Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2024 #06

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a debate on the use of time and how it can create warfare, with speakers including Subhan Allah, the Sun and the moon, as examples. The debate also touches on the idea of creating warfare through various methods, including preparing for war, creating war, and using time in various ways, including preparing for war and creating warfare. The transcript provides context and references for the stories.
AI: Transcript ©
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T laomi mean and He is the One Who sends down rain from the sky causing all kinds of plants to grow, producing green stalks from which we bring forth clustered grain, and from palm trees come clusters of dates hanging within reach. They are also gardens of grape vines, olives and pomegranates are similar in shape, but dissimilar in taste, look at their fruit as it yields and ripens indeed, in these signs, for people who believe are servants of Allah, and are Children of Adam, I leave you with an introduction to your Lord Mila Rahmani Raheem hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen will be ministering on a Sunday when the salah Malhotra, Naveen Nabina Muhammad Ali, he was so happy he was

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so limited asleep and Kathy Ron Ely Yomi Dean and my bad

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Wow Masha Allah Tabata kala where to start. Where to start so Pamela and not only with regards to your generosity, masha Allah and your donations to the masjid to aid the masjid in its expansion for the sake of the community but also Subhanallah we had shakaama here more at with us today, as we always and then Masha Allah chef Doceri arrived as well. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen so it's been a unique evening. And not only that Subhanallah this evening we had a merge between Madani versus, and McCain versus, like two oceans coming together. But without crossing each other Subhanallah Boehner Houma Barossa La Jolla Bahia a barrier between them that kept murky, murky and made any made any

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Subhanallah then throughout the reading of the Imams, universal laws are being thrown out one after the other. Honestly, I don't know where to start, but let's see if we can unpackage this and bring some benefit to all the wonderful lessons taught to us in the verses of the Quran that we had today. As always, we begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we request our brothers Masha Allah who are leaving to kindly leave quietly, so that we don't affect those who are listening in earnest.

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We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to accept this evening and to accept what has passed off our month. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us with the verses that he has

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allowed us to recite from his book, this month of Ramadan. I guess let's start off with the universal principles.

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Because the seven Jews that we heard today,

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brought together as I said the end of a Madani surah and then it brought to us a murky Surah So before we get to that Subhanallah three key principles that I benefited from from the recitation of the Imams. The first one is in surah, toma Ada, and we heard this today, Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed yester will hobby through a YouTube Willow or Jabba Catherine hubby

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factor Kola haga O'Neill el Bab, la la come to flee Han Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed and this is a universal principle that say, oh Muhammad, Not equal are the evil and the good. Not equal, is the truth and falsehood.

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Not good

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is been meaning not equal is belief and disbelief Wello our Jabbok even though abundant, evil, abundant disbelief, abundant falsehood might impress you. Even though it might impress you. It can never be equal with Allah subhanahu wa or Jabba Bucha throttle happy

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Subhanallah and it says if pseudotumor ADA is ending on this note to introduce to us the surah coming next

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Even though the surah coming next was revealed before Rama, Ada, because you see in this verse Subhan, Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us that oh seven of Allah, the truth

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and that which is goodly is something which stands by itself. It has no inferiority complex. It doesn't matter what is trending, a falsehood trends, and it pulls many followers behind it.

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It trends and has many admirers following it, it doesn't take away and I Otis worth from the truth, the truth stands by itself. Even if it has nobody standing with it. It doesn't need a trend. It doesn't need followers. It doesn't need a motion, for the truth to be the truth. It stands by itself. Subhanallah and we will see the sentiment very strongly present in the verses of Surah Surah that comes after Al Qaeda Insha Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals, he says Subhana Yeah, you are Latina M and also in Al Qaeda, addressing the believers and a comb and Fusa calm this is a universal principle. It applies to each and every one of us, just like the first or believers, you

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are accountable only for yourselves, lay your Gurukul mumble Is that a true Subhanallah that those who go astray will not harm you. If you remain rightly guided in Allah Hema Eurocom Allah tells us to Allah you will return and Allah will present to you the net result of your deeds.

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And this has a connection to the first idea that we spoke about again, that the truth stands by itself,

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the misguidance of people even though there are many, it will not affect you negatively in the hereafter. Yes, maybe in the life of this world, there will be an impact because when Allah lives Baraka, it affects everybody.

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But in terms of the real life, the life of the hereafter, it will never harm me.

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A lot of the times we mentioned this logic, we what do we say we say subhanallah but everyone's doing it. But I feel like the odd one out, we

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Subhanallah manufacture for ourselves that type of harm. As if Subhanallah we are truly being harmed. This is a manufactured type of harm that we bring to ourselves. Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, If you remain guided, you're not harmed in any capacity. Even if the trend love to be upon misguidance the market misguidance they pay for the social media ads to push out the misguidance they might say you're a strange person, get on with the times you backwards, you too extreme

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doesn't harm you in any capacity. If only you remain guided. This is another universal principle that the Quran is teaching us as we recite it. Principle number three. Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals and this is in lnM while at the superbill lady in the Runa Mindu nila, for your soup Bula I don't believe Subhan Allah was throwing jotting these down as she has to be the one who was

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presenting the tonight's fundraise. And then at the end, I managed to put up the last one as well as I was clicking and clocking these universal principles there's more but I will just share with you three because three is is a number that is palatable to each and every one of us. Allah subhanahu Urla warns the believers not to curse the idols of the disbelievers not to curse those items. Yes, those idols are false. Yes, they are full of misguidance

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they represent and denote misguidance all this is true, but do not curse them. Why? Because if you do, you will empower those of disbelief. You will empower those who are astray to curse Allah subhanho wa Taala the harm will be greater than the harm given. We have given in cursing the idols will necessitate a retaliation which is greater meaning that drew God Allah subhanho wa Taala will be insulted by them. And this has many watered down applications in terms of how we live our lives today. And the scholars have deduced from this

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that there will have said the Mocha Damona Allah gel bill must have this is a principle in the prevention of harm takes precedence over the attainment of a benefit that you're going ahead and maybe insulting an idol there's a benefit in it. But if the harm of doing so is greater than the benefit of doing so, then disregard the benefit, prevention of the harm takes precedence. And this again is a principle that applies to us in many levels in our lives, because we are always faced with decisions and decisions come with consequences. Should I take extra five minutes in the taxi

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Should they are not, that's a decision that has to be made. And it comes with consequences. And then it becomes a balancing act is the benefit of taking the extra five minutes greater than the harm that will come as a result of it or lesser than. This is just a simple example that I can give you firsthand. But I'm sure with us as well. We go through this with every motion of our days, whether we're talking to our kids, how to address them, what tone to use, when to address them, maybe it's with our spouse, and so on and so forth. These Subhanallah are universal principles that Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals to us now, yesterday we spoke about

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the stories of Surah Al Qaeda, and we said there were three topical stories and we left one for today. And that was the story of the man Aida, the story of the man either why because it was to be recited today and our Imam Imam Sahib he recited it in his portion of the Torah we swallow to lay there is named after the story and remember the point about historical events and simply embodiment Kafeel, he mentioned regarding the story and the backdrop to it. That isa Alayhi salaam with the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala he commanded His people to fast for 30 days. Too fast for 30 days sound familiar? Yeah, you already know Him and who cootie but la como Sam como katiba La Vina Mina

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public now we can see a connection between this Surah Al Baqarah.

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Allah revealed in Bukhara that we commanded people before you too fast. Alma ADA here is connected to that. And remember we said Allah ADA is translated as the banquet of food. So the people fasted. And when they finished fasting, they went to isa Allahi Salam. And the story goes back to Abdullah had been our best Rhodiola who I knew about the master Mufasa. The report goes back to him and others from the Companions, like Salman al Pharisee, and also companions like a Marie vinyasa. So isa commanded them to fast for 30 days, obviously, this was an instruction from Allah subhanho wa taala. When they did, so they came to Lisa. And they said, Oh, Isa, please ask Allah to send down

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for us a banquet from the heavens, a banquet that will denote the day of your eID for us, we will eat during this day like we will, on our day of Eid, it will fit

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right, then we will eat during this day and it will be read and it will be a sign that Allah has accepted our 30 days of fasting. So what did he say he Salam do is add a Salam wound to them, he didn't jump to this request. He said to his people or people,

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a gift like this, if Allah was to give it to us, it would come with a level of responsibility.

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If Allah gives you what you asked for, you will need to thank Allah there will be a level of responsibility in terms of you towards him that you may not be able to manage. And if you fail to manage it, then the punishment will come after it. But they insisted. They said, No, please go ahead and ask Allah for this. So essentially, he salam after being persistently asked, they say, he chose the best time and he humbled himself, even his clothing, and he turned to Allah and dua, what about raw meaning he really lowered himself and humbled Himself and teared in front of Allah begging Allah to bring this

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banquet, so it could be presented to his followers. Allah Subhana Allah accepted his dua and the banquet began to descend on the scholars of Tafseer, who mentioned the story they say Allah made it descended slowly between two clouds. And as it was descending with every dissension Lisa was saying yeah, Allah make this bank could be a mercy not a punishment. Make this bank would be a mercy not a punishment. This is how he feared Subhan Allah, he said he Salem and there's a lesson in this for us, because we live Subhanallah and let's blessings. Not so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would spend weeks and he would not eat accept a suada

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dates and we know that our July date is black, the black dates of Medina the ajua days of Medina and water water is colorless. And this is an Arabic language approach a suada Allah be avant, and so on and so forth. He would live off water and dates fire would not be lit in the home of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in our homes fire is lit not just the fire, and in the month of Ramadan when we are fasting. Look at these briefings.

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Isa is teaching us and Allah is teaching us through the story of the banquet that every meal you take, it comes with the responsibility

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and that's why we should never forget to say Bismillah before we eat and Alhamdulillah hilarya Tammany had that when we finish eating

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because if you fail in your show of gratitude to Allah

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For the food and blessings that He gives you, then after it is a punishment, Allah says Elaine Shackleton at the beginning of Surah Ibrahim, let as he then they come, if you are thankful I will increase for you what I incur forgotten but if you ungrateful in the other be the shattered, My punishment is severe. In any case, Allah revealed it, and it was covered, it reached the eye level of ESA and ESA lifts the cover and Subhanallah he sees different types of meat and fruits, what our youth today say, a healthy spread.

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This is exactly what it was.

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Now isa called these people, those who were persistent go and ask Allah for his banquet and he said to them eat, but they said, No, we won't eat until you eat Subhan Allah,

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difference between the followers of Musa and the followers of Isa and Imam Suhaib he began today's tarawih proceedings or insula Tillandsia he read the portion of the Quran

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that we will speak about just now that's connected to the salah differentiates between the followers of Musa and the followers of Isa, they said, No, we won't eat until you eat. As I said, You are the ones who asked for it. I won't eat before you eat. You asked for this. And now it's come you eat from it. They said no, they were persistent. We won't eat until you eat. Soy mousse, Isa allihies Salam, he called the poor and the needy and the sick. He says you come and eat.

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And they came in they started eating And subhanAllah there was so much Baraka that the week became strong and the sick became cured. And it is said that 1300 came to eat and the last one from them ate the same way the first one from them a that is the abundance that was present. And they said when they spoke to ISA and they told him to go ask Allah for this food or eat that or what in our head in our mink, and your eat a banquet, a festival for the first of us in the lost from us in a sign from Allah. And Allah exactly gave them that the last one eight like the first Subhanallah now when this happened, those who didn't eat, they became a bit upset. They became upset in any case,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is Karim ungenerous. The next day he sent a banquet and the next day he sent a banquet. And he said that 8000 people around 8000 people would eat from this daily Subhanallah and he said he Salam would say Bismillah rasa king in the Name of Allah, the best of sustainers the best of providers. And then the time came when he says head right now we don't want everyone to eat. We only want the first group to eat those who are sick, though meaning those who fit that that description, weak and sickly. And when this happened, the hypocrites from amongst his followers, they became upset, and they began complaining and creating turbulence and Allah lifted the burqa

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until the banquet stopped coming.

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And there's a lesson here Brothers and Sisters in Islam as well. Right? So many times, what do we do? We create unnecessary turbulence. Why? Because we want it to be my way or the highway. And because of that, blessings get lifted, subhanAllah blessings get lifted, and then we point fingers but we forget this three fingers pointing to ourselves. The Quran is teaching us this now at the beginning of today's recitation, our Imam read that letter didn't shut the nurse yada with a little levena Amendola hood, Allah says you will surely find the most intense of people in enmity and hatred and animosity to the Muslims. They are who the Jews will lead the national coup and those who

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associate partners with Allah, the Kurdish and their ilk, and they like and we know in that have they all got together 10,000 To come and annihilate the Muslims and remove Medina off the face of this earth. They have the greatest enmity towards the Muslims. Allah says Allah Taiji then Acaba, Houma Dan the closest, the closest that you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers, meaning to the Muslims are those who say we are the Christians. Allah says there Lika be unknown to see sin. Allah says that he could be I mean, whom the CC and Allah says this is because among them are priests and monks, and because they're not arrogant, the norm of that culture is

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humbleness. So this is with regards to the final story of Alma ADA. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals verses that there are topical in terms of the topics we discussed yesterday in terms of the legislation, and then he closes it with a discussion that will happen between him and Isa Ali Salam on the day of PM. This is a peek into the future. There on the day of TM this will happen and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada reveals why Eve call Allah who is what is call Allah Who URIs have been mo

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Turkleton in Turkey Zuni you are Mia Isla Hain him in dunya Allah, Allah reveals, remember we have the challenge. This the surah challenges the narratives of both the Jews and the Christians, as we said, and here's the challenge to the narratives of the Christians. Allah is saying on the day of pm Allah will call

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ISA and say your Isa, the son of Miriam, did you tell your people to take you and your mother as a God besides of Allah is Allah He Salam will respond and say Karla Subhanak glory be to you You are perfectly Allah, Maria Cooley and Akula Melissa Lee Bihac it is not for me to say what I have no right to say in quintuple to if I said it for him to you are the All Knowing he would know it I can't stand him lie and hide anything you would know it already to Mr. Murphy NFC you know what I've said? But not only that, you know what is in me? If the thought existed in my heart you would know it well animal Murphy enough second I don't know the unseen and he certainly Islam will praise Allah

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and say

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in the Talmud who up that India Allah you are a level who you've you are the one who is knowledgeable over the unseen then he will say yeah, hola Melco Tula whom I didn't say to them except a knee or boo la hora B or A Baku nothing but worship Allah my Lord and your Lord we're calling to Allah him Shahidan and I was a witness over there madam to V him when I was alive with them for lamento faith and when you raise me Quinton Taraki valet him you our and observe over what they did the Alpha after you raise me to the heavens, this is the correct translation. Some say that this word here Philomath to have faith any meaning when you gave me death this is wrong. This word

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and more fat has different meanings in the Arabic language for that matter of faith any you raised me content Iraqi by the use of what they did the Allah they invented after me Subhanallah when to enter coalition Shaheed you are upon all a universal witness into a zebra whom he or Allah if you punish them, for in riba because they are Your servants You can do what you want, when you want how you want, you are the owner of them, you created them, you broke them out of existence into existence, where interfere level, for in intelligence will hacky. But if you forgive them, then indeed you are Allah Aziz, you are the mighty, and Hakim, you are the wise. Now what's interesting

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here Subhan Allah when you read the Quran, every time you come to a verse in which Allah subhanahu Allah mentions Allah can forgive, and Allah forgives, it ends with reform, right? Except here. This is a tip for the love. So you don't forget, except here at the end of this particular surah. Here it's as easy when Hakeem not her phone rang. And let's call us after FSI to explain why. That everywhere when Allah mentioned forgiveness, this is in the life of this world before death. But this conversation is happening in the Hereafter, when the books are closed, and the pens are lifted, and now the deeds are presented. So if ISA is saying to Allah, that you are the Most Forgiving, the

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Most Merciful, and if you punish them, they are your slaves. But if you forgive them, you are the mighty one. And you are the wise one, that you are Allah even though you are mighty and can punish. You are in absolute control of your mind. You are perfect in your ability to be mighty. Some people have a mite, but the mic gets the better of them and they oppress meaning ISA is saying that he or Allah, if you punish them, you are just and if you forgive them, you are just so Pamela.

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This is from the Quran, from the secrets of the Quran that you gather when you compare a verse with another verse. So Allah tells us about this. And then thereafter Allah takes us to Surah Al Anon. And what will make you understand or servant of Allah Surah Al Anon Surah Al Anam, the first Meccan surah in our series of the long Suris the long tours that we've taken, have all been made any. And here comes an am it's a murky swirl. When was it revealed it was revealed before migration from Mecca to Medina, and the scholars of the sea to say the six year after the Prophetic Mission, meaning six years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began calling his people to Allah

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and to to hate.

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And this is the longest Surah or it's Deborah to be the longest Surah of Tawheed.

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And the shortest route of Tawheed is said to be suited to deathless

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babies the another sort of the heat in the Quran

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someone will say the middle one of course the middle one you can't get longer than Anam and you can get shorter them a little loss is there another one there is another one surah to Zoomer, this is known as the middle

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Surah of the heat. And the scholars say these three nm and zoomer any hollows. They are the Tafseer of the verse in Surah Fatiha er can Abu a year kind of stay that you are on do you worship and you alone do we seek forgiveness from? So he already we connect lnM to Surah three fatty Imagine that. Now my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the MK converses, they have

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a known style.

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Generally the eye

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exceptions and allow an arm is the exception. Because generally Mark converses are short and hard hitting the message is hard.

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But the strikes are short and precise precision strikes, think about all the the Macan Surahs you know, Amaya Tessa Loon And in nearby allowing Allah the theme of telephone when as your RTR car when national authority nurse Bob was served Behati Sabha could you see it's like it's as if. And it's like this Allah is revealing the Quran to people who have hearts the heart is special, but it's shackled with the chains of Shere Khan ideology. Right think of a cover, a sculpt a person who who sculptures things and he has a big block of ice. When he wants to produce something from this block of ice does he take a big hammer and smash it? Or he takes a chisel and he slowly taps so that he

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breaks away what he doesn't want and he keeps what he wants. So this is the idea with the Moroccan versus the short and hard hitting submitted to the chisel that a person who is sculpturing an ice block uses so that Allah breaks away the chains and shackles of disbelief and keeps that heart which is pure, that if that heart can experience the environment, it will naturally absorb the message of the Quran. Because the heart is from Allah and the Quran is from Allah. They can't contradict each other they will only become united. What causes them to contradict his what is what's around it. Surah Al Anam is hard hitting wala hate is hard hitting, but it's different. The verses are wrong in

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that the verses are longer Subhanallah and Surah Toulon and today we saw this, that Allah subhanahu Attallah is revealing in the Macan period when the Muslims are being persecuted. They're being thrown into a valley. They're being dragged around the desert. They're being lashed just for La Ilaha illa Allah, we spoke about earlier the truth stands by itself. When Allah revealed in Surah tuna Anam Allah you can see the truth stands by itself. It will Allah He, as our Imams were reading, I said, Al Hamdulillah, I'm a believer, I'm listening to these verses, or and I mean, I'm a believer, I'm not listening to these verses on the other side. Because Subhan Allah, Allah reveals

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with impact. And he reveals with authority, and there's many essaylib mannerisms in which Allah subhanho wa Taala confirms to heat and his existence and him being one and that he is the creator and that he exists. And everything that is done Subhanallah phenomena, you must go and read the meanings of Surah to Lana. Honestly, if he doesn't cause you to shake Allah he I don't know what well, it was fun, fun. It's a phenomenal presentation. And especially when you come through verses and verses of the Medina and legislation and then you come to this that focus on Tauheed. And let us remember, all of the Quran focuses on preserving five objectives, religion, life,

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our mind, our wealth, and our lineage.

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And aside of Surah Fatiha because all of the Quran existing Surah Fatiha when we look at Bacara, when we look at an Imran, when we look at an ESA when we look at ALMA Ada, predominantly predominantly, it's the focus in it is on legislation

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as an Iran didn't have as much, but predominantly there's this relationship with Revelation, okay maybe we can say al Fatiha and Al Imran

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let legislation connected to what connected to

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other matters, our mind, our wealth, and so on and so forth. This particular surah is connected to legislation, legislation that leads to the preservation of religion. The most important objective of the Sharia, the most important objective of the Quran and the Sunnah, to preserve religion, without to heed your Salah doesn't matter.

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You staying away from Riba and alcohol doesn't matter.

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Of course, it matters but without the heat, that is the greatest thing. Your problem is greater. You're doing rebar, your problem is rebar but you have a greater problem that is disbelief. you disbelieve in Allah, none of your good acts count because the prerequisite for them to count is submission to Allah subhanahu Ettan This is the surah that we reading Subhanallah ln M that the Quraysh listen to this. And despite them feeling we are stronger, our tribes are a bigger and we have a control of the situation. And they're all of us are united against Muhammad and his message. The Quran is coming down and saying something totally different

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Subhanallah that anyone who sat down and just listened and they were Arabs and they they knew the Quran was in the language, listen to the way the Quran is coming down. They would definitely feel that Subhanallah this fight that we fighting is one that we can use. Imagine Surah to Rama and when it was when it was revealed and the Sahaba were saying once you know what? The crush haven't listened to the Quran, we need someone to go to the curb and recite the Quran.

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And Abdullah ibn Massoud says I'll do it they said no, no, no, no, no, no, not you. We need someone who has a strong track

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IPX because if you have a strong tribe, the bond of blood for them is very strong. So even though they don't like you, they won't allow anyone to attack. The Lebanon. Massoud said, no, no, no, I want to do it.

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What makes a companion to this, that I have no support, but Allah, I want to do it. That despite all the personification persecution going on, I want to do it. He goes to the cabin, he reads ramen, and they beat him

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until he falls to the ground down to trodden the Sahaba come and carry him and take him back. And he's unconscious, and they attend to his wounds. And then when he wakes up, they said to him, we told you this would happen. You didn't listen. And what does he say? He says, Wallahi. I am more comfortable than the courage right now. And if you want I will be going there tomorrow. They said last because we don't want you to go out again. What does the story people, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, as these verses of Makkah that Allah reveals the most such authority, it empowers husband, and your Jimmy it empowers you irrespective of people's attitude towards you. So this is

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the reality of the verses we had today. Now, very quickly, let's try and do some justice Allah who we can't but let's try and do some justice here to these particular verses that we had today, Imam Abu is hackle is, at least for me, he mentioned that this surah here that we heard today, and we will hear tomorrow, by the way, it was the completion is tomorrow. It's full of the principles of low heat, about his health and his fear Aine and environment according to be Rahim, Allah and others from the scholars, they say that the surah is the reference to challenge the narratives of the disbelievers and innovators, that we had a challenge to the narratives of the Jews, we had a

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challenge the narratives of the Christians, and here we have a challenge to the narratives of the Koresh, all the arguments of the Quran, Allah is dealing with them one after the other, in the soil, all their faults, rationale, Allah is dealing with it, one after the other.

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And also it is said that this surah has deep evidence proving the existence of Allah and not only that Allah is and Allah to be worshipped, but also he's ultimately the Creator as well. Okay, so we see all of this here.

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And we see it from the beginning. Allah opens the Surah Al Hamdulillah. He led the Halacha sama Wati Wa, wa jal of Guru Murthy one when Moodle Jerrel here B minor Haluk. Allah begins unhemmed which are the surah before began with an hamdu

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which Surah we Allah introduced us to him al Fatiha remember we discussed Allah introduced us to Himself in Al Fatiha Allah introduces us to himself at the beginning of lnM Alhamdulillah and we spoke about him then what Hamdi means this Hamed is for Allah, this ham this praises for Allah he's al Hamid Al Hamdulillah this Praise belongs to him who Allah the Halacha sama was the one who created the heavens and the earth were Jared Avila Murthy one * and he made the darkness and the light the heavens and the earth and the darkness and the light say what you want or praise belongs to Allah He did it shade or bathe you want to accept this factor or not. It doesn't change the

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reality Allah did it. So Mala vena cava Rubio, Bohemia de Rouen, Allah subhanho wa Taala says Then those who disbelieve they start equating others with Allah, how is this rational? How does this make sense? And not only is the opening to heat but tomorrow night we will hear the closing Subhanallah the closing is a closing of to heat and inshallah we'll touch on that tomorrow when we hear the verses. In terms of the unique aspects. It is said to be the surah that was revealed in completion in one chunk Allah revealed the surah

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and there are many week narrations about this. But in one acceptable narration Allah knows best. As reported by Imam Al Hakim, he mentions that Allah revealed an army in one chunk

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in one chunk, imagine the volume of verses coming down. And 500 Angels accompany this revelation in a celebratory manner Subhan Allah, that all servants of Allah, you might be alone on Earth, but you're not alone. You have angels who follow you, you have angels that are with you, you can't just see them.

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Disbelief falsehood might be in abundance around you, and you might look around and only see it. But there's a creation that you can't see that I with you this around you, they support you. They make dua for you. They ask Allah to bless you that when these verses came down the angels were celebrating this and we have to go down with it. Subhanallah

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just like when your daughter's getting married or your son's getting married, you don't send them by themselves, isn't it you happy for them, you want to be with them? You go with them. Similarly, the angel said, this support that Allah is revealing from the skies for a persecuted people who we love and support. We're going to go down with these verses. This is the reality of the heat. This is the reality it empowers you.

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Subhanallah This is what makes grown men cry, and made what makes people who seem to be weak.

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stand up and defend the truth, fearing nothing, but the Lord is Tawheed This is what makes Sahaba like Rama, who yesterday were enemies to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and in an instant, he says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I listened Island haka we not upon the truth that Bella Yes. So while we bring in secret we will go and pray by the Kaaba

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Omar, the story is disputed about how he accepted Islam. But for those who say it's acceptable. He left the Quraysh telling them he's so angry is going to kill Mohammed and the Kurdish we're happy that Oh, wow. Today the matter is going to come to an end. And then when he suddenly appears, they all come out waiting to meet him and greet him and find out what happened. And he says, I'm a Muslim Asha do I did the shahada shadow Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. What makes people do this? This is the reality of Subhan Allah Subhana Allah. So this is the reality it came down in one chunk with 500 Angels following it and Allah knows best from its unique matters is that despite the length of the

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Surah, there's only one story in it. And that story was read by half Hamdallah today. And imagine that story you can guess is a story about to heat the story of Ibrahim with his father, when he said to his father at that time, he told us namun early how you taking these idols as gods in the Arakawa coma, because he thought it might be nice to you and your people in plain error. And then Allah tells us when he went to Sham the Levant, thinking, he will find the people worshipping Allah and he found them worshiping the cosmos, he found them worshipping the sun and the moon and the stars. And he tried first with his father through critical thinking, instigating critical thinking to make them

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think it didn't work when he smashed the idols and left the big one alive with the two. And when they said, who did this, ask the big one to instigate thought the command it doesn't make sense. If you worship this grand scheme, but he can't speak, he can't move. Then he went to the Levant and saw them worshipping the stars, the sun and the moon and the stars. So he said, When he saw the stars, this is my road.

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And then when he went, he saw the moon, this is the moon's bigger, this is my Lord. Now, when the sun came out and made the moon and the stars is a baby goes, this is my Lord. And then when the sun disappeared, he goes, How can I load up and disappear? Rather, I worship the Creator of it all. These are stories of Tawheed. And the scholars have deduced from this, that in your pursuit to make people believe in one Allah, it's permissible to say something via Hebrew who confirm that it's a parent is disbelief, because when he said, This is my Lord, a parent, parent, meaning of the statement is disbelief. But obviously, in his heart, he didn't believe it. His objective was to

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create a means for them to think about the actions. That's the side points upon like I said, there's so much so there's only one story Subhan Allah here.

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And it's a story that proves Allah's existence. When we look at the instructional style in Surah, Toulon, Allah He today we heard who are who are called Subhanallah, you can deduce from this that there's two approaches in surah. Tula and and in dealing with the people's narratives. One is a confirmation airy approach, with Allah reviews, saying it as it is. And if you count, there's a search that you can do on some of the apps if you count the amount of times who has been used with regards to Allah. I came across at least 30 times in Surah Talana. Where who I was used who I mean he is, this is what Allah is. He is Allah is just revealing it as a reality. This is a fact doesn't

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matter what you say, he he who are, this was revealed. So this again, is from the instructional style of Surah Al Anam and Allah through this introduces himself to us for example, ALLAH says who Alevi Chanukah ko mewp new Merkava jalla wa jal Musa men who thumbin to tempt rune It is He Who created you from clay and then decreed a term and a specified time to him. Then still you are in dispute. Allah subhanahu wa Tada says, Well, who Allah who is summer away? It was

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your Allah moussaka, moi Jehan co Moya, and em uma taxi Boone, and he's Allah, the only deity in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secret and what makes and what you make public and he knows that which you earn. Allah subhanahu Allah says, whether whom as second effing Lane he went,

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Well, who was semi you will not earn Him and to Him belongs that which reposes by night and by day and he's the old hearing and the old knowing fact fact fact Allah revealed this. Allah subhana who had their head and says, Why em says Kola who Bebo ring Falana Kashi, find out who is who, and if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no one who can remove it off. You accept him when he says kabhi hiring for who Arla coalition in kadhi Hua Hua again, and Allah says anything he touches you with good and benefit than he is over everything. He

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of Savannah.

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He says, well who will call here Ufa who currently baddie again well who will who will Hakimullah hobby and he's the subjugate over his hands. And he is the wise and the one who is acquainted with all and he says, wearing the whom fit who Louis Billa I Nemo hair Illa who Subhanallah we are Lemuel Murphy Libery will battle and with him are the keys of the heavens of the earth the keys of the unseen None knows them except him or matter school to me worker teeny lair and mo ha Allah says not only folds, but he knows it will have betting fields Illuminati, well arrow to be Hawala yabbies, in in laffy, kita be Mubi in Subhanallah, Allah says a no grain is there within the darkness of the

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earth, and no moist or dry thing, but that it is well written and recorded in a clear record. It's knowledge is what Allah subhanahu itad verse after verse, imagine you understand this and the imam is reading what happens to you in the Sunnah. You don't think about time, you think about you are in a meeting with your Lord, you are in a meeting or you being introduced to your Lord. So this is the confirmation reminder. And then we see the debate mannerism present as well. I don't like to say the argumentative manner, because the Quran is above this type of loop and this kind of approach, but the debate where time and time again, we had the Imam saying call call. They say this call say to

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them, they say this call and say to them, it's a debate. We see Surah Anam filled with this, for example, Lima Murphy Salah YT will

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say to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, say to them, it is Allah, Allah subhana wa Tada says,

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Allah He had a young theory summer word, he will well who are you threatening? What are you to say it is is it other than Allah should take as a protector, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is he who feeds and he is not fed. So we see this again, cool. In fact, if we count and a brief search showed that at least 42 times in the Surah, Allah has mentioned this style of approach with the cool this debate kind of genre or this debate approach being used to deal with the misconceptions of the Quraysh and proving Allah being Allah and that he exists and he is the creator and the only one worthy of worship.

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La ilaha illa Allah, we will stop here today but there's more tomorrow this is just a taster to tomorrow but before you leave, this is a last but not least, I want to try something effective because in the Salah, or when I was even looking at the surah today because I read the surah to prepare the lesson for your before the Pharaoh were hidden in the taraweeh Hydra and filled the gaps. But Subhanallah I felt there was a part and even when the man went half with hamdulillah was reading it I felt it's important that you all hear it one after the other because Subhan Allah Allah subhanahu wa taala is introducing himself to us and this is part and parcel of Surah tool and app

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in the law failure could have be when you have your mishap with you

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know just verse after fasting, first faxing

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in Allah has helped me when

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you will read you will hear Amina in 1981 retool Magneto I mean I'll have the early Kamala, who can talk for Kuhn. Indeed, Allah is one causes seeds and fruit stones to sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from believing that that is Allah. How can you then be deluded from the truth?

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Thirdly, all you

00:44:03 --> 00:44:08

were Jerilyn Leila circa No. shamsur Well, on Mirage was

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the Nika od will lie Aziz al Ali easily he makes the don't break he makes the night for rest, and he made the sun and the moon to a precise measure. That is the design of the Almighty the All Knowing, working World Learning Agerola comun noodle Malita Don't be huffy. Luma teaberry. While Basha, how are they fossil, teeny pony?

00:44:37 --> 00:44:51

It is He who made the stars so that they can guide you when land and sea are dark. We have made the science clear for those who have knowledge. We're hungry, Larry. Share, nursing.

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Family step one was stepping down. I didn't fall so.

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Teeny pony

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it is he who first produced you from a single soul then gave you a place to stay in life and a resting place after death. We have made our revelations clear to those who understand. will humbly lady Amenas

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00:45:20 --> 00:45:23

Regina behind Teku Alicia

00:45:24 --> 00:45:34

Rajin mean who holding your main who called the run no courage woman who had them motor or key for Meenan Leeming.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:42

Danny to join virgin team in honor being with the tune

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was a tune our room name was Debbie

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Etosha been

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through ADA seminary he is a smell Hawaiian I in FE

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t laomi. Meaning and He is the One Who sends down rain from the sky causing all kinds of plants to grow, producing green stalks from which we bring forth clustered grain and from palm trees comm clusters of dates hanging within reach. They are also gardens of grape vines, olives and pomegranates are similar in shape, but dissimilar in taste. Look at their fruit as it yields and ripens indeed, in these signs, for people who believe are servants of Allah, and our children of Adam, I leave you with an introduction to your Lord. The couple Allah Minami consola Imelda Allahu allah sallallahu wasallam about a cannon Avena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain

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