Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 209C Tafsir Al-Rum 38-40
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I have number 38. For athey they'll call the haka, who will Myskina webinars Seville. So give to the relative his right as well as the needy and the traveler, meaning whatever obligations you have towards others, whatever obligations whatever responsibilities, Allah subhanaw taala has placed on your shoulders towards others, then what should you do? You should fulfill them. Why? Even if you get nothing in return, yes Still, why because it is Allah who has obligated you with these responsibilities that he go higher on that is best meaning in every situation it will be best, what will be best giving to those who deserve their rights. So this will always be best, but for who
Lavina URI Yuri Duna. Watch hola for those who desire Allah's face, meaning in every situation, because the thing is that when you give somebody their right then what do you expect in return that you are also given? Your right, all right, that if you are being good to somebody, you should be treated well in return, or at least there should be recognition there should be acceptance, there should be acknowledgement, there shouldn't be some reciprocation, right. But what happens is that in situations where we don't receive from the other, we're only giving then we feel like we are suffering or we are harming ourselves by constantly giving, alright, but the thing is that when
you're giving, you're fulfilling your part, you're fulfilling your responsibility. As long as you're fulfilling your responsibility, it will be best for you, but it will be best for you only when you desire, Allah's face when your ultimate goal is Allah's pleasure. Your ultimate goal is to see Allah that when you face him, he faces you, when you meet him, he also loves you, when you are pleased with him, he's also pleased with you, then in that case, every sacrifice, every action, every suffering, every hardship will be best for you. What Allah eco human, mostly one and it is those who are the successful meaning if a person is going through this life, seeking something else seeking
something other than Allah space, seeking something other than Allah's pleasure than that person can never be successful, who is ultimately successful, the one who is given the privilege of seeing the face of Allah subhanaw taala and in our previous lesson, we went through several deeds which we can do in order to receive this privilege, right? Did you think about it? Did you think about it? That for example, when praying Salah Did you think that through the Salah, I want to my goal is to see Allah, my goal is if Tila What did you learn? Did you think about that? No.
Okay, when is that time when is that moment when you really reflected on this?
From yesterday till today?
Okay, when making dua, what else?
Okay, so when you are first getting up in order to do something, you know, when you have this feeling of, okay, I have to do this not because you see responsibility, it makes you feel burdened, isn't it? Even if it's when you have to pray? This realisation that okay, I have to get up and do something, it feels burdensome. But when you think about the goal, when you think about the objective, then it makes it easier. It kind of makes it exciting. Yes. house chores, okay, good. You're either gonna watch Hala. Right? Because you see, sometimes, especially when you're dealing with people, it can get very difficult, right? Like, for example, just between husband and wife
also, why should I bother? You know, I want my own space. I want my own life. I want my own schedule, right? I want to do whatever I want. But then you're not the only one living. All right. Allah subhanaw taala has created a bond between you and others. And there are rights and responsibilities. So fulfilling them, not necessarily to get something in return, but fulfilling them to get a privilege from who Allah you read una what holla then this is something that brings success to a person. Then in the next IO, Allah subhanaw taala says, warmer and whatever Tatum you give men from ribbon interest, meaning whatever interest that you give, whatever interest you pay,
what is Reba Reba with
did this very early on. Alright in total Bacara Rob Dowell. All right Raba. Your boo literally is to swell up to grow to increase, all right, from the same root as a word of a boy which is used for a higher land. All right. And fund is the term Riba is used for interest. Why is the word ribeye used for that? Because ribeye is basically surplus extra wealth that has grown on top of the original amount, right? A certain amount of money was lent to somebody. And then in return, the lender didn't just receive the principal, he didn't just receive the original amount, but you received a certain percentage on top of it. All right. So the extra percentage on top of it, whether it's 5% 10% 1%,
point 5%, whatever it is, a little or a lot. What is that?
All right. And remember the definition of the word rebel colocar, when Giovanna Fran for Hawa ribbon, every loan that brings a benefit, then what is it, Reba? All right. Now remember that Riba is not necessarily received in the form of money. Okay? So for example, if a person has lent 50,000 cash, and then he receives 55,000, cash in return, so 5000 would be the river. All right, but it's not always in the form of money, it's not always in the form of cash, all right, it can also be in the form of some other favor, which is why we learned that Imam Abu Hanifa even disliked or that a person should sit in the shade of the wall of a house or a building that belongs to somebody whom
you have lent your money to understand that if for example, I have given you $1,000 as loan, okay, then I should expect only 1000 back from you, I should not expect that every time I'm passing by your house, I can sit by your house in the shade of your wall, because you know, you owe it to me, you understand? So even expecting these kinds of favors in return, that could also be Riba.
You understand? So expecting favors, taking favors? Because you have given somebody alone, you have done something for someone expecting favors in return, this is also a form of Riba. Anyway, over here, let's count on it says wema. And whatever, Tatum you give me the ribbon of Riba, meaning whatever interest you give, why would you give interest Leo Booyah. So that it may grow, so that it may increase your blow over here in its literal sense, or about well to grow, so that it may grow fie in unwillingness the properties of people
meaning that interest is going to grow the wealth of a certain individual, this is the whole reason why interest is given and taken, right? Why it's a means allocating profit, it's a means of growing your money. So for example, if a person has $10,000 Sitting they will be like let me just invest it. Let me just give it to somebody as a loan. Let me just deposit it in the bank. And then every month I'm receiving interest on top of it. Right? And that interest What is it apparently doing? It is yellowblue Fe M while in nurse it is growing the money it is growing the wealth. So by the end of five years, it's not going to be 10,000 It's gonna be 15,000 for example, right? So whatever you
give in order to increase the wealth of people, Allah says fella, so not your boo it increases in the law near Allah.
This does not actually increase in the sight of Allah. Why? Because riba any money in which there is riba remember that money is void of Baraka because Allah Himself says that yum help Allah Who Riba, Allah destroys Riba, me meaning any money that has even a fraction of labor in it, that money is going to be destroyed. Just imagine because dealing with riba is basically going on war with who Allah and His messenger.
So if a person is going to war with Allah and His messenger, you think his property is safe, his money is safe, it's not safe, it's going to be destroyed. For now you're boring the law it does not grow in the sight of Allah.
And basically what this means is that there is no reward for it. There is no blessing in it. There is no security, no safety for that wealth. There is no actual growth in that money. All right,
One title, whatever you give Menza, captain of the cat, and what is the cat, that if you have money sitting for a while, then you take a fraction of it and you give it to those who are needy those who are deserving of it. You don't keep everything to yourself, you give some of what you have to others. So whatever is the cat you give, and why would you give it to the do now watch Hello, again a reminder, even if you're fulfilling your obligations, you do it seeking Allah does face for hola ICA then those whom they are a mother ephone those who are multipliers. Mother a phone is a poor enough mother if and mother if from above to multiply. All right, so those who are multiplying,
they're not just gradually growing increasing their money. They're actually multiplying their money. How is it that they're multiplying their money? Because when a person gives something for the sake of Allah, then it's example is like that of a grain? Isn't it? How bad cometh Ali hubba and that grain? What's going to happen to it? It's going to grow? Right? Seven years, and in each there's going to be 100. So one leads to 700. Right? And now if you have 700 greens, how much more profits do you think you're gonna make? Right? So for Ola, Iike, hormone, Mother iPhone, then they have truly invested their money, and they have truly multiplied their money, their property, their
wealth, such people are truly successful. Now, if you think about it, Zeba what is river river is that you're taking from those who are needy? Because why would somebody borrow a loan in the first place? Why would somebody take a loan in the first place because he's needy ribeye is that you're taking money from the needy, and the cat is the opposite of that. What is the cat that you give off your money to the needy, right? And who is better the giving one? Right, the upper hand is better than the lower hand. So the one who gives seeking Allah's face than such people are going to multiply their wealth, they're going to multiply their rewards. This particular iron remember that
this was the first I have revealed about the prohibition of riba because remember, sort of the room is a murky surah. Right? And eventually riba was something forbidden in Medina. All right. And there were many things such as even alcohol, the consumption of which was initially, you could say it was discouraged, and then eventually forbidden. So just like that, rebar was initially discouraged, and then forbidden. So this was the first I revealed about rubber. And what is a chore to us the reality of rubber, all right, that it doesn't actually grow your money. What does it do? It reduces your money. All right. Now this idea can be interpreted in many different ways. I just gave you a general
explanation over here and now I'm going to go into the detail of it okay. Firstly, my title, men rebar, wherever you give rubber, meaning you pay interest.
You know, many people say taking interest is haram giving interest, no problem. Have you heard this? The very common amongst Muslims, right, that in Surat Al Baqarah, who is condemned a Lavina yet coluna Reba, those who eat Riba mean those who take riba what does this isa
Wilma add? They term many Riba? Whatever you give off River, meaning whatever you pay as interest. All right. So whatever you pay as interest, meaning taking a loan on Riba and then paying off that loan with riba, what does Allah say it doesn't increase the wealth of people, this kind of loan will neither increase your money, nor will it increase the money of the one whom you're paying riba to so the people who have made this contract of riba neither of them is truly profiting, both of them are actually harming each other, both of them generally, why is such a loan taken? If you think about it, what is the thinking behind it to grow one's wealth, right? Like for example, a person thinks,
Well, you know what, I'm paying rent every month, I might as well buy a house, right? With the money that I don't have. And then I'll be paying interest for the rest of my life. And then finally, when I'm when I'm really old, and I'll own a house that I cannot really enjoy. Right? So this is what you're taking something in order to grow your wealth, you're taking ribeye in order
to grow your wealth, what does Allah say he doesn't actually grow. Because the thing is that whatever wealth is written for you, it's going to come for it's going to come to you. It will.
Because you know what, before we were created, Allah subhanaw taala, he decreed the risk the provision of every single individual, in fact, before the skies and the earth before humanity was created. Before the creation was created, the first thing Allah created was what the pen, and Allah instructed the pen to write everything that was to happen. And part of that was what I am going to eat, what you're going to eat, what I am going to own what you're going to own. So something that is written for us remember, it's going to come to us acquiring it through unlawful means. This is something that's not going to grow, our wealth is just going to reduce our reward, it's only going
to destroy our deeds. So the first interpretation is that paying interest, giving interest, it doesn't increase one's wealth, neither yours, nor the person whom you're giving, the interest to, this loan will be a burden, it's not a blessing, this money, this property will be a burden, it will not be a blessing, because Allah says Allah yo Boo in the law, it does not grow in the sight of Allah. You know, just think about it. If Allah does not recognize it, if Allah does not accepted, then doesn't matter. You know, like, for example, if two people get married, all right, and their own family does not accept that marriage. What kind of marriage is that? I mean, fine, you're kind
of happy. But you're living with this constant burden, isn't it? Because it's not recognized, people are not willing to accept it. So just like that, imagine, we buy a house, we buy something, we buy furniture, because these days, it's you don't have to buy a house on river. You can even buy furniture and TV and whatnot on the river. Right? Everything you can buy on the river. So imagine we buy it, and somebody's not happy with it. How would you feel? Has it ever happened that you get something new, you put it on? And somebody says, I don't like to say it on your face? I don't like it.
What does it feel like? Good or bad? Really bad. Right? And if it's a person who who doesn't really matter, and then you're like, whatever, he don't like it too bad for you. But if it's someone who's important to you, or someone who really matters to you, then their response is really important to you. Right? So imagine if we try to grow our wealth in this way, Allah says fella yo boo are in the law, it does not grow in the sight of Allah, Allah does not accept this, he does not bless this. You know, earlier, we learned that when you are fulfilling your obligations, even when you spend right on something that is mandatory on you to spend, but you do it for the sake of Allah, then you are
rewarded for it.
And the example was that, that the morsel of food that a person puts in, in his wife's mouth, right? Meaning he's bringing food to his house, providing his family with food, and even for that he's rewarded. Imagine a person is buying a house or buying something for hundreds of dollars, but that has rebar in it. All right. And as a result for that hundreds of dollars for that 1000s of dollars, there is no reward.
There is no stamp of approval from Allah.
There is no acceptance of that spending near Allah.
So all those savings for years, you know that $100,000 savings $150,000 Saving $50,000 Saving $20,000 saving, imagine all that money that you've been saving for all those years. And then you put it with the river. It's rejected by Allah.
It's rejected. It's not given reward for your boo in the law. What a bad poor transaction This is.
Second, secondly, we're gonna add data, ribbon whatever you give off ribbon, meaning whatever loan you give on ribbon.
So this is not paying the ribbon but giving a loan to someone and in return taking riba from them. Why would a person do that in order to grow someone's wealth?
Right, fine, you can take this loan from me but just give me the Riba in return.
Then follow your bore in the law. This is not a kind act. This is not a good act in the sight of Allah. This is not an act of kindness. This is not something that will be rewarded by Allah. What is this destroying one's own wealth and the wealth of the needy as well? This is destroying
One owns wealth and the wealth of the other person also.
Because which kind of charity does Allah subhanaw taala accept that which is Helen. Right? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, No person gives in charity, the equivalent of a date which was earned in a lawful manner, except that our man takes it in his right hand and takes care of it for its owner, just as any one of you takes care of his full or young camel until the date becomes the size of mount.
This is growth, right? This is something that grows in the sight of Allah. So when is wealth blessed when the cat is given when charity is given? Riba doesn't increase wealth, the cat increases wealth. What does riba do? It decreases one's wealth, it destroys one's wealth. This is why in total hadith is 11. Allah says men the lady Ukraine, Allah karbonn Hassan, for you Laurie for hula, who, well who agilon Kadeem, who is it that would loan Allah a good long, so Allah who will multiply it for him, and we'll give him a Nobel reward. Another interpretation of this ayah the third one is that were my day to misery been, whatever you give, as River and over here river means favor, extra meaning
favorite extra wealth on top meaning favor. So you give a gift to somebody, riba will be understood as what
a favor, right? So you give a gift to someone.
Why? Leo boo, a fee, unwillingness so that it increases through the wealth of people. In other words, you are giving a gift in order to expect more in return. You understand? You're giving a gift, expecting more in return from others.
You see, the Prophet saw a lot of sudden told us that had do the Habu, right, give gifts and increase love. gift giving is something that's very good, right? It's a part of life. It's a part of, especially the lives of people who are generous, who are loving, right? They love to give they love to receive this is something perfectly fine. We see this in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he gave gifts, and he received gifts. But when we are giving a gift to someone,
what should be our intention so that you can get a better gift in return?
You understand? Because sadly, this is something that happens very frequently. Right? That for instance, when it comes to somebody's wedding, all right, somebody's wedding, then which gift is given? What kind of gift is given something similar to or more than what they gave to you on your wedding? Right, or what they gave to you, to your son on his wedding. All right. And then when you will give them then what happens when your next child gets married or in somebody else gets married in your family, then you're expecting I gave a gift to them? How come they never gave a gift to us?
You understand?
Giving gifts as bribes or as investments in a way or as you know, doing a favor to somebody, Hey, I just came back from hedge let me give you a gift so that when you go you go for hives, you also bring me a gift. I just came back from back home. And I'm bringing you a gift, you know, half a suitcase full. So when you return you better bring me a full suitcase. Go ahead
in a way that you're giving a little bit in order to in order to get more in return. Yes.
Yes, yes, that many times it happens that receiving gifts becomes burdensome, heavy,
don't receive gifts, because then you will be expected to give something in return. Right? Or if somebody has given a gift, make a note of it.
Make a note of it, why make a note of it. So that the next time you have to give a gift to them. You know, you give them something of equal or more amount.
I know this person who is self sufficiency is a very good thing. But they just like they don't want to ask for help whatsoever. And once when I asked like why is that the case? They said that if someone like helps me with something, and then later on, they asked me for help and I'm genuinely not able to do it. It's going to be received as something wrong and I just want to avoid that altogether. The thing is that we should realize that our provision is not entirely in our hands. If I can afford to give a big gift to somebody Alhamdulillah if I can afford to give a small gift to somebody again Alhamdulillah right. Why is it that we have been encouraged to give even half a date?
Why? Why is it that
As women especially we're instructed that do not look down on any act of kindness, even if it's the hoops of an animal that has been slaughtered. Right? If that is the bone or that is the piece of meat that you can give, or that you can receive no big deal. We have kept these, you know, standards, that when it comes to, for example, marriage, it has to be minimum, this amount of cash when it comes to birth, or Kike, that it has to be minimum this much amount, when it comes to this occasion. And this gift when it comes to that occasion, then that kind of gift. No, look at what you can afford to give. If you can give more, go ahead. And if you have to give less, that is also fine.
So when it comes, I just wanted to give the example of similar situation in my country. The only thing is they don't give you just mentioned that the cash. So it's more of competition with money. It's it has nothing to do with gifts. People don't even give gifts anymore, but they keep track. It's really serious. They have books and families keep them and they compete with each other. It's unreal. Yeah, it's it's really sad. Actually, I remember when I got married, somebody told me make a list of the gifts that you have received.
And my mom was standing there. She's like, Why?
And then she was told that because, you know, you have to give gifts in return. She's like, Well, that should not depend on if I have received a gift from this person or not. That's irrelevant. You understand? My gift giving to someone does not depend on my receiving gifts from them. You understand? There is no connection over here what they give good for them. Alhamdulillah I enjoyed it. I'm really happy. I love them. I thank them. And now when it comes time for me to give than I give what I can give
you understand? Because then what happens is that we don't give anything in return. Why? Because, or they gave me something so expensive. I can't afford it. So you know what, it's better. I don't give them anything. It's better. I don't even take their phone call because there's such a huge difference between me and them. I can ever match their axon. Well, that's fine.
Slowly, I notice sometimes people they give gifts and the price is written on it. And I'm so embarrassed when I see that. Well why would they write the price? If it happens by accident? That's a different thing. All right. Sometimes you don't even know the price tag is there. But if you can, you should take it off. Right? So remember the objective of giving gifts is what the hat do why?
Why the hub boo to grow in love.
And what we have done with our gift giving and gift receiving culture is give gifts and burden each other and dislike each other.
These things we have to teach the kids since they're small you know how the kid is sometimes I give you today the candy tomorrow you have to give me two candies, three candy doesn't like Riba two Yes, we have to be careful. That is very true. That because I gave you one. Now you have to give me to one in to be equal to what I gave to you and second, for my favor to you. Right? In total Modesta is six Allah says well as Tom known destech fit. This was one of the first I had to reveal to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that do not do man do not do favor on someone in order to have Katra in order to increase what you have. No, because sometimes it's not even a monetary gift.
It's something like okay, let me help you with this test. Let me give you a ride. Let me teach you something.
Let me cook something for you. You know, we do these kinds of favors to others and then we start expecting something in return. Don't do that. In total Bacara I have 264 Allah says Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu Lal tubal Pollino sada Corticon Wilma Newell other or you will have believed do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury.
Radicals nowadays that they became conditioned about the gifts that somebody will invite you a gathering and instead of going in the garden and enjoying and seeing the family, they will be conditioned because they will say you have to bring this and these are called $200. If you cannot afford sometimes it makes you not to go because you feel embarrassed and that is something is not good as exactly. I mean, it's something that doesn't increase people in love. It tears them apart. Right? So any kind of favors should not be expected in return, whether it's monetary or otherwise. Allahu Lavy Allah is the One who color kakum He created you so much Razak.
Welcome, then he provided you, some may you meet to come, then he will give you death. So may you he come, then he will give you life.
It is Allah alone, who is doing this he created you gave you a 20 you're not staying here forever you will die. And then that is not your termination, rather you will be brought back to life and is minshall aka EComm from among your partners, meaning those whom you worship besides Allah, those whom you associate with Allah, from among them, is there any man who yelled for Alou, he does mean barely come from that min che in of anything? Is there any either being out there that you associate with ALLAH that is capable of this that is capable of giving life that is capable of giving data that is capable of bringing back to life? Can they do that? No, they cannot. If anyone had the power
to give life to the dead, right? Then what would happen? Certainly,
the dead would be brought back to life then. Because man is most greedy for what? For life? Right? Which is why people who love you know, their family or whoever, if they die, they will have their certain organs that like for example, their brain, right? Frozen. Why? So that if ever in the future, there is a chance of bringing the debt to life? Seriously, I'm not making this up. Go read on BBC. Not kidding.
Honestly, what you're looking at music, I'm making it up, not making it up.
Okay, there are certain ways of preserving the brain. There are and it has to be done within a few hours off the death of the person. And it has to be, you know, put in certain liquids and then stored in a certain way so that eventually, if ever in the future, there is a way you know of reversing death, they will do it. Go ahead. I saw this thing once where they put a frog, I think in this liquid ice thing. And then they preserved it and then they like unfrozen and it came back to life. And so because they could bring a frog back to life, an entire family like they did that procedure. And now they're just like frozen, kept somewhere and waiting to be unfrozen.
So this is what people want, right? This just shows to us how greedy we are for life,
isn't it? And the fact that no one has been able to do it yet. What does it show? You can't do it. No matter how much more you can, you know, advance in your science and your technology, you cannot do this. The only person who was able to do this was who? Her ESRD his center. Right? He was given the Morteza.
What's fascinating about the frog is that that's actually a natural process. So again, it's Allah subhanaw taala has created something like that we've been trying to copy it, but clearly we can't because it's just something that electrons that are built into the frog. Exactly. Yes.
as well. Some scientists they want to do blown you know the Einstein also because they have a DNA, but because of ethical and morally, you know, they are not doing it. And for Stephen Hawking also planning to go for Rhino, the cap they are keeping the DNA for him also. So, anyway, all of this shows the greed for life.
So Allah subhanaw taala is asking us * minshall aka EComm you know all these beings that you're crazy about, that you love that you adore, so much so that you associate them with Allah, can they do that? Can they do any of this min Valley Khan minchie? Anything Subhana who Exalted is He? What Allah and higher above Amma usually cone that which they associate with him, meaning anything that people could possibly associate with ALLAH than Allah is definitely higher. Allah is definitely greater. Allah is definitely more perfect, more able more grant, because after all, he is the Holic He alone is the Holic and everyone is his Maha Luke his creation. Let's listen to the recitation or
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Use Recoome to panic alone will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa to the lake, a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah.