Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 06

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallavi sallam is a term used in history to describe the actions of the prophets on Ilana cylinders. The importance of helping people in their fight against oppression and being true to oneself is emphasized. The speakers discuss the loss of love, privacy, and privacy in life due to natural causes and the need for privacy in life. The construction of a cargo building and hedges are also mentioned. The importance of honesty and truthfulness in marriage is emphasized, and the use of hedges to prevent unwanted visitors from entering the cargo is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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ala Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed

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Ibrahim Ibrahim Majeed. So we were learning about the early manhood of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his childhood and his manhood. We learned that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was still in his teens, so around the time when he was 15, or 20, a battle took place in Makkah, or in Arabia, and what was his battle? This battle was known as the Battle of fritjof fija, what's the root of the word for job? Good? Mashallah. And what does it mean, for Jews?

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Have you read this word? You have? Okay, good. So it gives the meaning of sinning, right, crossing the limits coming out of the limits that have been set, and thus committing a sin. All right. So for john, the reason why this battle was called vigil was because it was fought in one of the sacred months. Now, what's the story behind it? The story behind it is that there used to be a fair, Alright, that was held at rocas. And this fair, was basically like a carnival in which people would buy and sell and they would also play games. There were many competitions, poetry, competitions, horse racing, so on and so forth. And you can imagine that when people are gathered in such a place,

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and they're busy in such activities, and what will happen, differences in arguments also, right, one person wins, the other loses, he gets angry, right. And then a small argument leads to a big fight, and then people join their friends. And then this is how a small difference sparked a battle. All right. And the reason why it was called fajita was because it was fought in the sacred months. All right. And there wasn't just one battle. There were actually four battles, one after the other. All right. And in the last of these four battles, we see that all tribes have they joined the housing and all the tribes have Kiana joined the kurush. So it's not just one tribe fighting another tribe.

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It's like people, all the tribes were divided into two groups. All right, and all of them were fighting against each other. So obviously, the Quraysh were a big part of this battle. And that meant that the prophets on Ilana cylinders, relatives were also involved in this battle, which meant that even though he was 15, or 20, he had to participate as well. So in the last of these four battles, the prophets on Alon ism helped his uncle's he didn't participate in the battle directly. He just assisted his uncle's how that his job was to just collect the arrows and hand them to the to his uncles, and at this time, he was 15 or 20. Now, eventually, this battle ended up in a peace

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agreement, and the light was over. But what do we learn from the action of the prophets on avantis? And the fact that he participated in a battle, assisting his uncle's at an age of 15? Or 20? What do we see about him over here? courage is bravery. Right? Going to battle scene war, seeing blood is not easy. It's not easy at all. But we see the courage of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam his bravery over here, his strength over here. And how he did not get scared, he he did not back off, he he went ahead, and he did what he was supposed to do, then we see that after this battle, the people have punished specifically the uncles of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and amongst them also surveyed

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when Abdulmutallab he felt the need to bring the Arabs together, because obviously this battle meant a great division amongst the people. And when people are divided, then what happens? They oppress each other. Correct. So in in their history, there had been a pact known as helpful for dual or health almost even, right, because this was basically a pact in which the people who participated in all of them, you know, they or not all of them, most of them, their names, the word fuddle in it. So from that, the health of football, meaning so many people whose name was fuddle, or because they dip their hands in sleep in perfume, alright, because they couldn't write, they couldn't sign a pact. So

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what would they do? They would dip their hand in blood in perfume or whatever to show that they were committed and they had agreed to abide by that pact. All right. Now, what was this fact in their history? It was basically a bag that was made by certain leaders in their fight against oppression, that they would not allow any oppression to take place. And if anyone would be oppressed, they

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would take his side and they would help him. Because we have to understand over here that in Arabia, what was the trend, that your brother, your uncle, your relative, your cousin, someone from your tribe, you help them whether they are right or they're wrong. All right, it doesn't matter what the reason is, the only justification is what they are related to you. So you have to assist them. So this fact meant what that you have to look beyond your relationships and see who needs help. All right, who is being oppressed and who needs help. So what happened after this battle, the Battle of Fallujah was that a man as a baby man came from Yemen, he came to Mecca, right? And when people

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would come to Morocco, what would they bring with them stuff so that they could sell it make money or earn a profit. And they could also pay off for their trip, and they would go back home. So this man came to America, and he made some sales to a man by the name of us been wild. All right. Now this man, he took the stuff but he never paid. He never paid that Yemeni man. All right. Now, this Yemeni man, he went to many people, he went to been abducted by ID and other tribes seeking help that please, can you get my money from us? Meanwhile, if he doesn't give me the money, how am I supposed to go home? I sold him the stuff. He said he bought it, but he never paid me. So nobody

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heard him. Nobody helped him, nobody assisted him. So this man, he realized that as been while he's a big name, right in Makkah. So he said, I have to make an issue out of this. This is just like when people are not heard, what do they call press? Right? They have a press conference or something, they reach out to the media, right? Because if you make it into a public issue, then people are concerned about their image, and then they will listen to you and then and then they will fix the problem. Right? So this man did something similar. What did he do? He climbed up on one of the mountains near the Kaaba. And this mountain is Jebel case. This is the mountain where the kings of

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the palaces of the Kingston today, all right, so anyway, he stood on that mountain and he described his sorry state in in verses of poetry. And obviously this melted the hearts of many people, including the uncle of the prophets, Allah listen to Beethoven,

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Beethoven and Mozart, he felt the need to revive that fact, which backed helpful for those. All right, so he gathered some people together in the house of one of the nobles, and he invited them to revive that back and whose house was this of Abdullah bin Geodon, and all of the participants, the major, major chiefs, you consider the leaders of of Makkah, they all agreed that any person who would be oppressed in Makkah, they would help him whether that person would be a resident or a visitor, they will stand in defense of him. Now, if you think about it, this is something very noble and you know, who was one of the participants, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, this

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fact happened just a few months after the Battle of Fidel. So how old do you think the prophets are? A lot of them it was either 15 or 20. So as a young man Also, look at how active he is Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in what? in fighting oppression, standing up for justice as much as he was able to. And later on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was heard saying Lucha hate to feed that he or the lack of needed an helfen that I witnessed a treaty that took place in the house of Abdullah bin did on and where I asked to uphold it it in Islam, I would do so meaning if I was asked to come and participate in such a treaty today also, I would do so I would never stay back. And I would not be

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willing to give up my place for a huge group of red camels. Meaning I have no regrets. What does this teach us? That first of all, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam how concerned he was for the welfare of all people, not just his family, not just his tribe, not himself. He's concerned about who others. And generally what happens when we have gone through difficulty ourselves. Consider the difficulties of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam born as an orphan, the person who loses his mother and his grandfather, and now he's growing up in poverty from childhood from the age of three, he's been working, alright. And yet, who is he concerned about? Those who are being oppressed? This is what

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brings us happiness. This is what brings us contentment. The thing is that when we focus entirely on ourselves and our petty issues are not even petty, even if they're real big problems. When we're focused entirely on our problems, we live in misery, we are upset. But when we look beyond our

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selves, then what happens, our problems, they fade away, they become less. So the way to live a happy life is what? be concerned for others, because problems in life, they never go away. Never ever, right? We think, you know, for instance, little children, their concerns are my candy and my chocolate and my this and I don't want to share, right? What happens as they grow up. It's my car, it's my room, it's my computer, it's my phone. And then what happens as I grow older, my house, my money, right? And then my children, my choice, my life.

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So, my health, my health issues, I mean, one thing after the other, this life is full of endless problems. And if we focus just on ourselves, we're not going to produce anything. So let's look at others and be concerned for them. And a lot of panel data will help us in Sharla, because the one who is concerned about other people, he's trying to help them, then who is helping him a lot of panel data helps him. So we see this in Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that from a young age, he was concerned about humanity at large, sensitive, not selfish, but sensitive, right for others. And then we also see that the prophets a lot isn't it was proud of the fact that he was involved in a pact

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like this. Right? The cause that he was involved in, if you think about it, it was not a purely religious cause. Right. But it involves justice, truth, helping those who were oppressed and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was in favor of this, he never regretted this. And this shows to us that if living in a non non Muslim society, there is an opportunity to stand up for justice, for truth, for honesty, for defending those who are oppressed, standing up for their rights, then as Muslims, we should be participating in these things. Then we see that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he got married. All right. And how did he get married? Who did he get married to? Khadija rhodiola,

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Miranda? The prophets on a lot of Cena, what was his profession? What was he working as mainly as a shepherd? All right. Now, how do you get a little more on her, she had an older sister, and her older sister, she had a flock and she hired a men to work as a shepherd for her. And at one occasion, she also hired the prophets of the law to send them. Now both the men, that men who was originally hired and with him now the prophets of Allah sent him both the men, they went to do their job, they took the herd. And when they returned, they had to go collect their wages. The prophets, a lot of them sent them and he said, you go collect the wages, because we have to go to a woman, you

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go collect the wages, I'm too shy, I'm not coming. All right. Because, imagine, a noble man, a man who has dignity, a man who realizes his responsibility that he is do is to care for women, he will never go and demand from a woman. You understand? Because men who are the one, correct their job, their role is to look after women, to provide for them not go in demand from them.

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You understand? So the prophets have a lot of them due to his inability and China's he was hesitant. He did not want to go and demand from the woman, baby. Where's my money? I worked for you. All right. So what happened? He sent his friend He said, You go and collect my wages, too. So, Khadija Lula and her sister when she asked, Where is Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. The man said that he that he was too shy to come. So she praised him. And she said, I have not seen any men who was more shy, more honorable, more noble, and more chaste in his interactions, then Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you know who was with her at that point? He did a little Marina. So this was the first

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time that they jolanda had heard about, but also de la sal, Allahu Allah. All right. Now what happened? So these are the lower on her. She was a wealthy woman. How was she wealthy? She had been married twice before. And she had lost both her husband one after the other. So she got married husband died, remarried husband died. Alright, so she was widowed twice, and she was living as a widow. And she had decided not to marry. All right. And her second husband had left behind a huge fortune. And when he died, he didn't leave behind any parents and siblings or children. So what happened to digitalocean? How was the only air so this is how the digital ohana inherited a lot of

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wealth and she was quite well off. Right now she didn't just sit with that money and use it she wished to invest it. And the people of MCI regularly went for trade and business.

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All right. So as a woman, she could not participate directly. She could not travel to a sham to Yemen for business. So what would she do? She would hire people and she would request people, can you please take my merchandise? I'll give you 30% share of the profits. I'll give you 50%. I'll give you 20%. But each time she felt like she was cheated, that people were not entirely honest with her. All right. And it happens sometimes that because you can't see exactly what happened. You you feel like you've been cheated. You know, for instance, if you go to the grocery store, you buy your groceries and the person never gives you a receipt. All right, and you realize when you get to the

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car, you're looking for the receipt, you can't find it and you're like, was I cheated over here? How can I pay $200 for this grocery? It doesn't make sense.

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You know, and and you don't know how to go back and ask, so you feel uncomfortable inside you feel like you've been cheated, you feel like you've been lied to so for the chocolate on her, she always felt dissatisfied with her experience. You know, anytime she hired someone she was not satisfied. Now what happened? She wanted that she should find someone who would take her merchandise and really do an honest job. And when she heard about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he was so dignified, so honorable, she realized that a man like this would not lie. A man like this would not cheat. A man like this would not be dishonest. Right? So she requested the prophets of a lot of them she sent

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a message to him requesting him if he could take her merchandise. Now, remember that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not a businessman. He did not have any experience and trade. He was also quite young, he was in his 20s. But Khadija Alomar on her

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ignored both of these issues, the fact that he he had lack of experience and the fact that he was also very young. The only reason why she approached him was what? his honesty, his inability, the inability of his character. All right. The prophets have a lot of them look at his nobility. He doesn't just say, yes, of course, why not? No, he goes to his uncle obatala. And he asks him for advice. What do you think, my uncle, should I accept this offer? And his uncle encouraged him? And he said, Yes, for sure. Because she is a well off woman. And she needs help. Why not? Don't say no to her. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam agreed, and Khadija Ravana she said that she would give him

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50% profit. And this was also an A further incentive so that he would be more honest and he would do his best. And when she handed over the merchandise to the profit total on his end when he was to go on that trade journey, she sent along with him one of her servants It is said that that servants name was my setup. All right, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he went to a city known as Basra. All right, this is not Iraq. This is rather a small town near Damascus. All right. So they went over there for the purpose of trade. And when the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was involved in business, obviously when you're buying and selling, you're interacting with people, it shows your character.

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In this we learn that it is which is an other we'll move on which is also a collection of Buhari. We learned this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been described as the last parameter that says antilog de Waal suli Some may to call matawa. Kill laser befouling, while Allah leighlin what else a Harbin film as well. But you are my servant and my messenger, I have named you and with our kill the one who trusts who is neither course nor harsh nor loud in the markets, neither chorus, nor harsh nor loud in the markets, that even in a busy place, such as a market where you're desperate to sell. All right, and you want to make as much profit as possible. How was the clock the manner of

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the Prophet sallallahu? Salah? How was it? It was very noble. He was not loud. So the prophets, a lot of sudden when he returned to Makkah after the trade trip, he returned with multiple profits of the graph, right meaning over 100% you could see, so he returned with a whole lot of profit and Mesa, the servant of Khadija she told her he told her about the care the concern the honesty of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his dealings and his transactions. And I mean, it is said that mace it also said that when they were traveling, there was a cloud constantly above them, providing them shade. And there are such things such details that have been important, but remember that there is

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no basis for such details. Definitely, there was Baraka, right there was blessing because if the profits on a lot of them was mine,

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of course Allah who plays one okay if you think about it, if you go back to when the Prophet sallallahu was a baby when he was sent with Halle Masada what happened to her camel? It began walking fast. What happened to her the Masada herself her milk supply increased. All right, what happened to her? or animals or goats or goat even that produced so much milk so much bamaca and this is the reason why Holly Masada wanted to keep the profits on Alison and with with her, right, then we see that I will Polly was also quite poor. But when the prophets Allah said him came to stay with him, there was Baraka in his in his money, so much so that the food for one person would suffice the

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entire family.

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Can you imagine? One serving is enough for the entire family and the family of obatala was not small. So there was definitely Baraka. So when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was he did this trade, of course, there was Baraka and Hadi. Joe was very, very impressed.

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And she was interested in marrying him. All right, because firstly, he was praised so highly by her sister and then she witnessed his honesty, sincerity, his modesty, his humility, as well as his skills, he was handsome, he was respectable. So she expressed her interest in marrying him and she expressed his interest before one of her friends. All right, this has happened usually, girls talk about these things, right? Or at least friends. They talk about these things. So anyway, Khadija Lorena expressed her wish to marry Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam before her friend Nafisa. Nafisa also knew the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So she said, Leave this to me. I'll get this done. So she went

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to the prophets of Allah salon. And she said, Oh, Mohammed, why don't you get married?

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He said, Who will marry me? I'm an orphan. Why would anyone marry me? Meaning I don't have much Well, I've lived with my uncle. And I've grown up in poverty. I'm not. I'm not a businessman. I don't have my two who would want to marry me? So Nafisa said what if a teacher wanted to marry you? So the prophets on Lawson was quiet? And what does that mean?

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Okay, shocked. And also, I would consider that Why not? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was quiet, and then he said, Why would she want to marry me?

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And that was it.

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But notice, he did not say no.

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All right, so and ifisa she gave this idea to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and she told him basically that Khadija is interested, if you if you propose, she will not refuse. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam again, his noble habit, he went and consulted his uncle.

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All right, and uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he sent the proposal to the uncle of Khadija de la Marina.

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And hoodies are at the lower end has uncle, he accepted the proposal.

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And this was around three months had passed. Since the prophets, a lot of them had returned from the business trip. And what happened the proposal is accepted, the marriage was done, nikka was performed, and the uncle of the prophets of Allah and he gave a hotel also hope as he began by mentioning the praise of a last panel Tada. And then he mentioned the nobility of the Quraysh their lineage and their accomplishments and their nobility and any praise the Prophet sallallahu cinnamal. So, and he especially praised the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for his character, and the uncle of Khadija. He accepted Egypt qubool basically that happened marriage took place, and the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam even gave her the Judah

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and what was that mob? 12 lupia of silver? Right lupia it's like 12 nuggets of silver.

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And according to others 20 camels or we also learn about six camels. So along with them, how much exactly it was, but definitely the prophets of Allah said him gave her some amount of money. And this marriage occurred three months after the prophet SAW the loss and returned from Muslim. Well where did occur, Ellen for

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a loss penalties favors on Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam numerous with difficulty is ease.

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Now remember that Khadija although on her, she had been married how many times before? twice and she had been widowed twice. Now? How old was she? When she got married to the prophets a lot is

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40 years old.

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The commonly held belief is that she was 40 years old.

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But remember that this is a minority

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minority. What do I mean by that? Very few scholars that say that she was 14. In fact, there's one scholar, I want historian lrpt and alacati. I mean, was a scholar but not an authority when it comes to Sierra.

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All right. Now there are other scholars who are a greater authority when it comes to Sierra. And there are more than one who say that she was not 40. Rather, she was in her late 20s. All right. And this has been said by even Cathy Bay hockey, even is how All right, and there are numerous reports that indicate that she was in her 20s, late 20s when she got married to the prophets, a lot is on them.

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And if you think about it, this makes more sense. Why?

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How many children did she have with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam six, a woman who is in her 40s?

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It will be very rare. All right, that you would find that a woman in her 40s is having six children every two years. Okay, that is also possible. But we see that on average, in general, this is something that's not quite common. I mean, unless Pousada can give anything to anybody, if you look at the wife of Ibrahim or listen, I'm the wife of the Korean a sinner. Definitely possible. All right. But anyway, regardless, if you consider this fact that there's one scholar mainly who said one historian who said that she was around 40. But the earliest reports, considering that even his heart was one of the first historians who collected the seed of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. These

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reports indicate that she was in her 20s. So a lot of you should be familiar with this fact also, that there is a possibility that she was younger than that. But in either case, whether she was 28, or 40, what matters to us is not the age what matters to us is the fact that she is one of our mothers, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, someone who loved him, dearly, respected him, and supported him.

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And she was the most fitting person to be his wife, as we will see, when the profit or loss and receive profit and how she supported him and, and cared for him.

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Now, the marriage of the prophets a lot is that and what can we learn from this? What is it that attracted her digital, the lower now, it was his character, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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It is said that a digital photo on her was proposed, you know, by many men, many men of the kadesh I proposed to her for marriage, because obviously, whether she was 14 or 28, a woman, but she had wealth, she was rich.

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Alright, and as you would learn in ChildLine, sort of how in that society, I mean, people would perform marriage after marriage, whether young or old, or whatever the case was simply for what reason to get that girls that woman's wealth. You know, for instance, an orphan girl, a man would marry her simply so that he could get her date bombs. That's it. That was the only reason

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just so that he could get her wealth, even if that wealth was just one tree, or two trees.

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You understand? So these are a little one, huh? I mean, it is said that she was proposed by many noble men, but she chose the Prophet sallallahu Sallam why because of his character. It was this character that elevated him, she saw him best for her business, and also as a life partner.

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And also we see that collegiata blow on her, she had to be cheated many times before in order to appreciate honesty.

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Right? Because sometimes when when we are cheated by others, right? Others lie to us or we feel like we can't get anywhere. You know, we have made so many attempts to go further in a particular field but it's just not working out. Right. So then we get disappointed and disheartened and we give up. But remember that if something is not working out, maybe a loss pans out is directing you towards something else and inshallah that will be much better for you. You know, for instance, a person might feel that why was I cheated

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by so many people?

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Why was I lied to?

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When you think about your past, how certain people treated you. They were harsh to you. They lied to you. They cheated you whatever it may be. You feel like you were betrayed. It was not fair.

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But maybe you would not value honesty and truthfulness. You would not value other good things. If you had not

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had those bitter experiences?

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Right? So bitter experiences, even they were good for you sometimes in the model or three, you saw with difficulty is, is, there is good there is, what else do we see in the marriage of a sort of loss of love.

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But in the way they got married, what do we learn from that? Okay? I mean, the fact that Khadija below on her show expressed her interest in getting married to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, right, but we don't see any vulgarity over here.

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Do we know she's speaking to her friend and her friend is taking that forward to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and you see the conversation is so noble. There is no vulgarity.

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But it's very modest. It's direct, it's to the point. And this shows that there is absolutely no problem if a woman has, you know, such an interest as long as nothing wrong is done. Yes. Very true. Very true. I mean, three months,

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from propose from the initial thought to the to the talking process, and the proposal and the marriage three months and done, and what happens today. First, we have to investigate and then we have to meet them once and then we have to meet them again. And then we have to meet them again. Right? We're still not settled, we're still not satisfied. And just goes on and on and on forever. Right. And it gets more and more difficult, but we see the simplicity in the marriage that took place over here.

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Also, we see that the lack of Khadija Alanna

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her personality, I think about it a woman who has been widowed twice.

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She works herself she has her business. Alright. Typically a woman like this, how would her nature be?

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I don't need men. I don't need to be married. Who needs a man? I'm a man, I'm better than a man.

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Right? I'm fully independent.

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You see that softness in her. She's not harsh. She's still soft. And we see that even more when she's married to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Because generally, when we go through difficulties in life, we think that we have to be very rough and tough and crude and, and harsh and we shouldn't feel like a woman and we don't need to cry and, and loving someone or getting married. I mean, these are weaknesses. And I should be above these weaknesses know.

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If you're a woman, be a woman. I love me do like that. And we see that in Khadija de la Juana. And we see that these are the lower on who was the first wife of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he never made another woman while she was alive. Which means that after Prophethood many years, the prophets have a lot of time spent with her. Only when she passed away a few months after that, did he get married to someone else? And she became the mother of all his children except for Ibrahim. Right? All his children who cost him Zainab Rukia, whom consume Fatima Abdullah

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and we see that all the boys, they died in infancy or childhood, and the girls they grew up, they got married, they embraced Islam, they did Hydra, and three of them died during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But Fatima died after she died six months after the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam love Khadija Lauren has so much. That just one thing is is enough to tell us how much he loved her. It is said that when Khadija dilwara died, the Prophet sallallahu ala was not seen smiling

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for several weeks.

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for several weeks, he was not seen smiling.

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So anyway, I lost Panther Allah bestowed him with this big blessing beautiful companionship with Khadija noble Alanna. And fast forward now 10 years later on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is married to a digital below on her when he was around 35 years old. After 10 years of marriage with a digital digital one. What happened? The Carver it was damaged by a fire and a flood.

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Right there was a woman who was cooking close to the carbon at that time houses were very close to the Kaaba. Alright, so woman was cooking and what happened one of the sparks All right, it fell on the cover of the Kaaba and it caught fire. So due to the fire, what happened the walls of the Kaaba, they were slightly destroyed. And then there was a flood also soon after that, so amazing fire and then flood and why a flood because where is the cargo situated in a valley? All right, and what is around the corner?

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Mountains now you don't see the mountains. All right, but before they were mountains, so obviously when there's mountains on the sides and it rains, where will the water end up?

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We're in the valley. So the cargo was flooded. Now firstly because of the fire and now because of the flood, what happened the Kaabah. It's wild were basically destroyed. So the cargo had to be reconstructed. So the Quraysh, they took up this responsibility to reconstruct the Kaaba. Now what happened? The crash? I mean, they were wealthy. They were people of Makkah. But when you compare the Arabs with the rest of the civilizations of that time, the Arabs were not very well off.

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All right. And also, if you think about it, in Makkah, in Arabia in the desert, what would would you have?

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Any prime would Good, good quality? What? No. Stone? I mean, yes, there's many Rocky Mountains. However, you would need equipment, you would need the resources and the skills in order to get that stone in, in order to get that rock. So the Quraysh they wanted to rebuild the Kaaba, but they lacked resources. Now, what happened? That one of the Roman kings, he was getting a church reconstructed, were in Yemen, where's Yemen south of hijas. All right. And he was sending the materials from somewhere else to Yemen, by sea. All right. What happened? The ship crashed. There was a storm, the ship crashed and all these fancy good quality materials are on that ship. What

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happened? It crashed near the port of Judah. Now it is Jeddah.

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Alright. And there were craftsmen, skilled workers, all right. And the resource is everything on that ship that that ship crashes, and all the people that have to get back home. So they say you know what, sell everything, so that at least we have enough money to get back home. So there is literally a sale going on in Judah, of these fancy, good quality materials. So what happened to Croatia went to Judah, bought those materials and also hired the craftsmen, and they brought them into Makkah to reconstruct the Carver. But when they had to reconstruct the Carver, obviously, they had to break down the walls that were already destroyed, they had to bring the building out. And

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that was something that they were scared to do. We think about the carbon breaking the cargo,

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even if it was for a noble reason. It's something scary, right? So they hesitated, and then a man from among them, Walid bin movida. He said, You know what we're doing this for just cause we're doing Islam over here, Allah will not destroy us. Allah will not be upset with us. So he started when he started bringing downs with wall and the people were just watching him. They were scared to do it themselves. And when they saw nothing happened to Walid bin Molina does that, okay, I mean, we can do it as well.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:06

Right? It is said that they waited for one night

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to see what would happen to leave in Madeira. The next day when they found him perfectly safe and sound, they said okay, inshallah, we can also continue. So they began demolishing the Kaaba and they reconstructed the carbon and because of this was a very noble task, what the tribes agreed to do was that each group is going to be each tribe is going to be assigned a particular task. Alright. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. his tribe or his sub tribe was also assigned a very noble task which was to work on one particular wall of the karma, the side of which the corner which was the hardest one, all right now the wall is being built. Now when it comes to huddle is what the black stone

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there is a dispute. All right, each group wants to place the Blackstone themselves. So great was his dispute that the construction stopped for five days.

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All right, for five days, no construction and the Sonoma zoom. This is a tribe of Abuja. They said they basically dip their hands in blood.

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Right? What does that mean?

00:39:15 --> 00:39:58

They're signing that this is like a pledge. And they said, we're not going to let anyone place the Blackstone, we're gonna do it. We are the only ones who are going to do it. And if somebody else does it, we're gonna fight. We're gonna fight until there's bloodshed, but we're not going to give this privilege to anybody. So there was a man in Makkah, Houma. He was the oldest man of Makkah. All right. And he said that, you know what, stop this fighting. This is not correct. You're doing a noble task as much as you want to have this privilege but this should not end up in bloodshed. And he said that from this main entrance into the harem, whoever walks in now. Whoever walks in the

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first person to walk in

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We'll do exactly what he tells us. And Who was that man? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he walked in.

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And when he walked in and he saw everybody wanted to have the privilege to place the black stone, what did the prophets that allowed us to do? He took an easel what is is at a lower garment, so like a like a rectangular piece of cloth. The hedgerow was placed in it.

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One representative from each tribe picked up, you know, held a corner or a side of that sheet. And they took the huddle as well to the place where it had to be fixed and the profits of a lot of sudden fix the Blackstone

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what do we see over here? Huh? Okay, his intelligence, how?

00:40:44 --> 00:40:47

Exactly, he didn't say, oh, okay, I can do this myself.

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Right. I'm not gonna let anybody else do this. I'm going to do this myself. He wasn't selfish. Over here. Again, we see the prophets, Allah Watson was not a selfish man.

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in any way. All right. He was very concerned about the feelings of people. He was sensitive towards the feelings of people.

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And he knew he understood how badly each person wanted to have this privilege. Now, if he would give one tribe the opportunity, the others would feel deprived, they would feel left out. Look at how he made everyone participate. This is a leader, right? Everyone is getting a chance. And you see the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This was the way that he dealt with people, each person felt he was important.

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Each person felt he was beloved Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. This was the case before prophet and even after prophet heard, that the companions thought literally, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loved them the most. He cared for them the most.

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And we see this before profit or an after profit hood. So anyway, the construction of the cargo was completed. Let's remember that the garage, they ran out of the materials, all right, because the cargo was huge. All right. And it was meant to be a rectangular shaped structure. So because they ran out of the materials, what did they do? They built a square shape. All right. And they left a part of it unconstructed. They left it open, but they put marks over there. And this is where the huddling is today, you know the semicircle that you see right by the Carville. So why do you think people fight so much to get inside the helm and pray there?

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Because that is supposed to be part of the karma. All right. And then when the kadesh when they reconstructed the karma, they also placed the door, high above ground level. Why? Because they didn't want anybody to enter the cargo without permission. And they also put a roof, a ceiling on top, and they also put pillars inside to hold the roof. And they also doubled the height. They made it bigger. And upon a lot, it is still like that today, even though the Kaaba has been reconstructed many times, but today, it is this way as well. Now, a lot puntata honored the prophets on a lot of Sunday by giving him the chance to place the black stone in the cargo, right this raised the status

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amongst his people. And the people also appreciated him even more.

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Why because he did not leave them out. He gave them a chance to participate.

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And remember that hedger is what the Blackstone is no ordinary stone, you might wonder what's the big deal Why were they so you know, greedy for that opportunity. The fact is that hedges is what it is a very, very precious stone, you can see it is the most precious stone because in Hades we learned that there is nothing of gender upon this world except the black stone.

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So if you want to see something of gender, then what should you look at?

00:44:00 --> 00:44:09

The Black Stone This is Hades, which is in a sense of the Sahara authenticated by shadow banning. It is from Jenna the stone and it was originally whiter than snow.

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It's now today when you go and you look at the snow and you're amazed by how white it is remember that hedges us with was even whiter than snow. And what caused it to black and was the sense of the people of Shrek. Kissing this stone erases sense. And even though I knew he said that I have seen the Prophet sallallahu Sunnah, kissing the stone. So I will not refrain from kissing it. Neither in difficulty nor in ease, meaning I don't care what's going on. Whenever I get a chance, I'm going to kiss the stone. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam kissed the stone or what although I knew he said that, or stone you are only a stone, you don't harm nor do you benefit had I not seen the

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profits on a lot of them kissing you. I would not have kissed you.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

And he said remodel the lower end who also said at one occasion that I saw the profits of a loss and I'm here

00:45:00 --> 00:45:23

Was Baker happy? Yeah, he liked you, or stone the profits on a lot of them used to like you. So I also like you because of the sort of loss of loss and I'm like, so look at the eagerness of the Sahaba how much they liked the black stone, and how much they wanted to kiss it as well. Why? Because this is from Jenna. And look at the eagerness of even remodel

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that I don't care whether it's difficult or it's easy. I am going to kiss the Blackstone. So when you go for him or for Hutch, no make that Nia, I'm going to make sure I do it.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:41

And one of the best times to go and kiss the Blackstone is when it is extremely hot.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:46

When it is extremely hot when the sun is right on top of your head.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:56

All right between the hood and awesome. Or before the hot in summertime. That's one of the best times to go. Why? Because when you will go there's

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a few people all right. And as soon as a group of women approach then 100 Allah they accommodate and then once the women go in and the men have to kind of stay away

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from them, just just

00:46:10 --> 00:46:50

a trick. So you can inshallah get there as well when you go. So anyway, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he constructed the karma and remember that at this occasion what happened, that he was carrying the materials, you know, heavy stones, and the planks of wood on his shoulder, and he was using his sheet, his cloth, his clothes, to cover his shoulder so that he would place the heavy materials on his shoulder. And at one occasion would happen that he lifted up his cloth in order to place it on his other shoulder, and his elbow got exposed. And he was heard saying, Oh Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam cover yourself. So the Prophet sallallahu immediately through the stone down, not

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the Blackstone, the stones that he was carrying on his shoulder, and he covered himself and he was never seen naked after this. This is reported and was for the hermit. So we see the noble character of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, over here, how chaste he was, how, how concerned he was for all people how trustworthy he was. And his luck was definitely very normal. And we see this through his life. He was patient at times of hardship, he was grateful for what he had. He was committed to his work, he was humble. And I will tell him he said in the praise of the prophets, a lot of this is reported in Bahati a be able to use the skill of a man will be what he see manually Atlanta there is

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metal around the property a lot of them is faultless, meaning vSphere and handsome. And from his face, mercy falls like rain.

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He's a support for the orphans, a defense for the widows meaning he does not let anyone harm widows and orphans. We see this in his noble character. And also remember that the prophets are the loudest and before Prophethood even he never committed idolatry. He kept away from idolatry from all from all shake. He did not participate in any kind of battle, Xena drinking, he was always away from this. We learned the Hadith Muslim Dharma that one of the neighbors of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he heard the prophets of the loss and saying to her, by Allah, I will never worship law. That is one of the idols by Allah. I will never worship RZA and another Hadees, which is Alton, Muslim, leader

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and the date been hardest, I remember that he was a young boy, as a slave of the prophets on a lot of time he was freed slave. He said that there was an idol by the name of itself and not Isla near the Kaaba. And when the people will be doing the work, they would touch these idols. So you said that once I was doing the wife with the profits or the loss, and this is before Prophethood, all right, and he says that I touched one of the idols. So Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam said to me, Do not touch them.

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So he said, I thought in my heart, I want to touch them, and I'm going to try again. So he said, next round of the left eye, again, I touched the idol. And Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam said to me, did I not stop you?

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Did I not tell you not to do this, not to touch the idols. So we see that he kept away from idolatry himself. And he also did not allow his family to participate in this. He never touched an idol. He never touched an idol. And we see that, along with this. He was also very truthful, very trustworthy. darfield he said to him, until Allah sent us a messenger whose lineage truthfulness, trustworthiness and chastity we are aware of. Meaning he's, he's known for his truthfulness. And we see that even during this time, the Prophet sallallahu kept fasts. You know that he used to observe fasting, because remember that even though shake was rampant in that society, there were still some

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people who were known as the hohner fat, who are the people who did not commit ship.

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All right, people who did not worship idols, they believed in Allah alone, and they worship Allah

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and we see to the point

00:50:00 --> 00:50:27

What's up, send me all his characteristics were noble, whether they were inner or outer, his o'clock, his character, very noble, and even outer characteristics, his physical traits also very beautiful and very handsome. And for this, I would like you to do some homework, because it is important to know what the prophet sallallahu Sallam looked like. Would you like to know, what was his appearance like?

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And for this, please read the pages 317

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I don't know if your book has the same page numbers, but there is a section of this book which describes the physical characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and also one more thing you have to do, which is that you have to listen to a lecture

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that I will send you the link off, right, the physical appearance of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. inshallah, we'll send you the link in Sharla. So these are the two homeworks that you have to do for your next class. inshallah. It's practical long behind the ignition relay. Illa. Illa. anta Mr. Rocha wanted to wearing a Santa Monica, who to live

Adulthood, Marriage and his Character

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