Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E14 – The expedition of al Hudaybiyyah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's actions during peace, including his campaign to destroy Islam and the legalization of Islam during the scratch time. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being conscious of one's actions and avoiding negative expectations. They also discuss the use of leather clothing during the time of peace and the importance of forgiveness and embracing change in the context of Islam. The segment also touches on the history of Islam, including the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's actions during peace and the legalization of Islam during the scratch time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen aubenas terrine onsala Malhotra and labin Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Allah with Dean a my bed. Frobisher sadri rodri was really angry while we look at that and melissani yufka, who told me as always, we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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We praise Him and we seek his assistance and we seek His guidance and we seek refuge in Him from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify, the room serve Allah guides, none can misguide and moves ever he must guides the man can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I be witnessed that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His messenger to everyone joining in from Facebook and YouTube, and Twitter, and also via clubhouse I greet you with the greetings of Islam, and the greetings of peace. Assalamu

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alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to episode number 14, of season four of our fifth of Sierra series titled blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century.

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Alhamdulillah we've covered covered much, thus far. But Subhanallah, even though we have there is still so much to go. That is how rich the life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the events of his life. As Pamela was so detailed, you can imagine just from the little that we have taken, how 23 years of prophethood. So Pamela, must have just flown by, given how the events just kept rolling on event after event, event after event. And not just any event, but events that really

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took much out of the human being. And again, I highlight this for us to really appreciate who he was sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and who the Sahaba were robiola and him as a Marine, that we really should praise them, praise Him sallallahu alayhi wasallam and praise them, probably Allah for animoji Marine and make dua for them. Every time we make dua for ourselves because of the efforts in terms of us being believers today. Now, yesterday, we

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we discussed a couple of the rulings that were revealed

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between the expedition of value carova and the expedition of Alfa davia. There were many and there were also other events that took place. But as I said our series is is is more focused, it's not about taking everything. And again I reiterate and I remind everyone of the need to go back to the books of Sierra and definitely give it a good read cover to cover. Yesterday we discussed the legislation of hijab and also the rules pertaining to adoption, and also how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam practically cemented and consolidated some of the major teachings of Islam pertaining to how you know pertaining to the Equality Act, if we can call it that and

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also matters pertaining to

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adoption. I guess very quickly before we discuss Alfa davia. Today, we can just quickly look at the standout lessons from yesterday. Number one very quickly answer the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as

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Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to say, and I've been to Josh, and proposed on behalf of zayde and when the revelation came down immediately, she answered the call. And she complied. Also, whoever leave something for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah will give them something better in return, as long as they do it for the sake of Allah that this is pleasing to Allah and before it's pleasing to Allah, then they don't do it. Right. Zaid went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to see you know, can I get out of this marriage? He wants to know if it's pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said remain, he answered the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He remained, and he was told to Allah and he tried. But then when it came to a point whereby, despite all efforts, there was no way forward then, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the separation took place. And this should teach us brothers and sisters in Islam, that when we get married, we shouldn't get married, being ready to jump ship at the drop of a hat that I'm going back to my parents house. Well, I'm going to tell my parents about you. And you know, the husband is running threats, or he's telling his parents and so on and so forth. And the couple's washing their dirty laundry out in the public, this is childish. This shows a lack of marriage maturity. And this

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goes as you can see, against the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah, for the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah is to keep everything in house and to be adults, about everything, not to be childish about it and to feel Allah subhanho wa Taala from the beginning and at the end and make sure that whatever happens, whatever happens, we please Allah subhanho wa Taala as a as a result, we've spoken about marriage lessons to different phases of our seasons of plus from the past.

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So inshallah you can revisit those sessions, especially when we discuss hedgerow Viola and her and her marriage to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and certain events after that, that took place between himself or that included himself and her robiola. Okay, from the lessons also brothers and sisters in Islam, we learned that marriage is more than just you know, people coming together for the sake of, you know, the physical mandates of life and the physical desires that Allah subhanho wa Taala has put within a man and a woman. We discussed this when we spoke about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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married in earlier episodes after the expedition of benu and masala and how through that marriage, an entire tribe became fried, and then they became Muslims and her own father became a Muslim. So marriage can serve a higher agenda, a, a stronger muscle, meaning a stronger communal benefit or a stronger benefit generally, however,

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it is irrespective of the underlying reasons for the man has revealed rights and responsibilities that exists between a man and a woman. And those rights and responsibilities must be respected. Yes, as a Tanzanian through the union, they consolidated how Islam has broken the class system. But then when it got to a stage where the rights and responsibilities were not being managed, then the sharing facilitated for them away. Also, brothers and sisters, we learned that it doesn't mean that if we get divorced, then we should become enemies. Right. And this we said earlier that Zaid and Xena for the period of almost a year they had turbulence, but as you can see, when the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to propose to Zane up, he sent Zaid and Zaid went and said to rejoice, he went happily to give a glad tidings. He didn't take it personally. He didn't take the life together.

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You know, to be something that now should create personal enmity between myself and herself. She is a good person, she was just not right for me. He is a good person, he was just not right for me. She is good. And right for someone else, meaning she is good, but she will also be right for someone else and he is good. And he will be right for some work for someone else. Right. So the good factor remains. Generally Of course we get some people Allah guide them the good factor isn't there. But generally speaking brothers and sisters in Islam, one would like to think that people who are from the family of La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, and they brought up nicely if they eventually

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get into a marriage that doesn't work out that they were both good, but they just weren't right for each other. They were right for some other people. So we should know when to draw the lines brothers and sisters in Islam and remember that when we divorced, we still brothers and sisters in Islam, also brothers and sisters in Islam, we learned from a yesterday's episode that we should do the right thing even if people think we're strange. And we know this from how Allah subhanho wa Taala told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when in the verses pertaining to Zaid, divorcing Zainab and her being in the waiting period and then Allah marrying Xena to him.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala said Mullah Omar de what action is that? You know, it was some that Allah would expose and you felt this, this apprehension with regards to the people and the reaction and so on and so forth. It's human nature to be conscious of what people will think. But at the end of the day, what matters is what Allah subhanho wa Taala thinks and if Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleased with you, then Allah will put happiness in the hearts of the people, and the people eventually will be pleased with you. And this is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for he taught us that whoever does something to please the people and displease Allah, that Allah

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will be displeased with him and the people eventually will be displeased with him. And if you do something to please Allah and he displeases the people, then Allah will be pleased with him and the people eventually will be pleased with him. So put Allah subhanho wa Taala first and you will never ever finish last. Also brothers and sisters in Islam, we spoke about first

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Sharing versus adoption. And we said adoption is something that is in Islam, however, with what is not allowed is to mess around with the lineage of the child that is being fostered slash adopted. Right. And I think this was highlighted. Clearly, a question came in from some saying that if we foster and we don't change the name, and then the child will grow up to realize that they adopted and you know, this make them feel sad that we're not the real son of this person, and then what happened to our parents and so on and so forth. Yes, this is something that through experience, people who have worked in this sphere have have said happens, but also through experience, it has

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been commonly said that the best way to do this is to be honest with the young child from the beginning, right, because a young child at the beginning doesn't see what adults see as taboo, as as strange as something strange. So at the beginning, you make it normal to them. So when they get into the space, it continues to be normal. But what shouldn't happen is meaning, it shouldn't change the way you are with the child, you can be with the child exactly how a real father and a real mother is with the child. But in terms of the communication, in terms of expectations, you should be frank from the outset. Right? So that the child doesn't feel that he is exactly your child only to be

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shocked when they get older. And that creates unnecessary negative anxiety or anxiety. And sometimes it could lead to, you know, Mental Difficulty, we also handle who I try to protect us. So this is just something I want to share in light of those questions that were asked. And what I share is what I've received from experience people and you also should speak to those experiences in the sphere, and see what they say. I also want to just share a quick disclaimer, I'm not a disclaimer, but some advice because Mashallah we do have new Muslims joining this particular program. And what I would like to say is that, you know, everything discussed in the series is obviously ideals, we're talking

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about ideals, but as a new Muslim, what you expected to do is to understand what is the ideal but not be pressured to, you know,

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to have this expectation that you have to come on to the ideal now and now, now, when today or tomorrow? No, that's not the case. What is intended is that insha Allah, you understand

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what is the ideal, and then you have an ambition to work towards it slowly, but surely through burning in and not burning out. And at the time, when you enter Islam, you focus on the main priorities, which is the prayer and the Pillars of Islam. And as for the rest, you understand them to be ideals that eventually you want to reach, whether it's to do with the hijab, whether it's to do with interaction between sorry, hijab by hijab, I mean, the dress code of a male and a female, whether it's to do with interactions between the genders, whether it's to do with certain habits that you had before Islam, that after Islam, you've seen, Islam doesn't promote all the other

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matters outside of the five pillars. These are matters you should understand as an ideal within the religion and have an ambition to walk to work towards slowly but surely, burning yourself in and not burning yourself out. So I just wanted to share that brothers and sisters in Islam, because when you teach online, it's always difficult you have a varying audience. And sometimes even the best of teachers you forget that you know, you have people with,

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with differing faculties of understanding and sometimes you can say something in a way that brings about a misunderstanding. So I just want to highlight that, so that insha Allah, we can try and mitigate any misunderstandings taking place. Okay, as promised, we said today, we want to talk about the expedition of alpha dB, and I'm going to reiterate what I said earlier between L korova. And alpha DB as they were events the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As I mentioned the two episodes ago and reminded you in the last episode, he highlighted that the playing field has shifted, we will not be defending Islam, but we will be offensively taking the mercy and justice of

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Islam out now. Now, we will be offensively defending Islam. If I can say that rather than being passive and reactive, there's going to be a kind of proactive approach. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent out different groups of people on different smaller expeditions to take care of some of the groundwork in terms of achieving the ultimate vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But we're skipping over that and we're going to update the app because this was a massive

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event in the car. Now with regards to alpha dB,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw a dream. And in this dream, he saw that he was entering Mecca with his companions to perform Amara now you can imagine this is a dream of glad tidings because the mahadji rune they loved Makkah, they left Mecca, they left their memories, they left their external families, they left their homes, they left their wealth, they left they left everything. They left the emotions. They went to Medina to a total new place but Masha Allah, Allah bless them and through the after, after Allah and then the help of the ansara Marina became the home and the loves Medina and there are many of them passed away in Medina, the majority

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Have them didn't go back to Makkah and even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after Macau was opened, he returned what the answer to El Medina. But nonetheless you still reminisce right? As a human being you thinking about Subhan Allah, you know, Makka Makka when are we going to go? When are we going to go and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes. And since I had this dream, you can imagine how overwhelmed with happiness, how overjoyed the companions were, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't just say this, he said, in the dream, I saw myself steering the animals to be slaughtered, as he's done as part of the pilgrimage. Now you can imagine that means

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we're not just talking about Amara, here, we're talking about hedge, because at the end of ombre, you don't slaughter an animal. But at the end of hedge, you slaughter an animal, and they were indicated, or close to the look at whether they were in show show well, right.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is seeing this, and he's expressing this. So this is the this is a,

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this is you know that the time is ripe, and the time is right for us to begin the journey because the journey from Medina to Makkah, you know, going with a big group of people, on camels and so on and so forth, it takes weeks, right. So if we, if we leave, we perhaps can get there before the days of hedge, we can do the camera, we can do the hedge, we can slot our animal. So you can imagine Jani all these things in the minds of the people and you know, for those who have wanted to go for Amara, but due to COVID, and lockdown procedures and travel restrictions that haven't managed to come, I'm sure, especially those who make it a habit, a yearly habit, a bi yearly habit to come for at least,

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you know, you can relate in some capacity to what the Sahaba were feeling. And that time there was no satellite TV, there was no

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social media and mobile phones with cameras whereby people could just see mucker see the car, but you couldn't see the car, you wanted to see the car, but you had to go physically and look with your eyes. So like today, you look, you look into a screen virtually, and you can see the car and it's live broadcast. And, you know, you reminisce Oh, I wish I go they weren't able to handle I can see it. Now, these people grew up with the cover. And they hadn't seen it since they left America. So I'm just trying to paint a picture here in terms of the human emotion involved here, you must understand the human emotion because as the journey goes along, something will happen. And you need

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to appreciate exactly what they were going through at that time. So this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, and the Muslims get ready to,

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to go on this journey. Now in the backdrop of all of this the Quraysh independently, they were from the south of Medina, and the Jews were from the north of Medina because remember we said they settled in haber. So these Quraysh from the south, they made a security allegiance a military allegiance with

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the Jews of labor in the north, right to treat the Muslims as the common enemy.

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You can imagine Medina in some capacity surrounded from the south, you have enemies from the north, you have enemies, and the news no doubt reach the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because as we said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also monitoring constantly the situation as any state does the always monitoring the chatter, they looking for any intelligence issues that would lead to security breaches, and so on and so forth. Now,

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this despite the security pact, it wasn't a reason for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to fear because this journey that they were doing was one of pilgrimage. It wasn't a journey of war. And despite all this, the divisions and the tensions, the Arabs generally understood and the Quraysh themselves understood that no one owns the Kava. Right. The Arabs all understood that the Quraysh are the custodians of the Kaaba, they don't own the Kaaba, which means they cannot forcefully prevent anyone from reaching it. Right? So even in the period of misguidance, and the lack of religiosity, right in the Ajay helliya, they understood these values that these were values we

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received from our forefathers from the time of his marriage, his Salah.

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So the parish deep down knew that if we're going to block them with no reason, then we you know, we only shooting ourselves in the foot, as the English saying goes because the other Arabs can can can, you know, become apprehensive about this. I mean, tensions could rise. They'll say if you could do it to them, you could do to us tomorrow. And this is this won't be accepted. This is common law between the Arabs, right, but no one owns the Kaaba, the parotia only custodian so they must behave like custodians. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam felt that there's no need to worry about this. This military treaty between the Jews and the koresh, we'll carry on to the extent that the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even encouraged many of the neighboring Bedouin tribes to join to Han Allah. Alright, so when does he

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If he leaves on the first of the located

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in the 60, after hedger, so a lot of the time we were we were traveling around the 50 after age and now we're towards the end of the sixth year after his migration to Mecca. And

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to highlight how this is a journey of

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pilgrimage, not a journey of war, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left and the Sahaba left with unstitched clothing which is the clothing used when you go for pilgrimage. right you know a lot wastage clothing, right you wear what is called the Haram Haram is two pieces of unstitched clothing and you tie them on top of this, the Prophet sallallahu they were taking their animals because in the dream of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Remember, he saw that they were taking their animals with them.

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Which means this could could could imply Hajj possibly being part and parcel of the journey, because the sacrifice is done at the end of Hajj, depending on what type of hygiene you do. So what did they do, they marked the animals with blood. Right? As they as was the custom, when anyone highlighted that this animal is an animal for ritual sacrifice, not a personal sacrifice, then it was known in the region, that they would mark the animal with a blood stain somewhere on the animal. Now, this means whoever looks at the Muslims, they will see them in clothes of pilgrimage, not clothes off. Also, when they look at the animals, they have a lot of animals with them, right? Because animals

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could mean war, you need to feed the army so on and so forth. They would say that no, these animals are marked. These are not animals that they're going to eat themselves. These are animals, they're going to sacrifice for Allah subhanho wa Taala. So all this together, brought together would give the impression clearly, without any room for doubt that this is not a journey of war. It's a journey for ombre and possibly hedge.

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the Muslims,

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despite doing all of this, right, despite doing all of this,

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we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never naive. He was never naive. And part of you know everything he's doing now is because he is not naive.

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But in addition to this, he knows that we dealing with an enemy that doesn't play by the rulebook.

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They are happy to go past the rulebook because they are invested in this in the vision to destroy Islam because they feel you know, it has created a great it has formulated a great crime on the way of the fathers. So we're not playing with with you know, with with with a fair playing opponent. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he sent out he dispatched individuals to scout right to monitor the region to see if there's any tribes mobilizing to see if there's any strange events happening. Are people living the normal daily life they wake up? They heard their cattle they do this they do that? Or are they you know, is there strange movement within

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these surrounding tribes? And the scouts would come back and say, Nope, everything seems calm. There's no one mobilizing everything looks you know normal. So inshallah we have nothing to worry about. But Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired or motivated kopparberg Allah amphoe and Omar was many of the times and Allah as we said, even with the hijab, he was inspired and he suggested something and then Allah subhanho wa Taala reviewed the laws of Egypt. We discussed this yesterday. So Omar suggested to the Prophet Allah, Allah said, O Messenger of Allah, you know, similar to what I'm saying that we have an enemy that doesn't play. by the rules, I think we should go equipped with

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weapons as well, just in case and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his heartfelt open to the suggestion. So he instructed the people of Medina to load their camels with weapons.

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Now, they move and they go ahead. And the journey is, you know, his normal people are excited day after day, we get in closer, it's nothing to worry about. And then they get to a place called the US fan.

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When they get to us when they need Bishop, even Sophia and and Jose, and he had news that the Quraysh were aware that the Muslims are coming. And he told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they mobilized against you, they are coming out ready for war. They are coming out with leather clothes, and they bringing their women and they bring in their children. This is how they're coming out. Now this was known amongst the Arabs that when the women and children are brought, they brought so that the men don't run back. That if they run back, the women and children will say go back and fight. Don't make an excuse. You're not running to save us. And if you run back, you have disgraced

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This is how it works. This was the norm of the deserts, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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So, this was brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Pamela, and the Prophet sallallahu there's a narration in Bukhari with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had this discussion with bisher and, you know, he expressed his

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You know, meaning you are amazed but not amazed at the actions of the operation. You know, they could have followed three routes and no doubt one of the routes is to wage war no doubt they are a formidable force, the current era formidable force, in any case, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as he always did, he did. Sure, and we've discussed this time and time again. Shura Shura Shura constant consistent in the zero from season one of blast from the past when season four now so Han Allah, any four different from avants. And this lesson assura keeps propping up.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brings the Sahaba together and says, Look, this is the reality. And we have two options, or he suggested two options, Option A, we attack the rubbish, you know, they are habitually referred to the settlers who are always lenient with the call of decoration, they have the courage always against the Muslims. And they probably would do that again right now, if all had to break out. So we take a proactive effort, and we attack them and deal with them. So the courage, they might fail might fear that Hey, hold on, we've lost our support, let's rethink this. And if it did go to war, then at least to the police wouldn't be as strong as they

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initially thought they would be. So this is an offensive approach. The second suggestion by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that we use a defensive approach, we take another route. Now the downside to the other route is it's more longer, it's a different terrain, we're not used to the terrain, but we take a different route, and we avoid the army of the kurush.

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Right. So we we take a defensive approach, a reactive approach, and sometimes being reactive is beneficial. We spoke about leadership from the front leadership from the back in previous episodes, and examples from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to this, we spoke about proactiveness versus reactiveness. Since season one, I remember touching on these points, and always you always find you know, you you generally feel proactiveness is always the most successful way forward, because practically proactiveness is entails, you know, a more cost effective approach in dealing with things because if you leave something to happen, and you react to it is always more

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expensive. And also the mindset of reactive teams is different to the mindset of proactive teams. And that's why you have relief organizations. And then you have proactive organizations even in our sphere, right. And if proactive organizations want to jump into the space of disaster recovery, they will fail naturally. Because it's a different, it's there's different tactics, it's different training, it's a different mindset, different relationships, right, and even the reactive organizations, if they try and get into the practice space, you know, they will be depleting their their resources, because they will need time to generate a form of being formidable in this space.

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And then obviously, the ideal

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system, as we've discussed before, in terms of the 21st century, and as learning from this era, is reactive and proactive organizations work together, where the reactive organizations help the proactive organizations during reactive circumstances. And the proactive organizations assist the reactive organizations in terms of the proactive circumstances like building endowments, and on path and, and other things. But that's a discussion for another day. So the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam he, he pitches these two options, a defensive and offensive approach, and a defensive approach, Abubakar rhodiola. In this era, we see his voice being heard. And you can imagine that

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this was with many of the companions, he preferred, a less volatile approach. So he chose option B, which was a defensive approach in the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam signed that choice into into law, technically, and the Muslims change the route. Now, I must highlight here that this change of route was not out of fear of the crush

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and concentration upon whispers to us this

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you know, sometimes you you want to say sorry, that's sort of being reactive and shape one comes to you, are you saying sorry? Can you make yourself feel weak? You're going to be weak in front of these people. And sometimes, what's pleasing to Allah is you saying, sorry, sometimes it's pleasing. What pleasing to Allah is you making the Salam first, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the better of the two is the one who begins with the Salah, when the two are not talking, right shavon tells you know, you being reactive, if you make the Salaam, you showing defeat, you know, you're going to be weak, he's going to feel like he won, he's going to feel like he's stronger.

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We live on what is pleasing to Allah, and what is right, irrespective of people's perceptions, right.

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And if people want to attack us based on those perceptions, then we'll be ready as well and show them that they were wrong in having those perceptions. Any way you're doing that,

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right as Allah subhanho wa Taala said in his book, so if they if they come to attack them, we will be ready for them and they will see that they were wrong in the assumptions. So you can see here the Muslims couldn't care less what any

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One thinks what anyone thinks about them changing routes. The reality is they are not changing it because they were weak. They were changing it because it was the best decision for the objectives of the journey, which was to achieve our motto if they went and attacked then the Arabs that oh who are who are witnessing this would say, look, these people went for war. They were trying to go from Robert they went to fight, but if we don't attack and the Cornish cross the boundary, then the the the spectators on the side watching this, right, those who will win the situation gets bigger, they will be part of the discussions, they will see that look, these guys purely came to drama. To the

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extent that they change the route, they were avoiding conflict at every opportunity.

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Right. So this is what was being highlighted. And accordingly,

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the Muslims, they changed the route, not with a defeat, but with Islam, with honor. Now this new route brothers and sisters in Islam, you got to imagine it was difficult, right? The fact that it's a new route, it's not your normal route, a route was considered normal because it was overtime. It was prepared, people knew it, people knew where the difficult patches anything you went to rest and you went to continue it, you know, the projections of the route were known this is a totally new route.

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So you can imagine that the terrain is rougher when it has mountain passes as is the norm with the with the Hijazi routes, right?

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But nonetheless, nobody complained. Nobody challenged the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this was the way of the believers, whenever they agree, they agree.

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And they go, they go, they go, they get on with it. They don't agree. And then they say, you know, but if only No, this is not the theory. Right? They agreed. Let's just get on with it. Complaining is not going to change anything. The situation is what it is. They go with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through this rough terrain, through the mountain passes. The journey is getting longer. The journey is getting hotter, the route is getting more difficult, but they carry on and they carry on and they carry on until eventually they reach flatland.

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Now they were in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They were doing this for the sake of Allah. This journey of Rama is it can only be for Allah you can do a number of for anybody else. On what I can only be done for the sake of Allah.

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So what happens when they reach the flatland the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells them to say,

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we seek forgiveness from a lion we repent. He told them say we seek forgiveness from Allah and we repent.

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Now there's some context here, because the Prophet sallallahu Allah He was no doubt he was guided by Allah. But also he's thinking about the people of Musa alayhis salam. Because the followers of Musa alayhis salam when Allah subhanho wa Taala told him to enter the city in frustration, while seeking forgiveness from Allah, Hulu, HIPAA. HIPAA was a word which represented them seeking forgiveness from Allah. As Allah tells us in the Quran, they went and changed it they added just one letter they said him PA,

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because this is who they were, they always wanted to be

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antagonistic. If Allah said this, they wanted to do that if Moosa said this, they wanted to do that they just want to be antagonist all the time. They wanted to change for the sake of change, not because it was a good thing, just for the sake of it. But the companions of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam were different. They didn't change for the sake of change. They changed when it was for the sake of Allah. And they complied when it was the sake of Allah. And remember, we said they didn't have an inferiority complex.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will know who I am, he remembered this and he was guided by Allah to tell his people to say we seek forgiveness and we repent, to make up for the injustice and oppression of Balu Israel, who did the total opposite. So the Muslims repented, and they sought forgiveness Subhana Allah, that's why there's always the best of all nations. This nation is the best of all nations, the followers of Muhammad, the best of all nations.

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Meaning they enjoy this privilege but whether they are depends on how they act, we need to act as if with the best of all nations with the best of all nations because we collectively carry the legacy of the prophets of Allah and also we made up for the mistakes of previous nations, as we can see here,

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in this example, now,

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just to bring some context here in terms of the new route is

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Medina is north of Mecca. Medina is north of Mecca. Medina is north of Mecca. Okay.

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And they by taking this new route, which led them to alpha debut and that's why it's called the expedition of alpha davia with Abia, for those who've been to Macau and for those who are

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Go and go visit this place. If you go visit this place, it's not normal to go. But sometimes you can take a taxi and go, who they be is south of Mecca.

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So you can imagine that if Medina is to the north, and they are landing on the south, this means that the journey was longer because they went all the way around Mecca.

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Now in terms of the objective, this is brilliant. Why? Because Harley Davidson Waleed Harley dibawa lead remember Khalid Khalid wasn't a Muslim yet. This master tactician and war veteran, he was with his men patrolling the usual routes into Makkah.

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And these these routes one the totally opposite side, so he was way out on the opposite side. So you can imagine, right that Mecca now we're short of personnel, because these personnel went out with harlot.

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Right? And when the Muslims landed on the doorstep of MK on the other side, what is this? This is a shock for the coresh. This will cause the courage to be overwhelmed and it's exactly what happened. That when the Muslims landed where they landed, and Hari Dibble Walid found out it was too late on holiday Manuel lead found out that these people change the route and they went to the other side, it was far too late. If the Muslims wanted to lay siege of Makkah, they could have they could have laid siege, Khalid was far out. His men were with him. And maca had very few personnel around the Muslims were far larger, they could have taken over.

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They could have they had enough time, that ample opportunity, and the Qureshi in Macau when they saw the Muslims on by webcams by who they via they were overwhelmed. They thought the same thing. This was something that they internally understood that we've made a big blunder here, and we underestimated our opponent. But what happened? Huh? What happened? The camera of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam melted down.

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It just stopped. It sat down.

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Now the companions were like, What's happened? Why is the prophets candle set? They started prodding it, they started moving it they started pulling it Get up. And they started saying the camel has stopped without any reason. Why is the camel stopped? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said the camel hasn't stopped by itself. Well I can.

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habits or habits Alfie.

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panela the one who caused the elephants to stop when Abra was coming with his army of elephants which we discussed in season one of blocks from the past to come destroy the character and allow me to all those elephants stop. And then the small birds came with the stones and the Batmobile right the birds came and pelted these elephants at this army with small stones. Remember that event from season one of last from the past? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam referenced it. He said the one who stopped the elephants has stopped my camera.

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Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam understood immediately when this happened, that we're not going to do our ombre. Forget about hedge, we're not even going to do ombre. If Allah has stopped my camel.

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Then this means that this is the end of the jungle.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam understood this and he provided us with the camel. His camels name was cassava, he prodded the camel and they went to the well of summit, which was at the furthest part of alpha Abia. And that's what the Muslims set up camp there. Okay, we'll stop here for today's session. I hope you've digested these events because as our normal or as per our normal policy tomorrow when we return insha Allah, we will take the lessons that we can deduce from the potions taken thus far for us to benefit from in the 21st century. Okay, brothers and sisters in Islam. Just allow heaven for your attendance We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala as we always do to

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accept from us. I mean, you're blind. I mean, may Allah preserve us in his obedience and accept our worship and make us a people that hear a good word and follows it. I mean, you're a Brahmin. Until next time, I love you for the sake of Allah salam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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