Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 08

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of acceptance and making oneself accept on various issues, including leaving houses, not giving oneself a choice, not giving oneself an option, and not giving oneself a choice on who they believe in. The importance of acceptance and making oneself accept on various issues, including not giving oneself a choice, not giving themselves an option, and not giving themselves a choice on who they believe in. The importance of praying at home and making oneself accept on various issues, including not giving oneself a choice, not giving themselves an option, and not giving themselves a choice on who they believe in.
AI: Transcript ©
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A mother who sadly are allowed to sue the hill Kareem and my birth for Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish Riley's Saudi were Sidley MD, Dr. Millis Annie of Coco Lee. In our previous lesson we learned about the first revelation that how when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by the time that he was 40 years of age, he would spend a lot of time in the cave of Hira away from his people. Why? Because he did not find any comfort, any happiness, any joy in doing what the people were doing, he was seeking something greater. And this happens with many people, that there comes a stage where you begin to question the practices of the people around

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you. And we see that the prophets of Allah went through this. If you look at Ibrahim or s&m also, as a young boy, what happened? He he questioned his people, he questioned his father, that what are these idols that you worship? What are these idols that you have made yourself, and you are constantly devoted to them? So we see that the prophets of Allah, they were upon the fitrah they were upon the natural religion, or the natural state that Allah has created people on. And what is that natural state inclination to? belief in Allah alone, though heat. And this is the reason why the prophets never found comfort in just imitating the people who were around them. So we see that

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the prophets are a lot of Salah, his discontent grew over time, and he began spending more and more time in the cave of Hara. And what would he do over there? He would do. He would worship Allah subhanaw taala. How did he do that? Allahu Arnhem. What was the method we don't know? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not tell us about how we used to worship. But we do know that there were people who who were still existing during the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who observed to follow the teachings of Ibrahim al Islam is married. Even though those teachings may have been modified, they may have mostly been forgotten. But whatever traces there were of the teachings of

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the religion of Islam are either his center, the people who are known as hoonah, fat, they adopted those teachings they follow those teachings. So what was the exact method of that worship? Allahu Allah. But what did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam do in the cave, cannot get a handle, as we learned that he would spend his time in devotion in worship, in reflection. And then eventually the time came when the angel jabril appeared to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bringing him the first revelation and we discussed how that first revelation was given to him. What was the prophets on a lot of reaction, he went home to his wife, dgl de la Miranda and Khadija Rotolo anti, she is the one

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who comforted him that there is no way that this would be something evil. Why? Because this is the natural law of the universe, that if someone is good, then they deserve only good. And she had known the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, since a long time, and she had witnessed that as she as she drew closer to him, she only got to know more and more good and positive things about him. Because you see, sometimes you know, of a person from far right from a distance, and you hear about their good qualities. Or maybe you work with them once or twice. So you see that, okay, this is a good individual, they possess really good qualities. But what happens as you draw closer to them, what

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happens? You discover either more good things, or sometimes bad things, right? Like, for instance, that happens with many people that before the marriage actually took place. The girl was in love with the guy and the guy was in love with the girl. But then what happened after the marriage? After a few months, he's like this, he's like this, he's like this. She's like this, she's like this, she's like this, alright? And this is because we're human beings, and we are faulty, but the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam, they they possess the most noble character, the best character and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam How was his character? In the Kerala hulak in alim. Allah subhanaw

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taala himself says that indeed you are on the highest level of character, your character is supreme. It is best. So Khadija Anna, she married the Prophet sallallahu sallam, she lived with him. She had children with him, she knew him like no other person knew him. And what does she say about the character of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that there is no way something bad would happen to you because you maintain good ties of relationship. You take care of those who are

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needy, those who are dependent, or those who need help you carry their loads. You You help other people. So there's no way that something bad would happen to you. And then we see that the prophets on audison and went to what are called the nofal. Why? Because Khadija de Noronha to Kim dwaraka, and who was wherever he was a person from Makkah, he wasn't Arab, but he had left idolatry and he had adopted some form of Christianity. Right? He believed in the prophets of Allah, because we see in his words, the mention of Musa Salah, and he's he has been described as someone who wrote the Torah, the Injeel. So he was a man who possess the knowledge of the scriptures of the People of the

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Book. All right, he was a knowledgeable man, and one aka, he is the one who, when he spoke to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he comforted him that what came to you was, was Who? The angel, the same one who went to Musa, the same angel who went to the previous prophets is the one who had come to you bringing revelation. Now we see that after a few days of this incident, what have I been nofal died. But remember that what acaba nofal. He was a believer, he was one of the first believers, because his very statement that the same one came to you the same now moose came to you, right, who came to Musa and his words that if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out,

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and I would support you strongly, right? What do these words show to us? did work? I believe in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam or did he not believe in him? He believed in him, right. So this is the reason why we must understand that whatever the novel was one of the first believers in fact, in our heads, we will just record it and associate it to so he has the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do not say a bad about what, for Indeed, I saw for him a garden, or two gardens, meaning in general.

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Alright, so do not say anything bad about him. Now, after this first revelation, what happened? There was no revelation for about three months, and according to other reports, six months.

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And during this time, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went through an extremely difficult phase of his life.

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Because it was very

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painful for him, first of all, to have gone through this experience of receiving the revelation, and then the death of water, and then not knowing what's to happen next, what is going to happen? What's going on?

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You know, for instance, if you have a conversation with someone, a good conversation, and at the end of the conversation, you leave off with the feeling that we will connect soon, you know, I'll call you or you call me, or, or you hear from me, or I'll hear from you. Right? But then what happens you don't hear from that individual, for one day, for one week, and then two, three weeks, what happens each passing day, your anxiety increases?

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Isn't that so? And the more important that matter is to discuss the more anxious you become. And this is just us talking to another human being. Right? And if that matter is not resolved, or if it's not further discussed, what's going to happen. It's no big deal. But the prophets on a lot isn't when he did not receive revelation for three months. And according to other reports, six months this was extremely difficult upon him, because remember, he did not know at that time, what his responsibility was, who he was. All he knew was Accra. Bismillah beacon lady holla, holla call insana, min Allah, Accra, Oracle, a chrome that's all he knew. is the word NaVi mentioned. There is

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a word Rasool mentioned there. Has he been told you are a prophet of Allah, you're supposed to convey the message of the Hades to the people. There is a slight introduction to the heat right across bismi Arabic Allah The Halak, right? There's a slight mention over there. But there's no clarity in the sense that the prophets Allah doesn't didn't exactly know what was going on.

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He had some idea that the message had come from Allah. And that being that appeared to me was an angel of Allah. But beyond that he didn't know. So this was extremely difficult upon him. And we learned that the prophets Allah sent him he went back to the cave of Hira in order to spend more time over there in reflection in the worship of Allah. And one day On his return from the Cave of Hello, what happened? The Hadees and Bahati. It tells us the first book of Buhari which is the book of war, hate the book of Revelation. I mentioned to you the Hadith that describes to us the first revelation, right, and then the Hadith after

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That tells us that the prophets are the loudest Adam said, while I was walking, all of a sudden, I heard a voice from the sky.

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So he heard a voice from the sky, and hearing voices was nothing strange for the prophets have a lot of them because remember, even before Prophethood, it would happen with him that he would be walking, and he would hear someone greeting him. No one around him. The only thing that was nearby was a rock. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam later said that I remember that rock that would greet me every time I pass by. But this voice that he heard from the sky at this occasion was very different. Because it was coming from the sky. And for us, I mean, hearing something from above, okay. It's possible because we hear things on the loudspeakers on on microphones all the time. So

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it's no big deal, but for the prophets that allows them to hear something coming down from the sky,

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or hear sound coming from the sky. It was itself frightening. The prophets on him said I looked up, and I saw the same angel who had visited me at the Cave of Hira sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth. So in other words, the entire horizon was covered with

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the intelligibility

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covering the distance between the sky and the earth. The prophets that a lot of them said I became frightened from him. And I came back home and I said, Zim Milani, that's your only cover me cover me in blankets wrapped me in blankets. Because when you're in a state of fear, you also shiver. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said wrapped me that fear only. And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed the following verses of the Quran.

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Miss Miller?

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was he

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soon subroto modesitt. Yeah, you helmet. The angel came to him. And he recited these verses to him bringing the prophets on the line to sell them the second revelation. Yeah. Are you helmet death? They're all you who covers himself up? Because of the prophets. A lot of them came home. What did he say? The theodorou Nisa Milani Cover me. So he is addressed? All you who covers himself up with a garment meaning Why are you afraid? Get rid of this, get out of this comfort zone. There's no more time to remain under the covers. Get out, get up home. Arise stand up for under and Warren. It's as if he's being told, why are you resting? There's so much work to do. Why are you hiding? Go and do

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your work and what is your work home? Get up for unzip and Warren Warren who mankind what book is a cabin and your Lord, you should glorify This is the message that you have to deliver to the people that they should glorify Allah subhanaw taala they should understand the greatness of their Lord, what a bucket fuckup bit what the avoca football hit and your clothing you should purify. Meaning keep your body, keep your clothes clean. You see how important cleanliness is in our religion.

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In the second way, the profit or loss and is told keep your clothes clean. Do not let there be any filth on your clothing. And by filth, what is meant? Any kind of majesta impurity, right, any secretion from the body which is impure. Don't let that be on your clothes, or when you're outside and there may be some kind of impurity if it falls on your clothes. Keep your clothes clean what the avocado. Cleanliness is half of it. It's extremely necessary. Cleanliness is a requirement for remember that it's a condition it's a prerequisite.

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For instance, if there is filth on a person's clothes, and he's performing the solid knowing that there is filth on the clothes, is that prayer accepted that because he hasn't met the prerequisites, right?

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Once we learned that the prophets of Allah was praying Salah, and he was wearing his shoes. And it's perfectly fine to wear shoes when you're praying, right? But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam during his prayer, what happened? He removed his shoes. So the Sahaba they were praying behind him they also remove their shoes. So the prophets of Allah asked him after the prayer, why did you do that? They said because we saw you doing it. So we thought maybe we're not allowed to wear shoes in Salah anymore. So we took our shoes off. The prophets analyzed and said ubu came and told me that there was a little bit of filth on

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My shoes. And this is the reason why I had removed them with the burqa photo. And remember, that's the app includes all that is worn, whether it's the hijab, or their bio or something else inside, whatever it may be any clothing that we wear, let's make sure that it's clean.

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What is a fair job. And also remember that this the heart of this cleanliness doesn't just apply to physical cleanliness, but also cleanliness at a deeper level and an inner level, which is cleanliness of the heart, purity of the mind, as well as our faith in a person's belief in a person's thinking. So with the advocate for the head,

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clean your manners, your life, your clothing, because your clothing is what is seen by people,

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isn't it, what you wear on your body is seen by the people.

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So keep your clothes clean. Likewise, what else is seen by people? Our words, our behavior, right? So that must also be clean. Our lifestyle that must also be clean with the avocado here, what roaches are fragile, and uncleanliness. avoided, keep away from uncleanliness. So we see that on the one hand, he's told, keep clean. And on the other hand, he's told, keep away from uncleanliness. Now what is this uncleanliness.

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This has been generally interpreted as idolatry. Keep away from that, but it's not limited to that. Any kind of uncleanliness whether it is uncleanliness in speech or inactions in behavior, keep away from that. Well, road is a fragile. So these five verses were the second revelation. And the Hadith in Bukhari, it says that these five ayat, were the verses that were revealed at this time. And after this, the revelation started coming strongly, frequently, and regularly. These are the words of the Hadith,

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that after this, what happened the way he began coming regularly? Now I have a question for you, if you think about it the first way.

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And the second way, how much gap was there between the two, three to six months?

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And between the second and the third way? Not much gap? Why? Because the words of the Hadeeth Ellis after this way, where he began coming regularly, strongly, frequently. So why do you think there was such a long gap between the first and the second revelation? Yes. So that the prophets of Islam could come to terms with what was happening, if you think about it, the first where he when he when he received it? Was he frightened?

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The second revelation when he received it, was he frightened? Yes.

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Think about it between the first two revelations was a gap of three to six months, yet, he was so frightened when the next where he came, right. Now imagine if it came so frequently, after just two days, after three days, the profits out of audits and I would not be able to handle it physically. He wouldn't be able to even emotionally, you need time to accept certain things. You need time.

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You can't jump from one state to another.

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Sometimes the transition, when it's quick, it's easy. But other times, you need a break in the middle.

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Right? And also remember that

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if the why he came immediately after the first revolution, and then the following war, he also came immediately after in that state of fear in that state of you know, anxiety almost, how could the Prophet sallallahu Sallam give the do how?

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right how good he he needed to accept it. And he needed to deliver the first revelation? What did that make him realize that Allah subhanaw taala was sending a message to him? And if the next day he is told, go and tell people from forenza? could he do that?

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could he do that? It would have been very difficult for him. So in order to give the due help of something, in order to do something properly, you need time.

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You need time, first to understand yourself to internalize yourself, and then in order to deliver it properly, you need that time. You know, for instance, they say there's there's no alternate to experience. Right? So for example, if a person says I want to get my driver's license in just one week, is it possible?

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It's not possible. You take your first test and then you take your second test. And then you have to wait for a year to take your following test. Why? You wonder why can this process not happen?

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Within a month or two, why is such a long period, because there is no alternative to experience, there just isn't. You need time. So the prophets, Allah center was also given time. And this should make us understand something very important about seeking,

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that when you're seeking knowledge, you need to dedicate time to it.

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Don't expect results in one hour, in one month,

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you struggle at the beginning. And it's perfectly fine. It's good. Because the harder it comes, the longer it takes to come. Remember that the longer that knowledge will stay with you.

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There is a scholar, he said that the the quicker knowledge comes to you, the quicker it leaves you, the faster it comes to you, the faster it leaves you.

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So for example, if you're doing memorization, and you are memorizing two pages a day, every day, every day, two pages a day, you don't have time to review, okay, within a month, you say I have memorized these managers Good for you. But how much do you retain? How much do you still remember? Not much.

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So don't be frustrated with the fact that something is taking long.

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Learning a particular skill, or particular in is taking longer than you thought it would. It's perfectly fine. Just yesterday, I met somebody and they were telling me about their daughter, and how she has been trying to memorize the Quran for a very long time. And she said it's been years and it's only been 12 years.

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And she said that she was discussing it with the teacher and the teacher said What's the rush?

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Why are you rushing?

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Why do you want to just complete the health and be over with it? The longer it takes, the better it is? Because she gets to spend more time reading the Quran, reciting the Quran, reviewing it so well. Why rush there's no need to rush. And this is what I have seen that since the time I I have known that girl which has been about four or five years I've just seen her I've known her to be always memorizing the Quran on the weekends or in the evenings.

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So even though it's only 12 years so far, so what at least every week, every weekend, the time has been spent with the Quran and those 12 Jews are so strong Mashallah that you desperate from anywhere she knows it.

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So, patience, and time, very important for seeking.

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And before giving up on anything, just tell yourself

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let three or six months pass. Before I decide to continue to leave the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it took him three to six months right? For the revelation to finally come regularly. So we also need time.

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Because it's the matter of the heart. Right, Dean? Or the knowledge of the Koran, where is it? It's in the heart, and the heart takes time to adjust.

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Right? So many women, what happens to them, they have a baby, but still there, they're finding it difficult to accept motherhood.

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Right? It takes a couple of months until they finally you know, it finally hits them that I'm supposed to be a mother This is part of being a mother.

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So anyway, the profits on a lot of them also

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took him a long time to accept this process of Revelation and the last panel, Darla, this is how he decided that it would take time

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for the work he do to begin coming consistently and regularly.

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Now we see that in the first and the second revelation gibreel appear to the prophets on a lot of seven, meaning he appeared to him the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he saw him and the prophets Allah sent and received the revelation from him.

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Now this shows to us that sometimes the angel Gabriel would bring the revelation to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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in one way, all right, and what was that he would appear to him

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and sometimes the way he would be given to the prophets on a lot of sentiment in different way, in that the prophets, Allah Lawson would not see God, but he would only receive the words of the way right? Even I am has listed seven different forums in which the revelation came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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All right, and inshallah we will learn about these details when you study the subject of lumen Quran, the sciences of the Quran. So this is why I'm not going to go into the detail of what he how it was given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, all right, but know that it came to him in different ways.

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Because variety is also helpful.

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Now, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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was told in the second revelation. Yeah. Are you home with the cell

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phone for Android?

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Get up and warn. So how did the prophets have a lot of them do things up? How is it that he warned the people we learned in a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, at that nearly Saletan main lobby, the message came to me from my lord Philip to be Hazara. But I became worried what a way to unnecessary you can be boonie. And I became afraid that the people will deny me for Lila Lee. So it was sad to me letter for Ireland, out of Ireland, because you must do it or you will be made to do it. In other words, you have no choice, you have to convey

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this was made clear to the prophets of the Lancet. And from the beginning boom, for under you have to warn, you have to deliver, there is no walking away. There's no turning back.

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And this teaches us something very important that sometimes when you when you start something, right, initially, it may be easy, but then eventually it might get difficult. Or you are you might feel like I've I don't think I can handle this, this is too difficult. There's no way people are going to accept this. So what do you think? Let me do something different. Right? Let me stop this and let me do something else. But what do we see the prophets Allah said, was he given a choice?

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Was he given a choice? No, he was not given a choice.

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And sometimes this is what we have to do with ourselves. Don't give yourself an option.

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Don't give yourself an option. Just tell yourself I have to do just get up and do it. I don't have an option, I don't have a choice. And when you mentally accept something, that this is something I have to do, then what happens?

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Then what happens?

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You can do it?

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Right? Because the first hurdle is the mental hurdle. That's the first hurdle.

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So once you accept this is part of life, this is something I have to do. This is something that I don't have a choice about, this is a part of my life, I I cannot walk away from this,

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then you find the means and you find the ability

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and you accomplish your goals.

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And even though it is very difficult, but Where there is a will, there is a way Where there is a will there is a way I remember when I was doing the course, my group in charge was extremely strict. Okay. And what I mean by strict is that every single day,

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she would ask, did you do your lesson seven times, and she wouldn't just ask the first three people, she would ask every single person in the group, right? And no, was this not acceptable?

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If you said no, I'm sorry, I couldn't do it, it was not acceptable. You had to give her a good reason for not being able to do it. And after groups, you could not go for your break. You have to sit there and complete your lesson. All right. So she was extremely strict.

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And you know, we were hoping that maybe after one goes after two days, after three days, she would stop asking, but she never stopped asking.

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She never stopped asking. And this is something that I think helped all of us do our lesson regularly. Because I remember those days when I'd be like, I don't think I can do it today. I'm too tired today. I don't think I can do the lesson. But I remember at night, I'm sitting there with my dogs, I have to do it seven times, because she's gonna ask me, and I cannot give her no for an answer.

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So just accepting this, that I have to do it seven times. What happened? made away?

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Right, found the time made the time.

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So acceptance, make making yourself accept something, not giving yourself a choice, not giving yourself an option.

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And there are so many things in life with regards to which we think in this way. I have to do it. You know, for instance, for some people, for some women, it's about not leaving the house until everything is in order.

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Right. Or at least it used to be like that.

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Or at nighttime, not leaving any dishes in the sink. That's just how it is. So no matter how much my back is hurting or no matter how tired I am, I have to put the dishes away. I can't leave dirty dishes in the sink. Right? So even if your back is hurting, do you end up doing it? Yes. And after that, do you pity yourself? No you don't.

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You don't pick

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yourself. In fact, you feel good.

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Right? You feel good. So this is how it is. There's some things that are important. So for example, when it comes to Salah, do we have a choice,

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we don't have a choice.

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When it comes to those matters, which Allah subhanaw taala has made obligatory, honest, we don't have a choice, so we have to do them. Then there's some other things which we have made obligatory on ourselves. How, by promising by making a commitment by signing a contract, for instance, whatever it may be, you know, for instance, a person is working somewhere in the maker contract, I'll be here nine to five, right or I will get this much work done. By the end of the week, I will dedicate these many hours for this work, any any role that you take on, there's some responsibilities that are on you. So those matters are also filed on you.

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All right. So what does it mean, accepted, and inshallah you will make away, you will make a we don't give yourself an option to not do it.

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Now we see that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he received this message, conferenza What happened? He had to talk to the people, he had to convey the message to the people. And when he conveyed the message to people, there were people who believed in him sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So who are the first people who believed in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? Who do you think was the first believer

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or the general the lower? Right? Because her saying that Allah will never disgrace you was what I believe in whatever happened, this has to be true. You're not lying. You're not making this up.

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And this is from Allah.

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So these are the lower Anna, she was the first person to accept Islam. And her honor her her status was so high that we learned that at one occasion for the job below Ana,

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she was coming to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam bringing him some food or something. And jabril came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before her and said that Khadija is coming to you, give her Salam from Allah.

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Give her Salam from Allah and give her the good news that she has a home in

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a beautiful home in general this this was her status.

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And then we see that what acaba nofal. He was also someone to accept Islam very early. The prophets, a lot of them said that I have seen garden or to gardens for him in general.

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Then we see that Abu Bakar Abdullah and who, one of the closest friends of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he was also someone to accept Islam. right at the beginning. You know, there's a, there's a discussion among scholars whether Abu Bakar was the first believer or Khadija was the first. So this matter is resolved by saying that Khadija was the first woman, Abu Bakar was the first men. All right, and Alito on who he was eight years old at that time, he was a first child. All right. Now how come I need to know where and who believed in the profits of the lies and because remember that he stayed in the house of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam I needed to know or knew was his cousin, he

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was the son of Abu Talib. And it will tell him had raised the prophets of Allah, but it was also very poor. So when it was born, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam offered to take him under his care, in order to relieve a batalik of the burden of the financial responsibility of taking care of another child. Then we see the day had been had the freed slave of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was also one of the earliest believers, Abubakar Abdullah and who, when he accepted Islam, when he believed in the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he did not stop there. We see that he approached his closest friends.

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He approached his closest friends now imagine the prophets Allah has handed out a Baka Baka Dawa. To others he carried on the light. So for people accepted Islam immediately at the hands of the prophets on a lot of cinnamon who were they Sargon Obi Wan cos are the Allahu anhu. It is said that he was only 16 years old at that time. He was awkward. He also then Irishmen when our standalone Zubaydah been r1 there'll be a lot more I know and so Bateman, r1, who was he? He came to be known as the Hawaii of the Prophet sallallahu and the helper, the disciple of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then also of the Roman been our little de la hora. And he was around he was in his 30s at

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that time. So four people immediately became Muslim at the hand of Abu Bakar, Apollo and him in the beginning, right at the beginning. And these people who were the they were the sabya. Kuhn, who are sabich called those who are the first ones, the foreigners, those who are ahead.

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We learned that in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah sent me as a prophet to you, people.

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But you said to me, You are telling a lie, meaning many people didn't believe in me. While I will buck have said, he has said the truth.

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Abubakar said, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has spoken the truth. He is indeed a messenger. The prophets of Allah Some said Abu Bakar consoled Me, personally, meaning he, he comforted me. And also he supported me with his money.

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And then he said, won't you then give up harming my companion? Because at one occasion, we learned many years down the road, that there was a dispute amongst the companions, right amongst the Sahaba and Abubakar Dhawan, who was involved in that dispute. So the matter came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was basically saying, stop bothering aboubaker Stop arguing with him stop disputing with him. Because I presented Islam to so many people and everybody said to me, You're lying. You're lying. And Abubakar was the only one who said, You have spoken the truth. He believed in me without any hesitation.

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Immediately he believed so he said, Why don't you stop bothering him? Won't you then give apartment my companion will buckle. And it is said that after that nobody ever harmed aboubaker

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ever, and this Hadees is invalid. In another narration we learned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said there was not a single person whom I presented Islam to, except that he had doubt

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except for a blue bucket.

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Meaning every person that I spoke to about Islam, they showed some hesitation.

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Except for Abubakar, he believed without any hesitation, who was Abubakar below, or a close friend of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. You see over here, the people who were closest to him in relationship in friendship, they were the first ones to

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first ones to believe in him.

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Because his character was a testimony to his truthfulness to his side. It was an evidence to his side.

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And this shows to us how important our character is when we're doing that. Well.

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You know, it happens many times that a person becomes serious and is Dean and the family is not supportive.

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Right. So for instance, a girl wishes to wear hijab and the family is not supportive, or a girl wishes to study the Quran or do some voluntary work and the family is not supportive. Why? Because they know that she's going to become extremely

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what nice and happy and cooperative or something else. rebellious, right. It's our character that matters.

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That matters a lot.

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And you may experienced this personally also,

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that when you relationship with the people who are around you is good. You are exhibiting patience, tolerance, forgiveness, then what happens your work becomes easier also.

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But when we are impatient, when we are not in good terms with those who are closest to us, and what happens, so many hurdles come in our way.

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Because then sincerity is missing. application is missing. Anyway, these people who believed who were they primarily they were from the parish or they were of the elite. All right. So for instance, Abubakar Otto and who he was, he was men are fun. He was a clinician, all the four companions who believed at the hands of a worker, a doula, I know they were all from the Kurdish, right. They had been How do they you could argue he was not from the Quran, but he was the freed slave of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his adopted son. So he even had a very high status or little little or no detail, the lower and all of these people had a very high status. So the first ones to believe in

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him were who noble people.

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And then after then we see that Abdullah even was rude is the one who accepted Islam who was delighted when was a little bit lower and who he was not equal. He. He was a free person, but he was not a noble in the sense that he was not from a very high class, social class. All right, it is said that our beloved one was rude was the sixth person to convert to Islam, Allahu Allah, what exact number it was, but he was someone who accepted Islam very early.

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And this is why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, read Quran the way even Mr. Rhodes does. Why? Because from the very beginning, he was there with the prophets of Allah said, a revelation would come the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would recite and Eben misrule would memorize.

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So he was someone who, who knew the Quran who knew

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How to recite it properly and who also knew the meanings of the Quran. And even this route said that 70 surah of the Quran I have learned directly from the mouth of the prophets that a lot of sense $72 and $70 is a big number.

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He heard directly from the mouth of the prophets of Allah center. Now, after that, what happened there were some people from amongst the slaves also who accepted Islam amongst them below the lower end, who had that been the acid and his wife sumiya and their son, Amal rhodiola. Horn.

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And remember that as the people were accepting Islam, all right, because the prophets have a lot of them would do their work to them at a personal level. Likewise, the Sahaba also boubakeur at the lower end who, for instance, he also did Dawa at a personal level. All right. Now, remember that when you believe you have to do something?

00:40:50 --> 00:41:14

Correct. So it wasn't just belief in the heart. That belief was also expressed through some action and what was that action worship Reba. So we see that one of Becca Kabir and your Lord, you should magnify you should glorify this also begin? How it is that the two little fatty How was the third revelation?

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According to many of our students are the factor was revealed twice, once in Mecca, and once in Medina.

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So when in Makkah, third revelation

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and it was revealed another time when in Medina again it was revealed. So if if it was brought to the prophets A lot of times, even though he hadn't forgotten it, what does that show

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the importance of sudo Fatiha

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All right. And we see that gibreel taught the Prophet sallallahu Sallam will do and Salah was he abacha Fatah here. We're Raja Fado. So jabril, came to the prophet SAW the laws and taught him how to pray. And this is reported in Muslim dharma. And at the beginning, Salah was only two units of prayer. And this is from a Hadith, which is an assessment of the Sahaba and every person who embraced Islam. One of the first things the prophets of autism would teach them was Salah, how to pray.

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Or he would tell one of the companions to teach them how to pray and this is also reported in Hades in a sensitive to Sahara. So we see that from from the very beginning, what were the believers doing, performing Sunnah

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in the Quran also, as you open it up, as you read certain Baccarat, what do you learn? Who are the people who benefit from the Quran? Allah Nina, you may want to be rabee. Well, Yukimura Salah, the first action that is mentioned is Salah.

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And I remember that at this time that I was not obligatory as it is right now, five times a day, certain units of pray certain regard. No, it was not obligatory in this way. It was

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meaning it was something that the believers had to do. And it is said that once at the beginning of the rain, once at the end of the day is only two prayers. But even that was not fault. If you were able to do it, you would do it. And if you couldn't do it, no big deal.

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You understand it was not followed in that way. Why? Because the believers were hiding their faith at this time. If they would pray, if they would excuse themselves from a gathering in order to pray their Salah, you think that would be okay. It would bring them a lot of attention. And also, that they would have to face a lot of hostility from their people. Right? So it was something they had to do, but it was not obligatory, the way it is obligatory now. Now we learned that the first three years the prophets, Allah said him he did private Dharma and the Sahaba to the private Dharma, what does it mean? That they just spoke to someone about Islam, someone whom they thought would accept

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Islam? You see, you come across different types of people, some people, they're very open minded, they're very open to change. Right? They're, they're seeking something better. They're always seeking improvement.

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And then there's other people who are very firm on their old age practices, right? They think what they've been doing for the past five years for the past 10 years is written in stone and you cannot change it, you cannot alter it, you cannot leave it. Right. So there's different types of people. So any person from whom it was expected that yes, this person might accept Islam? What would the prophets have allowed us to do? He would take Islam to them, he would present Islam to them. So Dawa was how it was private, not secret in the sense that Muslims were hiding their faith, but it was private religion was a private matter. Islam belief in the heat was a private matter. Right. And in

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a Hadees, we learned that once a man came to the prophets on a lot of them right at the big

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Beginning right at the beginning, beginning as in when the where he came to the Prophet Solanas center. And he came, and he asked the prophets of Allah said, Who are you? He said, I'm a prophet. So he said, What is a prophet? He said, Allah has sent me with a message that man said, with what has he sent to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, he sent me to strengthen the ties of kinship to destroy idols, so that Allah alone should be worshipped and nothing should be associated with him. That man said, who has followed you in this? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, a free man and a slave?

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Meaning only two people so far, why is it the Prophet told a lot of sensitive freemen and a slave? Because this was right at the beginning children, the prophets of a lot of times not including in this, all right. Likewise, people from various backgrounds, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not including in this he said, a free man referring to Boko Haram and the slave referring to Babylon, meaning very few people. Very few people have believed in me, so far. So what is it show this man came at the very beginning. So that man, he said, I will follow you, I will follow you. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you cannot do that now? Do you not see my situation and that of the people

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go back home? Because this man had come from somewhere else he was not from the people of Makkah. He said, Go to your people. And when you hear that my cause has prevailed, then come to me.

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So the prophets on a lot of them, he did Dawa. How privately not publicly privately because if that man accepted Islam, what would that create unnecessary attention. Right? So the prophets have a lot of sense focus was that as many people as we can, you know, we should help them convert to Islam as the numbers grow, then we can go out in the public.

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You understand? So this man he returned, and then when the prophets of Allah sent him to digital, then this man came to Medina. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, do you recognize me? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, yes, you are the one who met me in Mecca. So that man said a bit near I'm Nicola, what I tell.

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Tell me about what Allah has taught you and I have remained ignorant of

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so Teach me and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that taught him about Sunnah. Now, does this mean the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not? Let him accept Islam? He said, No, no, you stay disbeliever? No, this is not what is meant. That man if he was upon the faithful, if he believed in Allah, He believed in the prophets that allows him in his heart. Okay, but he did not proclaim that faith that Eman is acceptable. But if he proclaimed it, then what would that cause? What would that create problems for him, and this teaches is a very important lesson that living in this day and age, if ever we find ourselves in a situation where

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presenting our religion, or talking openly about it is going to create problems for us than what is best keep religion.

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a private matter. a private matter. You know, recently, somebody came up to me and said that in school, a certain group of students, they talk very openly about homosexuality and how it should be okay. And she says that when I sit in that gathering, I feel very uncomfortable because I feel like I should stand up against them. But at the same time, I feel like if I do that, nobody's going to hear me and whatever good that I can bring in right now. Even that will stop.

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Even that will stop. So what should I do? This is what we need to do in a situation like this. Keep the religion a private affair.

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That doesn't mean forever.

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Because we will see that for three years the prophets have a lot of fun was like this after three years. Then he went public with the Dawa and that is inshallah what we will learn in our next lesson. So panicle lon will be handling a Chateau La ilaha illa Anta Mustapha Luca wanted to be like a samurai Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Stages of Dawah  1 – Private dawah, the first believers worship and training of the believers

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