Ali Hammuda – The Chosen Ten #10 Remarkable Wisdom – Umar RA

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of self accountability in pursuing heavenly dreams and highlights the use of the word "s race" in the Prophet's teachings. They encourage individuals to be mindful of their actions and to weigh up their deeds before they are weighed for their actions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self accountability in pursuing one's spiritual goals and offers advice on how to remove one's negative views.
AI: Transcript ©
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Seeing that the light of Iman had now

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infused with the very essence of Omar since

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the day he embraced Islam,

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Pearls of wisdom became a feature of Omar,

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speaking eternal truths that would continue to impress

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to the end of time.

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I take you on a tour of some

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of these eternal gems that were uttered by

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Amir ul Momineen Omar.

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Except the matters of the hereafter.

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The Arabs used to despise haste. They used

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to call it the mother of regret. Omar

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however is correcting a misunderstanding

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and that this rule should apply to all

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things with the exception to the matters of

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the Hirafda.

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In its case, no time is to be

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wasted in drawing nearer to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala and making a case for himself, herself

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before death. Life is so sure. The competitors

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for paradise are so many, and your Lord

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is most deserving. When it comes to your

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journey to the home of the hereafter, you

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are in a race against time. And according

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to the Quran, the greater the goal is,

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the greater one's rush should be towards it.

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Consider how when speaking about worldly pursuits, the

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Quran uses the term, famsu, walk.

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But when talking about the journey to prayer,

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it uses the term,

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But when speaking about our pursuit of paradise,

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it uses the term

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race. But when speaking about our pursuit of

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Allah, it uses the term

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So not every ambition in life deserves the

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same amount of effort. Let your slogan in

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life be the words of the prophet of

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Allah Musa who said, I

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rush to you my Lord so that you

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may be pleased.

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This is the first gem of Amirul Mumineen

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Umar. He said composure is praiseworthy in every

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matter, except the matters of the hereafter.

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What other pearls of wisdom did Omar Ata?

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He once said,

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hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable.

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And weigh up your own deeds before they

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are weighed for him.

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I'm preparing yourselves for the ultimate court hearing,

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a hearing when nothing from you shall be

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Because certainly your accountability

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on the day of judgment will be made

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easy if you start your accountability

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today. Allahu Akbar, look at the ethic of

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businessmen and their level of critique and assessment

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when it comes to their business. How particular

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they are to whom they hire, fire, their

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reaction to losses, their focus on detail, and

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their vision for the future. Yes, the businessman

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is always in a state of muhasada, self

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The same can be said about elite athletes.

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What is it that made Michael Jordan the

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best basketball player of all time? Well, for

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starters, his colleague said that he constantly criticized

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every aspect of his game, his dunk, his

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dribble, his jump shot, his 3 point range.

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Again, Muhasibah, self accountability.

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As a Muslim who believes that life starts

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post death, you are the worthiest of those

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who act upon this ethic of Muhasaba,

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self accountability.

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So, similar to the examples I shared with

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you, ask yourself, who have I taken as

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friends? What strengths am I allowing to go

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to waste in my life? What weaknesses have

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I allowed to linger for years? Hold yourself

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accountable for every word you utter. Was it

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for Allah? Should I have stayed quiet? Am

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I showing off? Then ask yourself, was I

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on top of my 5 prayers today? A

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week has passed but is my iman or

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knowledge of my religion stationary? Ask yourself a

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year has passed yet my heart is as

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tough as a rock. Why am I unable

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to shed a tear in remembrance of Allah?

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How beautiful were the Wajah Val Hasan al

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Basri who said,

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Never did I glance at a matter or

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utter a word or strike something with my

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hand or took a step with my foot

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except that I first ask myself,

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is this in the cause of a good

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deed or a sin? If it is in

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the former, I proceed. But if it is

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in the latter, I refrain.

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This exercise of self accountability is tough. It

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is one that requires immense courage and intelligence.

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So if you lose enthusiasm,

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remember why you are doing it. As Umar

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he said and listen to his words again,

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hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable

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and weigh up your deeds before they are

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weighed up for you and prepare yourselves for

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the ultimate court hearing when nothing from you

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shall be hid. Because certainly your accountability on

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the day of judgement will be made easy

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if you start your accountability

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What other pearls of wisdom did Umar Ata?

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He once said,

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Whoever traverses the pathways of doubt will be

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doubted. What does Umar here mean, radiAllahu anhu?

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Umar is warning the Muslims saying to them

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that if you behave in doubtful ways, then

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don't expect people to think well of you,

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nor should you be alarmed when they start

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talking, whether it's through outlandish stress or the

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lack thereof, whether it's strange

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social media posts, unrighteous friends you walk with,

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or other covert relationship,

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realize that people will talk and when they

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do, blame none other than yourself. People can

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only judge by what they see, the apparent.

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So don't give people a reason to doubt

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your character, nor the religion that you represent.

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When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was once

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walking with his wife Safiyyah back to her

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home, during the night before returning to the

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Masjid, 2 men saw him. They lowered their

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heads and rushed away. At once, he called

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them back and he said,

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He said to them, slow down, wait. This

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is Safiyyah, daughter of Hawyayyah. In other words,

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he is saying to them, this is my

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wife. I am not walking with a strange

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woman. They replied,

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Glory be to Allah, o Messenger of Allah,

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as if to say, we would never doubt

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you. But he replied,

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Shaitan flows through humans like the flowing of

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blood. And I fear that he may place

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an evil thought in your hearts towards me.

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So if this was the Prophet's effort in

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saving his reputation and character from doubt, how

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then should the effort be for the rest

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of us who are far lesser than him?

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And the scholars of Islam have said that

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this ethic is particularly emphasized

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with respect to scholars or those who have

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a following. It is not permissible they say

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for them to engage in matters that will

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cause them to be doubted even if they

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have a justification

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as this will nullify the value of their

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So remove yourself from every situation that may

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cause disrepute to yourself or the religion that

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you represent. Omar, he said, whoever traverses the

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pathways of doubt will be doubted.

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