Shady Alsuleiman – Comforting the Hearts

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of achieving satisfaction and physical body, rather than just achieving happiness, is crucial for personal growth and achieving wealth. The success of achieving happiness and love is crucial for personal growth, and personal growth is not just a financial result. Prayer to Allah for happiness and love is crucial for personal growth, and the importance of praying to Allah and not feeling sad or depressed is crucial for personal growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulilah in a meadow

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Wallerstein ohana study he wants to start fiddle

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one ounce a villa Himanshu Rory am fusina

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amin say Lina maganda Hello fellow mobile Allah. Wa Yo, fella howdy Allah

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whatcha doin?

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La la voz de la sharika kurata boo boo boo Yeti. Well illman lemon jaha behavoir Kapha coolamon la have fun

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well what Europe because Allah Allah Allah kromm.

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Wash I don't wanna say Donna Wahhabi benaco eternal kurata you Nina Mohammed

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Abu rasuluh wasafi, whom in

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our Salah hula hooping houda verdienen hapa leovera hora de Nicola Wanaka healthcare furon Wanaka Hamas recon.

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bolivares Allah. Wa, Amana Manasa oma wa had the filler haka Jihad Hata Julio for Salatu Rabi wa sallam who I am about the law for Indian Siegelman. FCM osteotomy de la sukumar la parte de la cama Belizean Hema makalah Mia familia man masskara de la donatien Hira Amaya.

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inshallah Yara Allahu taala. Yeah, yo, holla Dena mano de la de la Hakata wala automaton illa Anta Muslim moon, Amma bond.

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All prayers do to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And please pay upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam testified that there's no god except Allah. Allah testify that Muhammad is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah and my brothers in Islam. I encourage myself I need to feed none but Allah subhanho wa Taala as a lawyer Lord states in the Holy Quran, or those who believe for Allah, Fie Allah zoa just the way he should be feed and do not die unless you're on the state of Islam.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala also says in the Quran only Karim

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and with the karela Optima in Nova loop. Indeed, in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala the hearts will have contentment indeed with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala the hearts will be satisfied. In the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal relaxes the heart comforts the heart. When you remember our lives is our job Allah subhana wa Taala remembers you in return. And when Allah subhanho wa Taala remembers he returned after you remembered him, not only that Allah subhanaw taala remembers you up there, but Allah subhana wa tada also bestows in your heart comfort and satisfaction.

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So during that moment, in which he said

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during that moment,

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in which your discontent

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during that moment, when you feel discomfort in your heart, remember Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you in return. And I realized that my inner loop indeed in remembrance of Allah, the hearts will be satisfied.

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The house will full comfort, the heart will feel contentment, and there's no doubt every single human being is seeking after contentment in the heart. Every single human being is seeking satisfaction in the heart. Every single human being wants happiness. And every single human being doesn't want sadness. No one seeks behind sadness. It's against the nature of mankind for you.

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To seek sadness, the only thing that you want to seek in your life is happiness, comfort, contentment, but that doesn't come, that doesn't come just by you saying, I want to be happy. I could stand and say, I want to be happy, I want to be happy, I want to be happy. But it doesn't mean I'm happy. And I could say, I am happy, I am happy, I am happy. But yet that does not mean that I'm really happy. Happiness is in the half

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contaminates in the half where we get it wrong. All Mankind get it wrong. And even some Muslims with the Quran in front of them, they still get it wrong. They think about them satisfying the external part of their life, but then satisfying their physical part of their physical body, is that going to be satisfied spiritually and morally? No. It doesn't mean that if you satisfy you, so physically, it's gonna satisfy you spiritually. That's one thing and that's another thing. What satisfies your physical body it does not mean is going to satisfy your spiritual side. For you to satisfy your spiritual side, there's only one way and that's the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal for you to acquire

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contentment and satisfaction. It's through the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada and the beginnings of a life zolgensma the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in this Hadith, man

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what Akbar who helped me Allah

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Jalla wa low Do you know

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what Jama Allah inshallah water to dunya wa Hiroshima.

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The problem of Hamas Allah Allah Allah says in this Hadith, whoever wakes up every morning and his main concern is that

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what does the athlete Are you concern is that accurate alludes to what what does that indicate your main concern is Allah your main concern is Islam. Your main concern early in the morning when you wake up is the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal so I want to be the type of person that wakes up early in the morning and the first agenda that I've got in my mind on my day is Hello please Allah subhanho wa Taala. And on might the first agenda of God is Hello please Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the beginning of the day, my main target my main objective is the pleasure of Allah and the beginning of the night my main objective is the pleasure of the last panel. So what does the

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say about the one that wakes up early in the morning and his main concern is the earth at all, which is his main concern is the pleasure of Allah pleasing Allah and following the goddess in the way of Allah subhana wa tada the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, first job Allahu

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will enrich his heart.

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Allah will enrich his heart. What does it mean enriching your heart. As I mentioned, we need to differentiate between external and internal part of our life. Your external part of your life is your physical appearance, your body, these eyes, this nose, this is his tongue, the stomach, this is your physical part. But inside you There is also a spiritual path. And the same way, the same way that you need to feed and provide your physical body, you also need to provide your spiritual element.

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And many of us get it wrong. We believe that by me satisfying my body by me looking to what beautifies my eyes by me hearing what makes me feel comfortable with my hearing or what what makes me feel comfortable when I listen to it. By Me touching or grabbing something that makes me feel comfortable by me having beautiful cars and beautiful houses and beautiful women are beautiful men for women, by me having a lot of warmth and a lot of treasures. And a lot of these and a lot of it means that I'm going to be satisfied but deep inside your empty deep inside it is always the emptiness. And that's why many of us struggle with that. We want to satisfy our external power or

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live order satisfy our physical body and we are satisfying that physical body we're gonna satisfy our inner soul. And that's why you might have a lot of us a lot of money, a lot of houses, beautiful mansions, beautiful cars, yeah, beautiful women that you have access to many things in this world. But deep inside is the emptiness you are still said and how many people come across, they've got so much wealth, everything that in this world, it's in front of them. It's under their disposal, whatever they seek of this world of God, but deep inside they still empty. They still don't feel satisfaction. Why? Because he thought were many of us think that if I want to satisfy my physical

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body, if I'm gonna satisfy my external element or my life, I'm gonna satisfy them.

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Internal animal life. But Islam teaches us otherwise. Islam says

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indeed to the remembrance of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will give you the contentment that you're looking for, in the to the remembrance of Allah Allah will give you the satisfaction that you are seeking. Indeed, with the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal, Allah who come for you, not with your wealth, not with your cars, not with your fancy houses, not with everything that you have externally, but by you remembering Allah, Allah azza wa jal will bestow, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will bless you with that comfort that you're seeking. And Allah subhanaw taala takes away from you that sadness that you are probably experiencing right now, or that sadness they are facing and that

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sadness that you're always encountering. So the problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, that person molars xojo make us from them. The person that wakes up early in the morning and his main primary concern is the pleasure of Allah which is the first Allah subhanaw taala will enrich his heart. You find that richness in your heart, you feel that comfort in your heart, you feel that relaxation in your heart, you feel you're happy, even though you look around you don't have those fancy houses and cars, but you're so happy you've got a beautiful smile on your face because you're Hi sir rich, rich with what not with money, rich with love, not with prestige, rich

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with what not with fame, rich with the remembrance of Allah

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rich with the abilities of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then the second thing that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in this Hadith, that this person that wakes up in the morning and is concerned is the pleasure of Allah which is the arcanum Allah azza wa jal enriches up and Allah subhana wa tada will also give him water to dunya, Hiroshima and the dunya this world that everyone is seeking after this world that everyone is seeking, and this world that everyone's fighting over this water everyone is challenging one another over a lot as our job will make this dunya run to you.

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this dunya will come to you. And not only will come to you in Ibiza, something to say we're attached to dunya dunya dunya will come to you forcefully.

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Allah azza wa jal will force his creation, the dunya to run to you.

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When you run to Allah alone, make this dunya run to you. But when you run away from Allah, Allah who will make you run to his creation.

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Look at the difference. When you run to the critera Allah azza wa jal make the Christ and run to you and Allah subhanaw taala will make the creation this dunya under your disposal, under your service.

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But when you run away from Allah subhanho wa Taala you displays a lot of Zoltan he doesn't follow the commands of Allah, Allah subhana wa tada will make you a slave to this dunya Allah who make you run to the Croatian water to dunya Hiroshima. You wake up early in the morning and your main concern is the pleasure of Allah, you're up. I want the agenda, and I'll do anything for the agenda. So what does Allah subhanaw taala do at a low enrich your heart? You feel that satisfaction in your heart, that happiness in your heart, when you look around? This man is so poor, but he's so happy. Why? Because happiness is not about the materialistic things in life. It's not about the materials of

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this world. It's not about the dollar and the same. It's not about this other it's about pleasing Allah azza wa jal. So loss of power to enrich your heart.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala will make the dunya run to you

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will make the dunya be a slave to you forcefully, because Allah commanded to do so. And then the third thing is as the Prophet Mohammed Salim says,

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What Yama Allah

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and Allah subhana wa tada

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will enjoy his affairs and matters under him. What does that mean? It means that in my life, I've got different affairs in my life. I've got financial affairs, I've got Social Affairs, I've got marital affairs, I've got children, I've got my house I've got my visa I've got my that Allah subhana wa tada will unite all your matters under you, Allah azza wa jal will keep a control of your affairs. Allah subhanho wa Taala will keep you on the top of your mirrors. Rather than you being under your mirrors. This big difference when you control your mirrors, and your mirrors control.

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This humongous discrepancy between when I control my mirrors and when my mirrors control me.

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When I control my financial matters, or when my financial matters control me, when I'll control my business

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And when my business controls me, when I control the household that I'm part of and control my feminine, I've got everything under control when other things have control of me.

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So when you are pleasing Allah, Allah, Allah subhana wa Tada, I know put that satisfaction in your heart. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will keep you in control of your matters. You've got full control of your matters, it's all under your hands. You're not enslaved by your matters, but you're the one that controls your matters. You're not enslaved by your money and your financial matters. You're not enslaved by social life. You are not enslaved by the community not enslaved by these United States. You are the one that has control over.

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And I'm sure I'm speaking about a lot of us. Weather matters just all over the place. Has that control of their business, has not control of their career, has no control of their family, everything just in chaos. Everything is just disorganized. Everything just all over the place. in shambles. You can't even have any control of what's happening. It's just all over the place. You have no control over what's happening at home, you have no control what's happening outside your home, you have not control what's happening in your business. You have not control what's happening of your wallet, you have no control what's happening, you have your bank, you have no control,

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you're becoming a slave to the bank, as many of us these days are slaves to the bank, slave to the mortgage, slave to paying off our house. But in the visa lohani or salami says

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those who wake up early in the morning. Their main concern is the pleasure of Allah to please Allah subhanho wa Taala to achieve the ultimate achievement that's the paradise Allah azza wa jal will enrich their hearts. Allah subhanho wa Taala bless them with satisfaction in the hearts of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will force this dunya to run to them and to be under their control. And Allah subhanho wa Taala give them control over their efforts. Allah gives you control over your efforts. So look at yourself right now. assessee So for now, I'm on top of person that I'm struggling with my family, I'm struggling with my wife, I'm struggling with my kids. I'm struggling socially. I'm

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struggling with my finance. I'm struggling with my work. I'm struggling with this. I'm struggling with that we'll deal with the key now. The key is please Allah see what Allah gives you in return Alo give you pleasure, please the Creator, the creator will give you pleasure in this creation in this world.

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But on the other hand, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says,

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woman asked Baha what akamaru Hamid dunya. Whoever wakes up early in the morning, and his primary concern. His main concern is the dunya. I wake up in the morning, All I care about is the dunya Hello, make extra bucks in my pocket. Hello, hello. lawfully unlawfully. That doesn't really concern me. Lying deceiving, defrauding others, I don't care as long as I make money, or cheat others or lie to others I go through as long as I make my money. You have many people, the vast majority of people standing on the face of this earth. That's the concern. Making money, making fame making prestige. Good why that why lawfully unlawfully? That's not on the agenda. That's not a concern. Their main

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concern is the dunya harrower achieved the maximum achievement of this dunya willughby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says

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if that's your concern, your primary concern every single morning is the dunya How do you acquire the dunya? How do you gain the dunya and all the elements of the dunya The first thing that a lot of xojo will do to you a lot will make you poor, right in the middle of your eyes.

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A lot of xojo will make you so poor, even though you've got all the warmth of this dunya but deep inside, you're so poor, your support and your higher self said, You're so unhappy. Allah subhanho wa Taala put that in your heart. Yes, I am satisfied. It's in your heart. And that's why subhana wa sometimes you could be the type of person that you've got all the wealth of this world. You've got so much money. You're so rich. You're so famous. You are so prestigious. You have beautiful cars, and you've got beautiful houses and you've got so many women around you beautiful, glamorous woman, but then by the end of the day, there's something in your heart. You still feel poor. You've got all

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this but your heart is still poor. You've got all this and you're still unhappy. You've got all this and you're still said, Allah subhana wa tada poverty right in the middle of your eyes.

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And what does that mean?

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Right in the middle of your eyes, a lot of soldier makes you so poor boy in law. Poverty is not necessarily related to something called money. Poverty isn't your satisfaction,

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your contentment?

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The tree wolf is the world of satisfaction and contentment, not the satisfaction of money and wealth. The second thing the problem Hammad, Salalah alayhi wa sallam he says in this hadith

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was Santa Ana Shimla. The second thing that Allah subhana wa tada will test them when after this person wakes up early in the morning and his main concern is this dunya How could they achieve from this dunya and acquire the dunya and gain the maximum gain of the dunya Allah azza wa jal making Paul right in the middle of his eyes, and Allah subhana wa tada will devoid Allah subhanho wa Taala will divide these matters upon him. He has no control of his matters. There has no control of his household, he has not control of his wife has not control of his kids. He has not control of his family, he has not control of his wealth. He has not control of anything. Everything has control of

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him. The bank has control of him, his work has control over him, his household has control of him. He's just a slave to the rest of the creation. Where he could have been the slave to the cradle last panel Tada. He could have honored himself and became the trick right? The true slave of Allah xojo to the trick, right Allah subhanaw taala

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what am UT Mina dunya Ilana And the third thing is the Prophet Muhammad SAW some speaks about the man that wakes up early in the morning and his main concern is that dunya Allah subhanho wa Taala will make him poorer in the middle of his eyes, Allah subhanho wa Taala will divide these matters upon him and Allah subhanaw taala and give him some minimal of this dunya

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Allah Subhana Allah will give him some minimal of this dunya now some of our sidebar on a lot of people who are disobedient to Allah who are disbelievers, the so wealthy, so rich, so famous, so prestigious, so influential, what does that mean at the end of the day, that's the exact point that I'm trying to descend across. That's the exact point that I'm trying to make from the very beginning. Wealth does not necessarily mean that you are rich, because contentment is the true richness. satisfaction is the true richness, wealth and prestige and fame doesn't mean anything. It's all about what's in your heart. It's all about that satisfaction and contentment in your heart.

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how satisfied are you from the inside? What's the point of having all this and your house empty?

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You work so hard.

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Again, all this around you. You work so hard together all this around you and then by the end of the day, you feel so Paul, you feel so sad and satisfied. Well, the prophet Mohammed Salah Salam once again, he says that those that wake up early in the morning and their main concern is their main concern is the dunya. And how to acquire the maximum achievement of the dunya. Allah subhanho wa Taala will put poverty in the hearts, a lot of xojo make himself poor or in the middle of the house. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will devote their matters upon them. And Allah subhana wa Tada. only give them some minimal of this dunya you choose? Do I want to be the slave of Allah or the slave of

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the creation of Allah? Do I want to be the slave of the dunya or don't want to be the slave of the creator of the

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Or the Allahu taala, who walks

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into the Persian Emperor, or the Persians general at that time during the Battle of Gods sia, he goes into his tent, his name is Roger stone.

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Rousseau says to him, Who are you people? What do you exactly what from us? on stage? You were slaves of us? You were followers of us. We had the upper hand over you What do you exactly want from us? So he says, No, no, come on.

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Man, neighbor today but

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we are pleased with Allah subhana wa tada sent us to take people away from the cry from the worship of the creation to the worship of the crier, Allah soldier, woman dunya LSR.

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And from the Torness and the narrowness of this world, to the vastness of the Hereafter, woman, God at the end Illa Allah Islam and from the oppression and the tyranny of all the other religions, to the justice of Islam. That's the character of the believer. The character of the woman is connected to Allah azza wa jal in return Allah subhanaw taala connects into all these matters, is connected to Allah Subhana Allah so Allah subhana wa tada will put happiness and satisfaction in his heart.

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Allah subhana wa Tada. He says in

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Khurana Karim once again ellerby decree.

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Indeed, with the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal, the hearts will feel satisfaction. The hearts will feel contentment, that contaminant satisfaction that happiness that every single one of us is trying to acquire and achieve. But many of us that haven't. You've got everything in the outside but deep inside yourself, Paul, there's no substance there. There's no satisfaction there's no happiness, because

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with the remembrance of Allah, Allah azza wa jal will give you satisfaction in your heart. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala xojo will satisfy you in return, say Allah subhanho wa Taala will bestow happiness in your heart, say Allah subhanaw taala will give you satisfaction and contentment. But please,

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next time,

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next time when you come across a calamity in your life, or you experience a hardship in your life, or you feel down and said, remember Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah will change your heart. Because what happens these days, the moment I'm struck with a calamity, the moment awful sadness, the moment I feel down, or speak to Iran, or get a counselor or speak to the doctor or get to the pharmacist or even speak to the rubbish cleaner on the street, seeking his advice or feel down unhappy things are not going well. I'll speak to the entire world. And I don't even remember the last panel.

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I'll start searching on the net and listening to YouTube clips or reading articles about someone who wants to overcome depression or someone who wants to overcome sadness. But the last thing I do is I remember Allah subhanaw taala.

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indeed to the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala Allah xojo give you happiness.

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Indeed to the remembrance of Allah, Allah will give you satisfaction, indeed to the remembrance of Allah Allah azza wa jal will take the sadness away from you.

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And Allah subhanaw taala also says,

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Wabi Sabi De Luca Fernando hierro me Maya Jamal, then Allah azza wa jal addresses the believers, the true believers who believe in Allah and worship Allah by Allah azza wa jal and never disobey Him. Allah subhanho wa Taala says to them, called, Lila say, by the grace of Allah, but the bounty of Allah will be at the mercy of Allah folia for who will be happy. Be happy with law with the grace of Allah. Be happy with law with the mercy of Allah. Be happy with walk with the worship of Allah. Be happy with the Salah. Be happy with the cm, be happy with the second, be happy with the requirements of Allah be happy with the Parana carry, be happy with Alonzo gelato really granted your happiness

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when you worship Him. Allah Azza wa Jalla already promised your happiness when you pray to Allah to really promised your happiness when you remember him all before Belinda. So by the grace of Allah, Mati and by His mercy folia, for who don't believe is to be happy. So if you want to be happy, remember Allah, you want to be happy about Allah, you want to be happy. Remember the grace of Allah upon you. You want to be happy. Remember that I'm at the mercy of Allah upon your failure for who Allah says let them be happy. It's not an option. But it's a command. I came out of Allah azza wa jal upon me that a lot of you be happy with what with the worship of Allah, with well with the

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remembrance of Allah, with love with the Quran. remember Allah with a lot with the salon, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he is to feel he's under pressure, and he's diphu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stressed and unhappy what leads to a loss?

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When is it time for the salon? So we could pray to Allah so we could feel happy? What is the top of the salon now when we are under pressure? I will stress the first thing that we do we have been in the salon I'm too stressed bro. Yeah, I haven't seen you for a very long time. Well, I've been on the Lord pressure. So pound Allah, that's the time that you need to get closer to Allah. That's the total anything come out to them as it that's a total you need to pray motala soldier that's the total you need to connect to the circles of knowledge that's a thought that you need to do more worships but Subhan Allah The first thing that we do when we're under pressure, we forget the credit

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we get to the creation, who's gonna resolve your issues of Allah doesn't resolve them. He's gonna resolve the issues of Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't resolve them for you. A tree moment, the moment that he feels depressed or stressed or unhappy and said he resorts Allah. He turns to a large religion and he also loves to make it easy for him.

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When is it tough for the Salah.

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We're under a lot of pressure were so stressed to assessor. What is it tough for us to face alone forget the entire world when we say Allahu Akbar, and cast the entire dunya behind us and just focus on the creator of the dunya and the creator of the creation.

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When is it time for the summer ob learn, so we'll come to our source, so it could be happy. So Pamela, the sad case is the first thing that we did these days when we are under a lot of pressure, there is a dispute between me and my wife between me and my husband. There's a dispute in the family under a lot of pressure financially. The first thing you start cutting down from is the salon.

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The first thing is cutting down from is attending the massage it the first thing that's not cutting down from is the opinions of Allah as if the creation is going to help him unlock and even hoping animal

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could be from the left.

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Side by the grace of Allah by the mercy of Allah that you'll be happy. You'll be happy. You'll be happy by remembering Allah. You'll be happy by praying to Allah, you'll be happy when you attend a gathering of knowledge. You'll be happy when you read the Quran. You'll be happy when you come to a gathering all is remembered you'll be happy and nothing else can give you happiness except a loss of power.

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Remember a loss or a loss or remembering.

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Turn to Allah Allah xojo will be there for you.

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You want satisfaction alone gives you satisfaction you want happiness and love somehow grant your happiness akula

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muslimeen fosun mustafina stuff

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and hamdulillah Hamdan kt Rama Rama Rama de bois De Lima Shakur

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while salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Mata Masha Allah Allah in La la la sharika wash Adana, Mohammed Abu Omar asuna, I'm about my brothers in Islam in the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was in the middle and the center of hardship when it was in the cave of Seoul, surrounded by the disbelievers and the enemies of Islam at the time, the people of kurush and they were climbing the mountain where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, wasallam and abubaker are hiding in the cave, the Cave of Toad

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from distance and faraway.

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Back in seas, some of those people from pradesh climbing the mountain coming near the cave, and it's a terrifying and horrific moment for the Prophet Mohammed de la sala and aboubaker because they've been running away. They've been running away from the people of origin and the people of Croatia pursuing them and chasing behind them to try and kill the provider is salatu salam, and nelco surrounded them they surrounded the mountaintop surrounded the cave, and only few metres away from the game of the LA salatu wa sallam. At that moment, Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who became so concerned about the safety of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so he turns to the

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provider is salatu salam so scared and terrified and concern and he says our messenger of Allah, they'll come in neither cave The only metres away and if one of them just looks down at us, he will see us and capture us or messenger of Allah, what do we do so Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with full calmness in the beast Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam with full tranquility he responds to Abu Bakr and he says, Yeah, back move on Luca Allahu.

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Oh, Baba can What do you think of two allies? The third one amongst them? Son in law hamana. Don't be scared. Don't be sad. allies with us. allies with us? When you think about it logically and rationally? How is it possible? Of course, I want to be said, of course, I want to be terrified. Of course, I want to be scared. The only females away from us now capture us, they'll kill us. Don't get rid of us by Allah Holly, you will send them knew that he's with Allah. And Allah will never let them someone that's with him.

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Allah will never ever let down someone that's with him. And Alonzo Joe never ever said and someone that's with him in a salon it was on them is in the center of a true hardship of a true concern. And in a bizarre Santos. Let them be said, Be happy. jasola How is it happy? Someone is on the chopping board and he wants to be happy.

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Someone's gonna be killed and he wants to be happy. In the law, man. If you're with a law, there's no reason for you to be sad.

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If you're with a law, there's no reason for you to be stressed. If you're with a law, there's no reason for you to be depressed. If you're alone, there's no reason for you to be concerned. In the long run. Don't be afraid. Don't be sad. Don't be stressed. Don't be terrified in

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hamana Allah is with us. Allah is with us. When was it last my brother in Islam? They were under a lot of pressure. You were depressed and said and then you start to feel you know what why am I sad for why am I depressed when I could return and turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala Wanaka turns out large zolgensma large xojo will alleviate depression alone Olivia the sadness of loss of Hannah title company turns alone you find a lot there for you.

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Worship alone the loss of power will give you happiness and satisfaction. Be with a little bit

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