. I should there's a time limit, it's four months, so it cannot

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be unconditional. Secondly, we learned from this that it cannot be for a duration of more than four months, because the maximum duration of abstention is four lunar months. So for example, if a man swears that he will not be sexually intimate with his wife for five months, this is not permissible. This is something not permissible. Thirdly, we learn from this that ILA is permissible for less than four months. So for example, if a man swears, and he says I will not be intimate with my wife for an entire month, that is something permissible. And we learned that in the example of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, as well, there is a Hadith in which we learned that I shall deliver and

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has said that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu some swore that he would stay away from his wives for a month, and then he came down after 29 days, saying that a shadow discern worry, Schroon, the month is 29 days as well. Okay. So instead of waiting for 30 days, he just waited for 29 days. Okay. Now, there's a question. If he swears ILA sexual abstention for duration of more than four months, then what? Then he has to break his oath and he has to give the cafardo So for example, if a man says that I swear I will not be intimate with my wife for an entire year, okay, or whatever, then what does he have to do? He has to break his vow. And he has to give the Kafala he has to give the

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expiation for breaking the oath. Well, what if he refuses, then the matter will be taken to the collie to the judge. And the judge can annul the marriage because it's not fair to the wife that she is in a marriage where she's not getting her right all right. And if it is four months or less than He will fulfill his well for infer all for in the log a photo Rahim. But if they return, then indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Now the word FDA is very interesting for fate is to return to a good state, or to return to a good condition, same thing to return to a good state or condition. So for example, it is said that I'm in Hilda B, he, and he returned to a good state from his anger.

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What does that mean that he recovered from his anger, he is no longer angry, because when a person is angry, it's like they've lost their mind. Right? But when they cooled down and they're no longer angry, then the word fat is used, okay. So, it is said who are sorry IRL hobby city IRL failure that so and so is quick in getting angry and quick in recovering from his anger, he gets angry quickly, but then he cooled down very quickly as well. So this is the meaning of fire to return to a good state. So for infantil they return return from what from their oath, and again with their wives. Okay. So this shows us that ILA even though it is something permissible, it's not something that is

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liked, that is preferable, it is something permissible, but it is not something preferable, because look at the way that I NS for Inilah photo Rahim Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah is forgiving. Why is pardon mentioned over here forgiveness? Because what the person did is not something ideal what the man did to his wife is not something ideal. Well, then why is it permissible? Why is ILA permissible? Ila is permissible because sometimes it saves a marriage from divorce. Okay. Like, for example, if a husband is very upset with his wife is becoming very resentful, he begins to dislike her and he doesn't think that his marriage can continue. Okay. And

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one day in an argument, or while he's upset, you know, he says the words of Isla. Okay. And then he is not intimate with his wife for two months. Okay. He swore to stay away for three months, two months go by and he realizes this is hard. I actually really miss her. I want her. Right. I want to continue to be with her. So then what happened? He can, you know, break his oath give the Kafala and you know, his marriage is still there. Right? This is better than divorce.

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So for infer all for in the law of order Rahim. All right. Secondly, the order might say that this is permissible, because a man can use this in order to discipline his wife. Okay, now I know the words are very strong. So anyway, ILA can be used by a man in order to discipline his wife and that is exactly what the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Selim did, we learned in Hadith about how the wives of the Prophet sallallahu reducing them together came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and demanded more money from him. Okay, the together all of them began demanding more money from him and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam got upset and he also took the oath All right. So, the wives of

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the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam basically got the message that this is not acceptable, right, you want to talk you talk you want something you talk about, but don't gang up together against your husband All right. So, sometimes it happens that you know, the wife does something which the husband is very upset with okay. So, in order to discipline her he uses the strategy. So, this is why it is permissible, but like I said, even though it is permissible, it is not something ideal. There's other ways of communicating etcetera, can women do it? A woman cannot do this this is only for the men okay. And if a woman takes an oath that you will not be intimate with her husband and she has to

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give the photo okay, this kind of oath is not valid in her case for in fat or for in the love of order Rahim. If they returned then indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Now, if they return, what does it mean by this in this context, first of all, it means that at the end of the period that they had mentioned okay, as long as that is less than four months, okay, by for example, a man swore that he will not be intimate with his wife for a month and he is not intimate with her for a month, after a month, he is intimate with her, that is fine, he does not have to give any Kafala nothing, because he fulfilled his vow his vow was permissible and he fulfilled it. And in a lava flow Rahim Allah is

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Forgiving and Merciful. Secondly, for infallible if they return. So, for example, if a man said in anger that he will not be intimate with his wife for a month, okay. But then after two weeks, he says, That was a bad decision, all right, and he wants to retract his oath, then that is also fine, but he has to give the cathedra All right, he has to give the expiation the expiation has mentioned in pseudotumor either verse number 89, where Allah subhanaw taala Says law you are hillicon Allahu below with a man equal well are you after the Combi? Mercato amen for California to the Torah mashallah tema Sakeena min? Oh selfie metal Terry Munna? Alico Oh, Kiswa oh the hurry raka three

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options, which is basically feeding or clothing 10 people in need, or the third is freeing the slave. Now, based on this verse somewhere in him, I say that the maximum duration that a man can stay away from his wife is four months. Otherwise, it's an infringement upon her rights. So for example, if a husband travels for work, okay, or sometimes the wife and children are in one country, and the husband is in another country because of his work, all right, the wife and children are in the other country because of citizenship. And he's in the other country because he makes better money over there. Then how long can he stay away from his wife, the maximum duration is four months,

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meaning after four months, he should visit his wife, he should see her he should be with her for some time, and then you can go back, but the maximum duration of staying away from your wife is four months. Okay? Why? Because if it's more than four months, then this is an infringement upon her rights. When she's married to that man, she has a right to sexual enjoyment. And if he is staying away from her, then this is not fair to her. Okay, this is not fair to her. It's unfair. It's an infringement on her rights now, or model de la hora. And who would only allow soldiers to be away from their homes for four months. Okay, meaning after four months, if a man had gone for jihad, he

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had to return home. Even if it's, you know, he's home for two three days and then he's back on duty, that's fine, but he cannot be away for more than four months. This was a rule that he had made. Why? Because in nearly Lika Lika help, okay, your spouse your wife has a right over here okay. And this shows us how important this is in a relationship. Okay. Now sometimes, you know, there are exceptional situations where, you know, for example, a man does not have

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visa, he's not able to travel, there is a travel ban, things like that. When things are beyond your control, that's understandable. All right, but when things are within your control, then husband and wife should be living together. And if a man must travel must be away from his family, then that should not be for more than four months. Because then it's difficult for the wife to live like that to manage everything alone. It's not fair to her. Then it is said what in Arizona will palapa for in the LA semi or on Arlene and if they decide on divorce, then indeed Allah is Hearing and knowing, meaning if four months go by like this, okay. So for example, a man swore. Ila, okay. And he did not

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specify a duration. Then remember what I mentioned, the case will be escalated, it will be taken to the court and the man will be told by the kabhi to break his oath and to be with his wife. But if he refuses, then the marriage has to be ended because it's not fair to the woman that she is in a relationship where she's not given her right so we're in Arizona Paula aka if they decide on divorce for in Allah semirara name then indeed Allah is Hearing and knowing. And we're in Arizona Tala. This can also be understood as that if the man decides to give divorce based on his experience of Isla, okay, like for example, he swore to stay away from his wife for a month, okay. And the month comes

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to an end and he realizes that you know what, he was way better. Without her. He was happier. Without her things were much more calm, etc. She was happier, he was happier. They didn't miss each other. Okay, he realizes that, you know, it's better to end the marriage, and he decides upon Talaq for in Allah simulium then indeed Allah is Hearing and knowing why are these names mentioned over here? Because when the words of divorce are said, then Allah subhanaw taala hears them in Allah Samira, and he is Eileen, he knows the intention behind those words also, that why is a man saying the words of divorce? Is it really to end the marriage? Or is it to take some kind of revenge or you

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know, hurt her emotionally abused her? Allah subhanaw taala knows the intention for in the loss and urine ID let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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Bottomly Emani.

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Alongside me on

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Kido formula homie, love wavy a man

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will love

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Walking, we're in NASM.

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Allah has me on early.

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All right, one thing I forgot to mention, when it comes to the expiation, okay, the three options are feeding 10 people or clothing them or freeing a slave. But if you think about it, all these three things are related to money, meaning you can only do this if you have a certain amount of wealth. Right? If you have enough wealth, you can feed 10 people if you have enough wealth, you can give them clothes, if you have enough wealth, you can purchase a slave set them free. But what if you don't have the money? So the verse in Surah either which is verse number 89, Allah subhanaw taala says whoever does not find than firstly mo Thalapathy a yam then they can fast for three days.

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So that is an explanation. But fasting is only when a person is not able to find is not able to afford feeding, etcetera. Okay, so fasting is also an option. Now I see a few questions. So I'm just gonna go over them too quickly. Okay, what if a man is staying away from his wife for more than four months? Okay, he's staying in another country, for example. And he has taken a second wife and only visits the first wife annually once a year that is wrong. Okay, that is very wrong, because he should not stay away from her for more than four months, whether or not he has a second, third, fourth wife that is different. Okay. The main thing is he should not stay away from any of his wives

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for more than four months, because then he is falling short in fulfilling the rights of his wife. And if you think about it, if he has a second wife than it is

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is all the more reason for him to not be away from his first wife for more than four months? Because he is fulfilling his sexual need with his second wife? What about her? She cannot take a second husband. Okay, so he must not be away from her for more than four months. There's another question that what if a woman thinks her appeared has ended? And she takes a bath, and then she's intimate, but then after some time she sees blood? Well, then what is she supposed to do? So, one thing you should understand is that if you see the sign of purity, okay, which is that, you know, for example, the bleeding faded away, and then clear discharge, and then you took a bath, and you started

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praying, and then all of a sudden you see just a spot, or you see color discharge, then what do you do? You completely ignore that? Okay, Omar, al de la Mourinho reported that they would, you know, when their period would end, they will take a bath, and after that, if they saw a random spot here, there, okay, they would not give any attention to it, they would completely ignore that, because it's something normal, that, you know, something got left in the uterus, and now it's getting expelled. So it doesn't mean that you have to now again, take a bath. Okay, you will completely ignore that. And you don't have to worry about that. Yes, some men leave their wives for more than

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five years, a very long time. And that is not fair. Okay. The DUA should be recited by both husband and wife. Okay? Because Allahumma, Janney, Benesch Shavon. Oh, Allah protect us from Shaytaan. Okay, is a woman allowed to say no, to her husband? You know, there is a Hadith in which we learn that when a woman refuses, then the angels curse her. Right? But that is where a woman is refusing in order to manipulate her husband, she's basically using that as a weapon. Okay. And that is wrong. If there is a reason, like, for example, she's not well, she is just not in mood, she is, you know, feeling very depressed and things like that she should communicate that with her husband, she should

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communicate that I really don't feel like it. I don't feel well, I'm not up to it. And the husband should be accepting of that. Right? However, if the only reason is I don't feel like it, then a woman should not refuse at that time. Why? Because a lot of times people are not in the mood, but then eventually they do get into it. And also if you think about it, there is a reward of sadaqa in this there is a reward of charity in this. So you may not be in the mood of you know, doing something but you do it for the sake of the other person. You are rewarded for it. Okay? So don't refuse just because you're not in the mood or just because you're like, oh, I don't know if I want

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to take a shower. Don't make that the reason. All right, and cello will conclude over here. Just Xochimilco Hayden cathedra Subhanak Allah who will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa Tobu like a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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