Abu Taymiyyah – Part 3 Preventatives of Inheritance & Calculating The All Important Base Number Us
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So I want you to imagine yourself in
your grave and the angels they approach you.
They ask you the 3 all important questions
to see if you pass the test of
life. Who is your lord? What is your
religion? And who is your prophet? Imagine you're
in that state right now. Will you be
able to answer those questions? You need to
live by these answers so you can answer
them in your grave but a person can't
live by something that he or she does
not know so you have to learn these
things. For that reason we have a Islamic
studies Programme and would like to invite you
to take a look at the programme by
joining our Telegram group at the link below.
And if you like it inshallah to Allah
and you think this is something that could
be suitable for you and you may be
able to learn that you're deen here, then
you can register for the 1st year of
our program and hopefully we see you on
the other side.
Welcome back, brothers and sisters,
to another session of Islamic inheritance law.
In today's class, we
are going to be covering
What does that mean? Does anyone have an
The obstacles of? The obstacles of? The obstacles
of? Inheritance.
So before you inherit, do you have to
go through a couple of obstacles or you
have to go around a couple of obstacles?
So preventative things happen. Jamil.
That which
will cause you to be prevented
from inheriting.
That which causes one to be prevented from
Makes sense?
That which causes one to be prevented
from inheriting.
Prevented from inherent
And there are 3.
Number 1, does anyone know?
That if you were to do something,
It would cause you now to be prevented
from inheriting.
Okay? Jameel.
they call it. Ikhtilaafuddin.
Having a different religion from the one that
you're inheriting from.
The father might be
a kafir
and the daughter is
a Muslim.
Can they inherit from one another?
Regardless of who dies before the other?
The Asl, the default ruling is that a
Muslim cannot
inherit from a kafir
and a Kafir can't inherit from a Muslim.
Is that clear?
Due to Ikhtirafid Deen
He's not from your family.
ta'ala told Nuh alaihis salatu wa salam.
And speaking about his son.
Is that clear?
We'll put that down as number 2.
So I'm writing going up like that.
A different religion.
So having a different religion,
prevents you from inheriting
and prevents them from inheriting as well. It
works both ways.
Is that clear brothers?
Does anyone know the other?
Al Qadr. Jameel Al Qadr.
Your father Masha Allah Tabarak Allah has been
blessed with wealth.
You're Mustajil,
right? You want to get married, you don't
have any money. You go to dad for
whatever reason, he says no I can't give
you that much. I'll only give you what
a 20th of the amount that you're asking
Princess charming is not going to weigh around.
Princess Charming
wants you even to cough up,
this amount of money, otherwise I'm not going
to marry you.
He's agitated now, needs that money. What does
he do?
He goes and kills his father.
He kills him, oh yes, now I can
inherit. Is that
okay now? Will he be able to inherit
from him? Allah. Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
The one who killed, he can't take anything
the inheritance
that has been left behind.
And we can maybe what?
Split this into 2.
and b.
A brothers and sisters
is the one who goes and does the
killing himself.
Okay? I take a gun and I shoot
that person.
Other son takes a gun and shoots his
dad. May Allah protect us all from that.
Are these real life scenarios with Asha of
a Dao?
his what?
So this is what Al Mubashir,
the one who
comes in contact with the one being killed
and he's the one that causes
the killing.
* Musabib,
here brothers and sisters is
the one who causes.
For example now,
you don't actually go and do the murder,
you pay someone to do it for you.
Does that not
take you out of the situation? Of course
So the fact that you paid
so and so
to kill your father,
That would what disqualify you from inheriting.
So what's the first one brothers and sisters?
Al Qattil,
Does the slave inherit?
Slave doesn't inherit.
Even if we gave service to you for
20 years, 30 years, 40 years.
The slave
is owned by his master.
It's a clay brothers and sisters, he's owned
by the master.
He does not inherit.
He does not inherit.
However, does the master inherit from
the slave if he were to free him?
This is called Alwala.
It's a discussion for another day.
We don't have any slaves. Today's day and
Yes. You guys have?
Does anyone have slave girls there?
Tell you.
Is that clear so far, brothers and sisters?
Pretty straightforward, right? These three things get you
from inheriting.
It's a preventative factor from you
from your dad's wealth.
Is that clear, brothers?
Any questions so far?
Someone has been adopted. Does he take confirmation?
Okay. Adoption, Allah.
Killing is the only to do with the
father or the future of anyone. Anyone that
you're going to be inheriting from.
Anyone that you're going to be inheriting from.
My brother that I'm inheriting from.
My brother, Allah blessed him with a lot
of money.
You guys with me?
Right? I need that money right now.
I kill him.
Can I inherit from him? Answer is no.
There's a
that you learn
in That is related to this. Normally this
example we brought for those who have studied
Does anyone know the
Whoever is hasty
in obtaining something
before its actual time, he'll be deprived
from it. He will be deprived from it.
Is that clear brothers and sisters?
Is a legal maxim
or a maxim,
whatever you wanna call it.
Scholars also tend to mention this
when someone is hasty in putting his face
out to the public
giving Dawah,
jumps into the Dawah scene, hasn't studied properly,
what's going to happen brother and sisters, he's
bound to make
People will start nitpicking out his mistakes and
his shortcomings,
which may be the reason why people
stop taking knowledge from him. Would you guys
agree with that?
When you see a shirk or you see
a teacher, too many mistakes are being pointed
Next time,
the of his teachings,
in the foundations,
in the fundamentals of his teachings, you're going
to at least right after some time
begin to feel what? A little bit uncomfortable
with what he's feeding you.
Would you guys agree with that?
Someone points out, oh, he made a huge
blunder. We're not talking about small little mistakes.
In fiqh now, he's made a huge blunder.
In hadith now, huge blunder that just about
everybody knows.
Or in Arabic language, huge blunder. Things that
you wouldn't see people in elementary making mistakes
These you begin to think, you know what?
Even if he goes out and studies
Anan comes back, people will still be iffy
about that individual.
So don't shoot yourself in the foot.
Study, study,
Learn that what you're going to be teaching
No one is saying that you have to
be an a
scholar before you start teaching. Do you guys
agree with that? As long as that which
you're teaching you're what grounded in it, you
know it properly.
When I was in Aliyah and Damerj,
there would be approximately
20 to 30 classes,
new classes,
Started every single week.
We were spoilt for choice.
It makes sense now why one of the
shiuk in Saudi said, 1 year in Al
Medina is equivalent to 3 years in the
Because I went to all these places, I
think it would be fair for me to
judge that.
Makes a lot of sense.
You wanna get a class in also the
right, the 3 fundamentals in places like Medina,
well, you're gonna struggle.
Right? You're gonna struggle.
I think Sheikh Abdul Nasser Al Asim teaches
us Surah Al Faraha
once every 6 months.
You have to look for a teacher who's
going to what?
Sit you down,
it's gonna go through books of books
of Hadith and this. If you want one
to one classes consistently
starting with the basics
in whatever science you're going to be studying.
In the Maj you had the students of
the Masha'i
teaching these books every single week and it's
the classical way of studying.
One learns it properly and then he goes
and teaches it. And by you teaching it
what? Solidifies the knowledge.
Even if it might be with your brother,
your younger sister,
you teach them what you've learnt, it solidifies
their knowledge.
Right? And the more you teach the more
it increases.
Would you guys agree with that?
When you're articulating something,
right? It tends to stick with you longer.
As the poet mentions,
the more,
right, you spend of your knowledge, the more
it increases.
And it will decrease when you what? Hold
You're stingy with it
or you don't revise it, you don't teach
It's going to what?
Start diminishing
and eventually it will disappear altogether.
That's a good question.
We'll research that.
Here, you have the Musabib,
the one who caused it,
who caused
this individual not to be killed by maybe
paying someone
to carry out this.
How do you guys know what you say
in English?
A hitman. That's the one. You hire a
hitman to get him killed. I think they
do a lot in East London. Right?
And Mubasher is the one who
makes that direct contact with
the one who's been killed.
So the principle is
Right? A Muslim won't inherit from the kafir
and vice versa as well.
we're in the lands of the Kaffar.
And that kafir guy has passed away, who's
your father.
He's left all that wealth behind.
If you don't take from that wealth it
is going to be
falling into the Hanzah of the other kuffar.
In that case what do you do?
Can you take from it in that case?
Well, I summon the scholars they'll give a
fatwa, by by the way it's not me
giving this fatwa,
I believe it was study as seen that
asked Sheikh Hosea Abbas,
if I'm not mistaken.
And if I'm wrong we'll cut that out
from the video. Alright. Sha'a Ulsila Abba in
situations like that, if a lot of the
wealth now is going to
fall into the hands of the Kufar,
when the Muslims could actually be benefiting from
that. In that case we would say,
Everybody get that so far, brothers?
Pretty straightforward. Right?
Today, we're going to get a little bit
mathematic math mathematic.
See what should we go through now.
I was between
either going through
to go through who from the men inherits
and who from the women inherit? Because we've
gone through a lot
of theory,
But maybe Insha Allahu Ta'ala cover that next
week. But today I want to Insha Allahu
Ta'ala cover that which is a little bit
more practical
to keep it interesting.
Let's make it jump.
In the English language, my brothers and my
sisters, this is called the base number.
The base number, my brothers and my sisters,
is the crux.
It's the crux of
any inheritance problem.
There is a key number brothers
when making inheritance
This key number,
okay? This key number is the number that
is used
dividing the amount that has been left behind.
There is that special number, we'll call it
special number through our classes.
Right? There is a number
And we'll underline it with red,
and with green, pink
as well.
think the lids dropped, sir.
It's a very important special number.
Zakkari brothers,
what do we call it? A base number.
After making some
okay? These calculations will lead you to a
base number. And then this base number
is the number that is used to make
a division with the amount that has been
left behind.
So let's just say for example you left
behind a £100,000
this base number is extremely crucial.
If you get that wrong,
you might end up distributing an amount
that is not fair amongst your inheritance.
So there are some calculations
that we need to make before we arrive
at that base number,
which then is used to make that division
of the amount that has been left behind.
Is everybody with me so far?
All you need to know so far is
that there is a very special number.
It's a key number.
Calculations you make must be accurate.
In order for this number to be what?
Is that clear so far?
What were the
fractions in the Quran?
Off? Play.
I'm all the other 3.
and 2 thirds.
Today's class is very very important, brothers.
Can you see now why I mentioned these
6 fractions in the first lesson?
We are going to call them
these 3,
the first group.
We're going to call the 2nd group, the
2nd group, Al Majima'at Athaniyah.
Look at them
as brothers
and look at them as sisters.
I'm just trying to make the knowledge simple
Is that clear?
Look at them as one group
and look at them as another.
Right? Group number 1.
Group number 2.
Makes sense so far?
What do you normally call this in English
No, the number that is under the line.
And the top we call?
The numerator.
We're going to take Insha'Allah Ta'ala some principles.
How much does Taymiyyah get again?
Half when?
There's no brothers
and then there's also no sisters.
So let's just say now that her father,
may Allah give him a long life upon
Ta'a, upon obedience,
passes away.
Guys with me so far?
How much is Taymiyyah get?
How much does his wife or his wives
get? 8.
8. 8.
These two numbers now are from which group?
Group number 1 or group number 2? Group
1. Group number 1,
If we have an inheritance equation
that has the fractions
from group 1,
The base number is going to be what?
So it's gonna be a number here.
Okay. Forget about this for a moment.
There is a number that we have to
put here.
How do we now calculate the base number
when we have these two fractions?
How do you guys normally do it in
When you're trying to what do you call
it? Simplifying or
to find a common denominator?
What would you do here?
All that come multiply, divide, and we're not
gonna go into all of that. Just going
to give you guys what principles.
The principle here, if you find an inheritance
that has 2 fractions from
the same group,
what do you do?
You look at the biggest number and you
put it
there. Make sense?
So what did you put here? 8.
How much would Taymiyyah get?
What's half of 8?
What's an 8th of 8?
How much left?
3. 3, right? Come on, brother. This is
basic. Why you guys hesitating for?
3 left.
So you have
Tamia, wives,
Is the 1, is the 2, is the
And then you got 3 left right, normally
the uncle will be the 1 we'll keep
using the uncle as an example. Uncle
is the
what do we call him?
Asif in English language?
The residuary beneficiary.
Guys remember the residuary beneficiary, right? He's the
one who takes the
the leftovers after
those who have a specific entitlement are given
their agree with that?
At Tamia she's been given half, the wife
is given what an 8th,
right? These are fractions that Allah mentioned in
the Quran,
for specific inheritance
and then there are those who would take
what the remainder.
Like the uncle is one of them,
uncle is one of them.
He is a residuary beneficiary.
Have you ever heard that term in school?
See, you should learn English in
Play, uncle.
This is uncle, wives, Tamia.
He would take what? The remainder.
Can you see how important this is?
Everybody with me so far?
I'll say that again.
This is the 1st group and this is
we put there group 2, group 1.
If you have in an equation
fractions that are all from the same group
which in this case is
the situation is,
you have take me who takes half, you
have the wife who will take an 8th.
These two fractions now.
Is it a combination of both groups or
is a combination of just the same group?
Same. Same group, right?
Half an eighth, so one group.
What did we say we do? What do
we look for now? The largest number. The
largest number. What is the largest number when
you look at half and eighth?
Then you do a basic calculation, you come
back to Taymiyyah who's entitled to half, she
takes what?
4 out of the 8,
And then you have the wives
who take an 8th, What's an 8th of
And then an uncle, there's a residuary beneficiary,
he will take the remainder.
Let's just say,
mister Abutaimiyyah left behind
a million.
Actually, there's no more complicate things, right?
£10,000 right?
You have to do a division.
Which number are we going to use?
That's why it's so key.
You divide that by 8, and then you
have to make multiplication.
Where where do I take the multiplications from?
In order to determine how much tamiya the
wives and uncle get?
4. Allahu Akbar.
1 and 3.
Remember we said she takes half the pie,
the wife's take an 8th
and then the remaining is for the uncle
who takes the
3 out of 8.
So you would divide 10,000 divided by 8
which is the base number
by how much each one is entitled to.
Like in Tamir, she takes half the pie
which is 4 out of 8. 1 and
then 3. This one is
1 8?
No. No. No. No. Altogether.
Split by Last year last week, I mentioned
not last year. Last week, I mentioned
that this co wife is a problem for
In the lifetime
of her husband and even after he passes
Right? Her Prince Charming
who was there for maybe 20 years and
then this other lady comes along, right? She's
Taking days of her week.
The house is empty,
And then she doesn't stop there.
Even after he passes away, she's still there,
you know, bugging her.
Sharing what could have been, what could have
been only hers.
So they all split an eighth amongst themselves.
Makes sense?
Did everybody get this?
Right? What I want you guys Insha'Allah when
you go home today is
these fractions.
I mentioned these fractions in day 1 because
they're crucial.
Right? The lessons that we're having, right?
They are synced in within one within one
It's a clear story for our prophets.
I'll do that again on the board.
Always remember group 1, group 2. And it's
so easy to remember.
What's half of half?
What's half of quarter?
An eighth. Excellent. Simple as that. Half the
half and then half it again.
You get these numbers.
Half of a quarter is what?
Half of a half is a quarter. Half
of the quarter is an eighth.
No one should forget that.
Right? These are basic fractions.
And then here, what's half of a third?
Then you got 2 thirds. You're just gonna
have to find another way of remembering that.
Just multiply a third by 2, you get
2 thirds.
Multiply it
once and then
on the other side, you should what? Divide
it, you get these numbers.
want you to give me all 6 very
quickly in order. Give me the first group.
So half of half is a third, right?
Brothers, let me draw a pie for you
A pie.
What do I need to do in order
to cut it into half?
Put a line down the middle, right?
Yeah. This is now a half.
What's half of a half?
What's the half of the other half?
1, 2, 3, 4.
A pie
consists of what? Four halves.
If we want to know half each part,
what do we do?
Half it.
How many pieces is that? 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 10. We need to have
the other one. That's 8.
How you going?
What's your name?
the guy who's active on Twitter, right?
Half the half, you get a quarter, and
then you half the quarter, you get an
Right? Did everybody get that?
He give me the other group.
1 third, 2 thirds, 6th.
Sorry? 1 third, 2 thirds, 6th. Jamil.
One third got sick and then you got
2 thirds. Have you done faray before?
Not this week.
Even I've done this before.
It's a khalifa, brothers.
Let's remove the pie.
he's a?
Residiary beneficiary. He's the one who takes if
there is something left. And we will keep
using him as an example.
He's a kleibra,
to make things easy.
is she a residuary beneficiary?
The wife, is she a residuary beneficiary? No,
they're not. What about the parents?
The father and the mother.
They're not residuary beneficiaries, are they?
For the time being we will say that
they are what?
The Wol Forud which basically means that they
have a specific amount
that they are entitled to. They have a
specific amount that they are entitled to, excellent.
Let's do the Masal again.
You have
Camera gets that. Right?
It's clear, sir?
How many is taymiyyah get?
Half. When did she get a half with
2 condition? What 2 conditions? No brothers and
The wife.
Let's say wife now.
Yeah. Timir takes half.
How much does the wife get?
Does anybody know when she gets an 8th?
If there's a child in the equation.
And it will come onto all of that
insha Allahu Ta'ala, the conditions of when the
an 8th and when someone might take a
half and the conditions and everything which would
need to be memorized like water.
Depends if it's your child.
Yeah, as long as the one who passed
away left behind a child.
Okay? So in this case,
We say
someone passed away and he left behind a
and a wife.
Tamir by the way should be daughter, but
I just wrote Tamir so makes things easier.
Wife, whether she has
are you referring to her having the wife
having a child from another guy?
Yeah. It doesn't matter whether it's one wife
that he has a child with or not,
right? Or the other he doesn't, as long
as he has a child.
The father, because the father has passed away
here. We'll write it.
Father passed away.
Who has he left behind?
One daughter,
3 wives.
Whether it's 1 wife or 3 wives doesn't
make a difference.
As long as there is a child in
the equation, it changes the dynamics of how
much the wives will end up sharing amongst
8th. Whether it's 1, 3, 4, 2 or
the same. 8th.
So if if the new child, the wife
is offering?
It's a robot.
Takes quota.
Who's who's the who's the best?
She takes a quota if you don't have
a child.
There is a child in the equation, takes
an 8.
Because you have a child.
Makes sense?
Anyways, don't don't worry about that guys. Yeah?
And then we also say there is what?
An uncle.
How much does the uncle get?
Say the remainder because he's a
residuary beneficiary.
Well, put an r.
Everybody get that so far?
How do we now calculate the base number?
number 8, why? It's the largest number. Because
we look for the largest number due to
these fractions being from the
same group.
Make sense?
Just put in a different color. Let's choose
Like we're living in a time, mum, when
I see colors.
Tell my dad's wife was at home,
and she has slippers.
She said Mohammed, can you give me the
Looked to the slippers, he has brain ball
When even the creation of Allah
now feels
How much which each one get? What do
we knew now? What's the next thing that
we do brothers?
We half
the 8th.
What do we get?
Then we,
And then how much left?
Makes sense?
How much did he leave behind?
£10,000 What do we do?
We need to look for the base number.
What is the base number? The number in
What do we do brothers?
Divide it by
8. How much is that?
1,250. 1,250.
Allahu Akbar.
What do we do then next?
What can we call this in English? In
Arabic they call it shiham, each one shiham.
Which is it shayz?
has 4 shares from the 8.
The wife has 1 share from the 8,
and then the uncle takes the remaining.
Makes sense brothers,
Then you what? Multiply by 4.
How much do you get? 1,250
times 4? £5000.
Then the next one,
which is what?
1. How much is that? 1,250.
And then multiply that by 3 to give
the Ankali Shez 3,750.
Does that equal to 10,000?
Did we have any decimals brothers and sisters?
In Farai they hate decimals.
They hate decimals. They don't like decimals.
So they will always
find the way of calculating
that excludes decimals altogether.
Is that clear brothers and sisters so far?
It's fun. Right?
Came in a little bit late, right you?
We mentioned in a base number,
is a very special number.
Very special.
Because if you get this wrong, can you
see how the calculations will
go astray
or go left?
That's very very important.
What we mentioned here, that there's 2 groups
of fractions.
Okay? Don't worry, I'll let you off this
time for coming late. But anyone who comes
in late and then starts asking questions that
we're already covered,
I'm gonna air
you. But we let our brother off this
We said that it's 2 groups what? Of
numbers, of fractions. Where do we get these
fractions from?
Quran. Remember last week we talked about that
there are 6 fractions in the Quran.
These are the ones. We put them to
2 groups, you can't just choose by the
way which group you want to put them
in. This is group number 1, group number
If the fractions
are from the same group,
what do we do?
We choose the biggest number. For example here,
it happened to be that Tamia,
Is the one in the equation, her father
passed away. How much is she entitled to?
Also the wife,
an eighth.
Okay. Now you look at half an eighth,
which group are they in?
1st group. If you have 2 fractions from
the same group or even 3 or even
5 fractions, but they're all from the same
group, what do we do brothers,
The base number will be the biggest number
which is the case here. We looked at
Which one's bigger? 28?
Common sense, right? 8.
That's how we ended up deriving the base
number. Makes sense?
I'm gonna come on to that. Yeah?
That's what I'm gonna do now.
These two numbers.
Group 1 or group 2? 2.
Group 2. What was the card? What was
the principle?
The sum. 6 group 6. Okay. What's the
biggest number? 6. 6.
What's the 3rd of 6?
What's the 6th of 6th?
How much left?
Let's just say the uncle's alive as well.
Our special uncle who takes the
How much does he get the uncle?
Makes sense,
Spice it up a little bit.
What do we have here?
Two different groups.
Excellent. Next principle going to be taken that
needs to be memorized is
if a half,
a half
is now found in the same inheritance
as one of the
fractions in the second group.
Then the base number is going to be?
It is
Take this as a principle.
If the half
is now found
with any of the 3 fractions in the
second group, then the base number straightaway is
It's going to be 6, but it's 6
because there's
So it's going to be 6?
Yes, it's going to be 6.
Just look at it this way.
If a half is a principle you're gonna
have to memorize now. There's different ways of
deriving the base number.
There might be a mathematical way.
Right? Is anyone here good at maths?
I remember I got an a,
Now I've completely forgotten everything, I have to
use a calculator.
I remember
went into college, January exams.
did 4 subjects, maths, physics,
law and accounting.
You know what I got?
e, that was a u? There wasn't, right?
It was a u.
I think I got a u as well.
Another one
was f.
Looks he said it looks like Daif.
And SubhanAllah,
you know for a very long time it
then erupted me. How did I get something
I think it was
11 a stars to c's in my GCSE's.
I think it was like 4 a stars,
1 a, and the rest were whatever.
And then my January exams, I got this.
Later on, it made a lot of sense
to me.
Because after the I was telling myself after
January exams, I'm gonna leave to Yemen.
Maybe if I got good grades,
Shaitan would have played around with me. Oh,
stay. Just finish that year.
that which may seem as a negative happens
to you,
and you don't understand why it's happening
or a mishap before you, you don't actually
see the Hikmah behind it. Only years down
the line you say, oh, SubhanAllah.
If that didn't happen, I would probably not
had this today. Can you guys relate to
that? How often have we been what?
Deprived of something
and it didn't make sense to us at
a time because our intellects are what limited.
Earlier, when we was having a Munch, me
my good friend Nabeel and Taha,
this discussion came up about,
you know, these atheists, right? And the brain
and intellect and what have you.
Can you see what's happening now in South
Hall with the naked eye? Can anybody here
see what's happening in South Pole?
Maybe there is some. I don't know. Can
you guys see what's happening in South Pole?
Which is what? 50 minutes away? No. You
can't, sir.
Our eyes are limited.
Can anybody hear that which is happening in
Or Or even in south, forget about Lesta,
2 hours away. Yeah, 50 minutes.
Or even that which is happening now,
in Hounslow or near the bus station.
Yeah, it's limited right? That which you can
see and hear.
If we can say that about the eyes
and also the ears,
can we not say that about somebody's intellect?
Something that they can prove everything through what?
The intellect.
And Antara try say to me, but they'll
just basically turn around and say look at
how much they're discovering, I was like that's
a proof against them.
The fact that they're discovering,
it clearly shows that they didn't know,
only then they're discovering.
And as time goes on there will be
more things are discovered.
Mister Einstein,
who passed away when? Does anybody have an
In the sixties. In the sixties.
Lawahu Alam.
Whenever he passed away,
that which he discovered was what?
Some things that he discovered about this universe,
And there was so many other things that
he didn't discover in his lifetime
which is what a Huja against him, a
proof against him. Do you guys agree with
Without the shadow of a doubt and even
now they're still discovering things and they're going
to be discovering things.
Later on there will be someone who has
bigger intellect than the other that will discover
I was a tangent.
How much would the half get?
The person who's entitled to half, 3.
What about here? 3rd?
That's 6.
Makes sense?
What was the principle?
If you find the half of the second
group then the base number is going to
be out of?
6. Good.
Now you have what? A
With which group?
2. Group 2. The base number is going
to be out of?
12. 12? Why why did you say that?
Because all of the denominators go into 12.
So you basically try to work it out
as the common denominator,
which is another way of doing it. I
don't want to confuse you guys.
And it's consistent. You'll see.
I'm going to just give you guys these
4 principles.
Which one are we on? Number 2, right?
Principle number 2. If a quarter
finds its way in
if a quarter is found in equation with
any of the second group,
we say that the base number is
straightaway 12.
Special number is 12.
Exactly, brothers.
Makes sense?
12 divided by?
The first denominator is
12 divided by 3?
12 divided by 6? 2.
How many left?
3. Let's just say there's uncle here, it
takes. See? Normally the uncle would already be
in the equation. Yeah?
And an uncle.
So the uncle would
take how much?
2 +4 is 6. Plus
3. Makes sense?
Do we have any decimals?
The fact that you're not getting decimals shows
that you're doing it right.
It's a kres so far.
And then you take 12, you divide it
by what?
How much do we get? 10,000 divided by
Yeah. Yeah. But we're not finished with the
Good. Yeah.
multiply that by each one's shares.
You multiply that by 3, how much you
get? 2 and half.
yeah? Then you multiply it by 4.
divided by,
times by 4.
You get
Then you multiply that by 2.
But only 666
No, I mean, like, the
sum at the end, there won't be any
Right? And here, there won't be any decimals.
Is that clear? But we're not even done
the actual sum itself or the calculation.
You may get decimals, but when you do
the calculation properly, you'll come up with the
whole number.
Don't round up now here because you might
end up getting what? 10,000
point 1 and this and that. But if
they're probably not gonna get intestines.
And here, of course, there would be a
person, like, someone who's in turn like the
Got hung.
And you also have
You have
and then you have the uncle
who take
So the 3rd, 8, 6, and then you
have r.
The base number is out of what?
Why is it 24?
But isn't 8 times 6,
No. 81624.
6 times 19 24.
Anyways, the principle is
an 8th now comes with the second group,
the base number is going to be out
of 24. Write that down.
If an 8th
finds himself in an equation
that has any of the
second group?
We say that the base number, sorry we
say that the base number is out of
24 divided by 3 is,
Did we get any decimals?
So what?
8, right?
24 divided by 8?
24 divided by 6.
How much left?
How much does the uncle get?
9. 9.
It's 24 altogether.
And by the way, like I said, just
like you have a human being here, uncle,
there'll be human being there, human being there,
human being there.
Okay? I'm just giving you guys these these
numbers together,
so it allows us to go through it.
So 10,000 will have to be divided by
which number? 4, sir?
24. 24, the key number.
Can you see that there has to be
a number of calculations that is made before
we get 24?
And in that 24
is the special key number
that is used to divide the amount that's
been left behind. That's right. It's very key.
Very, very key.
So now to summarize, my beloved brothers and
What was the first principle that we took
So we have what?
2 groups.
1st group and the second group. Who's part
of the first group?
So no cheating happens?
What's the first group?
Brother, say in order. No one's ever start
with an 8th.
You have a half,
and then a quarter,
and then an 8th.
tayeb. What's the second group?
6, 6, 7, 7. Tayiv. If we have
a half and an eighth,
what do we do?
I just mentioned 2 fractions from the same
So if you have 2 fractions from the
same group, what do you do?
You look for the biggest
Is that clear? So you have half an
What's going to be the base number? 8th.
8th. Excellent.
We have a 6th and 2 thirds.
These are 2 fractions from different groups. Right?
From the same group. From the same group.
You guys with me? 6th and also?
2 thirds. 2 thirds.
Base number is from? 6. 6.
That's the first principle that we took today.
If we have 2 fractions, you with me?
Did you get it now? Yes. You
have 2 fractions from the same group. The
base number is going to be out of?
Biggest number. Biggest number. Excellent. That's the first
Well, hi brothers
and sisters. The fact that you guys are
understanding and you're so slick, alarm, Arabic, and
quick in answering,
that's very very amazing.
A lot of brothers at the university,
they really struggle, especially with Far'id.
I was one of them. I try to
run away from Far'id. If I could just
cancel it altogether,
and never study it, I would have done
the teacher had a role to play as
to why we didn't feel comfortable with Farayd
and the Covid as well.
Covid 19,
because you study Farayd 4 times, right?
Throughout your stay in Medina. They call it
Farayid inheritance 1, 2, 3, and 4.
First time we had Farayed, it was when
the news broke out that
we would have to leave.
So we were halfway through Isharasta
and we were just taking a lot of
these theory related issues, like, you know, the
beginning today we took some theories,
and the last couple of lessons.
Remember I did not understand anything and I
still got a 100.
The Sheikh just said whoever answers these 3
questions I'm going to give him what?
A 100.
This is meant to be a semester,
Right? A whole semester, but because of all
the chaos and you know corona everyone has
to go back. I said you know what?
Everyone's unsettled, Allah asked you guys these 3
questions, write it down on a paper, send
it to me and I'll give you guys
a 100.
Just I was like brothers, what's going on
here? Like you know these questions,
and he even said that you guys could
research it, you know, revise together.
We revise together,
put it down, send the questions, 100.
And I'm not understanding anything. I don't know
what is going on.
2nd semester,
it was online.
Do you think brothers and sisters, right? If
I just sat here in a chair and
explained it, you guys would have understood it?
You need a board Sah.
So we're studying inheritance
number 2,
right? Over the Internet,
I'm awake what, 5 in the morning?
without a board?
I just deleted it.
Well, I deleted it.
I was like, Sheikh, like you're gonna have
to have mercy on me. My brother, he's
passed away,
it's 5 in the morning,
This normally requires a board,
and you're just teaching. Can you just have
like some mercy on me, please?
Didn't even respond to me.
I deleted
it. Next teacher that I had after that,
he ended up teaching what through PowerPoints,
which really helped me, Allah reward him.
But because I deleted it in my last
at the University,
I had both 3 and 4, which is
a lot.
Point is brothers and sisters, many brothers struggled.
Many brothers.
People get scared. You got the one who's
marshal and very good at fiqh, but when
it comes to Farayd,
let's start shaking.
Fatiha, you guys are understanding it,
commended for it, may Allah increase you all
your knowledge.
I take out a lot of time before
a class
to think about how I'm going to articulate
think about how I struggled, maybe what I
could change.
A lot of thought goes into it.
But Alhamdulillah, you guys are understanding it. Honesty
Put your hand up if you didn't understand
what we took today.
Be honest.
You can criticize me. I know you might
be rude to criticize teacher, but I'm I'm
opening the floor. Whoever wants to
I didn't understand what we mentioned. It was
pretty straightforward,
sir. What's the third principle that we took?
Did you take the have you revised the
second one?
David second principle is that if a half
remember we're just talking about the first group
here. You have half, quarter and?
If you find half now,
with the second group,
the base number is going to be out
Excellent. Our excellence.
Let's now move on to the next one,
That's why I said, nobody start with 8.
You have half, quarter, and then
A quarter now
is in the same equation as one of
the 3 fractions of the
second group.
Base number is out of? 12. 12.
Now you have 8 that comes in the
same equation as
any of the fractions in the second group,
it will be out of 24.
You can see with the way we calculate
everything, this is exactly how you calculate an
From next week I'm gonna be throwing like
real life equations at you guys.
Right? Mashallah Subaraka Allah.