Taimiyyah Zubair – Indeed I am Near – Day 03

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of following proper etiquette and body language in master's programs, being attentive of one's heart, and being present in conversations. They also emphasize the use of "comp corp sometime" in narratives to avoid embarrassment and embarrassment. The speakers stress the importance of being mindful of one's actions and not praying against others, and caution against praying against their children. They also describe a series of numbers and symbols to be recognized by the caller, starting with a combination of letters and numbers, followed by a series of symbols and numbers. The speakers also mention a message from the UK's immigration system to ensure guests arrive to their destination and a brief advertisement for a TV show.
AI: Transcript ©
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Putting in progress long

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AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

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Arado bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rocklea Saudi were silly Emery wash Lulu rock data melissani of Cabo Kohli. Allahumma the Colby was sadly Cerny was ruled Sufi Mata Colby Armenia Robles aalameen.

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What either sir locker a body or knee for any Corrib and when my slaves ask you about Me, then indeed I am near OG Buddha water dari either done, I respond to the call of the caller, the supplication of the dari, the one who is calling upon Allah, either Danny when they call upon me, fell yesterday Bulli while you may know me, so they should respond to me and they should believe in me law law whom you should own in order that they may be rightly guided. Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here that he is near that he responds. So we should also respond to Allah. Because Allah says Failure study Bulli, they should respond to me. How, how should we respond to Allah? This means

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that we should obey Allah and we should also talk to Allah, meaning we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala because Allah commands us in the Quran that are the Rooney you all call upon me so far. Yes, the G Bulli means that Felicia Rooney, they should obey me as they should call upon me. They should make dua to me, that when they're in some difficulty, when they're feeling shame, when they're feeling guilt, when they are in need of something, they shouldn't just sit like that. No, they should do something. And the best thing that a person can do is that they should call upon Allah subhanho wa taala. The year Allah you forgive me, Your Allah, you guide me, your Allah you

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provide your Allah, you heal me, you you show me the way. So Phil yesterday bully means that they should call upon Allah, they should make dua to Allah. But he has the Jubilee also means that they should hope for response from Allah that they should hope for and they should seek response ie Java from Allah subhanho wa taala, meaning they should not be hasty. When they make dua, they should wait for Allah's response, because sometimes it so happens that when we make dua, we want that it should be immediately fulfilled, that we should immediately see the result. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here that full yesterday believe they should seek my response meaning they should wait for

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the response from Allah subhanaw taala they should not become impatient. And look at the next word, while you may know be they should believe in me, meaning they should trust Allah, His timing, his decree, and failures, the Jubilee, meaning we should expect the response from Allah alone. And in order to to expect a good response from Allah subhanaw taala to our Dora's, then we should look at the way that we are calling upon Allah, how is it that we are making God? So remember that there are etiquette of making the route and today in sha Allah we are going to discuss the internal and the external etiquette that we should observe when we call upon Allah. Now, a lot of people think that

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if Allah subhanaw taala responds to us, if he answers our you know, to our daraz then this means that he should give us exactly what we have asked for. And the fact is that there is a difference between St. Java and COBOL is the Java is that Allah subhanaw taala responds to our doors. He answers he does not ignore and COBOL is that he accepts the doors exactly as they are. So remember that every dollar is Mooster job it is responded to because Allah subhanaw taala says over here, oh gee boo, I respond. I answer

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So every dollar is answered, It is responded to, because Allah subhanaw taala hears Allah subhanaw taala cares, but not every dollar is fulfilled the way that you have asked, for example, if there is a person who is unwell, and they go to the doctor, and they seek treatment, and they ask the doctor that please give me this medication, I want prescription for this medication, or I want this procedure, then what will the doctor do, the doctor will check them, they will probably run some tests, but they will not necessarily give to the patient, what the patient is asking for. Meaning they will not necessarily give the very medication that the patient is asking for. They will not

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necessarily give the treatment the procedure that the patient is seeking know the doctor will give what the doctor believes is best for the patient and right for the patient. And so often it happens that you know when you go to the doctor and the doctor prescribes to you something that you know, you never thought you needed, or sends you for a test which you don't think you're you needed. But why do you accept what the doctor is telling you because you recognize that the doctor knows better than I do. And the doctor you know their knowledge their experiences is far greater than mine. So if this is the case with human beings will allow him Matala will Arla remember that Allah azza wa jal,

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he knows us better than we know ourselves, or anyone else knows us. And Allah azza wa jal is Eileen, and he is Rahim. So he gives to the slave what is best for the slave. So we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala without haste, and we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala with the proper etiquette with the right manner, so that our daughters are accepted. And we should trust the response that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us meaning the way that he responds to our dollars is the best response. So we should accept His judgment, his decree, and we should be pleased with it. Now, when it comes to the etiquette of making girl, the manners remember that, you know, for any for any

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matter, you know, there is a proper procedure. So for example, if you are submitting an application, to get into a program, let's say you want to apply for a master's program, then you don't just you know, fill out a form, you have to write something about yourself or you have to write something explaining why you want to get into the program. And to make your application very strong, you need good reference letters. So you see among your professors among your you know, people that you know, who could give you a very good letter of recommendation. And along with that, you know, you submit some resume something, you know, that demonstrates all the work you have been doing your experience,

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etc. Why because you want to make your application very strong. And though the stronger your application is, the stronger you know, the greater chances there will be of your acceptance into the program. Now Allah subhanaw taala hears all door as he responds to all door ads, and we should be certain of that, because Allah Himself is telling us but when we want that our doors should be given more importance, then we need to invest more in our doors and how do we invest more in our doors by observing proper etiquette, good etiquette in making God

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so for example, you know Salah when you perform Salah with a man but you know with belief in Allah, yes, you know that Salah counts, but in a hadith we learned that so many people you know when they pray they only receive a certain percentage of reward of that Salah you know, a 10th of it a fifth of it. You know why? Because that reward is in proportion to their who assure their their humility, their focus there, attentiveness in Salah. So just like that, if we want to be rewarded for our dogs, and if we want our dogs to be effective

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And we want our dollars to draw us closer to Allah. Because remember the real fruit of the raw is closeness to Allah and DA is Riba, it is worship. If we want it to be accepted, then we need to observe certain etiquette, internally and externally, internally, meaning, what is the state of our heart? What are the thoughts in our mind? And externally? How do we look like when we are making dua? What is our, you know, physical manner, meaning, you know, meaning how, where our eyes, where our hands and and things like that. So, the first thing that we're going to discuss is the internal etiquette of, of making.

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The first advocate is that the person making God should have the head belief in the head of Allah in his heart, meaning when you're calling upon Allah subhanaw taala call upon Allah, with belief with the Athene in the Oneness of Allah, that you know that Allah is One, you know that nothing happens without the will of Allah, you know that Allah is Able to do all things, you know that everything is in Allah's control, you know that Allah owns everything, you know that Allah has created everything, and everyone will return to Allah. So this though heed when you, when you have that in your heart and you call upon Allah, then you realize that it is only Allah who can help me. It is only Allah

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who can grant me what I am seeking. It is only Allah who can give me the healing that I want. It is only Allah who can change who can guide the heart of my child, the heart of my spouse, my heart, my friend's heart, you know, things like that. So, the first the most important etiquette is that we call upon Allah with the head. And when we do that, it means that we should also have sincerity, that we only call upon Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, where the Ruhul Moogly Slean Allahu de, that call upon Him, making sincere to him worship meaning your worship should be dedicated to Allah alone. Your DA should be dedicated to Allah alone you should be

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asking only Allah. Why? Because you know, you believe that Allah is the only God the only rub, the only one who is able to grant you what you are seeking a year cannot go to what a year can a stirring.

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The second etiquette is that we make dua with attention and focus, meaning our hearts should be present. Our heart should be attentive, that we would that we're not just verbally saying the words of Dora, rather we are actually asking. We're actually asking, you know, sometimes we say words of the raw that Robonaut enough. Adonia has an hour Filati Hassan alcanada But no,

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you know, we say the DA and sometimes we don't even realize what we have said. For instance, in Salah, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to send his blessings upon the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, right? We say these words in Salah into SHA hood, we made dua that Allah protect us from the punishment of *. But so often we are saying the words and we're not actually asking, why? How, because our mind is elsewhere. Our attention is somewhere else. We're not thinking about what we are asking Allah subhanaw taala for so be attentive, be focused, you know, if someone is talking to you, and it's

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very obvious from the way you know, their, their eyes are, or their hands are busy, you know that they're not really, really in the conversation.

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For instance, you're talking to someone and they're looking at their phone, and every few seconds they say, Uh huh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly.

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You know, you feel so disrespected, that please, you know, pay attention. I want you to be present. I want you to be here. So the heart should be present. When we are talking to Allah. When we're asking Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said call upon Allah

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While being certain of being answered, and you should know that Allah does not respond to the supplication from the heart of someone who is heedless and occupied by play StuffIt Allah in sometimes we are making our morning or evening a car and we are using our phone at the same time and we're not even thinking about what we are saying we're not paying attention. Sometimes we're saying Alomar, nav with any Alomar if and if he summary Alomar if any people study, we're asking Allah to protect our body, our eyes, our ears. And we're not even thinking about that. Because we're busy swiping through, you know, photos or videos and things like that. So this is not respectful. This is

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not the proper etiquette, be attentive the heart should be present. In another Hadith, we learned that

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what sorry, in the narration, we learned that one of the scholars, he was asked that, do you not see how frequently people make supplication and how rarely they are, given what they're asking for. And he replied, that this is because

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when people make Dora, they make God to show off in many people who are making Dora do so in order to show off or their hearts are distracted, whereas Allah listens to the one who makes a supplication firmly from his heart.

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So, sometimes, you know, we wonder that I may God every day, or I have seen such a such person making dua all the time, or, you know, they say that they are, you know, for example, they say all the time, that oh Allah protect my children, Oh Allah, you know,

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protect me. And now I see that, you know, their child is suffering, or that they're suffering themselves, when we're not judging other people's intention or or manner. But the thing is, that every person should not just be saying words of the raw, but they should be attentive, and you know, present in heart when they are making

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and part of this is that a person means what they're saying, you know, sometimes we are saying words of the elbow, but we don't really mean them. You know, there are certain statements that have become so common in conversation.

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You know, people just say them, that may Allah give us this, may Allah give you that, but they don't really mean it. So mean it when you're asking Allah subhanaw taala, for something mean it.

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Then the next etiquette is that we should ask Allah subhanaw taala with conviction, meaning with the belief in the heart that Allah subhanaw taala hears you he gives, He is able to give this to me, he is able to do this for me. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that none of you should say, Oh Allah, forgive me, if you wish. Or bestow Your mercy on me if you wish, or provide me with means of subsistence, if you wish.

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He should not say that rather, a person should be firm in his request, because Allah does what He wills and no one can force him to do anything. Any, you don't need to say in your da, or Allah give this to me, if you wish, because, of course, Allah subhanaw taala will only give it to you, if he wishes, he does what he wishes he does what he wants, no one can force him, you cannot force Allah. But on your part, you should express your keen conviction in the Power of Allah in the Mercy of Allah. And so your words should exhibit that. Then the next etiquette is that when we make dua, we should not worry about the acceptance of Da in the sense that we should not be concerned and afraid

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that, you know, Will Allah accept my thorough or not? I don't know if Allah will accept? I'm not sure. And then, you know, keep thinking about this. You know, keep wondering, Will Allah accept or not? No, or model de la Martin who used to say that I do not worry about the acceptance of Dora. I worry about Torah itself. Meaning, our concern should be about making Torah that I need to make, I need to ask Allah and am I asking or not? How am I asking? Am I asking enough? Any your concern should be to make the oil properly in the best way that you can with attentiveness, and then leave the results to Allah. And the fact is that when you

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You call upon Allah Allah responds, he hears. So, the moment you call upon Allah, the Java the response is guaranteed. So, how Allah subhanaw taala accepts your application and how He grants you, that is up to him. And and that is none of your business, really, your business your concern is that you call upon Allah. So focus your attention on that.

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Then the next etiquette is that we call upon Allah subhanaw taala with humility with who Sure, we learned that the companions were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in in a journey, and every time they went, you know, to a higher place they would say, La ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar any they would say out very loudly. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, oh people be merciful to yourselves. Be merciful to yourselves because you're not calling someone who is deaf or absent but someone who is with you. He years and he is Kareem. Bless it is his name. Exalted is his mind. Any, when you're, when you shout, that is the opposite of humility. When you're

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too loud, too loud, that is the opposite of humility. So show humility in your manner also, and in your heart also. Then the next internal etiquette is that in the era when we're making dua, we should express our need and our dependency on Allah subhanaw taala and we should acknowledge his fate His favors on us like the criada his sunnah he said a lot be in the one Allah Allah moment me oh my lord, my bones have become weak brittle wish Darla. So shame on my head is flared up with white. Any I am so weak, my body is weak. My body is frail, I have become old. And you know, inside my you know inside I feel weak. Visibly also I have become old. I am in desperate need. What I'm a

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combi da ecotherapy Sharqiya. And he also showed gratitude. He said, Never have I been in my supplication to you, my Lord unhappy, I've always received something when I have called upon you, and I've always received a positive response whenever I have called upon you. So this is how we should make sure that we express our need our dependency on Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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One of the scholars he said that, when you know certain things, certain ingredients are necessary in Dora. What are they that you express your neediness before Allah, you show humility, you show weakness and desperation. You praise Allah the Exalted you acknowledge his favorites, and you confess your sins, and you make dua with attentiveness and with determination. And when you will do that, then Dora will be accepted it will be responded to

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another etiquette is that we call upon Allah with, you know, with humility, and you know, with earnestness,

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and while we manifest our, our poverty before Allah, Allah subhanaw taala says the rule of bacame Tada Ron Wahoo, phiaton in the hula, your humble Martin, Call upon your Lord in humility and privately indeed, he does not like the transgressors. So here we are commanded to call upon Allah de Lauren. And to learn more, is to not only lower oneself, but also to be earnest and energetic in making dua, that you are insistent, you beg. And you manifest severe poverty before Allah. So this means that as you are making God, your face should show that you, you you really want what you're asking for, that you are crying before Allah, right? Your face is not the face of someone who does

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not care. Or someone who is very distant, or someone who

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you know does not feel anything. No, feel all of your emotions and express them on your face, through your tears, in the manner that you are making Dora so short of a room, and remember how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua that he

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you know, he was raising his hands and he kept on calling upon Allah

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Panel Tyler for so long that his mantle even fell. Right his upper garment fell down. And Boubacar o de la Moran who picked it up and you know he put it on his shoulders and he consoled him. So call upon Allah subhanaw taala with the Lord and call upon Allah subhanaw taala secretly also this is another etiquette. In the Quran we learn the Quran, haematuria beaker or Buddha Hooser Korea is neither a Buddha, sorry, it neither bajo NIDA and Javi here that the curry Alehissalaam called out to his Lord, a private supplication, privates application. So call upon Allah privately. And that means that you do so in your heart, or when you are, you know, even making brow with your mouth with

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your lips, then you do so in a way that other people cannot hear if they're around you.

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And you don't always have to share with people what you are asking Allah subhanaw taala for, you can keep that a secret between yourself and Allah.

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You know, there are certain goals, wishes, you know, things that happen in your life that you share with people. But everything you you don't have to share with people, certain goals, prayers, you should keep private between yourself and your Lord. And the person who knows and feels that Allah is Corrib Allah is near, then that person will call upon Allah subhanaw taala in private, in secret. And there are so many benefits of private Dora, first of all, when you make dua to Allah privately, it shows that you you believe that Allah is near that Allah that Allah hears that. You don't have to, you know, say your DUA out loud because Allah hears you. He knows you. Right? Secondly, it shows

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more respect. Think about it. If there's a king or a dignitary, and you're talking to them, how will you talk to them? Will you shout? Will you be loud? No. In fact, when you love someone and you have great respect for them, you want to spend alone time with them, you want to talk to them in such a way that no third person is there.

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So when you make dua to Allah privately, this is more respectful, and it is more humble, and it is more sincere also. So these are some internal etiquette balconi adapt. Now the law at meaning the external etiquette

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of the external etiquette is that when we make dua we made are in a state of will do remember that will do is not a condition for making up for the acceptance of Dora. It's not a condition. However, it is certainly Mr. Howe, it is certainly preferable.

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And if a person is not able to make dua, sorry, if a person is not able to make wudu, before making dua, there's nothing wrong with that. Allah subhanaw taala still hears, however, when you make will do and then you make God, you will feel that you are more attentive, you will feel closer to Allah subhanaw taala because the acts of worship that Allah subhanaw taala has legislated to us, then they are a means of drawing close to Allah.

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Right in Hadith we learned that the slave draws close to Allah, how by doing the things that Allah subhanaw taala has commanded him with and when a person performs voluntary good deeds he draws even closer to Allah. So will do is something legislated right. So, when you make will do and for example, you pray salah, and after Salah you make Dora you are in a state of will do you will feel closer to Allah. And so, that means that you will have you will be more attentive, you will be more sincere, you will be more honest, right? Meaning you will mean what you are saying.

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In a hadith we learned that Abu Salah Shillito de la Mourinho who he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he mentioned to him about how one of his companions of Muhammad had passed away. And a Brahmin had told abou said that when you reach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then tell him to ask forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for me, so the Musa told the prophet Sallallahu earlier said about that, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we learned a hadith in Bukhari that he asked for

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Water. And then when water was brought to him he made wudu. And then he raised his hands. And then he said, Allah homall, Finley herbatint. A beer Ahmed, that Oh ALLAH forgive obeyed Abramoff. So he didn't just make the raw right there. And then when he was told, when he was given the message, rather, he first made make, he first made wudu then he raised his hands and he made thorough and you will experience this yourself that when, you know for example, you're in some difficulty. You hear some good news, you feel very stressed out, you go and make wudu you will feel calm, you will feel closer to Allah. And then you raise your hands and you make vara you will feel like you have

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unburdened yourself, you will feel like you have, you will feel relieved, because now you have handed over your matter to Allah. When you have called upon Allah when you when you made Dora you are entrusting your affair to Allah do Allah, you use all this for me. So, make will do. This doesn't mean that every time you make dua, first you make will do no, this is not a requirement. As I mentioned earlier, this is something mazahub. So, we see that this was not the habit of the Prophet sallallahu or incident that every time he made, will do before making dua. Now, but occasionally he did that. Secondly, another etiquette is that we face the Qibla when making Dora.

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Again, this is not a requirement.

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Rather, this is just something better and something permissible. We learn in various a hadith about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made Dora while giving the hotbar and when a person is given the hook, but they are not facing the Qibla in fact, their back is towards the Qibla right, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Madara like that. But in some Hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made wudu then he he faced the Kibler and then he made the so for example, in a hadith we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam reached a certain place in Medina. And when he reached there, he asked for Buddha water. And then he made Udo

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he faced the Qibla. And he said, Allah hum in the Ibrahima corner of Dhaka wahala qawwali laka. That, oh, Allah Ibrahim was your slave and your friend, and he prayed for the people of Makkah for blessing. And I Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam am your slave and Your Messenger. And I ask you I call upon you, I make dua to you, for the people of Medina, that you bless them in their mood and their SAR different measures.

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The way that you blessed the people of Makkah, and in fact, he asked for double blessing. So the Prophet sallallahu Artizan didn't just stand up and make dua didn't just make dua where he was rather He first made whoodle Then he faced the temblor and then he made Torah so sometimes you can do that. But this is not a requirement. It is not a must

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likewise, of the etiquette is that we we spread open our hands when we're making golf, some people and they may throw the put their hands on their face with a completely cover their face with their hands. Some people when they're making or are they, you know, make a fist, alright with one hand and then they put their other hand on the fist, that is also not from the sun. The correct way is that we open our hands meaning our palms should be open. Alright, in a hadith we learn that Allah is shy, he is generous, and he is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of his servant when he raises them to him. So you should open your hands, alright, they should be open and they should be raised in to

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Allah before Allah. Some people don't raise their hands, they just placed their hands on their lap. Or you know just you know, just a little bit in front of them they raise them very little. No, raise them up. Okay, raise them up at least to face level or slightly below. This is how we should be making dua In another Hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that when you make dua to Allah, do so with the palms of your hand.

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Not backs can do so with the palms of your hands and not backs. So hands should be open. All right, that is how we should be making God. Then another external etiquette is that when we make the raw, we begin with the praise of Allah. And then we send solid on the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and then we ask for what we are making dua and in sha Allah in our next session, we are going to talk about the words of praise and glorification, how we can praise and glorify Allah.

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Not only you know at different times, but specifically when we're making dua, how can we begin our da with praise and glorification? Then the session after that is going to be about sending Sadat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what that means, how that is relevant to making Dora and when we should do that, what the benefit is, and then inshallah we will learn about the different doors related to different themes. So this is how we should be making dua that we begin with praise. Then we send Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu, earlier salah, and then we ask for what we want.

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Another etiquette is that when we're making Gara, we should use comprehensive words.

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Meaning, it's okay to make the offer long.

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However, we should use comprehensive words because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith we learn that he liked adjoa Mira Mina Dora, he liked comprehensive supplication and he abandoned other kinds. So for example, in Hadith we learn you know, in the Muslim dogs we learn about how the prophets of Allah who asked Allah for agenda Allahumma inni as a local Jana, right, well, I asked you for Jenna

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but he didn't ask for that. Oh Allah. I asked you for a house made of white pearls and milk chocolate, and you know, shining crystal on the right side of paradise with five levels on the first level this on the second level, this and the third level know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not make such thought he was very comprehensive, right? He asked Allah for Jana, because when you have Jana, then in general you will have whatever you desire. So what you desire comes after that, right? So be comprehensive in your thorough, all right.

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Likewise, and the best way really, to make the right is to use the words that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used And subhanAllah you know, one of the unique gifts the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given was that he he had, he was given Jomi we'll call him comprehensive speech. Any one word comprehensive, sorry, it completely It is composed of a lot of meaning. So we can use the doors of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for ourselves also.

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Another thing is that when we're making the route we should avoid the color of any pretentiousness. And

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in a narration, we learned even our bus Rhodiola horn who he said that avoid the use of rhymed prose in making Dora because I noticed that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions always avoided it. So when you're making garlic, remember, there is not poetry, that every word you're saying rhymes with the next word, and everything you're asking for rhymes with the next one. No, you don't have to be super eloquent. This is not a, you know, an assignment of,

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you know, your, your your ability to express yourself eloquently or, or in a lengthy way, no call upon Allah from your heart, in the words of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said the more in your own words, but be be normal, you know, talk to Allah in a in a in a normal way, don't be so fake and pretentious. Another thing is that we should avoid

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erotica because the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said that in my community, there will be some people who will exceed the limits in purification and in supplication. So when they're purifying themselves that they will exceed the limits. So for example,

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In will do we're supposed to wash our hands, face, arms, etc three times, but some people will not be satisfied with three times they will do so even more. This is what this is a kind of, you know exceeding the limits, and then they will also exceed in supplication. How will this? What does this mean and I'll just talk about that in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala told us or the role of bacaan, the loved one will who fear Call upon your Lord, with humility and in private in no law you have been martyred in indeed Allah does not like those who exceed limits. So exceeding limits means doing the opposite of what Allah subhanaw taala has told us, right? Allah tells us ask him with humility.

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So exceeding the limits would be to ask Allah without humility. And He has commanded us that we should call upon Him, we're in in private. So the, the opposite of that would be that we are very loud in the sense that we are screaming, we are yelling, we are really raising our voice. So all of this is erotica in making grow. And exceeding the limits in making dua isn't, is in two ways. The first is in manner. So for example, a person is shouting a person is really

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wailing, wailing, any one is to cry in such a way that tears are falling from your eyes. And that, you know, there's a sound like you could hear, like the Companions could hear from the Prophet sallallahu to send them like the sound of you know, bubbling water, boiling water. So, you know, just crying, that is very silent, that is permissible, but wailing, wailing, any crying noisily while making girl, this is exceeding the limits, raising the voice in shouting, that is also exceeding the limits, or making the right in such a way that a person is not showing any emotion. They're not crying, they're not showing any weakness on their face, they're not showing any humility

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in their face, this is also exceeding the limits,

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then exceeding the limits can also be in words, that for example, a person is

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you know, like I mentioned earlier that a person says All I ask you for a castle, a house in Paradise made of white pearls, you know, with the, with the fountain of chocolate, and these many floors, these many levels and this decoration and that this is not right. Okay. In a narration, we learned about how a great scholar of the lab in Marfa, he heard his son saying that all I asked you for a White Castle, on the right of on the right side of paradise, as soon as I enter it, and he was going on and on and of the lone wolf and he said to him, My dear son, ask Allah for Paradise, and ask Allah to protect you from the fire. And that is sufficient. You don't need to, you know,

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exaggerate in your words so much. Likewise, exceeding the limits in wording is that a person asks for something that contradicts what is already established. So for example, a person says, Oh Allah make me a prophet.

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Any that that's not going to happen? Because the line of Prophethood has ended. Right? Or a person says, Yeah, Allah, do not resurrect me on the day of judgment. That Allah subhanaw taala will resurrect those who were dead. Right? If Allah subhana wa Tada has created you given you life, He will give you death and he will also bring you back to life. Or if a person says, Yeah, Allah give me knowledge of the ANC. This is this is not correct. These are all forms of exceeding the limits. All right, and we should not exceed limits in making Daura. Another etiquette is that when we call upon Allah, we acknowledge our sins, and we show regret, and we repent and we seek forgiveness from

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Allah subhanaw taala. We learn in a hadith, that if somebody commits a sin and then says, Oh my Lord, I have sinned. Please forgive me, that Allah subhanaw taala says, My slave has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punish us for it. I have forgiven my slave his sins. So when we made Dora we should also seek forgiveness from Allah, that should be a part of our Dora.

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Like for example, robbing our family when

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Usually the year will move meaning or your way of putting herself, right that Allah forgive me and my parents and the believers on the day of reckoning. And this shows us another etiquette that when we make dua, for others, we should begin by making dua for ourselves first, you see in this doorway, Brahim Ali Salam, what did he do? He first asked Allah subhanaw taala, that it will finally forgive me. And then he said, Forgive my parents. And then he said, Forgive the believers. So ask first for who for yourself, then those who are closest to you, those who are more most deserving of your dog, and then so on and so forth.

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We learn that whenever the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would mention someone and make dua for them, he would first begin with himself, so obey even carbonyl de la Mourinho reported that. Another etiquette is that when we're making Dora, we should not be hasty meaning we should not be hasty for the results. And being hasty for results means that a person abandons da that, you know, if they, if they don't see the results right away, they say, this doesn't work, forget about it, and they stopped making Gora, this is wrong. We should we should not be like this, that we make Dora and then we become hasty. Another etiquette is that we should

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be insistent when we're making dua. And how do we

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insist by repeating the words of the Torah?

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The prophets of Allah who are insolent zwei, was that when he would make dua as even as rude said, God, the lesson he would make, there are three times now this doesn't mean that every single dollar should be such that we are making three times. No, but the things that you really desire, and the things that are really having on your heart, the things that you know, you you, you you desperately want, then,

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you know, then repeat that there are multiple times, but three times is sufficient. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, sorry, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said that, whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times, then paradise says, Oh Allah admit him into paradise. And whoever seeks refuge from the fire three times the fire says, oh, Allah save him from the fire.

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And part of this insistence is that we continue to make Dora we don't give up, we don't quit, all right, about the law or the law annual, he said that the one who continues to knock on the door, then it is hope that the door will be open for him.

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You know, for example, when you really want to enter someplace, some room some some part of a building or something and the door is closed and you really want to go in you knock once and there is no answer, you will not just give up, if you really want to go in you will keep knocking again and again and again and again and again until the door is open. So that that said that the one who continues to call upon Allah, it is hoped that you will be granted what he is asking for. So be insistent and call upon Allah repeatedly. And this means that we should exert effort in making Dora any take your time when you're making girl Do not rush. You know sometimes we think making the art

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once is enough, no, you may draw every day you make Dora after Salah you know for example, you are worried about an exam that you have to write a test that you have to take, then don't just make the offer at once. Make dua for it. You know for example after fajr that again have to go then again after that again after more than again after a shot, for example. Right then again in tahajjud you you make the art today you make the art tomorrow and the day after and the day after that. Continue to call upon Allah subhanaw taala don't stop making dua.

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Another etiquette is that we should be frequent in making Garowe any donation just make dua when things are tough, or when you desire something. No. in Hadith we learn whoever wishes that Allah should respond to him during hardship and grief. Then let him supplicate plan to fully when at ease. Anyone things are good when they're easy. At that time also call upon Allah subhanaw taala or not. Another etiquette is that we should not pray against ourselves or our children or our property.

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Because you see, sometimes when we get

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tired and overwhelmed, exasperated, then in our frustration, we begin to pray against our children or against ourselves.

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That's the federal law. And this is this is very wrong. I remember

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once I heard a lady she was, she did not like that her daughter ate a lot. And she did not like that her daughter should be. No, she really wanted that her daughter should be skinny, should be frail. And unfortunately, any people think that a girl's beauty is only in her thingness

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Subhanallah and I remember

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she said something that I could not

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understand how a mother can say that.

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She said, I hope I pray that she gets an eating disorder.

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I could not believe my ears that how, how can you say that? How can you ask Allah to give your daughter an eating disorder so that she can be skinny? La hawla wala Quwata illa, BiLlah Lucha whole Lola Quwata illa biLlah

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This is so painful. And if we understand how serious how how dangerous this illness is, you're praying against your own child because you're frustrated, you think that she's eating a lot. She's a growing child, she needs to eat. She, you know, she's eating what she, what she probably what her body needs, she's eating until she feels full. Or maybe she's eating so much because she's worried because you're not giving her what she needs.

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And you're praying against your child.

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So, we should be very careful, do not do not pray against your children. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us from doing that. He said do not invoke curse on yourselves, do not invoke curse on your children do not invoke curse on your slaves and do not invoke curse on your property. Do not do that. Lest you happen to do it at a time when Allah is asked for something and he grants your request. So be very careful. You know sometimes we get so frustrated with all the housework that we start praying against the the blessings that Allah has given. We say things like oh, why did I have to have such a big house? I wish I I wish I had a smaller house. I wish I had

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fewer things. I wish I had fewer responsibilities. I wish I had you know a smaller family.

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I wish you know, we show frustration with the amount of food be very careful. Be very careful the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and warned us against that. In Quran we learn. Weatherill inside Insano. B shirt reader or who will hide what candle insan or a jeweler? That the human being called upon Allah for evil, meaning he makes dua for something evil, the way that he should be asking for something good. And the reason is that the human being is very hasty, very hasty, we rush, we are very impatient. Another thing is that we should not make dua for something that is sinful or something that that means that ties of kinship will be will be severed, in Hadith leader and that Da

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is granted, as long as the slave does not pray for something sinful, or for clear it.

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And as long as he is not hasty. So for example, if a person says, for example, a woman she prays that, oh, Allah don't, don't allow my husband to meet his mother, this is this is not right. You are praying that the relationship between a mother and a child is severed, or that he does not meet his his brothers, that you are praying for kaitiaki Rahim, this is wrong, this is not permissible. So we should observe proper etiquette internally externally, and we should refrain from exceeding limits in in any just because we are calling upon Allah. It doesn't mean that we become illogical, or that we become disrespectful, or that we you know, begin to test the the power of Allah, this is this is

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not correct. We should call upon Allah, as slaves of Allah, as as those who are in need of Allah, as those who believe in Allah. So ask Allah properly

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Another thing that we can do when making the art is that we adopt what sila.

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We learned in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we're bitter whoa la Hill was sila that seek was sila

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to to Allah. And what is worse Isla Waseda means the coverup, it is to attain nearness and closeness to someone. So, this means that when we are making dua, we should do and say things that will make our Dora a closer to Allah meaning closer to acceptance. So, we should adopt a means

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to we should adopt means that will increase the chances of our da being accepted.

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And this means two things.

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One is that we first of all do things that draw us closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. So for example, before making dua, we perform a good deed.

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For example, before making dua we make although before making dua, we perform to Dakar before making dua, we give sadaqa Alright, this is a means of drawing near Allah and then you ask for something Okay, before making dua, you praise and glorify Allah, you send Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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All right. So, so this is one thing that you do something that will draw you closer to Allah and then you ask, alright. And secondly, this means that when we are making door up, we we say things, okay? That will improve that will increase the chances of door being accepted. So for example, you mentioned the names of Allah the Exalted because Allah says what he lacking a smell hustler for the Ruby, how Allah has the most beautiful names call upon Allah by those names. So you mentioned the names of Allah, when you're making girl. You another example. Is that you?

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You mentioned your righteous deeds. Okay? For instance, in Hadith, we learned about the story of the three men who got trapped in the cave, right? So each one of those men, what did he do? They, they mentioned their good deeds. For example, one person mentioned that,

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you know, how he treated his parents very good. And he mentioned a particular incident where he gave them gave his parents preference over his hungry crying children. So he said that, yeah, Allah, if I did this for you, then you bring me out of this difficulty. And so the rock moved a little bit. The second man did something similar that he mentioned one of his good deeds, the third man also mentioned one of his good deeds. So you can do that. So these are all permissible, was it? Alright, that you first before making Dora you do something that will draw you close to Allah? And then secondly, in your Dora, you mentioned, what will increase the chances of your dog being accepted?

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All right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what would he say? He would say, yeah, hey, you you're a young medical studies, he would mention the names of Allah. And you can mention those names which are relevant to what you are praying for. So for example, you're seeking forgiveness, right? So you say Yahoo for Yahoo. Right? You want guidance for your children? So you say yeah, herdy Right. You are seeking healing. You mentioned the name a Shafi. Right? So the names of Allah that you mentioned, should be relevant to what you are asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for

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another thing is that

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you can request a righteous person to make God for you. Alright, and there's nothing wrong with that. We learned that the people would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would request him that all messenger of Allah make dua for me, right. We also learned that Romano de la Mourinho when he was the Khalifa. There was a drought there, there was no rain for a very long time. So he requested our best Radi Allahu Anhu to make dua for rain.

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And he also made da himself. He said, Oh Allah, we used to ask our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to invoke you for rain, and you would bless us with rain. And now we asked his uncle to invoke you for rain. So they asked the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make Dora. Now notice over here, they did not say, the hormonal dilemma and who did not say what in another was salam alayka Bureau Zuleika that we,

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you know, SQL sila to nearness to us through your messenger? No, that's not what he did. Because the prophets of Allah, Who are you send them had passed away. Rather, what he did is that he asked a righteous person who was alive at the time or best for the long run, to make dua. So this is something permissible, that we ask someone who is righteous to make dua for us, but we cannot request the dead or mentioned them in our drop that you know, because of them, or Allah grant us something. This would be impermissible Waseda. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden us from in the Quran, we learned that the Mushrikeen you know, they, they would say that

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know, that man or Buddha woman, Illa, Leo curry, buena, Illa, Allah, His OLFA, that we only worship these deities in order to draw closer to Allah. And sadly, there are many Muslims who think that their DA will only be accepted if they mention, you know, that, that Oh Allah, we received to through the vasila of your messenger, only then their door will be accepted. But this is not correct. The Sahaba did not do that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not teach that, in fact, he taught the opposite of that. And the Quran also teaches us the opposite of that, that call upon Allah directly with the rule of bacame. And it does not say that the rule of bacaan we will see

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like so and so. All right. Now, in the same line, remember that it is completely permissible to ask someone else to make the route for you. Alright. However, what is not correct is that you don't make dua yourself, and you only ask other people to make their own.

01:02:21 --> 01:03:04

All right. Some people have this habit, that they keep asking others make dua for me, make dua for me make dua for me, but they don't make God themselves. So make dua yourself, and you can also request those who are righteous to make dua for you. But the DUA that you make yourself should be more than your request for other people to make the offer. Now, there are also certain times when doors are, you know, accepted, in the sense that the chance of acceptance is greater. And these times are first of all, between the event and a comma because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the that Dora made at this time was not rejected, any when the other hand is made.

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And after that, you know, sometimes there's 510 minutes before the comma before the salah begins, that time is very precious. So make dua at that time. Secondly, in Hadith, Willard making dua after salah, okay, when the Prophet salallahu arisin was asked about which application is most likely to be listened to, he said during the last part of the night and at the end of the obligatory prayers, thirdly, in such the in center, in Salah, or after Salah also, you know you can go into center in that position you call upon Allah. then fourthly, the last third of the night, the end of the night, the time of sukoon when you're up anyway these days to eat, wake up 510 minutes early. And if you're

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praying with it at the time, you can make dua with that. And if you've already prayed with it, then at least spend a few moments in there because Allah subhanaw taala invites us at this time and and it says that is there anyone who will ask me so that I will give him then the month of Ramadan. We learned in a hadith that in every day and every night of Ramadan, Allah subhanaw taala sets people free people people are caught up they are freed from the fire of *. And and they have the auto Mr. Jabba in every day every night of Ramadan you have that wrong Mr. Jab a dog that is responded to so make Dora every day of Ramadan every night of Ramadan. Also lay little puddle right and then on

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the day of Arafah outside of Ramadan on the day of alpha.

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Also we learned that at the time when rain is falling, which

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didn't make dua at that time also, when a person is in difficulty, they should make the right that time

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when drinking zamzam because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said the water of zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for, meaning whatever you drink it for, that that need will be fulfilled. So make dua when you're drinking zum zum and you can do that before you take a sip. You can do that right after you take a sip of zamzam any make dua along with drinking samsam then making the after the recitation of the Quran. All right, this is also a time where dogs are accepted. In another Hadith we learn that when you hear the crowing of roosters then ask for Allah's blessing, because they have seen an angel, right. So at that time, make Dora

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we also learned that in a hadith in Sahih Muslim that when you visit the sick, or the dead supplicate for good because the angel say I mean to whatever you say. So make dua for them for yourself, when you visit a sick person, or even when you visit the dead of so for example, you're going for the Janessa at that time, say something good, ask for good. All right.

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Then, there are some people whose doors are accepted because of what they're doing. And among them are people who are doing jihad in the way of Allah and people who go for Hajj and Umrah in Hadith we learned that those going for Hajj and Umrah are a delegation to Allah, they're the guests of Allah, he invited them so they responded to him. So when they ask Him, He will give them so their their hours will be accepted.

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Likewise, a person who is oppressed there, though, is accepted. The person who is traveling his the VA is accepted. And specifically the Prophet sallallahu. Earlier said, I mentioned, Darwin will rarely do allow one at the door of the father for his child. Because you see mothers make gara anyway, mothers are overly concerned about their children, mothers will forget themselves and they're always preoccupied with with their children, every single one of their children. But father's typically, you know, they're busy thinking about their work business money outside of the house. And the way many cultures are fathers are very disconnected from their children.

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Father should make dua for his child. So when you see anything, you know,

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in your children that you you, you you're praying for, especially remind the father of that child, that you need to make your offer your child.

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And we also learned that children who made offer their parents, that is also accepted.

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Likewise, when you make the offer someone who is absent someone who is not there, then then that door is also responded to the person who is fasting until they break their fast. And at the time that they break their fast that Dora is also accepted. Those who remember Allah a lot. And it just ruler, his daughter is also accepted. The person who makes whoodle remembers Allah and then goes to sleep. And then you know if he wakes up in the night, and he makes Dora that Da is accepted. So we should be eager to call upon Allah subhanaw taala in such states, then there are some people whose door is not accepted. And these are people who don't believe in Allah. Because those who don't

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believe in Allah are not calling upon Allah. They're calling one something else, someone else. So Allah Subhana Allah tells us will Medora will caffeine Illa fuel bola? The DA of those who disbelief is only in error, meaning it's not going to work because they're not calling upon Allah. Right? In another Hadith we learn that when people do not command what is right and do not forbid what is wrong. Then there comes a point where they call upon Allah and Allah subhanaw taala does not give them what they're asking for, because Allah subhanaw taala is this is displeased with them, that they don't care about what is right and what is wrong. Likewise, in another Hadith, we learned that

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the person who commits Zina

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you know there there the raw is, is not honored. Any Why should Allah subhanaw taala give them what they're asking for when they have put themselves so far away from the mercy of

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And now this doesn't mean that if a person is, you know, committing a sin or has committed a sin, they're not worthy of calling upon Allah. No they should, but they should first recognize their sin. They should make Toba and they should seek forgiveness from Allah. They should admit their sins and like that they draw closer to Allah and then they call upon Allah. So, we should be eager to call upon Allah subhanaw taala. And we should observe these etiquette internal external, when calling upon Allah azza wa jal inshallah we will conclude over here Subhana Allah Houma will be handing a chateau Illa Illa illa Anta a stone Furukawa to buoy lake was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi

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