Sajid Ahmed Umar – Are You A Grateful Servant? #02

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the importance of gratitude for actions and words to increase productivity and knowledge. It also touches on the significance of thanking individuals and not just thanking them. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from the book of Allah and the teachings of Muhammad's gifts. The speakers stress the importance of rewarding actions with a price to the eye and learning from the messages and actions taken by Allah's son.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is who he was, oh servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, a man of excellence, a man of a son in everything he did sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even after he was declared to be from amongst those free from blame, he worshipped Allah subhanho wa Taala even better, and he never allowed himself sallallahu alayhi wasallam to become complacent with Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst the excellent I mean, my dear brothers and sisters,

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are servants of Allah

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and our children of Adam. If we haven't realized yet, then understand that being grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala is part of our faith. It's part of our Islam. It's part of our Eman and it's from exercising good manners with Allah rasool Allah azza wa jal, Allah she will call her ahead and for the summit, Allah de la merely to Allah Mulan on Amir Kula who Khufu and I had Subhana who was to Allah, it is from exercising good manners with him subhanho wa Taala and recognizing the blessings in general of a person who is benevolent to us, who is kind to us, but more specifically, when we talk about Allah subhanho wa taala. When we speak about being grateful to Allah, then this entails

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being grateful with our tongue and being grateful with our bodies and being grateful with our hearts Subhan Allah Subhana Allah this is the most complete way of being grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala with our tongues when we say Alhamdulillah and we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala with the magnanimous praises taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and with our bodies when our worship increases, and the quality of our worship improves, this is from thanking Allah subhanho wa taala. This is from recognizing the bounties that Allah subhanho wa Taala has showered upon us that we are in constant touch with this reality that Allah is benevolent and Allah is Most bountiful

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upon us. And he showers upon us gift after gift after gift with the waking of every day and the sleeping of every night. Thus the servant becomes overwhelmed and he becomes more closer to Allah and he becomes more attached to Allah because he loves Allah subhanho wa Taala more and as a result, he worships Allah subhanho wa Taala better and he increases in the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. So thanks to Allah subhanho wa Taala is given through action as well. And we know this from when Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded the family of the Buddha alayhis salam to thank Allah through action for Allah subhanho wa Taala said, it Romelu Allah, who the chakra, Allah commanded the family

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of Buddha alayhi salam to be thankful in practice to be thankful in action.

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So that is thanking Allah with our bodies. And then we thank Allah subhanho wa Taala as well with our hearts. And this is through increasing the actions of the heart and improving the actions of the heart from our Eman becoming stronger to our torque will becoming stronger and our love for Allah subhanahu Attallah becoming greater as well as our fear

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over the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala increasing as well. We thank Allah subhanahu Attallah by reforming our hearts as well. May Allah subhanahu Attallah makers from the thankful Amin Amin, my dear brothers and sisters

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praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and recognizing His bounties

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and speaking about these bounties of Allah subhanho wa Taala to those who wish us well. I'm not saying we should speak about Allah's gifts upon us to everybody. Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith which is acceptable, is there in Wailea kava Hauer educon, Bill kinsman that assist yourselves in your affairs by keeping them a secret by not exposing them right today Mashallah. Everything goes on Facebook. Soon as it happens post on Facebook, which restaurants I'm in? What food is

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Eating which way to serve me the price of the meal as well. Everything is on Facebook, right? Where everyone who wishes well for us and does not wish well for us sees the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to acknowledge Allah's gifts upon us, but to those who wish well for us, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, beneath our mature big forehead death, that as for the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, then speak about them. This is from thanking Allah subhanho wa taala. My dear brothers and sisters, thanking Allah is an act of worship. It is an act of worship, recognizing these boundaries from Allah upon us is an act of worship. When we thank

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Allah with our tongues and with our bodies. And with our hearts. We are actually building our Jana, we are actually planting trees for our for our agenda or in our agenda. We are actually digging streams in our agenda. We are actually building palaces in our agenda, Allahu Akbar, how merciful is Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us, that when we thank Allah, it benefits us Subhana Allah, Allah, we think Allah, it benefits us. And that's why I was called as Hashmatullah here, Allah him say that you and I, we will always be in depth to Allah subhanho wa Taala always,

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I'm not talking about, you know, because we cannot put a price to eyesight, and we cannot put a price to hearing. And we cannot put a price to a heart that beats without us thinking. I'm taking it. I'm speaking about the brothers and sisters from a much more simpler level. We will always be in depth to Allah, always, always. Because when we worshipped Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala rewarded us. So we were in debt.

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And if you said Well, let me thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for rewarding me for inspiring me to worship Him. And you said Alhamdulillah to Allah and thanked Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala rewarded you again. So you still in debt.

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And if you said, let me say Alhamdulillah for being inspired to say Alhamdulillah

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for being inspired to thank Allah because I worshiped Allah. So you said Alhamdulillah Allah subhanho wa Taala rewarded you again. So you are still in depth Subhanallah and that is why the statement of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he taught us that none of us will enter Jannah because of our deeds, rather we will enter Jannah because of the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala it makes absolute sense. Allah subhanho wa Taala are servants of Allah and O children of Adam, is perfect from ever and is perfect forever. Allah subhanho wa Taala did not need you and I to praise him for him to be a Hameed. No servants of Allah. He was a Hameed, before we praised him,

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Allah did not need to create to be known as the creator. He was alcoholic before he SubhanaHu Attallah created he's perfect from ever and will be perfect forever. When we thank him Oh servants of Allah, this does not increase the Majesty of Allah subhanho wa Taala and if we refrain from thanking Him and live a life in sin, this does not decrease from the Majesty of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala is honey Yun Hamid, Allah is independent. The owner of all bounty and the owner of all praise, Allah doesn't need us all servants of Allah when we thank Allah it is for our own benefit. Allah subhanahu Allah says yeah, a new one so

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Fukada ah

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Whoa, whoa, whoa Lohani will hurt me Did he Shut up? Hey boo Moya, TB Hall looking God the one mother Leka Allahu La Hebei rz. Please listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala LSAS. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh mankind, you are poor and dependent in comparison to Allah subhanho wa taala. Who is the independent? Allah is the independent. Allah says, He Yeshua you they become if Allah willed, He will wipe you off the face of this earth. Well yeah, to be hulking, jaded, and replace you with another creation Subhan Allah. And then Allah Most deservingly says we're Malika Allah hippy Aziz. And that is not even difficult for Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar when we thank

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Allah, we bet it's for our own benefit. We build our agenda as a result. And thus the question begs to be asked are servants of Allah? And O children of Adam, what is our condition? With thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala what is our placement with regards to this great center, especially in this conference dedicated towards the revival of the Sunnah of Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam right. We need to ask ourselves these real questions because inshallah we have come here for real change. You being here in this venue, is the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. Make this a bountiful worship, where you go home with Magnanimous benefits from this get together from this

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coming together. environments such as this, oh servants of Allah, and oh Children of Adam, are gatherings that are surrounded by angels, these gatherings that have come together to learn from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala much stummer Coleman fie Beighton min booty la heeta Allah yet to Luna Kitab Allah wa Tada rasuna who female but you know him in la NASA La La him Sakina Akasha tomo Rama will have for Tamil Malaika was Akara Houma la Hui man and sweat Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us a hadith in Sahih Muslim. He says there is no group of people, yourself and myself that have come together to learn from the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and learn from the

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lessons of this book and the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all together except that Allah blesses them with four gifts.

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