Navaid Aziz – 30 Tafsir Juz E Amma Surah At Tariq

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the parody of the Koran and the importance of being informed of seasonality in the words "fit" and "fit." They also discuss the importance of watching and monitoring creation and the use of the holy Bible in the spiritual world. The title of the book is the first time it is given to non-B apologists and it is a book of contemplation. The speakers also mention the difficulty of understanding the Koran and the relationship between pages.
AI: Transcript ©
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when I was a bit lacking maturity and fusina woman ziti Marina de la palma de la la, la la la la de la, la La ilaha illallah

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wa shawanda mohammedans Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my bad My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Sheikh Hasina speaking at a conference tonight, so I thought we'd have a nice change in peace you guys have been debating as a mortgage Hello, hello. Let's go back to the original source of the Koran. Let's focus on that tonight with the light Allah

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so for those of you that don't know I'm running a regular Tafseer halaqaat at the 18th masala we've been doing this since September last year if I'm not mistaken, and we're almost done. 100 we're in like the last last nine chapters now. So tonight we're going to be doing the Tafseer of Soto Park Bismillah heater Allah mmm si Rahim Allah one of the great scholars of Hadith he narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to frequently recite surah borouge and Sora tortorich and the Zohar and answer prayers in the Lord and answer prayers the Messenger of Allah so seldom used to frequently recite sort of the barrage and sort of Tarik so you'll notice that the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had this habit of pairing soldiers together. So you'll see Kalia evil Catherine and cuando la warhead were paired together Subhanallah because Allah and * attack how'd you feel last year were paired together. And what we recite on the fudger of Juma who knows what two swords do we recite on the budget of Juma?

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in the budget time at fudgier time, there are two soldiers The message was used as a frequently at fudger time on the day of Juma.

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sajida. Excellent. And what is the second one?

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I'll insert a sense. So these two sort of sort of such that sort of incense, the messenger will also Southern used to say that fajita, unfortunately you'll notice that that's something that has been abandoned. And he partially due to a lot of people don't know the surah secondly, even if the Imam didn't know the sutra, the people would start complaining behind him unfortunately.

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Now with the wisdom behind parents who was together, the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam used to pair suit us together, because there's cohesive meanings between the two shoulders, meaning that even though they may not have been revealed together, they're related and that is why the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pair them together. So you look at Kalia, even Catherine and kohala had, what is the pairing between the two? What is the similarity between the two? Can anyone tell me there's something we discussed when we did the deficit of these sources? Go ahead.

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Fantastic, okay. Good, very good. Are you

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two ways, one way

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is practical.

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Fantastic, very, very good design to look at. So exactly as the brother was mentioning that pseudo calculon deals more with the practical aspects, whereas certainly philosophy with the theoretical aspect. And likewise, social capital is the negation of Schick, whereas certain philosophies the affirmation of the hate itself, so what we want to look at tonight within the hinayana is that these two sort of Sultan barrage and so Tarik, what is the relationship between the two? And why would the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited these two sources together? Obviously, the complete discussion will take place on when next Wednesday when we do so little bridge between the

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hits Allah but the discussion will begin tonight as we discuss sort of Tarik. So let's begin. Allah subhanaw taala begins the surah by saying what's your paddock so in the very first verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking an oath by two things, the summer and the tonic. So the first question arises, what does the term summer mean? And how does it differ from summer what what does the term mean? And how does it differ from somehow what the term summer means? Anything that is high and above. So the term summer itself means anything that is high and above, whereas, what it is referring to particular skies, and in some translations, particular heavens, so anything that is

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above you is considered for this summer in a state of highness. And that is what Allah subhanaw taala is swearing by, if it's summer. So now you'll notice from the very first verse, Allah subhanaw taala is building a

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relationship with sort of broach because Allah subhanaw taala concluded sort of broach with what is the last verse of sort of broach who remembers

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a sense below him that it is in this preserved tablet. So where is this preserved tablet for summer, it is above the creation physically and metaphorically at the same time. So this is why I was panatela begins with what semi he takes an oath by this. Then the second thing Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath by in this surah is a bodek. The term bodek comes from Taka and tada when you knock on someone's door, it is called Tanaka Tanaka that he knocked on the door. Likewise, you'll notice that it is the same letters that build the word Tariq, which is a pathway. So thought ik is something that travels by night. So it arrives at nighttime and it knocks on your door. So it's something that

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takes you by surprise at nighttime. It is that traveler that you know you didn't expect to see and Allah subhanaw taala will give us further details about these two about Tarik later on in the surah Bismillah hits Allah. Now what we also want to look at is the pairing of these two together, Allah subhanho wa Taala when he takes an oath in the Quran by certain things, why does Allah subhanaw taala take an oath by those things? Who can tell me when Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath by fudger? Or it takes an oath by Alain, why is Allah subhanaw taala taking an oath by those things? Let's go to the set of rules. You guys must feel neglected. Why does Allah subhanaw taala taken off

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by those things? Go ahead.

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fantastics to show his dominion over them. That's one reason. What other reason does Allah subhanaw taala take an oath by certain objects and things.

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So why does Allah subhanaw taala say well after by time.

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I mean, that's partially true. That's very general though. Why specifically, when asked why does Allah subhanaw taala swear by time

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to draw attention to these things good. So to show its importance. Now here on the sopranos, Allah gives us a third reason. And that is almost monotonous calling these things to witness over them. You will see later on in the sutra, Allah subhanaw taala he says that everything will have something that is protecting it and observing it, and that is a summer and not panic. So the summer is the sky, above the creation. So anything that is above the creation is always watching and monitoring the creation. So let's find out that is taking an oath by everything that is high in above, this will include the skies This will include the planets, this will include the sun in the moon, that

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these things will be a witness against mankind and that is during the daytime. Likewise, in the nighttime, what do you see when you live? I guess in in a non urban populated area, you will see the stars. So again, the thematic which is the star, that is what we'll be covering the nighttime and this will be a witness against mankind as well. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say, well, madaraka methodic and what will make you know what a potluck actually is? So here unless I know exactly he's asking that rhetorical question. And this is you'll notice that when I was I noticed is one madaraka this is in the past tense, right what will make you have known what a product is? This

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is usually when Allah subhanaw taala will give you an answer, when Allah subhanaw taala uses it in the present tense, when may you recap the news the almost panatela will not give you an answer. So here since it is the past tense, the general norm is that Allah subhanaw taala will now give us an answer that what is this product that Allah subhanaw taala is referring to, he says a najma saccade that is the star piercing in brightness, it is the star piercing in brightness. Now I want to give you an example. Most of us we probably have curtains inside of our house. And from time to time as these curtains get older, you'll notice that holes start forming inside of that curtain. Where are

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these holes coming from? A lot of these holes when they're made, they're from the penetration of the light itself. Now what I want you to think about is this if this curtain is inside of your bedroom, and the night you will not notice this piercing this hole at all. But as the sun slowly starts to rise and we hope you're out of bed by that time already, you'll notice that the start of the light starts to trickle in and it gets brighter and brighter and brighter till it's almost piercing inside of you. A further example you take a magnifying glass and the light shines through the magnifying glass. You put it at a single at a particular angle. Now this ray gets focused and it starts to

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burn. This piercing light that we're talking about is what is called the fact that now unless I know the other thing and know that this star it has this trail with a piercing light behind it so it is now a shooting star. That is the translation of our product. It is a shooting star

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At this point, we would like to share a video with you within lights Allah,

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about stars and planets and galaxies and stuff. So would you guys like to see like an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation?

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Let's watch this video, Sean. Fantastic.

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For those of you that are viewing online, the video that we just saw was called the most important image that the Hubble telescope ever took. And you guys saw in the documentary, it was basically by fluke that, you know that he pointed into dark space in 1996. And they're like, let's see what happens, you know, maybe they were looking for aliens, who knows what they were looking for. But eventually, they ended up finding all these galaxies. Now, the part that really caught my attention was the part that it was talking about how some of these planets and some of these stars, they started traveling, you know, 13 billion years ago. And then, you know, just at that time, that is

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when they came in front of the telescopes final law. So as if Allah had planned, you know, from 13 billion years ago, that the stars were eventually going to come into our radius or our vision, the give us a site. Now, when you see such things panela, you know, you go to certain places, and you're like, you know, I'm bigger than everything else, right. So you'll be out in the picnic, you'll see like the little ant farm, and you feel like, you know, I'm in proper, I'm in control, and you like squash the ads, and you like destroying their homes, and you become like this big tyrant, right? We're here on this panel that shows us that forget us as human beings, our planet, as the hole is

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smaller than the end. You know, we're like the atom that the iron was created from compared to the rest of the planets out there. And this is the power of what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, in the sutra. We're going to get to this in a bit be the Knights Allah. But this is the power I wanted to show you that obviously what you see visually that we cannot understand what 1 billion galaxies looks like, right? You cannot understand how many billions and trillions of atoms you are composed of as a human being and how many cells you have inside of you, and how you can possibly lose, you know, a million brain cells. And literally that means nothing because there's so many billions more

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in your inside of your brain, right. So, these are things that Allah subhanaw taala is drawing our intention to, to show us how insignificant we actually are as human beings. So let us continue with what Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, he says in kulu nevsun Lemma they are half of that there is no human being but has a protector over him. But there is no human being, except that there is a protector over him. This protector that Allah subhanaw taala is referring to over here is the protector of deeds. You look at the scene of the majority of the predecessors of delivering a bus at the half Gibbon road. And other than them, they all said that these are the angels that write down

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once deeds. So the odds that Allah subhanaw taala took at the beginning of the surah. were leading to this point that Allah subhanho wa Taala took these oats to indicate that this is the ultimate truth that you need to recognize from the surah. So now you also notice the relationship between the job and custom what Allah subhanaw taala is taking an oath about and the relationship it has with that which Allah subhanaw taala took an oath by because where are the vast majority of the angels? They are fists, they are above us, right? So Allah subhanaw taala draws this relationship between the object that is sworn by, and the object that is sworn about. Now the fact that every single

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thing is being written down, unless you have no doubt that brings us this to our attention for various reasons, because it will apply to different people in different situations. So let's look at two general scenarios. The individual that is happy, and the individual that is sad. When Allah subhanaw taala mentions that there's an angel that's writing every single thing down. How does this affect the person that is happy? How does this affect the person that is happy? Who can tell me? So let's imagine right now, Is anyone there? That's really happy right now, something big has happened in their life. What's happened in your life? You're seeing me Allahu Akbar, Allah. I'm talking about

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a real event. Did you you finish your masters recently, though, right. Salas Allahu Akbar. So now I tell you, you just telling you that you finished your masters, and I tell you, the angels are writing everything down. What does that what does that make you feel?

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Fantastic. It brings inside this inspiration that I need to be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala that not only should I thank Allah subhanaw taala by saying Alhamdulillah but how can I use this master's degree now the benefit to the oma they get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala to increase education in the Muslim community. All of these emotions are meant to be brought inside. Now let us look at the exact opposite. Anyone going through a trial right now? You don't have to mention what the trial is. I'm not going to put you on the spot. You're going through something. Okay. Now when I tell you something like the angels are writing everything down. How does that make you feel? Or does it make

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you feel nothing?

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at all it does. So what does it make you feel? What does it inspire you with?

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Fantastic. That's what you're going to say. Patience is the number one thing.

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Excellent. So now a person who's going through a trivializing time when he realized that Allah subhanaw taala is having everything documented, hey, I should be careful in terms of how I react to this trial, because I don't want to react to the wrong way, because this is being documented. Now, you can even branch this out even further, when a person is sad. It's usually because something bad has happened in their lives as a result of someone else, right as a result of someone else. So whether that was right or wrong, but Allah subhanaw taala documented that down. So even though you may not get justice in this life, Allah subhanho wa Taala, through having this written down, is

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guaranteeing US Justice in the next life. So again, it inspires a person with hope and it gives them further resolve to be patient be than the hits Allah. Now, Allah subhanaw taala changes the course of the surah. He goes on to say for young voters in Santa Monica. So let's mankind's look to that which he was created from. Now, what is the relationship between the first part of the surah and this new part of the surah that Allah subhanaw taala is bringing about the relationship between the two is that look at the timeframe that the surah is revealed in it is revealed in Makkah. And one of the biggest challenges that the mccanns had that the Quraysh had, was that they denied, not that

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Allah subhanaw taala existed, but they denied the resurrection, they denied that they will be brought back in front of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala could actually bring them back. So let's find out what the other is going to rebuttal this argument of theirs right now, when they say that Allah subhanaw taala can't bring us back. Allah subhanaw taala is now countering this argument. So let's hand over to Allah rather than, you know, just telling them, Hey, I can bring you back, you know, short and simple like that. Allah subhanaw taala draws, you know, a calling to their cognitive responses, he by posing these questions, so let mankind look to that which he was created

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from. The first thing you notice is that Allah subhanaw taala isn't addressing them directly, right? Unless final data isn't saying, hey, correlation is enough. He's insane, almost recon, listen up. But you'll notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala, when he is displeased with the people, he always refers to them in the third person, he never addresses them directly. So here you see the displeasure of Allah subhanaw taala through this context, the second thing you notice is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is asking them to use their minds is the fact that Allah subhanaw taala gave them intelligence, and that this is something they will be held accountable for. That is why

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last minute Allah mentions in the very previous verse, so that all of your deeds are being written down, including what you did with your intellects. If your intellect didn't bring you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. What was the point of that intellect, right, it's going to become a proof against you. So let's find out and it starts the questioning with for Leon Gordon in sanim, in McCulloch, that led mankind look to that which he was created from holy cow me man in the fact that he was created from a liquid that came gushing forth. And that is the liquid that exits the male private parts, when it climaxes. This is what the human being was created from. So now here, we're

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going to derive two important lessons. Number one, the rejection of arrogance and pride and nationalism, and tribalism, and all of those sorts of things, that when you look at all of our origins, we all come from the exact same origin, we come from this liquid that will even shy dimension, that perhaps it may even be to shameful dimension, something like that in the masjid. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala. He mentioned this specifically to remind us, there is no way you can be arrogant and boastful over anyone else, because all of you came from this exact same origin. In fact, there's a hadith which is a bit controversial due to its wording, when the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever wants to be boastful and arrogant about his origins, meaning about his culture, his tribe, his ethnicity, then let him go and lick the private parts from where he came from. Because all of the children of Adam came from that exact same private part. So here we'll get rejecting that concept of nationalism and tribalism, and survival. It's very sad that, you know, this is a topic we discuss all the time. But you will notice that we still have this element of you know, I'm from India, you're from Pakistan, or, you know, I'm from Saudi Arabia and you're from like, Algeria.

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or something like that. And it's like, we pride ourselves over our countries, when what is their actions to be proud of Subhanallah like, we'll leave with our passport actually take us agenda, there's no password that's going to take you the agenda, not a single password, there is no password that will automatically make you more intelligent will automatically make you physically more superior. At the end of the day, these are all boundaries that we, you know, psychologically created. They're not even physical barriers. They're psychological images that we created to divide ourselves with. And you know, you eventually learned this but we were divided and conquered. And

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that is how the Muslim world came about. So that is the first thing that Allah subhanaw taala is rejecting over here, right for young dude in Santa Monica Haleakala coming man in the fact that he was created from this liquid that came gushing forth as the meal climaxed. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala. He goes on to say,

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your human being a salty water, that where did this liquid come from? Where did this liquid come from? It came from proceeding from the between the backbone and the ribs. Now when you actually look at this verse, you will notice that this is one of the verses that scientists actually contend with the Quran. They say that if you look at this liquid that almost panatela is talking about the sperm and the *. It has no relationship between the ribs and the backboard. So then the issue arises, you know, where is the mistake is the mistake in the translation is the mistake in the Koran. Now, what we want to look at over here is, what is the methodology of the practicing Muslim? When such

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contestants within such contests can contestants? contentions are raised? Right? What is the methodology that you should go back to?

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Sorry, Allah knows the best. That is true all the time. That's not a methodology, someone asks you a question. If you know the answer, you don't say Allah knows best you give the answer. Right. So we're looking for a set methodology. Now, the second methodology of the Muslim a part of our Eman is that I will believe the Koran even if it doesn't make sense to me right now. Because it is from the ultimate source of truth. There is nothing truer than the Quran, because it came from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the first is believing the truth of the Quran. Then the second thing you will do is now let me try to understand it. Now, when you look at, you know, scientific method, scientific method

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is based upon doubt first, right? They tell you that you doubt your analysis, you build a hypothesis, and then you test it, and you come up with a conclusion to see if the conclusion matches your hypothesis or not. The scientific methods cannot be applied to the Koran, because we have faith in the Quran, we don't necessarily have faith in science of the time, science will evolve, the Quran will not evolve. So that is why even when such issues are raised, once faith in the Quran should not waver, but rather one should let just say, look, hold on. Let me go back to what the scholars of Tafseer said, that may go back to the practicing Muslim scientists, and how did they understand this

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verse. And then you'll notice what ends up happening in this verse is the issue of Torah ape, that this word word over here, it has multiple meanings that can be used right from them is the backbone and the ribs, but from them is also the loins of a meal right from them is also the meaning of the loins of a meal. And there's some you can find in dictionaries as well. So a lot of the times what ends up happening is at the translator isn't proficient in the Arabic language and Koran, as well as the science that the Quran is speaking about, then a misrepresentation of the Quran can take place. Now, what is the solution to that? The solution is, there is a reason why we need to learn the

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Arabic language that when you engage with the Quran directly in the Arabic language, there can be no confusion. But when you're limited to someone else's understanding of the Koran, that is when the confusion is going to take place. And that is what actually happens with this verse. So there is no confusion about the verse when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the Torah, as referring to the loins of the male is referring to the loins of the mail. When Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, in the who Allah Raja de la cada that verily he is able to bring him back to life. Now, what's interesting over here is Allah subhanaw taala uses a Vermeer, that this damir is a pronoun meaning that he

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doesn't use a name, but he uses how to explain a pronoun.

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He uses he right, unless panatela says he is able to bring him back. But who is the he referring to the term Allah is not mentioned in this surah so who is the he going back to? It is obviously going back to Allah but why is Allah subhanaw taala using this methodology in this verse, because when you refer to heat

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It should be known who this he is genuine the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala will mention his name somewhere in the beginning of the surah. And then when he uses he, it's understood that it's referring to Allah, the Quran, the scholars of Tafseer mentioned the reason why Allah subhanaw taala uses the mirror over here in the who Alhaji Lakota, that indeed he is able to bring him back to life. It is by necessity has to be Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because this damir is not befitting of anyone else, because this pronoun of he in this situation is not befitting of anyone else. So let's think about something that only a particular individual can do. What is something only that a

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particular individual can do? He said, What are you talented at that you think no one else in this room can do besides you?

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You don't know. Let's think of something.

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Can it? Does anyone have a talent in this room that no one else can? Do? You have a talent? are you raising your hand? No. Maybe like a particular video game that only you can play? No one else can play? No.

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That is pretty interesting, when I do not explain that on the camera. So he can, you know, bend his fingers in a certain way. Let's just you know, just take the example that when I say you know, he is able to do this, that particular thing that we're talking about, and no one else in the room is able to do it except for that individual. We all understand who the he is referring to, because it's blatantly obvious. Similarly, when Allah subhanaw taala says in the budget he recorded, that indeed he is able to bring him back to life. Obviously, this can't refer to any of the idols, it can't refer to any of the the pseudo gods of the Quran. It's not referring to any other prophet of it,

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it's referring to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So that is where Allah subhanaw taala, he can use the pronoun over here, you can use the dummy over here, because it is only here on this panel to Allah, they can bring something back to life. Now, why does Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this concept of bringing back to life.

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Now, if you understand this concept, you understand the whole context of this sutra. And this concept is what is more difficult to bring a person into life from absolutely nothing, or to bring a person back to life after he has been created. Right? So let's understand that question. What is more difficult from our understanding? Because nothing is difficult for Allah. So from our understanding what is more difficult to create something out of nothing? Or to bring something back to life after it is dead? Blake Griffin, go ahead. Exactly right. To create something out of nothing is obviously more difficult. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that if you're willing to

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accept the fact that Allah subhanaw taala created you out of nothing, which the Quran he did, right? When you ask them, who is the Rob, who created the heavens and the earth, they will always say Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here now this is the argument that is being presented to them after you know, a series of questions. Your argument being presented now is in the record, that Indeed Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring you back to life. Why is this significant? Because the one that was able to create you out of Matt in depth, you know, this liquid substance, which was nothing, and it permits you together with another liquid substance, which was nothing. And then from these two

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substances created a physical full human being with flesh with fought with bones, with intellect, ability to hear ability to see and all of these things, the one that was able to do this, is he not going to be able to direct you at the end of the day, obviously, he will. So now you look at the the train of thought Allah subhanaw taala is building and this is like a very strong methodology of dharma. Rather than telling people Hey, Allah created you worship Allah Subhana, WA, tada, you want to be able to pose the right questions that will help them reach the conclusion that you want them to reach, right? So it is always better than dictating to people, hey, you know, do this and don't

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do that. That's effective sometimes. But what is more effective than that is being able to pose questions that will help them reach the same conclusion. Because that way it will stick in their minds, and it will make them think that they reached that conclusion, when in reality, you're the one that told them what their conclusion was to begin with. Yo, moto Bella Sara is that Allah subhana wa tada will bring him back to life on that day, when all secrets will be tested and examined when all secrets will be tested and examined. And this is such a scary versus Panama. Because as human beings we all have secret secrets that you know, we're not proud of. You know,

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I'll share one secret with you. When I'm driving. One of the things that you know takes us all off as human beings is when someone cuts you off, and you just wish you know only if I could just like ram the back of their car or like run them off the highway or

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You know, I wish there was something I could do to their car, right? And, you know, it's natural human reaction. We all have this, but that's like, for me, it's like, this is like the thing, one of the things that drives me the craziest the most. And it's like particular, I mean, this is gonna get like racist and sexist, but is it particular genders from particular ethnicities, you know, that are usually the the culprits in this crime, right. And you have this natural reaction that, you know, I wish I could react to this now, Alhamdulillah from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, he doesn't hold us accountable for our thoughts. But here unless I know what Allah is saying that those

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evil thoughts that you wanted to act upon, but didn't act upon because of your weakness, that is what you will be questioned about. So let's understand this properly. When we have intentions, when we have this thoughts, we'll divide them into good and bad, okay, that's all divided thoughts that are good and bad. Things that are good, you either do them or you don't do them, you do them, you get rewarded for your intention, and you get rewarded for your action, right? You don't end up doing them, you still get rewarded for the intention. Okay? So the good is very easy to understand when it comes to intentions and thoughts. Now, when your thoughts and intentions are bad, likewise, they

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fall into two categories. Category number one is that you had the bad intention, and you actually did it over here, you're not punished for the bad intention, but you're punished for the bad action. And whereas the good deed is multiplied, the sin of the bad deed is not multiplied. So for each good deed, at least it's multiplied by 10. Right? You will get 10 hacer not just for saying I live out of Alif Lam, Meem. Right. But when it comes to the bad deed, you're not punished with the intention, but you're punished for the action itself over here. Now, let's look at a situation where an individual has a bad intention, but he doesn't do the deed. And this also falls under several

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categories. Category number one, that he feared Allah subhanaw taala. Right, that I think I've given this example before, and the one of the beautiful things about driving from Jeddah to Medina, is that you get to see these beautiful signposts along the road is like remember Allah subhanaw taala Southampton Assisi panelist, Allahu Akbar. So you have this guy driving from Jeddah. He's on his way to Medina to like Rob, like a bank or something, he sees all designs. He's like, you know, I should make Toba to Allah subhanaw taala. I shouldn't go rob the bank. So his intention was evil, that he was going to go do something bad. But he saw this sign that reminded him of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So he stopped. So rather than even having a bad deed written down for him, this person now has a good deed written down for him. You see the mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, let us take the other scenario. Scenario number two, is that this person is driving down the road from you know, let's just say you're from Calgary to Edmonton

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to rob a bank, and this time his car gets snuck in his gets stuck in a pile of snow, his tire breaks down. Does this person still held accountable? And the answer is yes. This is when the bad intention comes into play. And a person will be held accountable for that bad intention, because he wanted to do it. And it was something other than the taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala other than the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala that prevented him. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about Yama, tubular surah. It is that on that day, those secrets that you kept concealed inside yourself that you plotted and planned and this is against, obviously the Messenger of Allah

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sallallahu sallam, and against Islam and against the other believers due to particular reasons they weren't able to do it, they will still be held accountable for those evil intentions, they will still be held accountable for those evil intentions. from Allah whom in Guatemala Nasir, that now that their secrets have been exposed in the day of judgment has come, they will have no strength, and they will have no one to help them. And here this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala does to refute those they used to worship, that in essence, when you worship something, this thing should at least be able to benefit you or harm you. If you don't worship it should be able to harm you and if you do

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worship and it should be able to benefit you. So here Allah subhanaw taala is refuting the idols, the chorus used to worship that these idols if they were of any benefit to you in this life, or the next, that we've come to the agreement, they can't help you in this life, because you destroy them yourselves. Right? And they're unable to protect themselves. So how about in the hereafter? Will they be able to help you in the hereafter? And the obvious answer is if they couldn't help you in this dunya What makes you think that they'll ever be able to help you in the hereafter for murder whom in Kuwait you will know that they will have no strength, nor will they have anyone to help them

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on that day. Now here in the surah something interesting takes place all the way from soup to nuts, all the way backwards to sort of pathetic

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This is the first sutra that we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala now takes an oath in the middle of the surah. Usually Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath at the beginning of the surah. But now we notice that Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath at the beginning in the middle of the surah. So he says was summoned either Raja one out of the that is Southern, that by the sky, which gives rain again and again, while out of the that Southern and the earth, which splits open so that the plant can come out. So you'll notice over here, Allah subhanaw taala is taking two other oaths. What is the point of the oath over here? The point of this oath, my dear brothers and sisters is twofold.

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The point of the oath is twofold. Point number one is how Allah subhanaw taala is talking about a cycle that he created in the heavens and the earth, and this is the cycle of nature, that rain will come down. And as rain descends, the sun comes out, and the tree or the plant will naturally come out of the ground. And this plant is planted deep and firm inside of the ground it through the strength that Allah subhanaw taala gives it through the water and the sun, it splits the earth apart, and now sprouts out above. Right. And likewise, the cycle of rain itself, on how Allah subhanho wa Taala created a limited amount of water in this world, right? Is this a factual

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statement or a non factual statement? There is a limited amount of water in this world.

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This is a factual statement or non factual statement. It has to be back to why why is it a limited amount of water?

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Fantastic, I was going to play a philosophical question, but isn't Allah able capable of creating more water, so therefore it will be infinite then. And I'm not even going to go down that line. The point we're going to get to over here. So obviously water is finite, right? And how it is amazing how through this finite limited amount of water in this dunya currently, as we speak, not hypothetically speaking, but currently I do as we speak, it is a limited amount of water. And through this limited amount of water. Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking care of how many people on this planet right now, between six to 7 billion people through this finite amount of water. And how

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is this water being fluctuated across the world, as the through pipes partially, but that's like a secondary step, the primary step are these massive powerful clouds that will carry literally millions of liters of water across large portions of the earth. So that the parts that unless paneled on a designated 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth will reach that water will have that water reach it at the time that it was destined for. And each droplet that comes down has its assigned destined point like a seeking missile, that it was sent from a particular cloud in a particular angle to reach a particular location that it was you know, sent

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with such precise calculation. And this is a circle of life that Allah Subhana Allah created. Now what is the symbolic meaning behind this oath. So that is the literal oath that we have mentioned. So the courage to understand this concept that the rain comes down there day trees grow, they understand the cycle. So just like something was dead, there was nothing in the ground. Allah subhanaw taala brought it back to life through the wringer. Right, so dead, and he brings it back to life. Now what is the symbolic meaning of this, the symbolic meaning of this is related to Hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim, where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that

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revelation is like the rain that comes down from the sky, and the human being on the different types of soil that accept that revelation. So in terms of Revelation, you will see people react in different ways. Some people naturally accept a revelation, you will tell them that Allah said this, they'll say, Samir Anna wattana, that we here and we'll be there reacted naturally without questioning it without doubting it, then you have a second group of people that you know what will accept this, but they may not necessarily act upon it, right. So the water will penetrate the ground, but nothing is going to sprout out. And then you have the third group of people, which is

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like that dead rock, it's not even soil anymore. It's rock that the water comes down, and it just slides off the rock, right? It has no effect in terms of growth, no penetration into the ground, it just slides away. And this is the third type of person that when revelation comes down, they're like, we want nothing to do with it. We don't want to hear it. We want to be distant from it. And that is like the person who is like the rock. And that is the symbolic meaning over here, that this revelation

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Allah subhanaw taala gives us is meant to re bring life back into our hearts. So anytime a person feels dead inside of his heart, letting go let him go back to the Quran. Because the Quran is like that rain that will bring life back to the heart. The Quran is like that rain that will bring life back to the heart. So every time there is an oath, we always want to look at what is Allah subhanaw taala taking an oath about so let's find that out took an oath by the cyclical cycle of rain and how the plant comes out of the earth. Now what is the most high note Allah taking an oath about in hula Kowloon fossen, then indeed, the Koran is that which separates Now again, Allah subhanaw taala uses

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a damir over here he uses that pronoun that indicates something obvious, right? And colon fossil, it is that statement that separates right to make fun of something is to separate something. And the Coraline is a four con, which does fossil Bane and hockey will battle that is separate truth from falsehood, right. And there's no other book likeness, that we'll be able to separate truth from falsehood, like the Koran, and that is why Allah subhanaw taala can use the dummy or can use the pronoun again can use the pronoun again. Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say, wha hoo or bill has said that the scoreline is not a form of amusement. It's not a form of entertainment. But it

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comes with a very serious message, a message for those that needs to reflect over it. Now what is a big mistake that people make with the Koran, particularly non Muslims that are looking to explore through the Koran, the biggest mistake they will make is they will put the Koran or the transmission next to their bed. And they're going to read the Koran as if it is a novel. So let's start with sort of Fatiha go on to Bukhara, Guantanamo and go on to aneesa. And they're like, you know, why is there no introduction to the story? Why is there no climax in the story? Why is there no conclusion. And what you fail to realize the Quran is not a novel. It's not a book that you read for entertainment,

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but rather it is a book of contemplation. And that is why if you want to understand the Quran, you don't read it like a novel from beginning to end expecting an introduction, a climax and a decline. But rather, when you study something, you have to look at all parts of it, right, reflected all parts of it, see how all of it is related. And this is one of the most difficult sciences in the Koran, what they call a tennis ball. And when asked about that, what is the relationship between one part of the Quran with another part of the Quran and an individual if he wants to see his relationship with the Quran, you want to see how strong your relationship with the Koran is, look at

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your ability to derive relationship between one part of the Quran and another part of the Koran that why is this verse ahead of this verse? And what is the relationship between the verses? Likewise, why is this what are in front of this surah and what is the relationship between the verses and that is why you see scores are specialized in the year. The next step they tried to take was trying to find the relationship between the two because at times the relationship will not be obvious, right? You look at the issue of divorce in the Quran, right in certain Bukhara Allah subhana wa Taala is talking about divorce. Then all of a sudden smack bang in the middle Allah subhana wa tada says,

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what happens on the Salatu was Salam ala stoeckel, Manila quantity, right and then establish the prayer especially the middle one, and stand, you know, straight up in worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. The stupid person would think, you know, I think the President was writing down the Koran, he accidentally introduced this verse into into this ayah but a person that reflects upon it that why is Allah subhanho wa Taala talking about preserving the prayer, because obviously divorce is going to be one of the most difficult moments you will go through particularly for the sister what will get you through that divorce by establishing your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala and

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standing firmly and continually in prayer to Allah subhanaw taala this ties us into another person sizer was there you know, but somebody was Salah, that Be patient that seek assistance and patience and in prayer with Allah subhanaw taala so you find these relationships between the verses of the Koran and it shows you that this Koran in its actuality is a miracle from Allah subhanaw taala and was not sent in just was not central to entertainment or amusement. But this is like the highest level of you know intellectually stimulating literature you will ever find on the planet because different levels of understanding can drive so many different levels of understanding of this very

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text. Then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say in the home your key doing okay in the home your key doing that Qaeda, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, that very early they are plotting a plot an eye to and plotting a plot. So this is referring to the kurush. So what is the difference between cases

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And maca. These are two terms that Allah subhanaw taala uses to describe the koresh mucker is a term that is used, that means something deceptive. So you let your opponent think that they are winning, when in reality you have the upper hand or about to wipe them out. Right? So that is what mucker is. And then Kate is someone who is plotting a plot, but he's doing it so secretively extremely secretively. Right. So this is like a person who's using like a foreign language, who is using, you know, encrypted code, and it's sending it through like pigeon feather, it's not even like on your on your on text message anymore. So you can trace this at all right? This is what Cade means that it is

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extremely secretive. So here Allah subhanaw taala is saying, look, the courage they have their secrets, they are planning and plotting was a key indicator. And I too, am planning and public. And this is like something that is petrifying. Because here you're not dealing with, you know, another human being, you're not dealing with a country, you're not dealing with this powerful Corporation, you're not dealing with nuclear weapons even you're dealing with, you know, Nikola Tesla was the one that created the heavens and the earth. And he was planning and plotting against you. You're done. You are doomed years units, it will be a fight is like you might as well retire, you know, put up

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the white flag. Now what is even more interesting is how Allah subhanaw taala concludes the surah for my little caffeine, and he'll homebrew ADA. So give them despite and leave them for a little while. Now if you look at when the student is being revealed, Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Messenger of Allah that give them space, give them respect, don't worry about their plots and plans. This is when the Muslims are being persecuted. They're being killed, there may be made an example of so here, rather than you know, the messenger was being told, just be patient. He's telling the Messenger of Allah, be so confident that you don't even have to worry about the plots and plants.

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That is what let's find out what the analysts telling him. And this is what true faith actually means. That when you're in a in a position, where you physically think you're losing all the odds are against you, you don't know how you're going to get out of this. Yet you have this unmovable conviction that I will come out of this situation victorious. It comes with this verse with a key indicator that Allah subhanho wa Taala is planning and plotting in his own way. And this brings us back to sort of the brooch, right? So this is how the two sewers are related. Then it's sort of borrowed, you learn about the people of the ditch, right. And at the end of the day, though, the

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ones that were persecuting the people of the ditch, Allah subhanaw taala God is retribution, that on the Day of Judgment, these people are finished. And nowadays you don't they don't even level up the oppressors when people have a ditch work. And unless I know tell the prison preserved the honorable legacy of the people that were killed unjustly as the Shahada, right? So that is the relationship between the two that just like Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, took care of the people of the ditch, Allah subhanaw taala will take care of the companions as well. Now, even though the sooner was revealed regarding the companions, then even more so in our times, in our times, you look at the

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situations happening in Iraq, happening in Syria, happening in Pakistan happening Bangladesh, everywhere else, you will feel despair, you will feel helpless, you will feel we need to do so much more. That is perfectly fine. But what what needs to remember, ultimately, is the statement of Allah subhanaw taala was a key du Qaeda, that Allah subhanaw taala has his own plot and plan and when it comes into play, no matter how powerful that government is, no matter how powerful that corporation is, how powerful that army is, nothing and stand up to the will and power of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Allah, Allah Allah sallallahu wasallam America and the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa

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sahbihi wa sallam will open up the floor for question answers inshallah. We'll take three questions inshallah. Go ahead.

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00:49:23 --> 00:49:46

Good question. From what I understand he will only take one person to repeat the brothers question. The person that's traveling from Jeddah to Medina to rob the bank and you know, he sees that sign he fears Allah subhanaw taala will he only get one reward or will that reward be multiplied? From what I understand he will only get one reward that is not something that will be multiplied, but Allah subhanaw taala knows best. Go ahead.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:51

Yeah, you're the only one that had

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scientifically, that's possible that certain parts of water that we do have on the planet could have come from asteroids. Allah knows best. But part of the the graphical, you know, creation of this earth is it almost kind of created, it's 70% water, and there's 30% of it was land. And that is so that, you know, you know, for billions of years the creation will be able to sustain itself and Allah would that same finite limited amount of water. Now that is a very powerful reflection span Allah, how this limited? Remember, it's not infinite source of water. It's been a source of life for like billions of years on this planet panela. We'll take a last question. And

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these are like the abandoned children here. anyone have a question here?

00:50:56 --> 00:50:59

No questions. Fire last one, go ahead.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:43

suburb of New Zealand. Fantastic. So was there any particular reason and revelation for the suta men that I know? Generally for each store, I will go and try to find a suitable nozzle, but I didn't find anything for the soldier. But it seems like these four suits together sort of borrowed sort of robotic sort of Allah and sort of Russia. They're all similar or together in its parent. So it seems that the correlation were very adamant in denying the hereafter. And Allah subhanaw taala sent these four soldiers, one after another, to counter the claim that there is no alpha and there will be no resurrection. And Allah subhanaw taala Knows Best subhanho wa Taala become the Casa de la la land a

00:51:43 --> 00:51:44

stockbroker to illich

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