Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L017D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of following one's desires and what they mean when it comes to their beliefs. They stress the importance of compromise, following commands, reciting the Bible, and following the guidance given in the text. The speakers stress the importance of following one's desires and finding one's own guidance, as opposed to just reciting the Quran. They also emphasize the need for individuals to focus on three aspects of the Bible and implement it in their life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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I am number 121 under bar uncle Yehuda nosara. And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you had that that abirami letter home until you follow their religion.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam is being addressed over here, first of all, and then after him, every single believer is being told, what are we being told that the Jews and Christians will never be happy with us? They will never approve of us until and unless we follow their mila lenova. Dunbar is from the new fetters. Well, but yeah, probably Robbie Allahu anhu. Allies pleased with them. So

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that at the beginning indicates she and she is being used. Why? Because refers to the group of the group of an Asana.

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So lundahl law, meaning they will never, ever be happy, this is never going to happen, they're never going to be happy. They're never going to approve of you. I'm coming from you earlier who do well, and

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we see in this part of the ayah, that the enmity of the who the Minnesota for the profits are alone, a sudden is being exposed over here.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam wanted he dire for everybody. He wanted guidance for everybody. He had a desire for everyone to accept the message that he had brought to them. But here he is being told that do not expect that everybody is going to accept your message.

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Don't expect that everybody is going to accept the guidance that you have learned.

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We learned that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam wanted the people to accept the hidayah. And if they did not accept the guidance that he had brought to them, at least he wanted a good relationship with those people.

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For example, when the profits or losses will have migrated to Medina, what happened?

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There are three groups of people write. One group was of the believers and other group was of the machine and another group was of the year.

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And in order to live there, with peace and harmony, what was the initiator that the prophets are about a certain chunk

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of making that treaty with all of the groups so that the people could live in harmony?

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But what happened? Every now and then the yahood, they would come up with their objections with their criticism, with their mockery, with their insults, with going against the treaty violating the treaty. What was that showing that they weren't accepting the profit sort of artists. They weren't approving of him at all.

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So over here, the profits are alarmism is being told that they're never going to be happy with you. So don't try to make them happy. And they're never going to be happy with you had that until that wi me letter whom you follow their creed, you follow their religion, that who is from their own factories, they're the devil, which means to follow. And it is to completely follow something. What does it mean by completely following something? Not leaving anything at all? So until and unless you completely follow their ways, completely, not partially, but completely. Not that you celebrate their Christmas with them. Will you celebrate their traditions with them? No. They want you to

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completely follow their ways. The word mela is through the roof batteries mean lamb lamb, mean lamb lamb, and the word Mila is used for a religion for a creed. And the word mela also applies to the followers of a particular creed.

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It also applies to the followers of a particular creed.

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So basically the word Mila is religious community. What's the main thing that unites these people, the same religion that they follow, even if they are of different places and different times. The word Mila is used for the followers of religion, even if they are spread across different places and different times. what unites them is the same fate. So they will never be happy with you. No matter how much you try to make them happy. No matter how much you turn towards them with friendship with good turns. They will never

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I approve of you until you follow their religion. Notice the word is min. Until you follow their religion, their practices. So in other words, the yahood will never be happy with you until you follow their faith. Then Asara will never be happy with you until you follow their faith. So what does it show? That they have a problem with your faith?

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They want you to leave your faith. And as long as you're on your email, they're not going to approve of you.

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All say meaning say to them, in indeed, Padilla, guidance of Allah, who will who there it is the guidance. What does it mean? Is that indeed the guidance that is sent by Allah, the guidance that is offered by Allah? What is that guidance that has been offered to us via last minute on the Quran? The prophets, let alone is

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that is what it alone is alhuda the guidance? What does it mean by this? That only the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala offers is the true guidance and anything else besides that is not guidance? The guidance that Allah offers? Is the guidance anything else besides that is not guidance. So if anybody else is calling us towards their religion, towards their faith towards their community, what does that mean? If it's not the guidance that Allah has sent, then it is not correct. And it is not correct for us to follow it either.

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Also, we learned that guidance is not that you become a part of a particular group, because what did they you who would want that Muslims should leave their religion and become of their group similarly, the Christians wanted the same thing. So guidance is not attained by joining a specific group. guidance is not attained by joining a specific group, but guidance is attained How? By following the guidance of Allah.

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We thought at the beginning of the lesson, that each group, what is it doing? It is denouncing the other it is saying the other is wrong, and we are correct. And over here, we learn that guidance is not by joining one particular group, but guidance is that which Allah subhanaw taala offers.

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Allah says, What are in it about our home? And surely, if you follow their desires, let him let in is a combination of love meaning surely and in meaning, if? And remember that this lamb, there's always an implied cousin, there's always an implied or right before it. So that in means, one law he let him by Allah, surely, if, hypothetically speaking, if it the birth,

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you follow their desires? Who does you refer to? The prophets? What alone isn't? The word what is the plural of the word, however, it is a plural of how and how our means design literally means to fall. What does the word how I literally mean to fall? one edge me either.

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So why our desires called our or our Why? Because sometimes they're so strong, they're so intense that a person cannot withstand them and he falls. Similarly, some desires are such that if a person pursues them, he falls in the sight of Allah, he falls down from his rank. So what are in Bartow, if you follow their desires? What do you mean by their desires?

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What does their desires refer to?

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The way that the Jews and the Christians are calling you to?

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Notice Allah doesn't say, if you follow their religion, if you follow their creed, what is the word being used, desires, because their religion, their creed, is based not on truth, but it is based on their desires. So if you follow their desires, by the after, and lady that jack I'm in and in knowledge KMT So, if you follow their desires, after knowledge has come to you, which knowledge is is referring to the special knowledge which has been given through the Quran, through ye to the Prophet sallallahu Sunnah.

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So directly the prophets on a lot of time is being addressed. If you are Mohammed salatu salam follow their desires.

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After the work he has come to you, man, not lucky for you, when Allah from Allah, men over here gives the meaning of against. So you will have against Allah know me when he in any way while I'm asleep, nor any innocent.

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If you follow their desires after knowledge has come to you, then you're going to have against Allah, no friend, and no helper.

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The word really is from the roof address while I'm here. And who is the word? Well, he used for a clause protecting friend. So what does it mean by Wiley over here, that you will find no friend, no Guardian, who could bring some benefit to you. Or you will find no guardian to protect you, to save you from being punished. And you will have known as lead, you'll see this from noon father, who does not refer to that you will find no helper to take you out of the difficulty that you have fallen into, out of the punishment that you may fall into.

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So what's the difference between a one e and a three?

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One he is one who first of all, bring trade.

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Secondly, protect from falling into sharp from falling into evil. And who is honestly one who takes out from the trouble that one has fallen into.

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So if you leave your deen, if you abandon this knowledge, and instead, you follow their desires, only to please them, only to satisfy them only to get their approval. What's going to happen?

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You're going to find no money, and no one to help you against Allah.

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So over here, we see that the address is specifically to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and after him, every single believer, what are we being told over here? What are we being told over here? What lessons do we learn from this verse?

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If we do not follow what Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us to follow, then what are we doing? We are losing the help of Allah. We're losing the assistance of Allah. We're losing the protection of Allah.

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If we look at our history, the Islamic history, for example, the Battle of but how many Muslims were there? Were 300 fighting against How many? About 1000? What made them victorious? Was it their strength?

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What was it that made them victorious? It was the help of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And why did they get that help? Why did they get that help? Because they followed what Allah subhanaw taala wanted them to follow.

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And if we leave that which Allah wants us to follow, we're losing the help of Allah. We're losing the assistance of Allah.

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What else do we learn from this? Ayah? What else do we learn from the cya?

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We shouldn't follow desires we should follow being what's the message of this ayah?

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Many times, we leave the deen we compromise in our indigent. Why? To just get approval and praise from the people? And if we do get it in this dunya, how long is it going to last? For a few years? for a few days, there's an eternity up ahead of us. That should be given more priority. For example, many times, and because most of you over here are young school, going University going many times I've seen that, you know when people go to their school to university, meet their professors meet the principal, or go to work, meet their boss. Many times when the simple issue of hand shaking comes with a member of the opposite gender. What do we think? What do we think? I can't give a bad

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I can't give a bad impression. And what do we do? We compromise. I have seen girls in hijab shaking their hands with men. Why? Because they're the professor. They're the principal. And there are others as well, who say that this is a part of my religion, I'm sorry, I cannot do that. I still respect you. You can still get the proper attention. And they will respect you for who you are.

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I remember when I went to university, and we got the opportunity to meet with our professors and also the principal. All the professors, the deans, they were coming up, you know, it was a personal meeting and we were meeting them. And hamdulillah My father was in with me. So every time a professor or Dean would take their hand out, I would say behind it, I would say I'm sorry, I can't do it because it's not allowed in my religion and my father would extend his hand out

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many times at these situations

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What do we do?

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We compromise. We say, Oh no, I have to make them happy. I can't displease them. But Allah says over here, no matter what you do, you cannot make them happy. They will only be happy with you when you leave your religion or when you join them.

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And if you do that, that's it your offer is gone.

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It starts with small things with little little things. It begins with a handshake, it begins with, you know, let me just not wear this or let me wear this instead, let me leave one smaller, and it continues until a person loses the incompletely.

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One thing leads to the other, and a person doesn't even realize and he's gone so far away from his religion.

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When you stay firm on your religion, on your faith, then people respect you for who you are. And when you begin to compromise, they realize that you're neither here, nor are you there.

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Another very important lesson that we learned from this is that when a person has knowledge, and he doesn't follow that knowledge, then what is he doing? He is following his desires.

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He's not ignorant, but he's following his desires.

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Many times we find that people go to a particular workplace, and they're not allowed to take a break for their sauna. But people who compromise Mr. sada they continue to compromise with people who stand firm, eventually, they get there, right?

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So she would not let them like go for it, especially for the jumper. So what happened was they had a test and she was like, okay, whatever you miss, I'm not gonna let you go do it again. There was a test and he told her that I have to go and she's like, no. And then he just got up and went. And there were other Muslims like sitting there. When they saw him, they got up and they left across. that school is like most other people are Muslims. So almost half of the class like went and saw.

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And remember that compromising in our Deen is not going to take us anywhere. Neither benefit in the dunya nor in the hereafter.

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Even then, when we think we made something to make them happy, actually, they look happy, but they're not still happy because they're gonna attack us on something else after. That's why from the beginning, we have to stay drunk. And I wanted to share an experience happened to me. I was going for work and I was new Muslim. And I decided I wanted to wear my hijab. So I was so worried I'm going to do these probably gonna kick me out, I have to pay my dad said that. So anyway, I decided I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell them and I'm gonna wear my job and it's okay, whatever happened? I will. It's okay inshallah. And Savannah got the not only accepted my hijab, the, like hire

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specialist to come and talk to everybody in my office, to tell them about Islam and what was your hijab and it was fine. And don't worry, she's not going to, like, you know, whatever is.

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Actually it made it so easy. So

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then you get the help of Allah as well. And when we begin to compromise, then then we lose the help of Allah. And then we're left on our own define for ourselves. We become used to compromising, we become used to leaving our Deen and we lose the fear of almost planetology. So over here, we are being told very clearly, that no matter what you do, they're not going to be happy. So don't compromise your thing. Don't compromise your team, especially when you have learned about it. Never compromising your team because if you do so, you're going to lose the help of Allah. And without the help of Allah. You're nothing.

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Then Allah says, Allah Vina Athena humann kita. Those two will we have given the book yet Luna who they recited, how do they recite it? Help Atilla t with its true recital

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and Lavina. Athena whom at think that is from the root letters, Hamza? Yeah. attack is to come and Arthur is to give. So Dana, we give.

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So those people to whom we have given them, what have we given them? Al Qaeda, the book? Which book is this? The book over here is isn't gents al Qaeda. This isn't genes. So it refers to all of the revealed scriptures.

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So who are the people who are given the book, The you who were given the camera, the nesara, they were given the Injeel and the Muslims, they have been given the Quran

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so those people whom we have

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Given the book, we have given the book and they have truly received the book. What about them?

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Allah says yet Luna who they read it, they recite it, how do they recite it? How cardinality as is the right of reciting it yet no no is from the roof letters that lamb well

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that lamb will delay tell when or till then literally means to follow that one means to follow and tilava which is of the same route letters is to recite, but in particular it is used for the recitation or the reading of revealed scripture only. You do not use the word de Lauer for reading the newspaper. Okay. You don't use the word devour for that. De Lauer is used specifically for the reading for the recitation of revealed scripture.

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And what kind of recitation is this? It is a recitation that is followed by understanding because then one literally means to follow.

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So tilava is reading his recitation, which is followed by the understanding or it is reading recitation that is followed by some action. So over here, law says that these people, what do they do? They recited have gotten IoT help is from the reflectors help off off and hack means, right? Correct. True. So what does it mean by headquarted? IoT, as is the right of reciting it.

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Allah says about these people are like, are you gonna be they're the ones who actually believe in it, who, those who read the book as it should be recited? Now, as for the law, well, there are three types of dilemma. There are three types of recitation. First of all, there is still our lovely Yeah. Delay our lovely Yeah.

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What does it mean by lovely, you have the love of the words. So the first type of recitation is the recitation of the words of the book.

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What we know as the

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recitation of the words of the book, what does that include? reciting the words properly, reciting them hardage properly. Similarly, reciting the harakat, properly, stopping at the proper places, etc.

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So the first type of recitation is de la one of Li, in which the focus is on reciting the text correctly reciting the words correctly, properly, as they were revealed, as they were taught to the prophets

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without changing the words without changing the haircut, without changing the order of the words, without changing the hoof.

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So the first is reciting the words. The second type of de Lauer is devour Maria Martinez from Martina, what does that mean? Meaning? So what does it mean by this type of devour? It is to understand the text of the book. To understand the text of the book, Do you know the meaning of the words as well. The first is to focus on the recitation of the words. The second try is to focus on the understanding of the words, because many times people just get stuck on perfecting the recitation.

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It is very essential, it is very important. But you cannot just focus on that. And leave this dilemma which is the lava mana Weir, which is to understand the text of the book, to understand the meaning of the book to understand what it says because what's the point of is reading something without knowing what it says there is rewarding reciting. But the benefit is incomplete if a person does not know what he's reading.

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The third type of dilemma is dilemma of hukou hooked me dilemma. I'm Alicia, what does it mean by that of armor? Which is to implement and follow the commands that are given in the text. What does it mean to implement and follow the commands that are given in the text

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and at the same time, refrain from the prohibitions as well. So for example, in the Quran, we have been given

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Certain comments tilawat includes following those comments. Similarly in the Quran, we have been prohibited from certain things. dilemma includes staying away from those prohibited things.

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Similarly, in the Quran, we have been given a lot of information, for example, about the previous nations about the prophets, about the Day of Judgment. So, this type of dilemma includes confirming the truthfulness of all the information that has been given in the Quran as well.

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So what are the three types of fidelity? First of all, reading the text? Secondly, understanding the text, thirdly, implementing the text

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over here, unless as yet luno have got the reality they recited, as it should be recited, what does it mean? That they recite it in all of these three ways. They recite the words, they understand the text, and they implement the commands as well. This is how cadila witty because hackers What? right? Correct proper. So how is today we're going to be proper when all of these three things are done. Similarly, have got it our T also gives us the meaning of that completely and accurately doing the Tila. What does that mean?

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They don't just read through a page or read through a surah. But when they recite the Quran, when they recite the text, how do they recite it with the Delete.

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Similarly, when they put in an effort to understand the text, that they only read the translation, but they go into the effort of really knowing that they've seen other words.

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Similarly, when it comes to applying, they don't just, you know, apply once or twice here or there or pick and choose what happened in our it includes completely, completely and accurately, reciting understanding, implementing the text. So help Atilla t as is the right or correctly completely, accurately giving the deal giving the heck off dilemma not falling short, not leaving anything out.

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So we think that did our can be understood in in another way that it is of two types. The first time if the Dow is still our that is a term, meaning complete? What does anybody know a term

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that when a person recites the Quran, in all of these three ways, giving each of these three ways it's due

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right? devour that is attempt complete? What does it mean by that? that a person recites the Quran? How in all of these three ways he doesn't just focus on one aspect and ignore the other two aspects? No, he focuses on all of the three aspects. And how does he do it properly, giving each aspect to do

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the second kind of the lowest allow that is noxious dilemma that is incomplete? What does it mean by that? When a person focuses on only one aspect, or only two aspects,

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he only does the love, he doesn't pay attention to the minor, or he doesn't pay attention to the armor. This is what the louder is lacus.

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Similarly, a person is doing all of these three things, but he's not giving the heck, for example, he is reading, but he doesn't pay attention to improving instead read.

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Similarly, he's understanding the text he's applying, but he's only applying a few things.

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You know, one is that you try to apply everything. And the other is that a person does not even make the intention of applying anything, at least make the intention. Many times when we read the Quran when we study, it seems so difficult. Sometimes it seems very difficult, but don't think that it's impossible, make the Nia alone will help you.

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So, we see that the lower down is what is required of us

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and try not because if a person does the low enough meaning he reduces the half of the tilawat in any of these three aspects, then what

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is still our is not acceptable.

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is still our is incomplete. And over here Allah says that those people to whom we have given the work yet Luna who have gotten our T Ola, aka you may know NaVi, it is only such people who believe in the book. What does he mean by that? What does he mean by that? That if a person truly believes in the book, then he

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must focus on all three aspects of reciting the Quran. He must focus on all of these three aspects.

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So the one who gives the Huck of dilemma is the one who has Eman upon the book. On the other hand, Allah says, where my XRP? And whoever disbelieves in it, whoever disbelieves in what in the book indicator for Allah ecoman? How soon then it is such people who are the losers. Alpha zero is a plural of, and horses. And horses is one who suffers Hassan What is his one loss. So those who disbelieve in the book, they're the ones who will suffer loss, what loss will they suffer,

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they will lose themselves, they will lose their families, they will lose their wealth, everything in the hereafter.

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So we see that a person who gives the right of the book is the one who believes in the book. And the one who doesn't give the right of the book is one who doesn't really believe in the book, meaning is a man is incomplete. His email is incomplete.

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And notice over here less as far as I can will hospital they're the ones who will suffer loss. Now we learned about the three aspects of deliver. If a person does not give the help of reciting the Quran properly,

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or he doesn't focus on reciting the Quran at all, His focus is entirely on just understanding the text of the book and he doesn't bother reciting the Quran.

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Is there any loss that he's willing to suffer? What loss? Is it depriving himself of some reward? course he is? Of course he is. Similarly, if a person only focuses on the first two aspects and neglects implementing the keytab is he depriving himself of some reward? Of course he is. Is he suffering loss? Of course he is.

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So those who do not give the half of the book, their Eman in the book is incomplete. And they're the ones who suffer loss.

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This ayah primarily was revealed concerning the people of the book, which people have the book, those from among the hood, who believed in prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were given the Torah. They didn't just read the Torah, they understood the Dharma. And they didn't just understand it. But they also implemented it. How? By believing in the Prophet sallallahu Salah.

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So they're being praised over here.

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But by extension, it's not just limited to them. It is for everyone, especially for the Muslims. Because in the previous ayah, we have been told that do not leave this in. Do not leave this in.

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And now we're told that a person who truly believes in the book is the one who recites it is the one who understands it is the one who implements it.

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So what lessons do we learn from desire? What lessons do we learn from this I am

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a true believer is the one who takes the entire religion and not just parts of it. He doesn't just focus on the recitation, but he focuses on application as well. We shouldn't just focus on the memorization or the proper installation of the Quran only. We shouldn't just focus on that only. I'm saying only because don't think that that is unimportant. That is very, very important. That's the first step. But we should also focus on understanding what the Quran says.

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And not just understanding but also implementing.

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Another very important lesson that we learned from this book is that to have the book, to recite the book, to understand the book, and to implement the book is truly a great honor.

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Because over here, these people are being praised. Who, those who have been given the book, and they haven't just received the book and put it up on the shelf No, but they read it. They understand it and they implement it.

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Allah says Ola, ek unit hula, hula is used to point to the one who is far. So why is this word being used because they are of a very high status

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to their eco unity. So having the book reading it, understanding it implementing it is a big favor of Allah. It is truly a source of honor for a person.

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And also we see that just having the book alone is not enough.

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Just being People of the Book alone is not enough. Following it, understanding it, reading it, that is what completes the mind of the person.

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Right as we find people say, you know what it is a true Book of Allah and Quran is, you know, a miracle. Do you know the meaning of the Quran?

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Have you studied the Quran? No. Do you know what it says? Absolutely not. So, just having a book alone is not a means of honor. But understanding it implementing it is truly what brings on to a person.

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Another lesson that we learn from this ayah is that everything has signs through which it becomes visible. And imagined the sign of a man is

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the sign of a man, his armor, what his actions, deeds, when a person performs certain actions, it proves that he has a man and one of those is what that a person gives the help of the book of Allah.

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When you see a person focusing on reciting the Quran properly, and understanding the text of the Quran, on applying the Quran, what is that showing that that person has in mind? Because Allah says Allah aka you.

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So the sign of Eman is what? One of the signs of Eman is what? that a person gives a heck of the book of Allah.

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What have you learned for yourself from the three aspects of dilemma?

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Everybody has rights and the Quran has rights as well. And the rights of the Quran are many and often are reciting the Quran properly understanding and implementing, you may have noticed that the AI that we just learned in the morning will do that, that is the motor motor, you will find it in the logo as well. Why? Because the guidance of Allah is the Quran. And this institute has been established why to promote the understanding of the Quran. Because there are many out there who are focusing on the recitation of the Quran only Alhamdulillah that is also one of our focuses but our main focus over here is to give you the understanding of the text of the Quran. Because when a

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person develops the understanding, then he is more interested in reciting property because he enjoys the Quran and then he is able to implement the Quran as well.

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Let's listen to the recitation of the sources

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Nima camino,

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in touch with class, what should you think about yet Luna who have gotten clarity? When you try to memorize a lesson? What should you think about yet Luna? Who? How could you do it? I shouldn't just read to get by. I shouldn't just memorize to get by I am reading I am learning Why? Because I am going to give the hook

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and the hook of the Quran is given how by giving the half completely not leaving anything out focusing on all of the aspects. So don't just consider these things to be homework. Let's it No, it's a part of Eman. This is a means of helping us perfect our event. When a person does not focus on all of the three aspects then what is he doing? He is losing out. He is suffering us. Many times our focus is on what when we think of the Quran, what is our focus on

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only reciting or when a person has died having a father

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or just using it for Baraka. Right? Yes, these are all relevant things okay. But what's the main reason why the Quran was sent guidance and that cannot be obtained except by understanding the book.

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There is a very beautiful point that somebody went through it

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About the Quran. I am a book in elegant prints. To know my name. Here are some hints, rich in cover and nicely bound in hearts of Muslims. I am rarely found high on a shelf, I am kept forgotten there. I am left with respect. I do get lots of kisses. My main point is what they always miss, in a melodious voice. They recite me, neglecting the message inside me. At times I am used for phony swear. My true use is very, very rare American I am that can change the world. All one has to do is understand my word. I have wisdom. I have treasure. So much so there is no measure. I am your Savior. I am your guide. But who's there to follow the Bible. right from wrong is my fame. Holy

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Quran is my name.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:23

What do we do with the Quran? Use it for these things that are mentioned in the point. But the main reason of the Quran is what to guide us and rarely ever do. We focus on that yet Luna who have gotten our tea focusing on all of the three aspects

00:41:24 --> 00:41:35

subhanak Allahumma will be handicare Nasha de la Ilaha. illa Anta Nesta, Luca wanted to be a Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Al-Baqarah 113-121 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 120-121

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