Yasir Qadhi – Disliked Times of Prayer (Makruh) – The Fiqh of Salah #20

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of timing for prayer is emphasized, particularly for those who have already prayed outside at home. Prayer timing is also discussed, including after the sun rises and when the actual end of the day prayer is reached. The use of signs and timing of prayer are also discussed, emphasizing the importance of praying in the context of the culture and setting a time frame. The importance of praying at the right time and being patient during the process is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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We now move on to the next chapter from Ibn Kodamas book and that is the chapter regarding which prayer timings we cannot pray in. And he says when he comes soon there are five timings that one cannot pray and so what is the chapter topic? What are the timings that we should not be praying the Salawat and what are the exceptions? What Salah words can we pray and what Salah what are we forever not allowed to pray in these times? So, he says, there are five prayer timings number one better identify God had total ice chips after praying Fajr until the sun rises. Okay, so this is after you pray Fudger and before the actual end prayer of Fudger. So if I just if today it finishes at what

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730 Something, so you pray budget at let's say 630 from 630 to 730. This is the first timing number two after sun rise until it rises the level of a spear.

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Okay, so this will be from 630 to maybe, sorry, from 730 to maybe, let's say an hour today, maybe eight o'clock or 810. Okay, so it goes around one meter, they would say, number three, Winder Korea may have had that rule. And when the sun is at its Zenit until it begins the descent. Okay, this is number three, number four, whereby the lastly, habitat by year for Shum, Sulu, and after you pray answer, until the sun has begun the actual guru. And number five way that although you effort had that room when the first disc goes down, until it actually finishes going down, okay, so are these five timings clear, each one of these are very simple. In fact, there are three timings. But the

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first and the last are longer, we add timings to them, okay. The first timing is after fajr up until the sun goes above the horizon, one meter, but this is divided into two.

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The first of them is until the Fajr sun begins to rise. And then after it rises until it goes to a meter. And then the third timing is after Ossur, up until beginning of Maghrib. But this is also divided into two. And that is after you pray acid up until the beginning of the Sun basically begins to go low down. Okay. And then when it begins to go low. Now there's an afterlife we're going to talk about in the month of when does that timing begin, when the sun becomes dull yellow, or when the sun is basically the equivalent of one meter of the other side now is on that side, or when the shadow is more than double. So all of these are different opinions, but basically, what it is about

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to set until it begins to set and then the actual setting. That is the fifth timing. So these are the five timings that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the people from praying. And this has mentioned in the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that are mobinil HotJobs said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us to pray after the soba until the sun is shining, and after the answer until the sun has set, so this is one Hadith In another Hadith, our process that said la sala Tabare the sub hate habitat of the FEI shum su walau salata about the history of Aruba shrimps, there is no Salah after you pray the Fajr the morning until the sun is a pie, and there is no Salah

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after Ossur until the sun has set and In another Hadith had been narrated that the prophets of salaam said three are the timings that the prophets or some forbade us to pray in and to bury our dead. Number one, that when the sun rises until it is shining bright, number two when it is right above us until it begins to go down. And number 331 It is about to set until it sets so this hadith in Sahih Muslim is explicit three are the timings the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us to pray now, what are the prayers that we cannot pray? This is what even Kodama says, Fahad the he sat These are the times law your Salah he had total one no see

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Now are knuffel Dotto Where is nothing we will call right the salah that has no basis other than you want to worship Allah. These are the timings we do not pray in what are the exceptions number one in laffy additonal Gemma it either okay number two who are filled Masjid the first exception. What is the first exception? If he happens to be in the masjid and he's already prayed, but the people haven't prayed and they are praying.

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So then he will join them in the Salah, even though he has prayed. This is the first exception. Okay, so simple scenario that

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suppose that you weren't planning to come for our salah, let's say, so happened that something happened and you had to go to the masjid. And so now you're entering the masjid and you have prayed outside at home. But you didn't realize you will be in the masjid. So now you enter the masjid and they are praying also, technically you have prayed Asad. So this is one of the timings where you're not supposed to pray. Correct. However, this is the first exception.

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If you are in the masjid, which means if you are at home and you prayed outside, then some friends came over and they wanted to do also Gemma you do not pray with them.

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Because the salah of the masjid is not like the salah of the home. And the obligation of joining the masjid Gemma is not anywhere close to any type of there is no obligation to join in FL Gemma and somebody's house. So the salah of the masjid should be a unified salah. And this is proven in the Hadith in Sahih Muslim

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sorry in in some Muslim by Muhammad and Timothy Nasai Muslim that the Prophet SAW Selim prayed Salat al Fajr. And when he turned around he saw in the back two people standing and they haven't prayed. So the prophets of salaam said to them are you not Muslims?

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Why have you not prayed with us? meaning are you pagans are you wish you so you visiting? Why aren't you praying? And this shows us the severity of just standing around when there is a salah of the GEMA of the masjid going on? Because the process of question there Islam

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aren't you Muslims?

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So meaning, the only reason that you will should not join us Salah in the masjid. If you are a visitor you are a pagan you happen to be visiting and you want to listen about Islam then Okay. Otherwise if you are Muslim, why are you not joining? So they said Ya rasool Allah we prayed in our tents, this was at which time it happened. We paid it in our tents. And then we came here and we saw you praying so we did not join because we already prayed for you. So the process was said lots of Haila don't return to this again. If you pray in your tents or places of residence there then you come to the masjid and the Jamar is happening then pray with the GEMA and that second prayer will be

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not filler for you. You prayed your fourth but this will be not filler for you. So this is an explicit Hadith that even if you have prayed Fajr or acid, now obviously this would not apply for marketable ratio because there is no nahi right? So there is no problem even at all you're going to join anyway, the problem would come if your acid and suppose you prayed Fajr at home, then for whatever reason you're in the masjid and the Salah is going on. So we are expected to join the Salah, even though we have prayed Fajr and technically we should not be praying anything until the next until the sun goes up. So this is the first exception. The second exception will rock I'll tell

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you the power fee by the WHO THE TWO raka art of tawaf and this is something that the humbly madhhab is very clear about that in the humbly madhhab.

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You are allowed to pray the Toorak out of tawaf at any time of the day and night. And that is because they reason there is their logic is that the Kava is in front of you.

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And so there should be no reason to prevent a Salah for the tawaf and they base this on a hadith in Timothy, that the prophets of salaam said, All children have abdomen if you have any abdomen AF LATAM now I had on top of her we had l Beatty or salah, free ASR 10 Shah min Leyland owner how do not stop anybody from coming and doing throw off and praying here at any time of the night and day, ie the kava should be open 24 hours a day. And this is the custom of the Muslim since the beginning of Islam which to this day is operative. You go to the cabinet anytime of the night and day and it should be open and people should learn to laugh. And that is why the camera the Tawaf is a

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continuous ritual that has gone

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On nonstop for 14 centuries, except in limited times of crises where things happen in front of the camera such as the takeover and at Sony and and other places where the Ottawa stopped limited times. Otherwise the to life is a continuous act of worship that has been going on and this is based on this hadith do not stop anybody from doing throw off or praying. So this hadith and tell me the the Hannah Bella took it the humbleness took it and they said that this means you can pray at any time in front of the cab and especially the rock it auto off, so this is the second exception. Number three, they said Salah to either Janaza

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Janaza Salah it can be prayed during these timings during these timings. And this is pretty much by almost by unanimous consensus and the Sunnah of the Muslims has been to have Janaza Salah at any time, whenever the Janaza is ready even if it is after fajr or after Modi awesome Muslim it was not a problem. Awesome. Okay, so this is the Sunnah of the Muslims since the beginning of time, the Muslims have been praying janazah after fajr and after also, and they've never had a problem with this. And that is the because the strategy and as even though it is a Salah, but it is a salad that has no record of sujood so they are more lacks when it comes to the Janaza Salah that because in one

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Hadith we learned that the process of M said that do not prostrate when the sun is rising, or when the sun is setting for that that is the time when it rises and sets between the horns of shaytaan for inadequate obey not Coronae shaytaan. And one of the interpretations is that that is the time when the worshipers of the sun worship the sun. So we don't want people to think you're worshiping the sun as the ALA goes. And so that would not apply for the Serato janazah. So therefore, the third timing, so that will janazah the fourth that is allowed to pray Wakaba Asuna and arowana te fi Whakatane e minha. You're allowed to make up the ra ra Tim soon and remember the RA Trypsin and they

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are what is the definition of the relative Sunon. What is the definition of the relative soon

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the ones that are linked to the five fold. This is the definition the sooner that are linked to the five fold. These are the Roboto sooner, so even Kodama says another exception. If you haven't prayed robotic, you're allowed to make up the relative but only at two of these five timings not all five

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clear on the two of these five timings and what are these five to five of these five timings that after fajr until the sunrise and after also until the sunset. So, three timings therefore in the humbly madhhab are extra strict.

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And these three timings are very short in duration 15 minutes each.

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Not even more than that sometimes even less than 15 In fact, the sunrise and there's a while and the actual Sun sunrise and Zool is literally five minutes or less okay. So, when the sun is actually rising

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at that point in time or when the sun is at its zenith or when the sun is setting, these are the stricter timings but after fajr until the sunrise and after acid until mothering we are allowed to do what make up the Salawat that we have which sought out sooner or Atiba that we haven't prayed and this is based on a hadith that the that a person the prophets Islam saw him praying to God after Fajr in the masjid and he said what are these two rocks that you are praying so the man said that I wasn't able to pray the tour guides before Fajr so I'm praying them now and the process and remain silent. So his silence became approval okay. So the man pray two rakaat after praying the fourth

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right then and there and this is what timing after fajr until the actual sunrises okay. So, based on this the Hanabi data set and this is the Hanafi is do not say this the Hanafi is completely disagree and they say you are not to pray any prayer at all. But the humble is have this concession that the Sunnah and erotica based on this hadith, they said the Sunnah and erotica, you can make up at those two timings after praying budget until sun rise and after acid until sun set. While you're Zhu Zhu Kado

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l MUFE rule dot and it is allowed to make up the followed at any time. The forward trumps the

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the prohibitions if you haven't prayed the forward Salah and you remember at a time of prohibition, then right then and there, you're allowed to make it up because the forward trumps the prohibition is the prohibition is for the Nuffield Salah Okay, the provision is for the Nuffield salah, so, therefore, the Hanabi Allah would say that for example, salata istikhara should not be prayed at this time. You should wait how long 20 minutes 15 But just be patient praise the hara after this point in time okay. Generally speaking most of the Hannah Bella as well say you would not pray if you entered the masjid

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This is the majority Hannah below there is also a penny within the hundreds that said you are allowed to but the majority say no if you enter the masjid No, you will sit down you will not pray because it is not one of these exceptions, okay. And the Shaffir is cool. As we said last time, they say you should pray because they say the prohibition only applies to the pure anopheles Salah pure nothing and it does not apply to any Salah that you want to pray for a specific reason, including istikhara that if you wanted to have an ester harness, there's no need to delay you have a reason to pray. Okay. So, this is the afterlife of the Buddha who will stick with the humbly method as we said

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just to make things just to make things easy.

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So this is the summary of the chapter what timings are prohibited.

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