Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 30 – L308D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Makjit city is known for its reputation for its culture, influence on people speaking, and its influence on people speaking. The legal system in Makjit is now replaced with a new legal system called "will enter", which is being replaced with a new legal system called "will enter." The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding wasteful behavior and spending one's wealth on good things, while also acknowledging the need for healthy eating and support for individuals to avoid wasting money and achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 308 similar to the ballot I am number one to 20

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so total ballot is a machimura and it was revealed after sort of tough.

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It has one record 20 verses this malaria, Rahim

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lo Cosima. behead al Balad. I swear by this city Makkah law. What does that mean? No. And remember that when the word law comes before a custom, it is for the purpose of emphasizing the custom, because law is right, it's extra, and every extra word is only to emphasize what is being said in.

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And some have said that lies for negation and law, meaning know what your thinking is wrong, what you believe is wrong. Instead oxime will be held valid, I swear by the city and this city, which city does it refer to the city of Makkah? because that is where this was revealed. That is where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was when these ayat were revealed to him. So Heather Bennett, there is no dispute about this. It refers to the city of Makkah. And Makkah, Allah soprano Dara swears by it over here. Why? Because Makkah is of the most beloved places to Lhasa parameter.

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I mentioned to the Hadith earlier as well, in the explanation of the name of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah Dude, that Allah loves certain places as well. And of the places that he loves is the city of Makkah. It's the most beloved of Lance to him, and of the places that he likes is also the massage.

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So now oxy will be handled by that and if you think about it, the history of Makkah is so special. It's so amazing. Why? Because the house of Allah subhanaw taala is there in a way elevated will the Arlen ness and levy we work and that houses mo Baraka, the angels built it, and then Ibrahim Hassan built it. And for him it has said other than Islam, and then it's also said that after the federal nuclear Sambo building, we learn in the Quran, Ibrahim restaurant and it's Marina in the center. And then Ibrahim and his son, he left his son and his wife had her over there. And he made the all over there for the people who are going to live in Makkah for the people who are going to visit Makkah.

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So this land is a very special land. And this is the land this is the city where Allah sent his final messenger as well. Muhammad Sallallahu is

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the most noble, the most noble of all people. So la oximeter behind Alabama. I swear by the city maka. We're under Hanlon and you are free of restriction behind our ballot in this city. You are free of restriction in this city.

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What does it mean by the word hello and who is you're referring to?

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The profits are a load of sentiments being addressed. And Helen is from the root letters had lamb lamb had left literally means to untie a knot. Why Lola rock bottom melissani untie the knot that is in my tongue.

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So Halla is to untie a knot and the word Hill can be understood as from the word Hillel to and Hillel to is to land somewhere to descend somewhere it is said in the new Zoo to unpack your luggage upon reaching your destination. So, when you reach your destination, what do you do? You unload all of the baggage from where from the car from the vehicle and then you bring it in and after that what do you do? You unpack it.

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So Ll er in the new zoo is what to unpack your luggage upon reaching.

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So, he is one who reaches somewhere one who descends somewhere. Helen is who is some say Felicia? One who descends somewhere one who reaches somewhere. It is said mesial to Helen, meaning I will always remain here.

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So what does it mean by this that under halen we had a ballot, meaning you are one who descends in the city, meaning you are a resident of the city. And it's a fact that the prophets are allowed a salon remained as a resident of the city of Mecca for most of his life.

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If you think about it, 40 years before Prophethood and then 30 years after Prophethood. So that's 53 years of his life. He was a resident of Makkah and after that he migrated to Medina.

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And why is this being said that we're under held on behalf of Allah that you are a resident of the city because the profits are allowed instead of being a resident of the city brought more honor to the city.

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Isn't it?

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Because maka whenever we think about MCI as we think about the house of Allah, but we also think about the fact that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was born there, the fact that the first revelation came there, the fact that he lived there for so long he was originally from Makkah.

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So Makkah itself is glorious. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam being a resident of that city being originally from that city, also brought great honor to that city.

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So we see in the previous ayah, Allah swears of Casa La oxy will be headed Bella, and then we'll enter hinami had a verb because this further enhances the glory of the city of Mecca.

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And then it's also understood as the headline that you will descend again in the future, that you will come you will visit again. And this refers to this is an indication to Fatima

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because life and Mecca was getting very difficult and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had an idea from the very beginning that he was soon going to be expelled. Remember when he went to work I but know for what it is that you will be expelled.

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So we're under Hendon, we have developed in a way good news is being given that you will come here again, you will descend here again, you will come conquering the city.

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This is not your cousin, this is just an explanation of Heidelberg. Because in the next day, again as a customer, we live in warmer weather. So the sentence this ayah will entertain no me either, but this is like a Joomla motto.

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Then the word * is also understood as from the word Helen and what does Helen mean lawful permissible. So, you are Hillen in the city, meaning you are free of restriction in the city,

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that you have free disposal of this land it is permissible for you, you have been given permission to fight in it.

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We know that the city of Mecca is a very sacred place, where fighting is not permissible war is not permissible bloodshed is not permissible. Animals cannot be killed, plants cannot be removed except for there are only a few exceptions. But in the general sense, all of this is not permissible in the city of Mecca.

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And a lot of pantalla swears an oath by the city of Makkah. Why because he loves that land and also because it's the most sacred place, most sacred place.

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So because of its sacredness, many things are not permissible amongst them is also fighting.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Verily, Allah has made the city sacred on the day that he created the heavens and the earth. On the day that he created the heavens and the earth, Allah made the city sacred. Therefore it is sacred by the sanctity of Allah until the day of judgment.

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Therefore, its trees should not be uprooted, and its bushes and grass should not be removed.

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And it was only made lawful for me to fight in for one hour of a day because remember, at the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was allowed to kill certain individuals over there. Why? Because it was necessary, it was necessary for the complete conquest, because otherwise, how was he to conquer the city. So it was only permissible for him for how long, just an hour of a day. And there were some individuals who were only killed in the city of Makkah, and many of them they were actually freed. Today it sanctity has been restored just as it was sacred yesterday. So just as it was sacred yesterday, the sacredness of the city of Makkah was made permissible for the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam for only some time. And then today again, it sanctity has been restored.

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So let the one who is present inform those who are absent. So what does it mean by will enter Hello, we have a ballot that you are free of restriction in the city, and it was only for some time at the Potomac that this was allowed for him. However, remember that this is a murky soda.

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And that happened later, much later. So it's more relevant that over here the meaning would be the first means that I told you that you are hanging in the city meaning you are a resident of the city, because that adds to the honor of the city and that you will come here again Yes, your people will expel you however, you will return. And then another meaning of the word henden has also been taken, which is that you are Helen, meaning you are made halaal here, what does it mean? That your sanctity has been violated in the city, a city that is more Heaven, where the capital of animals is not even permissible, where you are not even allowed to hunt in that city, you have been violated, that it's

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considered okay to abuse you. It's considered okay to abuse those who believe in you and follow you what unterhaltung behind albula. So if we take this meaning that you

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have been violated over here, then what does it mean by what the * Don't we have it but this is different our job, a question that is asked out of amazement that Allah swears by the city of Makkah, such a noble place. But in this city, we're underhanded on the other ballot, you haven't made halali it's okay to abuse you, it's okay to harm you. It doesn't make sense.

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Well, while it in warmer wallet, and by the Father, and that which was born of him,

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another cousin, the cousin has been resumed, well, while it in and by the father, who is violet, one who well are the one who procreates one who is a parent, and one who gives birth, and will add is to give birth to beget so well it is the Father, the parent, the one who gives birth. And now one other that which he gave birth to. So whether it is the parent, and now whether is the child. So over here, a lot of panel data swears by the wallet as well as my wallet, who is what and who is my winner.

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Some have said while it refers to other learning center, and now one other refers to the entire mankind, the entire human race. Why? Because all of them their fathers who their mothers are not at all people are children of marijuana.

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Some have said that while it is referring to Ibrahim or SL, and whether there is referring to the progeny of Ibrahim Hassan, or you can say is married or in a salon. And this is also very relevant to the context, because in the previous is what is being mentioned, the city of Makkah, and who was it that in a way populated that city ebrahimian escena, he came up in the scan to the reality that I'm making some of my children dwell over here live over here. So he's the one who populated that place.

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Others have said that while they didn't want my weather, this is general. So it refers to any father and any child

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because Allah is swearing an oath by this and if you look at it, father and child, parent and child, whether it is in human beings or it is an animal to birds or insects, this is something very amazing, very amazing. That how there is a human being and from that human beings comes another human being through what through the NOFA. So this is something in fact very amazing, which is why it was apparent that he swears an oath by it, because it points to the greatness of Allah soprano. Well, while he didn't warm our wallet,

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we learned a lot of hands ourselves and sort of the esino 77 LLM era in Santa Ana Hakuna who may not fighting for either who has a movie does a human being Nazi that we created him from a loafer Isn't it amazing? From a not for not sort of the Father and then that not for grows and grows and grows until a complete human being and that human being gives birth to more human beings. And this is how human race continues and not just within humans but the rest of the creatures as well. So this is in fact something very amazing. And then after the custom what's the job cousin? Allah says la casa de la Canal in Santa Monica that we have certainly created man in hardship.

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naka de la Canal in Santa Fe covered what does it mean my covered covered means literally refer height, elevation,

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silica Tahlequah in Santa Fe cover. Some have said that what this means is that we have created the human being either medicine and where

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in the heavens, that's where he was created.

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And some have said la catalana in Santa Fe cover, hi refer over here means have a high status that compared to the rest of the creatures, the human being is in fact of a high status if you compare the human body with other bodies, if you compare the human intellect with others, I mean definitely human being is someone distinct, someone noble, someone have very high status that almost Pantheon has created.

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And the word covered also means is the karma. What does that mean to be straight and proper? So the katana incentive fee cover that we have created the human being in the most straight and proper fashion appearance. If you compare the human body with the rest of the creatures, the human being stands up, he can balance his head, he stands on his two feet. Similarly, his body is very balanced. But if you compare the human to the rest of the creatures, the rest of the creatures How are they?

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How are they bent downwards? Most animals How are they they walk on their four feet, most of them so long

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Hello in Santa Monica, but

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covered also means moussaka difficulty, should the hardship and difficulty that is extremely severe.

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And this is the word COVID. COVID is used for the liver. Because if you look at the liver, it's constantly working. It's constantly working even before a child is born, its liver is functional. And the work of the liver is also very, very crucial, very important, and it's constantly working with shows that life is difficult. The katakana in Santa Fe cover that we have certainly created men in hardship, in hardship in a constant state of toil and hardship, struggling with the difficulties of this world. And if you think about it, as life goes on, difficulties only increase the colonial inside Africa, but life is oil.

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If you look at a child, as it is born, the process of birth itself is difficult. And then after that, how to nurse and then just imagine a child cries so much simply because there is a gas bubble stuck. It is just

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it's causing him so much pain and discomfort.

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And then, as the child begins to sit and learns how to walk and learn to do different things in talking and expressing himself, again, there's so much difficulty in learning so many things are so much difficulty. And a person thinks as he will grow older difficulties will go away. But what happens? They don't go away. They only increase because life is toil. It's difficult look at Haleakala in Santa Fe COVID.

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Now, if you look over here, and auth is taken by three things over here, that obviously will be handled better. And then why do they want my wallet? And then the catalana in scientifica to Allah subhanaw taala swears an oath. And what is the job of

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that law California in Santa Fe.

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That life is not created so that a person rests he relaxes. But this life has been given to that a person toils he exerts effort. What do we learn? Under the hola como tal hayata. The Hubba loco and test is what it's difficult test is not easy. And if you think about it, the first author's by the city of Mecca. If you look at the city of Makkah, yes, it's an amazing place. However, any person who goes there any person who visits there does bear hardship and difficulty, isn't it? So?

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Similarly, living in that place is also not easy because of the weather conditions? And isn't it? The hot desert, the hot weather, the dryness, then, on top of that, nothing grows there. So life is difficult in that city. And then if you look at it while in warmer weather, if you take the meaning of Abraham and Islam is my reader incident wasn't their life difficult. What do they symbolize difficulties tests in life,

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Ibrahim Ellison and how he had to leave his son there, and his son, his mother, how she had to run back and forth between suffering Mandala, searching for water searching for some sign of life, some sign of food, anything that could keep her in her childhood life.

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So what is this show, that allows a parent that is making all of these things a witness what the city of Makkah, the world, my wallet, and what is being proven that life is difficult. Life is difficult. And this is something very, very true.

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A person's life is full of hardships, wherever he goes, wherever he lives, he cannot escape hardship.

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And no matter who a person is, even if it's the Prophet of Allah, even if it's the first human being, even if it's hunting Allah if Allah him or his life is difficult.

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Life is not easy.

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It's not easy. It is difficult look at Haleakala in Santa Fe covered. And if you look at it, from the moment of conception, to entry in general, all the stages in between isn't life difficult.

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that a person has to go through the hardships of life. A child is young, he has to study, he's studying and then he is not working. And he's working. And then he has to start having a family and then looking after the family, and then looking after the old parents, and then looking after the community and then struggling to even eat and drink himself because he's become old. And then that and then the grave and the Day of Judgment, and then the accountability. And until a person enters gender, life and death, they are both difficult. And if a person doesn't enter gender, then what happens that difficulty it only becomes perpetual.

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And it never comes to,

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like a cola canal in Santa Monica, but

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I have several amania kodaira. And he had, does he think that never will anyone overcome him? The human being while he is alive? While he has a little bit of strength and power? Does he think that no one can overpower him, no one can overcome him. What happens is that when a person is blessed with strength when a person is blessed with wealth, some kind of authority in this dunya What does he begin to think that I can do whatever I want, I will not be held accountable. I can do whatever I please. No one can come in my way. And sometimes we hear people say things like that. Try to stop me. Tell me if you want. I'm not going to listen to you. I can do whatever I want. It's my life. So

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a lot of questions. I asked I will na Yoko de la la ahead. Does man think that never will anyone overcome him? If he thinks like this, he is thinking wrong.

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Because there were people before as well who said man I should do min Cova but who is stronger than them? Allah soprano.

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There were people before who try to escape those who became extremely arrogant who thought no one could overpower them. But Allah soprano without his punishment, it grasped them. So when a person thinks like this, that I can do whatever I want, his thinking is wrong. I acceptable la Jaco de la la. This is his deception.

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YOLO luck to Marlon Luba, he says I have spent wealth in abundance.

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Who says this? The person who thinks that no one can overpower him that he can do whatever he wants? He says that I like to matter Luba that I'd like to what does it mean? It's from HELOC and what does it mean? When something is destroyed when something is finished? The word HELOC is also used for death, not punishment only, but it's also used for death in a maroon halakhah. If a man dies, then his wealth will be divided in such and such way. So you're cooler I like to mine a little better. It doesn't mean I have wasted or I have destroyed but rather what it means is that I have spent I have exhausted, I have spent I have exhausted Milan wealth that is lewbert lewbert in heaps abundant. We

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have learned this word earlier as well into the jinn Academy akuna La Liga that they were in the gym, they were in heaps around the Prophet sallallahu Sallam above him trying to listen to him as he was reciting the Quran.

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So lewbert means immense lanting. Now, who says this that I have spent a lot of wealth

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someone was trying to show off, isn't it that I spent this much on these pens of mine? These bands are $200 this band By the way, I got it for $60. This wallet, by the way, is about $300 you Hello, Alex Tamara Luba. And this is by the way less, I mean, people who actually show off when they start talking about how much they've spent on their phones and other accessories and other things that they like. It's ridiculous.

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So you're gonna have to melaleuca I've spent so much Well, I spent so much money on this. Why is he saying this? to show off? He's so arrogant. He thinks no one can overpower him. And he can do whatever he wants. And he shows off saying to people boasting to them, I have spent this much and this much work.

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And I like to matter a little better. Also in fulfilling my desires. in fulfilling his desires, he spent so much well. Your own luck tonight and Luba. And also we learned that the machine of Makkah they would spend a lot of wealth in opposition to the profits on a motorcycle. Remember what the wife would have said? What did she say about her necklace? That was so precious that you'd be willing to spend that as well against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Yoku alecto melaleuca that, that look I am so Honey, I am so rich. I have so much I can afford so much that I have spent this much well of us as I said, Well alemayehu ahead. Does he think that no one else has seen him? Does he

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think that no one sees him when he's spending all that well? Does he think that Allah is not watching him? Of course Allah watches.

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Of course Allah knows exactly how much he has spent. Allah knows all the crimes that he has committed in spending as well on how long in how long ways how he has spent his wealth arrogantly how he is wasting his well. I have several alum Yahoo ahead and over here we should also become very careful that yes, these are basically talking about someone who does not believe in resurrection. So he's

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says, I can do whatever I want, let me lay ahead. However, there is a great lesson in this for us that we should be careful in how we spend our because our spendings even the way we spend our wealth, where we spend it on what a lot watches that

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a lot of watches that Allah keeps count of that, we forget how much we have spent on what were, but Allah keeps count of that.

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Because remember, spending is also an action, right? And how much you spend, that is also recorded where you spend is also recorded.

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So as I go along Yahoo ahead, does he think like this, what he thinks is wrong, we see that the Arabs, they had this tradition, that they would get drunk, they would drink a lot, and to the point of completely being intoxicated, and then they would end up slaughtering the camels and distributing everything in charity, and giving a lot of their wealth away. Because, you know, when they were fine, when the mind was perfectly fine, then the person does not do such things, right. So in order to spend, what would they do get drunk.

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So, and then later on the points, they would say, you know, poetry in their praise that so and so spent this much money, and he gave away these many camels, and he started these many animals. So why would they do this? Basically for him, in order to show off? So Allah says, I have several alemayehu Why does he have to do this? And when a person thinks he's spending so much, he thinks he's being so generous, he's being so good, but later on, and the sooner we learn about what actually is good, what deeds are actually good spending on who is good, it's spending on the orphan spending on the needy, at a time when people are hungry? That is something that is remarkable. Not that you get

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drunk and you spend a lot of money.

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So are several lm yellowhead Allah says Allah manager, Allah, Who are you name Have We not made for him to eyes? Have We not made for him to eyes We made for him to eyes. So basically, we see that the personality that is being described over here is a very arrogant personality.

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A person who is deceived by his wealth, deceived by his power, deceived by his ability. So it is always reminding us that if you have this strength, if you have this wealth, if you have this ability, Who gave it to you?

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a lucky at alumna Jeremiah, who did we not give him Did we not make for him to eyes, with which he can see? Yes, our eyes, Allah has given them to us. And they're given to us as a test. That what do we see, if we see something good? If we see something good, something that is permissible, something that we see and we are grateful to Allah, we praise Allah that is a source of reward, but if a person sees something that which is forbidden, and that is the same, through eyes, even a person can earn reward, or a person can earn sin, when he said, and and a tongue, worship, attain and do lips, meaning Yes, we have given him a tongue and two lips. And with this tongue, and two lips, Chef

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attain, a person is able to speak. And this is also a huge blessing that a person is able to speak, he's able to express what is inside of himself. Because imagine if we weren't able to speak, how would we communicate with one another? How would we make friends? How would we share our feelings, how it would be so difficult.

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at the conference, those of you who were there, you must have seen how there was a lady who is constantly interpreting our letters in sign language. And I was just amazed by her that how she was constantly moving her hands and arms in her mouth and her fingers constantly moving, it must have been so difficult for so exhausting for her. And people are speaking so easily. And there she is moving on her arms and her mouth, putting in so much effort. Look at the ease that Allah has created for us by giving us a tongue and two lips, by which words flow out of our mouth so easily.

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And if a person becomes so arrogant with as well, if he doesn't have the ability to speak, the ability to speak and he buy it, can you purchase it from anywhere? No, he cannot. This is a gift of Allah will listen and worship attain a tongue and two lips. And it's amazing how people communicate with one another that from your one mouth, you can produce so many different sounds. You can produce a higher and higher and alarm and a scene. And you can put the sounds together and form words and put those words together to form sentences. And you can use different tone of voice even to express differently, isn't it? So? I wonder how you do that in sign language. I was wondering that there is

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no punctuation, in sign language, but you can express that in the words that you speak now.

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To speak, the expressions even. And then it's amazing how from the mouth come out the sounds and those sounds, you know, the other person hears them. I mean, where are those sound waves? You don't see them? You can't feel the words you can't touch them, isn't it? So this ability to speak, ability to communicate, this is an amazing thing. Amazing when discern and worship attain, or are they now, today, and we have shown him the two ways and legend, a duel of the word nerd, and what is not

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a place that is raised, that is elevated compared to the surrounding area. So what is not literally an elevated place compared to the surrounding area? And Notre Dame the two paths the two ways, what does it refer to the two ways that are completely different? Whose differences are known and clear? And what are these two ways the path of good and the path of evil?

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Today, now, who knows today, meaning Allah subhanaw taala has put this within every individual, the recognition of that which is right, and the recognition of that which is wrong, recognition of good recognition of evil. So those who say that there is nothing such as evil, there's nothing such as good, this is a lie. This is completely false. Because Allah has put this into photography, what is good, what is bad, what is harmful? What is not harmful? What is dangerous? What is beneficial, isn't it, which is why we see that people in different communities of the world, I mean, they know what is good, what is bad, and they know what is harmful and what is not harmful. And we see that

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even the most

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underdeveloped places. Recently, I was watching this documentary about this particular tribe, somewhere in South America, that how some other people when they approached them, they stood up in order to defend themselves.

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Now, who has put this in the footer of men, that if a stranger comes, he could harm you

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a loss of hands on his foot that recognition, right? A stranger you don't trust little children, even babies, strangers pick them up, or they come across strangers, and they get frightened. So we see this in all people. So where are they now Notre Dame, Allah has put this in the fifth row of human beings. Now with regards to Notre Dame, it has also been said that it refers to the chest of the mother, the breast of the mother. Why because that is where the risk of the infant is when he's born.

00:32:34 --> 00:33:20

So the human being he's born with what I named, listen and worship attain, and then the risk is also where in the next day, and notice how it has been said, what are they now that we have guided him. And it's amazing that a child that is a newborn, knows that he has to suck on the rest of the mother in order to nourish himself. There is this thing known as baby led latching, that when a child is finding it difficult to breastfeed, then what you do is that you let the child you bring it close to the breast, and the child moves its head up and down looking for the breast until it finds and then latches on perfectly. So who has given this recognition to the child they know who you are today?

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Allah has given that recognition, Allah has given that guidance.

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So we see over here that Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning tangible blessings, clear blessings, that He has given us is the ability to speak and then food nourishment, and then not just nourishment, but also guidance that what is right what is wrong. So indirectly, we are being told that all of these blessings that you have been given, think about it. How are you using them?

00:33:53 --> 00:33:54

are you wasting, I'm saying

00:33:56 --> 00:34:00

are you using them in the right way? recitation

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If a person uses these abilities in the right way,

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then he will find the way to the right destination. I mean, he will be able to find guidance then. So these abilities we haven't been given to that we show off. And we say, I went here I did this I spent this much money. No, this is not that we boast that we become arrogant, but rather that we use them in the right way in obedience to Allah.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:43

Allah says find out pata Herman acaba, but he has not broken through the difficult path if the hammer is to throw oneself into something

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we have learned earlier Heather folgen maka, Haman that this is a phone that is throwing that is rushing into Hellfire, meaning it will be thrown into hellfire. So for nakota hammer, he has not embarked on he has not entered on he has not attempted he has not broken through. acaba

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de la Cava literally means a steep road, a very difficult track, a mountain path and a mountain birth about the Dixie through a mountain. It's steep, it's narrow, it's difficult. You have to have a lot of courage, a lot of strength in order to go through it. And especially our cover is used for a narrow path in a mountain, a path that is narrow, not broad, but narrow.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:47

So Allah says pannacotta hamanaka, he has not broke through the difficult path who the person who says this. What does he say? He aku alecto melaleuca he says, I spent so much money. This is not something great.

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One after all come in October. And what can make you know, what is a law cover?

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When somebody says this to you, you don't know what this is you haven't been there? immediately what happens? You're like, Okay, what is it? I don't want to go there.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

If somebody says to you don't know what it means, automatically, I want to know what it means Tell me.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:18

So Allah says Wilma, welcome and Acaba. This is where the purpose of this week that to arouse interest will come in our cover

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and allow cover over here. What is this referring to our cover the narrow mountain path, it's referring to the deeds that are good, that are righteous, but a truly difficult to perform.

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truly difficult to perform. A person thinks that he has spent a lot of money while a big deal.

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I bought this for such and such amount of money. Allah says you haven't actually done that you haven't actually if the hammer lacava on andraka merkaba. What is it, it is called I'll cover it is the freeing of a slave not spending a lot of money on yourself. However alcova is what are called recover from the newsletters fair calf calf, and what does that mean to free someone from bondage? Whether it is a slave, or it is a prisoner?

00:38:12 --> 00:38:32

For Kurokawa includes two things, freeing slaves as well as freeing prisoners, because both of them, they are tied up, their necks are tied, they are retained, isn't it so they're not free. And the slave could be your own and or could be someone who is enslaved by someone else. So you buy his freedom bakeable bokaro dinar who used to do

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so allarakha is what for Kurokawa. This is what true piety is this is what truly is difficult. And if a person has done this, he should be credited for it.

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Which is why we learn the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Whoever frees a believing slave, Allah will free for every limb, one of his limbs from the fire. This is to such an extent that Allah will free a hand for hand and leg for a leg and a private bar for a private bar. Just imagine that the entire slave, you bought his freedom, and you set him free, or there was a prisoner and you freed him somehow, whatever you did, Allah will free you from Hellfire because you did that. Because freeing the slave is not something easy. You have to spend a lot of money.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:32

You have to spend a lot of money. It's not cheap. You know, for example, these days we hear about prisoners and for example, for their bail a certain amount of money has to be collected. It's a lot of money sometimes, isn't it?

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And yes, there are families they will put in every penny they have but other people, what do they do?

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They just turn away. This is not my problem. Where I wish I could help however, I have too many other things to worry about.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:47

Isn't it?

00:39:48 --> 00:39:56

So when someone is in need, someone needs to buy their freedom. And over there you spend your money. That's something

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00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

Feeding fee Yeoman in a day, which day, the masaba have severe hunger massamba from the roof ever seen wind.

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And solar is a level of hunger that is more than jewelry, jewelry is also hunger, but some of his more hunger starvation. And in particular, must Baba is such hunger that is caused by lack of food. Meaning there is no food available. You don't have any food to eat. Other people don't have any food to eat either. This is what muscle buys.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:42

So it is a time of scarcity, a time of famine, drought, when you don't have nobody has everyone is hungry.

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And it's also said that this is such hunger in which no matter how much a person eats he never become satisfied.

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He does not become satisfied. And this is also a kind of an illness. Whether it's an illness where people don't feel the need to eat or whatever little they eat, they feel as though they have eaten a lot. There is another extreme in which a person eats and eats endlessly, and he is not satisfied.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:22

So, oh, it's Armand fiio Minzy massada. When people are suffering from hunger, feeding people at that time, that is something that is something that takes courage. It says though you are going up a mountain, a narrow mountain path.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:27

Because in a day of hunger, who is hungry?

00:41:28 --> 00:41:41

You are also hungry, isn't it? Other people are hungry, but you are also hungry. But when you are concerned about other people's stomachs at that time, that is something truly present.

00:41:42 --> 00:42:08

Like we learned that during the time or model dinner, there was a famine, there was a drought. And he was so concerned about other people, making sure that they have to eat despite the fact that he was hungry himself. Feeding who especially he a team and an orphan because who is an orphan, a child who cannot earn for himself, isn't it? That's a child who cannot earn for himself because the father is gone. Who is the father the breadwinner, if the breadwinner is not there? Where's the child gonna eat from?

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So yet even there, Makarova especially have near relationship.

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From this, we get two lessons. Firstly, that your team because of who the team is, he deserves that he should be fed. He deserves that he should be fed. Why? Because he doesn't have a father. He doesn't have someone to provide for him. And also because he's a child. An older person can perhaps work somewhere do something find food, but a child how is he meant to go and find food for himself, especially when the Father has died? There's no one to take care of it.

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And secondly, what we learned here is them acaba Makarova from core closeness, meaning he is of near relationship, he is also related to you.

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So, err because he's your team he deserves, and secondly, because he is your relative, it's more of an obligation on you to feed him. But in such situations where everyone is hungry, who is the person most concerned about himself and his immediate family?

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at these times people forget their relatives even

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especially those relatives who are weak.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:22

So Allah says the team and zakharova

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oh miskeen and or a needy, them a throbber. That possessor of dust matoba is from to rob and what is throbbing dust? There Matata, one who has dust. What does it mean? That such a miskeen who has nothing with him but just such a miskeen such a poor person who has nothing with him, but does mean he has no proper clothes? He has no proper food, he doesn't have any belongings. He doesn't have a place to live. No, he has nothing. Nothing but dust. That's all he has. So poor, that he cannot even afford to have a shower. He cannot even afford to change his clothes. He cannot wash. He cannot do laundry. Because even if a person does not have a house, a laundry machine in his house, then what

00:44:12 --> 00:44:46

does he do? He goes to a laundromat. But for that also, don't you need money? Yes, you do. So they're matava covered in dust because he cannot afford anything. He is brought down to the ground. He sits on the ground he sleeps on the ground, eats on the ground, he has no furniture, no belongings nothing. So All he has is what to own his skin and drama taba a person who is in a state of extreme destitution. If you feed him on a day, when everyone is hungry, that is something that is praiseworthy.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:59

And then along with that, Allah says the macadam in a Latina Manu, and then he is of those people who believe what are also the sub and advised one another to patients. first condition is that our

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With doing these charitable deeds a person must be a believer. Why? Because without a man, charitable deeds are even not acceptable. Even if a person has given a lot in charity that charity is not acceptable Eman is a condition, condition, some macadam and Latina amanu.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:30

And secondly, what I saw was Sabri encouraging one another advising one another to be patient with alesso bill more hammer, and they enjoy one another with mercy.

00:45:32 --> 00:45:39

Enjoying one another with patients? What does it mean? Telling one another? To Be patient? Because in order to give do you need?

00:45:41 --> 00:46:01

Do you need some? Yes, in order to spend on others, when you need it as well? Do you need some? Yes. And at that time, especially you need encouragement from other people. Isn't it similarly with the vessel bill, Mohammed, Mohammed, mercy, to show kindness to show compassion.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:23

And this is also very important, because we should be merciful towards our relatives, yet even their Makarova not just our relatives, but also all people all mankind, all miskeen and then the trouble is not related to you, not your friend, Noah, but still he deserves compassion.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:34

And then not just human beings, but also animals even they deserve compassion and mercy. So what what else ob Sabri what else Oh, Bill Maher hammer.

00:46:35 --> 00:47:09

So we see that along with these beautiful qualities that are mentioned over here are giving charity, what is necessary is that a person must also have a man in his heart, because with a man, only then deeds are accepted. And we see that along with that sub and mercy. A person has to do it himself. And he also has to encourage other people. What have we been learning that are the characteristics of those people who go to Hellfire is that they don't encourage the feeding of the poor. They don't encourage helping the needy.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:16

And the quality of the people of general is that they spend on the poor and needy themselves. And they also encourage others to do it.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:25

Now, one act of goodness is that which a person does while looking at his own convenience, it's convenient for me to spend, okay.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:51

Another act of goodness is that which a person does in a state of crisis in a state of emergency, right? For example, there's an earthquake, there's a famine, there's a drought, everybody's needy, everybody's hungry at this time, what do you do you spend, you give some donation, you send some charity, that is also good. Another is that you are looking for those who are needy and hungry, even in your own community. This is something that is remarkable.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:08

Because some people they only respond in emergency situations, when big announcements are being made, on the television, on the radio, in the massage, you know, emails are being sent, then a person begins to think, you know, I should also spend, I should also give something

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and the other is that a person is constantly in search of doing good.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:32

Somebody was telling me that there was a woman in Toronto, who sponsored an orphan somewhere in Africa, I believe. And that child, he would that money that he was given, he completed high school. And he applied to universities in the US and he got accepted at Harvard.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:48

from Africa imagine he went there study and then he came to Toronto, looking for that woman who had sponsored him because he wanted to thank her that you sponsored my high school education and because of that, I was able to do December's.

00:48:49 --> 00:49:01

So one is that we only respond in emergency situations. And the other is that you have enough so much that you can give $1 a day, you can give $1 a month it's not that difficult.

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When can a person do that? When he is concerned about humanity, isn't it so?

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That is truly remarkable. We go on spending so much money on our furniture and our food and our clothes, and we spend and we boast about it. That's not something amazing. What is amazing is that you look for the needy and hungry and you spend on them.

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falcata hamanaka oma de la cama la Cava

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This is something truly remarkable.

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And we see that this is actually difficult, more difficult, which is why you need encouragement, what the last of the Sabri whatever. So Bill marhaba Why is it difficult? Because you might think, or $1 20 $30 a month, well, that could mean half of my cell phone plan. Or that could mean at least you know more than that of it. You know, a person begins to think that could mean a meal out with my friend twice this month. A person could think that other people could discourage him but you need

00:50:00 --> 00:50:13

Courage at this time. And notice, what if the hammer if the hammer has to rush into something, because in order to perform these good deeds, sometimes you have to rush into them, you can't sleep on it. Because if you sleep on it, if you delay, you'll end up changing your mind,

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isn't it, you'll end up thinking, let me save all of this money for such and such reason.

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So what the worst of is somebody with a vessel Bill Maher hammer, doing it yourself and also encouraging others.

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And you see spending on the orphans, the needy, that also becomes difficult. Why? Because sometimes, especially those who are related to you, they complain, isn't it, they complain, you give them and they will complain, or they will demand more from you. So it requires more service, it requires more mercy. And you need to have it yourself and you also need to encourage other people to have it.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:54

Allah says Allah equals herbal maimana. Those are the companions of the right who

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those people who have Eman tawassul, the sub or whatever, so we'll mahama those who freed the slaves, the prisoners, those who feed the team, the needy, when at a time of need, such people will be given their records in there, right.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:28

So if you want your record in your right, then worry about the orphans, worry about the needy, worry about the hungry, and don't just respond in emergency situations, but respond otherwise as well.

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Those who have Eman and those who are concerned for humanity, we're not just selfish. We're not just concerned about their own desires, they will get the record in their right will that equals horrible maimana

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and on the other hand, we're Latina, cafardo, bi atina those who disbelieve in our eyes No matter how much good they do Homer's heaven Mashallah. They are the companions of the left they will get the records in their left and our lay him not on what slather over them will be a fire that is closed in Masada Hamza saw that or well saw that Assad is from worse lead and we'll see this the opening the door the entrance or calaboose ambassador, ie bill was read at the threshold at the entrance and at the entrance is where the door is. Once the door is closed, then the place is completely sealed and shut off. Nothing can come in, nothing can go out.

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So much solder one that is closed. Close From where? All sides so there is no window, no door, no exit nothing at all.

00:52:38 --> 00:52:47

They will be trapped in hellfire. The Hellfire will enclose them completely in volume in an hour on how to beat him. So

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it's wild, we'll surround them, they will not be able to escape. I lay him No.

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If you can, if this was the beginning of this order, that life is difficult. And if a person just worries about his own comfort and enjoyment, then he becomes selfish and arrogant. And if a person is concerned about the rest of humanity, the rest of the people that what happens he ends up spending on them, he ends up caring for them. And with a man, that is an action that is truly remarkable. And her person does that without even it's worthless.

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Let's listen to the recitation of these verses from the beginning.

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Al-Fajr-Al-Balad Tafsir Al-Balad 1-20

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