Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 07

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of remaining silent during recitation of the Quran is discussed, along with the significance of showing love and appreciation to others during marriage. The Prophet sallama's physical and emotional demands are also discussed, including the importance of reading in the name of the Lord and practicing a dream. The church's culture is not the church, but rather the church's spiritual journey. The Prophet sallama's spiritual journey is discussed, including the importance of learning to increase guidance and reward, the emotional demands of a woman who climbs a cave, and the lack of Christian beliefs among culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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etiquette with the Quran that when the Quran is recited, then what should we do? We must listen quietly. And in order to listen the first thing we have to do is remain silent. The last point it says in the Quran that what either puri Al Quran festa Marula who will honestly to listen to it attentively and also remain silent, do not talk at that time. So, whenever the Quran is recited, whether it is for the purpose of the wheat class or after the seed or before pseudo class or for any for any reason, when the Quran is being recited, what is our obligation? What do we have to do? Just remain silent, carry on doing what you're doing, if you're putting your books away, or taking your

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books out or drinking water anything, keep doing that, but abstain from talking, refrain from talking in Sharla.

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Because if we do not show respect to the recitation of the Quran, then remember that the Quran is only given to those who are worthy. This is something very serious, because Lala come to her moon and what is the greatest expression of Allah to us? The knowledge of the put on, right? So this is only gained when Allah gives it to a person. And Allah only gives it to those who show themselves as worthy. Those who are eager.

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Because think about it, if somebody is talking to you, and we are not even listening to them, then what is that show? are we interested in what they have to say and what they have to tell us? No. So would they tell us something interesting, then? No. Hasn't it happened so many times that you're having a conversation with someone and halfway, you just want to stop? That's it. I had something great to tell you. But I'm not going to tell you where the other person gets upset with us. I have something great to tell you. But I don't want to tell you any more because you're not ready to listen, you're not willing to listen. So we have to show our willingness and our eagerness to gain

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more of the Quran. How first and foremost by paying attention to its recitation, inshallah.

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Alright, let's begin our pseudo class.

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Una salir de soleil, Karim ama borrowed further we'll let him initiate Han rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim. Rubbish.

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So we were learning about the character of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before Prophethood. What was this character like? We learned that he never worshipped an idol. He never touched an idol. He was very generous. And he was also someone who possessed very great luck noble o'clock. He would also keep fasts. All right. He would also do tawaf of the Kaaba. But in doing that he never practiced any form of idolatry. And I gave you examples of, of various incidents that occurred in his life. Now, there is one incident in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that shows to us what his character was like. It really summarizes to us the beauty of his character, the inability

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of his character, and what is that incident? The way he treated Zayed bin haritha or the Allahu anhu. Remember that? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he married her the gentle blow on her, he gave her a Maha. Right? But Khadija Allah and her also gave the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a gift. All right, don't say it was what is that gift that is called

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that women are required to give to their husbands

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dowry, okay, but in certain cultures, it is demanded, you know, from the girl's family, that they must give such and such amount of money, and bedding, and clothes, and, you know, household items, and cars and so on and so forth. Don't think that it was anything like that, because in Arab culture, this was something not practiced. Women were not expected to give anything to the husband at the time of marriage anyway. How do you get up lower on her gave the profits on a loan or send them a gift? Right and this was to show her love for him. And what was that gift? It was a young boy.

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They'd been hadiza. Right, who was a slave of a digital dilemma on her, and she gave him Zed y as a gift so that he would serve the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This shows to us a very neat thing that at the time of marriage, this is something that should be done. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to her, do the Habu give gifts and increase love. So when a new relationship is being established between two families into individuals, then definitely gift giving is something that will create love between people. But it shouldn't be, you know, with a Seraph extravagance or it shouldn't be considered a burden. No simply to show your love and appreciation to the other person.

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And and a gesture that you know, you're welcoming them in your life. So habito, Juan Hill also gave a gift to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was a benhadad. This was a little lower on who he was around seven or eight years of age at that time, less than 10. And he spent his time basically serving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this was before Prophethood. All right.

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Now what happens at the lower end, who remember that he was a Yemeni, he was from Yemen. And remember, that two types of Arabs, one category was after then and the other was after clap on, who are the Python? The original Arabs? All right. Now say that Oh, blow on who was funny because he was from Yemen. All right. And what happened was that when he was a little boy, somebody kidnapped him and sold him as a slave. He was kidnapped and sold as a slave. And he ended up in Makkah, in the house of Khadija Rotolo, Juana. All right. Now, when he grew up, what happened was that his father, his uncle, they were obviously searching for is a little low on who, and somebody informed them

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because Mako was a busy city, people would come from everywhere to Mecca for hedge for business. So somebody saw Zillow and who in Makkah, and they went back and told the family of zeta tau, I know that we have seen your son in Makkah. So anyway, they came to Makkah, his father, his uncle, and they spoke with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they told him that look, our son is not a slave. He was kidnapped, he was sold into slavery. So whatever price you ask us, we'll give you but please return our son to us. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said that, I'll give this choice to Zaid, I do not want anything from you. If he wishes to go with you. He may go. But if he wishes to stay with

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me, then he may stay with me. I do not want to force anything on him.

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Look at the character of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he does not want to force anything on a boy who is how old? maybe eight, nine less than 10. And what do we want to do?

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We want to force everything on our children.

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You must wear this and you can only eat this all right, and you cannot go and play here. And you cannot play with these toys controlling controlling but the fact is that the more we try to control people the more they rebel

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but we see that the profits on a lot of them he gives it the decision power you decide it's your life. It's your fate. You decide what you want to do. If you want to stay with me more than welcome if you want to go with your family, more than welcome.

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And Wednesdays are the one who was asked. He said that I do not wish to choose anyone over you. Or Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam meant more to him than his father and uncle combined.

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This imagine that love the luxury that your father and uncle can provide you with? A lot. But the prophets on a lot of sentiment more to him than the father and uncle combined. So there's no one who willingly he chose to remain. With the prophets Allah said and even if that meant he would remain as a slave for the rest of his life.

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But he chose the companionship of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Now the prophets Allah listen and realizing that the father and uncle of Zaid wanted freedom for their son, because he was not a slave. He was a free boy, but he had been sold as a slave. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said zeto on who free took him to the Kaaba. And he said, that all people know that said is my son from now he declared him as his own son, this is a bin Muhammad. All right. And this was in a way showing honor to the wish of the father and uncle of zeta the Lord who also so that they would not feel bad that our son is going to remain as a slave. No, they went back knowing that their son was not a slave

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anymore. rather he was now the adopted son of a Qureshi of a Hashimi

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This was something that they weren't going to be proud of their son was no longer a slave. All right. But this really shows to us what kind of character Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam possessed,

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that first of all, a child and then the servant, they wish to remain with him. They choose slavery, over freedom for the sake of being with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he truly possess the most perfect characteristics, both inner and outer, the internal as well as external, when it comes to enter characteristics, we see that in his o'clock in the way that he must have spoken with his family and those closest to him, including Zaida below on how well he must have treated him. And then look at his mobility that he's even honoring the wish of zeds father,

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and then how he's giving Zedd the power to decide.

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And then we see that the prophets Allah sent him his external meeting, his outer appearance was also very beautiful. his inner characteristics were such that a person would be attracted to him. I mean, we see how of the Natale was towards the prophets on a lot of we see how Abu Talib was we see how Baraka was, we see how later on Khadija dododo on her how she wish to marry him, she is the one who proposed to him. And then we see that Zaid also wish to stay with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it's the it's the character of a person, their manners, their dealings that attract people. So the prophets that a lot of them possess such nature, such character, that people were attracted towards

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him, but it wasn't just his character, but also his physical appearance. That was very beautiful. And that also attracted people that drew people towards him. We learned that the profits on a lot of them was overall extremely handsome and extremely beautiful. We learned in the headaches that use of various and I was given this one person half of beauty, some are gonna say that half of beauty means half of the beauty of human beings. All right, and other say that half of the beauty of the Prophet sallallahu earlier.

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So if you think use of ERISA was beautiful and answer, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was even more handsome. And this is why we see that the Sahaba they always described the Prophet sallallaahu. Selim as you know, like, for instance, the full moon is his face would glow, like the full moon, for instance, one of the Sahaba she said, if you had seen him, you would have thought that the sun had risen up,

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you would have thought that the sun had risen up. Likewise, whenever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was happy, his face would light up as if it was the full moon. attractive, I mean, in his happiness was also attraction, not not pride, not pride and arrogance, that would disappoint other people that would hurt their feelings. No, the prophets Allah Allah sent him his happiness was also such that brought happiness to people. His smile was such that brought comfort to people,

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his face would light up as if it was the full moon when he was happy. And this is why the Sahaba they could never have enough of looking at the face of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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He said, there was nothing sweeter to me more beloved to me than to look at the face of the pseudo loss, a lot of

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you could never have enough of looking at his face. And we see that the profits on a lot of them. First of all, his beauty was like that. And then secondly, his height, he was neither too tall, nor was he short, but rather he was off medium height, then we see that his collar he was neither extremely white, nor was he dark. Likewise, his hair, it was neither very curly, nor was it straight, his hair on his head and his beard were full.

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So his physical appearance was also very comforting.

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Right? Meaning a person would not feel uncomfortable looking at them. Because sometimes it happens that when you see a person who's perhaps very, very tall, alright, and you're, and you're talking to them, you feel afraid. All right, you feel less than them. Likewise, if you're talking to a person who is shorter than you, then it's very easy to dominate over them in in conversation. But we see that the prophets have a lot of times physical appearance was also such that people would be a would feel comfortable around him, they would be drawn towards him. His hands were extremely soft. For instance, those are however, they said that we never felt any velvet or silk, softer than the hand

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of the prophets, a lot of how soft and comforting was that touch me

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that if he shook his hands with somebody, or gave them a pat on the shoulder, how comforting that must have been. And then his fragrance meaning his

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His body because each person has a unique fragrance right? The closer you are to them, you can smell them. So the fragrance of the profits of a lot of them was such that there was no musk or perfume, more fragrant than the sweat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is an evidence to how clean he he kept his body, then we all say that his belts overall his belt, he had broad shoulders, he had broad shoulders, and that kind of shows the confidence of a person All right, because people have broad shoulders, generally they come across as very confident. Right? And this is why they say that. If you want to show show yourself as very confident and stand up straight and

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you know, broaden your shoulders, right.

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His eyes were large with jet blackview pupils and his lashes were long. He had long eyelashes, and when he walked he would walk briskly, either too slow or too fast, but briskly and whoever unexpectedly saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would stand in awe of him. He was noticeable, noticeable and this is why when the prophets that allowed him to take it on he went to Medina of delivering Salaam who was a Jew at that point, he came to see the prophets of Allah, this and that, who is this man that everybody's running towards? who claims to be a prophet? And what did he say about that? When he saw his face, he knew that it was not the face of a liar.

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So his his character, his physical appearance, everything justify to his truthfulness to the nobility of his character. And this is the reason why a lot chose him to be his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as he neared the age of 40.

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When did he get married?

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When he was around 25, the incident of the reconstruction of the car, but when did that take place?

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35 All right. So when he was 40, so soon after that, what happened? Six months before Ramadan. So when he was 46 months before Ramadan,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he began having true dreams. But even before that, we see that as he neared the age of 40, so in his late 30s, right, he became increasingly detached from the society and the culture that he was living in. He never took interest in idol worship, or any of the associated practices. And over time, we see that his discontent, it grew, it grew. He was not, he didn't want to do what the people were doing. He didn't realize any person in his society, he didn't want to be like any one of them.

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He didn't, he didn't want to get involved in anything that they were involved in.

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So he became very discontent overall. And he began withdrawing from the people of this society, as well as the cultural practices and the things that they were engaged in, he would keep away. And for this reason, he would go to the cave of Hello.

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Where's the Cave of Herat, just outside Makkah.

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And there's room for only one person in that cave. So if a person is sitting there, they would be facing the Carver. So he would go and remain in that cave, looking at the Kaaba. And what would he do?

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He would worship unless

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it happens with people that as they grow older, and as they gain more experience in life, they don't find comfort, they don't find joy in materialistic things.

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Like for instance, some people think that when they will be 16, they'll be happy. And then the thing that when there'll be 20, they'll be happy. And then the thing that when there'll be 25, they'll be happy. When I get married, when I have children, when my children have gone to school, when they go to high school, when they go to university, when they are married, then I'll be happy. But what happens? each stage of life or each new thing, it disappoints you, I thought this would make me happy, but it's not making me happy. I thought my my job or my career, or my education or my family, this would bring me satisfaction. But it doesn't.

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Because true satisfaction comes from what

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it comes from.

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It comes from worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada. If you think about it, the prophets of Allah said him, did he enjoy a very noble status in his in his people? Yes. Was he well respected? Of course he was. Was he married to a very good woman? Definitely. She was rich. She was good in every way. Did he have children? Yes, six years.

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Did he have money? Yes he did. Did he have a servant? Yes, he did. What more could he want?

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Seriously, what more could you want, but nothing of this brought him satisfaction. In fact, the people that he lived amongst the society, it only made him more averse.

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Only made him more more and more averse. So he wanted to keep away from them. And this is a testament to the fact that prophets, Allison was upon the fifth,

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he was upon the fifth, from the natural disposition, the natural state that Allah subhanaw taala has created people, people who are on fitrah, they do not like evil. They do not like lies, they do not like cheating, they cannot accept Zina. They do not like the fact that a person is getting drunk.

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They cannot accept these things.

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And this is an evidence that they are upon the fitrah. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was truly upon the fifth law. And this is the reason why he began keeping away from Makkah, meaning the practices over there, the things that the people were engaged in, and for this reason, he would go to the cave of Hara, and he would spend days and nights over there, he would take with himself the food that he would need, Khadija Lauryn Hill was very supportive, and this is also quite amazing

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for the euro dollar, and he was very supportive. Because generally, when a person is going through,

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you know,

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a situation like this, where they are not satisfied, or they do not find happiness and joy and doing the things that people are doing, then what do people call them? antisocial?

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Right, introvert, right? Such such label they put on them. But we see that the digital owner, she was so supportive at this time that she is the one preparing his food, and he's gone for days. And she does not have any problem with that, if anything, she's concerned about him. But she does not fight with him or argue with him. Right? It doesn't make him a family issue because she understands why he's doing what he's doing. She also saw the evil that was rampant in that society, the injustice that prevailed over there. She also saw that, so she supported him.

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Now we see that the prophets Allah sending, you would go and stay in the cave, and then every time his food would finish, he would return to Mecca, perform the tawaf and then he would go back home to his family, and then he would go back to the cave again. Now when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was 40 years of age, six months before Ramadan, what happened the Prophet sallallahu Sallam began having true dreams.

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Every single night, he would have a dream that came true the following day.

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I imagine

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if you have a dream, you see something in your dream. And when you wake up in the morning, you see that happening?

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If it happens once, okay. But it began happening every single day, he would see something in a dream and the next day it would come true.

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Every day he was having every night he was having true dreams. And he also digital the other one, how about this. And for the digital dilemma, I knew that something good was definitely going to happen. So anyway, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he began spending more and more time in the cave. And he began increasing in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala in the cave and worshipping Allah alone, because remember that the machine of Makkah, the people of Makkah, who were they essentially there were the children of his minor in a center. Right? And they knew that the Kaaba was built by Ibrahim and is married why so that people would come there do Hajj and worshipping Allah soprano.

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And the idols they came later on. And this is why we see that there were some people in Makkah, who were known as the hoonah, who are the Chanukah. Those who remain firm on the heath meaning they worship Allah alone.

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They did not worship idols.

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None of them only Allah subhanaw taala. So there was this concept of worshipping Allah alone, even though it was very,

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you could say limited to a few people, but this concept was there and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he also worshipped Allah, Allah remember the incident where they did the long run, who has a child, he touched the idol and the prophets of Allah and told him Don't do that. Right? And then they touch the idol. Again, the prophet said a lot of them, he was strict with him, then I told you not to do that. Right. So the prophets of Allah sent him he did not practice idolatry. So when he wasn't the cave, what did he do?

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He worshiped Allah alone. And we see that while he would be out he was he

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could hear rocks greeting him.

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He could hear rocks greeting him and the prophets on a lot of them said that I remember the rock that used to greet me even before I received Prophethood.

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Likewise, he would see lights,

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he would see lights, all right, and so Sounds and Lights, the cause of which was unclear to him. And imagine you're walking and all of a sudden you hear somebody saying said I'm and you don't see here, nobody nothing.

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So such events, such things began happening more and more.

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Until finally, the way came. The revelation came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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If you open up Sahih Bukhari, the first Hadees and Buhari is about Nia in the Mullah Malou beneath the second Hadith is about the types of revelation Okay, the different forms of why

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the different forms, or the different methods in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam received, why, that how sometimes God would come to him and speak to him directly, and sometimes the sound of the way meaning the words were recited to him. And then the third Hadees talks in great detail about how the where he began. I should have done on her she says that our Luma Budi Avi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam nl ye a row l salejaw. To fin known for Canada a lot. Oh, yeah. Elijah at mithila Falcon super. She said that the commencement of the divine revelation to Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the form of true dreams, which came true like bright daylight.

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In the morning, as the sun rises, what is certain?

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What is certain what's going to happen? The light, the light is going to spread. So just like that the prophets on a lot of sudden began having dreams, such that in the morning, in the day they would come true. Just as light is true when it comes today. Likewise, the fulfillment of his dreams are also true meaning if he saw something in a dream, it would definitely happen the next day.

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And then what happened that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the love of seclusion was bestowed upon Him who be the illegal holler he, he began to love being alone,

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alone, away from the noise, away from the talking away from, you know, the people coming in and out and going back and forth, and people eating and drinking and dressing up and he wanted to keep away isolation, so much so that he did not even wish to remain at his home. So where did he go, he would go to the cave. He used to go in seclusion in the cave of Hara where he used to worship Allah alone continuously, for many days before his desire to see his family. Then he used to take with him the journey food, meaning food so that he could have while he was at the cave for this day, and then he would come back to his wife to take his food. Likewise, again, meaning he would come take the food

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go, as soon as the food will finish, he would go back bring more food. So basically, he was staying where?

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Where was he staying? in the cave,

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he would just go home to fulfill his need and return to the cave. He did not wish to be seen by people almost. You understand. He didn't find any happiness any joy

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in spending time talking or in buying and selling. know these things didn't have much meaning anymore. And this is a reality. This is a reality of life that these things cannot bring true happiness to a person.

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And if we try to find joy in for example, the television can never bring joy. No.

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You can watch one episode after the other you can watch the television staring at that screen for three hours in a row. You'll never be satisfied.

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If you want to go to the mall to be happy.

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You'll never return happy you'll only return disappointed.

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Isn't that so? So the prophets of Allah is Allah. He began staying in the cave until the truth came to him meaning until the first where he came until he received the first revelation.

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And when was this? This was on a Monday.

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The angel came to him and asked him to read

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the angel came to him and asked him to read it.

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Now remember when it comes to reading There are two types of reading garowe

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when a person is told read

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What does it mean?

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If I asked you to read, what does that mean? Read from where, from a book from a paper, write something that's written, you read that. But in Arabic, it doesn't just mean read from paper. It also means read from memory recite from memory.

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So for instance, if there is a port,

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all right, and they know their poems and by heart, so they go up on the stage, and they hold the microphone, and they begin reading their poetry, are they reading from paper? Were they reading from, from memory?

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All right, so that means both read from paper, and also read what is in your mind, recite what is in your memory. So the angel came and told the Prophet sallallahu

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam thought he was being told to read from paper. So he said, Matt, and I will call it I do not know how to read.

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And the prophets have a lot of them added, that the angel caught me forcefully and pressed me so hard, that I could not bear it anymore.

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As the angel told the prophets are allowed to sit and read, the angel also squeezed him physically grabbed him, and, and squeezed him, pressed him so hard that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam thought he could not bear it anymore.

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Why did this happen? Why is it that the angel jabril when he came with the war, he also press the prophets that allows him physically?

00:31:40 --> 00:31:43

Okay, very true that what happens is that

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when we are physically touched, a physical touch, what does that do? It makes the experience more real.

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The memory of that incident is also very strong. You don't forget it that easily. And then you can tell yourself later on that I wasn't imagining I wasn't hallucinating. This was real. I remember that touch.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:20

You know, for instance, you cannot remember if you met somebody, but then you're like, No, but I, I shook their head.

00:32:21 --> 00:32:54

I shook their head. Right. So that memory of shaking their hand that, you know, makes you certain that definitely you met them. So when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't just hear gibreel, but jabril also physically pressed him. This was a way of making the profits of the loss and feel that this is a real experience. You're not imagining something, don't doubt yourself. This is something real. And we see that gibreel did not squeeze him press him only once, but multiple times.

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So what happened, the angel caught me and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore. He then released me, and again asked me to read and I replied, Matt and I, because I do not know how to read. I am not someone who reads what the prophets are. A lot of them say that. Because there were only a few people who were professional readers.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:23

You know what I mean? Because being a reader, being a writer at that time was a profession.

00:33:24 --> 00:34:03

All right. So he said, I'm not according I am not someone who reads, I have never been trained to do the job of reading, math and I because I do not know how to read. So the angel jabril he caught him again and pressed him a second time, till the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said he could not bear it anymore. He then released him and again asked him to read but again, he replied, I do not know how to read. So this happened, how many times, three times and then jabril caught him for the third time and pressed him and then released him and set up this meal of Baker lady. Hello.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:07

Read in the name of your Lord, who created

00:34:09 --> 00:34:10

this meal here.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:19

fo B smear of beacon, the Holla

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Ebola vocal on

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column I

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read in the name of your Lord who created it Bharat Bismillah be kalevi holla.

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

Read not from your own memory, not from what you see on paper, but read in whose name in the name of your Lord who created in other words,

00:35:00 --> 00:35:18

You will recite not by your own strength, or by your own knowledge, or by your memory or by the act of looking at something on the paper and then saying that out, no, you will read why, because of your Lord.

00:35:19 --> 00:35:45

You will read, you will recite because of your Lord, He will teach you what to read, he will help you, he will assist you, He will guide you. So, in other words, your recitation is going to be directly from who? Allah subhanaw taala he is going to tell you what to read it for bismil Arabic In the Name of your Lord,

00:35:46 --> 00:36:00

be by overhears of Saba because meaning because of what your Lord will teach you. Because of what your Lord will guide you to. He will tell you what to read. So the prophets of Allah is Allah, his source of knowledge

00:36:01 --> 00:36:19

was what a revelation. Allah subhanaw taala taught him what to read, his source of knowledge was not a human being. And other human being did not come and teach him who taught him a lot at him. ikura Bismillah Becker, Lennie haluk,

00:36:20 --> 00:36:22

the one who created created what?

00:36:23 --> 00:36:30

Everything because it's not mentioned in these verses. What exactly but and when it's left general.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:50

It's open ended. It encompasses the entire creation allele Holla Holla call in Santa menolak, the one who created the human being from a blood clot from something that is suspended meaning in the womb. So Allah is the one who created you.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:03

The one who created you, the one who has saved you, the one who has guided you, He is the one who's going to teach you what to read. And he has chosen you. He has chosen you for worry

00:37:05 --> 00:37:14

ikura warra bukan accom reading read and your Lord is most generous Olivia Lama bill column, the one who was taught with the pen.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

If you notice over here in these verses, it crop a crop twice.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:33

Not just once but twice. And before the words of revelation were given to the prophets of Allah send them what happened. gibreel also told the prophets Allah Islam numerous times to read Echo Echo. What does that tell us about our Deen

00:37:34 --> 00:38:03

the importance of reading, reading what first and foremost, the Quran. It's all about recitation, read, in order to learn, read, to show your belief that you believe in the Quran read, to increase in guidance read to get reward the clock. There's so many reasons why a person should recite the Quran for knowledge for guidance, for reward, so many reasons, endless.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:16

And it shows to us the importance of learning in our Deen also, that a person cannot stop at any point. No, you read some or you read once, but then read again and read again.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:24

It is never enough because of the profits on a lot of them is being told to read over and over again. Then what about us?

00:38:25 --> 00:38:39

When can a person think that he has had enough knowledge? So the profits are the largest enemy you received this revelation. And then what happened? The angel debris was gone. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is left alone in the cave.

00:38:40 --> 00:39:13

alone. The Hadith continues I shall devour and her says that then Allah's Messenger returned with the ye. And with his heart beating severely. He went to her deja vinho eyelid he went home directly to his wife and said, cover me cover me. They covered him until his fear was over. And after that, he told her everything that had happened and said, I fear that something may happen to me. He said I'm afraid for myself, I'm worried something may happen to me.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:15

What does he mean by that?

00:39:16 --> 00:39:57

He felt like he was going to die. Or he felt something unthinkable was going to happen, something unimaginable was going to happen the likes of which he had never seen or the likes of which he had never known what's going to happen to him. Because this was a very unique and a very heavy experience. Now if you think about it, the revelation in the Quran Allah says that lo Angela hadden Quran Allah jevelin la ayto hushan Mutasa, Dionne minha Shatila if we had revealed the skull on upon a mountain you would have seen that mountain falling and crumbling out of the fear of Allah

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

the experience of what

00:40:00 --> 00:40:16

itself is not a light experience. It's a very heavy experience. And the beginning of it. Initially, it was extremely heavy upon the profits on a lot of them. So he literally felt that he was going to die, he could not physically take it.

00:40:18 --> 00:40:19

He could not physically handle it.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:26

And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not a weak human being, he was actually a very strong human being.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:34

He was very strong, because think about going up that mountain to remain in the cave. And then coming down that mountain.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:40

Has anyone Have you gone to the cave of Hello? How was that climb?

00:40:41 --> 00:41:06

tiring and exhausting. Because imagine, first of all, I mean, I'm sure you sat on a bus or something or a taxi to get there. And then you climb the profits of a lot of animals coming from his home, from the cargo, all the way to mount Hitler, and then going up that mountain and not just once, but over and over again. So you can imagine how physically strong he must have been. And not just physically strong, but even emotionally, very strong.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:38

It's upon them, they took an hour to climb an hour. And this is through the steps, right? Because now they have steps. But back then there were no steps an hour to climb up. And staying alone in the cave. I mean, you better be very courageous, very strong hearted. So the province of laws and it was no ordinary man when it came to courage and when it came to physical strength. But yet, when the why he came to him, he said, I fear that something may happen to me.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:43

But look at the words of Khadija on the lower on her. What did she say that you begin to cry

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

for her husband? No. She said in the color test little rhyme. What?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:58

What taxable makhdoom what accrue life? What arena Island, Hawaii will help. Before that? She said by Allah.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:12

No, by Allah, He will never, ever humiliate you, Allah will never let you be humiliated, he will never disgrace you. Meaning, it's not possible that something bad would happen to you? No.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:14

I don't buy that.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:33

Something bad cannot happen to you. Why? Why is she so confident? Because she says, You are good to your kin in Nikola Tesla, and someone who's good to his relatives, then this is something natural, that what do you expect for a person like that that something good would happen to them also?

00:42:34 --> 00:43:15

Isn't that so? If someone is good to others, those who are closest to them, then what do you expect? The definitely something good will happen to them in return. This is like the law of nature, you do good. You get good. Right? This is some metal konia. This is something which is in the universal laws that our last panel data has established, that when you do good, you get good. And this is why for the general phenomenon has said it's not possible that something bad would happen to you. She said what that means you carry the curl, who is called curl is someone who is dependent on others completely dependent. So those who are dependent, meaning those who are not able to carry

00:43:15 --> 00:43:17

themselves, you carry them.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:26

Someone who's not able to carry their own burden themselves, you carry them, meaning you look after those who are deprived.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:33

You are helpful, you help others, you help those in need. And it doesn't matter who they are.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:40

And we see this, the prophets of Addison was like this before prophet hood, and even after prophet hood.

00:43:41 --> 00:44:24

What taxable Mara Do you give to those who have little martyrdom meaning someone who doesn't have enough who has very little you give to them you earn taxable you earn money, in order to give to them. So whatever you make, you give generously to others. What is life and you are very generous and hospitable towards your guests also, what your inner Alana what it will help and any, any good cause you help in that cause you are at the forefront. And we see that the prophets Allah loves and was always like that, when it came to healthful food. Right? Or when it came later on to the reconstruction of the Kaaba. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was actively involved in all of these

00:44:24 --> 00:44:59

things. Were in Orlando why it will help. So she said that it's not possible that something bad would happen to you. This is a good sign. This is a good thing. And what happened in for the gentle delana? Then she accompanied the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to her cousin, what are COVID nofal? And this is all in the Hadees that I'm telling you. There are these from Buhari what are called the nofal. Who was he? He was of the hoonah. Remember that there were a few people who were known as Hanukkah in Makkah who worshiped on the counter, what are called was one of them, and it said that there were four people like this and what was the oldest of them. So he was very, very old at this

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00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

Also and it is said that what aka the Hadees says, I should have said that what aka the NOFA during the time of jelenia became a Christian

00:45:11 --> 00:45:29

became a Christian. Why do you think you became a Christian? Who was the prophets and before Hamilton Ladas Hello, are you sorry, Sarah, right. And he used to write the writing with Hebrew letters, Hebrew. Now, this is something strange because Christians did not read and write in Hebrew.

00:45:30 --> 00:46:22

All right, they used other languages, Greek or Syriac at that point in time. So the fact that what occurred was, he had some Christian beliefs. And he also wrote in Hebrew, it shows that he did not embrace Christianity in its distorted form. All right, but rather, you can say, one of the purest forms that existed at that time, meaning he believed in a salesianum, but not history, scientists and also the prophets were believed in by the Jews. So musar is, yeah, here is the careerism and all the other prophets. He was someone who believed in the prophets of Allah He was upon. Upon Oh, hey, all right. And what happened? I shall deliver on her says that he would write from the gospel in

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Hebrew as much as Allah wished him to write. So he knew the gospel also. He knew the engine so that the latest scripture, he had knowledge of that he was an old man and had lost his eyesight. He had become blind. He just had to listen to the story of your nephew. Oh, my cousin. What I asked, oh, my nephew meaning Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, what have you seen? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam then described whatever he had seen what aka said, this is the same one who keeps the secrets.

00:46:53 --> 00:47:00

He's talking about the intelligibility and how does he describe him now moose, meaning the one who keeps secrets whom Allah had sent to Moosa.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:08

Notice how he says Moosa because he also believed in Mozart, listen, I'm not just restart listening, but also was our listener.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:14

I wish I were young, and I could live up to the time when your people would turn you out.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:53

The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he asked, Will they drive me out? what are called replied in the affirmative and said, anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought, was treated with hostility. And if I should remain alive to the day, when you will be turned out, then I would support you strongly. But after a few days, worker died, and the wife also paused for a while. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam received no revelation for a few weeks, some say three months, and some say, six months. So for a long period of time, the prophets Allah was and did not receive any revelation.

00:47:55 --> 00:48:00

Now, what do we see over here, that the prophet SAW the loss and when he received the war, he, he didn't know what was happening?

00:48:02 --> 00:48:12

He didn't know what was happening. The fact that he went to her digital ohana and and told her, that I'm afraid for myself. What does that mean? He had no idea but what was happening to him?

00:48:14 --> 00:48:20

Correct. So this cannot come from a man who was a liar or candidate.

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Or someone who had been thinking in his mind, what he was going to say, and how he was going to pretend to be someone. No, it cannot come from a liar. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself had no idea what was happening. He went to Khadija said, it's not something bad, it's definitely something good. They went to Morocco. And Morocco told him that this was angel to bring because jabril is the one who would come to Moosa, he would come to the other prophets also bringing revelation to them.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:33

And if this is what you have been told, it cannot be smeared. Because Larry, hello, Larry hallak, the creator, then definitely, this is from Allah. And if it is from Allah, then this is the truth, and truth is opposed, and when you will be opposed, I wish I would be alive at that time, so that I would defend you. So what are the nofal? What can you say about him? Who was he then someone who believed in the prophets, Allah is Allah also. And this is why in some narrations, we learned that what was seen in general by the prophets are a lot of sin wearing white robes and blessed in the gardens of gender. So what was a believer he was one of the earliest reverts to Islam. And there's

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a book that has been written on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam very recently by a non Muslim. And then the title of that book is the first Muslim.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:58

Right? And the author says that the reason why she gave that title was because when the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he received revelation. Even he didn't know what was happening. He was the first Muslim

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

This is something that even non Muslims acknowledge that if a person, he he says that he had an experience like that, then definitely he's not making it up.

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He's not making it up. He has definitely received some form of Revelation. And there are numerous orientalist scholars who will who will admit this, that what the prophets a lot of them received was not, you know, just his imagination working where a jinn or something it was some form of Revelation. And obviously, they don't want to believe in it. So they say that this is only for the Arabs or we are we are above this and we don't need to believe in it and we don't need to follow him. But this is something that is that that is a fact that what the prophets Allah Lawson received at this point was nothing except for except for

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why revelation and inshallah with this we conclude our lesson. Tomorrow inshallah we will learn about the subsequent revelations that came upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. subhanak alone will be handling the Chateau La ilaha illa Anta, Mr. felucca, one or two Willig, Santa Monica hora de La Hoya barakato

Portents of Prophet-hood in the cave of Hira, the first revelation.

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