Musleh Khan – Understanding Surah Al Kahf Class #4

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of protecting one's faith in a cave, sharing experiences to make them stronger, and avoiding negative culture is emphasized in Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for one-on-one interactions to improve one's life and grow, and the importance of clear and explicit proof about their actions to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. They also emphasize the need for individuals to be prepared for events and share their personal experiences, and to share their personal experiences in public to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Email hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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Allah here after Salah woman, Amma Berra once again said Mr. Lee Kuan Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

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Looks like we need another table.

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If you guys still mind, please, if you could just hand the sisters that last table at the back there. Yeah.

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We want you to get close, but not necessarily feel the love to that extent you want some space as well. Right? So we'll take care of that. Yeah. Yeah, just just right at the back if you don't mind. Yeah.

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Okay, how are we doing? Brothers and sisters? Lots of action happening this week a

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lot, lots of things happening.

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Can somebody tell me

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the young men that were trapped in the cave?

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Why are we talking about people who got trapped in a cave?

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What's so special about people who just got locked up in a cave? And in addition to that they were hiding there. Why is that such a significant part of not only the Koran, but a section of one of the most important suitors in the Koran is dedicated to talking about this. Why?

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Just talk to me about what you remember, we said yesterday, last week.

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Whatever comes to mind, it's all good.

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Okay, it's to stick to.

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Okay, so they definitely want it to hold on to their faith. They want it to protect their faith.

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Sometimes when you have to seek refuge, to protect your deen,

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sometimes you have to do that.

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You can't be and I'm sure this would make sense to all of us, right?

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You can't be Muslim, everywhere you go. Even though that is your fundamental right? It's not easy to practice your faith. Everywhere you go on the face of this earth like there are certain places you go to you will be restricted to an extent you will be limited. You'll have to face certain consequences. You might even be targeted, and that sort of thing, right? So these individuals going to this cave and finding refuge and protection is actually something that is a part of protecting our own faith. To some extent, if we were in a similar situation, what did they do when they got into that cave?

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today to just sat there and waited, or

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first thing they did is what?

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What does that tell you about these individuals

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that had strong what? That strong belief that strong faith? How did they get strong, strong faith? Just imagine, right? You are running away from persecution, right? You are running away, to the extent to now you've got to hide within the mountains in a cave and just sit there, no food, no water, nothing. And it's the you and a bunch of, I guess maybe their friends at that point. But prior to that they were just random people. But they all had one thing in common. Right? Their faith was the same. So they ended up becoming or police coming together. And now they're in this cave work. How did they develop faith to that extent where despite their conditions, despite what they

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were exposed to, they still just spoke to Allah.

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They still

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had this like, positive outlook and certainty with Allah? How in the world did they do that? You all know the answer because we mentioned one thing very important that for you to develop faith at that level where nothing will break your faith. Maybe you might be physically broken, emotionally broken, but spiritually broken, maybe to an extent. But you're grounding your faith with Allah, your trust in Allah that's never broken. How do you get there? What must you do? There's a number of things that you do, but we talked about a couple of them last week. Does anybody remember some of those things? What is Alesse? Biography?

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The names of Allah.

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And what did we say you must do about the names of Allah? Don't just memorize them. Memorizing has no benefit. Unless you follow up with that memorization with for him with understanding. It has no it doesn't really have much benefit. Like sometimes I go to like these events where somebody will make Dora and they'll recite all 99 names. Yeah, I use easel. Yeah, Jabara Yara, like 20 minutes, he's just spitting out every name of Allah.

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But he probably knows maybe five or six of them what they actually mean, that's when you translate and not what they entail, how they work, how do you use it? How do they benefit you? How do you use the names of Allah to help you endure? All of that stuff is missing. So the bent in essence, the memorization of those names, really doesn't go far. So that's a less biography. That's how Allah tells us who he is, and a little bit about him.

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These individuals, there's a good chance that they knew Allah to the extent that they trusted him no matter what their circumstance was, when they were at their lowest, they definitely turned to Allah and they kept turning to Allah. And it's a tough thing to do you have to have a strong faith. Yes, go ahead.

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Yeah, I have taught the course many times actually. And every time I teach the 99 names of Allah, I feel like I don't know anything. Like it's one of those courses. I really feel like I know nothing. And I'm learning it for the first time. It's really It's very in depth. There's a lot of theory behind each of the names. There's a lot of a yet you go through a lot of opinions amongst scholars, some of it, most of it is very good. Some of it is very strange, but it's common. So we kind of iron through some of those things. There's a lot of misunderstanding or misinterpretation around all the names of Allah. And once you can navigate through that, you get to a place where you really see the

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essence and beauty of each of those names. And then we talk about how to how to use them in sha Allah, if you don't maybe who knows that might be a subject after this one. Let's see how it goes. Yeah, yeah, I love that subject. As a matter of fact, that's my major. I went I went to the University of Medina, I specialized in Arpita, which involves the 99 names of Allah. That's my specialty that I focus on anyhow. Okay.

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So some time goes by. And we talked about this particular area.

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Actually, yeah, this particular area, we talked about this massive creature, this massive dog that came. And the purpose of this dog was for what doesn't even remember,

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right, it's just more of like a deterrent or distraction. So in essence, it was sent there to just sort of protect to guard the cave to an extent, right. And then we diverted or at least went in a side tangent just about dogs in general. And because dogs are so common and part of our culture here, we see them everywhere. Our neighbors, our friends, all of them have dogs. We talked about very briefly, some some of the things in terms of etiquettes. With dogs with having dogs and interacting with dogs. Zingales, remember some of the things that we mentioned very quickly.

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What did we say like Okay, so let me start you off. Are we allowed to, like have a dog?

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Yes, yes. Yes.

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Does anybody so yeah, we can touch the dog. We can pet a dog.

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Alright, you can use the dog with you can have a dog as long as it has like a purpose behind it. So it guards your house. You can use it as a security guard dog. You might see that people who are blind sometimes they walk in the mall and they have like dogs that help them sort of walk around and do things. That's perfectly okay.

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Nobody hunts for their food anymore. I assume right? Nobody goes hunting here. So, but if you did,

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you can use a dog to hunt. Let me ask you a quick question. Let me see if any of you have studied this filter before. If the saliva of the dog is haram, and you send it hunting, and it catches like a goose or something, how does it bring it back to you?

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With his mouth? So how are you supposed to eat it? If it's holding this animal that with its mouth, and it's obviously hit saliva is mixed into the animal? So what do you do?

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So if it's a training dog, it won't feed on it. Okay, so this dog is not going to feed on it, it's still got to bring it to you. It's got to hold it in their mouth. What are you going to do?

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This is why Phil is so important. Right? So scholars, they say, there's a rule behind when the dog brings back this animal to it cannot be dead. whence it comes to you. You finish it off with the slaughter.

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Ah, you see how that works. That's why filth is so important. Right? Our common sense will take us one direction. But a lot of the times I work common sense is just simply wrong. Right? Or we just can't seem to figure it out logically, how do I navigate through this scenario? But fifth is really beautiful. And so yeah.

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Dogs can do that. If the dog brings you back an animal like a rabbit or something and it's dead and It's haram, you can't eat it.

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Because it died in a way that is on Islam. Now, some are that might Imam Malik and others they said if you say Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, then you release the dog and it goes and kills the animal, then technically, that can be acceptable as well. But

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No, you just simply slaughter it finish off the kill. And that's the whole one of the purpose of the slaughter is that it drains out all the impurities of that animal. Right. So if you've ever witnessed how slaughter is done, very meticulous, there's just not you don't just sort of like kill the animal, however you feel, you know, there's particular areas and veins and arteries and certain things that you aim at, for the animal to die quickly in the in the most humane way and so on. But it's also the best way to remove all of its bacteria and impurities and other things if it has some disease or something all of that can be removed, right? That's why Halal slaughter is the purest,

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most healthiest, safest form of consuming meat in existence. Anyhow, let's get let's get going where we are at verse number 17. And you'll see the Okay, so we did verse number 17. We're on 18. Right.

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We've finished 18. So let's go on to 19.

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And we go on tonight to what Kelly Cabarrus now whom Leah lubaina home.

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Take a look at this conversation. They're still in the cave look. But what ends up happening, and in that state, they start asking each other one of them asked, How long were we here? We talked about this didn't really rhyme. But now it's gonna go into a little bit more detail. They responded at least three plus the questioner so far. So they say at least Carla Kamla will call Lula with no power Lula Bitna, Yeoman obrigado Yom. They say at least, you know, a day or so. So this is three plus the question or so for individuals. This is the ayah that kind of hints to exactly how much persons are in this cave. So the word when you see here, not a little

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lobby stoom. Young Woman Oh, Barbara, let me highlight it here. So you see that? See this word here?

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Or in lot this word, barreled has to be at least three or more. Some scholars say it must be at least two or more. So let's assume we take it to the max that it's three persons at least this question or is asking. So we know at least there must be three plus the one that's asking. So let's for persons here so far. Okay? So they're trying to figure out how long they were in this cave.

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We remained a day

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or maybe a few days. Now another group responds. So this is the first group is having this conversation. Now there's another group in there. So remember, we said that they split in there? Why did they split? What happened to them?

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Why did this group split in the cave?

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Because they're young people and what do young people do? Half the time they

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just argue about like random things. So they started arguing. Now, how long they've been in there, one person says this amount of that person and they just kind of like split up, right? So this other group now said, at least, so the same word is used Paul neuropil, could be mad libitum. This other group says, Your master knows how long you've been here. The point is, is the same word is being referenced to this other group. So it's safe to say that at least three, again, is this other group. So now there's a total of maybe now we don't know the exact number, by the way, we're just assuming the scholars that they extract that this is the possibility, like there might be at least six or

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seven of them in this cave. Does the number matter?

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No, it doesn't. Like we could literally just zoom through all of this, and we don't have to talk about and it's perfectly fine. Right? But it's just it's interesting to, to an extent to understand at least a little bit of the language with the language hints to. So there's at least three others. So now there's a total of maybe our seven in total, your master knows how long you were here. This answer, Paul Europe, Bukom LM will be My Allah bestow. Your master knows how long this seems like. What, what's the difference between the first group and the second group now?

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Let's look at the answer of the second group. But the first group stabbed maybe a day or a little bit more. What's the difference between the two?

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One clearly just gave the straightforward straightforward answer that it's kind of a polite way of saying who cares? Allah knows how long we were here. What's the what's the difference? We're here? What's the big deal? We're here the conversation is done now. So how do we know it's done? Keep reading. Further I thought be worriedly calm has he ll Medina. So now you my students, I love you. We're here. Going to point someone that will take this cash to the city and watch out which food is more peered I'll pause there for a second. Okay, I'm just gonna leave the cursor there. That's where we paused. Now here's what's going to happen.

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They woke up after a long, long time.

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When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing your body wants? After you brush your teeth, do all that stuff.

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You want food? Right? You're hungry. They call they don't call him break fast to break breakfast for nothing, right? You've been starving the entire night, you want to eat something. So the first thing that they do is we are starving. So we need to go and send one of you out there out of this cave to go get some food. Here's the problem. How many years have gone by we're going to see.

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I guess a hint of we don't know the exact number, but a possibility of how many years they've been in this cave. Okay. But let's just say they've there's a good chance they were been in this cave for hundreds of years. Okay. So you're talking about generations now who have passed, the culture has changed. The leaders have changed everything, the atmosphere, you know, the landscape, the infrastructure, everything has changed. Even the foods have changed. Okay. Even the language and the accent, all of them have changed. Now one of them is going to come out of this cave. He still has some old currency money that he's going to use. So we're talking about remember back in the days,

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and if you don't remember this, you'll definitely make the rest of us feel really old. Guys remember the dollar bill?

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Remember that? Does anybody still have one of those? I still have one.

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Yeah, well, I'm not I haven't gotten that far.

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Yeah, but there's the $2 bill, as well.

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I remember seeing $1,000 Bill, just seeing it. I've never owned one but I just remember seeing one. But anyhow. So pretend these guys have a bunch of dollar bills, Canadian dollar bills. That's what they're gonna use now. So obviously, now the currency has completely changed, but they are hungry. So they say watch out which food is more pure than he should bring some provision from it. So that's poor NS way of saying AlienVault a yoga as Cal bar in. So go out there as kept from Zeca means pure. So go out there and don't just buy anything.

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Kind of hints to another, you know, something interesting about these, these young brothers is that uh, when they wake up and they they they're hung

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We're not just thinking oh I'll eat anything I touch anything we find. They say as Cal Darman Believe it or not. This area here, amongst others are one of many verses throughout the Koran that encourage overall healthy eating.

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It is highly disliked, not haram, but very discouraged in Islam based on a set like seriously even Hadith as well, to just consume and depend on unhealthy foods, as part of being a believer is your also keen and you pay attention to what you eat. That is just as important as what you breathe as what you say, what you choose to consume. So if you go to the grocery store, you're always into like fast foods or junk food and things like that, to an extent, okay, fine. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. But if that's what your body depends on, you have to address that and you don't just address it because it's a health issue. You also address it because it's part of your Eman.

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It's part of your Eman to take care of your appetite and have a good appetite go with healthy eating as much as possible as galpharm You didn't have to say that he could have just said go out there and go look for food. But because this word is here it describes now the food that we want something like good decent, healthy, fresh, that sort of thing. Okay, so failure are you a scalper I'm a failure T Coleman bear is a minha Lea product of so he should bring back some of it fell yet TQL berries P min. So don't go out there. You know how sometimes you like go out with some friends or whatever. And they'll say like, okay, there's three of you like, okay, so we'll have five steaks

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will have four plates of rice, some pasta, you guys want some fries with that? We'll have four bowls of fries, four boxes, all of them largest, what you find is bring all large, a kid you know, one time I went out with, I went out with a friend in the University of Medina, okay. And it's just me and him alone. And we sat at a table bigger than the table that we're sitting at probably equivalent to two of your tables, right? So I'm on one side, he's on one side, we have the old table for ourselves.

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He ordered enough food when he was he ordered enough food. And he filled the entire table just for me and him.

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So I I'm new to Arabic at this point. So I'm just trying to figure out what exactly he's saying. And then I start to see all these plates of food coming coming. So I asked him I was like is are there other people coming? It's like, no goes Bismillah Go ahead. And he literally just kind of leaned back on his chair and he sat there watching me eat. So I'm like, Are you not gonna eat? It took a little fry, took a little homos. And that's it. He just kind of sat there. So I ate me up inside, I have to ask I'm like, why don't you order so much. We're going to do it all of this. And he's like, how we treat our guests.

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I until this day, I still can't understand that. Like I understand what he meant. But I just can't understand why that somebody would feel that is okay. Is this is the culture there is. If I can show you, I can afford it, I'm going to buy it. Even if I don't use it. Even if I don't consume it. The culture is I can show you and that's how we treat our guests. We give them and treat them the best by buying as much as we can't just say Haha, you know, you're with a great host here. And it just goes to waste. But it didn't go to waste. All of it was eaten, you know, you know how

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we're students. Students are never ever full.

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We eat 24 hours a day. So yeah, you better believe I told the guy pack all of it. He packed like 12 or 14 boxes of food. And I went back on campus and it just gave it Oh, man they devoured that like as if all the campus was the people in the cave and they just ate it all out. It was done. So

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what the point is, when you come to verses like this, don't just read through it, like take a moment and see how you how can the verse speak to you? How does it talk to you so when you see little things like this, that they asked for just a portion of it. They were also conscious of how much food that this person has got to bring. Don't overdo it. That's one way of looking at it that they all they were careful of not to waste food, but also their finances must have been very limited as well right? While yatta yatta for Allah usually run a big home Akhada

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and by the way, act normal. See this word here?

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This word well yet a lot of you have it there where it says look leaf under your notes. Says luckily you can be

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A subtle blend in, be subtle and blend in. So, this person's got to be smart. Because so many years went by, they don't know exactly how many years, but because things are so different, what must you do? You can't like act like a foreigner. And that's very true till this day. If you go to like Egypt and you go to other countries and you just walk around, you're immediately targeted, right? Beggars will come to you or people or you know, people will come to you and sell you all sorts of things. Why? Because they know you're a foreigner. So his job was to try to do as best as he can, while Yatala just blend in and try to act like the people try to talk like the people do what you can

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while I usually run a big

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blend in and nobody should realize who you are. Okay, so they've been in this cave, approximately 300 years and we'll see how where that number comes from. know whom Al Saud who are la comida Jamal Kuma Yuri you do comfy millennium. Wallen TUIfly, who is an urban by the way, those guys down there past the mountains, if they come, you if you come you, they'll you shall then stone they shall then stone stone you to death. Okay? Yeah, this is a little typo there, they shall then stone you to death, or they will integrate you back into to your nation, and they will never succeed in that case. So what happened here?

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So take a look at your notes.

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The word that is used here for nation is this word here. Mila. Mila is the word user not teen. So what's gonna happen here,

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if you go down, so if this person goes down, and he gets caught, and he gets recognized that he's part of the teachings of Islam, like he believes in only one Creator, but the land now it's fully established that that religion has now been erased and eradicated nobody on that in that land is allowed to believe in anything except what the king or the leaders say you should believe in. So if he gets caught, and his belief is exposed,

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if they come, then he will be punished with stoning. So he'll basically be executed. Or they'll force you to integrate back into society. So in other words, they'll force you to leave your religion and accept the new religion, and integrate gold to the churches or to what have you, and literally practice a different way of life. So what is the lesson here? Take a look at some of the notes we have, right. So this is a number 20.

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Back on the religion, you're back against your country. So if he were to hold on to his faith, he would turn he would be accused of all of these things, you're turning yourself against your country, against your people, against your culture, and so on. So this struggle or this fight is against ideology, and a lot of young people. They,

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when they're on this journey,

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to discover DNA, and it's not just young, it's all of us. When you're on this journey to discover and learn about your religion, it's very easy for all of us, including myself, it's very easy for us to forget the struggle forget where we came from. So that when we see people who do the things that perhaps we either did, or we were exposed to, it's very common.

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Like is it a real internal problem amongst Muslims today? Like it's, it's a it's an internal problem amongst the OMA of

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carrying out judgment on people.

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And just judging people in general, and not realizing that the way Allah guided you had also guide them to they're still alive, they're not dead. So of course, he or she might look like everything except a Muslim or a believer, which you don't know what Allah will do with them tomorrow. And some of the LMS say that if you have the habit of judging others and putting them down, and labeling them and things like that, it's actually one of the ways of how Allah will remove your iman and give it to the person that you're judging. So you got to be careful because there's tons of examples like that in Islamic history of people who passed on labels and judgments on others, forgetting that they

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were also once lost and misguided. So think of every companion you know, every single companion pretty much was a revert. Before Islam, they were tricking alcohol. They were committing Zina. They were dishonest in business they would steal they would do every single thing you can imagine. That's why I'm what are the hola horn who once said,

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Lola Islam, la Johanna like if it wasn't

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Islam, we will just continue to be lost and ignorant. Right, we will just continue to be lost and ignorant like we just would be up to all sorts of things. But Islam came and took us out of that. So this area here, it kind of reminds us of a reality that a lot of young people go through that sometimes I just put here for, like MSA is but just in general, go they go through university, or they go through, they take some program, they go to another country or city, they study an island program or something, they get their act together. And sometimes they forget.

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So they'll look, they'll make comments like this, watch out for this, okay? Watch out for this. Because if you hear this, it's important to remind and address it when you hear, especially when young people say

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Curtis forest, I tell you

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to log in to do that them.

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And Jahannam is going to be pretty full with all of them. When you hear that kind of talk, stop it immediately. Because you don't know. You don't know where they're tomorrow will be.

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Okay? So it's kind of that idea is kind of mentioned now in this area. And well learn to flee who is an abbot, Allah then says that if they then they chose to blend in, to leave off their religion, and just do what culture and society expected from them, well, then to flee who is an abbot, they will never succeed? In that case, this last part of the verse?

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Do we see examples of that today?

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of people like a lot of times if they get involved in like,

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civic engagement,

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Now that's a tough area to be in.

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And it's not tough because of the work. It's tough. Because you're Muslim, and you're, you're somebody who has certain limitations. And that's why you'll see you'll hear things like, you know, I don't really practice that part of the religion because Allah judges my heart, as long as my heart is good, I'm good. So you'll find like these ultra liberal Muslims that come out and say things, and I'll post it all over online, say things like, you know, I don't need to dress this way. I don't need to act this way. And especially if I'm with my colleagues, you know, I can bend a few rules here and there, nobody can judge me. You start developing that sort of watered down ideology. You

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start watering down the deen very much to a point where everything, everything can be convened, everything can be possible so you have nothing to stand for. You have no limitations. When it comes to your deen that's willing to flee who is an arbiter? Don't think of this as just an extra thing. This is also a process into dunya that Allah will remove success from them in this world and it'll carry on even in the afterlife. Where's the evidence for that? It's this word. Students remember this word. Okay, fella. So the word for success, you might want to write it down on the side. Success in verse number 20. The word that is used is Fehler FALAHFAL. A H Fehler. Why I want you to

00:33:16 --> 00:33:38

write this word down is because this is the most common word in the entire poor and to describe success. Have you heard the verse that sounds like this call to f let me known Okay, in the hula youthfully healthcare for your own. So Fela is mentioned throughout the Quran, several sutras. Now what does this mean exactly?

00:33:39 --> 00:33:41

Fela means

00:33:43 --> 00:33:53

you work now you invest now but you don't see the fruits of your labor now. You see the fruits of your labor in the afterlife.

00:33:54 --> 00:34:02

So somebody who is seeking this type of success is not seeking the result of their efforts now.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:07

They're and they don't care about it. Now they want to see it when they meet Allah.

00:34:08 --> 00:34:27

So Allah promises for believers, you will have that success, all the sacrifice that you put forth, to hold on to your faith. Now, you're not going to see the fruits of it. Not Not all the time. Maybe you'll have sparks of it here and there. But don't depend on that. Because Allah promised to

00:34:28 --> 00:34:59

mercifully horned Feller, Allah promised you that when you come to him in the Sahara, that's when it's all gonna pay off, fella. He's also another name for a farmer. Okay, the farmer plants their seeds into the ground and then leaves it there and has to nurture it for the entire year. And when did they harvest at the end of the year? That's when the fruits come. So it's like the farmer telling the kid you know, the kids like, what are you doing? Like, what are you going to? You're going to put this in the ground then what farmer tells the kid you know, you'll see don't worry just

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

Be patient and you'll see, what's the farmer do with what he put into the ground in order for it to grow and harvest? What must he do to it? Does he just leave it there and walk away and come back after a year? What must he do?

00:35:13 --> 00:35:29

He's got to nurture it. He's got to take care of it. Right? He's got to prevent infestation and all that sort of things. He's got to really spend time nurturing, what must you do with your faith? In order that you will have success later on? What must you do with it?

00:35:30 --> 00:35:32

How do you nurture your faith?

00:35:35 --> 00:35:36

How do you do that?

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41

Game so door

00:35:43 --> 00:35:54

all like this Catholic prayer, all of that stuff. So in other words, summarize it. Do everything Islamic as much of it as possible, whatever Islamic that you can do.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:37

That's how you nurture. That's the watering that we give us a metric this is like I'm not pulling this out of Nora. This is actually in the Quran. At the very end of sunnah tell Fatima Mohammad Rasool Allah Allah Xena, Mara, who is she dead or alive to failure or Hannah obey Nahum, see Matt home fee will kill him and atheris than that area concludes that Surah where Allah subhanaw taala talks about that we are actually like spiritual plants. We are actually spiritual plants. And the way that we nurture ourselves and we get quote, unquote water, so that we can grow is everything Islamic that you do. And the more Islamic things you do in your life, the healthier you grow, the

00:36:37 --> 00:36:44

stronger the plan, the more it'll harvest, the more you nurture it, you care for it, you protect it, it'll continue to grow, it'll continue to blossom.

00:36:45 --> 00:37:10

So that imagery is actually it's something found in the Koran itself. So the point here is that this is another verse like what we did last week, where how sometimes Allah will speak about a story than interrupted with a random area, and then go back to the story. So this is another example of that. Okay, they're like our thought and that really him leave in the law he help.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:42

So verse number 21, and that is how previous event, we made them slip. So that all of them could know the Promise of Allah is true. And that the hour, there is no doubt in it. We should build a monument here. Okay, pause there. So everything so far that's happened. And you guys see at the bottom there in verse number 20. Look at the last point that I wrote down, these guys still blended in. Do you see what I wrote in brackets? Through character?

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

What do you learn from the

00:37:46 --> 00:37:52

through character? You know, how we we say, actions speak louder than words.

00:37:53 --> 00:38:19

You know, for me, honestly, I feel like sometimes that's a hadith. Like, that's how real that is. It's everything about our life in this world. Our life on Earth is all connected to etiquettes. It's all connected to our mannerisms. If you strive to live to be a good person, Allah will make you a good believer, a good Muslim.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:27

The starting point to that even for the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, his starting point for him to be a prophet. What did Allah do with him?

00:38:28 --> 00:38:30

How old is the prophet system when he became a prophet?

00:38:33 --> 00:38:44

40 agree. So approximately 40 years old. What then did Allah do with him? Four years prior? What was he doing?

00:38:47 --> 00:38:50

How did people describe him before he became a prophet?

00:38:52 --> 00:38:56

Every amazing quality you can imagine.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:10

So what do we learn from that? Process Sterling went through a training in etiquettes and mannerisms first, and then he was an amazing person.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:32

Now you're ready for a Koran. So then Allah gives a tip, now you become a prophet. What was the platform that Allah built for him? Be a good person. Be honest, gentle, kind, respectful, loving, caring, don't hate don't discriminate, don't be a racist, treat everybody equally, fairly with respect and then that's what he was known for.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:35

You do all of that you're ready for a Quran.

00:39:37 --> 00:39:45

That's the exact same form formula we're supposed to follow. Unfortunately, for a lot of Muslims as a culture around the world, we did the opposite.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:59

We did the opposite the etiquettes and the mannerisms got shoved in the ground and as long as like yeah, I can recite that Salah Oh, I know this and that. Listen to 1000 YouTube videos and start giving fat towers and doing all that cool stuff right?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:15

But the guy is the most miserable he has anger issues, can't trust him. He's the worst husband or she's the worst wife, worst parent or smother worse father, you name it everything when they're not practicing their deen is just terrible.

00:40:16 --> 00:41:04

So that's how one of two things ended up happening. Either now, Islam becomes a source of their punishment, or they end up losing it all together. So you'll notice that somebody who memorized a lot of court and for example, will forget it. And as time as they grow, and in life, they'll forget that Allah will * it away from their heart, the number one place to address that and remedy that is not just going back to the origin, start reviewing and burning yourself through it now. No, there's an etiquette in your life. There's some kind of manner in your life that's that needs some help fix it, maybe have issues, just being honest with people, maybe have anger problems. So fix it,

00:41:05 --> 00:41:41

then Allah will give you the Koran again. A lot of people don't think like that. A lot of people don't think about Islam with that approach that anytime I'm struggling with something in our deen, let me go back to myself and my mannerisms to see how I'm behaving. And then Oh. And then you start seeing Oh, man, I need to fix this, I need to fix that. You know, there are a limit. They say every Muslim should do one thing every night before they go to bed. And ask yourself this one question, what is something in my life, I need to repair or improve 100% of the time, you will always be able to answer this question.

00:41:43 --> 00:42:10

Always, if you do that every night, you will literally shred and burn dishonesty from the heart. Because if you can be real with you, you can be real with anybody. If you can be the most critical with yourself, and really micromanage you, then everybody else around you becomes easy. No matter what they present to you, you can deal with it.

00:42:11 --> 00:42:23

So that's something that is widely missing in people in general, right. So these guys, they use their character and they blend it in. So now Yep. How do you find?

00:42:28 --> 00:42:35

So the idea here is that they're being sent, or at least one person is being sent

00:42:37 --> 00:42:47

outside to get food. He's not being sent to go and preach his religion, he's not being sent to go give Dawa. He's being sent to do what just to go get food.

00:42:48 --> 00:43:20

And because that purpose mentioned in the area has nothing to do with religion, per se, their ultimate take from that. So it's generally what he's being sent to do is to interact and mingle and blend in with the people. You cannot do that with religion. You do that with mannerisms. That's how that that benefit gets extracted. Okay? He's not going out there to preach to everybody. We were in the cave for 300 years, we are a miracle of Allah. Let me tell you who is the truth now. Go get some food and don't get caught.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:26

Talk like the people talk, act like them dress like do whatever you can. But

00:43:27 --> 00:43:37

they really couldn't do that. You'll see. So that is how the previous slitter literal Promise of Allah is true in our zone. Okay.

00:43:38 --> 00:43:57

Anwar de la he helped the Promise of Allah is true. So this is a continuous continuation of the previous day when the Santa louder you hear it the aterna is our own. But you know whom Imran so our that there is no doubt in it whatsoever. We should build a monument here. So Felco Lulu, I lay him banana. So

00:43:58 --> 00:44:37

this here is actually in reference. So this is more of like a segue. It's going to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and the Meccans rhyme. So it's kind of connecting a lot of what we thought the prophet Ali saw to someone what he's going to be dealing with in Mecca. So you have the Kurashiki, you have the Metcons, you have these famous powerful tribes there. And he's got to now be able to convince them that look, all these idols that you built, a previous leaders and saints and so on, they all have to be destroyed. Because what is the consequence? If you create or build a statue of anyone? What is the consequence of that? Ultimately, it leads to what?

00:44:38 --> 00:44:40

Yeah, that's how idol worship was born.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:50

It may take 100 years, a couple 100 years. Eventually it happens. Anybody here ever visit the Statue of Liberty?

00:44:53 --> 00:44:57

I visited once. You're the first thing I saw when I got there.

00:44:59 --> 00:45:00

They repeat

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

Pull, doing the whole prayer thing, right it's a statue right at the feet feet of the statue to kind of look it up and they're kind of do their own personal prayer.

00:45:09 --> 00:45:15

It was it was like truly remarkable in the sense that I never heard of that.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:31

So I don't know if this was like a particular group. If this was just that one moment I don't know what it was I just noticed that kind of looked and I was taught my like, Whoa, it's actually people praying to this thing. And that was just few minutes so they were on their way.

00:45:32 --> 00:45:38

It was just very unusual but then at the same time Oh, that's what those eight mean.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:50

It eventually happens even if the purpose of the statue or the monument that's not its purpose. And it's told to the people and then he's like, this is not something it's not point of worship for anybody.

00:45:51 --> 00:45:53

The fact that it exists is a problem.

00:45:54 --> 00:45:56

You know, it's like opening a door

00:45:57 --> 00:46:08

and the door is really beautiful everything behind the doors so beautiful. But it says on the big sign says do not enter but the door is wide open there's a big carpet and bottom this is welcome

00:46:09 --> 00:46:29

that's kind of the the idea so that's why Islam tries to stop this from its very beginning. But the Qureshi is will say we'll look at oh if we just want to build a statue or some kind of monument just to remember them. Look what Allah the prophet is not to sign was told to say to rob boom era, LEM will be him.

00:46:30 --> 00:47:09

Their Master knows better, what to do with them. Those who came overpowered in conversation, we're going to build a masjid over them as a memory. So these are some of the things that they said, says, Okay, fine. If you're going to build a masjid, then we can build a masjid in the same places where these idols were, we'll build it there. So at least you see how they're trying to how we say kill two birds with one stone. They're like, okay, fine, destroy the idols, no problem. You can build your message there, though, on that spot. So at least when we come into the masjid, we're thinking about now two things, we're not just thinking about Allah anymore. I'm standing at the spot where

00:47:09 --> 00:47:36

the statue was, Allahu Akbar. And I will pray anywhere else, still a problem. That's one of the reasons why we cannot build masajid over graveyards and things like that, right. So it's, where's all of this going? I think it's important that you understand this. But before we even do that, let's take a look at some of the notes that I left here for you. Okay.

00:47:39 --> 00:48:17

Our thorough comes from a thorough which means to slip to say something that gives away a secret walks into my foot and speaks in foreign. So if you to connect all of this to the story, because it begins by connecting us to the story, so are thorough, don't slip, don't accidentally say something. And then it gives away that you're foreign. So don't walk in there. And if people are used to saying Hi, can I just get a large fries and a burger, but you walk in there because you're 300 years late? And you're like, thou shalt have fried potatoes with thy slaughtered meat.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:27

Large, you know, so he's gonna have his own accent, his own choice of words. Our thought is like, just be careful with that as well.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:51

Right? So this is very common today. Like some of the students that would learn Arabic, they would sound like this, alright, and I had a professor that told us never like train ourselves not to do this. Train yourself when you speak Arabic speak like the Arabs. Right? And that took some time. But then you'll have some student be like, I'm Rudy do head I see the bow to call.

00:48:52 --> 00:48:55

So you're speaking Arabic? Which you sound what?

00:48:57 --> 00:49:05

You definitely sound like you know, you hear you instead of the guy taking oil as well. So where are you from? Before you before I give you a reframe.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:21

So teachers will be like No, practice, say, do you block it honestly and why hepatitis? Just Just spit it out. And sometimes you gotta like practice to get that accident going. Right? So same idea here.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:27

I don't know why I wrote something here about wedding day.

00:49:28 --> 00:49:29


00:49:31 --> 00:49:47

I remember I taught I taught this to a group of high schoolers getting married No. Wedding next day. I don't know if it'll come to me though. Just give me a second. The purpose of this is this conclusion. Instead of the people started disagreeing and wanting to go back to the cave by this time dominant religion Christianity more a dune. Okay.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:55

Before it was much infection, they held El Paso they were supposed to be an area for later generations. So this area basically.

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

Also the lesson behind it is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:50:00 --> 00:50:39

wants us. And that's why there's a lot of conversation here about the last day, the day of judgment. It's a kind of a reminder to us that, you know, this story at the end of the day, these individuals stayed in this cave. They did what they did, but they never lost their faith. And even though they slowly and gradually integrated back into society, they still never let go of their teen until their death. Okay, they held on. So no matter how foreign they were, no matter how awkward they sound, no matter how they fit in or didn't fit in at times, why the way does this a like, is this a relevant to today?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:41

As Muslims?

00:50:43 --> 00:50:48

Yeah. Yeah. You ever pray in public and see what it feels like?

00:50:49 --> 00:51:08

Yeah. And even if you're not praying in public, when you just dress and look like the way you look like a Muslim, all those stairs that you get all the mistreatment or you know, the level of respect is different for you and me than others. All of that.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:12

These individuals, the lesson for us is that they held on.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:49

There's a verse that I want you to know, okay, it's verse number 41, ensuited out of, okay, I just, I just want you to know this verse. I gave a I did the hotbar on this verse, just the last time I was here. We'll call it Luke Hamdulillahi, Lizzy her Diana, he has a woman called Nalina, Teddy Lola and her done a lot, right? So this verse highlights that the people before they enter Jannah they will say Alhamdulillah. Okay, why are they saying of Hamdulillah?

00:51:51 --> 00:51:56

They're about to enter Jannah first thing they say Alhamdulillah let the

00:51:57 --> 00:52:10

Praise be to the one that guided us to this moment. Why are they doing that? They're doing that because of all the sacrifice of holding on to their faith whilst they were alive. It paid off.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:13

You know how sometimes,

00:52:14 --> 00:52:57

you know, you'll have these days where you're just like, Oh, my God, man, is this this ain't easy. Fudger every single day, and it just gets earlier and earlier and earlier. That's one problem, because then you limits your rest. And then the other problem when it gets later and later and later, is that you got to be on the road at 6am. Or else you'd be late for work. And February 6, or one or 605 and you're stuck on the 401 at that time, and if you only spare that extra five minutes, you're late and you got to deal with that. So then you start having to look for fatwah Shan is okay. If I just pray at work 10 minutes, 15 minutes late and see, you got to battle through all of that.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:02

They started hamdulillah first thing why? Because it paid off.

00:53:03 --> 00:53:30

Like they couldn't see the fruits of it. When they were here. They couldn't see they couldn't see why they were praying every single day what the result of that was, they couldn't see why they wear their hijab. They couldn't see why they studied. They went to a class at 7pm during the week and stayed there till almost nine o'clock. They couldn't see where this was leading to but they held on. So they started hamdulillah the one who guided us to this one I couldn't early enough to do Lola and her turn Allah

00:53:32 --> 00:53:44

they continue then they said at hamdulillah Lottie had Donnelly, Hatha, they said has this right in front of us has a is describing not Janet's describing something else. Does anybody know what it is?

00:53:45 --> 00:53:51

They're saying Alhamdulillah Allah guided us to this. It's not gender, though.

00:53:53 --> 00:53:59

means these people saw something more than Jenna.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:02

We don't know what that is, though.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:04

I think that's amazing.

00:54:05 --> 00:54:19

I think it's amazing of that. Jana is only a little app like an appetizer or a snack. The main course the real meal. We don't know what that is.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:29

Can you imagine that? Tell me something that you know about January now. What do you know about Jenna? telling me something? Just shout it out to me. What do you know about Jenna?

00:54:31 --> 00:54:33

Okay, and there's different levels of gender.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:40

Okay. What else do you know? But yeah, how does it look like? Are there trees in Jannah? How big are these trees?

00:54:42 --> 00:54:58

It'll take 500 years for somebody to walk around the shade of one tree 500 years. does gender have like a ground that you walk on? Yeah, it's got land you walk on. It's not it's not dirt by the way. It's not sent. There saffron flowers.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

Does Jenna have rivers? How many?

00:55:04 --> 00:55:13

At least for at least four, we only told four but there could be more. Okay rivers of honey,

00:55:14 --> 00:55:34

rivers of yogurt, your rivers of the *, of course, alcohol or vomit or wine, rivers of water, but not the water that we have to purify air is different rivers. I don't even I don't think I've ever seen a cartoon or a movie where there was a river of honey. Like I don't even know how to looks like.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:38

That's just those are four rivers were told about right.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:43

Anything else are there? How do we look in jedna?

00:55:44 --> 00:56:17

How do we look? Does anybody know? What is the age bracket of Jana? So approximately 30 to 33. Do you know that 30 to 33 is what we say in Arabic is called Shaban. It's actually a young person, a young person, that peak of this young age or for them to be counted as if they're still young. The peak of that is between 30 and 33. So once you pass 33 Then you come into my territory. Right, then you're old.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:24

Yeah, I'm with you guys. If you feel it, I feel it too. Right? So once you pass that

00:56:25 --> 00:56:28

everybody in Jana is young, is beautiful.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:31

Do we eat and Jenna?

00:56:32 --> 00:56:33

What do you eat?

00:56:35 --> 00:56:40

Yeah, whatever you want. Sometimes kids asked me like, is there going to be fries in jedna?

00:56:42 --> 00:56:43

What's the answer to that?

00:56:44 --> 00:56:45

Of course

00:56:46 --> 00:56:48

100% you get you get whatever you want.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:52

All of this that I just told you.

00:56:53 --> 00:56:56

All of it, Allah calls an appetizer.

00:56:57 --> 00:57:05

It's just the thing to tickle your love and interest for Jenna. You haven't even seen what gender really looks like.

00:57:06 --> 00:57:11

So these persons on they said Alhamdulillah they saw something

00:57:12 --> 00:57:36

that we don't know and we can't see until we're there in sha Allah. Okay. So that's just my way of kind of like when you take all of these verses, and you see, you know, the true lesson behind all of this, that insha Allah hopefully, it continues to keep that light ignited and you know, in sha Allah continuous in your heart that you hold on to your deen. Okay, yeah.

00:57:39 --> 00:57:42

When I read this, I don't understand is

00:57:43 --> 00:57:46

the kind of relationship of the parts where it says

00:57:48 --> 00:57:52

The Lord knows best about them? What how does that connect to what's before?

00:57:54 --> 00:58:15

So that's where this scholars then they go through several opinions on this, right? So Rob, boom, Ireland will be him Is it perhaps their lords or their masters know the true state of their condition, either it's referring to those people in the cave,

00:58:16 --> 00:58:57

their Lord, meaning their master, each and every one of them, who they deem Of course, it goes back to Allah. So Allah is counting each of them, Allah knows their situation better than they know. Or it could also be referring to whom the Quraysh were praising, and trying to build these monuments about, like him, I'm gonna put together a whole section of this talking about that this was referring to when the courts were trying to make a case for them to build and keep these monuments and statues and so on, that the Prophet Dallasites was guided to say to them, or up, boom, the master of these people that you're trying to build these monuments and praise, knows more than them.

00:58:57 --> 00:59:23

So it's just kind of like, the A is way of saying, like, look, no matter how much more you think or how much you praise, and how much you connect and love these people. There are aspects of your life that you don't know of them of their life that you don't know. Allah knows, is just horrendous way of keeping us relying solely just on Allah and nothing else.

00:59:29 --> 00:59:59

Yeah, yeah. All throughout the Arabian Peninsula, not just in Mecca, all throughout in Jordan, all throughout the Arab world. Yeah, because why? I mean, if you can build these statues, and you can build these monuments, like if you'd ever study ancient Egypt, what's Ancient Egypt pretty much everything that's been discovered of them so far. It's just pure pure idols upon idols upon idols upon it's endless, and all these idols are connected to some significant person

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

king queen, something

01:00:03 --> 01:00:09

on all of their families, their children everything, right? It's part of just preservation to just keep that legacy going. Yeah.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:16

Wasn't the story part of like a test versus Allah? I believe the Jews or

01:00:19 --> 01:00:26

came to him to test to ask him about the people of the case. Yeah, that is also valid narration on this as well.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:30

Like the stories

01:00:34 --> 01:00:37

there's like a gap and then there's just Yeah, absolutely.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:43

So, maybe this is this kind of end of the first part. Yeah.

01:00:45 --> 01:01:25

Perhaps Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're not going to, you know, discredit it at all. Right. This is the beauty about Poron. This is the beauty about when you come across several opinions on anything with respect to the Quran, right? It's, it's more knowledge gives you a different perspective to appreciate like, it just enhances the comprehensive nature of what a verse is that it's not just restricted to one belief or one interpretation. This is why we have not hundreds but 1000s of different teff CEOs have the same book have the same exact a at all their, their knowledge and the level that Allah has blessed him with, are able to extract something different about each of these

01:01:25 --> 01:01:58

verses. So yeah, absolutely. And that is also one of the most common and most authentic opinions of what's happening here. Okay. The prophet Ali Syed Muslim was approached by a group of Jews and they wanted to test his prophet hood. So they asked him about, you know, these people of the cave described them to us if he was able to answer this. Then he was a true prophet. But look what happened. Say a coup, Luna salah, told Rob Young caribou Morocco Luna Hamza turns Dishoom, calibogue Mirage man beehive, so this is verse number 22.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:21

They say there were 3/4 was the dog then they say that there are five or six and then the sixth one was a dog and all of this is pelting stones in the dark. Then they say seven on the eighth was a dog. Okay, so how many people are in this cave, these are some of the numbers that were thrown out, thrown up and perhaps it could be this amount that amount. But here's what I want you to pay attention to.

01:02:23 --> 01:02:27

Roger men behave this part here where it says

01:02:29 --> 01:03:02

all of this is pelting stones in the dark. That's the That's the explanation of it. You know how some people will just like mumble off random things. And it doesn't make any sense. So it kind of like their opinion just gets lost. Everybody forgets so nobody was listening. That storage can build hype. So all of them try to come up with these numbers of how many people is just throwing stones in I live in the dark it just it makes no sense and it'll just be forgotten right? Well hold on seven kilo. Hold rugby

01:03:03 --> 01:03:05

to him. May Allah Muhammad Allah Kalia.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:16

So how do you settle this? This is the best, easiest, most effective authentic way of doing my master knows better how many there was? Not many of them? No. Okay.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:25

Don't argue with them except in a way that is obvious and clear with proofs and don't ask any facts about them. Meaning that you so this is in connection to the narration that we were talking about, right?

01:03:27 --> 01:03:28

What do you learn from this?

01:03:29 --> 01:03:37

I want you to just sort of focus your concentration here. Don't argue with them except in a way that is obvious and clear with Bruce. What do you learn from this concluding

01:03:38 --> 01:03:40

translation of the idea?

01:03:44 --> 01:03:46

What's the lesson for you now? Reading that

01:03:53 --> 01:03:59

say yeah, this is what we want to get to. If you don't have clear explicit proof about anything you're talking about. What do you do?

01:04:01 --> 01:04:02

Leno's walk away

01:04:04 --> 01:04:04

leave it alone.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:47

That's the whole point here. See, you don't want to be say guidance is is with Allah. Like whoever Allah guides, none can misguide. You can't forget that when you have these conversations about Islam with normal slips don't forget that because this is one of the reasons why I personally don't debate I don't get into like these deep theological conversations with any with non Muslims in particular. Unless, you know, they're you know, they meet me at a certain place to where at least we have some commonalities at least okay, you you're you're on a journey for faith. You want to learn who is Allah and you're on that journey. Okay, fine, let's let's talk stuff something in common.

01:04:48 --> 01:05:00

But the end of that conversation I never worry about no one should because the ending of that conversation is Allah's territory. Whether that conversation to read leads to something

01:05:00 --> 01:05:40

beneficial on your job and my job is to do what? Just have the conversation. That's it. Within you see a lot of guys lot of you know, videos online guys getting into like heated debates at parks and parking lot and this and that going I mean, if that's your thing fine. And I can't say that that is completely like, and then you'd like there's no benefit. I can't say just dismiss that. I mean, maybe there's some higher in it. But you've got to have limits to how far you take those conversations about your team because what guidance is with Allah, and once you have explicit proof if the others can't understand it was salam or Aleikum, move on leave it as is right.

01:05:42 --> 01:05:49

So this is the same guidance that was given to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam when the Jews them they came in they asked him about

01:05:51 --> 01:05:53

the people of the cape. Okay.

01:05:54 --> 01:05:59

Nothing wrote that I want to highlight there.

01:06:00 --> 01:06:18

Well, that took Hulan Alicia in Sydney Farrington, and don't you the Prophet, daresay about anything that I'm definitely going to do this tomorrow, except if Allah wills so in other words, here's what ends up happening. So go to the narration. He's sitting there and he's talking to this group Prophet on a slotless Salam. Now, here's a pretty important lesson.

01:06:19 --> 01:06:22

Allah didn't tell them don't say

01:06:24 --> 01:06:24


01:06:27 --> 01:06:38

with certainty, like don't assure them I will definitely have the answer who these people have the cave or I'll definitely have it. But just give me until tomorrow.

01:06:39 --> 01:06:47

Unless you say in your sha Allah, except if Allah wills what do you learn from this so far?

01:06:48 --> 01:06:52

So we have to have a conversation here about insha Allah. Okay.

01:06:53 --> 01:07:07

Because now the Prophet sallallahu wasallam has been taught a lesson here. Don't ever say that you're going to do something or say something to anybody unless after that you say what? Insha Allah. Now you got to have a conversation.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:11

When do you use insha? Allah?

01:07:13 --> 01:07:14

When do you use it? I

01:07:16 --> 01:07:25

definitely plan on doing something. Can I use it like this? Oh, Allah bless me in sha Allah, Allah except to store in sha Allah. No, why not?

01:07:26 --> 01:07:33

Because I've said No, when you ask Allah, like, be firm, don't say oh, let me just give you wish. Okay.

01:07:35 --> 01:07:37

Okay. Anything else?

01:07:38 --> 01:07:41

You're looking direct to a ledger face?

01:07:44 --> 01:07:45


01:07:47 --> 01:07:54

Okay, all of us. We know the answer to this. But it's again, it's just about putting our thoughts in the right place. Okay. You all know this.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:22

When you say in sha Allah, you're saying that, if Allah subhanho wa taala, decides that this is best or decides that this is what should happen? When you're making dua who you're talking to. There's no need to say in sha Allah to the one who's going to fulfill your DUA. Make sense? You don't need to say because only Allah can answer your DUA anyway. Because if you say in sha Allah, or if you say if

01:08:23 --> 01:08:26

it opens the door for what?

01:08:28 --> 01:08:33

No, it opens the door that somebody else could answer you.

01:08:34 --> 01:09:25

Because they can say, Oh Allah, if you will, if you want. Kinda like it doesn't bring all the guarantee with Allah anymore. You leave it in his hands. But if he if he decides what if he doesn't, maybe somebody else will. So you eliminate all of that. It's, it's unbelievable how meticulous preserving the Oneness of Allah in our hearts is in Islam. It's unbelievable. Two letters, I F, don't say it when you talk to Allah. Why? Because it can lead to the hiss of panela. There's a whole chapter in our PETA, called if, in Arabic We call this low, right lamb? Well, there's a whole chapter when you study our theta, it's just called a chapter of if, and it's got several Hadith and

01:09:25 --> 01:09:27

all sorts of thing. Okay, so fine.

01:09:28 --> 01:09:46

Here's how you remember to use Insha Allah, you never use in sha Allah, when you're talking to Allah. Number two, in sha Allah is only used when you're the one that's going to do something or you're planning to do something.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

So in sha Allah, you know, I'll be here tomorrow, that it's you planning that you're going to do something be here tomorrow. You are planning to be there tonight. You're planning to go here, you you you you

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01


01:10:02 --> 01:10:04

that's with insha Allah.

01:10:05 --> 01:10:43

The Prophet Daddy's little son was being taught in this area. Don't say anything see this word here? Well that taco Lana Lishi Now those of you who study Arabic this is called the heavy noon noon that has this little W called a shudder. It's called the heavy on this is not originally part of this verb. Okay? This letter is added here, to add emphasis to the verb. So it's not that Allah is saying don't says love saying, Don't you dare think about saying, you're gonna do anything.

01:10:44 --> 01:10:51

Tomorrow. Unless you say in sha Allah. What do you learn from that?

01:10:56 --> 01:11:17

But in terms of the emphasis, what do you learn that Allah is emphasizing? Well, atta Poulan is Allah saying that don't say, Don't you dare say it that you dare utter see the difference? What's the difference? When I talk that way to you when I say to you listen, don't say you'll do that unless you say in sha Allah as opposed to listen to me. Don't you dare

01:11:19 --> 01:11:20

what's the difference between

01:11:21 --> 01:11:22

the two of them

01:11:26 --> 01:11:27

before all of that

01:11:29 --> 01:11:31

this is a serious matter.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:39

Like you see, there's there's a problem with insha Allah with people with Muslims.

01:11:41 --> 01:11:53

Okay, but there's a problem. There's a there's a habit that gets built with people who say in sha Allah very often, that you have to be careful about and that habit is when it just becomes repetitive.

01:11:55 --> 01:12:03

You know, I don't want to say this, but let me back in back in Medina. We used to say, Oh, I don't know I don't want to say

01:12:05 --> 01:12:09

no, no. What have you heard like the fake insha Allah?

01:12:12 --> 01:12:27

Is that the real inshallah? You know how somebody will be like, What do you invite them? Oh my God, listen, I really want you to come over for dinner tomorrow. Would you your family? Yeah. Okay, Inshallah, don't worry about it. Don't shout lishala. Like, is that our is that real in sha Allah, that kind of in sha Allah, right?

01:12:29 --> 01:12:39

That's the problem. That's why you need Wallah taco lunch. That's why you need that heavy noon. This heavy noon is like this is serious stuff. But don't play around with in sha Allah.

01:12:41 --> 01:12:44

Because you all know the consequence if you don't say it.

01:12:45 --> 01:13:05

Because if you don't say it, then you're not prepared for the outcome. If you don't say you're not prepared for it, because if you say, Yeah, I'll be there tomorrow. Don't worry about it's done. And then something happens tomorrow, and you're like, Oh, my God, I'd never expected this to help you start talking like that. But if you say, I'll be there tomorrow in sha Allah,

01:13:06 --> 01:13:49

then whatever happens, before you get there, like, Oh, this is what Allah wield. So that the deeper wisdom that my next question was me, like, why do we say in sha Allah, most of you will say, because only Allah can fulfill that. No, there's a deeper wisdom behind that. That's a lesson for us as Muslims. And that is to always keep us firm, and positive, optimistic with whatever Allah's plan is. Because you might say, in sha Allah, you don't, this is the person, my daughter on my son's going to marry. This is the person that I really love for my child, sha Allah, they'll marry. And then something happens. It's very easy for you to say,

01:13:50 --> 01:13:52

hey, that's what Allah willed.

01:13:53 --> 01:14:24

If you don't use that challenge, it's not a habit and that breaks the engagement breaks or whatever. How could you do this to my child, and it might turn into a whole ton of drama that you're not ready to deal with all because insha Allah is missing. Where am I getting this from? Look at the area was called Rebekah e then a seat. Remember Allah if you forget? Why is Allah telling us to remember him? Why is Allah talking about people who might forget him?

01:14:27 --> 01:14:32

That's exactly the whole point. It's because they weren't seeing in sha Allah.

01:14:33 --> 01:14:44

Then the consequence of that is that you ultimately forget Allah not not forget Allah in like in Salah in worship, no, you'll forget in LA in the times where you need insha Allah you'll forget him.

01:14:45 --> 01:14:55

Then the pain kicks in, the stress kicks in and then life kicks in and I gotta Cambly Why would Allah do this? That kind of stuff starts coming out. All because of insha Allah was missing

01:14:57 --> 01:15:00

because the how powerful and important in sha Allah

01:15:00 --> 01:15:18

It is so important that even the Prophet it salat wa salam had to be taught this lesson. So Allah dis reminds him. Remember Allah if you forget and say perhaps we'll call Lhasa and your DNA, Rob Bailey, a problem in Hatha Russia, and the master is going to guide me to something closer than this in terms of guidance. This is the part where,

01:15:19 --> 01:15:41

after you say you're in sha Allah, this is kind of your own wording. So you will say in sha Allah, dot, dot data dot, whatever Allah wills, you know, whatever Allah thinks is best for me. You know, we have these conversations every day. We tell you the sha Allah, you know, that's that little extra to reaffirm to remind that's also important here, and it's highlighted in this A, okay.

01:15:43 --> 01:16:15

He will get an answer tomorrow. No, inshallah and Jesus, okay, so we talked about this. So now because the prophet Isaiah slept was salam, he says to these, this Jewish group, I will get you the answer tomorrow. And because he didn't say insha, Allah, some of the MSA that this is the reason why this verse number 24, here was revealed. Others that No, right. I mean, it's definitely connected to this incident. But it's not the reason why one particular verse was revealed right in this, this surah has several different

01:16:16 --> 01:16:18

reasons why it was revealed, right.

01:16:20 --> 01:16:27

But higher, you know, that is opinion that some of our scholars have tifosi share, so we won't discredit it or we won't ignore it.

01:16:28 --> 01:17:01

Let's take one last at least the intro of the next person and we'll pause there. While that'd be through fee Caffee. himself, Tennessee Nina was dead to Tissa. holy law who are limo Viva la vie. So So let's conclude conclude the story. And they remained at their cave for 300 years, and they added another nine. So the Jews, they added another nine. So it turns out that it's approximately 30th. I mean, NTC Nina was dead do Tissa. So he gets the answer. This is the answer that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is now being guided to.

01:17:03 --> 01:17:37

So they remain. So there's some additional detail for you. 300 solar years 309 in lunar years, one solar is 11 days, longer than a lunar year. Just a little bit of just a little bit of math that there are that Matt mentioned, all of this, by the way, is found in the tufts theater, remember to be like I didn't put this on my own. This is actually the real amount coming to some sort of understanding with what this number could mean. So 3000 days, equals nine to 10 years. So putting all of this together was dead duty, Sarah,

01:17:38 --> 01:18:07

is it an additional nine years perhaps is it an additional nine weeks, nobody really knows. But the most common opinion is that when the Jews added nine meaning nine years, you see it just stopped that Tissa it just says nine it doesn't say nine years, nine days, nine weeks, nine, nothing, nothing was specified. So it's kind of left open for many, many different interpretations. The point here at the end of the day is this is all they want you to take from this is that hundreds of years went by.

01:18:08 --> 01:18:46

Is this truly a miracle from Allah subhana wa Tada. You now know the importance of this story, why it's mentioned to us we stopped at pretty much every single area to try to extract something meaningful and something that we can relate to. So in sha Allah, Allah, you know that this last day will conclude the story could Illa who aerelon will be May Allah be through still no matter going back and forth with the numbers Allah still says, Tell them all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah knows better about how long they stayed in, he exclusively owns the unseen of the skies on earth. What an amazing way to conclude this, verse Subhan, Allah

01:18:47 --> 01:18:49

He exclusively owns

01:18:51 --> 01:19:16

local labor summer where he will or he completely owns the unseen of the skies and earth. Ebel Souter be He who is Mayor he sees and how amazing you well he hears, by the way underlying this he sees and how amazingly well he hears underlying the why this is probably the only place in the entire Quran that Allah mentions. Seeing first before hearing.

01:19:18 --> 01:19:26

Most of the time, all the other verses it's always s may be he will episode z one of the only times

01:19:27 --> 01:19:29

seeing came first.

01:19:31 --> 01:19:36

why? It's because it's related back to the cave. Allah sees them when nobody else could see them.

01:19:37 --> 01:19:53

But see or observe complete view. Allah just doesn't see them from the cave. Allah sees what's in front of them behind them above them below them every single direction. That's called episode. an estimator. Of course Allah hears everything, especially the things that of course others don't hear.

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

You're not going to find as well as he hears you're not going to find besides him any person

01:20:00 --> 01:20:20

Tech Tip friend, and no one to partner up with him in his rule. So it concludes my min Dooney he may actually see this word when he students is one of the names of friends in the Quran. One of the names of friends in the Quran is what he we already talked about the Certain Way. What does Willie mean?

01:20:21 --> 01:20:26

In terms of friend? What kind of friend is when we say a protective friend? What kind of what do they do?

01:20:30 --> 01:20:35

apply what you know of a Welly when the Father gives away the daughter, apply that to friendship.

01:20:37 --> 01:21:22

Nobody's not giving away anybody in the friendship. Well, what is the role of the father as a Willie to his daughter? What is his role to do? His role is to protect his daughter from being used, misguided, fooled, you know, mistreated or abused or anything like that tricked into believing this story that his father is there to protect all of that. When you apply this same word to a friendship, think about that one friend, if you don't have one of this friend like this, you know, Inshallah, I hope you do. Because the kind of friend that fits into the title of Willie is really special. Because what they protect is not just you, they also protect your deen. They respect it. So

01:21:22 --> 01:21:22

they'll be like, hey,

01:21:24 --> 01:21:55

Ahmed, don't you got to do that sunset prayer right now. You can just go do your thing. They'll literally say daily, I'll go have a cigarette. You go do your prayer. Okay, don't miss it. All right. on their CV, like, you know, if you if some kid is rude to their parents be like, dude, like, I don't even talk to my parents that way. Why do you why do you why are you doing that? Why are you yelling at your mom like that? That's a worthy friend. So they don't have to be Muslim. But they're always looking out for you, your deen and just kind of overall your best interest.

01:21:57 --> 01:22:00

That's the Willie. Allah says Mallow, human duty human wellbeing.

01:22:01 --> 01:22:04

You're not going to find any protective friend except,

01:22:05 --> 01:22:21

of course, Allah subhanho wa taala. No partner with him can fit or come close to his rule. That concludes the story of the cave. Next week, you will have a test whoever fails that you will be expelled from it. I'm joking.

01:22:23 --> 01:22:39

Okay, we'll pause there while you try to handle it. Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. And next week, Inshallah, we will start the next story, which is, of course, the story of the men of the two gardens. Okay. And that is again, another fascinating story. So we'll talk about that next week in sha Allah. But

01:22:40 --> 01:23:00

be prepared in case you know, I want to have some fun and a quiz will pop up next week in sha Allah. Okay, I'm serious. So next week, I want to do a short quiz, I'll probably ask you like, five or Oh, just sort of connected to the story. I'll ask you 309 questions. And sha Allah.

01:23:02 --> 01:23:30

No, but I will. I'll ask you just a few questions in sha Allah just to to ensure that you grasp the gist of the story, and then we'll move on. Okay, so at the beginning of next week's session, we'll do something really short for like 10 or 15 minutes that's it, it's all multiple choice. So you're not going to be sitting there writing out story, no, just multiple choice. And then we'll move on in Sharla to the next story Subhanak Allahumma, we have decrescendo hola Isla illa Anta stuff Itokawa to buoy Lake, Stella Marley Kumar Hula, hula.

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