Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 252B Tafsir Al-Shura 20-23
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Number 20.
Man whoever Cana he was, UT do, he intends can a UT do, he intends he desires he wants health, the harvest crop of an era of the Hereafter whoever wants whoever has in mind the harvest of the Hereafter UD do from Iran and Iran is intention, it is to intend for something, whenever we are doing an action, any action whatever it may be, there is always some goal that we want to achieve, there is always some purpose that we want to achieve. So, for example, if we are drinking a glass of water, the objective is to satisfy our thirst, right. If we are talking to somebody and our tone is a little harsh, the objective is to defeat them in argument. So, there is always some erotica behind
an action. So, Allah says over here that any person whoever he may be, if he wants, the harvest of the Hereafter, meaning in return for his actions and his effort, he wants the harvest to produce the crop in the hereafter. The word health how Rotha we have read this word earlier also, health is basically crop, it is basically what is grown or raised by sowing seeds. So, you sow the seeds, you plant the seeds and then you take care of it, you water the plant, etcetera, etcetera and then eventually you get your harvest your crop cultivation. And so, the word health is used for gain, acquisition, earning
because you earn something by putting in effort you gain something by working.
So, the person who is working, who is striving? And what is it that he wants at the end of his driving? Where does he want the crop? Where does he want the game? Where does he want the wages in the hereafter the house of Allah Hara that is his goal. In the hereafter. Allah says Nazir said, We shall increase law who for him fee healthy in his harvest, meaning we will give him more than he actually worked for.
He perhaps planted only five seeds, but Allah who will give him more than just five plants. Nazir de la houfy helps the heat and house over here is referring to reward, we will increase the reward for him, we will multiply it for him how that in the hereafter he will get it manifold but not just in the hereafter in this world also, Allah will give him something so Nazir did the whole fee healthy he he will get his harvest his crop multiplied woman and whoever kinda he was such that you really do he wants he intends he desires. How does that duniya the harvest of this world?
He wants to gain the edges, the reward the wages for his efforts were in this dunya then what will happen to him? Allah says no t we will give him what will we give him minha of it meaning some of it, some of what he strove for, yes, he will get something in this world. Meaning he will not get 100% wages in this dunya he won't, he will get some of it. He will not get all that he wants, His rewards will not be multiplied. No T minha. But the biggest loss is that a woman Allahu wa and not LA who for him? Phil Akela in the hereafter Mina sleep in any share in the Hereafter you will have no share. Why? Because he did not aim for it. He did not intend for it, he did not desire it, he did
not work for it. So if he did not work for the hereafter, why should he get reward in the hereafter? So then what is it that we should strive for? The house in dunya or the house in Accra, the house in because when we strive for housing, then we get the Accra and the dunya. But if we strive for the house of dunya then what do we get only some of dunya not even all of dunya that we want and that is a big loss.
We see that I
Our actions whether they are of the heart, or the tongue, or the limbs, any action that we do, they are like, as if we are sowing seeds, we are planting seeds, meaning that they will have consequences, depending on the quality of the seeds, and what seed it is, and where we are planting it, we will get our results. If you sow a seed in soil, that is not that great, old, right? It doesn't really have much fertilizer in it, it's not nutrient rich. And the quality of the seed is also not that great, what kind of harvest? What kind of crop what kind of plants? Will you get? Not that great quality, isn't it? But if you saw higher quality seeds in soil that is also nutrient
rich, then what kind of plants will you get? What will you get?
Amazing, beautiful. I remember once planting some herbs in good soil that was well fertilized. And it was as if those plants were on steroids. They grew so fast, and so beautiful, and so well, and so good that it's amazing. And then at the same time some other plants that had been, you know, the soil was not changed, no fertilizer was added to it. What happened to those plants? Okay, they're surviving, but they're not really that great. So what is it that we want? What is it that we're aiming for? What is our goal? Is it the dunya? Or the Afra? What is it that we want? If we want the results in this world? If we're aiming for this dunya then remember that the fruits of this dunya
the copy of this dunya how was it? It is imperfect, it is defective, all right, it is temporary, and the fruits of the Hereafter the harvest of the Hereafter How is it? It is perfect and it is eternal also? So we learned in Israel, number 18 That Ma'am, can you read Raji Lata, whoever wants the Adila immediate meaning he wants immediate gratification for his work. He wants the results now. He wants to be happy now. So for example, His goal is not to aim the approval of Allah His goal is that whatever he's doing right now the people who are watching him, this should be happy. They should, you know, clap for him and they should praise Him. This is Adila you understand? So whoever wants
our Gina or Janella who fee her Manisha then we will hasten for him in this world, whatever we want. Meaning he's not going to get everything that he wants. He's gonna get what we decree for him what Allah will decree for him. So majeure Allah Allah Who Johanna jasola, Hamid, Mohammed Abdullah, but then for this person in the hereafter his what? Jahannam because he's not aiming for Jana. He doesn't even desire it, he doesn't even want it, then why should he have a share in it? This is similar to in normal, our man, Lubin, yet, actions are according to intentions. So we see that if a person is striving for dunya, then this is a big loss. And on the other hand, if a person is
striving for the hereafter, then that's a win win. And through the Bacara 261, Allah gives us an example, that the example of those who spend in the way of Allah and spending in the way of Allah is really desiring the house of the hereafter. Because it's like, you've got $50 All right, and those $50 You could spend anything, let's say you choose to get something of this dunya over here, and the objective is to impress people, all right, and to look cool and so that they also respect me, etcetera, etcetera. And a person buys it. All right, he gets it, he gets a few smiles and a few words of appreciation. But then what happens? What happens? The result is very, very limited, the
benefit is very, very limited. But if a person is buying something, all right, halal for the right reason, and what is that right reason to fulfill need, all right, and he's doing it the right way, not to show off and not to impress people, then what's going to happen, the reward is also in the hereafter. So, when a person is spending in the way of Allah and in the way of Allah means in obedience to Allah, for the cause of Allah in the right way, and in ways that Allah likes and he approves off, then this spending is like a How can my family have been like a green? All right, that when it
grows. From which one a plan girls? What does it produced in the eye? Oh, we learn savasana Bill seven ears. And in that feed couldn't listen bulletin me to have BA in each ear, there are 100 grains. So how many do you have 700 This is the reward of aiming for a hero, the reward is multiplied, as Allah says in surah, la cara is 33 that the fruits of Jannah landmark to attain, while I'm newer, they will never be cut off, nor will they ever be forbidden. Yes.
For example, if you want to go to the movies, or you want something that you really desire, you want to get it really badly, then instead of spending that money on the thing, keep it away in a box and see how much you collect. See how much you get over that time. So I encourage you all to do that. And let's see how much we get. And then we can like, you know, donate it and everything that would be going for a good cause. Because you know, it's very easy to run out of money, isn't it? You know what I'm talking about? You get your money. And then the next thing you know, your debit card has like 50 cents left. Right. That's it. Why? Because $5 went on the pizza, and then another $10 went
on some lunch. And then, you know, he just saw something so cute, that just wanted to buy and just couldn't help it and just bought it. And then what do you have at the end? Hardly anything. And if you analyze your spendings, right, when you see that? What is it? Her statement? Exactly? When you see that statement of all of your transactions that you've made over the past month, you feel like hitting yourself?
What did I do, I just threw all that money away.
So this is the thing, this dunya is very attractive, because we see it right.
It's very attractive. And also because we are being bombarded all the time, with the need and the urgency to buy more and more, and to never be satisfied with what we have. Because there's something even better out there that you desperately need, because it is the solution to all your problems in your life. Right? It is what will bring you true joy and happiness if you have that yogurt, right? Or if you have that juice, whatever it is advertisement, it drives us crazy. It doesn't let us make right decisions.
And forget to be wasting money on nothing. And then we spend again, and then a few times we forget that we just wasted every time we waste money, we regret instantly. But then after two weeks,
exactly. We regret and then afterwards we forget and then we repeat the same mistake again.
So anyway, in this idea, what are we being taught, value yourself?
Right? value your life. Aim for what will bring you better and eternal results. Don't shortchange yourself by aiming for what is lower. Because when Aquila to Hiren, what Abacha the hereafter is much better and more lasting. Now the question is, how is it that a person intends for the akhirah the harvest of the Hereafter? And how is it that a person invents for the harvest of this dunya? Because, you know, in principle, in theory, it's very beautiful aim for how to sell Accra don't aim for how's the dunya? But practically, how is it that we can ensure we are aiming for help sell? What are the signs? What are the things that we need to do to ensure that our efforts are going in the
right direction? Yes,
that we are selecting some profession and it will help other people and it will show that how Muslims are caring towards a society. So it'll be towards the end in pleasing Allah. Like you're, you're pleasing the creation so you're pleasing Allah, helping you aiming for here after that you want a better reward from Allah. so that way you're having a dunya and also aim towards hereafter. What is dunya?
What is dunya? When we say that a person is intending dunya they want dunya what does it mean?
What does it mean? Money, Okay, what else? Fame, status position. What else? The comfort and the joy and the happiness of this dunya right. Immediate gratification. And the aka on the other hand is what that okay, you know, you're not
aiming for that applause. But if you get it, okay, you take it happily. But that applause and that worldly Burke's, they're not the goal.
They don't determine your work and your striving and your actions, that only when people will clap for you, or only when they will support you, or they will agree with you, they will not criticize you, then you do what you want to do. But if they are not clapping for you, if they criticize you, then you stop. You understand the difference over here. Aiming for aka means that firstly, you do what will benefit you in the hereafter.
You think about and you do what will benefit you in the Hereafter, what will bring a budget in the Hereafter? And really in a day, ask yourself that in this 24 hours, what did I do that will inshallah benefit me in the hereafter? How much? Did I strive for the dunya? And how much did I strive for the ACA, you know, when you have to do your readings, right? And you have to listen to lectures, also, you have to go to attend classes, and then you have to practice also, it can take a lot of time, isn't it? Does it or does it not? You don't do your readings, maybe I remember after I completed my 30 mukaan course, I have to go back to school. And I like social sciences. So that
means a lot of reading a lot of discussions and a lot of writing also, because each answer is like an essay, all right, and a lot of practice. So a lot of time would go into that. And reading names and taking notes and whatnot, it would take so much time. And it would hurt me it would annoy me because there I was just do three weeks ago, spending my you know, nine to three or other eight to two that was our timings eight to two with the Quran. And then when I come back home, doing my lesson seven times and then reviewing and then practicing. And now all of a sudden, that time is not being spent with the Quran. It's being spent with Karl Marx and Max Weber and whatnot. All right,
Jonathan Smith and whatnot. So it was annoying, it was hurtful. It really hurt me. I would do all my studies with so much guilt. And then I will tell myself, why am I study?
What is the ultimate goal? What is the end? What is the outcome that I want? You see, the goal should be the house? What is the house? Is it that I want this degree for the sake of having a degree so that I can have a label or a name or, you know, I can impress people is that the goal? Is the goal, some worldly career so that I can earn a lot of money? Is that the goal? What is the goal? I can say that, Oh, I'm studying for the sake of Allah. But practically, how is this studying of, you know, social science is going to lead me closer to Allah? How? What is it that can I do to my Iraida, so that the house isn't the akhirah? And not just the dunya? What can I do over there?
Because I don't want six hours of my day going just for the house of duniya. That's a waste. You understand? I don't want my past four or five, six years going just for the house of dunya? I should get more out of this time.
You understand? So how should I do it? How helped me figure this out? I could give you the answer. But tell me some ways in which I can fix my irata so that I get house of Accra and not just house of dunya What can I do? What should I aim for? Yes.
you also have some worldly goals, then you're also you know, you will be able to give Dawa and people will not be stereotyping you, you will be able to have a different impression on people because you are educated and you have deep knowledge of team. Okay, so studying worldly sciences, to increase my knowledge of the creation. All right, to better appreciate the creator and the law that he has revealed for the creation.
And honestly, you're right, and this is exactly how I would study. And this is the only reason why I am studying till now even though it's been what so many years because I'm doing part time. I'm still studying now because of the same reason to better understand the creation in order to better appreciate the law of Allah in order to help the creation understand also the perfection of Allah's law. Right, because if we don't understand the dunya, then we can't really function properly in the dunya. You understand? So that could be one way. Tell me another way? Yes.
because on hamdulillah like, you know, some Muslims back in the days took the initiative to get into these, like, politics and stuff like that mainstream institutions. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, taking this dunya knowledge, we can always like, you know, turn it into an al Qaeda goal in a way that, you know, we want Muslims to move forward to come out to be, you know, out there just like that one chef cooked for Queen because she was like, you know, amazing chef for so many people are coming out in London, in England, because, you know, there's so many Muslims, they're educated, they're willing to put in their time and effort, just so Islam can be out there, you know, Muslims
can do more than just sit at home and, you know, just the hour, the hour. This is that's the thing. We don't want to look down on Dawa for the sake of worldly goals, all right, I want you to understand these worldly goals come under, can come within your goal of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala. And they must be we have to stop separating the dunya from the Accra we have to bring been in our dunya
you understand we have to bring been in our dunya when you go to school, alright, and or you go to work, and you are wearing your hijab and you are living by your principles, and you are praying on time and you are, you know, sharing matters of the deen with the people around you. This is also aiming for the alcohol. Because remember that the servant who lives within people and tolerates their hurt is better than the servant who lives alone. And he doesn't have that opportunity to be patient.
And also our deen is implementation. It's practical, what we are learning, we cannot just stay at home and just keep it to ourselves. When we are going out there we are working with people, there's a place where we can show what are the is buyer acts not just by our words. So also remember that when you do something, all right, that is a worldly matter a worldly need and you're fulfilling it in the right way in the way that Allah has prescribed. All right, that is also Riba.
So if a person is earning money, the halal way, and a person is purchasing food, halal food, and then in Hadith, for example, we learned that a person is feeding his wife, even the morsel of food that he puts in the mouth of his wife is written as, as charity, meaning he's rewarded for it, because he is staying within the limits that Allah has set. He is accepting the responsibilities that Allah has placed upon him and he's fulfilling them to the best of his ability, then this is also rabada This is aiming for how to love akhira even though a person is fulfilling, worldly needs.
So I remember when I was in school, I had a lot of trouble again, like with the intention. So I remember I was talking to my parents at my mom at that point mainly. And she kind of advised me she was like as as like human beings were the * face of this earth. So it's our responsibility to make sure like if you do work like with the environment you're at, that's your intention is for the sake of Allah, we're looking after the Earth. Or if you're doing like social work or public health, you're making sure that we're looking after the creation and serving humanity, because that is also something that Allah subhanaw taala has asked us to do. So in that way. Also, another weird thing
that she mentioned to me was just always to like prioritize things that we have to do for the religion like Salah for example. Like we see this I had three jobs in Latin he him t Jarrah, and whatever they are in and decree law, which is easier said than done. So remembering that even though we're going to school to always prioritize those things that come first, which are priorities, yes.
So whether you are studying economics or accounting or,
or what medicine or psychology or environmental sciences or anything, whatever you're studying,
please, don't let this time and this youth burn away.
You have to do it with the right reason, have some goals, have some intentions, and aim for the house of akhira not for the house of dunya. And if you're wondering, how should I aim for the house of AKA, ask Allah. Ask Allah to show you the right way to give you the right intention and to help you use your time in the most beneficial way. ask Allah to allow you to benefit from your youth and to not let it just slip away from your hands. Yes, I was also thinking that was one of the
I told us when we're doing something, we have to do it with our son. So when you're doing anything even for like, when you're studying, you have to do it with your son. So it shows that oh, that even these things are we're doing because we did it with our son. It shows how like we can spread out through our hard work and show like, these are our values to do whatever we're doing with the best of our abilities. Yes, that's true. And it's very important doing things with your son, because this is one of the best ways of doing Dawa. Also, this is one of the best ways of showing to others and helping others figure out how deen is practical and it is possible to observe your religion while
living your life. It is definitely possible. I remember when I did go back to school after my 30 mobile on course, I was so particular about my homework and everything. Even my classwork and my attitude in class, even though I mean our kids typically in school, you know exactly how they are right? Coming late not doing their work, skipping classes, I would never do anything like that. Because I knew that when I go there people don't just look at me as them yeah. Alright, or just a girl. They look at me as a girl with their hijab. Alright, so I have to be careful.
Osama LUCAM I just want to share once times Sheikh Mohammed Al Sharif sharing our one story is it when I finish it so University graduate, then after that he did is Islamic study in Medina. So we needed to, for for it have to go work for somewhere. So he said I was I was assigned to some the company for fixing the computers. So I was be working with the computer for eight hours from wanting to fix the computer. after that. He said, I've been thinking about myself, I read a study so much time in Haiti for row University and how much time I spent in Medina for studying Islam. Now I'm spending all my time to sit eight hour to fix a computer. So he said, Hey, I have a better idea. No,
I can't do that. I'm going out to fix the mind of the Warner of the computer. So I came and come how I gave this works to give them the Dawa on studying the Quran. So I mean, what was the way using back this people using back the computers so they can knows how to using our benefit themselves from the computers. So that's why he did both of them. He did Islam you did it on now we knows everybody's witnessing of his work in an Islamic way. So that hurts of the dunya and hurts of the akhirah. So how many 1000 1000 students a year have and benefit from him? So and Marshall is still doing very good. He's still doing, you're making a lot of help for the Islamic for the dunya for the
boat, which is people Muslim or non Muslim is benefiting from all his work? Yes, yeah, the thing is that generally we aim very low, very low, we think I have to go to school and have to go to university and I have to have a sound career so that I can make good money. And basically, we're just aiming to be a cog in someone's factory. That's what we're aiming for. And you have much more potential than just being a cog somewhere. You can do much more than that. There's this book I'm reading these days, the Icarus deception, it's by Seth Godin. And it's about how high will you fly? How high will you fly? He says that, you know, the work that you do is basically art. All right,
whatever you do is art. And we have been trained into believing that, you know, because of the Industrial Revolution, we've been trained into believing that we have to do things a certain way and only that way. So for example, you just have to go to school and then have an established career and then just work in that way. And that's the only way that you will make money. That's the only way that you'll be successful in life. No, yes, go to school. Yes, have a career but then realize that your life is much more than just being an accountant nine to five somewhere you can do much more than that. Make use of your life, make use of your time and make use of the opportunities that
you've been given in your life and see how far you can go, how high you can fly, how much more you can achieve. You know, it's these fetters that have been bet on us. All right. And these factors are really the house of dunya aiming for the dunya and we need to unshackle ourselves and realize that there's more to life than just the dunya that is in front of me. There is more to life than just the worldly benefits that I see before me. So How high will you go? How far do you want to go? What is your potential and many times we limit ourselves?
So as we have studied, like dunya is basically the playfield for Africa. And it is supposed to be trials. It is our opportunity
It is a limited time you're given, it's an opportunity to earn for occur. That's what dunya is. So none of the matters of dunya are separate than akhira. Exactly. So dunya is what will take you to the exactly, that's how it is. So we all know like DWIs big part of it, Salah is a big part of it. So if you're doing five slots, we have learned to manage our time. We can stay up at night if you want to do slot so we learn time management, a lot. Allah has kind of built in everything in there if you follow and Allah say don't break your relationship with your kids. So once again, we are talking about profit use of it's not easy, keeping relationships with your siblings, and you will
have ups and downs but if you're doing it for sake of Allah, you build those relationships with your parents, you be kind to your parents, for sake of Allah, everything, every word, everything become your swapper O'Hara, same thing for your husband's, like if you have you're in a relationship or husband, wife, if you're kind to your husband for sake of Allah, everything you do for him will become your son, or your daughter in laws or mother in laws. However, in everything has a trial in it, it's none of it is easy. But if our intention is that Allah I'm doing it for you, you make it easy for me, it all becomes a lot. Exactly. So how does a person then intend for the hereafter?
Firstly, by doing the actions that will benefit in the hereafter. So no matter how busy we are, with our worldly affairs, right, we have to pay attention to those matters that will benefit us in the hereafter. So, with the money that we have, for example, yes, we spend it on worldly needs, but realize that there are certain causes where if we spend our money, it will bring us a lot of benefit in the Hereafter, as we learned that a person will be shaded by his sadaqa on the Day of Judgment, in the 100, when the sun will be so close, people will be under the shade of what their charity. So how much are we spending on that, so doing the actions that will benefit in the hereafter. Secondly,
by performing the worldly actions the right way,
whether it is spending all of your savings on buying a car, for example, all right, or all of your savings, whatever that you saved up on a wedding, whatever it may be, do it the right way.
Don't let it go waste. Thirdly, by making sincere intentions, that whatever a person is doing, he renews his intention.
He does it for the sake of Allah, and the fourth, by being consistent, because the one who is aiming for the hereafter. All right, he hasn't reached the end of his journey until his last breath.
It if a person stops halfway,
then he didn't really aim for the hereafter. When you are looking after your crop, you when you're looking after your plants, and you want something from it, like for example, you plant your tomato plants, for example, and you want the tomatoes, it's not like you will just sow the seeds and you'll give water the first few weeks and then forget about it. No, you have to take care of it until the very end, isn't it. Because if you don't, you're not going to get those nice tomatoes, you might get some tomatoes, but they're not really going to be great.
They're not going to be great. So you have to strive until the very end. This is one Hadith we learn that hold on to the truth. You know what's your molar is if you have to, that it's as if the Hawk is being snatched away from you taken away from you. It's getting so difficult to hold on to the truth to hold on to what is right. But hold on to it with your molars if you must, but don't leave it until your last breath. Don't leave it until then.
So being consistent. And this is what shows that a person is really aiming for the hereafter. So whoever aims for the hereafter than Allah will increase the reward for him and whoever is aiming for dunya then what will he get? Maybe something not even 100% of what he wants. And we see this that where people are striving for the dunya do they get all the dunya that they strive for? Do they know?
So don't waste yourself by aiming for dunya
I'm the home or do they have shanaka other deities shut out ruler home who have legislated for them who have ordained for them. Mina Dini of religion, meaning off worship, do they have some other gods who have legislated religion for them? Man that which lumea then he has not given permission
shouldn't be of it, Allahu Allah, meaning Allah has not given permission for those actions. And these Shoraka have prescribed those actions for them.
Meaning, where are they getting all of these laws from? Where are they getting all of these rituals from? Did Allah legislate it? No, he didn't. So when he didn't, then why are you following others?
And this is basically referring to the ways of the machine. Like for example, they had made certain things halal and certain other things. Haram. So Where's that coming from? Where did you get it from? Did Allah give that command? No, he didn't. Well, Hola, Calima tool. Firstly, this is such a serious offense in your Allah, that if it was not for the decisive word Calima tool facile What does fossile mean?
decision but what kind of decision that would separate between right and wrong truth and falsehood. So had it not been for the decisive word meaning final decision? And what is the final decision that Allah has made that recompense will be in the Hereafter, what would happen luckily obey in a home it would have been concluded between them, meaning they would have been punished for these things. They're innovating in the name of God, what in the law they mean and indeed the wrongdoers Lahoma on Aleem for them as a painful punishment. So, what do we see in this is that the right to legislate anything in religion is whose right it is Allah's right that a lolly mean you would see the
wrongdoers meaning those who invent matters in the religion and in the name of God such people you will see them and remember in a Shinkle alumina Allium schicke is the greatest injustice. So such people you would see the Mushfiq teen afraid me maca Cebu of what they have acquired. And what is it that they have acquired? Lying about Allah schicke wha hoo, Oahu, a wealthy owned by him they'll be afraid of their sins. And the fact is that Wahoo and it meaning what they fear, and what is it that they fear the punishment for their sins, it is what they own beat him. It is warfare, one that should occur, be him at them as in one that will befall them certainly befall them they will not be
able to avoid it. One Lavina Amano and those who believe what I'm you know slightly hurt and they have also done righteous deeds. Where will they be in fear? No, they will be fetal bottle Jeanette in the gardens in the lushest regions of the gardens which gardens Jana. Robot is the plural of the word robot roll the raw well bud and Rhoda is used for the luscious, the most beautiful part of a garden, the luscious part of a garden, the most beautiful part of a garden. All right, and the word Volvo also applies to a garden. So feed old otter Jannette they will be in the luscious regions of paradise Lahoma shall own they shall have whatever they desire, or in they'll be him with their
Lord. Allah says that Iike who will fold little cubby that is the Great Bounty. What is the great bounty what is the great achievement to make it to agenda? You see, two types of people are mentioned. One volley mean and the other Alladhina amanu, our middle son earlier we learned that those who believe they are afraid of the hereafter and those who deny they are impatient for it in their denial and their mockery. But what do we see on the Day of Judgment, it will be the exact opposite. The volley mean will be afraid. And the more mean, those who do righteous deeds, they will be in peace and tranquility, Fiero. Lothal Jannat enjoying whatever they desire. There Lika that is
Allah the which you Bashir Allah who Allah gives good news. Allah gives good news of this of what? Of what of eternal joy and contentment and peace. In Roboto Jagannath Allah gives this good news to who do riba who to his servants, with servants Alladhina amanu. Ye middle sila heard those who believe and they also do righteous deeds. Yes, it gets difficult to do righteous deeds. Yes, it gets difficult to aim for help Salah Hera, but it's not going to go in vain. The results are great, they are amazing. So Allah gives good news of that. And when he's given good news of that, then aim for it and strive for it and don't give up old say, oh Prophet sallallahu Sallam you say to the people
that LA has a new Camarilla he draw. I do not ask for you over it any wage over what over this
service of delivering the message to you. I don't expect any wage from you. Because I'm not serving you, I'm actually serving my Creator. So I don't want anything from you in law, however, but I will my word, what I do expect from you? Is Alma Wada, affection, love, ye thin orba. For the sake of kinship, I don't want any wage from you. But the one thing I do expect from you, is that at least you show me some affection, because of the fact that we are related to each other. Phil CORBA closeness that we'll call back. All right, kinship. So mawatha is love and affection. So you show me some affection for the sake of my relationship with you. Meaning, at least don't oppose me. And
don't hate on me, and don't harm me and hurt me. I'm related to you, after all. Yes, fine. Don't believe if you don't want to,
but don't persecute me. Remember, this is a mucky? Surah? Correct. And so the Mr. keener told that look, there's some kind of kinship between us, right, the prophets, Allah laws, and I was told to say this to them, that I don't want any money from you. I don't want any kingship and authority from you. All I'm asking is that you respect the ties of kinship that we have. And you don't treat a relative the way you're treating me.
You understand the way that we're treating the Prophet salallahu Salam is that the way a relative is to be treated? Not at all. You see Abu Lahab let me tell you one story. Abu Lahab, an uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam correct, I will tell him also an uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who defended him Abu Talib, and who opposed him. Abu Lahab. What happened when Abu Talib died? Is that somebody went to Abu Lahab and said, What kind of an uncle are you? You're supposed to be related to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, I will call him has died, aren't you going to do something to protect your nephew? Even though you don't agree with him and you don't believe in him? Aren't you
going to do something to protect him? And so Abdullah, because of his relationship with the prophets of Allah is Allah. All right. And because in that society, you had to support your relatives, he actually told people, you know, Mohamed, Salah Sam isn't my protection. Nobody bother him, because he's my nephew. Abu Lahab did that. And what happened then, Abu Jamal went to Abu Lahab and smacked him and said, What are you doing, and insulted him, insulted him. And so Abdullah had renounced his protection that he had offered to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So just an example of how in that society, you were supposed to treat your relatives in the best way. It was something
expected. So they're reminded of that one may Yep, that if has an earthen whoever acquires a good deed. Allah says Missoula houfy husana. We increase for him in it much good meaning we increase their award for him, because in the love of Fortune Shaco Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and appreciated. how appreciative is he? That a person does one deed and Allah rewards him multiple times. And part of his appreciation is also that when a servant takes one step, Allah takes 10 steps when a servant does one good deed Allah gives him the ability to do more