Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 10 – L108E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The history and origin of the term "median era" in English is discussed, with a focus on the meaning of "median era" in various cultures. The speakers stress the importance of giving permission to others to do things, avoiding comparing oneself with others, finding one's success and avoiding missing opportunities. The journey of relaxation is emphasized, including finding a way to achieve reward and finding a way to avoid losing a limb or inability.
AI: Transcript ©
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Probably let him initiate geosmin there have recommended for him.

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That's the number 108 sort of the Toba will begin from I innopran it

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wotja and more ID rune MNL RB and those with excuses among the Bedouins came. Why leave the Nola home to be permitted to remain

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a group of them an African they came to seek permission. While corridor Latina cuttable la hora Sula, who, and they who had lied to Allah and His Messenger, what did they do? They said at home. So you say Valentina cafaro woman home or they're gonna leave, they will strike those who disbelieved among them a painful punishment.

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Up until now, the verses were about the moon African who were from inside of Medina, they lived in Medina.

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And they were about those men African who either presented false excuses. And because of that reason, they did not accompany the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to the Battle of the book. Or they went along the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but they caused a lot of trouble in the Muslim army.

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Now, this I in particular, this is about those men African who lived outside of Medina. Where do they live

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outside of Medina, because when the prophets of Allah said and went for the book, it was not just the people of Medina who were required to go, he sent messages to all over all of those people who had become Muslim, were required to go. People were called from Africa, people recall from all over Arabia, those who had become Muslim, to accompany him to the Battle of the book, which is why the Muslim army numbered 30,000, because you cannot imagine the people of Medina at that time numbered 30,000.

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So these men are 15, who were outside of Medina, there were two types. First of all, they were those who came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they presented excuses. And they excuse themselves, from going along with him.

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Whether those excuses were true or false, they came, they said, We're sorry, we cannot go. And they excuse themselves from participating in the battle.

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But there was another group of people, what did they do, they did not even bother to come to the profits that

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he sent work to them, that come we have to go, they didn't even bother to come present an excuse presented a reason for not participating. They didn't show up.

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You know, what is that if a person does not want to do something, he says, Please excuse me.

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And the other is that a person does not give any reason, he doesn't even bother to seek permission. He just doesn't show up at all.

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This behavior is unacceptable. Because especially at the time when each and every single person was needed to go for the journey to go for the battle. There were people who were coming up with false excuses. And there were people who weren't even showing up. Both of them are being criticized over here. First of all, the first group of people a lot of data says larger and more iduna. More aduna is the plural of the word more advanced from the root letters I then or what does it really mean? an excuse, what is an excuse? We discussed this earlier as well, what isn't

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an excuse that a person presented that he does not face the consequences of his action, so that he is not punished, he does not suffer any harm, he's not held accountable.

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Similarly, earth it is also a reason as to why a person is unable to do something or why a person did something they understand.

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So, basically, we see that there are of two types. One is a false excuse and another is a genuine excuse, a genuine reason,

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who is a more advanced,

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more of it has been understood in two ways. The word more or that has been understood in two ways.

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First of all, it is said that more or less is like more meaning

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those who have a genuine reason those who have a genuine reason, because of which they are unable to do what they are asked to do.

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Like for example, a person is required to come to the class, however they become sick, they fall ill do they have a genuine reason. They have a genuine reason.

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This is who are more there is a more there

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are the those with a genuine reason, which is why they were unable to participate.

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And in the recitation of Ebner Bessel, denying him, the word more of their own has been read as more of your own.

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So what is more the Lumina era meaning from the bedroom

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Who came seeking permission, those with genuine reasons they came, they sought his permission to remain behind.

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And there were some tribes, for example, the tribes of asset and a lot of fan who lived in the outskirts of Medina. And they came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam seeking his permission to stay behind and not participate in the Battle of the book. Why? Because they suffered from poverty. And they also had large families to support. Now, people who are unable to feed themselves even how can they go on a journey? How can they go? Especially when the journey is so long?

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When they don't have enough to fulfill their needs? How can they spend extra to travel? So what are the rumors? They don't first of all is understood as those with genuine excuses. They came excuse themselves.

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Second, he said that more added is like worth added, meaning one who makes up an earthen one who makes up a false excuse.

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So john mar the luminol era, meaning those from the Arab they came presenting false excuses, so that they were allowed to stay behind. It wasn't a genuine reason. But they came and said shala, Mr. Luna, Luna, our wealth our families have kept us so busy, we don't have any time we cannot participate. We're extremely busy. Next time inshallah.

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So they came presented false excuses, and they managed to stay behind.

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But these people were from among our, and our ob is a plural of our lobby. It's not the Florida of our, this is the plural of our lobby. And who is in our lobby, a Bedouin man,

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a Bedouin man who is a Bedouin man.

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Arabi is basically, someone from the direct descendants of his married or his son,

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someone from the direct descendants of his married or his surname, so basically pure, because they're different types of Arabs, right? We think that, for example, if a person who's from Egypt and to speak Arabic, they're supposed to be Arab as well. But pure Arab is someone who is from the descendants of his married or his sister. Okay? And Arabi is also someone who speaks Arabic, not someone who just has Arab blood, and does not speak Arabic.

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And Arabi is also someone who speaks Arabic. And it's not just that he speaks Arabic as well, but he lives in the Arabian Peninsula. He lives in the desert. So alabi is a desert error.

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Okay? The word Arabic cannot even apply to the people of Medina. Or the people of Makkah. Why because they were living in cities are robbing particular is for who? Those who live out in the desert, Bedouins who traveled throughout the desert from one place to the other, they don't have a safe place to live.

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So olara they came meaning the Bedouin tribes they came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Leo then Allah home so that it is allowed for them, meaning so that they're given permission to remain behind. This was the first group of people.

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second group of people worker, the Latina caribou, worker there, and he said behind were at home, meaning they didn't even bother to show up. Who alladhina cannibal la hora suta? Who, those who lied, those who lie against to Allah and His messenger. What was your kid? What was their lie, that they pretended to be believers, they said they were believers, but they were lying. When they became Muslim, it was a lie. They didn't really mean it. Because if they meant it, if they were truthful, and they're claimed to be believers, then they would come and at least give a reason. They would come and at least seek permission.

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So from these two groups, Allah says, I usually will lead in a Kapha room in home, those people who disbelieved amongst them, soon it is going to reach them, what is going to reach them, or they're going to leave a painful punishment.

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So who are alladhina cafaro main home, those who came making false excuses, or those who didn't even bother to excuse themselves.

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So we see that of the people who stayed behind from the battle were those with genuine reasons. Those who didn't even have a reason, but they made false excuses. And third, those people who were indifferent, who didn't even bother to show up.

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Similarly, when it comes to working in a place, people behave differently. Some people they're sincere, they're honest. When it comes to doing something, they do it. And if they have a genuine reason, they come and take permission. They come and take permission. For instance, all of us have been told over here that if we have to leave, then we must take permission, we must inform the teacher, we must inform the group in charge, we must take leave

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Officially give it in writing.

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But if a person does not show up one day, and they don't show up for the next week, and they don't show up for the next month, then this is incorrect. This is not acceptable behavior. Because when a person does not show up, when he's asked to show up when he's required to show up, then what happens? other people's work gets affected. A person may wonder, but I'm only coming and studying here. I'm not really affecting other people. But the fact is that people who are marking the attendance people who are wondering, are you regular students still or not? for them? It's a big problem. So it is necessary for a person that if he's working somewhere, if he's going somewhere, if

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he needs to excuse himself, he must go and take permission, and he should only take permission when there is a genuine reason.

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And if there is no reason, then he should not make a false excuses. Rather, he should speak the truth, let alone not even showing up to seek permission.

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Laser algorfa there is not upon the week, one or Alibaba, nor upon the L. One earner levena. Laden, Ma Yun Fukunaga, Rajan, nor upon those who do not find anything to spend upon these three groups of people, there is no shortage, there is no blame. For what for not participating in the battle, they're not blameworthy.

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So far we have been reading that in federal FAFEN was the call and go forth in the way of a law whether or not you have to go forth.

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And a person who does not go out in the way of a law is missing out on opportunities. And there are consequences for that if a person misses one opportunity, he is deprived of future opportunities as well.

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And staying back from serving the dean at a time of need is what is a sign of hypocrisy.

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But what if a person really has a genuine reason? They're really unable to go? Are they still blameworthy? Are they still being hypocritical? No,

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Allah subhanaw taala says that for these three groups of people only, there is no blame.

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Everyone does not fall in this category. That just because I was busy with my money, just because I was busy cleaning my house therefore I don't have the time. No, that's not a genuine excuse. That's not a genuine reason. What is a genuine reason? First of all, laser I love Darfur

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of Darfur is a plural of leaf and there is one who has some weakness in him. There is one who has some kind of Dorf in him, some kind of weakness in him.

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So basically, Sharif is like

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the one who is not strong. He is weak, in his schoolwork, in his power in his strength in his ability, whether this strength is physical or mental. Do you understand whether this strength this ability is physical, or mental?

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So basically, there is someone who is disabled, someone who is disabled,

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those who are unable to participate in jihad. Like for example, an old person, an old person does not have the physical strength to go out in the heat to travel to ride a camel, have you ever ridden a camel?

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How is it even for 15 minutes?

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It's very difficult.

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Have you ever ridden a horse?

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How is it for even 30 minutes, your body is sore for the next few days.

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Even sitting on a candle, your body becomes sore. So just imagine a person who is old? How can he be expected to travel such a long journey in the heat walk for so long? It's not expected of him. Because Allah subhanaw taala does not burden a soul more than what it can bear. So first of all, it includes the old. Similarly it includes those with some physical disability for instance, a person who is blind or a person who is named someone who has a physical disability, they're physically unable, they're mentally unable. They don't have the ability.

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Now remember that strength and weakness, strength and weakness. They are not in the hands of a person.

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They're not in a person's own ability.

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They are only in the control of Allah Subhana.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who gives strength to a person and he is one who takes away that strength from him. It's beyond your ability.

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Therefore, if someone has not been given the capacity, then what does it mean?

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He is not blameworthy for working less, for achieving less. And each person has to see what am i capable of doing.

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So, a person who is there if and because of his genuine weakness, whether physical or mental, if he is not able to achieve like others are achieving that he does not need to feel bad about it. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has said that such people are not blameworthy.

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And remember that the state of birth the state of weakness, this is a constant state, it's a permanent state.

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For example, once a person becomes old, he cannot become young.

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Similarly, if a person has a physical disability like blindness, like, for instance, a person is lame or a person is deaf, that's a constant state. That's a permanent state. And there is no way that he can completely overcome that disability, he may be able to help himself a little bit, he may be able to remove that disability to a certain extent, but he cannot completely overcome it. Why?

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Because it's only in the hands of a las panatela. Allah is the one who gives strength, Allah is the one who takes away that strength. So a person should not feel bad if Allah has given him some kind of disability, because he's not required to put an effort as other people are required to put an effort.

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The second group of people who are exempted, who are they?

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Well, there are then mother, and mother is a plural of Maria.

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And Maria is someone who is suffering from a Murat, from an illness, from a sickness.

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And again, health and sickness are only in the hands of a loss painter,

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isn't there only in the hands of a loss instead of the sharada? I never at Ibrahim Hassan said what either Maria, for who is feeling when I become ill, who gives me suffer a loss of hangleton. It's not in my control. It's not in the control of anyone.

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Therefore, if it's not within a person's ability to have control over his health, then how can he be responsible for doing something when he's sick? Because of his sickness, he's unable to participate, he's unable to contribute, therefore he's not held accountable. Well, there are other models model and the state of model this is a temporary state compared to the state of birth, Dorf is permanent, it's constant and modeled is temporary.

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Wanna and nor Island Medina, third group of people, which people and levena laity do not those who do not find

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meaning they do not have my own feel corner, what they can spend,

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meaning they are financially unable to spend for the journey.

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They may have the physical strength, they may have the physical ability, they're not suffering from an illness, but they don't have the money.

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Now the matter of wealth and poverty is also in whose hands Allah subhanaw taala

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in sort of early on, Ron is 26 we learn to deal Milka man, Tasha, what 10 zero smolka me man, Tasha. You give to whomsoever you will, and you take milk away from whoever you will. It's not in the hands of people. So if a person does not have money, then he's not asked to spend, he will not be blameworthy if he does not spend.

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So for these three groups of people, Allah subhanaw taala says there is no shortage, there is no blame. There is no constriction or difficulty meaning there is no sin upon them for remaining behind from the battle. So should they be happy that they don't have to go dislike them when actually free and available? Should they be happy? No, they should not be happy,

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then should they become sad? No, not even sad because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has given them that permission. So what kind of feeling should they have? Then?

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Allah subhanaw taala says he then also hooli lair he was also he as long as they wished Well, for Allah and also his messenger. What does it mean by this?

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Meaning as long as they remain behind from jihad, while they are sincere, while they are wishing well to Allah and His messenger. First of all, this is understood as that they don't become happy. They don't become satisfied that thank God, we didn't have to go. We didn't have to do anything.

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Like for example, a woman who is menstruating and it's a month of Ramadan. She's not required to fast

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Should she become happy? Thank God I have a break. And I don't have to fast for these many days. Yes, the faster so long that hamdulillah No, because it's a state of Dorf or it's a state of muddled it's not within her ability. So in that state instead of being happy, that time what I didn't have to do it, she should wish well for a lot and His Messenger in the sense that she should be sincere, that Allah is the one who gave that command. And Allah is the one who gave her that exception. So she should not become happy about the fact that she's not doing it.

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Second, secondly, it and also who this is understood as that they desire to participate,

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they desire to do it.

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There is no blame on them, if they stay behind as long as they have the desire in their heart that they could do it.

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That they could also go for.

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Like, for example, a woman who was menstruating in the month of Ramadan, in her heart, she wishes that I wish I could fast, I wish I could pray for younger lady, I wish I could get the last 10 nights. So in her heart, there should be a desire, because that will show her sincerity that will show her loyalty.

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Similarly, in anessa, her the lady also Lee, what this means is that they love those who have gone for it.

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They love those who have gone forth and they are with them, in the sense that they're thinking about them, they want good for them, they want them to be successful. Now that the thing that hamdulillah I haven't had to go, so I'll stay back. And those people that have gone away, they're going to harm themselves, let them suffer. No, he should wish Well, for those who are actually gone in the way of a loss of penalty.

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So as long as they stay behind with this intention, there is no blame upon them. But if they stay behind with the intention of four, and the intention of rodopi, economy alhadeff, then that is an acceptable behavior.

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Man and Marcin I'm intervene, there is no cause of blame upon who upon the mercy need. Who are the mercy which sin in refers to those who are otherwise more sinning, those who are otherwise obedient,

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those who are otherwise engaged in good deeds, as long as they're doing what they're required to do, what they're able to do, they're fine.

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Not that a person says, since I don't have to pray, therefore, I won't even do this. Therefore, I wouldn't even help those people who are fasting by making their food or by helping them with their work.

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So, Marilyn Moxon, who is a Merson, that despite the fact that he's not able to do one thing, he spends the rest of his time doing those things that he can do, because he is doing his best. So for such people, there is no cause of play. Well, not over Fold over him and Ally's Forgiving and Merciful.

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So what do we learn from this is

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that each person is accountable for what he is capable of doing.

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Each person is going to be held responsible for what what he is capable of doing. According to his ability, we learn insalata talaq is number seven. Now you can live Allahu nevsun, a lamb metta, Allah does not charge a soul except according to what he has given it. So if Allah has given a person help, if Allah has given a person free time, then what is he going to be questioned about? How is he going to be judged, based on the health that he was given based on the free time that he was given?

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But if a person just says, I have this one disability, and because of that, I cannot do this, I cannot do anything at all, then that is not the way of ERISA

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that is not correct behavior.

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What should a person focus on? Instead of focusing on his disability, what should he focus on? What are the other things that I can do? What other things are there that I can do? So, each person must look at what is within his capacity and then according to that he should do his best.

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And remember, that each and every person has been given a special skill, each person, some special ability, and even if a person has been given a disability, along with that he has been given a special quality as well.

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No person has been created useless. No person has been created completely deficient. Even the most crippled people have hearts that are very courageous have brains that are very smart. Each person has been given some skill. So just because a person says I have this law, I have this inability or because I am sick therefore I can

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Do anything that is not correct behavior? What should a person focus on? Okay, I have this disability, but what can I do along with that? What else can I achieve? If you look at it, over the course of history, there have been so many people who, who despite their disabilities achieved so much. For instance, there have been people who are blind, but memorized the entire Quran.

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All of you know about Terry Fox, what did he do? went across Canada, why to raise money? Wasn't he disabled? He was disabled? Did he just say because I'm disabled, therefore, I'm not going to do anything. No, he did what he could he focused on his other abilities. Similarly, if you look at it, a blind person invented what Braille how to read, while still you are blind, with your fingers.

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Similarly, all of you know about Helen Keller, she was the first deaf and blind person who achieved who acquired a Bachelors of Arts degree.

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So a disability does not mean that a person is completely disabled. an illness does not mean that a person does not need to do anything. Financial inability does not mean that a person cannot do anything. No, the person who wants to do something, he will overcome his disability. Even if he doesn't overcome his disability, he will do other things that he can achieve, that he can do.

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And we see this amongst us a house as well. For instance, of the lion o Maktoum, Who was he? Was he a blind man? He was a blind man.

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And if anyone was not required to go to the battle, it was him. But did he go? Yes. And what did he say? Just let me hold the flag. If I cannot fight, at least I can hold the flag, my eyes don't work. But my hands work, my legs work. And this is what we need to do, as well.

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That if one part of our body is not cooperating with us, if one aspect of our lives is not easy, then we should make use of whatever else that we have been given.

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Similarly, we learn about our internal demo. He was lame.

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He used to live, he couldn't walk properly, one of his legs was not functional.

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And when at the Battle of overhead, he saw all three of his sons preparing for the battle. He also wanted to join in the battle. So he said to them, that prepared for me as well, I want to go as well. But his son said to him, Father, surely Allah has excused you, why do you take this burden on yourself, and he became upset with them. He became upset with them that you don't let me go. So he went to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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And he said, My son's not letting me go, where's I want to go. And he said that I wish to enter agenda with this crippled leg of mine.

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This is how I wish to enter general, if one leg of mine does not work, at least I can walk, still I can go, maybe I cannot run as fast as other people. Maybe I cannot achieve as much as other people are achieving. But at least I can do a little bit. So don't focus on the disability focus on what other abilities or loss of penalty Allah has given. Our problem is that if we're suffering in one aspect of our lives, we make it such a big deal. And we consider ourselves to be so poor and miserable, and the most unfortunate people on the surface of the earth. This is how we look at ourselves, we disable ourselves, we need to become courageous and we need to be grateful for

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whatever else that Allah has given.

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And either way, a person is not exempted, that even if he is disabled, even if he has a genuine reason for not going forward in the way the last panels are still he is required to be Merson, still use required to do whatever else that he can. But if a person is unable, and in his heart, he wishes Well, he is a sincere believer, he wants to do it, and he is sincere in his intention, then he will get the reward anyway.

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And sometimes we think that we ourselves are unable to do anything. Therefore, you know, we are women. For us, we don't have the freedom we don't have the authority, we don't have that much ability. Therefore we cannot do anything. But the fact is that if you cannot be a star, you can create a star you can make a star.

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You can make someone else a star, you can work on someone else. You can prepare someone else, because Allah has given every person some ability. Use that to please Him and that is what you're accountable for.

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You don't need to compare yourself with other people. You need to look at yourself. What do you have what special abilities

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Do you have which you can use in the way of the last

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one on a Latina, nor is there blame upon those people who, which people, either atoka when they come to you Lita Miller home that you might give them mounts those people who are unable to go themselves who are financially unable, but they come to others to help them, especially the leader. So there were some companions who are financially unable to participate in the journey, but they didn't settle over there. They didn't settle with that, that just because we're financially unable, therefore, we're not required to go We'll stay at home. What did they do? They went to the profits of the Lord, do ask him for a mount.

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He they're mad at oka when they came to you Lita Milan, so that you may mount them Mila from the roof address hemiola. Hamill, what does Hamel mean,

00:31:00 --> 00:31:11

to carry? And that Mila is to that you provide helmet, you load them on to you provide some kind of transport to them.

00:31:12 --> 00:31:27

So they came to the Prophet for a lot of a sudden requesting for some means of transport. And when they came the prophets a lot of others of them said Colton, you said that I do. I do not find my Mila como la he, what I can mount you on.

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I'm sorry, I cannot financially assist you. I cannot provide you with a ride.

00:31:34 --> 00:31:44

I do not find a ride for you. I cannot find anyone who can give you a ride. Or who can provide you with amount so that you can go yourself.

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So where they contend with it. were dissatisfied with that. At least we tried. The one low, they went back with our uniform while their eyes, the field domina demaree, they were overflowing from tears. They were crying, because they really wanted to go, they were desperate to go.

00:32:04 --> 00:32:50

And because they were unable to go themselves, and they asked other people if they could help them. And they couldn't find a way still, they were sad. And they weren't just sad in their heart. What are you going to feel them in? The field was wondering veterus fail, but fail? What does failure mean to overflow? So their eyes were overflowing with tears? hasnt due to grief due to sadness? Why are they sad? Because a lady do that they do not find my own Vokoun what they spend. There are those who, despite the fact that they have material resources, they have the financial ability, still they don't go out in the way of Allah. They have a car that is standing in their garage, they have money,

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they are able to go, but they still don't go. We learnt earlier that when a surah is revealed, and it is a command to go out for battle, there are people who are a little toll, but they still come and take permission from you to stay behind.

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But on the other hand, there are those who, when they don't have the ability to go, they cry.

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Now, what is the journey of relaxation? Was this a journey in which they were going for a vacation to have some fun? And because they were not able to go? This is why they were crying? Why are they crying? This journey was extremely difficult. They knew the reward, and they wanted that reward. They were desperate for it. They want you to go out with the profit subtle autism.

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And because they were unable to go, they were crying. They were very sad. When do we cry generally, when we're deprived from some worldly benefit

00:33:47 --> 00:33:58

of a Moosa, he reported my friend sent me to Allah messenger, asking him to provide them with mounts as they were going along with him in Jeju, Ursula, what is usually

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the army that went to the whoop, why is it called Ursula because they had to suffer a lot of difficulties.

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So I said, O Messenger of Allah, my friends have sent me to you, so that you may provide them with timeouts. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, By Allah, I cannot provide you with anything tonight. Why did he say that? Because at that time, he was very upset. Because people were coming up with false excuses. The hypocrites were coming to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was upset. And when he came and asked, he said, By Allah, I don't have anything to give you. I will say he said, I didn't know of this. So I came back with a heavy heart on account of the refusal of Allah's Messenger and the fear that perhaps he might have some feelings against me, that maybe he's upset with me, which

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is why he said this to me. So I returned to my friends and inform them about what ullas messenger headset, they were crying. And I had hardly stayed for the whole that I heard Bilal calling me

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

bill out of the line who he was calling him. So I respect

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To his call. And he said he's into a loss messenger He is calling you. So when I came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, Take this pair, this pair and this pair, meaning he gave him six camels, six camels, he gave him that, take these camels and go take them to your friends and say that Verily, Allah messenger has provided you with these animals, so right upon them.

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But when they were refused initially, they were extremely sad, not because they were being deprived of some material benefit, but because they were going to miss out on a big opportunity. Because they were going to miss out on a big opportunity. That's why they were crying.

00:35:39 --> 00:35:51

There are people who are farsighted. And there are people who are short sighted or farsighted or those who look at the benefits that will come to them in the era. What benefit they will get in their Deen.

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And there are people who only look at their immediate benefit that if I don't go, I will get to enjoy the shade, I will get to enjoy it my home.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:03

And if I go, I will suffer harm.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:13

So it depends what a person's goal is. How far does he see what his vision is, and based on that are his priorities.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:45

In Nova Seville, the cause for blame is on who Island Latina is only upon those people who yesterday Luna, who seek your permission. Well, who Melania while they are rich of Nia is a plural of honey. Meaning such people are blameworthy for staying behind for not participating in the battle, who those who still take your permission, while they are of Nia while they're rich. While they have the means

00:36:46 --> 00:37:15

to do. They're pleased. They're happy, they're content with what be in your corner that they should be maril Hawaii live with those who stay behind who are the Hawaii live, the women who stay behind from the women who don't go out for battle. And then by extension, the word does not just apply to women, but also the old or the children or the disabled, who stay behind. So these people are happy that they're staying behind along with the whole life.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:23

Whatever, Allahu Allah, and Allah has stamped a seal upon their hearts. Allah has said a seal upon their hearts

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as a result of what as a result of their being happy, I'm missing an opportunity.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:40

And once their hearts are sealed, they don't have any desire to avail those opportunities for whom they are alone. So they don't even know they don't know what what they are missing out on.

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They don't know that what they are doing is actually a great crime.

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When a person ignores something that is important, then that thing becomes unimportant in his eyes.

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That thing becomes unimportant in his eyes. And eventually a time comes when he becomes completely heedless of it. He doesn't even see it. He doesn't even notice it. He doesn't find any importance in it.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:39

This is why whenever we find an opportunity to do good, we should do it. And if we have a sincere intention, then Allah subhanaw taala will give us the ability. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in Erbil Medina to acquirement, Morocco tartan worthy and when I said to him, say Iran in wahoo Marco, some people have remained behind in Medina. Some people they remain behind in Medina, and you never crossed a valley or marched forth, but they were with you.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:45

They were with you. So does harbor they asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam while they're still in Medina.

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They're in Medina. So how can they be with us? We are going all the way to the book there in Medina. So he said, now have a ceremony Earth? Yes, they're with you meaning in the same reward. Why? Because the only thing that has held them back is a legal a genuine excuse. If they were able, they would have definitely come. If they were able, they would have definitely come. But there are those people who are happy when they don't have to do something. And they become content with that. And they only show on the outward, that if they were able they would have gone do they get any reward. They don't get any reward.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:31

Rather, a CNS set up on their heart so they don't even see further opportunities. They don't have any desire for them.

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And they have no knowledge as to what they're missing out on.

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00:41:05 --> 00:41:06

the No no,

00:41:13 --> 00:41:13

no, no.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:45

At the end of the day, nobody has an excuse for not doing what he can do. Because each person is required to do what he's able to do. And each person is required to become Emerson. As long as he's worse than then he's not blameworthy.

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And, you know, when is that a person misses an opportunity. And later on, he feels that he could have done it, he could have availed that opportunity, especially when he sees other people being successful. Other people having achieved so much more, because they avail that opportunity. And that is a very painful experience. But the fact is that when a person continues to miss important things, then they become unimportant in his eyes. And what happens, he doesn't even feel anything later. This is what is mentioned, we'll have our la hora la Caribbean for whom they animate a silicide upon their hearts, they don't even realize what they're missing on, they don't think it's a big deal

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Although more frequently matter, Kabuto give us a feel for that which you love. And that which we're pleased with, we should constantly make sense to us.

00:42:35 --> 00:43:08

Um, there was this medical article that talked about patients who may be lost a limb or inability, like, for example, they lost their sight, but then their body recompense them in other parts. So if they were blind, or their hearing became really good, or their memory because this woman who was paralyzed, and her memory became so good, that she could do the crossword puzzle, she could see the letters forming themselves in the squares upon Allah. So if she had used that ability to memorize the Quran, or teach others imagine how much reward she would get.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:41

So I was just thinking about how some people have the means. and still they don't do anything and other people don't have the means and then, or they think that they have a weakness in certain skills. So somebody might say that I'm not good at public speaking. But if the people that are good at public speaking, aren't doing anything, then you're trying in that field might make you better than them. You know, like we have examples of women, you know that men are stronger than women. But there are women that are stronger than the average man because they've worked hard. So if you work hard at any of your weaknesses, you can do good when nobody else is

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musasa, he was not able to speak properly. And he would stutter. And despite that, Allah subhanaw taala said that no, you have to go. He said, Make my brother The Prophet said but still you have to go as well. So then he was started. And he made the rubbish right and he suddenly and there are so many people who under speaking otherwise his stutter, but when it comes to reciting the Quran, when it comes to giving the plan, you will never be able to tell that they stutter, you will never be able to tell the way that they recite the Quran the way that they give the other. It's about accepting that okay, this is what Allah decreed for me. However, I can also still do something else.

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And when you focus on something else, you never know, you might accelerate it.

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I just want to further add, and it's a known fact that when you do lose a sense, it does strengthen all your other senses. And I know someone who was born with a disability there, they have deafness and profound hearing loss and for them, they're very, very extremely good at lip reading. So just goes to show that I mean, it's whether you see the glass is half empty or half full.

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So with this 100 that you have completed tengiz

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the first third of the Quran

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And the third is a big portion.

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And we'll give you the ability to avail every opportunity and with this in Sharla complete the entire call on and not miss even one I not even miss one word.

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If there's even one thing that we have learned from these first tenders that should be what? What's the main lesson that you've learned from these first tenders?

00:45:24 --> 00:45:29

Don't miss out on opportunities. You never know what may be in store for you.

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I'm sure some of you joined the course thinking, let's see. Let's try it. Let's see what's there.

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So be thankful for the opportunity that Allah has given you for the abilities that Allah has given you and use them to please Him.

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And whatever you are learning whatever you're benefiting from, make sure to share it with other people, because that is one of the forms of gratitude.

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And when people ask you, what are you doing, don't say nothing, just studying the Quran. Tell them happy to be proud of it for the year for who they should be happy.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:05

recitation of desire.

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Chateau La ilaha illa Anta

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At-Taubah 75-93 Word-Analysis and Tafseer 90-93

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