Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 29 – L297B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of strong connections with one's Lord is emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to develop a strong foundation and avoid failure. Prayer and praying in a relaxed or relaxed state is crucial for building strength and focus, as it is necessary to avoid wasting time and avoid breaking words. Prayer and praying in a perfect manner is crucial for achieving maximum improvement in speech recitation, and individuals should practice every day to improve recitation. The importance of proper recitation is emphasized, as it is crucial for success in professional recitation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ministry of Energy Miss Rahim

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lesson number 297 sudo Tomas de Mille is number one 220.

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Many people pronounce the word Muslim male as Muslim men. Because some people their name is also Muslim male and how are they called? Muslim men. This is incorrect because design has a shadow on it. It's Muslim men.

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And this Surah Surah Muslim mill, it's a Maki surah. It has to require to know about record now, now that you studied on the first record of this surah was revealed in the early mechanism. And there is a difference of opinion with regards to the second record of the sutra. As you can see the last eye of the suta How long does it

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it's quite long.

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And this is a style of madness. Oh Solas isn't it so. So there is a difference of opinion whether the second record of the solar is muddy or murky. Some say that it's muddy, and others say that it is murky as well. However, this is for sure that the second record of the solar was revealed in a later period. Some say after a year. Some say that no it wasn't revealed after a year rather it was revealed in Medina,

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the suta has 20 verses 285 words and about 800 proof

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as you know that the theme of this juice is dry in a law calling people to a loss of power without. And this also speaks about the weapon that the diary must be equipped with the nourishment that he must be sustained with. Because without this weapon, without this nourishment, a diary cannot work for long, his dharwad will be empty. If he goes out in the way of Allah subhanaw taala, calling people without this particular weapon without this nourishment, then his Dharma will be empty, it will be slow, it will be ineffective, he will find it extremely difficult, he will not have the energy to continue, he will neither have the zeal, nor the enthusiasm and very soon his work will

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And what is that nourishment? What is that a weapon that the diary must have a strong of very, very strong connection with his Lord, a deep love that he must have of his Lord, a consciousness of his Lord. Similarly, fear of Allah having tawakkol on Allah. And this connection can only develop with Riba. It can only develop with worship. And this is why in this surah right at the beginning, what do we learn the importance of command to worship Allah soprano data and not just worshiping Him through the obligations that he has imposed on people, but rather also through the voluntary good deeds, especially when it comes to voluntary prayers.

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Because the strong connection with Allah cannot develop except through Salah. Except for that.

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Think about it, any person whom you have a good relationship with? How do you develop that relationship with them?

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by spending some time with them? By talking to them by sharing your feelings with them? Isn't it so by sharing your story with them. That is the only way of building a strong relationship communication.

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And what is the way of communicating with Robert aalameen. It is through Salah. It is through the recitation of the Quran.

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So if a person does not communicate with his Lord, through their art through solid through the recitation of the Quran, he cannot have a strong connection with him. If he cannot have a strong connection with him, he cannot do the work of the deen at all. And this is effect. And if a person thinks that no, I can do it anyway, he can try. But his work will be empty.

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It will not give him any sense of fulfillment, he will find it very difficult. Very soon, his efforts will collapse his work will dwindle away.

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So the only way of making your work successful is one, that you have a strong connection with your Lord.

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And remember that this surah is a Maki sola and it was revealed in the very early part of the meccan period. And this shows to us the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was also taught in the same way that he had a huge challenge a huge task before him. He was commanded to convey the message to all people. Yeah, are you an S in Minnesota like in a calm Jim era? And how was he to do that? When the people were lost in idolatry? How was he to gain that confidence? How was he to build that courage? It was only possible through Salah. This is why this command was given to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at the very beginning. And we see that he continued this practice through

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about his life, because this is a means of developing strength.

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And you see, if a person is physically strong, he can deal with physical challenges. But sometimes a person, if he is spiritually strong, if he has inner strength, he can deal with many, many challenges many problems, he can deal with tough people, he can deal with tough situations, he can deal with many problems. And if a person just focuses on physical strength, he cannot deal with the challenges that he faces.

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So, it is very, very important for the dirty to have inner strength and that inner strength is developed power with the strength of a man. And that is only developed by Reba.

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And we see that in the suit of her own as mentioned. I mean, when you're doing Daro, you come across people like Pharaoh Musa Salam did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came across people like Abu lahab, Abu Jamal, how do you face these people? Think about somebody who doesn't just say, I don't listen to you. I'm not going to listen to you, but someone who actively opposes you. How do you remain strong in these situations when you have inner strength? And that inner strength can only come through a letter, and this is a condition.

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So let's look at the sola Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Yeah, you have a Muslim male, or you who wraps himself up, including who is being addressed the prophets that about Islam is being addressed. And why is it being called Alamosa mill? Because this was the state that he was in at the time when these ayat were revealed.

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And what does it mean by almazan mill, Muslim mill is from the roof letters, they mean lamb and this word is actually Buddhism mill motor factory with a mill

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and the third has been assimilated with the zipper.

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So the word Mutasa mill changes into Muslim men, this is why it's necessary to pronounce the shutter.

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And the XAML. This is from bapta factory does a mill is to wrap oneself up with one's cloak, or blanket, or some garment.

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This is what the symbol means. And Muslim male is one who has wrapped himself up with his cloak, or with his blanket or with his garment.

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Why would a person wrap himself up, cover himself up in this way? Why?

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When he is scared, or he is cold, or he's taking rest,

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sometimes it happens that a person is lying down, even if it's not cold. Many times people cannot lie down without a blanket, even if it's very thin, but something has to be on top of them. Right? Even if they're sweating them keep a sheet or something they cannot sleep without they cannot lie down without it.

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So, the purpose behind covering oneself is basically to hide himself whether you are hiding yourself out of fear or out of weakness or out of gold, whatever the reason may be, but the purpose is to hide yourself. domain which is from the same root domain is one who is afraid. One who is weak hearted, who does not have courage.

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Because people who are afraid who do not have courage, what do they do they keep hiding themselves up. Sometimes it happens that a person will just cover their face, even if there are no men. Why? Because they don't have confidence.

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Sometimes people will do that this is a sign that a person is afraid in his heart weaken his Ark, there's a lack of courage. from the same root as the word zoom ml and zoom ml is used for a person who is blurry. A person who is weak a person who is aged who is weakened his body because a person who is weak. He feels cold and afraid all the time. So this is why they wrap themselves up.

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So yeah, you help Muslim men. Why is the prophets of Allah saddam called al Muslim? Well,

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because when the revelation came to him when gibreel RSM appeared before him, what happened? He became afraid.

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And he ran to his house. And when he ran to his house, he met his wife. What did you say to his wife? zombie loony zombie loony meaning Cover me cover me.

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So this is why it is being said here a ul Muslim male or EU who has covered himself up out of fear. Why are you afraid? Don't be afraid. Come in Laila. Stand up and pray. So yeah, you have Muslim men.

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Secondly, it is also said that Yeah, you will Muslim man has been described in this way is being addressed in this way because he had grabbed himself up for the purpose.

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sleeping. And when do you do that? during the night. So during the night, he had taken his blanket, he was ready for bed in order to fall asleep. And then the command comes that almost summer, this is not the time to relax. This is not the time to rest. This is not the time to be at ease, no, don't rest. Rather you have to stand up. You have to stand up and pray. And the word Muslim men, in a way a very affectionate address to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. from Allah soprano, that

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person might think why is he being called in this way? Remember, this is very affectionate address because the Arabs they had a custom that whenever they addressed someone by the state that they were in, this was in a way showing affection to them.

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So for example, once Ali Landry was upset with his wife, Altima, and he went to the masjid, and he was lying in the masjid and while he was lying the masjid, his clothes got dirty because he was sleeping on the floor. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came and saw him there, he said, Yeah, about to rob or father of dust because he was covered in dust. Similarly, Abu hurayrah villa in Hawaii was he called a Buddha, because he loved cats, kittens especially. And you could always find him in his leaves, he would be carrying them with himself.

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So this is why the prophets are about a certain quality of Buddha. So it is out of affection to address someone by mentioning the state that they are in, it's out of affection. It's not an insulting way. It's not derogatory, but rather, it is out of affection.

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And remember that Muslim is also used for someone who is in a relaxed state, someone who is in a relaxed state, relaxed state from his work.

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Now when the way he came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, a huge responsibility had been given to him.

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And that huge responsibility demanded some work and effort on his part. So he was lying down, afraid, or lying down, resting. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, at home was a mill. It's not the time to wrap yourself. It's time to work.

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It's not the time to be relaxed. It's not the time to be afraid. rather get up, build some strength, don't fear, don't worry. And how should you build your strength? Go may Layla, Arise to pray in the night.

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Home, this is a command from stand up and pm is to stand up. So for example, if a person is sitting, the aim is that he gets up from his sitting position.

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A person is lying down, he gets up from his lying down position.

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So whatever position you're in pm is to rise up from it and stand.

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Now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was lying down, or he had covered himself up.

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Stand up and over here this standing doesn't just mean just stand in the night idle for no reason. No. This means stand in prayer. Because the night prayer, what is the highlight of that Salah? What is the main focus of that center?

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It's the recitation of the Quran in the clear, isn't it? So which is why it's also known as the AMA laid? Why? Because that's the main highlight. That's the main focus. You're supposed to recite more and more Quran in that Salah.

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So common Layla stand in prayer in the night and a lay over here. It means all of it throughout the night. But Allah says in kalila stand all night illa kuleana, except for a little of the night, meaning stand all night except for a level. In other words, stand for how much stand and pray for how much a little of the night.

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Understand Elaine, the word la means all. But then with illa An exception is made.

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Elaine means all night but then with a lead exception is made and what it means is a part of the night.

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What does it show to us? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was afraid he felt weak. What is he being told, stand up and pray.

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Similarly, when a person is feeling weak, he feels he doesn't have strength. He feels afraid. He is worried

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then what should he do at that time? Instead of panicking instead of slipping away, trying to ignore the thoughts that are haunting him, or dwelling in those thoughts that are worrying him. Instead, what should a person do? Stand up and pray

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to me Laila Illa, canina

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what do we do generally when we are afraid

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When we are worried, just go to sleep.

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Just go lie down in bed. Typically, when people are upset when they're depressed, what's their attitude? Generally ignore what is bothering them? Is that the solution? No. If you have a problem, you have a challenge to deal with. You cannot ignore it, you have to face it.

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But in order to face it, what do you need some strength? And where will you get that strength from? Through the night prayer?

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We think if we sleep, if we rest, then we will have a lot of energy and strength. It's actually the other way around.

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Sometimes sleeping makes you more lazy.

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And the fact is that praying in the night is what gives you strength. So come in later in kalila.

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So what do we learn here when a person is afraid? When a person feels weak? When a person feels incompetent? When a person feels that a huge mountain load is in front of him that he has to carry? Any field is running out of energy or steam? Then get that energy get that fuel? And where will you get it from? To me later in life?

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And how much is the Khalif? How much is it that a prophet sallallahu Sallam was commanded to stand in the night in prayer? Nice for who half of it

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meaning half of the night Miss filet

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o or if that's not possible, then own costs reduce decrease from the root address known of sod. Reduce men who from it meaning from the half, reduce the half? How much olenin and level?

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So reduce the half? Up to how much? What would be less than half? A third or a quarter? Or you could go as less as you want, right?

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So I went close, but Allah says how much less kalila? A little lonely? And how much is that little up to a third?

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So in other words, don't reduce it too much. stand apart of the night and how much is that? Half of it? If not half, then a little less than that. And how much is that? A third?

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Oh, or zither, ie increase on top of that increase on top of what what does I lay here refer to miss of the night because the main command is what? Miss for who? Half of the night. So either you can do a little less than half or Zadar Li increase, add on top of that have

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to how much? What would be more than half? Like for example, two thirds, right or three fourths. So O's either lie or increase upon it.

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So basically over here, we see that there is no hard and fast rule that you have to play half of the night. You understand? what has been said that it should be about half? A little less? A little more? That's okay.

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What does it show that first of all choices being given? Because it's not possible that every night a person is in the same state?

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Some nights a person has more energy others he doesn't. So, oh, what does this imply? choice that whatever you find easy.

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And secondly, this choice is also given because sometimes a person does not know how much of the night has passed. Now these days, okay, you have clocks. But before when people did not have clocks, when they could not refer to their wall clock, then how would they figure out that how much of the night has passed by by looking at the sky? But even then you cannot know exactly how much of the night has gone You can only estimate. So this is why this freedom has been given that it can be a little more, a little less than the half.

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And when you're standing in prayer, what should you do?

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work till Khurana Tila and recite the Quran with measured recitation.

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I mentioned to you earlier that in order to build a strong connection with Allah subhanaw taala, what is needed communication.

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And for that, how does a person communicate with his Lord? by praying to Him by making the law but then Okay, this will be a one sided conversation you also have to listen to what Allah has said, Isn't it so? And what is the kurama of Allah the Quran

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so when a person reads the Quran, when a person reads the revelation that Allah has sent, that in a way he is listening to Allah, He is listening to what Allah has to say. So you understand, it becomes a two way communication.

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So in the

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Allah, what should you do? karate karate law recite the Quran with measured recitation.

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Notice it hasn't been said that just recite. But what has been said recite with measured recitation with the 13 is a condition 13 is a condition of what recitation in the night prayer.

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So the question is what is 1313 is from Latina, rotta. And Latina is to be in a good order. When something is even, it's in a good order, it's arranged in a very beautiful way.

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And it also means when something is good and beautiful.

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Now, when does something look good and beautiful, when it is arranged in a beautiful manner.

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For example, if you have lots of books, and you've put them on a shelf, and I'm sure you have, one way is that you just stuffed them everywhere, wherever you find a space, just shuffle book there.

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So one is big one is small, one is pick one is very thin, one is in Arabic, and other is in English, the other is in French. One is about fear, and others about the seed another is about dictionary, I mean, randomly, if you just stuffed books in a place, is that going to look beautiful? No. When is it that your shelf is going to look nice, when when you put the books in order. So for example, from the tallest to the shortest, you have arrange them beautifully.

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So how that you arrange them, according to topics according to themes are according to their thickness and fitness, so on and so forth.

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So when you arrange something beautifully, then it looks beautiful.

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And when you just stuffed something somewhere, without any order without any discipline, then it does not look beautiful, you understand?

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So 13 is what they'll do is to put together the components of speech, in a very nice way to put together and arrange in a very nice way, what are the components of speech, so basically the words that a person is speaking.

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And secondly, it is also to make the words or the speech very distinct and clear, distinct and clear. Because when you arrange something properly, then what happens?

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Each part is clear and distinct.

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For example, if you've put all the thin books in one place, then what's going to happen you'll be able to find them. But if you put one thin book, in the middle of a set of thick books, will you be able to find it? No, you won't be.

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So it is to arrange nicely the components of speech, this is a lateral column, and also to make the words how distinct and clear in their utterance in their pronunciation. This is what it is.

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So 13 is to pronounce a kalama. How beautifully in a perfect measure in a perfect balance, and also correctly

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arising. He said that a 13 Oh Phil Cullen, and yet Dr. Barber who Allah is rebuilt, that the deal of Callum is that one part is followed by the other.

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It's not a jumble of words that you can't make out where one word ended and where the second one started, where one sentence ended and the second one started No, each part is followed by the next one statement is followed by the other.

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You can hear every letter every word, every sentence clearly, you understand. And when a person speaks like this, the delivery is also very beautiful.

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When you cannot make out where a sentence is beginning where it is ending, it becomes very burdensome, very difficult, you cannot pay much attention.

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So 13 to summarize includes two main things.

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First of all, it includes correct recitation correct reading correct pronunciation,

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which means that the health of every letter every halaqa is given. You understand the health of every letter every America is given.

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So every shard every month, every sukoon, every Elif, every while every third, every law, every thing is given, it's how it is clear. When is that possible? When you read slowly,

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isn't it so?

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If you reading in haste, then will you be able to give the help of every letter you won't be able to there will be some

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A roof that will completely disappear. There will be some hollow cat, some mud that will not be there in your recitation.

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So it's only possible when a person recites slowly.

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This is why it has been said that 13 is the maracas. It is to recite with pauses, gradually, slowly, which is the opposite of our agenda of being hasty. So it is to recite how slowly

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secondly, 13 is also to recite in a beautiful way with ease with fluency. And how would you make your recitation beautiful, that when a person pauses at the right places, when a person lowers, and raises the voice at the correct places as well. So basically, it's not broken reading.

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Because sometimes when a person is struggling to read, for example, an idea or one line, he doesn't care as to where he is pausing in the middle of the word, or after word, and it doesn't make sense to pause over there, it's broken. You see, the recitation of the Quran is different from reading any other text, any other text, you can stop after every word, there is no problem. But the Quran is different, that you have to connect all of the words together, isn't it?

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So, you also have to pause at the right places, it should not be broken reading

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has been said that 13 is who at the work of it is the work of meaning to pause, where at the proper places, what are assumed to read slowly, in a measured way, what the whole meaning to read without haste, the whole read without haste with calmness, while if ham to read with understanding what the vino para how fun how fun, and clearly pronouncing every letter

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making every letter distinct and clear from the other.

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Arduino to learn who he said about the T, that the deal is that reader halluf will not refer to what he described as two things. What that you either halluf which means that you recite every letter properly giving it a talk.

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And secondly, my refer to Roku, to know where to stop, to know where to pause.

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Because if you don't pause at the right places, then the recitation becomes very heavy, isn't it?

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And sometimes, in fact, it can even change the meaning, isn't it? So? So you have to pause at the right places as well.

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Even our basil that aren't who said about those deep? It is to openly articulate the words, openly articulate the words, how do you do that?

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When you recite slowly, gradually without haste, giving each letter it's right.

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Hasson Bosley, he once saw a man reciting the Quran. And that man as he was reciting the Quran, he was weeping at the same time. He was crying. So hasn't buster. He said, This is what 30 years.

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So what does it mean

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with understanding

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with comprehension that a person reads with his heart and mind and tongue everything involved?

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Because sometimes what happens,

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our focus is only on the voice on the tongue.

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So we ignore the rules. Other times, it's only on the rules. So we ignore the meaning. Sometimes it's only on the meaning and we ignore the rules, what is 13 everything should be there.

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This is when the recitation will be proper This is when the delivery will be beautiful.

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Similarly, we see the outcome. He once heard someone reciting the Quran beautifully in a beautiful voice, meaning he was reciting in a very beautiful manner. So he said this is 30.

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So how do they understand 30

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it's not just about reciting property with the wheat but rather it is about reciting, with understanding and also with some beauty

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reciting with some beauty as well, that is also important.

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But unfortunately, what has become the focus of some people, only beauty or for others, only the rules, or for others. Forget about learning the rules and forget about beautifying the recitation, you should understand the Quran.

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So they don't focus on the recitation they only focus on what studying the Quran trying to understand the Quran that is also important. However, 13 includes all of these things.

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Even Mr. Author of the darn home, he said about the recitation of the Quran that how must a person recited that Latin Zulu nephrological well as the who's who has the story

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or shared before in the RGB he will have he will be he'll kulu wala Yokohama haidakhan. Hero Suba.

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What does that mean?

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That do not scatter the recitation of the Quran out like the scattering of sand that if you have sand and you scattered everywhere, how would you scatter it quickly without looking? Oh, where's that ball of sand going? And where's that going? Where's that? Just quickly, isn't it? You do it quickly to get it over with

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and do not rush through it like the hasty recitation of poetry. For example, if you're reading poetry, you're going through something, how do you read it, sometimes you just whizzed through it, you just skim through it quickly. Don't do it like that either.

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Stop edits, amazing parts.

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Even when something amazing is mentioned in the Quran, then stop there. Appreciate that, take it in, absorb it.

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And make your heart move with the recitation hardly kobelco loop, make your heart move with the recitation. let it touch your heart, let it affect your heart, let it sink into your heart. None of you should let his concern v to read the end of the chapter.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:22

Don't make your concern, the end of the chapter. Don't make your concern the end of the page.

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Because sometimes this is what our concern is, which is why we ignore the rules, which is why we don't enjoy the recitation.

00:31:32 --> 00:31:43

Sometimes our focus is just to get over the surah over the Jews. And because of that we compromise on the lessons that are there the things that we must be reflecting on.

00:31:45 --> 00:32:26

If a person's purpose of recitation is just to reach the end of the surah, then how will he be affected by the Quran? How will he be humbled by it? The Quran will only impact a person when a person spends time reflecting on it, reading it properly. Then we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that all people of the Quran do not make the Quran something to recline on. Do not make the call on something to recline on and recite it in the night as is the rite of reciting it and spread the Quran recited with beautiful voices reflect upon it, so that you attain success so that you attain success. We have learned earlier that a Latina Latina who will ketover

00:32:27 --> 00:32:45

yet Luna who have fidelity, what does it mean by her Atilla T, that a person resides in the proper way with the sweet giving every half its help passing at the right places as well, reflecting on the meanings as well. All of that is included in hospitality.

00:32:46 --> 00:32:51

And so the Naranjo he was asked about the recitation of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that How did he recite the Quran?

00:32:53 --> 00:33:12

So he replied, that he used to elongate the letters used to stretch the letters meaning recite them properly. And he recited Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and he elongated Bismillah and he elongated a Walkman and he elongated a Rahim.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:28

So wherever the mud Is there any kind of mud wherever the sound has to be stretched, he would stretch it, whether it is an Bismillah or an unwashed man, or in a laheem. Because sometimes what do we do with my love?

00:33:30 --> 00:33:50

So the ham sounds just like B. Whereas there should be a difference between the sound of beat and the sound of pain. There's a yeah in one place, and there is no UI in the other. So there should be a difference between the two. So how do the profits are allowed to set and recite by giving every health and every halaqa its

00:33:51 --> 00:34:29

own Salomon, she was asked about the recitation of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. So she said, he used to pause in his recitation verse by verse. So when he would recite Bismillah, at the end, he would pause when he would recite and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. He would pause and then he would say, aroma and Rahim, and then he would say medica with Deen, you understand that there is permission to connect the verses together as well. But what was the way of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he would pause after every Ayah?

00:34:30 --> 00:34:32

He would pause after every sentence.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:49

Because when you pause after every if every sentence, then that means your mind is involved, isn't it? So? That means you're thinking, you're reflecting. But if you're just reading continuously non stop, then what is it?

00:34:50 --> 00:34:53

That your concern is just to reach the end?

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

We learned that her they have been your man he said that once I stood beside the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the night prayer

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To see how he recited the Quran to look at the Sahaba how they used to ask one another, and how they used to listen attentively to his recitation to see how was his way of recitation even.

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And I noticed that he Glorified Allah where he should be glorified.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:32

So, for example, where Alice has the highest amount of Beagle Arla, what should we say Subhan Allah. When Allah says, For sub Bismillah bicolor, Aleem, then what should you say Subhana Allah be in our lane.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:42

So he said that I noticed that he glorified a lot where he should be glorified. And he invoked and supplicated a lot where he should be invoked, and supplicated

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and sought refuge of Allah where his refuge should be sought.

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So his recitation was very meaningful. He was fully involved in it.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:08

And how is it that every time the Iet spoke about punishment, he sought refuge in punishment, every time we spoke about reward, he asked for that reward. And this is how our recitation should be as well.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:24

What is it show them the deal is not possible without understanding the Quran. You understand? The deal is not possible unless and until a person recites the Quran with understanding.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:42

Similarly, 13 is not possible unless a person has knowledge of that weed, isn't it? So? Because that weed, what does that weed mean, literally, to make something better to make something beautiful? And how do you make your recitation beautiful by reading it?

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

properly? Correct.

00:36:46 --> 00:36:52

So 30 is a combination of what that read as well as understanding of the Quran.

00:36:54 --> 00:36:58

So Allah subhanaw taala says over here, what didn't come out of Tila

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and recite the Quran in a measured in a proper, beautiful recitation, the delivery should be good, the recitation should be meaningful, you should be involved with your tongue and your heart and your mind.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:26

And remember that the way it is mandatory on us to study and understand the Quran, it's also mandatory on us to recite the Quran properly as well. Do things are necessary?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:35

What? First of all, understand the meanings? And secondly, understand how to read as well.

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And both of these things, can any person, gain them develop them without effort without practice? Without struggling? No.

00:37:47 --> 00:37:59

You can only know the meanings of the Quran if you've put time studying the Quran not just once, not just twice, but again and again, the more you study, the better is your understanding, the more you reflect the better is your understanding.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:09

Similarly, your recitation cannot improve unless and until you have spent time reciting. This is not a skill that people are born with.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:29

Because sometimes when we come across people who recite beautifully, who recite correctly, we think, Oh, you know, that's them? And me, I just don't know. No, you can also learn, you can also improve if you put your mind and heart to it, and you actually practice, it's very much possible.

00:38:30 --> 00:39:02

Isn't it amazing that there are people who have never heard the Quran even who have never read even a letter of the Arabic language, and once they become Muslim, and they give time and they put an effort, they can recite the Quran properly, isn't it? So? It's possible, we want a shortcut. And unfortunately, there is no shortcut. There's no shortcut at all, the only way is practice. And practicing not just once or twice, but practicing regularly, consistently, every single day.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:26

There was a book I read in which this person was mentioning about how there are people who are successful in whatever they do. And they have really excelled in whatever they have done. And there were examples of very successful people. And one of the things that he mentioned was about this 10,000 hour rule that in order to become good at something, you have to have spent at least 10,000 hours doing it.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:39

If you look at all these people who have been successful in whatever they have done, anything they have accomplished, if you look at their lives, they have spent a lot of time doing what they have become good at.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:59

Similarly, the recitation of the Quran you cannot improve in just one day. You cannot improve in just a year and a half. It's not possible. You have to do it regularly, consistently, regularly, consistently without a pause without a break.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

You have to keep doing it, keep doing it in the morning in the night, and that is when eventually you will develop their fluency, you will be able to read properly, there is no shortcut to it.

00:40:13 --> 00:40:50

And the thing is that there is no avoiding it either a person cannot even avoid it, he cannot say, Oh, well my tweet is not good. So forget about it. No, you have to strive to improve it. If no jaziri he said it is an obligation to recite the Quran with that we it is an obligation and a person who does not do that. He is in fact being sinful. He said, Well, a little bit that we do hotman lezion woman lamp you gel with Anna Simone. Whoever does not develop the dream skills, then in fact he is committing a sin. Why the unknown will begin Allahu Allah. Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the Quran ha,

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according to some rules that you have to read it by, right? Well, how could I mean, who Elena was on, and this is how it has reached us. So if it has reached us in this way, it is our responsibility to pass it on as well. If we don't read properly, then how are we meant to pass it on.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:22

So were the understanding of the Quran is something necessary for a believer, proper recitation is also necessary. And without these two things, a person cannot do 13 You understand? Without these two things a person cannot do 13

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now we see that 13 lots of panel data has commanded who over here, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and another piece of Las panatela attributes this to himself as well in political economy 30 to 130 in total, so I 106 were called and for rockin and rollin Seola, maxing

00:41:46 --> 00:41:51

that this plan we have separated by intervals that you might decide to the people over a prolonged period.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:10

So Allah subhanaw taala when he revealed the Quran as well, how was that revealed to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with 30. And the same thing we have to strive to do as well. There is no option with regards to it. If the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was commanded, what does it mean for us? The same thing

00:42:11 --> 00:42:38

and we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said they you know called Anna vs wetiko beautified the Quran with your voices beautified the Quran with your voices. A person cannot say oh, I don't have a beautiful voice. So it's not about beautiful voice. It's not about having a very singie tone and rhythm. No, it's about reciting it properly with meaning. And when a person does that automatically becomes beautiful.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:56

And he also said, lay some in the millennia Donovan, and he is not one of us who does not recite nicely. The recitation of the Quran meaning the one who does not recite it nicely. The one who does not do it beautifully. He is not others.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:01

So it shows that it's an obligation on us to recite the Quran with 30.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:42

Many times we see that the attitude of people towards the reader towards proper recitation of the Quran. Is that too bad? I never learned when I was a child, or I'm just not good at it. So forget about it. It's okay. alone was about my intention. But if you think about it, would anybody say this with regards to a speech problem? know, if their child has a speech problem? They're not able to pronounce certain letters? Will they say oh, it's okay. Doesn't matter? No, they will take them to a speech therapist, they get so worried they get so concerned, they will spend so much time making sure that their child can pronounce the letters properly. Similarly, if a person has an accent,

00:43:42 --> 00:43:51

which is not as good, are they proud about it? No. They will feel shy. They don't speak because they say my accent is not good, isn't it?

00:43:52 --> 00:44:14

So why is it that when it comes to the recitation of the Quran, we think, Oh, it's no big deal. Allah knows our intentions. If a person mispronounces our name, we get so offended, we tell them to correct the pronunciation. But how is it that the Quran is recited? And if it's not recited properly, correctly, we say it's okay. It's not okay. This is the words of a loss of pandadoc.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:25

I was thinking that we want perfection in everything. We strive to have perfection in everything, but we don't strive enough to have perfection in the Quran.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:32

And remember that to improve your recitation to become better at it, do you have to put an effort

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you may feel that you've been putting effort for so long and you don't see any results. It's okay you have to put an effort don't get demoralized very quickly.

00:44:45 --> 00:45:00

And it happens with some people that they are striving for years and years. They're striving every day, but the improvement is very slow. It's okay. Don't get discouraged by that. The improvement may be slow initially.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:42

But keep going, keep going, don't give up at all. And you will see that inshallah within some time you will become fluent as well. You know, for example, children, when do they start talking? Some children take very long after they're two years old, two and a half, that's when they start talking. And initially, their speech is not clear, isn't it? So, but they keep listening, they keep talking, they are read to, they are corrected again and again. And eventually, by the time they're six years old, eight years old, no problem in their speech. But did it take only a few months, it took years, years. Similarly, with your that read as well, it's possible it's taking you years. But don't stop,

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don't give up and keep motivating yourself with that Hadees, in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the one who recites the Quran, well being proficient in it, being the master of the Quran, will be the Companion of the righteous, honorable scribes, meaning the angels, and the one who recites it, while finding it difficult to recite, will have to rewards meaning you will have double reward. Why? For his effort, and for his recitation, because he has to put in more effort. So when you have to put in more effort, don't get discouraged.

00:46:16 --> 00:46:27

Because remember that every letter you reading every time you are repeating, you are getting rewarded in Sharla. Because sometimes it bothers us is repetition. That why do I have to repeat it again and again.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:52

I received it and 100 Allah has helped us, it makes such a big difference to you when you're setting with the meaning because now you understand what's going on, you understand why you're reading and also with the to read rules, I was also thinking that I'm still not done learning. inshallah, it's a long journey, it is a really long time just to learn the basic rules, and then just to get even better at it.

00:46:53 --> 00:46:58

And when we learnt everything, meaning it made so much sense to me that you know what, this is why I have to

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the other day, I was listening to these children, I think they were in grade two, perhaps. And I think they're memorizing silicon how, and they were reciting. And I was like, I wish they knew the meaning.

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And wish they knew the meaning as well, so that they know what they're reading.

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Because many times we see that the focus of parents is just to get their children to memorize the Quran.

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Or the focus of other people is just to perfect their theory. And they will spend years or a lot of time in studying the theory studying the rules, and then practicing them again and again, very, very important, very necessary. But if you see over here, loss upon what Allah tells us what appeal of the law, not what you're willing to do either. That the dream is essential, without the detail cannot happen. But similarly, without understanding the theme cannot happen.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:02

If we keep delaying and then thinking that there's going to be one day, I'm going to be able to do it, you're going to end up not doing it at all. So we have to start now.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:31

We keep wishing to see that day when our the jury will be very good, when we will have memorized a lot of the Quran. But we want to see that day without putting an effort. You have to read every single day, in order for your recitation to improve. If you think about it over here, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is told to recite when, during the night comi Laila, and what does it mean every night and in every night when you stand and pray? What should you do? read the Koran.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:33

So what is it sure

00:48:34 --> 00:48:36

that you have to put in effort every single day.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:50

This is a fact that anything you want to become good at. Anything that you have interest in, you will make time for it, you will study it, you will research it, you will read it, and you will get better at it

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when your heart and mind are involved in it.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:02

So if you want to get better at something you really like it, you won't find it difficult you won't find reciting the Quran, practicing the jury difficult.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:39

I'm amazed sometimes people will research the smallest of things even that, for example, they're baking something, they're cooking something and they want to know what the alternative is for this particular ingredient and they will search online, they will do all of their research. Why? Because they want their food to turn out good. And they will ask other people they will check books. Similarly, they're interested about a particular person who is successful, they will read about their works and their accomplishments and their biography. And when it comes to hold on reading one I even so heavy. Reading one page a day is so difficult. People read pages and pages daily. People

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who are interested in sports, how much they read, and how much they watch and how much they listen. on the radio. They're listening on the television, they're watching on the computer, the reading on their phones, they're reading, constantly getting updates

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about a sport that you don't even play yourself. Why do you have so much interest in it? Because you like it? Why do you spend

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Your time with because you like it. Similarly, if a person puts his heart and mind to this, that I have to get better. And besides this is the word of Allah soprano data Allah has commanded us What? Atilla and for every letter I read there is other than a person will not find it difficult.

00:50:17 --> 00:50:20

You will find it easy to read, no matter how long it takes.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:36

So over here the profits are a lot is that a misspelled word, or an utter Tila? That recite the Quran with the team in Salah. And one more thing about 13 that when a person is reciting, he should recite in a very natural way. What does it mean by that?

00:50:37 --> 00:51:09

Don't exaggerate too much. Don't make it so fake and unreal. Don't be pretentious, that you're bringing a frown on your forehead and you're showing that oh my god, I feel this so much and crying with a fake cry, or you know reading very loud. This is also disrespectful. Because remember that this is the word of Allah soprano. Tada, this is not somebody else's shared forgery, or somebody else's gonna, that you can read with a loud voice and yelling. No, this is not appropriate.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:31

So when you read, relax, when you read, be natural. Don't be pretentious, don't read in a fake way. If you put your mind to it, if you focus on the proper recitation, naturally the flow will come naturally the beauty will come. So what I call an lt law.

Al-Muzzammil 1-20 Tafsir 1-4

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