Sulaimaan Ravat – Common Errors in Salaah – Bending when going into Sajdah

Sulaimaan Ravat
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the proper standing posture when using the Roku app, including avoiding bend and pushing back on the knees while doing ruku. They also explain the importance of proper pressure and equal pressure on the feet for proper grip. The speaker emphasizes the need to practice these steps for optimal use and mentions a grant for improvement in Salah.
AI: Transcript ©
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In terms of our discussion pertaining to Salah yesterday we said that when you Enrico, you place your hands on the knees, but your fingers must be spread apart, they must not be closed. Then we also mentioned that during ruku, the risks and the arms must be stretched straight, they must not be bent, they must not be curved gnome as they said, and you must stay in ruku for the duration that it will take you to say so, cannot be allowed him three times comfortably. And in Roku, your case should be on your feet. And you should apply equal pressure on both your feet you know, stand in a proper way not leaning to one side. Now today we commence with a discussion pertaining to how to

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make such them. Now the first thing we need to understand when making such them is you are obviously coming into such stuff from a standing position. Now, a mistake we commonly make is we bend our chest downwards as we go into such that we bend our chest No, you need to come down straight like this. You know, like when you do what they call it setups, right. So you need to come down with your chest straight until your knees touching the ground when the knees touch the ground. Then you start bending your chest forward, then you start bending your chest forward. That's the first thing. The second thing is that once you come down now just straight until the nice touch the ground after the

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nice touch the ground. Next your hands meaning your palms must touch the ground, then the tip of the nose and lastly the forehead. So first the knees, then the palms, then the tip of the nose and lastly the forehead. So two things with regard says that we must keep in mind when is when you're coming up. When you're coming down from the standing posture. Don't bend your chest from the top, come down with your chest straight until your knees touch the ground. Then you start bending your chest going forward. The knees already on the ground first the palms then the nose than the forehead. You know Ramadan is a great time for us to start practicing these things. Remember not

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only keep them in theory, as we hearing everyday, may Allah grant us all the toufic that we start implementing inshallah and start performing perfecting our salah and improving our Salah May Allah grant us the understanding

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