Shady Alsuleiman – The Biography, Seerah, of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH #30

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history and use of the thirteenthteenthteenth movement during the fight against slavery, including the use of masks during battles and protecting the Prophet's teach. They also mention the use of a mask during a fight with a ain't too bad group. The speaker provides examples of how the movement uses masks to protect its members and emphasizes the importance of protecting one's identity.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain all prayers Gita Allah subhanaw taala I'm pleased to be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or testify that there's no god except Allah and our testify the Muhammad is the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, my brothers or my sisters in Islam it is once again a pleasure from Allah subhanaw taala upon every single one of us that Allah subhanaw taala brings us together to learn more about the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Messenger of Allah. And here we are, we get together for the love of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this

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love that the Prophet Muhammad Allah sallallahu wasallam says, By Allah in which was all in his hands, none of he shall enter the agenda until the desire is in accordance to what I had come with. What the problem homosassa lamb Come with me Sal Sam came with, he came with the Quran and the Sunnah, and the city of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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One of the beautiful things about the seed of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam embeds the love of the Messenger of Allah in your heart. And that's what we're planning to achieve insha Allah, we want to increase the love of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in our lives. And last week, we started talking about the Battle of a herd. And the Battle of a herd is an interesting battle where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam other Sahaba dlo tala know, prepared themselves to fight and confront the people of crush the paper of crush have been planning for enjoy after the Battle of better and the great loss in a better a better for them to come and retaliate

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and fight against the problem homosassa alum and avenge they did and that's where the news came to the Prophet alayhi salatu was salam to the people of Christ, I'm preparing to come and vote against the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam news had come to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam consulted the Sahaba and we mentioned last week how the young companions were adamant for them to come out of Medina and fight outside Medina while the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam and the senior or the older companions will on

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opinion are of the opinion for them to forum inside Medina but then the Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon along with what the youngsters has suggested and then the prophets Allah went inside his house came out and then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam pursued his journey outside Medina towards offered now hot or hot, and with the battle took place in a hot that's still part of the vicinity and the city of Medina are heard is the mountain that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam refers to a mountain that we love and loves us, and with the better off to place its way it's still within the city and the vicinity of the Heron of Medina.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marched out of Medina with 1000 soldiers fighters and then Abdullah bin obey bin Talal, the head of mon Africa and he managed to manipulate mpci 300 fighters out of the 1000 fighters to turn away from the problem amatola la Salam and to go back to Medina center Nabi sallallahu, wasallam is left with 700 facing against 3000 3000 of his opponents, and his enemy the people of crush their the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will encamp few kilometers away from 100 So between the measure of the problem Amazon cinema the city with a promise our Salah had marched out of a hat is about six K's halfway in between we're talking about

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three Ks which is what less than an hour walk less than a walk for an army lock the army of the problem homosassa them they decided to in camp there before they went to the battlefield.

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The Prophet Mohammed Salah Salomon camp and then the problem I Matala, lolly or Salaam continue this journey to the battlefield which is just knee the mountain of a hunt. As I mentioned to you last week, there the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam start to set his army. And obviously, as he sallallahu wasallam had arrived to or had before his enemy Nabi Allah Salatu was Salam managed to take a strategic position on a battlefield and that was where the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will protect his back by the mantle of God and confront and confront and face the people of kurush. While he's got his back protected by the mantle of a hug, he's got the people of Christ

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coming from the other side. However, there was

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a vulnerable gap,

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a vulnerable gap between the mountain overhead and smaller mountain.

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And then between the small mountain and the mountain of water there was a small gap that will allow the people of Christ to penetrate from behind the Sahaba dlo died on him and the Muslims were they fighting someone to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Santa

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Do in the bass Allah Allah Allah wa salam appointed one of the companions. His name is Abdullah Abu Zubaydah with 50. archers to stand on that mountain. That mountain, that's, that's next to the mountain of overhead. So you've got a big messy mountain of overhead. And then you've got a small mountain that's known as the mountain of arches right now, in between the small mountain, the mountain of arches and a big mountain of a hog. There was a small gap, which is a potential gap for the people of Christ to infiltrate. The rows of the Prophet Mohammed says I'm attacked, attacked him from behind. So now he's appointed 50 archers, on that mountain, led by Abdullah Abdul Jabbar, and

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the provider is Salatu was Salam told him, Abdullah have no debate and the 50 other artists do not come down from that mountain, whether you want to see whether you see us win or lose, until I give you instructions, even if you see us being slaughtered and the birds are eating a flesh then come down. So how am I he can expect more explicit, a more direct instructions and his instruction of the problem. Then come down until I let you know, stay there until I give you instructions do not mean from your posts and your station. Whether we win or lose, you stay on top of that mountain. And the instructions are the problem homosassa were very clear. And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam told them to stand there to protect the backs

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of the Sahaba the Lodi lon. And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam devoted his army into three different divisions, one which is led by Musab ignore made, and that was the division for the mohajir and the other one led by Hussein ignore her died, which is the division of the answer from the house. And the third one led by Al hubub. abdomen that which is a division for the huzar Raj, from the people have answered. We're talking about the 300 fighters he so each division will have about 200 people 200 fighters 50 already on a mountain of arches, protecting the backs of the Sahaba and the Muslims. And then you've got three divisions 200 or 200 by 200,

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somewhere around as numbers. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam sought to organize the rows of the believers and their division. Usually each division will be led by someone and this someone this person this general if you want to call him who will carry the flag, he'll carry the banner. So the one that carried the ban on behalf of the mohabbatein was was abnormal and the one that carried the ban on behalf of the house was outside of Nevada, and the one that carried the banner above 100 was a hubbub ignore all hubbub No wonder.

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Another problem How about sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to inspect is an army he wants to make sure that everyone's on the same page. Everyone's focus everyone's motivated, the morale is high. And everyone knows the strategy. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam ran him down this the mountain of the arches and we've got 50 of your brothers Fira standing on the mountain of artists to protect you of the people of Christ decided to come and attack you from behind you. You've got this division IV. You've got that division over here, but this division, you do this, you do that you do this, make sure everything's clean.

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And this is

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compliant. Though we're all compliant listening to the provider is Salatu was Salam

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with a premier Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was checking and inspecting the rows of the believers you saw a number of young companions, including Abdullah ignore Omar Osama bin Zayed aside even avoid was I even tabet these are young companions that later on they became Senior Companions in the resource on top of

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this narrow movie. There's no room for you with a stray that young, some of them 12 1314 is 12 1314 think of a 1213 year old now. What are you doing now? on the PlayStation on their bike? And I'm not saying that's bad. But somehow not all third in the way came to me with the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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and to support the provider is salatu wa sallam, then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In the way Allah is salat wa salam flagged one companion. His name is Rafa. IGNOU, who died age or even adage in ob sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at him and he said he too young.

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You are too young.

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He said our messenger of Allah. I'm too young, but I'm a very good era. Shira. Try me if I miss Tamika, so Pamela adamant. It's not like oh my God, what a relief. Go back. Like you know that moment when you

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When the kids get to school and the teacher tells him God, it's like you've given them gold.

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This companion or the allow tadano is a young companion This is 14 years old. For in his old laquelle referring referring to 13 is old nowadays

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in Ibiza lalala samsara and he told me tea on gum, he said O Messenger of Allah, Allah good error Sheila, and try me if I miss Olga, send me some said, okay, throw, say through. Natasha was impressed.

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Allah, he's good. Lucky. Nah, he meets the standard of an adult. So let me tell them okay, you can join us who saw the another young companion. His name is Samira jondo. He said O Messenger of Allah. You told me to go home and now you have a default with you have to take it off it down.

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If I wrestled him, I'll take him down.

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Pamela Young companions 1314 years old here are adamant. I'm persistent to be with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the big possibility they'll die.

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Samara said O Messenger of Allah Allah as good as Rafa when it comes to error shooting, but I could take him down send me some Some say that can show me said he received him into profit them.

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A lot of them if they collaborated amongst each other, the organizer, whatever it is, even if Robert said you know what?

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I'll put on an act and take with them at the end of that he wants him to be with the profile is to protect the Prophet Muhammad wa salam so the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah, both Rafa and some are even though they were young, when we say young, 14 years old, they're not children according to their custom. Okay, they've reached the age of puberty. Like I once he reached the age of puberty, and back then 1112 is all the reach of puberty. That's not part of you know, the adult That's according to the customer couldn't the House Foreign is old is still a kid, accorded customs adult to someone over the age of 18. And we accept that, but we're just talking about 1400

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years ago, that's their custom. That's their understanding, and that's their mindset. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah allowed Rafa and Samara to join forces with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to be with the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Salatu was Salam. And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam start to organize the rest of the Sahaba the low tide I don't make sure that all the companions are on the same page or the companions are focused or the companions are set or the companions know the strategy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sought to allocate

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different responsibilities, different companions.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so persistent, that has 50 arches, do not move. Then come down from your station. Do not live and leave your post. Until I give you instructions. Even if you see us being slow to decide they send a visa logo send them send something for some reason for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to be adamant to be persistent, you know, when someone tells you to repeat something, then it just starts to flag something starts to alert you like you know why are you repeating that for? Why you mentioned you said Nabi sallallahu. wasallam was persistent on this campaign is not to come down.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made another general or another horseman, to leave the right wing of the army of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam by the name of mundra. And he put a survey of no arm leading the left wing of his army. It's like divisions they used to divide and,

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and allocating responsibilities, different people in army.

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Then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam took out his sword,

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motivating the Sahaba de la tala, it's all about the motivation. You could have a small number of fighters, they'll defeat a large number of fighters that could defeat the enemy and the enemy might outnumber them three, four times, but because the small number of fighters are motivated, the courageous it's not just about the numbers and about the weaponry. It's about the courage, the morale, the enthusiasm, the motivation, and that's something the Prophet Mohammed Salah was a master in so the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam sought to motivate the Sahaba the alota Allah and he said, Allah is salatu wa salam o he needed to say motivate them for the gentleman. He took his sword

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out. And he said he's willing to take the sword and give it it's right.

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The Sahaba the Lord would like to take that sword. But what do you mean give it its rights? Okay, give us a better explanation.

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So a number of people got up. They wanted to take that sword but then the Prophet Muhammad Allah some held back until one companion by the name of de Jana cemac. Ignore halacha he said

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messenger of Allah, what do you mean? It's right.

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And so have a look at the wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad wa salam. When the profile is also took the sword there, he said he's willing to take the sword and give it it's right.

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That garapa striders that have taken themselves to give it to him. Why? Because you need to ask in a damn dang guy put yourself in the dark. You don't even know what is right. So when do Jana said O Messenger of Allah, what do you mean? Take it and fulfill its rights in ob sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, You fought the enemies of Allah subhana wa Taala until the sword is bent.

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That means you get all out.

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Because the Janna asked that question in there because I'm giving more attention. It's like, you know what he knows what he's getting himself into?

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What is the right of this sword or messenger of Allah said they continue following the enemies of Allah until even that. So the Jana said, O Messenger of Allah, I'll take it.

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So now we saw some graffiti.

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And then

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took the sword of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they put a bandage around his head, that they used to call it the bandana of death. They know him. This guy is tough. And when he does something, he means it.

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And while he was preparing himself, he took the sword of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he started to walk with the sword with pride and show off.

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Center he sallallahu wasallam tender and said, this type of walk is hated by Allah, except in places like this.

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This type of walk is hated by Allah subhanaw taala either edenshaw off, regardless Eva, but on a battlefield, fighting for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, this type of work is loved by the last panel.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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starting over again the Sahaba the low tide

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and prepare this harbor the low tide for the about to come against.

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At that moment, the people of Christ had arrived to the battlefield to see the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is I'm already prepared and ready and I've taken them a strategic position station in offered even numbered the nub of the problem amateur lumber four times

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the people of Christ were led by Abu Sufyan Abu Sofia was probably the early Senior

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Chief of the people have crashed, I was left alive, the rest of all killed in a better a better

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and he had different divisions.

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One leg boy sub one of knowmia and now with the soldiers on the ground.

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Others were led by Abdullah

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and a division of horsemen 200 horsemen, led by Khalid no allayed and aka my bin Abuja

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they've divided them in different divisions, you take care of this division, you take care of that division, last 200 horsemen holiday journey take care of them, remember how to do no lead with 200 horsemen

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and they came, saw each other face to face and then they start to shoot each other some arrows and then they clashed

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clashing for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala for him for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, but this time the battle with the people of Christ is different. Number one, a lot more prepared.

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This 3000 of them not 1000

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number two, this grief, emotions, anger. So there are a lot more motivated than the better better when they came out of Mecca to come and fight against the problem parmesan better and better or better. They were angry but not as much as the better of

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the a lot more angry, a lot more emotion and they've lost a lot of their letters and family members just Jaeger said this grief.

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This motivation, emotional motivation.

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On top of all these, they brought with them, a lot of the women

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Why you gotta run what you're gonna leave your wife behind your mother behind.

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Not only because of the

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they brought with a woman to motivate them. So those women that the people of Christ brought with them. They were singing songs. They were chanting poems, motivating people of Christ to fight against the Prophet Muhammad, Allah. It's all about the motivation. As I mentioned, you could have 100 people fighting against 1000 if the 100 people are a lot more motivated than 100 when

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Oh, no, I'm talking about something that I've got no idea what I'm talking about.

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sod worried. I've never been on a battlefield. But it's something that it's understandable. It's all about the motivation. You have a fighter that's motivated, enthusiastic, who take on five times, numbers against him. So they brought with him, the women for them to

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fight for them to motivate the fighters, and to motivate the people of Christ. And they were just chanting poems and singing songs and hitting the drums and motivating the fighters of the people of Christ. So when they clash, the clash out against the problem amazon seller, because what was the intention, finish of Muhammad and his people once and for all, that was the intent of the middle of

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the battle. The intention was to go into Medina which is gonna crush them, finish them off, once and for all.

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So they came face to face. And the Prophet Muhammad Allah says Allah the Sahaba saw this army that's always been given to them there after the battle, but how they start to shoot each other with arrows and then they clashed.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam obviously is there.

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And Nabi sallallahu, wasallam had Sahaba surrounding him, yet specific group of companions the way around them, he's the head of the army. He's the Chief General sallallahu wasallam. And amongst those that the Prophet Muhammad SAW some head surrounding him is zubaid radi Allahu taala know, in which the Prophet Muhammad SAW Some said, for every prophet,

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every prophet Hara disciple, and my disciple is is a wait.

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So proud of Allah and he's one of the 10 guaranteed gentlemen.

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And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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ordered the companies to attack

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to go all out and obviously clash, but each one of them is gonna take on how many? Each one of them is up against for 700 against 3000. Each one of them needs to take care of

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and they fought bravely, with full courage against their enemy, one fighting for the sake of an odd with others writing for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala one fighting to defend the problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam The other one is fighting to defeat the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam one is fighting to uphold the deen of Allah no one is wanting to destroy the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala and amongst those that has always shown and displays a strong display and illustration of bravery is the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Hamza. Hamza is the one that was nicknamed as the Lord of Allah, the Lord of the Messenger of Allah. He was very close in age of the

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problem Hamilton Lawson brave, strong, courageous when he fights for smoke alone

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when he used to hunt before Islam, in Avista garden, hunt goats and sheep,

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he used to hunt lions. That's how brave he was, all the time. But a hint

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he she lost her father, her brother

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and a lot of relatives in the better or better. She wanted to retell a so she went and hired

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a washi wishy

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washy habashi. So when annoyed, washy, even horrible habashi he was a slave, but he was a very good error and species.

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She tested him. She trolled him and she said to him, You kill Hamza for me on that battle of free to get freedom that's worth a lot.

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And we're talking about slavery that doesn't exist inshallah doesn't exist in a time, even after our time, but back then they cease to exist for a slave to free himself. Like that's a huge achievement. handset team. You kill Hamza, you kill him in a battle of 100 of free. So obviously,

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he obviously was she was ready and prepared. He came and he was just hunting for her for Hamza.

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While Hamza is firing like a lion

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with full bravery and courage washi was observing him, watching him

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waiting for the best moment to strike. He had prepared the speed, just really insane to be sure. A one person doesn't care about the wrist. It's only one person. His target is Hamza Hamza de la Mancha Lauren occupied in killing the enemies of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his enemies. But there's one person that's targeting him and that's watching. And once it is not like your typical person that just shoots he knows how to shoot. He's a good shooter. Waiting for the best moment and he shot him with a speed that's

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came right into the stomach of Hamza that made him fall dead.

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Now what happened at the end, he was looking for Hamza, and she opened the stomach and she even took his blood out, and Bill as a sign of retaliation.

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Even if Hamza had died, this habla de la talana was still fighting with full bravery and courage

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and their numbers.

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The numbers of the non believers had the numbers of the believers by four times but the handle other believers were fighting with full bravery or full courage depending on Allah subhanho wa Taala. But since Allah subhanaw taala support amongst them, a wonderful fighting on the battlefield, he had 100 to 200 horsemen, they saw that gap between the mountain of the arches and the mountain of a hug, and they tried to penetrate a by every time they tried to do that yet 50 archers on a mountain of the artists, they shot them and push them back.

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They attempted once, twice, three times and every time let's do 100 horsemen led by Khalid Khalid 200 horsemen from the people of Christ led Buhari every time the tried and attempted to penetrate the lines of the believers to get from behind and attack them. That's 50 archers pushing back with the errors.

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Every time they tried, they'll be showered with errors by 50 archers coming onto them, so they will always push back.

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And the believers are continuing to fart with full bravery and courage. Allahu Akbar what's happening he even though the non believers outnumber the numbers of the believers before tours, but the believers initially and at the very beginning they want the better on the push them back.

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To the extent that the nonbelief start to retreat, the battlefield, the Quran, resist the Quran, resist and fight against the believers there couldn't withstand that positions. And the 700 fighters are fighting so bravely until the police come back and they start to run away and retreat. Allahu Akbar, what a victory.

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Now obviously,

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the non believers are retreating now, at the very beginning, the Muslims are winning

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700 managed to petrify 3000 fighters that have been pushed back the left the women behind the woman starts to scream at him and shout come back.

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And then we'll just fling the battlefield the Koran

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too strong. Yes. Without number them for four times but they too strong they start to flee

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and have the level tech beard was there the law?

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We had one Allahu Akbar, we are victorious Allah Akbar, we defeated enemies of Allah subhanaw taala. And the non believers are Flink and the Muslims are chanting, calling sang al hamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar, we had one.

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When the enemy leaves the battlefield, the leave behind the booty.

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So the Muslim father start to collect the beauties that were left behind, but the non believers he's observing that from a high

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end, from the top of the mountain, the fish, the archers, that are watching, they've got the best seat in the stadium. Now on the top, they're gonna see everything that's happening on the battlefield

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and have the leverage on the people of corrosion there. And the horsemen legba has ever come to try to penetrate the laws of the believers. The pushing back though showered them with errors.

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But then when the non believers start to retreat, and the Muslims start to pursue them, and then they start to collect the booty, that's 50 artists from the mountain are watching Allahu Akbar, we had one, Allahu Akbar we have defeated the people of Allah Akbar the paper price or retraining the battlefield. But at the same time, the watching and seeing what the Muslims are collecting the brewery

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collecting all the goods and the valuables of the people of Christ are left

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on the battlefield.

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So panela is everyone happy? Enjoy the Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us victory. But you know, are

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we standing up here protecting the backs of the Muslims, while the rest of these people that are trying to protect a wall are collecting the booty? They're gonna benefit from this beauty. And we're gonna miss out somehow and Allah

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where the mindset went to start from one person you know that spark? The ignition

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instigation starts from one person look, are we gonna stay here while the rest of the Muslims collect the Buddha when we fought like them? We protected them. We were the reason that these people won. No, no, we need to come down and also get a share of the beauty.

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He turns around. I'm delighted to debate the leader

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Fear loss of how not Did you forget the click instructions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Do not leave, do not come down whether we win or lose even if you see us being slaughtered and the birds are eating a flesh Stay where you are. You can't ask for anything clearer than that.

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You can't ask for anything clearer than that. But

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that was before winning the battle royale handler look at them they fling we want they're gonna get the beaters we're gonna miss out and they let us say to them Don't move. I warn you from disobeying the orders of the Prophet Mohammed Salah lawless and stay where you are, then leave your post that move Stay where you are.

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I going here and there out of the 5045

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out of the 50 arches. The problem how much Allah Selim had told and clearly instructed, do not leave or come down unless you see us unless you get instruction from me Even if you say has been slaughtered out of the 5045 came down from the mountain.

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This by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and they later out of the 50 how many 45?

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out of the 50 How many are left on the mountain now? Early fourth. Before there were 5050 can push back 200 horsemen what's five going to do?

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So 50 were ordered by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam position that mountain, they were instructed not to come down. While the problem homosassa learn no matter what the situation is, no matter what the scenario is you stay there. But then when they saw that the Muslims had defeated their enemies and the enemies are fleeing out of the 5045 decided to come down they will move by the dunya

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and I believe in the debate and for others stayed on the mountain.

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They came down with happiness and joy of course they're gonna be happy and joyful. They came down with happiness and joy together and celebrate their victory that Allah subhana wa tada blessed him with and to be part of those that will get the share of the beauty.

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Now who's seen that from far college knowledge with the other 200 horsemen?

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They saw the mountain from 50 people what happened there is only five what an opportunity to golden opportunity. They thought Mahatma Gandhi had left no no hardwood he just thought the behind the mountain was 200 horsemen from the people of Christ. He tried an attempt in 10 many times to penetrate that gap between the mountain ahead and the mountain of arches. But every time he tried that they were pushed by the 50 arches. Why not? Five? that's doable. manageable. So he attacked? Yes, the show as much as they could. But what's hard to get those five down that took them down?

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And now that gap behind the Sahaba behind the Muslims is empty. My alley it's empty was this harbor. It's not like the flooding have they preparing themselves of collecting the rivers to occupy the collecting the beauty.

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You can't ask for a better opportunity.

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You can't ask for a better opportunity than this opportunity in warfare. So hard them normally then it's 200 horsemen with economic jam they managed to attack took down as far as arches going in that gap between the mountain of arches and mountain of aha while the believers are celebrating their victory and are happy and ever warmed in collecting the beauty of the non believers from the other side, a flank. The Muslims are only 700. So 200 horsemen against 700 include your ad the host, as always is another person fighting, if not to, in episode service to give two shares for the horse, one share for the foot soldier. So 200 horsemen that's equivalent to 500 fighters

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200 horsemen on their horses fighting against people on the ground. A horse is like a fighter

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in the bisazza will give the horse t shares. So it's like two fighters

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200 horsemen from the people of crush attack the Muslims are occupied

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in collecting the fury, why? Because of this 45 that came down from the mountain. If there was still there, they would have pushed him back. They've tried that many times on the push them back. But because they disobeyed the Prophet Mohammed Sawsan, you never disobey the process.

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You never ever disobey the Prophet Muhammad SAW some regardless, doesn't matter how you calculate or how you perceive or how you look at it. You never ever disobey the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:59

So they come from behind this yellow dial and while the non believers are retreating from far no running away, they saw how the 200 was men coming from behind the Prophet Mohammed Salah salams army and the Muslims. They saw from further women start to call them saying, look, Clarence is coming from the other side. This is opportunity for us to come back and then they managed to come back afterwards.

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blank. Now we're going to go back on.

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But then

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they managed to

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regroup and come back. Say you've got the 200 horsemen attacking the problem, I'm going to Los Alamos from behind, and then the rest of the 3000 fighters are the people of Christ following the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from

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the front of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam. On top of all this is not like this, either we're carrying this or we're busy collecting the beauty.

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And you could imagine that the Muslims were caught in between two armies, the one from the back, and one from the front.

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That will get attacked and smashed.

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By the 200 horsemen of the people of Christ led Mohannad from behind, and the rest of the soldiers from the front

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window, all the pressure going to going on the head, the leader of the Muslims, take him down and take everyone else. So all the people of course, are looking for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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Whereas Muhammad,

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look for Muhammad, and you've got brave, strong

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fighters from the people of crush, though we go on our lap just to find Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam attack him kill him. Take the entire

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Muslim oma down was Muhammad. And that's where the Prophet Mohammed Salah Sam start to call upon the Sahaba to protect him defending

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and the Sahaba the law to Allah know, whoever saw the problem homosassa lamb, they went around the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is saying, who will protect me from them and push them away from me and Allah azza wa jal give him the agenda. And the Sahaba Tron to surround the profile is awesome, but at the same time, those scattered, it's not like they were together, they were all over the battlefield. The non believers had penetrated the roads and the Lords of the Sahaba of the

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Ico altogether here and there, you've got a grip here and a grip then a grip here and grip there. They were just get on the curve and see the profile is awesome. Even here, the provider is a lot of us. And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam says, who's willing to push them away from him, he'll be my companion and agenda and the Sahaba trying to be around the Prophet Muhammad Allah.

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To the extent they didn't know at the end, some of them didn't even know if the problem Amazon was killed after everything just went loose.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:36

And there's a habit of the Lodi anonymous control. And there are no he's here and what's wrong and that even though

00:37:37 --> 00:37:39

the rumors start to spread around

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the room itself to spread around the Mohammed Salam had died, then and then Hagen to verify it. luck, the cells scattered out of control.

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This organized and they brought this upon themselves. Why? Because they've disobeyed the Prophet Muhammad SAW some

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other ones that had victory, the broader and Allah subhanaw taala says that no, chronically, it said, but they brought upon themselves.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:12

The Marchesa but at home he brought upon yourself

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the process I'm told you then come down. And unfortunately, unfortunately, the majority paid the price of the few.

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It's only those 45 that is a better proposal. No, it's not. That's 45 and you know what, that's 45 sincerely and genuinely not like out of evilness they did it just made the wrong judgment. But the wrong gentlemen made the entire companions and the reason the and the army have the problem of Amazon paid the price. Then think wrong of this 45 years they discovered the problem with Amazon seller, but not out of evilness. Not Adam hate wrong judgment. Wrong judgment.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:01

They thought you know what? Coming down will support the problem with Amazon but the processing was very clean. You never ever disobey the problem Amazon regardless.

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You never ever got I guess they trusted with the Amazon selling regardless, when the browser told you to do something to stick to it. That's it, you don't disappear. So the rumors start to spread around that the problem hamazon has been killed. Now you imagine you're one of those fighters fighting when the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim and you receive the news of the prophet SAW Salem was killed, what's gonna happen, you're gonna be de motivated.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:29

You're gonna lose all the enthusiasm and motivation. You're fighting for love with him. He's dead, what's gonna happen there.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:59

So I love this. I have it on the lot to lose motivation, some of whom stop fighting. Some of them even stopped fighting. That one companion by the name of and as a mother, one pastor said, What did you stop fighting for? He said, They replied back to him and said to him, didn't change the problem. Hamilton was almost killed. So no sort of the low tide I know replies back to them. And he says, If the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really got killed, then what's the point of view living after the problem? I'm sorry.

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what's the point of the living of the Prophet Muhammad wa salam is that get up and fought for what the prophet Mohammed doesn't fulfill and boy, there was a prophet Muhammad SAW said I'm died and he continued to fight until he collapsed did

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he's no one knew him or no one knew his body until he says it's the new from Islam. That's how many steps and that's how many injuries they had and when they had on his body

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that's one companion.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:33

So when the new start to spread the rim of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was killed

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the Sahaba the alota sought to lose motivation, but others, they said no way. We're not going to accept them to say, well that annoys we need to verify it. And that's when they just continue to fall with full bravery and courage. Looking for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to protect the Prophet Muhammad Allah is Allah Azza wa sallam to be around the Prophet Mohammed Salah Sallam said the problem hamazon had a group of companions who were around them, they besieged the problem homosassa lamp there were like a war around the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and amongst those that was with the problem Hamlet's Allah salla Mosaddegh never occurs. He was next to

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the Prophet Muhammad Allah is salat wa salam, and continue to protect the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam assured the errors in protecting the provider is Salatu was Salam never told me did the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to continue doing that, my Allah subhanaw taala protect you the way you protect your mother and father.

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And all the pressure started Come on finding the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so you could imagine was a very, very hard, challenging moment for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that later on the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam was asked or messenger of Allah. Have you ever encountered the day in your life more challenging and harsher than they have heard?

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In the bass Allah Allah Allah wa sallam had to regroup

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in the bass Allah, Allah Allah, Allah to bring this a habit of the law to Allah know.

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What happened to the provider is Salatu was Salam. He fell in a hole

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that was dug by nonbeliever specifically for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that the ring of his helmet went into the cheek of the profiler is Salatu was Salam. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam look at the the reaction of the profile a saucer and never saw some fill in a hole that was specifically dug for him. sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and this house dug by a man his name.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:51

Specifically, he knew he he looked at it and he did the how the process of filling and lips awesome got injured. That was the worst injury the problem hamazon solem encountered on that battle.

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After the problem hamazon got injured one of the premises on the lock imagine of a leader they'll swear scream, shout

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run away. And there'll be some a lolly or Salaam with a broken heart he says how would these people succeed? How would these people succeed when they had injured the end Prophet and the Prophet Allah call him to Allah in episodes are still cares about him? It's not gonna be so lost lm said, My Allah destroyed them, my Allah kill them, mala get rid of him, ma Allah Subhana Allah will be accepted because he's the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah

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in the heat of the battle.

00:43:33 --> 00:43:47

Well, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam stuck in the hollow he got injured and never saw it never broken up and never saw so I was heartbroken for them and I was upset for them, saying how would these people succeed when they injure the Emperor for

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upset for him Subhana Allah His heart is broken for him. It shows you the character of this masala holiday was said I'm not a man that came because he wanted to destroy and kill as a bloodshed.

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By Nevis also wanted to save these people live up until this moment, until that moment, if the people of Christ General said or messenger of Allah shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and there was also would have accepted

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the famous Hadith when one of the companions was pursuing one of the non believers to kill him when he had the opportunity to kill him and he had the upper hand he tend to recite the shadow Allah Allah subhanaw taala you look at it logically what he tried to pull my leg he killed him.

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But he this companion was uncomfortable there was discomfort is so I went to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Messenger of Allah I was chasing him chasing chasing was about to kill me but I had the chance to kill him I had the upper hand so I killed him up before I killed him said that Allah and Allah, Masha Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. And it was awesome tender I said he killed him off they said the Shahada.

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He said O Messenger of Allah was very obvious for me that this person was trying to escape death.

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He was about to kill me. But then I had the opportunity to kill him and then he said that shadow Allah

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rabbitohs Allah, it's a very clicker, it's tiny. It's fabricated.

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Yeah, I literally just run away and escaped death. And it was awesome again told him you killed him after he said the Shahada locking themselves I was shocked.

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He said, O Messenger of Allah, it was very clear to me the only reason that he said that he had his escape. So the third time, I've said to him, You killed him after he said the Shahada.

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So this companion said, well, law, he never felt embarrassed, as much as I did that time. So I replied back to the problem homosassa lemina, third tomasetti, my messenger of Allah, it was very clear to me that he wanted to escape this. So the problem hamazon told him the Japanese and say what's enough

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luck, it's click up by the end of the day, it's not your call.

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Even up until that moment, if these people turn around, said O Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, so Allah in Ibiza laws and we've embraced them and maybe someone would have accepted them.

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in Ibiza, Lhasa just fell into how that no come up. Had duck for the problem. homosassa he fell in his he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got injured. And there the problem homosassa I'm saying how would these people succeed when they injure their own profit? So Pamela, the mindset of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam it's about saving people from the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala not simply Brunel fire and killing people.

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So at that moment, there's a habit of the low tide I don't manage to pull the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam out of the home, including Baja, ignored by the love or the low tide

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and thought he was amongst those companions, who was besieging the problem homosassa and protecting the profiler is Salatu was salam, and fighting with full bravery and protecting the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Turner said, Whoever wants to see a man from the people of the Jenner and a martyr walking on the face of this earth, then look at all hi ignored by the law.

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That's how much he protected the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and stood by the prophet alayhi salatu was Salam.

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In the base, Allah Allah Allah wa salam was when a very he was in a very difficult position. The best way is for the problem homosassa to regroup the Sahaba of the Lord

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and to retreat towards the mountain of jihad. That's why the problem Hamlet's olalia, seldom referred to the mountain of hope, as a mountain that we love loves us. Santa Rosa law said I'm start to call upon the Sahaba the low tide on a retreat or the mountain. So they found a gap that they had to climb to, for them to go and retreat and protect themselves and safeguard themselves from the vicious offense and attack of the people of Christ. So the Sahaba the Allah tala Adam led by the professors from start to retreat in the mountain. With that insha Allah will continue in our next episode next week. What the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba the alota

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Allah and him did when they retreated to the mountain of Mahatma Allah subhanaw taala omegas to be from amongst those who listen he act upon the listening. So Palak Olam hunter Ganesha de la la land the stuffer to be like

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