Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-001E How do we study the tafsir of the Quran

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Quran in understanding the meaning of "has been written" is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn the Quran in Arabic because it is the Arabic version. The Prophet sall drove is also discussed as the title of the Quran, rather than just the title of the title of the title of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rocklea Saudi were Siddeley Emery wash loler appdata melissani of Tahu Kohli Allahumma hamdulillah Colby was sadly Sani was roots of hematite, Colby, Amin, Europe and Alameen. Inshallah, we will go over the top seed of the first two verses that we studied in our previous class. And I want to discuss a little bit about the way in which we studied the deficit of the Quran. Before we begin that I've seen, but I want to ask you as well, how was your experience in memorizing the word to word translation?

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Alhamdulillah. That's good. Was it hard? Was it difficult? Okay, so some of you found it a bit challenging. And that's okay. Allow yourself to work hard. Some people find it very easy, very simple. They don't have to put in much effort other people, they might have to put in a lot of effort. The number one thing is that do not compare your effort with the effort of your classmates because it's possible that in group time you find out that some of your classmates, they were able to memorize their lesson in, you know, just 30 minutes and you struggled every single day, you spent multiple hours. And that's okay. Because everyone learns differently and everyone learns at their

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own pace. And the more effort that you put in, in sha Allah, the more reward you will get, so your effort is not being wasted at all the time that you are spending in learning the Quran, every single moment in sha Allah is being spent in riba it is being spent in worship. So it is rewardable. And then the other thing is that comfort yourself by reminding yourself that in sha Allah, things will get easy, because the Quran Allah subhanaw taala has rendered its words in such a way that they are, you know, some verses of the Quran or some phrases in the Quran, you will find them repeating over and over again. So you know, the first time that you are memorizing the meaning of a certain word,

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you might have to struggle a lot but in sha Allah, the next time that you see it, and the time after that, that you see it in sha Allah, it will be easier for you. All right, so gradually, things will get easier. And it is the Promise of Allah that Welaka yourself no poor early victory, that Allah subhanaw taala has made the Quran easy for remembrance, and part of the meaning of remembrance is learning its meaning, reflecting upon its meanings. So this is a promise of Allah Alhamdulillah Excellent. Now, when you learn the translation, did that help you pay more attention in Salah

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Alhamdulillah because you could recognize every word that you were saying Alhamdulillah and you know what, this is the goal. We are not studying over here just so that we can prove to ourselves that hey, I know the Quran. Or we can tell other people that Yeah, I know the Quran and we can quote verses here and there and we can recall the verses of the Quran. That's not the goal, the goal of learning is to worship Allah subhanaw taala better, and you must remind yourself of this goal that the purpose of this real is armor, the purpose of this knowledge is action. So Al Hamdulillah I am very happy to know that this helped you pay more attention in Salah and in sha Allah today as we

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studied at Xerox Alto Fatiha I hope that inshallah this knowledge will make it easy for you to enjoy Salah as well. Because one is to just be able to pay attention, and that is excellent but a higher level is that Salah becomes a coolness of the eye for you, it comfort of the soul for you. And this is what Salah was for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he would tell the landlord the loved one who to make the event he would say additional behavior that brings us comfort through it that we need to pray so that we can feel at ease. So I hope that in sha Allah studying the meaning of Surah Fatiha will take your Salah to that level in sha Allah. So let's begin today's class. The

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first thing I want to discuss is how we studied the Tafseer of the Quran and Inshallah, in every class or in most classes at the beginning I will tell you about something related to the deceit of the Quran, or something related to the Quran itself. Because as we studied the meaning of the verses it's also important for us to know about the Quran as well in sha Allah. So when it comes to the study of the meaning of the Quran, remember that the meaning of the Quran is not such that

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You know any person can interpret it however that they want. Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran, not just in its wording, but also with its meaning. Meaning that when Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran he did not just send a book that all people read it yourself and figure it out on your own. So the Quran is not such that people can interpret it however that they want. Or it's not such that it is unclear in its meaning it is ambiguous. It's a book of riddles. No, that's not the case the Quran is moving. Remember this quality of the Quran that it is moving, it is clear, and it is clarifying. And to make the meaning of the Quran clear. Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran

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to His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who would recite the verses to the people and who would teach the verses to the people as well as we learned in the Quran. That the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would yet Lu, he would recite the verses and he would you or li Mohammed Kitab he would teach them the book. And we learn in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala says that were in Zenn la la COVID CLA, little bay Hennelly Nassima newsy La La him that we have revealed the message to you so that you make clear to the people what has been sent to them. So the first thing we need to understand is that Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran, not just in the form of words, but words

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and also their meanings. Allah subhanaw taala made the meaning clear. So how do we find the meaning of the Quran? The first thing we do is that we look at the Quran as a whole. So if we want to understand the meaning of a certain word in the Quran, or a certain phrase or a certain sentence or certain, even figured a person that is mentioned in the Quran, then what do we do we look at other places in the Quran where that word is mentioned. So for example, in today's class, as we will learn about the meaning of little Bula Alameen, Lord of the Worlds, then what does that mean Lord of the worlds we learn from another place in the Quran that Musa Ali salaam explained that rubble al Amin

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is who? The rub the Lord of the skies and the earth, whatever is in between the Lord off you people, the Lord off the people who came before you. So to know the meaning of the Quran, what's the first thing we do? We look at other verses. Okay, we look at other verses. So during class, when I mentioned other verses, make sure that you write them down. Yes, you may not be able to write the entire verse down in class. But if I mentioned a reference, you can write that reference down for yourself and look it up later on and add that to your notes. And if I don't mention the reference, because if I were to do that every single time it would make the class very lengthy, then definitely

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you can ask one another, you can look for those verses yourself. Or you can at least you know, write down the meaning the main message of that verse in parenthesis you can write for yourself, Quran that this is in the Quran. All right. So this is the first thing, how do we study the meaning of the Quran? We look at other verses. Secondly, the second step we take in order to study the meaning of the Quran is that we look at the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because why was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent Why was the Quran revealed to him so that he would explain the Quran to us. He would explain how to follow the Quran how to live the Quran. So you will

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notice that during the seed I will mention some a hadith or Hadith or statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Sometimes I will mention, you know incidents from his life because they also demonstrate how the Quran is supposed to be understood how the Quran is supposed to be practiced, and remember that I shall deliver more on her. She said that the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the Quran. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like a living example of what the Quran teaches. So the second thing we're going to do is that we're going to also look at Hadith. And which brings me to the point that when I mentioned a hadith in class,

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make sure that you write it down in your notes. And when you're not able to, you know, write down the entire Hadith. Of course, that is understandable. That's not expected from you, but at least make sure that you write the meaning or them

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Message of that hadith. All right, in sha Allah. The third thing that we do in order to understand the meaning of the Quran is that of course we look at the Arabic language, that what is the meaning of this word in Arabic language? Because Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that he has revealed this Quran in Arabic, meaning the Quran is the Arabic Quran. So a translation is not the Quran, all right, the Quran is in Arabic, and Allah subhanaw taala chose Arabic for a reason. It could have been any other language, there were so many languages that existed at the time that the Quran was revealed in. So Arabic was chosen for a reason. So this is why we have to see what the

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word means in the Arabic language. And this is something that we partially cover in the word analysis section. And sometimes I will also make references to that during the fsid Inshallah, so these are three things that I want to make sure that you understand, clearly, we understand the meaning of the Quran by looking at other verses, by looking at the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And also by looking at the Arabic language. Alright, one thing I want to clarify, is that, you know, in the word analysis section, when I show you the translation on the slides, I was informed that some of you had a different version of the PDF. And because of that,

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there was some confusion that which translation Are you supposed to memorize. So I believe that the correct version has been shared with you. And if it has not been shared, it will be shared soon with you. But if ever you see that there is a slight difference in the translation that I showed to you on the screen, and the translation that is in the PDF with you, if ever you do see a difference, then you are expected to memorize what is on the slides. All right, is that clear that you have to memorize what is on the slides, okay, in sha Allah, and you can make that correction in your book, okay, in sha Allah and if there is any confusion, you can always confirm with me during class or

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otherwise in sha Allah.

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A quick note on which resources I am using to teach them see it over here. Mainly, the thing is, there are many, many of seed works, there isn't just one book of seed, or five books of seed or 10 books of seeds, there are many, many books of seed. And each book of seed, you know has its own style. So in certain books of Tafseer, you will notice that there is a lot of attention to word meanings. In other words, the first seed in other books of seed, you will notice that there is a lot of other verses of the Quran that have been brought to explain those verses, in some books of the series, you will find many a hadith many statements of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, or

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statements of even the Companions, or the pious, you know, the scholars before us. So this is the reason why I cannot limit myself to just one or two books of deceit. What I present to you in class is based on multiple books of seed that are well known. And you can see some of them actually listed in your translation book, right at the end, you will notice a page of references, and some of the diversity that we consult are mentioned over there. But that's not an exhaustive list, what you should see and what you should question is that when I do mention something, you want to know, what evidence am I presenting? All right, what evidence am I presenting? So for example, if I say this is

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what the word means, in Arabic, you can understand from that, that this is taken from a dictionary. When I say that Allah subhanaw taala says, then you can understand that the point I'm making is being backed up with another verse of the Quran, or with the statement of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So that should inshallah give you confidence and if there's anything that you find difficulty accepting or understanding, please feel free to question and ask because that is how we can be confident about what we're learning and the knowledge of religion is such that we have to take this matter very seriously. We cannot depend on hearsay inshallah.

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