Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-001F Tafsir Al-Fatihah 2
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All right, so let's begin our well the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Surah Al Fatiha we begin Surah Fatiha with Bismillah and the statement Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim in the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. This statement is an ayat of the Quran. It is a verse of the Quran which appears at the beginning of every surah. So any Surah of the Quran that you recite, you will notice that Bismillahirrahmanirrahim is supposed to be recited, except for Sudha Toba because the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam did not recite Bismillah for that meaning at the beginning of that surah and the statement Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim is known as the
bus Mala. All right, the bus mother, and bus Mala is, you know, an abbreviated form in a way to refer to the statement Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim and this is common with regards to other phrases as well. So for example, halala means to say La ilaha illAllah. Kept Bara means to say Allahu Akbar. Help Allah means to c'est la hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah so bas Mala is to say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Okay, now when do we say Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim? Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim is supposed to be said at many places many occasions. First of all, we see that at the beginning of important documents. The bus Mala should be said or it should be written. So for example, when the
Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would send letters at the beginning of those letters Bismillah would be mentioned. Soloman RNA is Salam, when he sent a letter to the Queen of Sheba, that letter also, as we learned in the Quran, begins with Bismillah R Rahman Rahim when the Treaty of who they BIA was written, again, it began with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. We also mentioned the bus Mela, before we eat, we say Bismillah or we say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. And if we forget to say that the beginning we say it whenever that we can remember and in a nourish and we learned that IBLEES shaitan asked Allah subhanaw taala that all of your creation has its apportioned provision, all of
your creation has its assigned sustenance. What about me? So it was said that on which My name is not mentioned is for you. So this is why it is so important that we say Bismillah when we eat, even when we're slaughtering an animal in order to eat from it. The name of Allah has to be mentioned when we go to sleep bismi Kola, Houma or Allahumma Biss mica, a move to a hair, oh Allah in your name. When we're making wudu. Again, we should say Bismillah. When we ride an animal, you know, a vehicle a means of transportation. Again, we say Bismillah. In the Quran, we learned that New Relic is Salam, when he embarked the ship, he said Bismillah Himadri. When Musa when we enter the house,
we should say Bismillah, so that shaitan cannot enter. Even when we are undressing in order to change our workloads that time also we should say Bismillah because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the screen between the eyes of the jinn and the nakedness of the children of Adam is Bismillah. Meaning when you say Bismillah, that puts a screen between you and the eyes of the devil, so they're not able to see you. So the statement Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim is a very important statement that we should say, whenever we begin something important, and Bismillah means I begin with the name of Allah. Meaning the first thing I do before even I start my work is that I
take the name of Allah, Allah's name comes first. And this is a reminder that Allah is always first, Allah is always important. And you know, when you say Bismillah, when you're starting something, then you're going to make sure that you do what is right. So for example, if you have a habit of saying Bismillah you're not going to be stealing something and saying Bismillah at that time, no, the mention of the Name of Allah, what is that going to do? It's going to make you question what you're doing. It's going to make you careful about your actions. So Bismillah I begin with the name of Allah, the name of Allah comes first. And why do I begin with the name of Allah seeking His
blessing seeking his Bulka? Because the name of Allah is not like any other word. And remember this the name Allah, the word Allah is mutagen Allah is not like any other word. Allah subhana wa Tada asks us in the Quran health
RLM hula hoops semiya Do you know anyone who has the same name, meaning there is no one who can bear the same name. This name only buffets Allah. Why? Because this word has no synonym. It has no equivalent to it. And the name of Allah is Allah subhanaw taala, his greatest name, it's the most powerful name. And keep that in mind when you say it. Because sometimes, you know, we take the name of Allah in a very casual way, in a very disrespectful way. So we have to be careful about that. Sometimes people will, you know, make fun of the Yvan especially the way that certain people pronounce the event or the you know, certain people in their accent, you know, the way that they
take the name of Allah, and people will make fun of that. So this is very disrespectful to the name of Allah. Remember that the name of Allah is the most powerful, the most Greatest Name of Allah. Because in the Quran, we learn that who Allah it is Allah, Who is Allah de la ilaha illa who al Malik al produce a Salam al movement, Al Mohammed, Al Aziz al Jabbar, Al muta, Kabir,
all the names of Allah are an explanation of the meaning of the Israel Janella we learn who Allah it is Allah, who is a highly cold berry on Musa wit, in AYATUL kursi we learn that Allah who it is Allah, who is La ilaha illa, who will HATE YOU WILL CONSUME Latin who sinner to Allah, no. So the name of Allah is a very powerful and very special name, that we should not be little, we really need to keep that in mind when we take the name Allah. And this is the reason why we are taught that when we begin something important, we begin with his name, because when we take his name, there is a barrier between us and shape on shape on cannot see us shaitan cannot interfere in what we are
doing. When we take the name of Allah than the nature of the work we're doing changes how that you see when an animal is being slaughtered. And it's just slaughtered. You can't eat it. But when an animal is being slaughtered, and the name of Allah is taken, then what the meat of that animal is lawful for us to eat. If the name of Allah is not mentioned, the meat is not lawful for us. When the name Allah is taken at the beginning of something, then that's something becomes blessed it. It has blessing from Allah. So we learned about our customer because they'll Jalali will econ bless it as the name of your Lord. So Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, we begin in the name of Allah who is a man who
is a Rahim Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. All praise is due to Allah, Who is the Lord of the Worlds? What does this mean? Allah subhanaw taala is praising himself over here he is informing us that all praise is for Allah. Now, in general, you know, if we were to find out that someone is praising themselves, any that's kind of awkward, right? Because if you think about it as people, and we should not be praising ourselves, in fact, we have been told not to praise ourselves, right fella to the coup and Fusa calm, do not claim yourselves to be pure. Why? Because it doesn't defeat us that we praise ourselves. Because while we may be good in one way, right, we may have one quality,
who we also have many flaws at the same time. And this is the reality of people, that they may have certain good qualities, but at the same time, they also have certain very annoying and very upsetting traits as well. So this is the reality of the creation. And this is the reason why we don't claim ourselves to be pure and we don't praise ourselves. However, Allah subhanaw taala is perfect, He is perfect in every way. He is free from any flaws, any imperfection, any error. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala praises himself over here. And this teaches us that we should never make the mistake of comparing Allah to the creation when we apply the rules that we have for people
on Allah subhanaw taala that's when we make a huge mistake. So never apply the same rules. Never ever do that. Allah subhanaw taala is perfect. And this is why he has every right to praise himself. So alhamdulillah
Hello behind me, Allah is praising himself over here. And secondly, by the way that sort of prophetic begins with the mention of Allah's praise, we are being actually taught that we should praise Allah. So alhamdulillah means Kulu Alhamdulillah that all of you should say Alhamdulillah all of us should say Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen This is what we should say that Allah deserves all praise, and many sorrows of the Quran. Begin with the praise of Allah. And these sutras are sutra Fatiha. Surah Al Anon Surah, two sootel calf, sudut, Sabah and tulad faltered. And some really must say that, you know, if you were to divide the Quran into certain portions, then in every portion
there is a Surah of the Quran that begins with the praise of Allah. So Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Now in the previous class, I mentioned to you the meaning of how and how sound is praise, and how and this is a good time for you to check your notes to see what you have. How and basically you want to make sure you understand five things about hand. The first thing is hand is to mention the most perfect qualities and actions of someone, okay to describe someone in a good way to mention the most perfect qualities, attributes and actions of someone. And if you think about it, all of Allah subhanaw taala those qualities are perfect. When Allah subhanaw taala is a Samir this means
that he hears everything, there is not a sound except that ALLAH subhanaw taala hears it. When Allah subhanaw taala is asleep, there is not a thing that can be seen except that ALLAH subhanaw taala sees it. So all of Allah subhanaw taala has qualities are perfect. And all of Allah subhanaw taala has actions are also perfect, because his actions range between what between his favor and his justice. Remember this rule, all of the actions of Allah range between his favor and his justice. So for example, if something great happens, this is Allah subhanaw taala this favor, and when you see tragedy in the world, then remember that this is related to Allah subhanaw taala as Justice none of
the actions of Allah are in vain. And Allah subhanaw taala does not do even the slightest injustice to his creation. Secondly, when it comes to hand, we want to recognize the fact that it is to praise the one who is deserving of that praise. So how old is praise? That is true, that is honest, because a lot of people are praised, but they may not necessarily deserve that praise. It may be fake praise, it may be, you know, over embellished. But how old is true praise it is to praise the one who is deserving of that praise and is Allah subhanaw taala deserving of all praise? Absolutely. Because he is ill Hamid he is the praiseworthy one he is ever praiseworthy. Thirdly, we want to
remember the fact that hand is to praise someone with muhabba and terylene. With love, and with reverence, with respect with humility. So it is loving praise, it is respectful praise, and it is thankful praise. Because sometimes, you know, we say thank you to someone with our mouths, but in our heart, we don't mean it at all. That's not hand hand is to say with your hearts, with love with feelings with respect. Fourthly, hand is to praise in absolute terms. And this is where we recognize the difference between Hamden, sugar, sugar is only in response to a favor, but how old is over everything, and hand is in every state. So whether we are enjoying something, or even if we are
sick, we are experiencing sickness, we are going through a really tough time. We feel like someone has been unfair to us, even in that state. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah is not just when we're feeling happy Alhamdulillah we should say even when we're feeling sad, you know why? Because, you know, there might be some aspect which is painful, given the condition that we're experiencing, but there's also something good associated with it. You know, for example, just a small example, having a nightmare, having a bad dream.
We learned from hotties that this is from shaitan shaitan tries to frighten us And shaitan plays with us, you know, in our dream, and he he tries to harm us. He likes to put us in fear and worry, and you know, embarrassment. So this is why we should not share our bad dreams with people. Once a man mentioned about this terrible nightmare he had and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, do not tell people about how Shavon plays with you in your sleep. Do not humiliate yourself in front of people. Now, bad dreams, you know they're from shaitan. But if you think about it, nothing happens without the will of Allah. So how come Allah subhanaw taala has allowed Shaitan to have
access to us basically, in our sleep. There is some benefit behind that. You know, because when we dream, and especially when we have scary, frightening dreams, these kinds of dreams actually prepare us to face dangers in real life. Because when we actually face those dangers in real life, that's not the first time that we are witnessing something horrifying, something extremely frightening. So even when bad things happen when we are going through trouble. Remember that there is still something good in it or something good will result from it. This is why Alhamdulillah when things are good, and also Alhamdulillah when we're struggling. And the fifth thing is that hand is to
express praise verbally. Hound is especially with the tongue. So hum does not just gratitude and love for God that you feel in your heart. Hound is praise that you express it is to say Alhamdulillah and remember I mentioned to you earlier, that sugar can just be in the heart you can feel grateful, but it's possible that you never express that gratitude. How old is praise that is verbally expressed? So alhamdulillah means that all praise is due to Allah. Meaning all praise is for Allah, that Allah is deserving of all praise. Allah is deserving of absolute praise. And Alhamdulillah also means that all praises for Allah alone, meaning no one but Allah deserves
absolute praise. And this is true because people while we may praise them for what they have done we know that they're not perfect. We learned in solitary Javea is number 36. That fully lair Hill 100 of bissa t what a bill early or Bill Allah mean that for Allah is all praise, and only for Allah is all praise, who is the Lord of the Skies and the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the Worlds. So alhamdulillah Why is it said it is said ingratitude Of course, out of thankfulness, but it is also said, when we are experiencing difficulty, because when we are experiencing difficulty and we say Alhamdulillah we are still practicing gratitude, and that helps us recognize the blessings of Allah
that we are experiencing along with the difficulty. So alhamdulillah is the statement, it is the Kalama of every shacket of a truly grateful person, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if Balu Shoukry Alhamdulillah that the best form of expressing gratitude is to say Alhamdulillah and you know, know how to use them. You will notice this in the Quran for the prophets of Allah. They said Alhamdulillah so for example, no hallelujah Salah we learn about him in Surah to me known verse number 28 That he was told that when you embark on the ship, then for Khalil Hamdulillah, then you should say Alhamdulillah in Surah, Brahim, I 39 We learn Ibrahim alayhis
salam, he said Alhamdulillah he led the wobbly al kebari Ismar ILA what is help Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah He granted me the gift of Ismar ILA and is helped my two sons, even though I'm so old, that would erase them. So they man early salon, we learn about them. So to normal I have 15 that Wirkkala both of them said Alhamdulillah he led the fog Berliner, or like a feed him and everybody will move meaning all praises to Allah, the One who gave preference to us over so many of his believing servants. The people of Jana, they will say in Surah Arafa 40
As we learn, they will say Alhamdulillah Hilary Hidin. Ali had all praises to Allah, who guided us to this, in truth, fatter Ayah 34 We learned they will say Alhamdulillah he lady and her Bernal has an all Praise to Allah who removed all worry from us, we have no worry in paradise. So alhamdulillah is expressed by who? By the one who is truly, truly grateful to Allah. And you will notice that the prophets of Allah, they expressed gratitude to Allah by saying and hamdulillah and the prophets of Allah did not live easy lives. No Halley's Sinha lived a long life of struggle, Ibrahim already his son and lived a long life of struggle that would erase them. So the man and his son and they had
their own struggles. The people of Jana are who the people who were tested in the world. So alhamdulillah don't think that this is just for people who are having it all easy. Alhamdulillah is for you. And I make a habit of saying Alhamdulillah and say it from your heart, And Alhamdulillah we also said when we complete something good. So we begin with Bismillah and we conclude with Alhamdulillah this is why when we wake up in the morning, what do we say Alhamdulillah he lady, a Jana? When we eat and drink, we begin with Bismillah but at the end, what do we say Alhamdulillah he lady of Dharma Harada right and there are so many different doors, which we can say. And in all of
them we express thanks to Allah by saying Alhamdulillah so when we say Alhamdulillah we are essentially practicing gratitude. And when we practice gratitude, remember that gratitude actually protects us it benefits us. In Surah Nisa, I 147 We learn almost panel Tara says Maria for our love will be either become in Shackleton momentum, which basically means that why would Allah punish you if you are grateful and you believe. So if you are grateful, and you believe Allah will not punish you, when we sit Alhamdulillah we are rewarded, and we are forgiven. In a hadith we learn Alhamdulillah he tongue let will Misa when you say Alhamdulillah that fills the scale which scale
not the scales of the world, the scale of the day of judgment on which deeds will be weighed. So when you say Alhamdulillah it is so huge, you need a reward for this is so huge, that it fills the scale. In another Hadith we learned that every day needed every time that you say Alhamdulillah, you get the reward of sadaqa you get the reward of charity, you know, sometimes we're not able to go outside and you know, give charity, or we're not able to go to the masjid and put some donation in the donation box. We're not even able to give donation online. But just because we can't do that doesn't mean we quit on this beautiful form of worship, we can also say Alhamdulillah and In another
Hadith we learn that the person who says Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen with their hearts, and even people enough see any just like that with their heart, then 30 Good deeds are recorded for that person. And 30 sins are erased from him. When we say Alhamdulillah we are provided because Allah subhanaw taala says, Let in Shackleton let us see the knuckle. If you are grateful, I will increase blessings for you. And when we say Alhamdulillah we draw closer to Allah, we increase in dignity. Because in a hadith we learn that the best servants of Allah on the Day of Judgment, or who hammer Dune, those who praise Allah a lot. So make it a habit to say Alhamdulillah even when you're
struggling with something, make it a habit to say Alhamdulillah and the thing is that I don't need to go into the details of the psychological benefits of gratitude. There is a lot of studies a lot of material out there about the benefits of practicing gratitude. So the main thing is we practice gratitude we express gratitude to Allah because why not? He is deserving of all praise.