Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 026E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 196

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The transmission of culture through practice and behavior is essential, and complete actions and behaviors are necessary to achieve culture goals. The use of hedges and slouch for individuals is important, and shaving and trimmed hair is important for shaving and shaving-related activities. hedging is required for hedging activities, but not for hedge-related activities. The importance of educating oneself about hedge-related activities is emphasized. The use of hedges and slouch is optional and required, and "has" is used for hedge activities. The importance of hedging during hedge season is emphasized, and regulations and rules are discussed.
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Number 196 What a team will have Java or Morata Lilla what a team a team always from the root letters tell me mean from the word to man, it man to complete something to perform something fully in such a way that nothing at all is left out.
So a Timo it's a command you should complete, you should completely perform, you should fully carry out what alhaja the Hajj will learn later and the Umrah for who lay for Allah. What a team will have dual Umatilla complete the Hajj and Umrah for the sake of Allah, what is Al Hajj and what is Al
hajj and umrah they are you can say the pilgrimage that a person performs. He goes where to the garba to the house of Allah and he performs a pilgrimage over there. Hajj is the major the greater pilgrimage and Omura is the minor the lesser pilgrimage. Hajj is from hygiene Jeem had Jeff is to intend so Hajj is to intend to go to the house of Allah at a particular time to perform certain rituals. So Hajj, it cannot be performed any time of the year, but it has to be performed at a specific time of the year and in hajj, you don't just go visit the Kaaba pray Salah and come back. No there are certain rituals that you have to perform and Umrah what is aroma it is from imeem raw,
we have done the word Yamato right.
So it means to populate a place okay to populate a place so Aurora is you can say a visit to the house of Allah. The constant visits to the house of Allah by people throughout the year which keeps the Haram which keeps the house of Allah populated in busy. There is no place on this earth that is as busy as Baitullah. Any other place. It could be a mall, it could be a theme park could be anything what happens to it, it eventually shuts down for at least a day or a part of a day or a week or a month or a season. Right? Even for renovations.
But the house of Allah no matter what is happening, even if it's being cleaned, or the Kiswa the cover of the car is being changed or the renovations going on. Is it ever shut down? Never why? Because there are people coming for Ramallah they're constantly populating the place.
So Allah says that a team will have to complete the Hajj or Umrah Lilla he for Allah, meaning when you go to perform hajj, then completed and when you go to perform umbra, then complete it. Don't do like this, that you're on your way. And you perform one ritual and you're like, I'm too tired, man. Forget it. Next time I'm going home. No, once you make the intention to perform the Hajj to perform the omelet, then you have to complete it. You know professionals, one of their qualities is that they finish what they start.
They don't have 20 projects that are still going on. And they're like, Yeah, I'm supposed to do it. I'm supposed to do it, but I can't do it. No, whatever they start, they finish it they completed. So for example, if you are a professional person, and you've started this course then what will you do?
Inshallah you will complete it and if you don't complete it, what does that mean? You have a casual attitude. You're not serious, not a professional.
So anyway, Allah says, we're a team, we'll have Joel or Murata. Lilla, Allah says Lilla what does that mean? That when a person performs Hajj or he performs or MRA then he must do it for whose sake for the sake of Allah. It is the right of Allah, that these rituals be performed for his sake exclusively in surah. Earlier in one ayah 97 We learn while in lay here on a nursing job at Minister Tara Lee Sevilla, due to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the house for whoever is able to find their own way, meaning whoever is able to take the journey, he must perform the hajj for whose sake, for whose sake for the sake of Allah, because if a person performs even the biggest good deed,
but not for the sake of Allah, then it's not accepted. So a team will have dual or Murata. Lilla.
So there are two things that we learned from this first of all, that complete hygiene aroma. And secondly, do it for who's sick for the sake of Allah. Even when it came to fasting we learned when he took medullary that or complete the number of fasts. Don't leave them
In complete, don't leave them unfinished.
Likewise hajj and umrah once you set out, you have to complete. And you see these are acts of worship. And anything that you care about, what do you do?
You complete it, you finish it. And if you don't finish it, what does it mean? You don't really care about it?
So for example, if you have, you know, an essay that you're supposed to write, and you write half of it, but you don't complete it, can you submit it? No, you can't? Can you get any marks for it? Not at all. Can you be graded for it? No, you can't. And if you don't complete it, you don't submit it. What does it mean? You don't care about it, because if you cared about it, then you would definitely complete it.
If you don't complete something, it means that you've lost interest in it. But hajj and umrah are rituals. And just the fact that there are acts of worship that deserve respect, and what does it mean that once we start, we should complete and by extension, any good thing we begin, what should we do? We should complete it.
But let's say a person sets out to perform Hajj to perform Umrah. But
a situation happens and what is that
fit in. So if this is the first scenario,
slit dome, you were restricted how solid raw hustle, hustle is to surround something, okay? And if slough is to surround something to encircle something, so that it is restrained within it cannot come out.
It cannot come out.
So, obviously, you were restrained, meaning you were prevented from continuing the journey.
So for example, a person gets their hedge visa, they leave from their country. They're on their way. They get to, let's say, agenda. And when they're there, they say no, there's a problem with your visa, we can't let you in, you have to go back.
And you're like, No, this is valid, this is this. And they're like, no, no, because of whatever reason, and you don't understand what they're saying. And they can't understand what you're saying. So they say you can't come and they put canceled stamp on your passport and you're supposed to be going home on the next flight or save time you're prevented. Whatever the reason was, you're not able to go, you're not able to continue.
Similarly, it's possible that a person is on his way. And he falls extremely ill.
Let's say today's inter Hodge. He's at Mina, for example. Okay, he's at Mina, and he's so sick, he is so ill, that he cannot continue. He's prevented by illness.
All right. Or, for example, something happened back home, a person is going for Hajj, he gets there early, a week in advance. And before even the day of Hajj begins, you get to call your mother is extremely ill get back right now.
So he has to go he left with the intention of Hajj, but he can't complete it.
So it could be different situations. So for ill or certain, then what should a person do?
Then he will
obviously discontinue his hedge or his own rock because his circumstances don't allow him to continue. But can he just come out of the State of Iran because remember that in Hajin Urmila person is in the State of Iran. Right? And you can't come out of the State of Iran until you have performed all of the rituals.
Okay, Inshallah, we'll go into the details later, but just some things well, to make you understand that you can't just come out of the state of your home like that, you can only come out after you have completed all of your rituals, the rituals include for example, slaughtering the animal likewise, cutting of the hair, doing the Rami so on and so forth. So, but if a person has not done that, so, what is he going to do? Can he just come out? Yes, he will, but he has to something else in return to make up for what he did. And what is that? He has to slaughter an animal.
So Allah says, PHMSA, Salah firmer. So, whatever is they saw it was easily available, yes, seen rock use it What does use of mean is, so it stays subtle, it was easily available, it was feasible you can obtain with ease mineral Hadith, of the sacrificial animal, meaning then you have to offer whatever sacrificial animal is easily available to you. Meaning whatever you can afford,
and how it is from the root letters had earlier and heady is the end
animal that is offered as sacrifice.
By the way, people sometimes feel that why do you have to sacrifice animals? You know, as a part of worship? It's not a big deal. I mean, you eat meat all the time. Don't we eat meat all the time? People start our animals all the time.
So, you slaughter an animal as a ritual as well. There's nothing gross about that.
Okay, the blood you don't do anything with that, you have to discard it. Okay? The blood does not become holy, no, the meat does not become holy. It's just that the animal has to be slaughtered to show that you can spend anything for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. It's symbolic.
It's anyway, for most a solid mineral heavy heavy is the animal that is offered as a sacrifice the sacrificial animal. But why is it called heady? It's called heady, because remember the meaning of the word Houda hedaya What does that mean? Guidance.
And it means to go from one point to the other, from one point to your destination.
So Heidi is the animal that is taken from outside of the harem into the huddle.
People would bring it with themselves and it would be sent to the harm to its morale, and then it would be slaughtered over there.
So likewise, he Dyer is what transformation that a person was at point A and now he is different. You know, sometimes people want to know my regular guidance, then you have to check yourself are you different from how you were before? How's your Salah? How's your heart? How's your thinking? How's your they could how's your habits that will reflect whether you have transformed or not. So anyway, from a stay salamin hottie
so this is the explanation for not completing the Hajj or Umrah what is the expiation that a person has to has to offer
is sacrifice right sacrificial animal and which animal does it have to be?
Which animal does it have to be an elephant?
No, you can't slide relevance or had
a camo
a goat or sheep? What should it be whatever a person can afford.
Whatever he is able to do from a stay solid mineral hottie. One more thing that you have to do to come out of the state of your farm is that you have to shave you have to cut your hair for the men shave the hair or trim it and for the women trim a little
so Allah subhanaw taala says that while at the helical and do not do haha lamb cough help is to shave right to completely remove and also is to shorten and aware does not mean that you have to shave but meaning don't cut your hair don't do that yet will also come roses a torrent of rocks.
So don't shave off your heads meaning don't shave the hair of your head or don't trim it had that until ye beluga it reaches back lamb line
until it reaches ahead to you the sacrificial animal where Mahinda who its place of slaughter, its destination.
So a person has to offer an animal it has to be sacrificed. But
only after the animal is sacrificed. Then he will shave the hair or trim the hair. And after that a person is out of the state of Islam.
He's officially not doing Hajj anymore.
And there's no sin on him. There's no blame on him.
What is my health? My illness from the root letters Harlem lamb and halal is
Hello. Okay for miserable. So my hair is the place where an animal is going to be made halal, meaning it's going to be slaughtered. It's that place. What is that place? That place? It is the Haram okay, it is the Haram that's where the hadith is sent.
But let's say a person is not able to get the sacrificial animal all the way to the Haram then what should they do?
What should they do? Think about it. I'll tell you an incident the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Companions they set out in the sixth year of Hijra in order to perform Umrah and at this time still the wish to Kenyan Muslims were at war. Okay. Now imagine the prophets of Allah and the Muslims are going to Makkah to perform Umrah and the machine when they found out they're like no way we cannot let them enter at all.
So this stop the Muslims from entering and after much back and forth. It was decided that the Muslims don't come this year for Umrah but rather they come the following year and that is when the Treaty of Rome
Libya was signed.
Now the Muslims were in their home and they had their sacrificial animals, you think that the machine would let their animals come into the home?
If they didn't that Muslims come in? Will you think they would let their animals come in? Never. So, what should they have done? What did they do? Sacrifice wherever a person can.
Okay, so my health, ideally, what is it that but if that's not possible, then wherever a person is.
So, once the animal is slaughtered, then a person can trim the hair. And then he's officially out of the State of Iran, officially, his hedge camera is discontinued.
Another situation a person started off for huduma. But from an economy income, then whoever was among you, Maria lung, Ill meme Rolla, he was extremely sick, extremely ill
Oh, or be with him, meaning he had and then and then an injury, some harm some ailment. Mila, see he in his head,
and then it's from the root letters Hamza Dalia and other is any kind of ailment, any kind of pain, harm suffering, that a person experiences that is basically experienced by a living being.
So for example, if you got a piece of wood, you don't say that you're hurting the wood. Likewise, if you're cutting, if you're chopping a character, it doesn't mean that the character screaming, okay, but if you cut up an animal, then yes, he will suffer, he will feel the pain. Likewise, if you are a human being again, he will suffer the pain.
Okay, so other the person has some other where middle of see in his head, let's say the person had a severe head injury. He was in his hedge or doing his camera and he fell, and he hurt his head really bad. And the doctors have to, let's say, stitch up the head or have to do some kind of procedure. And that requires that the hair has to be shaved off. You understand? This is another situation, that person is doing how he became extremely ill, or his hair has to be cut, his hair has to be trimmed. Now in that case, can he do that? He's at how Jesus ombre can he do that? Allah subhanaw taala says for Vidya done, then some video, then yes, our religion is very practical. If a person is
at the verge of dying, he's bleeding then you can say no, no, he's at home. So you can't cut the hair. No, you will cut the hair. You have to do that. But the person has to do something else for the violation that was done.
And what is that he has to do fulfill yet and then he has to give a Vidya Vidya Fidel, yeah, ransom. What is that ransom? Mensa yam of fasting. Oh sada cotton or charity. Oh no sick or sacrifice. So he has three options of failure.
He can either fast how many fasts from produce we learned three days. Also Dhaka or he can give sadaqa how much sadaqa that he has to feed six needy people.
Oh, no sock or a sacrifice is slaughtered nusach Noon seen gaff monastic right arena Manasa Cana no circus sacrifice. So that person has the option to choose from these three He can either fast for three days he can either feed six needy people or he can slaughter an animal and which animal that has to be either a sheep or a goat meaning a smaller animal not a big one, not a camel or a cow but rather a smaller one.
So this is the second situation which is that a person was doing Hajj everything was fine but he became extremely ill he cannot continue the hedge anymore okay, or the hair has to be trimmed
so what's going to happen he should cut the hair he will come out of Iran he will cancel his hedge his camera, but he has to give the fifth yet in order to make up for what was done.
The first case was or slip them a person cannot continue for Hajj at all okay, but this case the second one is specific to illness okay this is specific to illness and also such a situation in which the hair has to be cut
okay in which the hair has to be cut.
So, in that situation, this is what a person will do
for either I mean to normal circumstances for either so when I mean Tom, you all are secure Hamza, Mamnoon, Amman. Everything is fine, their security their speeds everywhere, there is nothing to prevent you. There is nothing to cause any trouble. You can easily go for Hajj you can complete it. You can complete your camera, then for a month Amata
Then whoever was the matar biller or Marathi.
The MATA is for me that I matar benefit. And the matter is to gain benefit to take benefit. Okay to take advantage.
So whoever was taking advantage of doing what Bill O'Meara of doing aroma, Adel hedge to hedge,
meaning he was taking the advantage of performing online with that hedge as well,
in general will tell you the details later in the next lesson, but just a little bit, there's three types of hedge. Okay, it doesn't mean that the rituals will be different, but the requirements are different three types of hedge. Does anyone know?
Does anyone know what they are?
Okay, one is hedged. The mature hedge the matter is performed by outsiders, meaning people who don't live in the area of Holland but they live outside. And what they can do is that they can perform Umrah when they arrive
and they will come out to the State of Iran. And then when the days of hedge gun, then they will put on the harm again, and they will perform the hajj.
So basically, one trip, one journey to Islam
and do rituals.
Okay, one trip you traveled from Canada wants to serve, and you go for let's say 15 days.
You get there. For example, three days before Hutch.
So you get there with your Iran. You do Aurora after your camera after one day you're out of the state of your home for two days. You're free, you're happy, you're praying in the Haram everything's normal, you can get a haircut, you can cut your nails easily, but when the time for Hajj comes then what will you do you will put on the home again.
So you took advantage of performing Umrah on one trip, you understand.
So this is how much the matter.
Another type of how just had to build on Patreon is from autumn to join
and that is that a person joins Umrah and Hajj in one Iran one Islam but Umrah and Hajj The third type is Hajj if rods and what is that only hedge one haram but only one hedge no camera.
Okay, no camera. So these are the three types of hedge over here. Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning which one had the mutter that whoever is taking advantage of performing Umrah until the time of Hajj meaning until he entered the home of Hajj, then from a stay Surah then from then whatever is the salah it was easily available mineral Headey of the sacrificial animal. What does this mean? This means that the one who is performing Hajj de matar, he has to also offer a sacrificial animal.
This has not been at the sacrificial animal is some kind of Vidya No, this is an obligation that is imposed on him because he is taking advantage of doing Umrah and Hajj. Right, so he has to be more grateful to Allah. And this is why he has to offer a sacrificial animal. Okay, so for my stay Surah Minal hottie, he has to offer a sacrificial animal, this is a requirement from him, because he's performing this kind of hedge. And what's the reason behind that? What's the reason that I told you?
What's the reason why does he have to offer the animal and others don't? Because he has the opportunity to do more, to gain more.
So when he's doing more, he has to be more grateful.
So the status is a very important lesson in life, that whenever Allah gives us the ability to do extra that other people are not able to for whatever reason, then what does it mean we have to be even more grateful
for my stay salah, menial hottie
but let's say a person made the intention of Hajj de matar, he does or Mala, and he's doing Hajj. But let's say when it comes time to buy an animal to slaughter and he cannot afford.
He cannot afford it. He made the intention already. But when it comes to actually assaulting the animal, he realizes he doesn't have that much money anymore.
Something happened perhaps he lost his wallet. It happens at hydrate. He lost his wallet and there is no way that he can get money from home before the time of Hajj. And so what should he do them? Should he go on begging people asking them for money? No. Allah says from Allah myalgic so whoever does not find Wow
seem dull, meaning whoever cannot afford
then what should he do?
For a year more than fasting he has to fast how many fasts 30. A yam three days a year, Florida Young. Then he has to fast for three days. Phil hedge in hedge meaning in the month of her.
Okay. He has to make those fasts in that season of hedge. Not that next year he thinks Okay, yeah, I'm supposed to make up those three fast well make them up now. No. In that given time, Phil hedge he should first three days during the days of hunts during the month of hajj. And this can be done that he confessed three days before Hutch. Okay, if he knows that he won't have that much money, or he can fast after the 13th
Okay, so he confessed three days either before hedge or he confess three days after hedge because for the judge, they don't fast on the Day of Arafah
they're not allowed to do that.
Nor can he fast on the day of slaughter, Yamuna, so there are certain rules.
So three firsts in the days of Hajj was Saba and seven fasts either ajar tone when you return meaning when you go back home.
So in total how many fasts in total how many 10 Three over there and seven on on going back home
tilde that is our shorter term 10 Kameelah complete meaning it has to be 10 Complete fast a person cannot fast only nine or eight or seven no it has to be 10
then he can this rule is for who Lehmann for the one who lumea Khan he is not a Hulu his family. How did he How did he handle it? He is actually how Medina okay how Medina but the noon has been dropped because how Medina is being connected with Al Masjid Al haram. And how Medina is a Florida of * live from the room. That's just how Baltra What does How about I mean, it held on I Akumal mouth how
to be present. Right? So how good is one who is present, and it means a resident of a place someone who lives in a particular place he's a resident of a place. So this rule of what hatch the mature and if a person cannot find the sacrificial animal then fasting, a total of 10 fasts. This rule is for who for the one whose family does not live is not a resident of El Masjid Al haram, meaning Hajj, the matter will be performed by who?
Those who don't live in the area of haram those who don't live in Makkah.
Those who live in Makkah, they will do other Hajj they will not do Hajj the matter what's the matter is for who those who live outside of Makkah because think about it. How can you make up seven fasts when you go back home? If your home is the hub you can't do that. Right? What the hula And fear Allah who are an Ambu and Allah has shut either a club and know that indeed Allah is Severe in retribution are called this from the root letters are in Kafka, and aeroclub is punishment. And it's from our crib archivists heal. So it follows meaning when a person does something wrong, the punishment follows. It doesn't leave him it comes against him.
So what the Kola Hawara limb will underlie should either a club, why is the set over here, that these are the rules of hedge that you have to strictly observe? If you're not able to do one thing, then you have to make up from the other way that Allah has told you about. You cannot take these matters lightly. This is not something that is very small, very insignificant, no, this is something that's very major. Because we learned earlier that what a team will have jolomo For who
for who Lilla and when it's the right of Allah that it has to be performed properly with the fear of Allah.
And a person must never take this matter lightly. Because you were doing Hajj for Allah and if you don't do it properly, he knows and if you fall short in your duty that he will punish that's listen to the recitation.
What a
In stone semester is Amina
who second
Marine One will be
seen it's sad to
bother watching
So either
down. I've been wrong Mati Elan hanji furnace stay salamin
for millennia JD Musella Sachi.
G was a daunting
tomb didn't
know how waiting Masjid in how long or what? long how
long as your need, although
it's a very long idea. But you can see that there are many things that are mentioned in it, I'll quickly read through it. So all that we studied can come together can be consolidated in your minds because it's a little technical so it's important that we understand this properly.
So if you just look at the Arabic I'm only going to read the Arabic okay, I'm not going to go into the translation what a team will have dual or Morata LilLah complete the Hajj and Umrah for who for Allah. But if a person is not able to fit in or slip them
then what should he do from a stay Salah Meenal hottie offer sacrifice whatever is available but from a stay Salam al Hadi
wala technical Russa calm Hatay available How do you Mahela another thing that you have to do is shave your head trim your hair, but you cannot do that until the animal is actually slaughtered.
Another scenario a person is sick and because of that sickness, the hair has to be cut or he cannot continue from an CanAm in Cameroon Obi Wan Mira see then what should he do for fideism in selenium and also the cotton owner so he should come out the state of your home he is going to discontinue his hedge and then he has the choice. He can choose from one of these three options what are the CM Oh sadaqa owners.
Another situation for either amento normal circumstances there is no problems nothing is preventing a person from continuing his Hajj, but he is doing Hajj the mutter from thermotherapy Marathi in Al Hajj. Then it is his obligation that he has to from a stay Salah menial heavy he has to offer a sacrificial animal.
But if he cannot afford for millennia, then firstly I'm with Alethia Yemen then he has to first three days Phil hedge in the days of hedge was Sabra and seven fast either Roger on going back home.
But this rule is for who
is for who? Till Carshalton Camella 10 fast with this rule is for who there luckily Mala Mia cuando La Habra Masjid Al haram. This is for the one who is not a resident of the Haram but rather he lives outside. And Allah warns us what the Allah who are in a mu and Allah should either a cop fear Allah and know that Allah is Severe in retribution. In other words, take the matters of Hajj very, very seriously. Is anybody waiting for her to this year?
Does anyone know in sha Allah? Does anyone know of anyone who's going for Hajj? Right? So before going for Hajj, a person must educate himself about what he is going into.
Because many times it happens that people are there and they're just asking each other. So what are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to do next? And I'm just trying to figure out what they're supposed to they lose the spirit of Hutch completely. They cannot focus on arriva. So all of these rules Allah has told us why.
So that we can focus on
Okay, inshallah we'll conclude over here subclinical lung will be Hamdi Kenisha de la ilaha. Illa, Anta and a Sufi Luca to relate a Salam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh