Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 133E Tafsir Al-Hijr 87-99
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What occurred and certainly attain aka we have given you seven seven mineral Muthoni from the Muthoni. While Khurana Alim and to create Quran, the prophets are a lot of Salam was said, because the people were not believing. And that feeling of rejection is very, very heavy. So the prophets of Allah Islam is comforted with the example of the people of the past. And then he's told forgive. And then he is also comforted that look at what you have been given. Don't look at what you have not been able to get. Look at what you have already been given. Yes, there were only a few people who believed in him in Makkah, especially at the early stage. But he's made to look at the blessings
that Allah subhanaw taala had given him and which blessing is mentioned here. Saba Aminul Muthoni well
whenever you remember your blessings, whenever you think about what you have, as opposed to what you've lost than what happens it gives you encouragement gives you hope. Right makes you feel that okay. If I have this, Allah subhanaw taala can also give me that okay, if I have lost one thing, at least I have this. It makes you grateful. And that feeling of gratitude makes you hopeful, which makes you positive which helps you move on from your loss.
So what is it that hasn't mentioned over here which blessing Sabra minima Thani, sub seven minima Thani, of them a Thani Bethenny is the plural of methanol and methanol, phenol NIA has multiple meanings depending on which word you extract from the root word. One is Finnian and Finnian means there are the repetition to repeat something.
So seven that are repeated.
Now obviously this is mentioned along with Al Quran and Arlene, the Great Quran, you know, the seven which is repeated, has to do something with the Quran. So, we learned from a Hadith also that this refers to the seven verses of Surah Fatiha. Why? Because they are repeated over and over and over again. You know, in full regard salah, how many times do you repeat those verses? Four times, right? Those seven verses you read them at least four times in your lowest villa.
Right to sub Armenian Muthoni. And in one day just in the fault prayers, how many times is that you read these verses?
So, Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet sallallahu is to think about sort of the Fatiha instead of thinking about his problems, he should think about Sudoku in fact,
because sooner than Fatiha, what is it?
What is it? It's going to be a source of comfort for a person? How if you look at the meaning of Hamlet Illa hillbrow alary reminds you, Allah is perfect and he is the Lord of the Worlds every creation is under him. Even those who hurt me and those who harass me, all right man or him, he's most Merciful. So even if I'm suffering, this is actually his mercy. Even if I'm suffering the suffering is also a mercy in this suffering is mercy. Maliki yo, Medina, I'm not going to suffer here forever. The Day of Judgment is coming a year can our Buddha Yeah Can a serene I worship Him I am a servant to him. I'm a slave and a slave can be given anything by his master. So I accept
Allah's decree. What he can explain in my difficulty as he called from Allah, a dinner Serato Mr. Clean or Allah usuals the right way in this situation when I'm being oppressed when I'm being heard, what should I do you guide me? Slaughter Alladhina Anantara lay him I want to do what the people before who are righteous whom you were happy with? Did not those late in my lluvia Allah who will Darlene who earned Your anger and who got lost? Who who became a stray? So in difficulty whenever you're hurt whenever you're sad
whenever you're mad, start reading Surah Fatiha know with your heart in your Salah. Why is the last panel data has prescribed that in Salah we have to read Surah Fatiha Salah is not valid. A Raka is not valid unless a person recite Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is a dua in it you praise Allah you seek His help. It is the answer to many of our problems that we face every day. But unfortunately when we stand in Salah, we read through the fat her like a parrot not even knowing what we say.
This is a cure sort of the fattier is a Shiva isn't it?
Isn't it a shame?
That you read it seven times and you blow on the place where you're hurting, and you pass your hand over? Isn't it a shift out of our physical problems? Yes. Then what about your heart?
What about your heart that is hurting, that is crying, that feels weak, that feels scared that feels lonely.
Surah Fatiha is a cure a remedy for the one who is sad, and for the one who is suffering.
Then Anya also means that the word Santa also comes from it and what is the net
praise. So Surah Fatiha.
What is it? Praise of Allah subhanaw taala and when you praise him when you glorify Him, you remember his kindness, his generosity, then it eases your pain.
Also, fan on yet gives a word is Desna which is an exception Surah Fatiha a very different surah exceptional surah in a very, very unique you can say Sabra middle Madani it is so unique. How unique is it? In a hadith which is in Muslim Muhammad we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah has not revealed in the Torah, nor in the Injeel any Surah that is like the mother of the book or Maliki that meaning Surah Fatiha and that is Saba middle Muthoni there is no Surah like it that was given to any OMA before it's a unique Surah unique, it's a gift. Also, sign onea that near to Okay, and this surah we learned from Hadith that it is divided into half Allah subhanaw
taala says that I have divided the surah between me and my servant. How that when a person says Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allah response to him how many Abdi? Right? Every area of the surah when a servant recites Allah response to him, it's a conversation. It's a conversation because at the end, when a person asks for hidayah Allah says, well, you're Idema Sal, and my servant shall have what he's asking for. You want peace? You want to get over your problems, you want to move on. You want to let go of your grudges, you want your heart to be free. ask Allah for who they are and Allah promises well you are the Messiah, but when you recite Surah Fatiha mean it mean that ask
Allah don't just read ask.
Well according to a NACA sever, Aminul Muthoni Well, Quran and Alim
also, if you think about it, the first meaning that I gave you of subdominant Muthoni Muthoni meaning repeated, okay. The words of the surah are also repeated quite a lot. How that for example, according to one opinion, Bismillah R Rahman Rahim at the beginning is actually part of the surah it's the first Aya so in that you have a Rahman Al Rahim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Again, again, Allah commanded Rahim the words are repeated ly, likewise, a yak and our will do what a yak ministering same word is repeated. Likewise, it didn't sit off on was the team split off and Latina an antonym surah is repeated. I lay him I lay him is repeated, right
Alladhina and anti lay him laden mug doobie I lay him on a Berlin, in general they are repeated in the Surah. Right. So the prophets are a lot of times being told, focus on what you have been given, enjoy what you have been given, make use of what you have been given.
And you know, when we dwell on our problems, then what happens we cannot enjoy the blessings that Allah has given to us. We're sad about the fact that someone doesn't love us.
But at the same time, there are so many others who love us. So just because you haven't managed to earn one individual's love. So what? Enjoy your mom's love, enjoy your dad's love. So what if one brother is not helpful? Alhamdulillah the other brother is so helpful. All right. So remember that no person in this world is completely deprived? If one Blessing has not been given, definitely another has been given. We have our eyes fixed on one thing and when we're not getting it we get unhappy.
What is it that we need to look at everything else that Allah has given?
What occurred at at NACA Sabha middle my Thani, well, Quran and our Aleem.
Another problem is when we feel sad
Why is that we feel sad because we keep comparing ourselves with others. Is it? We compare ourselves with others. I'm 28. My friend is 28. She's married. She has two kids. I'm not even engaged. I'm not even engaged. I mean, I am humbled. I'm married. I have kids, but I'm just saying that this is how we think sometimes, right? I'm the same age as hers. She's already graduated.
And I'm still stuck in my first semester.
Likewise, another individual could say, I'm still driving this car for the past 12 years.
And look at the neighbors.
Competing with the Joneses. We're always comparing ourselves with others, our friends, our siblings, co workers, and what does that do? It makes us sad.
We forget the blessings Allah has given us and we start counting what we don't have. Allah advisor's the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led to more than nine acre. Isla ma'am at Turner b He has word your main home letter Modena. Do not extend them with them from mud. What does mud mean? To make something long? So don't extend I Naika? Your eyes? Extending your eyes? Can you stretch your eyes? No, you stretch your vision. How that when you look at something from far, from far, you know when something is far, and you're just looking at it, you have to extend your vision.
And then you're just staring at it for long, admiring. Wow.
Allah says don't do that. Don't stare at the things that other people have been given letter Madana nine acre. Don't extend your eyes, your vision, ILA towards that which man aterna be he that which we have given us enjoyment to who, as well as your men whom as watch Florida episode, one of a pair over here as wedge gives the meaning of different groups.
Meaning different groups of people have been given different blessings. One group of people, lots of money and other group of people, lots of power, another group of people, you know, lots of loving family members, another group of people, lots of friends. Don't stare at them. You stare at the rich and you say, well, you stare at the family man. And you say, Wow, you stare at the beautiful and you say wow. And you think I don't have money? I don't have that many friends. I don't have that much beauty. Don't stare at others. What at the horizon or lay him and do not grieve over them. Do not grieve over them. You see the wealthy amongst the people of Makkah. They were the people of power.
They were the people of influence and the prophets of Allah doesn't really wanted that they should accept Islam. Because if they would accept Islam, what would happen? Everybody else would.
And if he got their support, imagine how easy things would become if he got their support.
And the thing is that they were people of wealth. So if they're believed, and they're supported the mission, imagine how quickly you know Islam could spread. Because what is one of the major challenges that Dawa workers face finances? Right? But the prophets of Allah Islam was told, don't look at the rich and wealthy thinking that they will support with their money
or what their influence No, don't expect anything from them. And don't look at them don't admire them. It's just Madonna that Allah has given them temporary enjoyment. Well, that doesn't delay him and don't grieve over them that you're always said that why hasn't this person accepted Islam and how come that person has not accepted Islam? Don't grieve over them? Forget about them. You think they have value because they are people of wealth and power? No if the disbelief they have no value left as an ally him while failed and again focus on what you have, while failed and lower Kapha is to lower Rafa to raise Kafala to lower ha Fila total raw Farah, have you heard that I have in the
Quran that the day of judgment is called filler. It will bring down who those who are raw Farah, those who are high up being those who are arrogant, the Day of Judgment is going to humiliate and debase them. So what fifth Lord Jana, Huck, Jana is the wing of a bird.
The wing of a bird when you see a wing?
What do you think?
Is it very hard and rough? No. It's so soft. Alright, comfort, and for the babies of a bird.
What is that wing? A source of comfort and shelter, isn't it? So what felt Lor generic your wing Lynnwood mean for the believers? What does it mean?
What does it mean? Pay attention to the believers, become accommodating, befriend them be close to them just like a hen. What does it do? It covers its chicks with its wings, shelters and protects them, keeps her chicks close to herself. So you all profited a lot is alone, shelter the believers, comfort them, keep them close to yourself.
Be nice towards them because you are their leader.
Many times it happens that we want to befriend certain individuals and those individuals, they don't care about us. They don't even look back. They don't even look at you.
But at the same time, there are some other people around you whom if you just spoke to they'd be so happy if you gave even a little bit of attention to them. You could do so much good to them. So walk with Jenna Hakka little movement in the believers need your attention. These wish seeking the wealthy amongst them. These arrogant people, they don't need your attention. They don't even care about your attention. So don't waste yourself over them. Worry about those who do need your attention. While it Jana had Hakka little macmini. Remember the incident where the prophets of Allah Woodson was sitting amongst them were sticking the very influential people amongst them and he was
doing garwa to them and our beloved Maktoum came and he couldn't see and he kept asking the prophets of Allah said teach me teach me and the prophets that allows and got annoyed and he or Vasa Les Brown and he turned away and armor last panel data he disapproved of that action right that the one who's coming to you eagerly to learn you're ignoring you and the one who doesn't care you're going after him.
So, while the Jenna Hakka limit meaning will call and say meaning proclaim this make this announcement that in the indeed I am under the rule will be in a clear warner proclaim that I am a clear warner because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was initially you know that he was secretly you know on a one on one basis conveying the message to people but soon after that he was told to convey openly called everybody so we'll call in the Internet era movie say I am a clear warner and remember your role you are a warner come on just as Ansel now we sent down our little Mahkota see mean upon the Mokhtar same people meaning you are a messenger a warner and before you.
Many Warner's were sent many prophets were sent messages were sent to who milk does he mean? Milk the CBN is basically describing the state of the people to whom messengers were sent.
And milk doesn't mean what do you think the route is?
Off seen me?
What word comes to your mind?
Taksim, okay, which means division, this division? What else?
Most stocking but that's from a different route. Okay, but from dem Ikoma. Awesome. Good. And what does also mean to swear an oath, soy milk does he mean Florida of milk the same basically means first of all, those are divided. And secondly, those who swear oats.
This is how Allah subhanaw taala describes the state of the people to whom messengers were sent, that they divided.
They became divided how some of them believed others did not. And even those who believed they believed in parts and they rejected other parts. They divided up the religion. Like for example, the Yahoo, the Masada, the religion was sent, but what did they do? were divided into so many groups
the book was given, but even that, they divided it up into so many sections, you know, without any authority to do that. Secondly, look, this means those who swore oats.
What kind of oats did this were, that they would oppose the prophets they would not believe in them. They were firm about their disbelief, very firm stubborn on it. They had made up their minds that they were not going to respond to the call of the messenger. And they even swore oats to the point that by for example, the people of saleha listen and they swore oats that they would together come and attack the Prophet
and kill him.
And was this happening at the time of a pseudo la salatu. Salam, of course, where the people divided concerning him. Yeah, I mean, his message was very clear. Someone was saying he was a magician and other was saying, Oh, he's a madman and other was saying he's a something else. Another said that surgeon comes to him, they were divided.
And at the same time, they were also swearing oaths. We're going to do this to him. We're going to do this team, we're going to do this to him. But just as the people of the past when they plotted and planned against their profits,
they failed miserably. Likewise, the prophets on a lot of things has been comforted. That Don't worry, no matter how much your people swear to oppose you, no matter how much you know, they say things about you don't worry. Who are those people? Alladhina those who Jara Lou they made a Quran, the Quran or you lean into a lien.
Meeting the people to whom the messengers were sent. What did they do? They made the Quran into a lien the Quran that was given to the Prophet sallallahu Salah over here Quran doesn't just refer to the Quran meaning what was given to the SUTA allah sallallahu Sallam But Quran as in recitation, meaning of Scripture, Revelation. So the revelation that was sent earlier, what did the people do to it?
They turned it into a lien. Release is a plural off Allah. And Allah is a part of something, a portion of something from the same root as the word herbal and neural glue is used for a limb because the limit is a part of your body, it's a portion of your body. So they turned, they made the revelation into portions, they divided it, one portion they believed and another portion they rejected. And this was the behavior of which people in particular, the people of the book have taught me knowing that we bought Blinky Tabby with a Corona Be bold. So Alladhina Jalil Khurana, Raelene
there is another meaning of this idea. And that is that the word Ileen it means magic. It means sick. Because the Quraysh they used to call magic Alaba. Alba. I bought her other
other was said they would call a magician. I'll do her.
Oddly her. Okay, so Alladhina Jarrell Khurana. Alene. Meaning those who said that the recitation the message that the Prophet brought was all magic.
Musa realism when he went to fit on what did their own say to him? What did he call him? A magician.
Right? Are you Sauron is Santa when he showed the miracle to Bani Israel? What did they call him? A magician? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he came before the people and recited the Quran, what was he called? What was he called? A magician. So this is the norm of those who reject those who don't want to accept. What do they do? They call the Quran the revelation magic, they give it different labels. Why is that people don't give importance to it. Allah says FOA Rob bigger by your Lord Lenise Elena home edge marine shortly we are definitely going to question them all who? Those who call the Scripture magic. Those who rejected and opposed to the messengers who are firm in their
opposition to the messengers, Allah is definitely going to question them.
The sins of these people are not forgotten. American we are maroon about that which they used to do for law. So all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam declare Islam solid deadline is law it's basically from solder and solder means to split.
To split. Have you heard of the word sodar?
So there have you heard of it? What is it?
Had day headache? Have you heard of the expression a splitting headache?
Meeting such a severe headache that's almost splitting my head.
Because a headache I mean, where is it? No. Sometimes you feel like your head is hurting and you touch your forehead and you press it or somebody's trying to press your head give it a massage and you're like no the pain is somewhere else. Where is it somewhere inside so it's literally like breaking your head. So further is to break to make a hole in something which is solid to break something which is solid make a hole through it. And from this you know when a piercing headache like the pain it pierces you know from one side and you can
Feeling coming out the other or reaching the other end. So from one part to the other.
So you understand to go from one part to the other, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult it is, you keep going, you keep doing you keep conveying Sofosbuvir, meaning proclaim your message, despite the difficulty that you face. Despite the many barriers and many obstacles and many hurdles that your opponents have placed for you, you have to convey
you know, when you're trying to do something, sometimes it's very easy. But in other times, you really have to dig your way through, you have to dig your way through, someone's not allowing you, you have to negotiate with them, then you have to force your way somewhere else. And then you have to force your way elsewhere, you will dig your way through in order to get your work done.
And nothing in life is easy.
You know, person when they want to start a business, for example, they're told by someone Oh, no way you can do this. It's not possible. It's not gonna work. And then they do it anyway. And then what happens? There is competition, and then nobody's selling anything to them. And then nobody's buying? Do they give up? No, they are persistent, they keep going to keep going to keep going. Until eventually their business is flourishing. Nothing in life is easy. When you want a degree, how many assignments do you have to submit? How many exams do you have to take?
Why do you have to do that? Because life is difficult. So likewise, conveying the message, it is difficult, there are many hurdles many obstacles but Foster, go forcefully, just go do it. Be my mom with that which you have been commanded. What are the learning wish the king and turn away from the Mushrikeen meaning, don't give any importance to them. Those who oppose you don't listen to them.
They try to discourage you ignore them.
They make fun of you, they market you ignore them. Just focus on what you have to do first Darby mattered more because of that is that people can never be happy. And if you start satisfying people, then you'll never accomplish your goals. You know, like that story of that father and son, who are going on a donkey. The father was riding it and the son was, you know, leading the donkey. And then people said, Oh, what a mean, father. He's riding the donkey and His son has to walk. So they said, Okay, so what should we do? The father said, I'll come down, you sit on the donkey. So now the son is riding the donkey. And now the people said, Oh, look at this arrogant son. He's sitting on the
donkey and the Father is walking. So then they said, You know what, nevermind, nobody will, right, we'll just walk. So both of them were walking. People said How dumb they have a donkey and they're not using it.
Then they're like, You know what, we'll just carry the donkey. So the father is, you know, carrying the donkey from one side and the son is carrying it from the other were people satisfied? No.
So if you start paying attention to what people have to say, she said this, and he said this, and she said that you're never gonna get anywhere. Ignore what people say and focus their focus on what you have to do.
You know, like when a hole is being dug, in the ground or on the wall or something. There's a lot of force that is required a lot of force and a lot of determination. So like this, sometimes you have to drill your way through.
You have to drill your way through first Dark beam, I took my wife out of it and was shaking, in cafe nachliel. Muster ze in, indeed, we will suffice you against those who mock it you. People make fun of you. No worries, Allah Who will take care of that situation. Allah Who will take care of that problem. And it happens many times you're doing the right thing. But people if they've got nothing else to say, what will they do? They will just make fun of you. So if you start paying attention to their mockery, you won't do anything but it saddens You of course you're a human being your heart is not made of steel.
So the prophets have a lot of discomforted Don't worry Allah will take care of the people who are mocking at you He will punish them for oh boy mins obey he said that.
One of the other scholars who said that Gibreel came to the messenger of allah sallallahu sunnah when he was performing the laugh around the house, okay. And the real stood and the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, he was also standing over there. And one of the opponents of the Prophet salallahu Salam is word even in Napoleon, and he used to really make fun of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he passed by
and he threw
a leaf meaning Gibreel he threw a leaf in the face of this man. And this man, he became blind he lost his eyesight.
Tell us what even are the who's passed by another opponent, someone who used to mock at him, and Gibreel pointed to his stomach and the stomach of that man
And it swelled up. And that man died soon after. And Walid bin Molina passed by. And Gibreel pointed at a wound that was on the ankle of this man. And this wound it got so severe that this man also died soon after.
So basically all of these opponents as they were walking by Gibreel pointed that, you know, in front of the Prophet said a lot of sentiment, all of these men, they died soon after. Allah says in the back of a napkin was the the, don't worry about them, those who make fun of you, they will die in miserable debts. And if you think about it, Ebola have a great opponent Abuja has a great opponent, what was their outcome? You know,
you know about that. And generally in life, also, when you come across people who mock it others, what happens to them eventually?
What happens to them? They are degraded in the eyes of people. When they're mocking at others, yes, people will laugh. But eventually, who has value those who mock? No,
they don't have any value. And ladina, Alger Aluna. Ma Allah He Illa and those who make with Allah Isla Han Aha, meaning another God, those who set up partners with Allah for Sophia Arla Moon soon they will know that what they're doing is wrong. When according to our level, so beautiful. Allah says certainly we know and NACA that indeed you yearly, it becomes tight. Sub Rocha your chest be my a cologne because of what they say. Meaning we know that you feel uncomfortable because of what these people say to you. We know you feel hurt. We know. You feel anxious over what the people say to you. And it's only natural
that when somebody says something hurtful to you, Okay, you tell yourself, I'm going to forgive them. I'm not going to pay any attention to what they say. But you are hurt. You are hurt. Allah says what a gardener alone. I know. Allah knows about how you feel, because of what people say about you.
In other words, Allah is comforting the Prophet salallahu Salam, don't worry, Allah knows. And he will take care of you. And he will deal with those who hurt you. But you What do you have to do? Focus on your mission, keep conveying. And you have to facade a bit behind the back. Welcome Mina surgery, Dean, do this be with the hand of your Lord, and become of those who prostrate, you want to comfort your heart, you want to ease the pain.
You want to ease the pain which is in your heart.
You know, somebody may have hurt you 20 years ago, but still you feel the effects. It happens somebody may have hurt you 10 years ago, five days ago, but you cannot seem to move on. It hurts. You tell yourself I forgive them. But still it hurts.
So what is it that we can do to wash off those wounds to get over those pains? What's the solution? Do this be
for sub be behind the aerobic do this be with the hands of your Lord will come in a Saturday and Sajida prostrate pray.
This is the solution that the prophets have a lot of son was given to deal with what? Pain which kind of pain in the heart and every person experiences sadness, some level of depression at some point in their lives.
You know that feeling of I've been betrayed that you cannot trust other people.
You have been deceived, whatever it may be. How do you fix your heart? What's the remedy? What's the solution? That the maker of the heart is telling us Sabir behind the Arabic do this be? Glorify Your Lord, do they? Remember your Lord and do such the prostrate before him? Throw your problems? Let them out before him.
And this is the real solution. What do we do? We go to other people, or we just cry, or we pity ourselves that's natural. But don't forget to fix the problem. Don't forget to seek the right treatment, and that is this be Prophet sallallahu sallam, how much this be? He would do? You know how many times when he says Subhan Allah or some of the Quran that had these words Subhanallah think about the Salah just the salah five times a day
When you say Allahu Akbar, what do you say? Subhan Allah whom will be handed? Right? Another decorous Allahu Akbar Kabira. Well, handily, Lekha FIRA was Subhan, Allah He bukata anois sila, then there's recitation of the Quran, then into record in record, what is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sena would say?
Subhana Biella Alim Subhana. The eligible route Well, Melaku 12 Kibriya even Allama Cebu one could do some rubble
on getting up Samir Allah halimun Hamidah Rob banana Callaghan Hand, hand and Kathy are on valuable mobile config.
This we have over there also hand over there also in sujood, what would he say Subhan. Allah, bl, R Allah and Mortis to be heard. Right.
And in that, Tasha hood, there's so much vicar of Allah, a year to delay he was sought out what by you.
Because the thing is that
this life is difficult. Where we have physical issues, we also have a lot of emotional issues, because we're human beings, right? We have a heart,
we have a heart and this heart, it gets hurt, it becomes sick.
And if this is not fixed, if this is not helped, the rest of the body will also go down.
In the winter, when your skin becomes dry, what do you do? What do you do? You put something on it, right? So likewise, there are also winters that come over your heart and it needs something. It needs something, not a television show, not a trip to the movies, not a trip to a restaurant. This is what a distraction, the pain is still going to be there. How is it that you comfort your heart that you bring it to rest how turn to its maker, glorify Him, do his this be praise him, remember him because Allah be the killer he taught me.
It is what the remembrance of Allah that the hearts find rest, otherwise they're not at ease. The heart is not at ease. Unless it remembers Allah, you can never comfort your heart. You can never ever cure your heart except with the Dhikr of Allah. Because we were created for whose worship Allah was worship and what is the main thing about us the heart. So this needs to submit before Allah and then it will be happy
then it will be happy and it will let you live life and enjoy life and when we keep turning towards others whether it's you know a person or money or anything else we cannot be happy for sub barely handle a big welcome in a surgeon wire booth Buddha back and worship your Lord had until yet Dr. Kalia clean Eliakim comes to you worship your Lord continue to worship Him UNTIL Alia clean comes what is your pain? certainty what is the most certain thing in life? Death
it is the most certain thing in life death. Health is not certain sickness is not certain wealth is not certain but death is certain every person who's living knows that one day he will die. Right so why are Buddha Rebecca had died to Kalia cane means worship your Lord until you die
don't think that okay, this Ramadan was really good. So I'm good for the year. No, no, no. You have to worship until you die until you die until your last moments. Don't think that yes, I have done my head so I'm good. Or that I have completed the recitation of the Quran so I'm fine. No worries Buddha Rebecca, worship your Lord keep worshiping him from one act of worship to another to another to another. It never ends. Had they at DIA Kalia clean in the Quran. In surah Mudassar I 4348 it is mentioned about the people of hellfire that they will say well I'm not coming in with saline Well, I'm not gonna thermal miskeen we're gonna hold Omar Al ha Ilene will come welcome Nanoka they will
be OMA Dean had the eternally a clean until European came to us and you're keen over there also means death. So your pain over here does not mean that until you are certain until you have conviction of faith.
Because some people might say, Oh, I am convinced that this faith is true. So that means I don't have to pray anymore. I don't have to fast anymore. No. It means the exact opposite. Keep praying, keep worshiping
until you die
until you die
until your very last moments until your last breath basically worship your Lord.
And we see that shaped lon, he becomes very, very active at the time when a person is dying. He comes and he tries to lead a person astray even at that time, even in those moments. This is why the prophets Allah loves him used to seek refuge against the fitna of death in every salah. What are all the become in fitna, Tomasi hit the gel, what are all the recommend fitna? mahiya, one minute what is the fitna of death that at the time of death Chalon gets the better of me.
He tells me to do something wrong and I listened to him.
So why are Boudreau Becca had to call Yachty? No one has saved until and unless they worship Allah till the very end.
And this also shows to us that, you know, like if a doctor says this medication you have to take for the rest of your life. What does it mean?
You cannot survive that medication. But what does that mean? That this illness? It's become part of your life? No. It's a part of your life now. So when Allah is telling us to worship, do his this B, until death? What does it mean? That throughout our lives, we're going to be facing trials, we're going to be facing problems.
There will never be a stage in life where you can say, I am happy.
I am happy. No, even people who say I am happy, deep down something that's bothering them. Because this is life and in life will be tested one test after the other. So yes, you get over one emotional storm, but another will begin very soon.
So every time what's the remedy? What's the solution arriba does be hanged. In Surah Yusuf we did use a mix. And in that dua, he asked us to rate him as a Muslim. So even he is praying to Allah subhanaw taala that when he dies, he will die as one of the most so a funny Muslim and make me die. When I am a Muslim, I have submitted to you. And that cannot happen unless a person constantly, you know, turns to Allah. Every time that he is in need. Yes. Slowly. A friend of mine was telling me that a friend of hers lives in a building and somebody who's a new river, phone her and said like, you know, I'm very ill Can you come? And when she went there, she realized that this lady was dying.
So she started to prompt her to read the, you know, the declaration of faith. And she was prompting, and then this lady said, Should I say what you're saying, or the person behind you is saying? She said that she looked back because she thought somebody had walked in. And then she said I was so scared. Because probably you know, some shaitan was prompting something else. So we all have to make a dua that we die upon with, you know, Mr. Modi been humbled at the time of his death when he was, you know, in that state where people knew that he was going to die anytime. He kept saying birth bout
like later, there's still time meaning, I mean, there's still time, there's still time. So after some time he regained some consciousness, he was feeling better. And his son he asked him that Why were you saying bark bark? And he said that Shavon appear to me. And he said to me, that you're slipping from my hands. You're slipping from my hands, meaning I've losing you, you've managed to survive, basically. So I had been humbly said that no, there's still time.
Meaning until I'm breathing, you can still lead me astray. So don't try to lead me astray right now I know exactly what you're doing. This is a trick of yours. I was just thinking how in track meats and especially in cross country meets, especially when you see the finish line, they tell you the path where you as much as you can, regardless of how tired you are in cross country feels they're really really long, but they tell you the second you have to see the finish line, you should run as fast as you can. So you know as soon as you have the faith and now that you've seen it, you should push through it as much as you can.
And while I was thinking about that this year, whenever we feel sad, it's good to do this. For me when I feel sad or something happened to me I like to go look in a tree or if it is snowing in snow in whatever Allah create, so that reminds me of Allah and that's good my heart. So looking at Allah's creation is very true, that when you're sad when you're hurt when you're feeling down, doing the speed is very, very helpful. It really lifts up your spirit. And you know, when you look at something that Allah subhanaw taala has created, everything is created by Allah, but when you go outside and look at the mountains of the trees and the beautiful clouds, just those images
They comfort your heart, they really bring you comfort. And that makes you say, Subhan Allah, you know from your heart, and that will ease your pain.
They've been Tamia when he was very old. He used to be teaching so much the one of his students asked him that, you know, you're so age and how come you're able to do so much work? He said that from Fudger, up till 11am, he would do the care. And he said, This is what gives me the strength to you know, continue
early morning from Fudger all the way to late morning, just before he would be engaged in vicar constantly because he said I cannot survive without this.
I cannot survive without this.
And we unfortunately don't make time for this.
But the more a person remembers Allah the more at ease he is, whenever you notice that you're being very irritable and very on the edge and ready to begin a fight with someone because you're agitated. And many women go through these emotional roller coasters write ups and downs. Start doing they could do they could remember Allah in the morning in the evening after every Salah and that will help you calm down.
It will help you calm down.
Liquor is like a stress reliever. Really, it is the stress reliever. And women need it a lot. Because we have many things in our lives that can make us very stressful.
It needs these verses or less parental has given us like a direct path how to live our life, we're being told that whatever it is that we have to focus on, be it our studies, our job, or our family, and even our dean, we have to focus on it completely, regardless of what other people say. There's a lot of people who are made fun of because they're studying so hard. Throughout the university years, they're they're told you know what, enjoy your life, you only have this little time left, there's people who are working, and you know, something important is coming up. They're either new business, or whatever it is, people are told, okay, you know what, take your time, you're still young, you
still have time to go. So everyone, like people are made fun of no matter what they try to focus on, no matter what they try to do. So Allah subhanaw taala, saying that, regardless of what it is that your focus is, you need to ignore the comments and the words of the people around you, you need to like over here first that, you know, focus on it, proclaim it, just focus on it. And even if you are hurt, doing whatever it is that you're doing, then turn to less power than I make this be and you'll definitely be able to fulfill your task and go through it. Yes. Does that qualify for a beautiful summary. So basically rise above the criticism of people, a mockery of people, the insults of people
rise above that. Don't care about it, don't listen to it, don't give importance to it. And focus on what you have to do and get your strength from where from worship,
from worship, you know, when you worship Allah subhanaw taala, for example, Salah what is that basically training yourself to be focused, right? Because you have to focus your limbs, your movements, as well as your thoughts, your vision mean, everything is focused, right? It's a very, very necessary training that we need in order to be successful in life no matter what we're doing.
So right now, you know, I was just saying how we have to rise above the mockery of people. And we just learned in these verses that Allah will take care of those who mock others. And I recently came across an article online. And we all know about the ALS challenge that has been going on for about a while now. But this one was a little bit different. And it involves a 15 year old autistic kid, and basically this, a couple of teenagers gained his trust. And, you know, pushed him sort of do the ALS Challenge been set off a bucket full of ice water. This is disgusting, but a bucket full of urine and feces was dumped over him. And you know, it Subhan Allah Allah has, you know, created means for
us in which we can rise above this. So we can't imagine what the community fell. But it went to the point where it was publicized, and it actually went viral. And now you know, different news channels were broadcasting there. So it was almost like a source of rescue for what had happened to him.
I was reading a quote about how when talise performed properly, it's not only an exercise for the body, but also for the heart. So because Allah has so much to take on that it's an exercise. It's an exercise of the heart. The training of the soul.
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