Bilal Assad – Character #06 Cultivating Trust

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss Muslim's conservative clothing, avoiding many assumptions and suspicions, and focusing on negative emotions rather than good ones. They advise against actions on assumptions and caution about small behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding assumptions and not giving false accusations, and cautious about small behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, yeah. If you realized I'm wearing this

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Moroccan outfit,

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I'm not really Moroccan myself. I'm Lebanese background.

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But I thought I'll wear a Moroccan outfit

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because number 1, I think it looks cool.

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And secondly,

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we're talking about an amazing topic,

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the character of a Muslim in Surat Al

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I wanted to show that as Muslims, we're

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all brothers and sisters, we share each other's

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culture. Why not?

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And praise each other, and be proud of

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each other's cultures, and

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just get closer. Bismillah.

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Moving on from our verses,

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today I want to look at the next

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verse in Surah Al Hujurat,

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which is quite interesting to me, it needs

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your attention.

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Allah says,

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Allah begins the verse by addressing the believers

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Because the believers,

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they're ready to listen to Allah's words.

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And Allah really wants you to lead the

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as a believer. He says,

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much of your suspicions, much of suspicions,

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are sinful.

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Let's analyze it a little bit.

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Is it natural to suspect

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to make assumptions about someone?

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Yeah, it's natural.

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Allah is not saying,

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don't be natural,

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don't assume, don't be speculative.

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That's very natural. As soon as you look

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at someone, you're already judging them. There's no

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such thing as,

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not judging anyone. We all judge. As soon

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as you look at someone, we're judging. That's

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very natural, and you can't help it because

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the brain keeps going.

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However, Allah is not saying don't be suspicious,

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he said avoid

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much suspicion. There's 2 things to understand here.

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Number 1, the word much, and number 2,

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to avoid. What are you avoiding?

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You're avoiding the majority of speculations and suspicions

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that come to your head in a negative

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even even in the positive way to a

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certain extent.

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What's the positive way? When you assume

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something about a person a little bit more

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than what they possibly are, let's say you're

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going to get into a business deal with

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someone and you trust every person that you

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do a business deal with. Well, you're gonna

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fail. People are going to throw you under

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the bus with that.

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So a Muslim is not the type that

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is just submissive to everything and just nice

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nice nice everywhere. No. A Muslim does have

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a strong character.

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it does focus mostly on the negative suspicions,

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because human nature is we tend to be

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more negative than positive, aren't we, in our

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suspicions, unless you're raised

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really right, and, you're used to it as

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a habit.

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Allah does say avoid.

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Avoid means don't act

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on much of your suspicions.

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Be careful. Take a step back. Think about

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it. Analyze it before you take any action,

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and think whether you should take any action.

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to paraphrase,

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in other words,

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do not act

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the majority of your suspicions. The majority of

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your suspicions

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are sinful if you were to act on

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them, meaning you will do sinful things.

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Otherwise, thinking

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or formulating an opinion about someone is natural

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and normal and sometimes actually good. And there

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are 4 ways that we look at suspicion

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in the Qur'an. Obviously we understand this from

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the sunnah of the Prophet

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The first one

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is a good suspicion.

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The good suspicion is when you know somebody

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who loves Allah and His Messenger, got amazing

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character, even if they're not Muslim, but they're

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known for their good character, their honesty.

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You have a neighbor who,

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you've lived next to and grown to see,

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through evidence that they are honest people. When

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you travel, they look after your belongings. You

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may have cats and you say, can you

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look after my cats? You come back, and

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they're very healthy and fit and they've been

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fed. Well, that's a trustworthy neighbor.

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And you may have formulated a negative opinion

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in the beginning, that's possible, nothing wrong with

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that. You never showed it though. And then

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after dealing with them,

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you formulated

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a good opinion of them. That's something which

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Allah rewards you for, because you give people

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the credit that they deserve.

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And a Muslim should give the credit to

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people that they deserve based on goodly suspicion.

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The only thing is that if you're the

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type of person who doesn't trust anyone until

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they've proved themselves, then that's fine. Just don't

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act on the initial suspicion, because you can

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get it really wrong.

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Especially if somebody

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who is known for their pride and their

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righteousness, their honesty, or in general, they may

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have some flaws, some

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weaknesses in their character, but it but majority

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of their

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character is good and trustworthy, honest,

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then we formulate a good suspicion about that

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person and give them the benefit of the

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doubt, especially between husband and wife, because they're

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the closest thing to each other, and they're

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going to see a lot from each other's

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flaws and ups and downs. And Allah

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says, assume well of each other.

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Now, brothers and sisters, that's the first point,

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and that's generally what a Muslim should be.

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Give people the benefit of the doubt. So

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for example, a man came to Umar Bil

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and said to him,

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there's this man who I trust, and he's

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amazing, and I think we can work with

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him in business and and and and give

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him a position, and so on and so

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forth. Amr al B'alayna said to him, how

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do you know him? Have you traveled with

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him? He said, no. He said, have you

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dealt in business with him to try him

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out? He said, no. He said, have you

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been through any hardships with him and seen

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how he is? He said, no. He said,

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perhaps you might have seen him praying a

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lot in the Masjid, going up and down

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reading Quran very nicely. He said, yes. He

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said, you don't know him?

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So, Islam is quite practical as well.

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Again, just don't be hasty

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in formulating

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a judgement and then acting upon it, writing

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about that person and telling other people about

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The second type of suspicion

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is also

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okay. In fact, it's called the necessary suspicion,

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which you cannot avoid. And that's usually people

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in power who need to make judgements, for

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example, and they have to take,

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decisions, such as a teacher or a,

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a coordinator or or a head of a

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of of a school, to decide whether a

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student deserves to stay at school, or expelled,

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or put on a suspension, or demerit, or

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whatever. Or a judge in the court, where

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not all the evidence is presented, but they

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have to give a probability

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weighing them out and make

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a suspicion or a probability of judgement. But

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in this there is caution.

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Don't take the extreme approach.

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But this is also a non sinful suspicion

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when you have to make a decision in

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authority. The 3rd type of suspicion

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is also okay, and but it's a little

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bit tricky. It requires a little bit of

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emotional intelligence, you have to be socially smart,

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you would have had some experience with people,

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and that's when somebody you've hung around with

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a lot,

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or you know them, could be a family

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member, a friend, a colleague at work or

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at school, and you've seen much of their

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character, and their character has already shown you

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that there is a lot of dishonesty in

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their life. Or they might be 2 faced,

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or they might be backbiters, or they might

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be on and on.

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That type of suspicion is permissible.

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And you can also act on that suspicion,

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but you've got to take caution with that

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one. How does a Muslim act on suspicion

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of a person when factually

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they are not good in certain ways? Well,

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you've got to separate. You've got to look

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at their good side and their bad side.

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And then that bad side which has now

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become factual to you and you've experienced

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it, then you can act upon it in

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a way that you don't harm yourself, in

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a way that it won't harm other people,

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but not to increase the harm on that

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person. So for example, a person wants to

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do business with you, and you've already,

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dealt with them before and found that they're

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dishonest, or they're lazy, or they're not they

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don't have good management. You don't have to

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do business with that person anymore. You don't

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have to lend them money anymore. You don't

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have to do certain things. So,

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balance it out. See the good in a

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person and the bad in a person.

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And that leaves us with the 4th suspicion,

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the 4th conjecture, and that is the true

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sin. This is what we have to be

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careful about. What is it? To assume or

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speculate about someone when there is no grounds

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to speculate about them. Or based on doubts,

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based on suspicion.

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That's what Allah is saying. Avoid much of

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your suspicion, and that's the majority of our

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You might see a person at the mosque,

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get up and go to the shoe rack,

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and grab someone else's shoes.

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You might have also known about them, that

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they've had some issues together or some quarrels,

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and then you see that person taking the

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other person's shoe.

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The automatic suspicion

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is that this person is deliberately stealing that

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other person's shoe or to make his life

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hard, especially the fact that we just witnessed

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a quarrel between them or they have some

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That does not have grounds,

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no matter what your suspicions are. Some people

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think that they are so good at telling

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and and and reading minds, or, you know,

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have you ever heard someone say, see, I've

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got a really good eye for things.

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I'm a good judge. I knew it.

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Don't do that. The shaitan makes you feel

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that's vanity.

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knows the intentions. Only knows the secrets. Don't

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ever say that. That is a way to

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destroy your own self.

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So, this person,

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there are a 100 possibilities of why, or

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maybe I'm exaggerating, maybe at least 5 that

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you can name, maybe the person

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has a sight problem.

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Maybe that person was

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occupied with something in his mind and accidentally

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took the wrong shoe. Maybe the person has

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the same shoe and mistaken for for for

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his own shoe. Maybe the person thought, you

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know what? I've asked that person permission because

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my shoes are wrecked, and I'm just going

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to borrow them, and I'll bring them back.

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Maybe he bought the shoes off him, and

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you just didn't know. There are many possibilities,

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as you can see. And the Prophet

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used to tell us,

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Give your brother the benefit of the doubt

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in these types of situations. That's the majority

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time. So brothers and sisters, I've seen people's

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families break up.

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People's lives are ruined

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based on acting on suspicion

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with no clear grounds.

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Remember the first verse of the Quran in

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Surat Al Horatul it says,

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verify. And

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very importantly, is it your business really to

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get involved? People's secrets, people's personal affairs?

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If not, then don't even go there. Just

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leave it between them 2.

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Unless you wanna reconcile

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a problem between them and you're able to

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and you're welcome to, then go ahead and

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you'll be rewarded.

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So that's the verse about suspicion. Till next

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