Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 206E Tafsir Al-Ankabut 50-69

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of living life to the fullest and finding faith in oneself. They stress the need to practice Islam and not give up on beliefs. The importance of finding confidence in praying and finding faith in oneself is emphasized. The transcript describes a harrowing and tragic story about a woman named Jana who refuses to give birth to a child named Jesus and refuses to give birth to Jesus.
AI: Transcript ©
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Old say Kapha is sufficient Billahi definitely Allah Baney between me webinar come and between you Shahidan as a witness, you call me a liar. Allah knows if I'm truly a liar, I don't need you to say that I am truthful or not, I don't need your testimony. Your Alonzo, he knows Allah knows math is somehow worth you will have whatever is in the heavens and the earth will ladina Emanuel Bilbao coil and those who believe in falsehood, what Kaffir rubella he and the disbelieve in Allah, Allah Iike, homall casi wound it is those who are the losers. So their disbelief is not going to harm you. You don't worry about them. You don't wait for them to believe in you and to acknowledge you and to

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testify. No, you don't need their testimony and their disbelief is not going to harm you at all. Why is estar de Luna and they hasten you will either be with the punishment they urge you to bring the punishment because that's what the machine would do. Whenever they would fail in an argument that would say okay, fine, bring the punishment and the prophets of Allah some say I know it's not in my hand. Allah says well hola and if not a general Musa Aijalon term Musa when fixed ledger, a hula dab the punishment would have reached them, meaning their time is decreed it's written. And if it was not for that, instantly these people would be punished. What I do in the home and surely it would

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definitely come to them. Both that I'm suddenly wahome Leia Sharon, while they will not perceive they ask you to bring the punishment. Well, it will come yes Theurgy Luna aka they hasten you will either be with the punishment we're in Johanna and indeed *, limo hail Titan, surely one that will encompass Bill Caffrey in the disbelievers. They're asking you to bring the punishment. They're so impatient for it. Well, * is waiting. It's ready and it's going to encircle them. It's going to encompass them surround them so they will not be able to escape. Yo mama on the day when yo Shah hula, either the punishment is going to cover them, men fall for him from above them, woman Theology

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at him and from beneath their feet are dual plural of ritual, where Kulu and he will say leuco. All of you taste malcontent, Tom Malone that which you use to do.

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This is the result of your own deeds, the Mushrikeen of maca, they had a very non serious attitude with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. The Quran is a very serious book, serious message. And they will just laugh it off. And they would say, Bring the punishment. You think it's a joke that you keep asking for it? Do you realize what you're demanding? Because the punishment of the * is very serious. It is real, it is very frightening. And one should beg Allah that Oh Allah, you protect me from hellfire. Not that a person says, Okay, bring the punishment. This is foolishness. Any person who says bring the punishment.

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He doesn't really understand what he's asking for any person who says Fine, I'll go to *. He really doesn't understand what he is saying. Because if he understood he would never say that the punishment of * is so severe. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the person who will have the least punishment from amongst the people of hellfire on the Day of Judgment will be a man under whose arch of feet

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so you know, your foot has an arch in it. So under that arch will be a smoldering Ember, meaning just some one thing that's burning,

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it will be placed and so his brain will boil because of it.

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The least punishment? This is hellfire.

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So never ever think that all I'll deal with it, no way.

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The nerves of the feet connect to the rest of the body. And the point over here is that even if the punishment is so small, all the way you know under a person's foot, the impact is going to reach the head. This is how serious the punishment is. Allah says yeah, everybody, all my servants Alladhina amanu though those who have believed look at the address, Uri birdie Alladhina amanu all my servants who have believed in indeed out of the my land, my earth, it is well Sierra, it is spacious for a yay fr balloon. So worship only me.

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And this is when you read it when you listen to it. Keep the

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context of the surah in mind,

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this is your only life, one life. Do not live it with compromises, compromises, in what sense? When it comes to the matters of religion. Don't make those compromises because this is your only life, you have this one chance to prove that you want to go to Jannah that you want to live, that you don't want to suffer. This is your only chance. So give it your utmost importance and live life to the fullest. What do I mean by that live life to the fullest meaning in obedience to Allah? Because what happens is that when a person faces difficulties in the way of Allah, He says, Okay, let me compromise here. Let me compromise there. Let me compromise there. And family becomes an excuse. The

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country that you live in becomes an excuse. The money becomes an excuse. One thing after the other we have so many excuses. What does Allah tell us over here? Yeah, everybody. Alladhina amanu. In Italy, where Sierra for a year year for a baboon.

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If someone something is preventing you from worshipping Allah, you have a choice. What is that choice? In early West Sierra, my land is vast.

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And all land belongs to Allah. So worship Allah, wherever you are, no excuses. And if you feel weak, you don't find the courage to worship Allah in a certain place in a certain situation. You can always move from there. You can always go from there. For instance, if you're in the middle of a mall, and it's time to pray, and you don't find the confidence to pray in the middle of the mall. Can you not go in the parking lot?

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Can we make an excuse over there? Or I'm in a mall? I can't pray here. No, you cannot. If you're at school, you're sitting in your class. You're sitting in the hallway, and it's time to pray. Can you make the excuse? I cannot pray over here. No, you cannot because there is the which room in your school in your college and your university? Which room is their prayer room? You have prayer rooms in the hospital, you have prayer rooms, everywhere. And if there is no official prayer room, in the worst car, the parking lot is there.

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Seriously? What's the message over here? Don't make excuses.

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Solely one life. Only one chance. Nobody's going to live again in this world to prove that they want Janna. No, only one chance we have. So do not make compromises in the matters of religion.

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Over here basically is an encouragement to Hijra. Because remember, this is a key Sula, so many Muslims it was impossible for them to practice Islam.

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And the Prophet saw a lot of sentiment encourage some Muslims to do Hydra to Abyssinia and many of them did into the Zoomer ayah number 10. Allah says polyamory burden Medina M and otaku rockbottom Latina Arsenal V her the dunya husana Will Allah He was Sierra the land of Allah is vast anytime you feel that you cannot you know observe practice your religion for instance at a certain workplace don't feel yourself tied by that workplace think of this big world that Allah has created Alright, when you cannot perform Salah in your school or in a certain place don't think that oh this is the only you know land no The Earth is vast. The earth is vast.

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So bring this to your mind that the earth is vast and when you will think about that then so many options will open up to you. You know you think that okay in this room I cannot pray but then when you think the earth is vast, then there are so many options that you have beyond that room where you can pray in ugly wha Sierra for a year. Yeah, far baboon could learn of sin. Every soul, every person that is a tool mode is one that will taste death. Thumb, Elena told Jerome, then to us, you shall be returned. You're not staying in this world forever. If you live in disobedience with compromises How long will you enjoy? You're going to leave what you have right now. Anyway.

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If we're in a certain room, are we going to stay there forever? No, we're going to leave it eventually. If we're in the mall. Are we in the mall forever? No, we're gonna leave it eventually. We're not staying here forever.

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So likewise, never think in any situation that Oh, I cannot obey Allah here. No, you can. Just open up your eyes. Broaden your vision. Expand your trust in Allah. Increase your faith and Allah and more and more options will

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open up for you. Because Allah says I am as my servant thinks I am. Sama Elena to Jerome, then to us you shall return. You know sometimes we hold on to the things of this world, the people of this world because we're afraid of losing them and we hold on to them at the cost of our religion. What does this teach us? We cannot hold on to them forever. Either we will leave them when death will come or they will leave us when death will come to them. This relationship we have is very very temporary. One Lavina Amano and those who believe were middle slowly had and they do righteous deeds. Lenovo we under Home surely we will assign them new Bowie and bow Hamza to settle to provide

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accommodation to give position we will give residents to them may now Jen in Jana? Hula fun elevated chambers Florida have the word a lot of fun, lofty rooms, high high rooms, homes that are not at Ground Zero crown level their higher. Lenovo we unknown middle Jannetty Laura fun, thank God it will flow into the hull and have underneath it rivers Holly Dena fie her abiding there and eternally. Nirma original Emmeline excellent is the reward of who

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have who alarmingly those who work those who work.

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So then what is the real home?

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The home agenda that is home? Not this world?

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Not this world. So if right now if we have to leave something for the sake of Allah, don't worry.

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Because the real home is in the Hereafter. And if you do not have something right now because of the deen then ask Allah to give you where in the hereafter in Jannah.

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Allah promises this reward but for who? Those who do am I? Who are they Alladhina Saba Rue, those who are patient while Allah be him, yet our cologne and upon their Lord, they rely on their patient in what in adhering to the religion in obedience to their Lord, they are patient, and what is some of that you keep doing it? No matter how difficult it is, you don't give up. You don't give up that is sovereign.

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So those who are patient Wila Rob Bohemia, Tawa Kowloon, and they rely on their Lord that He will provide them from where they cannot imagine.

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They placed their trust in Allah. These are two things that will lead a person to Jannah Sobor and Tawakkol sobrang Tawakkol. And these two things are essential for a person who wants to be a survivor.

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Okay, survivors, winners, who are they? Who are patients who don't give up and they rely upon Allah, they have hope. Allah subhanaw taala gives us hope worker a yin and how many men DAB button creatures Let me notice or her it doesn't carry its own provision hummingbirds when they migrate from one place to another 500 kilometers flight that they're flying. Do you see them carrying bottles of nectar?

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They consume more nectar in one day than their own weight.

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You know that.

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And they migrate for hundreds and hundreds of kilometres. small, tiny birds. Do you see them carrying their nectar? No, you don't? Do you see any animal any bug big or small? Any bird any creature carrying its food on in a backpack in a bottle? Do you see that? No. Then how is it that they get provided? Where do they get their food from? Allah who yells Zuko ha. Allah provides it with a yak comb, and he also provides you so the Lord who provides the ends, the fish, wild animals, snakes, the Lord who provides even pegs seriously.

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You have doubt in him that he won't give you?

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How foolish could we be? Seriously? How foolish could we be that we doubt Allah? That we think bad about Allah that Allah will not give me

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have faith in him? He's your provider, trust in Him. What do these animals do to get their provision? What do they do? They do their best they look for it. And Allah subhanaw taala provides them. So every time you see your creature think it's this is from Allah and so is mine.

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So the fear of losing provision should not prevent me from obeying my Lord. Well, who was Samira Eileen and he is the hearing the

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Knowing when to insult the home and surely if you were to ask them mancala customer well it will out who is it that has created the skies and the earth was Sahara sham soil comma and has subjected the sun and the moon layer Kowloon, Allah, surely they will definitely say it is Allah for unnamed for cone, then how are they diluted? How are they turned away?

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I mean when theoretically, you know when we ask who is the most powerful Allah who is the provider? Allah who knows everything, Allah

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then what happens when we are in a difficult situation and we fear that we're going to lose something because of Allah's Deen? Why is it that we're hesitant over there? Do we not believe that Allah is the provider? Do we not believe that He is the Creator? What happens over there?

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Allah who Allah is the One who Yabba Soto risk, who extends provision, Lima Yasha, Omen arriba de for whomever he wills amongst his servants, way, aka the ruler, and he also constricts it, he restricts it for him. And this is all dependent on his wisdom. He decides who to give what to how much and when, in Allaha. Because Alicia in our lives, indeed, Allah is Knowing of everything. So if at one given time, because of the deen of Allah, we have to decide to let go of something. Don't worry. You were meant to lose it.

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You are meant to lose it.

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Because remember that we don't get anything unless Allah gives it we don't lose anything unless that Allah takes it away. In the law, whoever was up the hill Mateen Allah is the ultimate provider. And remember that a person cannot die until he receives all the provisions that is decreed for him. Even a sip of water if it's meant for you, you're not going to die until you drink it. So have faith in Allah. Wanna insert Ulta home? And surely if you were to ask them Manila Zilla, Mina sama Eema, who has sent down water from the sky for here Bill album embody moutier And then he gives life to the earth after its lifelessness.

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Who who brings dead Earth back to life? What's the answer going to be? Leia colonna Allah? Surely they will say Allah.

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A landscape has completely changed because of one reason that Allah sent Ali Al Hamdulillah. say Alhamdulillah everybody said Alhamdulillah Ballack, Thoreau home layout alone, but most of them do not use reason how many times we say Alhamdulillah we say these things, but we don't even think

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we don't think this is our problem. We say all of these things. We believe in all of these things without even thinking because if we truly thought about it, we would have trust in Allah, we would really give importance to Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah tells us what to hide the hill hieratic dunya and this life of world is nothing in law except law one we're live play an amusement. Why are you so greedy for this? Dunya anyway, why are you so afraid of losing it? Do you understand the reality of this life? It is low and life what is low distraction? Something that just keeps you busy physically mentally occupied, Larry bits of play. It's exciting, but it's meaningless. Like

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seriously, so many things that we do with so much excitement. How important are they?

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You know, for example, an hour before you have to go to a party you're freaking out. Oh, I'm getting late. I'm getting late. I have to get dressed. I have to get dressed up. And you're wondering should I wear this shirt to wear this? Should I wear this? Should I wear these shoes? Should I wear this jewelry? Should I wear this makeup? So much time and then when finally you go to the party who cares about your makeup? Who cares about your clothes? Who cares about your shoes? It's just Larry.

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We're in an era and indeed the home of the Hereafter. Let he'll hire one highlight this law he'll hire one. Surely that is life. That is real life. I'll hire one. This is Master.

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Life. That is real life. How is it real life because in that life, you're not going to lose anything.

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In that life. You're not going to die in that life. The home of Jana in that life, your blessings will not finish low can we err on the moon if only they know

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right now we're travelers.

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This is not the real life the real life is where where is it?

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It is in Jana. So prepare for that life.

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This is not the life that is the life for either rocky boo. Then when they board filfil key in the ship Tao Allah they call upon Allah miraculously in Allahu de making sincere to him religion, meaning their worship, that

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Call upon only Allah and think about it. When we have lost one connection after the other, who is it that eventually we call upon only Allah fella manager home. Then when he saves them ill burry to the land either home you should recall and then they associate others with him. They forget to thank Allah. Instead they think others Lea cfuw As a result, they disbelieve lamb over here as of October. As a result, they're disbelieving they're denying Bhima RK now home they're denying what we give them.

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Allah gave this blessing

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and what are they doing? associating partners with Allah, this is ingratitude, Wali uttama Theroux This is a threat and go ahead and they should enjoy for Soulfire Allah Moon soon they will know.

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When a person lives in in gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala in denial of Allah's blessings, Allah has given him another chance to live how long is he going to enjoy for Sophia Allah Moon soon they will know what's the lesson over here? Never forget Allah.

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He is the one who's given you everything you have. So never choose anyone over him. Oh, well Amuro Do they not see unnatural now we have made how ramen haram meaning Makka Amin

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safe and secure a sacred sanctuary that is safe for the people who are in there while you the hot potato while he's being snatched away remember the word use the hot buffle from hot to * grab quickly.

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People are being snatched carried away with the hot off on NASA people are being snatched away man holy and from around them. Arabia was such that any place besides Makkah was not safe how people would be killed, looted, blundered captured, enslaved sold. This was prevalent all over Arabia except from Africa. who blessed them with the safety and security. Allah subhanho wa Taala for Bilbao, Italy you may know then with the falsehood they believe will be near Mattila, Hayek falloon and the blessing of Allah they deny the mustachian were basically afraid that if we will worship Allah we will suffer. What are you suffering from? Has Allah not given you so much that he has not

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given to others just compare your situation to others and you will find that you are better than majority of people yet to you choose others above Allah, He preferred you and you cannot prefer him. Failure Buddha hurdle Bates. Allah says in the Quran, they should worship the Lord of this house, woman of Allah mu and who is more unjust, many thorough Allah Allah He Caliban than the one who invents a lie about Allah. Oh cassava Bill helpful a merger who are he denies the truth when it has come to him. The truth has come yet he rejects it. La Sufi Johanna is in * not math. Well lil Catherine a residence for the disbelievers is Jahannam not a sufficient residence for such

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disbelievers who reject Allah's open clear favors on them.

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When levena Jaha do fina but there are some other type of people who are there those who strive for us Lana Deanna home shortly we will guide them Cebu Lana, our ways were in the Lucha and indeed Allah lamal More sinning, surely he is with those who do so. This is the message, the main lesson of the surah life is stuff. For a believer it is even tougher, there will be many tests. What's your survival guide to our Salah and Vickers?

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And what is it that you have to be certain off, that you strive in the way of Allah and Allah will guide you. You keep trying. And Allah will guide you guide you to what to your success guide you to His pleasure. And those who are certain that Allah's help is forever with them. This is the message of the Surah Surah to fit and

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how is it that you stay strong? You keep striving, you keep striving, Allah will take care of you. So strive for Allah and ask Him for what?

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For what, for guidance, whatever difficulty whatever challenge you're facing. Ask the Lord who sent that difficulty your way you strive he will not disappoint you.

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May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to really remember this because in times of difficulty, we turn to others and we forget the source of the true help. That's this is the recitation of these verses.

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