Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 166C Tafsir Al-Anbiya 85-94
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AI: Transcript ©
What is smart ILA and is smart ie meaning also remember is smart, real? Well, it is. Well, careful, it reads and dole careful. Cologne, all of them may know Sabreen they were all from the patient. They were all very patient is Marina and Santa we know about him that even as a baby, he was tested even as a baby when he was thirsty when he was hungry, when he was under the sun in the open desert, and his mother had to run back and forth looking for something by which they could stay alive. Imagine a baby going through that. And then it's my reader Listen, um, as you grows older, what happens is father comes one day and says, I have to slaughter you. And then his father is not there
all the time. Is that not a test?
Imagine growing up while your parents are away. One of your parents is constantly away. That is a test. It's very difficult. Many children the hate the fact that their parents are busy. They're always away. And we accepted because it's for business. It's for work. It's for whatever reason the mother comforts the son or the daughter that it's okay your dad is gone for us for our good he's gone to do something good. You know to make money, inshallah he'll be back right you comfort your children. Daddy's gone to work. He won't be back in the evening.
Right on the weekend, we will do this with daddy. But Ibrahim Hassan was not a way for one day and he's not a way to make money. He's aware. Why? Because of the deen of Allah subhanaw taala.
So it's Marina of Islam. He grew up like this. This was a huge test. What does Allah say? Colombina Savarin he was from the patient.
He was never angry with Allah. Allah Allah. Why did you decree this for me? This is not fair. I want to live a normal happy life to Colombina Sabreen Idris Alehissalaam he was one of the first prophets an early prophet before knew her. Listen, I remember that. No, Allison was a messenger. He was at a soul and it results and I was unabIe. Well, Kiffin don't careful. He was a prophet who was sent to the Bani Israel.
Now, with regards to Israel is an angle careful, we don't know much about them. What exactly happened in their lives, what trials and difficulties they went through? About a little careful? It is sad that he is one of the prophets who is mentioned in biblical records but Allah Parliament he is actually that prophet. There is also a dispute over that. Some people say that Wilkie for was Buddha. Okay. Hello Arlen. We're no one's to say that he was. So and so he was so in so in the Quran his name is mentioned, but his stories are not mentioned in the Sunol. So we don't know much about those careful but it is said that little careful he was one of the prophets sent to Bani Israel was
from the Bani Israel and remember that the Bani Israel. They were tested severely. Right there was a time when both the Messiah he attacked the Bani Israel, right. He killed their people, so many of them and he expelled them from their lands. And so many of them were taken as captives. It is said that this prophet of Allah who was given was also taken as a captive by the Romans.
And he lived in captivity for a very long time, he went through such hardship, but throughout that hardship he kept doing Dawa. He kept calling people to Allah. He kept calling Bani Israel to repent, to do Islamic to change their ways.
Now, their stories, the exact details are low on them. But the lesson that Allah is teaching us here is cologne. Men are slobbery in all were patient. What does that mean? They were all tested severely. And at times of difficulty, they did not give up. They were patient. They were consistent in their worship of Allah, whether they were imprisoned or they were free. Whether they were hungry, or they were well fed. They had trust in Allah Colombina Sabreen what other holla whom and we admitted them feel Rama Tina in our mercy. We admitted them into our mercy. We change their state for the better we changed bad times into good times
in the home indeed their min of folly Hain they were of the righteous remember use of Assam he was in the jail. And what did the people say to him? We see you as a Marcin,
we see you as a good person, even in jail. And Allah says over here about the prophets of Allah that they went through a lot of hardship but in no mineral Salani Hain they were all righteous despite the adversities they faced. Think about it.
If you're going with your family, on a very long road trip, road trip, okay. And 15 hours let's say one way
At the beginning, everybody's really excited. Right? Everybody's happy, everybody's fine. But then what happens after three, four hours, don't touch me.
Don't look out through my window. This is my side. And hey, I've been sitting in the backseat for five hours. And now you pick a fight with your brother, you come in the back and let me go in the front. Right?
It starts to happen. As the difficulty gets worse, as it gets longer and longer, we begin to lose our patience, then we don't care about anybody. We only care about ourselves. If you're stuck at the airport for five hours for six hours, and you of course, when we travel, we have a lot of extra baggage, right? And you have been charged with one carry on, okay? You keep it with yourself for a few hours, and then you tell your brother, you know what, I'm not pulling it. You want it? You carry it, you drag it. I'm done.
I'm done.
So we begin to lose our righteousness as we go through the grind as we go through some difficulty. And that means that that righteousness is not still part of our character. It was just something that was worn on the outward. Because when a person is made to go through difficulty, then what happens is reality comes out. His reality comes out. Allah says about the prophets in the Home Minister Ali hain, indeed, they were all righteous despite the adversities they faced.
Were the noni and also remember the noon there. This is like who are the what does it mean? possessor, right? That's how we generally translated but it doesn't just mean one who possesses something as in one who owns something. But you can say one off, okay, meaning the man of the person off unknown what is unknown, not the letter known. Okay. Unknown means fish. So then normally, meaning the man of the fish, who is he? The man of the fish unis, early his sunnah.
Whenever you hear about a whale, or a big fish instantly Which prophet comes to your mind, he Yunus or his son, he's identified with the big fish. So then known and this is said out of love, just like a balloon right at the lower end. You know, he loved cats. He was always seen with cats. So this is why he was called Abu Huraira, father of the kittens, right. So we're the normally is the hover when he went out when he left when he went off, move all the been in anger, move all the one who's really been angered a lot by a lot of anger. So he wasn't just a little upset. He had had enough of his people. Because we learned that you started Saddam, he did not want to his people even warn them.
That if you don't believe that there will be punishment. But when they didn't listen, he got upset. And he went, he left them. He said, You know what I'm leaving. And the punishment of Allah will come on you and I don't care about you anymore. So you've got upset. And this is something that is normal for a human being me. You can only tell somebody something a few times, you can't tell them over and over and over again. How long can you wait? You have to move on. But remember that a prophet of Allah he cannot leave his work at his own will. He cannot do that he has to wait for Allah's hokum. This is just like the profits on a lot of stuff. Could he do Hijra from Mecca to Medina and his own
volition? He couldn't. He was waiting for Allah's command. When the permission came, then he left then he went so unis are SLM he got upset with his people and he left for London. Then he thought, I'm that lamb never Nakamura, we would decree I lay here against him.
He never thought that Allah would decrease something against him, against you against you know, certain sinner. Why? Because he didn't think he was doing something wrong. This doesn't mean that he thought that Allah will cannot is not able to catch him. This is not the meaning over here because if a person thinks like that, that Allah cannot catch me Allah cannot hold me accountable that is offered in a way. naka de la la he means decrease something against him, meaning punish him. disapprove of what he did. That's what you notice that I'm thought so in other words, when he left, he didn't leave while thinking something negative about Allah subhanaw taala he thought he was doing
good. He was doing the right thing.
Someone said that LA Nakamura further over
Hear gives a meaning off to tighten to restrict, like Laylatul Qadr. Why is it called the night of al Qaeda? Because that is the night when so many angels descend on the earth that there is no space. Right? So restriction from an Khedira li respond to his risk is pudiera Allah He is restricted on him Titan. So in other words, Eurosonic Sinha never thought that some difficulty would be created in his affair. He thought Allah would overlook this.
So first of all, what we learned here is that he didn't think he was doing something wrong. And secondly, even if he thought he was doing something wrong, he didn't think that Allah would punish him. He thought, Allah will overlook this, do we ever do something wrong? Thinking having similar thoughts?
This is when we do something wrong, right? Either we justify ourselves to say, I'm perfectly right in behaving like this.
It's perfectly fine for me to show this much anger and show this much frustration. Why? Because I'm in so much pain.
Right? Like, for example, if a person has been very irritable, right in the snapping back and forth, everyone, sometimes we do though, what do we say? If somebody asks us, what happened to you? Who beat you? What's our response? Do you have any idea how I'm feeling right now? Do you have any idea about how bad my head hurts? Do you have any idea about how much work I have to do? We justify it right? We justified we think it's perfectly fine for us because we're going through hardship. Hey, I'm in pain, okay, you have the license to sin.
This is what we think. No rules for us. No limits apply to us now. Or what's the other thing we think that Allah will forgive? ALLAH will overlook this. It's okay. No big deal. Look at all the big sins that other people do. Nothing happens to them. I'm sure Allah will overlook my mistake. I'm sure Allah will overlook my bad choice. So for one alumna Padilla Alayhi. But what happened?
Allah did decrease something against him. And Allah did tighten the matters for him. And what happened Eunice artisan and left his people went to the sea got onto a ship. And as that ship was sailing, there was a storm and people decided to get rid of an individual. They didn't know who so they drew lots and units are the synapse name kept coming up over and over again. So eventually, they had to throw him in the water and they did that. And what happened? A whale came and swallowed him. A whale came and swallowed him whole a huge whale. And don't be surprised by that because whales are huge. Fish can be really, really big. And yes, many fish like sharks, they have over 250
teeth, sharp teeth. Okay. But there are other fish also whose teeth are very, very little and they don't, you know, rip through the skin of the food that they're eating. All right, you know, for instance, a whale. What does it eat krill? Right? And krill is like tiny shrimp and it swallows them whole. It just opens up its mouth. And it's like, everything goes into that room. Okay, so Eunice Allison was swallowed by the fish.
How long did he stay in that fish? Hola, Arlen. Where exactly was he in that fish in the mouth in the stomach where Allah Harlem? Allah knows best. All we know is that he was followed by the fish.
But one thing for sure is that he was in darkness. He was in darkness. Because imagine being trapped inside the belly of an animal.
Of course, there's no light there. And then if it's in the depths of the oceans, no light if it's nighttime, then again, no light. So in that darkness, Fernanda filoblu. Matt, he called out in the darkness is the darkness of the belly of the fish of the sea, the depths of the ocean of the night. But it wasn't just physical darkness. There was also the darkness of sadness, of regret, of guilt of the unknown future.
Not knowing if the Toba would be accepted, but what did he do anyway? Fernanda Philomath, he called out to Allah from within those darknesses and this is the only way out of darkness. The only way out of darkness call upon Allah.
He called out and what did he say? Um that La ilaha illa Anta there is no God worthy of worship, but you Oh ALLAH.
Subhanak perfect, are you? I was wrong. You don't deserve this from your servant, I was wrong, you are perfect. And if you put me in that test in that difficulty, still you are perfect. And if you have put me in this difficulty now still you are perfect, who is at fault in the consuming of volume and indeed I am of those who are wrong. I have done something wrong here. It's my mistake. He confessed. He blamed himself. He did not blame Allah. He did not question Allah's decision. He did not question Allah's decree. He accepted that if Allah made this decision for me, then he is perfect. And I'm at fault. He took responsibility of his sin of his mistake. And when he did that,
what happened? First the Durbin Allah Who, so we responded to him, we answered him also when a J now who and we saved him mean alum from the distress which distress which grief which worry? Imagine he wasn't the fish. He didn't know whether he was going to come out whether he was going to survive. And you wonder if you've been swallowed by a fish Why aren't you being eaten up? Why are you still alive? What's going on? And then that long that regret that guilt? Why did I leave my work? Why did I leave my people? Why did I wait for Allah's command? I rushed it I was too hasty. When a J Now humming along. You see, we as people make mistakes, it doesn't matter who we are, how much knowledge
we have, what beautiful past life we have lived. When we are human beings, we will make mistakes and mistakes sins. What do they bring to us? Um, sadness, depression, guilt, worry, fear.
And that is alone man. That is darkness. And it's very unhealthy to live in this darkness. You have to get out of that darkness of guilt of worry or fear. You have to get out of it. How do you get out of it? Call out to Allah. Fernanda filoblu mount and c'est la ilaha. Illa. Anta Subhana Allah in the countrymen, Allah Allah may, Allah says waka Lika known Gil macmini, thus do We save the believers and notice almost meaning all the believers, meaning this is not just for use on a Salaam. But this is true for every believer who has made a mistake when he will call upon Allah confessing his mistake. seeking Allah's mercy than Allah will save him also. Allah will take him out of that
Allah will take him out of that difficulty in a hadith we learned that no Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words, which words the words of Yunus are listen, I'm La Ilaha, Illa, Allah Subhana Allah in the Continental aalameen No Muslim ever prays to his Lord with these words for anything, but that Allah will answer his prayer. Allah will answer him, Allah will not return him empty handed.
You see, when we find ourselves in trouble, okay, that we are suffering, we are in difficulty because of our own mistake. There's two options we have over there.
Either stay in that darkness, or try to get out of it.
IBLEES What did he do?
What did he do? He stayed in that darkness, right? And he went deeper and deeper in that darkness.
But we see that other one is Sena Yunus on his center, when they made mistakes, what did they do? They try to get out of that darkness. And how did they do that? By calling on Allah subhanaw taala and if a person doesn't try to get out of it, then that darkness will be his life and will be his aka. In the Quran. We learned through two soft fat I 143 and 144 Falola under who can Amin and Musa behave? Lovey Dovey button de la yo Mubarak Moon had unis not been of those who do the spear he would have remained inside the belly of the fish until the day they are resurrected.
Until the day of resurrection, he would have remained in that state. He wouldn't have been able to come out. In other words, there is no way he could have found out of that. We'll lemon Walla Mangia. Minca Illa lake. There is no refuge no running away. No shelter nothing from Allah except with Allah. You cannot hide. You cannot run away from your problems. From the difficulty that you're in
And except through the rope of Allah
was a career and also remember that every year is now the robber who when he called out to his Lord or a biller to Donnie Feldon, oh my lord, please don't leave me alone. Ladhani Pharaoh then who is found a lone individual? What does he mean by that? He didn't have a wife. He wasn't married. He was married, he had a wife. Then what does this mean? He wanted to have children, children who would be heirs to him who would learn from him and would continue his mission. So he said, Oh, my Lord, do not leave me alone with no air. Well, Anita and you are Hyrule weary Thien best of the inheritors, meaning you shall remain when all will die.
And Oh Allah, if you decide that I should not have an heir. If you decide that I should not have a child, I'm okay with that.
Look at the door over here, my dua is that you do not leave me alone. But if you decide to leave me alone, I will not mind if no one else is my heir. I have conviction that you are the best air, you will cause my work to continue even when I am gone.
Well under Hyrule worthy thing.
This doesn't mean as a career, listen, I was not determined in his Dora. He was determined he was very hopeful, which is why he called out to Allah despite the fact that he had his hair was all white. His bones were frail. His wife was barren. I mean, the fact that he was making during that stage shows that he had hope in Allah. But at the same time, he says, Yeah, Allah, if you decree otherwise, I'm okay with that also, because every decree of yours is good.
So what happened? First, the Durban Allah Who, so we responded to him, what will happen Allah Who and we granted him we gift it to him? Yeah, here, yeah, here. Allah answered him also. Allah fulfilled his wish, also. And how did he have a child? We're all slack now. And we reformed, we amended a Slack now from a slack to fix something. So we amended level for him xojo, his wife, his wife had been barren all her life. She never had any children. And at that extreme old age, what happened?
Allah fix her system, her reproductive system. And so she had a baby at that age. Because you see whether it's our respiratory system or a reproductive system or any system in the body who can fix it. Allah can fix it will all Slaton Allah who was older, in the home about all the prophets, Allah says indeed they can who they used to use at your own official Hi, Rod, they used to hasten in good. They used to rush in good they didn't delay were the Runa and they would call upon us Robin in hope. What will happen and in fear, remember these words, a Firstly, they rushed in doing good. They didn't delay. If a good opportunity came up, they availed it. They didn't delay till next year. They
didn't delay it till maybe sometime. Maybe someday. No, they did it. And secondly, were their own inner Robin what ahava they used to call upon Allah, in hope and fear. What is it? Robbing raga in Baraga. inclination, hope when you inclined toward someone when you have hope that you'll get something. So they always had hope and Allah, they made dua with hope, what will happen at the same time with fear? They never exceeded the bounds of respect. What can we learn are harsher in and they were to us humbly submissive, obedient and compliant. This is the reason why Allah accepted their prayers. Because if you think about it, all of these prophets what is mentioned here, there the US,
when is it that a person makes the or when he finds himself needy? Were the prophets needy? Were the prophets needy. They were always needy. One was needy for health. One was needy for children. One was needy, for getting out of crisis, whatever need it was, they were needy. And in that state of neediness, what did they do? They turned to Allah subhanaw taala in two ways, first of all, through high rot through good actions, and secondly through dua. These are the two ways of having
our drawers our wishes granted, and what is that? Do good. Get closer to Allah and secondly, call on him. But how with hope and fear have one
Oh, that alone can do this. He can fix the problem for you.
And also have fear of Allah what kind of fear that never exceed the bounds of respect and be humbly submissive? Well, Lottie Aslan at Farrugia and also mentioned the woman the girl. How could you forget a girl Don't forget her. She who have fun at forbedre axon it she guarded she fortified. Asana this from Sun Heslin hismile Muslim what is that fortification? Alright, so she guarded for Jehovah, her private part from literally his private part. What this means is that she guarded her chest studied meaning she never committed anything haram with her private parts. Never she did not commit Zina. She was a virgin. What happened? Fun of Hakuna fie her so we blew into her mid war
Hanaa from our rule, our rule being the rule that belongs to Allah that Allah has created. And whose rule is this referring to? recited Sinha would your Allah and we made hers? Who is this woman? Who is this girl? Madame. We made her webinar hmm and also her son. Both of them were made a bet and assign a miracle Malala mean for the people of the worlds for all of mankind for all people to come? Both were a miracle. How was Medina my miracle? How was she Anya? First of all, if you think about her birth, and the way she ended up in the bathroom octus only girl only woman and then when she's staying there, how she receives heavenly food to the point that a prophet of Allah is surprised I'm
not lucky here. And then she concedes she becomes pregnant without a man ever touching her. She was a miracle. How was her son a miracle weapon haha how he was born without a father. He spoke as a baby. He performed miracles as a prophet and then he was lifted up to the heavens. A miracle lol Amin for the world's the story of Medea Ender, Isa, what does that teach us? Nothing is difficult for
nothing is difficult for Allah. It doesn't matter whether the US BB are there or they're not there.
Allah can do whatever he wants to have hope in Allah. When you find that all the doors are closed. have open Allah, Allah will create a way Allah will open the door. He will make a way out. Have faith in Him have trust in Him? Imagine unis on his son being trapped in the belly of the fish in the middle of the ocean doesn't even know where he is doesn't even know if there's any land nearby. First of all, how do you fight that fish and try to get out how and then if you do get out where do you go? Who can take you out? Only Allah
Ayatollah al Amin believe that Allah can do anything he is a kadhi
let's listen to the recitation of these verses
what is now 930 So other kids
may not fall very well I don't
feel off Medina in
may not
well, there's no need
for one
more lumati
to me no warning me.
Jaina will mean and one worker.
meeting it was very
to hear you
we are here
for sharing. Letty
in the heavy indeed this Oh Metacom your OMA on metal Wahida
One OMA a single OMA the word OMA from their letters Hamza me mean what does it mean? A nation a community. It's basically used for a group of people that may be spread out over time over different places. People may be from very diverse backgrounds, however, there is something in common uniting them. And in our case, what is that one thing that unites the OMA that gives them the title OMA Islam. So in the heavy, emoticons, this is your OMA your nation. Omata Wahida one nation, what another book on and I am your Lord far Bodoni so worship Me. This is the religion this is what this nation is about. What joins us together is our religion. And remember that the word OMA doesn't just
apply to nation but it also applies to religion.
It also applies to religion, nation, religion, OMA has four meanings. First is nation. Another is religion. The third meaning is a leader. Remember Ibrahim Raja Sena Khanna, OMA leader. And fourthly, OMA also means a period of time,
a period of time. And in the Quran, the word OMA has been used all these four meetings. So over here, we can understand OMA as a nation, that this is one nation.
All of the prophets, all of the prophets don't think them to be different from you know, they brought the same message, the same religion, whether it was Ibrahim or listener, or it was Idris, or they'll Kiefel or their wood or Sulayman, or Yahia Zakariya unis a you all the prophets of Allah, what was their religion? What was the message that they brought, it was the same one nation, one religion, one people, one God, we're hon comfort, Boon. What makes us one is the fact that we believe in one God, all the prophets brought the same message. belief in one God, we're hon comfort boon and this is what keeps us together. And when people turn away from the worship of Allah
subhanaw taala, Allah becomes less important to them and something else becomes more important to them, whether it is their worldly life or it is an individual or you know, some benefits of the dunya whatever it may be, that becomes a center of their lives. Then what happens division, what Dr. Drew Umrah, home, buying a home and they caught up they split up meaning they divided Umrah home, their affair which affair the affair of religion buying a home between themselves. Why? Because the focus changed.
The focus should have been who Allah subhanaw taala that whether I'm going through difficulty or through ease, I am journey towards Allah. whether this person is from the same background as mine or completely different, they believe in the same God as I believe in. This is what keeps a person firm on religion belief in Allah and this is what keeps the Muslims together also.
But when people forget Allah,
other things become important to them. Then division happens what the cut through Umrah home buying a home and this is what we see over time. All the prophets brought the message of though hate but what happened to the followers of Musa listen what happened to the followers of recited sunnah, each one separated. Why? Because the focus shifted. Go and learn all Elaina to us rod your own, they will return everyone is coming back to Allah. He will judge in total movement on if 53 Also we learn further Katara amerihome Boehner whom zubarah Kulu has been the mela de him for the home but the people divided their religion among them into sects. Each faction in what it has is rejoicing. The
prophets of Allah Salam said we prophets are brothers from different mothers and our religion is one doesn't mean literally, this is figurative, meaning all the prophets are from the same family. We all have something in common and what is that? There are key that the belief that we brought the faith that we brought the message that we brought and yes, each Prophet brought different teachings in the sense that people were taught different things to do. So for instance the laws that resort is salaam brought were slightly different from the laws that the Prophet said a lot is said and brought the should era was different. However, essentially the message was the same and what was that
message? Worship Allah
alone for my yarmulke meno Salah hurt. So whoever does righteous deeds, any person, whoever he may be, if he does righteous deeds will have a lot going on while he is a believer with iman he performs righteousness, even though he's going through adversity or he has it very easy regardless of his state. What Allah wants is what Eman and Arnold Solana? Well our focus many times is on our physical condition. Whereas in Allah Allah young guru in our Swati, come on walakum Allah does not look at your faces, your appearances and your wealth because he's the one who gave that to you in the first place. He gave that to us in the first place. What he looks at, what is more important to him is
what can you become without money from your heart and your actions? So the one who performs righteous deeds while being a believer? Allah says fella Khurana Lee sir yeah. Then there is no fraud there is no rejection. There will be absolutely no rejection. Lisa, you for his striving for the sorry for the effort that he's putting what is sorry, when you go for what is sorry, when you have to go back and forth between Safa and Marwa
is that easy.
It's not easy. It's a pretty long walk. And then for men for a certain distance in the middle, they even have to run that is scary. walking, running, not stopping, you know going on and on striving This is scary. And sometimes worshipping Allah subhanaw taala also becomes a scary that also becomes a huge effort, given your physical condition, given your emotional state, given your mental state, because of the difficulties that you're enduring. You have to strive really, really hard to get up and do something to get up and worship Allah subhanaw taala to raise your hands and make dua it becomes a sorry, an effort. And Allah says Fela COFRA Anna Lisa, are you the one who strives, there
will be no rejection of his salary? What does that mean? What does that mean? The more you strive in Allah's way,
the more reward you will get. Nothing of your striving will be rejected. The word Quran is from Cofer Cafaro, what is kufr are literally means to cover. Caffeine is also used for the night because it covers everything.
And then ingratitude is also called Cofer, because it's like you're covering, you're concealing the favors that someone has done to you. So kufan is to reject someone's favor, do not acknowledge the good that was done, to hide someone's ears and to hide someone's gift to hide someone's efforts, not acknowledged and not appreciate them. Allah says for lack of rondalee Sorry, don't never expect this from Allah, that he will not appreciate your striving well in law, who Kathy boon and indeed we for it, our writing, we are recording everything. Everything is being written, everything is being recorded. You know, recently somebody mentioned to me about how they met an individual and they were
giving them a ride, basically. And this individual was on a wheelchair. So they helped them sit in the car. And they said that every few minutes, this person would look up at the sky and just smile
and smile. So when she found this a little strange, so she asked her that, how come you're smiling? You know, if a person sitting next to you smiling every few moments, you wonder what's so nice, tell me so I can also smile. So this individual told her her life story about how she ended up in a very bad car accident and she was enduring a lot of physical pain because of the injuries that she had suffered. And she says that every time she feels that intense pain, she looks up and smiles because he says every time I have pain, I know that Allah is especially watching.
I know that he's specially paying attention to me, because I am feeling pain. And the people around me are not feeling the same pain.
And when I go through that pain, I know that my Lord is remembering me. So I smile at that fella co flannelly sorry. We're in now Allahu Katipunan
each Pang each difficulty each moment is being recorded. Because Allah does not waste the reward of those who do Essen in 2019 Allah says woman arrival Hirata was our Allah has sir yeah, well who am me known for hola Iike Kana sorry, you homeschooled or whoever desires the whole
Almost the hereafter and exerts the effort due to it while he is a believer, it is those whose effort is ever appreciated by Allah. So, why keep waiting
for acknowledgement from people? Why keep waiting for motivation for words of praise and encouragement from people? It is Lilla it is for Allah he will acknowledge he will duly appreciate recitation well Lottie Solana Jana
Hina one John
Well John
to come
know what
he had you
got the whole
and he goes to the hospital, all his lungs, kidneys, everything, they're failed, right? So he's in crucial pain, like sometimes doctors have to give him you know, like anesthesia or something to keep him under dose, so he doesn't wake up because there's so much pain that he can bear it. So yesterday I was
looking at it in Skype.
He goes for dialysis every day, and make a big comeback from it, you cannot move from his bed for two days. And by the time he is able to get up his to go back again. So when I was looking at it like that, I didn't know what to say to him to make him feel better.
And I was seeing all these things that you know, profits are being this is the most and you know, if Allah is chosen you there's a reason behind it. But if felt like nothing, you know, I can help him in any way. And I was just thinking that he wasn't complaining or anything. But I was thinking like, when people go through these are hard difficulties in life is because we you who are healthy can learn from it and thankful. And yet we are so heedless. We look at people who are in difficulty, and we just walk away. And I feel a lot of these people through difficulties for us. So you know, we should always take the lowest mantle for our health, for money for luxury for this country where
there is a health system, like embarks on people who are poor who are going through, you know, health difficulties. First, they're sick, and then second, they can't even afford to get better. So and also you should say the DA that I've already mentioned, I think once before along the line, does he have any member of the Leica Viva for the Daniela cathedral medmen hala part of the law that you know, may Allah protect us and get the other person goes
and you see your body you don't have control over it right. But if the body is sick, if the body is laying motionless and the heart is alive, a person can still be at peace. You can still be at peace. This is why it's so important to take care of our heart
to keep it healthy.